Save Western Civilization => Save Serbia => Topic started by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 12:35:54 AM

Title: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 12:35:54 AM
Здраво, српски пријатељи. Добар дан за вас. Иако, а не српски, ја се много поштовања за свој народ и патњу кроз коју је отишао. Као што можете видети Америка је сада преплављен црно-нацистичког диктатора, а ми смо окренути лоша времена. Амерички народ је преплављен чак и ниже него албански паса који су украдени свете земље Срба.  Ја сам срећан да су чланови про-ционистички сајт. Ционисти подржава права Срба висе него било који народ на земљи, као што знамо како изгледа њихова земља да муслимански пси који верују да свет припада њима. Ја сам Јеврејин, али осећам да ће моја браћа су Срби. Волео бих да посетите Србија један дан, ја се надам да ће сви прихватити.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:35:24 AM
Да Бог да тај црни диктатор уништи ту вражију Америку, па да се свјет коначно спаси од америчке репресије и Србофобије! Вријеме је да Русија постане свјетска сила и да се спаси овај свјет од америчког неоколонијализма.

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 02:47:29 AM
Па, мој пријатељ .. Слажем се Богу да уништи црну нацистичке Обаму. Међутим, нисам сигуран да ли ће Русија бити добро решење. Они дају оружја у Израел непријатељима, Иран и Арапи. Међутим, желим да Американци обарање угњетача. Време је Израел подиже као светска сила и освајају Арапи. То ће бити добро да Србија и Америци.

Жао ми је, не говорим добро српски језик. Ја сам ток студирања и имају преводилац. Жао нам је, ако мој српски звучи није тачан.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 03:01:32 AM
Брате Русија не шаље никоме оружђе. Америка шање Арапима оружђе брате. Америка је створила Бин Ладена, а не Русија.
Америка је крива.

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 03:33:32 AM
Постоје многе ствари које си рекао је истина. Америка је дошао да помогне и помоћ многим арапским и муслиманским диктаторима. Чак Америка тренутно обезбеђује оружје Саудијској Арабији и Пакистану. То су велики проблеми. Америка је такође водећи комунисти. Али ја још увек не верују Русији. Руси имају дугу историју угњетавали јеврејског народа. Знам да постоји добар руски народ, а ја бих да идем посету Русији. Међутим, Русија требало да престане Алиенатинг Израела. Да ли сте свесни свих ракета потичу напад Израела у Русији. Зашто је ово?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 03:37:02 AM
DTI, брате, SRP ниjе сигуран да jе Израел има право постоjати као Jевреjска држава.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 03:38:52 AM
Are you saying that Serbian Radical Party, doesn't believe Jews should exist in their Jewish homeland of Israel?? ??    Sorry, I am not so good with the Serbian, please say it in English.. Thanks.  So I can be clear.    If Serbian Radical Party doesn't believe Israel has the right to exist, what is he doing on the JTF website!?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 03:50:14 AM
Spectator is lying.
He is just upset because In am pro-Russian. He thinks that being pro-Russian means anti-Israel.

Serbs do not say that Israel must dissapear. Believe me Spectator is lying to you!
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 03:52:59 AM
Are you saying that Serbian Radical Party, doesn't believe Jews should exist in their Jewish homeland of Israel?? ??    Sorry, I am not so good with the Serbian, please say it in English.. Thanks.  So I can be clear.    If Serbian Radical Party doesn't believe Israel has the right to exist, what is he doing on the JTF website!?

He promotes his own agenda. He publishes the announcements of the Republic of Serbian Krajina's goverment in exile.

He is ready to tolerate the Jews but "Israel" and "Zionist" are not good words to him. He says he wants to have good relations with the Jews but I don't think his attitude to the Jewish state will contribute to it.

But don't worry, he is the only Serb here who thinks so about Israel. The others support our state, they are our friends.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 03:55:26 AM

Do not believe him.
I said Jews should have their sovereignty in the Middle-East.
But I do not unconditionally support Israel because Israel is pro-US.
This does not mean that I am enemy of Israel.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 03:57:46 AM
Spectator is lying.
He is just upset because In am pro-Russian. He thinks that being pro-Russian means anti-Israel.

Serbs do not say that Israel must dissapear. Believe me Spectator is lying to you!

No, the only one who is lying is you. You were asked not once if you believe does Israel have the right to exist as the Jewish state. You didn't answer that. The fact you say Israel must not disappear, doesn't say you recognize it as Jewish state.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 03:59:56 AM
I said Jews should have their sovereignty in the Middle-East.

Does it mean that the Jews should have sovereignity in Israel, not somewhere in Middle East?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 04:15:02 AM
I never said I do not recognize Israel.
I said Jews should have their own sovereignty in the Middle-East?
What more do you want from me? Did not I answer that question?

I admit that I do not support Israel unconditionally.
This is because of my problems with America.
I do not share the opinion of radical Islamists regarding Israel and If Israel would be attacked than I think that Russia should help the people of Israel.

I really do not understand why Spectator is saying this right now?
I hope other Jews will not believe this about me!
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 04:18:40 AM
I never said I do not recognize Israel.
I said Jews should have their own sovereignty in the Middle-East?
What more do you want from me? Did not I answer that question?

No you didn't. Middle East includes many countries. The question was about the Jewish sovereignity specifically in Israel, not somewhere in Middle East.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 04:23:00 AM
He he. I guess that you must know that better than me?
I said Jews deserve their own sovereignty in the Middle-East.
Where in the Middle-East are you asking?
Well I think that a Jew knows that better than me?

Right now I am not going to answer anythink, because I am shocked!
I did not expect this from you?

You are ruining my reputation here.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 04:32:24 AM
He he. I guess that you must know that better than me?

Of course I do. In the same you know better than me that Serbs are the only people who can have sovereignity in Serbia.

I said Jews deserve their own sovereignty in the Middle-East.
Where in the Middle-East are you asking?
Well I think that a Jew knows that better than me?

This shows that you don't think Jews should have sovereignity in Israel, or at least not sure.

You are ruining my reputation here.

What reputation are you talking about?! You want to have reputation at the Jewish form and at the same time don't recognize the Jewish souvereignity in Israel? You have no shame!
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 04:35:49 AM
Oy vey..  I didn't mean to turn this thread into some type of quarrel or fight.  I was merely posting the thread to share my love and respect, as a Jew, for the Serbian people and their struggle.   Well, I am new here, so I don't know either of you too well and its a bit hard for me to judge either of you according to this little argument that we have had.  Spectator seems like a very respectable member.  I am a bit wary of those who love Russia, but I understand why Serbs have an affection for Russia, due to sharing similiar culture and the betrayal by America's communist government of the Serbs.

Serbian Radical Party, I am not going to pass any judgment on you yet.  However, I want to ask you a few s solid questions:


You say you don't like Israel because they support USA?  Well, just as the communists in USA abandoned Serbia and attacked during the Clinton regime, the communists in Russia abandoned Israel and attacked Israel, by supplying arms and technology to the arab nations.  So, the problem is not USA or Russia, the problem is communism, socialism and national socialist dogma.  

Lets put government asides, the Jews on JTF support the Spiritual Israel as spoken to us in Torah.  This is the same Israel that Kahane spoke about.  If you don't love Israel, I think you are not a friend.  Even us Jews have suffered horribly by the socialist, Jew-hating government that rules in Israel.  Do we Jews say we dont love Israel?   Serbia also has its elements of socialists and characters who are not loyal.  Does that mean you hate Serbia?  Was it not Serbians who betrayed some of their own brothers/fathers by helping aid the UN persecute the MIlosevic regime?  Please think with an open mind here and don't attack an entire nation, based on some faulty leaders and ideologies.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 04:38:11 AM
It does not matter what I say now, because it seems that you already pulled your conclusion about me.

I have no shame? Thank you so very much!

You still continue that I do not recognize Israel but at the same time you waiting to see an answer of me regarding that question. You are not sure about what I think at all. You already pulled conclusions and that's why I am not answering anythink to you.

I hope other participants will not agree with you.
Right now I do not feel confromtable being here because of your accusations.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 04:39:21 AM
Serb Radical Party, please answer my questions, before you jump to these conclusions.. Then we can voice our opinions.  I think you are welcome here, and I never believe the testimony of one person alone..  I take everythign with a grain of salt.  Specator seems like a respectable senior member, but I don't want to cause any strife when I don't know the whole story.  DId you actually voice statements , that you are against ZIonism and Israel?  If you didn't then I don't think you have anything to worry about.  Please review my last post and I will come to my own conclusion.  And yes, be honest.. Thanks.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 04:43:36 AM
DeathToIslam friend I must go now. I do not have currently time to answer.

I am depressed because countries like Israel are permitted to protect their territory, but Republic of Serbia was not permitted to protect Kosovo, its province! If Serbs protect their selves, Serbs must go to the Hague?

Why these double standards? Do not be surprised why I do not like America and preffer Russia!

I will come back in the evening. I really have no time right now!
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 04:55:17 AM
DTI, I saw what you wrote in the beginning, but SRP is not the one who will appreciate Zionism and Rabbi Kahane. I just wanted to save you some negative emotions (like frustration).

His claim he doesn't have time to answer is ridiculous. It is a yes/no question. At the same time, he seemed to have time to accuse me of  "being anti-Russian", "lying", etc. He is just afraid to say what he really thinks.

Don't think that all Serbs think so about our State of Israel.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 05:08:01 AM
He won't answer to these questions. He'll just wiggle his way out by saying something like: "Oh my brother, it is not so..." and than divert the subject. He's been doing that since he came here, Spectator and I were trying our best to prove him that he's wrong but to no avail. I also don't know what he is doing here, but the mods don't seem to care.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 05:33:06 AM
Thank you for warning me..  Sad that trolls have to penetrate the JTF site, but that is the nature of the chaotic world we live.  I guess due to the vague response from Serb Radical Party, I will have to raise my eyebrows to this fellow.

Greetings to both of you Spectator and voo-yo.

I want to send my greetings to all the other "ZIONIST" and "PRO-ISRAEL" Serbian members on the JTF site.   I hope Serbians, Israelites and all other Jewish people can bond together.

Бог те благословио српски народ. Знам да ће Бог заштитити српски народ, као што ће штитити Израел. Ми смо браћа заувек!
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 05:46:48 AM
Sorry, I forgot to say Welcome:)
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I learn Hebrew:)
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on November 12, 2009, 05:54:38 AM
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 05:59:55 AM
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learnign Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed. 

Welcome brother. If you have some questions on Russian, ask me. Russian is my mother tongue :)

But you are right, Jews should speak Hebrew. I hope the all the Jews who are still in exile will come to Israel soon! 
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 06:00:10 AM
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
LOL, my mistake
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I'm learning Hebrew:)
I'm not fluent, but improving.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 06:05:40 AM
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
LOL, my mistake
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I'm learning Hebrew:)
I'm not fluent, but improving.

נעים לשמוע שמשהו לומד עברית בסרביה :) זה ממש נס ששפה שלא דיברו בה 2000 שנה קמה לתחייה

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 06:17:16 AM
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
LOL, my mistake
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I'm learning Hebrew:)
I'm not fluent, but improving.

נעים לשמוע שמשהו לומד עברית בסרביה :) זה ממש נס ששפה שלא דיברו בה 2000 שנה קמה לתחייה

It really is a miracle. That alone is the proof that God exists.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 06:27:12 AM
Thank you for the welcome..  I know some basic Serbian phrases, but I am using a translator for the conversations.  However, the translation tools help me learn a bit.  I am planning on learning Russian soon , as many Jews still speak Russian.  I hope that can help aid me in learning Serbian, proficiently.  WOw, I am happy to meet a Serbian who speaks fluent Hebrew.  My Ivrit is not the greatest.  I am ashamed, but I will become more proficient in Hebrew soon.  I have to relearn the Hebrew alphabet, it has been so long since i studied it.
LOL, my mistake
Did you say you learn Serbian, or is someone translating for you? I'm learning Hebrew:)
I'm not fluent, but improving.

נעים לשמוע שמשהו לומד עברית בסרביה :) זה ממש נס ששפה שלא דיברו בה 2000 שנה קמה לתחייה

It really is a miracle. That alone is the proof that G-d exists.

Ти си у праву. G-d certainly exists. May G-d help us keep our countries according to our traditions and not to give in to aggressive foreign influence.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 11:29:37 AM

Thank you for your support,You are welcomed in Serbia,and I fully agree that Israel is the ally of Serbia and it is going to be the case in the future probably even more,but both countries must be liberated first.Serbia needs to clean its self from deadly poison of pro EU,liberal,pagan,anti God/anti life politics and Israel have to stop leading the politics of "let's be friends with our hidden enemies and close our eyes in order to be the friend of the (demonized)World".Those who are friends of the (satan led)World can't be in "good relations" with our Creator and His laws.Those are main problems of Israel and Serbia,probably much more of Serbia since religious Jews invest much more in big, strong and moral families than today's Serbs who  are declaring as being Orthodox but allowing its kids to be demonized through harlotry,alcohol,smoking,unhealthy food and other aspects of  "modern" World(although those kinds of drugs are not "modern",they are revived from destroyed Babylon).


Everyone should know that Serbian Radical Party in Serbia(not member of the forum,but the political party) is a patriot party.But,they are far away from being perfect.They are fooled and diseased with the belief that the "zionists are ruling the World" and those "zionists" would be Soros,Madeleine Albright,Rockefellers and others who contributed to the occupation of Serbia.
This is a common,general, world wide spread belief and unfortunately it had hit the Radical Party in Serbia.That is one of the reasons why they support independent "Palestine" and they believe that this land really belongs to Arabs and that Jews are the occupiers in that region.
In the beginning of the `90s the leader of that party thought that American and EU(in those times EC-European Community) economical and law systems are the models for Serbia in order to remove anti-Serbian(anti religious) communist/socialist order.
Today,that isn't the fact any more.The leader of the party have changed its views and as he said in the Hague Tribunal he is against EU and Serbian integrations to it.Also,today he thinks that USA is the biggest enemy to Serbia and to the World as well.

If Seselj as a leader of Radical Party had changed its views(which are partially correct,since he doesn't know the background of representing the criminals of Jewish ethnicity as "Zionists",nor he does understand who controls USA),it's possible to change views toward "Palestine" and the falls belief that the "Jews are ruling the World",but the needed information can't come just like that.It's not easy,our media are in full control of the enemy(of Serbia and Israel,too),our Church is led by ecumenists and there is no one to rise the voice.

Knowing those facts considering Radical Party ,it is understandable why member SRP presents certain views.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 11:46:10 AM
Thank you for warning me..  Sad that trolls have to penetrate the JTF site, but that is the nature of the chaotic world we live.  I guess due to the vague response from Serb Radical Party, I will have to raise my eyebrows to this fellow.

It seems that I do not have to explain anything.
You already pulled your conclusions regarding me.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 11:52:12 AM
At the same time, he seemed to have time to accuse me of  "being anti-Russian", "lying", etc. He is just afraid to say what he really thinks.

Don't think that all Serbs think so about our State of Israel.

I never said to you that I do not recognize Israel. You are again proving that you do not know what your are saying.

I saw some of your comments regarding Russia which sound very, very Russia-phobic. You accused Russia for attacking a pro-NATO regime which intended to cleanse people. Everybody knows that Russia was obligated to protect people in Georgia, so that sounds pretty Russia-phobic to me.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 11:56:36 AM
Everyone should know that Serbian Radical Party in Serbia(not member of the forum,but the political party) is a patriot party.But,they are far away from being perfect.They are fooled and diseased with the belief that the "zionists are ruling the World" and those "zionists" would be Soros,Madeleine Albright,Rockefellers and others who contributed to the occupation of Serbia.
This is a common,general, world wide spread belief and unfortunately it had hit the Radical Party in Serbia.That is one of the reasons why they support independent "Palestine" and they believe that this land really belongs to Arabs and that Jews are the occupiers in that region.

Serbian Radical Party is nutreal in this case.

If you claim that Serbian Radical Party supports the establishment of an Islamic state in the Holy land, than you need to shake your head  :o
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 12:02:27 PM
Everyone should know that Serbian Radical Party in Serbia(not member of the forum,but the political party) is a patriot party.But,they are far away from being perfect.They are fooled and diseased with the belief that the "zionists are ruling the World" and those "zionists" would be Soros,Madeleine Albright,Rockefellers and others who contributed to the occupation of Serbia.
This is a common,general, world wide spread belief and unfortunately it had hit the Radical Party in Serbia.That is one of the reasons why they support independent "Palestine" and they believe that this land really belongs to Arabs and that Jews are the occupiers in that region.

Serbian Radical Party is nutreal in this case.

If you claim that Serbian Radical Party supports the establishment of an Islamic state in the Holy land, than you need to shake your head  :o
SRP, don't force me to humiliate you here and show the statement of your party during the Gaza war.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:03:44 PM
I did not see any statement of SRS regarding Gaza?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 12:05:28 PM
Everyone should know that Serbian Radical Party in Serbia(not member of the forum,but the political party) is a patriot party.But,they are far away from being perfect.They are fooled and diseased with the belief that the "zionists are ruling the World" and those "zionists" would be Soros,Madeleine Albright,Rockefellers and others who contributed to the occupation of Serbia.
This is a common,general, world wide spread belief and unfortunately it had hit the Radical Party in Serbia.That is one of the reasons why they support independent "Palestine" and they believe that this land really belongs to Arabs and that Jews are the occupiers in that region.

Serbian Radical Party is nutreal in this case.

If you claim that Serbian Radical Party supports the establishment of an Islamic state in the Holy land, than you need to shake your head  :o
It seems that you don't know the official public views of the party whose name you are using.
Serbian Radical Party officially supports independence of "Palestine" and if you watch our our parliament ,than you could heard numerous times that the members of Radical Party stated those views in our parliament.
That's not nonsense,that's the truth.

During the military action of Israeli Army in Gaza,they claimed that the Jewish state is making a crime in that area and that they are the occupiers.That's the truth.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 12:07:31 PM
Srpska radikalna stranka (SRS) najoštrije je osudila izraelsku kopnenu ofanzivu na pojas Gaze u kojoj je stradao velik broj palestinskih civila.

"SRS ukazuje na licemerje Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, koje su u Savetu bezbednosti UN sprečile usvajanje rezolucije o prekidu vatre i zaustavljanju agresije u kojoj Izrael ubija civile i uništava infrastrukturu, bombarduje bolnice, čak i sveta mesta", navodi se u saopštenju.

Ta stranka osuđuje stav Evropske unije, koja smatra da je ta agresija odbrambenog karaktera navodeći da Povelja Ujedinjenih nacija nedvosmisleno dozvoljava svaku vrstu otpora okupaciji, uključujući i vojni otpor koji pruža palestinski narod. SRS u saopštenju naglašava da se trajan i pravedan mir na Bliskom istoku ne može rešiti silom i da bi jedino rešenje za to da Izrael okonča svoju okupaciju Palestine i ostale arapske teritorije bilo uspostavljanje nezavisne palestinske države.

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:14:22 PM
Look Israel is allowed to use military force in order to protect its territories.
The US and the EU will not prosecute Israel if the Israeli army starts a military offensive. On the other hand, Serbia has been bombed, occupied and its leaders are prosecuted. This all because Serbian leaders tried to protect the Serbian territories.

Maybe some members of SRS are jealous on Israel, because Israel is allowed to have millitary operations and is not prosecuted like Serbia. This does not mean that all the members of the Serbian Radical Party think like that.

Within the Serbian Radical Party you have also people who support Israel.
Ok, some members support Palestine, but that's because of frustration and anti-Americanism. You have also a third category within the Serbian Radical Party which is nutreal. The opinions are divided within the party.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 12:18:01 PM
Look Israel is allowed to use military force in order to protect its territories.
The US and the EU will not prosecute Israel if the Israeli army starts a military offensive. On the other hand, Serbia has been bombed, occupied and its leaders are prosecuted. This all because Serbian leaders tried to protect the Serbian territories.

Maybe some members of SRS are jealous on Israel, because Israel is not prosecuted like Serbia. This does not mean that all the members of the Serbian Radical Party think like that.

Within the Serbian Radical Party you have also people who support Israel.
Ok, some members support Palestine, but that's because of frustration and anti-Americanism. You have also a third category within the Serbian Radical Party which is nutreal. The opinions are divided within the party.
Opinions can be divided, but we know the official position of your party.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:22:23 PM
Serbian Radical Party is the only anti-globalist party of Serbia and the only party that is promoting the idea of Greater-Serbia. If you support Israel, than you can enter the Serbian Radical Party.

I guess that you Voojoo do not see the other positive aspects of this party.
Nobody is forcing you to support Palestine. You can support Israel and be a member of Serbian Radical Party. Nobody will expel you from the party if you support Israel.
I guess that subject is not even important within the party. 
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 12:32:08 PM
Look Israel is allowed to use military force in order to protect its territories.
The US and the EU will not prosecute Israel if the Israeli army starts a military offensive. On the other hand, Serbia has been bombed, occupied and its leaders are prosecuted. This all because Serbian leaders tried to protect the Serbian territories.

Maybe some members of SRS are jealous on Israel, because Israel is not prosecuted like Serbia. This does not mean that all the members of the Serbian Radical Party think like that.

Within the Serbian Radical Party you have also people who support Israel.
Ok, some members support Palestine, but that's because of frustration and anti-Americanism. You have also a third category within the Serbian Radical Party which is nutreal. The opinions are divided within the party.
Well,the official opinion of the Party is against Israel in the case of Palestine ,aka pro Arab.That's the truth.

But,it's also the truth that the party is not antisemitic in general.I know it,because I know a lot of members from Radical Party,and it is the truth that opinions are divided.But,we must tell what's the official party view toward the "Palestinian case".The influence of the "Serbs of Muhammadan faith"(as the Muslim Serbs calls them selves in Radical Party) is big.Some of them are in the parliament and they do not fancy Israeli fight for its territory.

For example,Sulejman Spaho is islamized Serb ,a member of SRP and our parliament.I have nothing against him.But,you can imagine what he thinks of Israel as he is instructed in Islamic teachings toward the Jews.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:36:55 PM
Ok Serbian Radical Party is not a Zionist organization, but you exaggerate many thinks. You recognize that the opinions are divided within the party, so stop with these stories and conspiracies.

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 12:41:01 PM
Ok Serbian Radical Party is not a Zionist organization, but you exaggerate many thinks. You recognize that the opinions are divided within the party, so stop with these stories and conspiracies.

But the dominant thought in top of the Party is on the side of Arabs.That's not "conspiracy".All SRP members in the national parliament support the independence of Palestine led by the belief that USA and EU supports Israel against Arabs.That's not conspiracy,and you've picked up some of the thoughts.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:41:14 PM
But,we must tell what's the official party view toward the "Palestinian case".The influence of the "Serbs of Muhammadan faith"(as the Muslim Serbs calls them selves in Radical Party) is big.Some of them are in the parliament and they do not fancy Israeli fight for its territory.

Nonsence. What will be your next stap? Are you claiming Muslims control policy of SRS?  ;D

You have no idea my dear Kerber..
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:45:56 PM
But the dominant thought in top of the Party is on the side of Arabs.That's not "conspiracy".

But they do not force you to support Palestine!
Btw, that not relevant to me. SRS is the only party which promotes the idea of Greater-Serbia, that is relevant.

Which party do you support? DS?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 12:46:08 PM
But,we must tell what's the official party view toward the "Palestinian case".The influence of the "Serbs of Muhammadan faith"(as the Muslim Serbs calls them selves in Radical Party) is big.Some of them are in the parliament and they do not fancy Israeli fight for its territory.

Nonsence. What will be your next stap? Are you claiming Muslim control foreign policy of SRS?  ;D

You have no idea my dear Kerber..
Tell me,what's the nationality of the Muslim in our parliament who is not Serbian at all and he is a member of SRP?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 12:46:48 PM
Why don't you give us reasons for SRS support of Arabs? Why was Seselj in Irak with Sadam?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 12:47:24 PM
But the dominant thought in top of the Party is on the side of Arabs.That's not "conspiracy".

But they do not force you to support Palestine!
Btw, that not relevant to me. SRS is the only party which promotes the idea of Greater-Serbia, that is relevant.

Which party do you support? DS?
DS? No...I'm against EU regime(DS).I won't vote at all.Probably not.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:48:51 PM
Why don't you give us reasons for SRS support of Arabs? Why was Seselj in Irak with Sadam?

You guys really think that I support SRS because they support Palestine?
No! I support SRS because they are anti-globalistic and promote Greater-Serbia.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 12:51:07 PM
Why don't you give us reasons for SRS support of Arabs? Why was Seselj in Irak with Sadam?

You guys really think that I support SRS because they support Palestine?
No! I support SRS because they are anti-globalistic and promote Greater-Serbia.
No one asked you about Greater Serbia. You still didn't answer to a few simple questions
Serbian Radical Party, I am not going to pass any judgment on you yet.  However, I want to ask you a few s solid questions:

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 12:52:34 PM
Why don't you give us reasons for SRS support of Arabs? Why was Seselj in Irak with Sadam?

You guys really think that I support SRS because they support Palestine?
No! I support SRS because they are anti-globalistic and promote Greater-Serbia.
OK,I respect that,and I didn't mention any reason of your support for the party.But,I did mention the party's views toward "Palestine" which apparently affects some of your views.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:53:41 PM

He says I am a troll and that I am against Israel. He, you and spectator already pulled your conclusion about me. I am not going to explain anything to people who disrespect me.  
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:55:21 PM
But,I did mention the party's views toward "Palestine" which apparently affects some of your views.

Nemoj vise toliko bezveze da pricas brate.

When I did I say that I am against Israel?
About what kind of affects are you talking about?

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 12:58:34 PM

He says I am a troll and that I am against Israel. He, you and spectator already pulled your conclusion about me. I am not going to explain anything to people who disrespect me.  
That wasn't a question from Spectator or me. Why are being dishonest to these people? Why don't you admit your true views?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 12:59:49 PM
I said my true views!
Read this topic better.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: ProudAndZionist on November 12, 2009, 01:01:09 PM
What the hell is going on?  :o
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 01:01:22 PM
Oy vey..  I didn't mean to turn this thread into some type of quarrel or fight.  I was merely posting the thread to share my love and respect, as a Jew, for the Serbian people and their struggle.   Well, I am new here, so I don't know either of you too well and its a bit hard for me to judge either of you according to this little argument that we have had.  Spectator seems like a very respectable member.  I am a bit wary of those who love Russia, but I understand why Serbs have an affection for Russia, due to sharing similiar culture and the betrayal by America's communist government of the Serbs.

Serbian Radical Party, I am not going to pass any judgment on you yet.  However, I want to ask you a few s solid questions:


You say you don't like Israel because they support USA?  Well, just as the communists in USA abandoned Serbia and attacked during the Clinton regime, the communists in Russia abandoned Israel and attacked Israel, by supplying arms and technology to the arab nations.  So, the problem is not USA or Russia, the problem is communism, socialism and national socialist dogma.  

Lets put government asides, the Jews on JTF support the Spiritual Israel as spoken to us in Torah.  This is the same Israel that Kahane spoke about.  If you don't love Israel, I think you are not a friend.  Even us Jews have suffered horribly by the socialist, Jew-hating government that rules in Israel.  Do we Jews say we dont love Israel?   Serbia also has its elements of socialists and characters who are not loyal.  Does that mean you hate Serbia?  Was it not Serbians who betrayed some of their own brothers/fathers by helping aid the UN persecute the MIlosevic regime?  Please think with an open mind here and don't attack an entire nation, based on some faulty leaders and ideologies.

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 01:02:07 PM
I said my true views!
Read this topic better.
You've said nothing. You're just beating around the bush.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 01:10:26 PM
But,I did mention the party's views toward "Palestine" which apparently affects some of your views.

Nemoj vise toliko bezveze da pricas brate.

When I did I say that I am against Israel?
About what kind of affects are you talking about?

You weren't completely clear toward some questions about Israel in recent posts which is understandable if we know what is the dominant opinion of the SRP leadership(which is a marginal question in the party and Serbian politics in general).And the most influence is noticed in your view that USA should be destroyed.Well,I was under the bombs of USA just like you,but it would be ,let's say,very naive to think that the common people is responsible for the aggression and occupation.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:13:24 PM
I do not say common people must be punished.
I would like that US becomes part of Russian federation something like that, that´s all.

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 01:15:35 PM
 :::D  :crazy:
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 01:15:52 PM
I would like that US becomes part of Russian federation something like that, that´s all.

Funny :) Should Israel also be a part of Russian Federation?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 01:18:04 PM
I do not say common people must be punished.
I would like that US becomes part of Russian federation something like that, that�s all.

Haha...OK,you didn't say that,you've said something else on Serbian language,but it's OK.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:18:45 PM
Funny :) Should Israel also be a part of Russian Federation?

Only if the majority of Israeli people says yes on a referendum.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:21:26 PM
Haha...OK,you didn't say that,you've said something else on Serbian language,but it's OK.

I said US must disappear as US.
This does not mean to physically destroy US. It means that US should surrender its sovereignty.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 01:22:09 PM
Funny :) Should Israel also be a part of Russian Federation?

Only if the majority of Israeli people says yes on a referendum.

What about Serbia, SRP? Will it also make a referendum about joining Russia?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 01:23:39 PM
I really, really hope you are joking.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 01:24:47 PM
Haha...OK,you didn't say that,you've said something else on Serbian language,but it's OK.

I said US must disappear as US.
This does not mean to physically destroy US. It means that US should surrender its sovereignty.

Have you thought that it may be US already lost its sovereignty to some one else,and is led by those who works against the good of every one including its own citizens?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:27:38 PM
Have you thought that it may be US already lost its sovereignty to some one else,and is led by those who works against the good of every one including its own citizens?

That's why I do not see any other solution, next to the annexation of US territory to Russian Empire.

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:28:53 PM
What about Serbia, SRP? Will it also make a referendum about joining Russia?

Look Serbia and Russia share the same mission.
They are already part of one body.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 01:33:33 PM
What about Serbia, SRP? Will it also make a referendum about joining Russia?

Look Serbia and Russia share the same mission.
They are already part of one body.

But should they officially form a common state? Something like Serbo-Russian Orthodox Empire? And what about Europe?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 01:34:27 PM
Have you thought that it may be US already lost its sovereignty to some one else,and is led by those who works against the good of every one including its own citizens?

That's why I do not see any other solution, next to the annexation of US territory to Russian Empire.

Well,I must say that I couldn't heard those ideas in Radical Party nor in any other pro Russian organization in Serbia.
Don't be like a child...

You really think that Russian politicians are truly opposed to EU or USA?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:38:02 PM

But should they officially form a common state? Something like Serbo-Russian Orthodox Empire? And what about Europe?

Two kingdoms will be restored
Serbia´s kingdom will be restored and Russia's also.
Serbia will be from Kosovo til the Adriatic cost and Russia will regain its lost borders.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:39:14 PM
Well,I must say that I couldn't heard those ideas in Radical Party nor in any other pro Russian organization in Serbia.
Don't be like a child...
You really think that Russian politicians are truly opposed to EU or USA?

Pay attention to you language. I was just making a joke.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 01:41:45 PM
Well,I must say that I couldn't heard those ideas in Radical Party nor in any other pro Russian organization in Serbia.
Don't be like a child...
You really think that Russian politicians are truly opposed to EU or USA?

Pay attention to you language. I was just making a joke.
I think you should pay attention to your language and to your attitude.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:46:36 PM
I think you should pay attention to your language and to your attitude.

I was just making a joke, you can not handle a joke?
.. Relex man, smiri zivce malo ;D
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 01:49:07 PM
And now SRP, what about Israel (also known as Holy Land, also as Palestine to some)?
Here is a poll:

a) Jewish sovereignity on the whole territory
b) Arab sovereignity on the whole territory
c) Division into 2 states, Jewish and Arab ones
d) Bi-national state with equal Jewish and Arab sovereignity
e) UN mandate
f) Turkish mandate
g) British mandate
h) Russian mandate

Please choose one option  :)
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 01:50:46 PM
What about i?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 01:53:18 PM
What about i?

You mean some other option? If you have one, you can write about it :)
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:05:41 PM
The territory that Israel occupies , is Holy land!
It is the Holy land of the Bible! It is the land where Orthodoxy was born 2000 years ago.

Option i:
Jewish sovereignty on the whole territory, only if that state would recognize that Jesus Christos is the Jewish Messiah.

Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: voo-yo on November 12, 2009, 02:08:58 PM
The territory that occupies Israel, is Holy land!
It is the Holy land of the Bible! It is the land where Orthodoxy was born 2000 years ago.

Option i:
Jewish sovereignty on the whole territory, only if that state would recognize that Jesus Christos is the Jewish Messiah.

Well, that surprised even me.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 02:13:51 PM
The territory that occupies Israel, is Holy land!
It is the Holy land of the Bible! It is the land where Orthodoxy was born 2000 years ago.

Option i:
Jewish sovereignty on the whole territory, only if that state would recognize that Jesus Christos is the Jewish Messiah.

Well, that's your opinion. As you understand, I can't agree with you because my faith states different, but now I respect you more for not being afraid to express your opinion.

And what if Jews don't accept what you propose? What should be the Holy Land's status then?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on November 12, 2009, 02:16:12 PM

The territory that Israel occupies , is Holy land!
It is the Holy land of the Bible! It is the land where Orthodoxy was born 2000 years ago.

Option i:
Jewish sovereignty on the whole territory, only if that state would recognize that Jesus Christos is the Jewish Messiah.

You don't really expect us to do this, right?  :laugh: :laugh:

We will have Our Holy Land back, from the Euphrates to the Nyle, and the Meshiach will come במהרה בימינו אכי"ר.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 02:17:22 PM
The territory that Israel occupies , is Holy land!
It is the Holy land of the Bible! It is the land where Orthodoxy was born 2000 years ago.

Option i:
Jewish sovereignty on the whole territory, only if that state would recognize that Jesus Christos is the Jewish Messiah.

The question of the Messiah is not the central question.That question becomes irrelevant when the laws of G-d are not respected in fully.
Tell me,did Serbian state(or any other including Russia) recognized Jesus as its Messiah?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:18:18 PM
And what if Jews don't accept what you propose? What should be the Holy Land's status then?

You do not have to accept it. You possess the power to reject it.

The Holy Land must, according to my views, be dedicated to the acceptation of Jesus Christ, as the Messiah and God.

All other status will not work and will not solve problems.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:21:27 PM
The question of the Messiah is not the central question.That question becomes irrelevant when the laws of G-d are not respected in fully.
Tell me,did Serbian state(or any other including Russia) recognized Jesus as its Messiah?

Look Sveti Sava left a treasure to Serbia, that is the Serbian Orthodox Church.
As long as the Serbian Orthodox Church lives in Serbia, Serbia will enjoy the credit left by Sveti Sava.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 02:21:52 PM

The territory that Israel occupies , is Holy land!
It is the Holy land of the Bible! It is the land where Orthodoxy was born 2000 years ago.

Option i:
Jewish sovereignty on the whole territory, only if that state would recognize that Jesus Christos is the Jewish Messiah.

You don't really expect us to do this, right?  :laugh: :laugh:

We will have Our Holy Land back, from the Euphrates to the Nyle, and the Messiah will come במהרה בימינו אכי"ר.

Ron, brother, we are not going to have a religious dispute with our Serbian friends. Let them believe what they want. I just wanted to know his opinion.

ה' הוא אלוקים
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:23:00 PM

Thanks for respecting my opinion!
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on November 12, 2009, 02:23:37 PM


The territory that Israel occupies , is Holy land!
It is the Holy land of the Bible! It is the land where Orthodoxy was born 2000 years ago.

Option i:
Jewish sovereignty on the whole territory, only if that state would recognize that Jesus Christos is the Jewish Messiah.

You don't really expect us to do this, right?  :laugh: :laugh:

We will have Our Holy Land back, from the Euphrates to the Nyle, and the Messiah will come במהרה בימינו אכי"ר.

Ron, brother, we are not going to have a religious dispute with our Serbian friends. Let them believe what they want. I just wanted to know his opinion.

ה' הוא אלוקים

I know this Spectator but yet his post outraged me. It's undoubtly the Christianic version of "convert to Islam or die".
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 02:24:52 PM
The question of the Messiah is not the central question.That question becomes irrelevant when the laws of G-d are not respected in fully.
Tell me,did Serbian state(or any other including Russia) recognized Jesus as its Messiah?

Look Sveti Sava left a treasure to Serbia, that is the Serbian Orthodox Church.
As long as the Serbian Orthodox Church lives in Serbia, Serbia will enjoy the credit left by Sveti Sava.
Haha...What current SECULAR Serbia has with St.Sava?What Serbia's Constitution says about the state and the Church?

In the time when Sava lived,Serbian society was theocracy.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:27:58 PM
Haha...What current SECULAR Serbia has with St.Sava?What Serbia's Constitution says about the state and the Church?

In the time when Sava lived,Serbian society was theocracy.

Do not laugh!  ! ! I am having a serious debate.

I was talking about the Serbian Orthodox Church (which is the body of Jesus Christos).

It is not my fault that you can not separate the earthly Serbian secular state from the Serbian Orthodox Church (body of Christ)
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: ProudAndZionist on November 12, 2009, 02:29:54 PM
Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel. Russians like Serbia and he has right to like Russia too.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:30:25 PM
I know this Spectator but yet his post outraged me. It's undoubtly the Christianic version of "convert to Islam or die".

No! I do not want to conquer Israel or to convert it by using force.
You have the power to reject that. You are not forced to believe that Jesus Christos is the Messiah.  
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 02:31:41 PM
I hope nobody here will misinterpret this thread as an opportunity to preach Judaism or Christianity. It was just an attempt to clarify views of SRP on the status of the Land of Israel. I hope it will not spark unnecessary religious disputes.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:31:49 PM
Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel.

Thank you brother! I am not against Israel or anyone!

Thank you for this kindly message!
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:33:21 PM
I hope nobody here will misinterpret this thread as an opportunity to preach Judaism or Christianity. It was just an attempt to clarify views of SRP on the status of the Land of Israel. I hope it will not spark unnecessary religious disputes.

You must first know what I believe if you want to know me and understand me.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on November 12, 2009, 02:34:00 PM
I know this Spectator but yet his post outraged me. It's undoubtly the Christianic version of "convert to Islam or die".

No! I do not want to conquer Israel or to convert it by using force.
You have the power to reject that. You are not forced to believe that Jesus Christos is the Messiah.  

according to your posts, you said that the State of Israel would have a right to exist (or have sovereignity on the Holy Land) only if it recognizes accepts Christianity in other words. Correct?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 02:34:39 PM
Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel. Russians like Serbia and he has right to like Russia too.

I don't think there are members who question his right to support or love Russia.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: ProudAndZionist on November 12, 2009, 02:35:18 PM
Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel.

Thank you brother! I am not against Israel or anyone!

Thank you for this kindly message!

You are welcome brother. Serbs were always true friends of Jews. I live in Hungary, and I know that Serbs are honest people. Polish people like Hungarians, but they are not against Slovakia, they like Slovaks too.

It's the same situation. Russia is friend of Serbia. If I were Serbian, I would respect and love Russia.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on November 12, 2009, 02:35:28 PM

Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel. Russians like Serbia and he has right to like Russia too.

I don't think there are members who question his right to support or love Russia.

As a Russian Jew, wouldn't you hate Russia and Russians?
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: ProudAndZionist on November 12, 2009, 02:38:03 PM

Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel. Russians like Serbia and he has right to like Russia too.

I don't think there are members who question his right to support or love Russia.

As a Russian Jew, wouldn't you hate Russia and Russians?

Do you hate Russians? I have always thought that you liked them. (Your ex YT account's name).
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 02:38:30 PM
I hope nobody here will misinterpret this thread as an opportunity to preach Judaism or Christianity. It was just an attempt to clarify views of SRP on the status of the Land of Israel. I hope it will not spark unnecessary religious disputes.

You must first know what I believe if you want to know me and understand me.

There are many people who believe in Christianity yet their views on this issue are different. Even among the Orthodox Christians there are different opinions.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on November 12, 2009, 02:38:56 PM


Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel. Russians like Serbia and he has right to like Russia too.

I don't think there are members who question his right to support or love Russia.

As a Russian Jew, wouldn't you hate Russia and Russians?

Do you hate Russians? I have always thought that you liked them. (Your ex YT account's name).

I hate Russia almost as I hate Germany.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:39:14 PM
Nobody said you do want to declare on Israel, but according to your posts, you said that the State of Israel would have a right to exist (or have sovereignty on the Holy Land) only if it recognizes accepts Christianity in other words.

State of Israel already exists and I do not think that we should remove that fact.
The creation of an Islamic Palestinian state, will also be dedicated to the rejection of Jesus Christos as the Messiah. That's why I am nutreal in this case.

If you ask my opinion, than you will hear that I think that Jesus Christos is the  Messiah.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: ProudAndZionist on November 12, 2009, 02:40:08 PM
I think we shouldn't fight on the forum, because of our different opinions.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:40:57 PM
Even among the Orthodox Christians there are different opinions.

Orthodox Christianity is standard. All nations of the Orthodox Church
share the same view.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Lisa on November 12, 2009, 02:41:12 PM
Serbian Radical, let me remind you that JTF is a JEWISH, Zionist organization that supports a Torah True, Zionist right wing Jewish state.  

But one thing we adamantly oppose here is any king of missionizing.  And quite frankly your post about how you would only support a sovereign Israel only if it becomes a Christian country sounds A LOT like missionizing to me.  
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:43:32 PM
Serbian Radical, let me remind you that JTF is a JEWISH, Zionist organization that supports a Torah True, Zionist right wing Jewish state.  

But one thing we adamantly oppose here is any king of missionizing.  And quite frankly your post about how you would only support a sovereign Israel only if it becomes a Christian country sounds A LOT like missionizing to me.  

I am not missionizing. Spectator wanted to hear my opinion. He said to me that I will not be prosecuted based on my opinion!
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Kerber on November 12, 2009, 02:47:55 PM
Haha...What current SECULAR Serbia has with St.Sava?What Serbia's Constitution says about the state and the Church?

In the time when Sava lived,Serbian society was theocracy.

Do not laugh!  ! ! I am having a serious debate.

I was talking about the Serbian Orthodox Church (which is the body of Jesus Christos).

It is not my fault that you can not separate the earthly Serbian secular state from the Serbian Orthodox Church (body of Christ)
You have double standards,my friend.
Serbia didn't recognize Jesus as its Messiah and we agree that "Serbian Jerusalem"(as it is called sometimes here) - Kosovo belongs only to Serbia.

But you can't apply that standard considering Israel and its territory.

"Earthly secular state" and "Orhodox Church-body of J.C."...
Secular means separated from God and his laws,meaning separated from life.If you've ever read the books of Moses),you could see how the state should be organized,it is the organization of the free state.Everything that is not based on that is secular and isn't free,just like Serbia isn't free.First people learn to practice and live in sin,that's the spiritual slavery.After that physical slavery comes as the result of the first kind of slavery.God is allowing your wish not respect the moral laws and brings you the occupier to teach you to the order,discipline,to let you show how it is when you reject the love of your Creator (through His laws),to feel the ruthless hand of the un-Godly occupier.Learn how the Jews were brought into slavery and why.You can also learn from our history watching it through the eyes of the God's Word.
I won't go more into this...

The Church means community,human community sharing the common (re)connection,so the "body" is community - the people loyal to the laws of God.
You should not talk about something that you don't understand.You compromise yourself.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Spectator on November 12, 2009, 02:53:12 PM
Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel. Russians like Serbia and he has right to like Russia too.

I don't think there are members who question his right to support or love Russia.

As a Russian Jew, wouldn't you hate Russia and Russians?

There are good Russians and there are bad Russians. There are Russian Nazis, and there are Russians who love Jews, support Israel as the Jewish state and have sympathy to us when we fight Islamic terrorists. There are also people who are not interested in Jews/Israel. It is impossible to generalize.

There were oppression and bloody pogroms in Russia in the past but the same situation was in most other European countries. Russia is not different from most of the other places. Besides, most Jews of Russian Empire lived not in Russia proper but on the territories it annexed: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. The attitude of these peoples was more important than the attitude of central Russian government. In each of these places the situation was different.

The only place where we should live is Israel. All the other countries are exile, even if there is no immediate physical threat. I hope all the Jews from exile will return to Israel soon.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Serbian_Radical_Party on November 12, 2009, 02:56:32 PM
You have double standards,my friend.
Serbia didn't recognize Jesus as its Messiah and we agree that "Serbian Jerusalem"(as it is called sometimes here) - Kosovo belongs only to Serbia.

I have no double standards.

Serbia is an Orthodox-Christian country, because Orthodoxy is the official religion of the Serbian state and nation. Serb people are Orthodox-Christians.

So if Serbs still recognize Christus
like all true Serbian ancestors and if Serbs did not compromise on Church teachings, than you can say that Serbia recognize Jesus as its Messiah.

Writting a clause in the constitution, that the state recognizes Jesus as its Messiah is an empty word on a paper. With out Christ´s body, the Church, there is no Christianity.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on November 12, 2009, 03:00:18 PM

Serbian Radical Party is a good member. He is a pro-Jew man. And if he supports Russia that doesn't mean that he doesn't support Israel. Russians like Serbia and he has right to like Russia too.

I don't think there are members who question his right to support or love Russia.

As a Russian Jew, wouldn't you hate Russia and Russians?

There are good Russians and there are bad Russians. There are Russian Nazis, and there are Russians who love Jews, support Israel as the Jewish state and have sympathy to us when we fight Islamic terrorists. There are also people who are not interested in Jews/Israel. It is impossible to generalize.

There were oppression and bloody pogroms in Russia in the past but the same situation was in most other European countries. Russia is not different from most of the other places. Besides, most Jews of Russian Empire lived not in Russia proper but on the territories it annexed: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. The attitude of these peoples was more important than the attitude of central Russian government. In each of these places the situation was different.

The only place where we should live is Israel. All the other countries are exile, even if there is no immediate physical threat. I hope all the Jews from exile will return to Israel soon.

I'd rather have this discussion in PMs.
Title: Re: Hello Serbian Friends
Post by: Lisa on November 12, 2009, 03:02:33 PM
I think I'm going to lock this thread for now.