Well, I think private life should be free. But I shall list several practicals reasons to legaliza weed, and other equally strong parctical reasons not to.
1- People would feel that the Govt. respects their personal choises and would be more willing to love and obey the State. ( In fact I try to keep the civil Law even in slightest details, just because I am proud of my honesty, but I'd love the Govt. more, if they didn't interfere in private life, if they respected anyone choises, recognisd polygamy, and above all stopped being Western).
2- Weed would not be a business for criminals.
3- Users will not need to see a criminal to buy it, and so they woould not be influenced by them.
4- Users would not be outside the Law, and they would still abide it. Today many users commit crimes because they feel they are already criminals and have no legality to lose.
5- Users would not seek emotional support from other delinquents. Now, being outlawd, they try to be among people in the same situation, and are lead into crime.
6- Adicts who want to quit the vice, would seek help without fear. Today many adicts wish to abandon it but postpone their traetment because they are afraid of a court.
1- Some people just seek weed because it is ilegal and they enjoy something forbidden, then, if weed is legal, they may try another drug. And if all drugs are legal...what would they try? Stealing, disturbs....
2-Unfortunately this Western society believes that the Govt. protects them against any damage. If it were legal, they may wrongly think that it is also ok and harmless.
3- If it is legal, how can we prevent some people using it without free will? Many youngsters and even children may try it without thinking, as it is happening today with alcohol and tobbaco.
4- How can we avoid the risk that a person with a high responsibility ( a doctor, a car driver.....) would consume weed?
5- Who would produce and control legal weed? The Govt. may be morally bound to RESPECT everyone's decision about his life, even if he harms himself, but is it bound to HELP someone to damage his health?