Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: stevefromqueens on February 24, 2007, 08:57:40 PM

Title: Countdown to the End of Black History Month!
Post by: stevefromqueens on February 24, 2007, 08:57:40 PM
It is now four days and counting to the end of Black History Month. Hallelujah! Thank goodness. After being beaten over the head with every "invention" from the ironing board to the fly swatter to the super soaker water pistol - I kid you not! Every major news station, cable network, and PBS - plus the diversity crazed corporations like MacDonald's has been torturing us with every obscure black "inventor", "activist", "scholar", and "groundbreaker" they could pull out of the collective negroid woodpile. At least a few years ago they had the guy who invented the traffic light (will we ever forget??) - now it turns out that behind every white inventor, explorer, and scientist there is an unsung, hidden black genius! Christopher Columbus had a black navigator, Alexander Graham Bell had a trusty black lab assistant, and Thomas Edison stole the idea for the light bulb from the ancient Egyptians, who we all know, lit up downtown Thebes courtesy of black genius pharaohs. Be prepared everyone - March is National Women's History Month - and June is Gay Awareness Month - when is white, middle-class, straight, I work hard and pay taxes and support lazy people of color month? I want my month, I want my special TV spots, I want my self-esteem stroked, and I want my government program to help me realize my dream!!! Something tels me I'll be here a year from now and nothing will have changed, except maybe that we'll be told that the first man to walk on the moon was really black, but the great white conspiracy kept him in a dark visored helmet so racist society could once again screw the black man out of his glory!
Title: Re: Countdown to the End of Black History Month!
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on February 24, 2007, 09:03:12 PM

I agree.  This kind of indoctrination is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.  I walk out of the room anyone tries to pull this kind of nonsense over my eyes. 
Title: Re: Countdown to the End of Black History Month!
Post by: cjd on February 25, 2007, 07:49:04 AM
The worst part of this whole Black History Month cr-p is that it's creators for the most part are self hating white liberal trash. They are altering the very history of the world in order to give blacks a place in the history books they for the most part don't deserve.
G-d forbid any book thats more than 30 years old survives  in a library since it would not carry the revisionist message liberals want in the schools. In all honesty blacks are not to blame for this Black History Month farce it is being handed to them on a silver plater by liberal whites.
Moronic white Liberal animals are giving black society a notable place in the history books when with few exceptions no notable place is deserved.
Title: Re: Countdown to the End of Black History Month!
Post by: Angry Panther on February 25, 2007, 08:47:56 PM
I'm glad Black History month ends in four days as well.

White History Year continues on March 1st!  ;D
Title: Re: Countdown to the End of Black History Month!
Post by: fjack on March 01, 2007, 07:57:31 AM
In a way I am sad to see black mythology month go away. This month I have been telling some of the blacks that take up seats at my school (a NY city college) my own myths regarding black mythology. I told many blacks that blacks invented the chia pet, clap on, and that the black egyptians had electricity since they needed to see through all those underground passages. I even told them that when they go to bathroom and site on the throne and reached for the toilet paper, who do you think invented the toilet paper holder? You guessed it, a black science professor at MIT. You have to see these people when I tell them my made of myths, their eyes well up in tears, they swell with pride and their self esteem goes through the roof. It is sad however that their grades don't go through the roof.
Don't forget that March is Women's month, espeicially minority women's month. I will make up more myths and let you guys know what I have come up with.
Title: Re: Countdown to the End of Black History Month!
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 01, 2007, 08:05:11 AM
'black mythology month'

fjack that's hilarious.  :D  That's how I will refer to it from now on.   ;D