General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: Jorje15 on February 14, 2009, 06:49:57 PM

Title: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Jorje15 on February 14, 2009, 06:49:57 PM
Dear Chaim.

Did the Arabs create arabic numbers aka Mathmatic numbers? What do you think of the (Food Guide Triangle) do you think it's telling the truth about foods or not? Why do people have their radios up very high to where you can here them outside of their cars have ever encounter any in your area? PS: What do you think of the Conservative Underground? I now have a group on Windows live groups heres the link http://group-14.groups.live.com this may not be valid link at this time.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: TruthSpreader on February 14, 2009, 07:24:43 PM
Dear Chaim, should we bomb both Mecca and Medina or simply destroy Iran's nuclear program? Also as an unrelated side question, what is your opinion on William Shatner of Star Trek fame?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Daleksfearme on February 14, 2009, 07:47:56 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Although Iran is currently the most serious threat in regard to developing nuclear weapons, In what order would you put the other muslin nations to also develop weapons of mass distruction?

Also, Is there a danger of Israel experiencing a full scale Civil War between the government and the Settlers? My fear is that if this were to occur, Israels enemies would be handed the perfect opportunity to simply walk in and distroy little Israel.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: ItalianZionist on February 14, 2009, 07:50:22 PM
 people are always talking about how the arabs enlightened europe during the middle ages but i believe almost everything they learned was from greeks (math), byzantines(architecture and building) jews (culture language etc), persians (the dome) and even "arabic numerals" (from India). Is there anything worthwile that Arabs invented?..Did they invent anything before Islam? I know that Islam made them dumb, but what about before Islam? Were they more intelligent? Did they do anything?

BTW: My brother lives in Burbank and met Ed Asnwer in a supermarket. Do you have any choice words for Asnwer that my brother can relay the next time they meet?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Rubystars on February 14, 2009, 07:53:00 PM
Greetings Chaim. Until I came to JTF I had always been told that Jews didn't believe in hell and that hell was the grave. Yet here I saw many people posting about Gehenom. Are there different beliefs about this among Orthodox Jews or have I just misunderstood something?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Moshe92 on February 14, 2009, 07:55:31 PM
Dear Chaim,

Did Rabbi Moshe Levinger ever support Rabbi Kahane or vice versa?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Kylefromomaha on February 14, 2009, 09:17:03 PM
Dear Chaim, what is your opinion of Chef Gordon Ramsay? I have thought about going on his program Hell's Kitchen. I am interested in starting my own restaurant, either that or going on tour with him for a year to learn to become a 5 star chef. He has a restaurant in New York. Have you ever eaten there or spoken to him?

(http://www.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/hells-kitchen-game.jpg) :fright:

Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 14, 2009, 09:46:08 PM
Shalom Chaim,

The GOP is America's Likud. They talk up a big conservative game, but just elected an Obama-clone black Nazi to be their chairman. The truth is that most of the worst travesties of the past 40 years of American politics have come from Republican administrations. Here's a partial list:

--establishment of ties with, and subsequent economic enslavement to, Red Nazi China
--legitimization of the Soviet Union and the resulting Gorbachev-worship
--two crippling oil crises
--America's first (and so far only) amnesty for illegals
--the use of U.S. military force to physically defend Yasser Arafat
--the legal crucifixions of American heroes Jonathan Pollard, Chaim Ben Pesach, and Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean
--helping al-Qaeda murder HaRav Kahane zt"l (yimach schmam vezichram to GHWB and James "F The Jews" Baker)
--enormous expansions of the federal deficit and out-of-control spending
--two disgusting, hideous bailouts for the bloated airline, banking, and automotive industries
--more than three phony and useless wars
--"war crimes" kangaroo trials of our heroic soldiers in Iraq, sometimes for their very lives

What do you think, Chaim?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Christian Zionist on February 15, 2009, 12:32:53 AM
Dear Chaim,

Do you think this time Bibi Netanyahu would decrease the taxes like he did before?  If so will that help number of settlements and outposts in Judea?


Christian Zionist
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: P J C on February 15, 2009, 07:27:16 AM
Shalom Chaim,

What are your thoughts on enhanced Interrogation of muslim terrorists in Gitmo, and the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is closing Gitmo?

God Bless,
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: EffIran on February 15, 2009, 12:02:17 PM
Dear Chaim:  As I am sure you and your audience knows, Bernard Madoff has admitted to conducting a colossal Ponzi scheme, purportedly amounting to $50 billion. Many Jews, including me, are deeply disturbed that Madoff is or purports to be Jewish and that many of his victims are his fellow Jews, including numerous Jewish charitable organizations.  What are your thoughts and feelings about this situation? Do you believe that Madoff is in any way a manifestation of the moral, religious, and political crisis in the American Jewish community and Israel that you have so often commented upon? 
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Trace on February 15, 2009, 05:14:51 PM
Shalom Chaim,

First of all I have to agree with you on your response to Kyle from Omaha's comment that Africa is heading towards civilization. That is utterly impossible. The only nation in Africa that ever had any civilization was RHODESIA and Rhodesia does not exist any more because the rest of the world turned their back on it and let Mugabe take over. A restored Rhodesian state is the ONLY chance of Africa being civilized.

My question is, how could the practice of Islam be made illegal in America? How would this be reconciled with the first amendment? Would Islam be re-classified as a cult rather than a religion, or some other such thing? Could it be possible to drive Islam from American soil completely?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on February 16, 2009, 01:11:50 AM
Dear Chaim,

My question this week is about secular Jews.  I'm not referring to the Leftist, self hating kind, who can't surrender fast enough.  I am asking about right wing Jews, who want Israel to not give up any land, who are willing to fight for Israel and who love the Jewish people, but are not (for whatever reason) observant Jews.
In other words, they share all of the values we do, but they are secular. 

What do you think of them?  What sort of political role would you allow them to have under a Kahanist government?  Would they be able to take part in (say) legislation?  Would secular Jews be coerced in some way to observe Torah law?  Could Jews decide to work on Shabbat, for instance?  Would it be against the law for Jews to marry non-Jews?  I know it's a sin, but would it be prohibited by law?


Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 16, 2009, 07:22:12 AM
Shalom Chaim

Im getting maried next week. Any words of advice?

Dr. Dan
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: chicagojew on February 16, 2009, 11:32:15 AM
Shalom Chaim, I recently viewed a you tube of the late Meir Kahne from 1977 at a rally demonstrating the planned nazi march through then predominately Jewish  Chicago suburb  Skokie,IL. I was a teenager than,  Rabbi Kahne was a fantastic speaker. I remember that those events brought Jews together. my question to you Chaim, were you here in Chicago area  involved back then with nazi counter demostations?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Maimonides on February 16, 2009, 12:08:22 PM
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.

When should a Jew not be saved?

Should Leftist self-hating Jews be saved and brought to Israel in an emergency if we know for sure they will not change, and continue to do all they can to undermine and destroy their own people?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: JTFFan on February 16, 2009, 03:27:12 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Why are there so many pro-Bosnian and Albanian Muslim Nazi supporters? Kosovo has always belonged to the historic Serbs. People who support an Albanian Kosovo are supporting Islamic Terrorism. There will always be a righteous person in all nations. The thing is hardly any Albanians support the idea that Kosovo has always belonged to the Serbs. America, Israel and Western Civilization needs to wake up and start supporting the Serbs.

G-d Bless,

Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: harel156 on February 16, 2009, 04:40:15 PM
Dear Chaim.
I hope you will not mind me asking/commenting to you as follows; I was wondering why a shiduch with an Israeli girl/woman can not be arranged for you? For example, Noam Federmam may know a righteous girl for you! Is it difficult, did you try it (I am not judging). If you DO get such a shiduch, g-d willing, and get married, will that pave the way for you to immigrate to and be a great leader in Israel? If I can be part of this great mitzvah please let me know what I can do. Warm regards and keep up your good work. harel156
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: judeanoncapta on February 19, 2009, 01:17:39 AM
Dear Hayim,

Do you think that the Kadima Party will be around in ten years?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: davinci on February 19, 2009, 12:23:35 PM
Shalom Chaim

How should we deal with Hitler's book "Mein Kampf"?

1. Should it be banned?
2. Should it be encouraged to read so that we can better understand the threat of Nazism and maybe even make connections with Islam?

Kind regards

Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: AsheDina on February 19, 2009, 02:00:27 PM
Chaim, do you think its the end of America? All of this HUSSEIN business is going to destroy us, what do we do in USA as a people? I see rockets here for the leftists appeasement of p-stine. Do you see potential rockets here?? I do, most definitely.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 19, 2009, 02:07:19 PM
Hello Chaim,,

Now that Obama is in the White House all his friends are showing to be fraud, tax cheats, the most crooked and corrupt you can find.  It was like it took Carter's fumbling and disaster to bring us Reagan, do you think Obamas fumblings and disaster will bring Palin to show and say "see we told you so"?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Gimatria on February 19, 2009, 07:59:23 PM
Dear Chaim,
can you please tell us a story about the Jewish Hero, Robert Manning? Did you work closely with Manning during your time in the JDL? Why did the Israeli government extradite him in 1993? Those traitors won't be needing winter clothes in the next world, I think.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: The One and Only Mo on February 20, 2009, 01:39:05 AM
Dear Chaim,

As you might remmember, I posted on the forum that my stepfather (Reuven ben Devorah) has a brain tumor. The Doctors recently said he will die within 2-4 months. He's refused treatment because at this stage there's nothing treatement will do except make him worse and prolong his suffering. He's paralyzed on the right side, can't really talk or eat anything, and has been in bed for 2 months straight. He asks and receives morphine almost every 2-3 hours and says he just wants to die already. He's a frum, Isralie, who has lived in Canada for over 20 years, and he is a very big ba'al chessed. His avodas Hashem is excellent, and although we've definitely had our bad times since he's married my mom 12 years ago, I deeply love him and want the best for him. I know and believe that he will be getting Olam Habah and only the greatest things in Gan Eden because he's such a Tzadik, and I don't want him to suffer anymore. We both have faith in Hashem that whatever happens, happens for the best. Is it wrong for me to give up on the hope that he recovers? I'm trying to be strong for my mom, but he's given up, and I feel like doing the same. In addittion to him being sick, my mother and I will have to move into a small apartment and get full-time jobs just to make ends-meet, and I won't be starting university till September. Do you have any advice you can give me on how to survive this most difficult time in my life? Thanks and may we share only Simchas.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: eb22 on February 20, 2009, 03:59:27 AM
Shalom Chaim,

My question this week is regarding a specific Jewish organization...... the National Council of Jewish Women.     Though I've heard you mention many Jewish groups that work against the best interest of the United States and Israel,    I have never heard you discuss NCJW.     A number of people who I know are active members in that group.     After reading info on the Internet about this group,    I became VERY concerned about their positions both in the United States and Israel.      What is your opinion regarding the National Council of Jewish Women?   

Thanks as always,  eb22.   

Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Secularbeliever on February 20, 2009, 09:56:57 AM
Shalom Chaim

What do you think the best is that we can hope for from Nethanyahu now that he appears to be the next Prime Minister?  I know he will never meet all of your standards (or mine for that matter) but if he refuses to move forward on the two state solution (because there are no peaceful Arabs to deal with at this time) if he strengthens the economy, if he takes the pressure off the settlers for a few years and most importantly helps reestablish Israeli sovereignty to where Israel is no longer a colony of the US or EU (as far as I can see that is the real difference between the left and right in Israel is that the left wants to be a colony of the EU while the right wants to be a colony of the US) then maybe his election will not be a total waste.

When he was last Prime Minister he told the US Congress that he would start reducing the amount of American aid Israel accepts.  Whatever happened to that idea?  It seemed like a good idea but Israel still takes tons of American aid so I would assume that idea was never implemented.

A good Israeli Prime Minister would establish a national goal of reducing dependence on outside parties such as the US.  Domestic weapons production, reduction of aid, and perhaps a few other moves plus a campaign to get Israelis to think as a sovereign nation might go a long way.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Abben on February 21, 2009, 11:26:39 PM
Hello Chaim, do you still support the chayil(SP) valor party? And did someone ever stop the iran Bushehr bomb plant? Thanks and as always G-D bless
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: 4International on February 22, 2009, 04:17:30 AM

Shalom brother Chaim,

what do you think of the so-called neo-conservatives [or "neo-cons" ] and their legacy of the last 8 years? Do you think they were good for America and Israel?

Many leftists and antisemitic haters of Jews and Israel accuse the neo-cons of supposedly being "Zionists" and of "formulating an American foreign policy which only benefits Israel". As in the case of the two professors Mearsheimer and Walt for example, who claimed that the so-called "Israel lobby" unduly influences American foreign policy.This premise crept into the mainstream liberal news media during the 8 years of the two Bush administrations with many mainstream liberal commentators accusing the neo-cons of "only looking out for Israeli interests at the expense of American interests".

It is not so well known that the neo-cons were supporters of the Albanian and Bosnian muslim Nazi terrorists while Bill Clinton was still in office [they took out a full page ad in one of the major American newspapers urging Clinton to bomb the Serbs in early 1999]. If the neo-cons are allegedly so pro-Israel and against Islamofascism with their so-called "Global War On Terror" then why did they support the Albanian and Bosnian muslim Nazis who have confirmed links to al Qaeda and other IslamoNazi terrorist groups all over the globe?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: Daniele.from.Italy on February 22, 2009, 05:28:57 AM
Dear Mr Ben Pesach,

I would like to know your views about Rudolf Giuliani as the Mayor of NYC; in particular I'm interested in the policies he adopeted to fight crime in New York city.
I follow the forum and the movement from at least two years, despite my few post on the forum, so I know very well that you don't like him because he's a leftist on most of the political issues.
In a past "ask JTF" show I asked you about the old days New York city and in your answer you admitted that he actually reduced crime rate, I checked the statistics about crime, as you told me, and I found this graph (from wikipedia) which is quite self-explanatory

so my questions are:
Before he was elected as a mayor were you supporting him? I mean, despite his left wing policies, did you actually believe that he would have fought crime and squallor as he were promising?
How do you rate him as a mayor? The cleaning of the city is "enough" to counterbalance the left wing policies he also enacted during his mandate?

As a side note: I remember in those years, when we had left wing government here in Italy, I saw some kind of documentary about Giuliani in our national Tv and they were portrating his methods of crime fighting as ultra-exagerate (nazi-like) measures against those "poor beggars and criminals" which happened to be mostly blacks, so that he was also painted as a "racist" mayor... While he was actually making what every mayor is supposed to do when it comes to crime and security of his citizens!

Thanks in advance for your answer
(By the way the reason I almost don't participate in the forum is because I'm a very shy person and also because of my bad english, I actually understand very well spoken and written english, but when it comes to translate my mind from italian to english it takes me ages to write what I wish to say and even then I make a lot of errors so most of the times I just give up on writing my opinion...)

Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ on February 22, 2009, 05:44:49 AM
Shalom Chaim,

We are awaiting new videos from you on various issues, when should we expect them?

Thank You
Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: 2honest on February 22, 2009, 06:38:24 AM
Hello Chaim,

a few days ago I listened to the radio and noticed a commentary from a leftwing journalist who likes to turn around cause and effect.
He basically said that the violence from Gaza was merely a reaction and started when Israel "fenced in" Gaza for no good reason in 1991.

Please give some comments on what happend around that time in Gaza.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For February 22, 2009
Post by: DownwithIslam on February 22, 2009, 01:23:34 PM
Hi Chaim, you were again proven right about the chazir Avigdor Lieberman who upon seeing the election results, immediately pushed for Tzipora Spitzer to join the coalition. What kind of coalition that is actually  possbile for Netanyoyo to establish, would be relatively better for Judea and Samaria? Thanks so much Chaim and I will you would of been on the ballot.