« Last post by Nachus on October 02, 2024, 12:51:23 PM »
Dey aint serving no watermelon dare umm hmm andem Ayrabs aint suppose to eat dat fine fried chicken neider so days right to boycott KFC cause dem Israylees gunna lose $‘trillions’$ umm hmm!!!!!
« Last post by Nachus on October 02, 2024, 12:28:14 PM »
One predominant reason is that the Jewish people are, especially now, waiting for the ‘real Jewish Mashiach’ who will Be ezrat HaShem come in this ‘Messianic period’ we are in. Rav Tovia conducts this segment/topic in a compassionate manner and with knowledge of the ‘subject matter’ and wisdom which will hopefully enlighten those that listen to it.