Author Topic: Jewish Youth Movements in Australia  (Read 3334 times)

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Jewish Youth Movements in Australia
« on: November 09, 2007, 03:41:44 AM »

The The Australian Zionist Youth Council Inc. (AZYC), is the roof body for Australia's 6 Zionist youth movements:

Betar Australi Inc., Bnei Akiva Australia, Habonim Dror Australia Inc., Hashomer Hatzair Australia Inc., Hineni Youth and Welfare - Australia Inc. and Netzer Australia Inc.

Founded over 50 years ago, the chief role of the AZYC is to co-ordinate and promote the youth movement year programs and to bond the Australian Zionist youth irrespective of political and religious beliefs. The AZYC has branches in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney and the vitality of its bogrim and dedicated shlichim, ensures that it remains at the forefront of informal communal education.

With current President Arik Kogan, a graduate of Betar, the AZYC continues to promote religious and political pluralism and a diversity of beliefs that straddle the political spectrum. Through focusing on the common ideals of political tolerance and understanding the AZYC works to bind the Zionist youth together with a strength and purpose of a unique form of Jewish education.

The AZYC office is currently located at the Beth Weizmann Community Centre in Melbourne. A major function of the office is to assist parents whilst their children are away in Israel.

Please feel free to contact the AZYC with any queries.
Betar Australia is a Jewish youth movement for children in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
Habonim Dror Australia is a Jewish Zionist Youth Movement which operates in Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. One of our main aims is that of Jewish Education. Habonim Dror Australia is affiliated with Habonim Dror Olami (World Habonim Dror) the Takam kibbutz movement, and the Israeli youth movement HaNoar HaOved V'Lomed

In order to achieve this aim we run weekly meetings for about 2 hours for all ages from Year 3 or 4 (Depending on the State) to Year 12. We also run three camps a year for a period of up to 5 days. There is a Winter camp and a Junior Summer camp in each state and also a Federal Summer camp which is run in either Sydney or Melbourne for chanichim from all states from Years 9 to 12 for a period of about 10 days.

The aim of these meetings and camps is to educate the Jewish Youth and transform them into the leaders of tommorow. This is achieved by an intense Hadracha (Leadership) course which is run throughout Year 10, followed on by a year as madaatzim (junior leaders) and finally a year-long Leadership course (Shnat) in Israel which takes place at the end of Year 12. The returning Shnatties then become the Bogrim (Graduates/Leaders) of the movement for two years or longer.
Hashomer Hatzair Australia was established almost 40 years after the world movement was originally founded in Galicia, Poland. Hashomer Hatzair which means 'the young guard' played an active role in resistance during the Holocaust in places like the Warsaw and Vilna ghettoes. It was also active in establishing kibbutzim and many of its members were part of the haganah in Palestine.
By 1953 the movement had begun to take shape in Melbourne. At the end of 1955 the first Hashy summer camp was held for both junior and seniors.
In 1966 Hashy opened its own hall in Raglan St (where it remains till this day). By 1969 Hashy had 400 members in 4 centers throughout Melbourne. From the 1980's till today Hashy has become a movement of approximately 120 members in one center in Melbourne. Two parent organisations have been instrumental in assisting Hashy throughout its history, Hashomer Hatzair Parents Committee and Hashomer Hatzair Mapam. Hashy is now considered much more mainstream, However Hashy still adheres to a proud tradition of progressive Zionism and strongly believes in a just outcome for all in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. Hashy also continues to educate about current Australian political issues and strives to take an active role in Australian issues. Throughout its history Hashy Australia has been a youth movement which constantly questions the world around it.
Hineni is a Modern-Orthodox, politically non-partisan, Zionist youth movement.

Founded in Sydney, Australia, and with centres currently in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra, we run weekly educational meetings for Jewish youth from years 3-12, as well as bi-annual camps, Israel year programs, seminars and other communal events.

In Sydney, we are based at, and are the official youth movement of The Central Synagogue. In Melbourne, we are affiliated with and supported by St. Kilda Synagogue, where weekly meetings take place. For our Canberra programs, we are based at the Canberra Jewish Community Centre.

Hineni provides informal Jewish education to complement that received in school and the home. As an outreach movement, we welcome participants of all backgrounds.

Hineni is a place where learning and fun are mutually-inclusive. Our movement provides a relaxed environment, where chanichim form a solid Jewish identity.

Netzer (Noar Tzioni Reformi), is the Progressive Zionist Youth Movement affiliated with the World Union of Progressive Judaism. Netzer has branches (sniffim) from Argentina to Hungary and Australia to the C.I.S. Our ideology centres around the famous "Five Concentric Circles", which are based on the principles of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). Our participants range from the ages of eight to eighteen and meet together on a weekly basis. In addition, they also attend summer and winter camps that are conducted by our skillful leadership body. The leaders (Bogrim) have all undergone intensive training and education during a years' stay in Israel. Although Netzer is not aligned with any particular political party in Israel, we take an active involvement in all relevant issues facing world Jewry today.

S.K.I.F is a Melbourne based Jewish youth movement, catering for 8-18 year olds.

S.K.I.F was founded in Eastern Europe as the youth organisation of the Jewish Labour Bund and provided Jewish children of the time with hours of enjoyment and with an enriched sense of their place in the world. S.K.I.F established itself in Melbourne in 1950 and has continued this proud tradition for over 50 years. S.K.I.F has three core ideological principles: CHAVERSHAFT Equality and Empathy (Socialism & Social Awareness) DOIKEIT That Jews can and should build vibrant communities right here, right now YIDDISHKEIT Fostering Jewish identity through Jewish and Yiddish culture

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Re: Jewish Youth Movements in Australia
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2007, 06:10:57 AM »
I used to go to Bnei as a kid, it's the best one I reckon, real religious Zionism and a love of Israel. Some of the kids that I used to go to it with have now moved to Judea and Samaria.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 06:14:12 AM by AussieJTFer »


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Re: Jewish Youth Movements in Australia
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2007, 07:28:52 AM »
So you like the camps?

I looked at some of the pics, kind of seems fun.

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Re: Jewish Youth Movements in Australia
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 07:54:39 AM »
I only went to one or two of their camps and they were pretty good, better than school camps that's for sure. Bnei have a very good idealogy, they teach a real love of Zionism and love of Judaism from a very young age, they are the religious nationalists, the knitted Kippah type Jews and the opposite of left wing groups like SKIF, Hashi and a few of the other types. If I had a kid I'd defintely send him to Bnei ahead of the other youth groups.