General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Merkava on October 21, 2007, 06:05:04 PM
Its amazing how the UK has lost some of its best men in the battlefield to enemies who were dressed in these outfits. What saddens me is that you see more and more people buying these and wearing them as a fashion statement.
Go and see what happens in the "introduce Yourself" section of this very JTF Forum....
If they continue like this, JTF will have to open a "save (f..k..g) germany" section !!!
>:( >:( >:(
uk gave many of its "kids"
as "neo"-NAZIS (and other infamous "skin-heads")
fighting alongside NAZICROATS,
of course, against the Serbs.
The further and deeper we go in Time,
the further and deeper NAZIS win,
when the world thought they lost.
That hideous rag that terrorists tie around their faces was being marketed as a "peace scarf"
As I was in Italy, in a train, in 1995,
I saw a schwarzta holding a camouflage butchery jacket
with NAZICROAT "insignia"
(that's why I call it butchery, and not "military" jacket).
I just had enough time to see this with my own very eyes.
Some seconds later, italian Police (one man and one woman)
came in our wagon and took the schwarzta with them,
since, when they asked him where he intented to go,
he had no intelligible answer.
You had it: a NAZISCHWARZTA !!! >:( >:( >:(
I guess the italian police had an eye upon him
for a rather long time,
before they took him with them.
THAT ARE SLAUGHTERERS OF WHITES (in this case, of Serbian Whites).
>:( >:( >:(
How can anyone wear that in summer?
That hideous rag that terrorists tie around their faces was being marketed as a "peace scarf"
Peaceful scarf ? I can't believe people buy this as a fashion accessory AFTER the London bombings. Its a bit sickening. As to the German WW2 jackets - I wonder if they knew what the blitzkrieg did to Britain.
Ignorance in the UK amongst the youth is very high :-[
The nuttless whimps of Britain should start wearing islamic stuff. The way that miserable country is going it will be compulsary soon enough!
Loads of muzzies here ....too many >:(
We whites and Jews are the most ruthless peoples on earth.When we again remind the world that ,They will again fear us and fall back in line!
That hideous rag that terrorists tie around their faces was being marketed as a "peace scarf"
There are different scarves. Some are the desert scarves that are worn in the desert by nomads etc and there are ones -especially with red outline- worn by people in Arab countries.
Its out of fashion now here. Soon it'll die down God willing. They're ugly.
LOL :)
Another disturbing factor is the amount of WW2 style Jackets I have seen with the German flag worn by the Brits.
Didn't those same jackets drop bombs day & night over the UK country just 6 decades ago ?
They now hate themselves in Lesser Britain......Sad huh!
Only extreme leftists are appareled like this in Germany. This is their standard outfit. I hate it. The bloodshawl of jew-annihilation combined with a German field-blouse :o
But this flag on the field-blouse is no nazi flag.
Why have extreme left persons such a addiction for military symbols? :D
The leftists in Germany call this scarf "Palituch" [Pali-scarf]. They are dirty dhimmis!
In the newer past Nazis copy the leftist fashion. Look here:
Here is the explanation of the Pali-Scarf:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keffiyeh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keffiyeh)
Here is a German leftist with the Pali-scarf:
Here you can see a picture from a German blog:
Thanks for the pics.
I think we should choke these people to death by extrangling them with the Pali-scarf.
GERMANNIBALS/CANNIBERMANS...same (ez)bol(ah)[censored].
They fit together.
From leftists to rightists: all germalistinians.
Thanks for the pics.
I think we should choke these people to death by extrangling them with the Pali-scarf.
No bad idea. Onother possible application of this scarf is to put a piece of soap in it and to beat them up [I have sawn this in the tv-series Twin Peaks with a sock.] ;D
How stupid can people get, they look idiotic with those scarfs on!!!! Silly people.
LOL ...I agree
I have saved the pictures on a picture-hoster, because direct uploads are dangerous. The leftists can put different pictures on their server instead of the real. We had this case on our German website. Now it is secure. :)
Thanks for the pics.
I think we should choke these people to death by extrangling them with the Pali-scarf.
I think the palis and other mooslim extremists will choke them later, when they refuse to convert to islam.
How stupid can people get, they look idiotic with those scarfs on!!!! Silly people.
I agree totally. But sometimes the hate at the free west is stronger, than the natural love for their own lives and families. :(
The Flag is no problem it's just the flag of Germany today
The Flag is no problem it's just the flag of Germany today
Its a WW2 styled jacket.....thats the problem
The Flag is no problem it's just the flag of Germany today
Its a WW2 styled jacket.....thats the problem
OH because i have a Jewish friend from Germany he has a Gray German military jacket with the Flag
NUKE whatever german.........................................."military" !!!
FORBID german "flags" outside germany !!!
>:( >:( >:(
The Flag is no problem it's just the flag of Germany today
Its a WW2 styled jacket.....thats the problem
No, it is no WWII jacket. But you are right, this jacket looks very similar.
The German soldiers have this blouse on from the middle of the fifties to the middle of the nineties of the last century.
OH because i have a Jewish friend from Germany he has a Gray German military jacket with the Flag
Thats very ignorant of him. He needs to visit the camps in Germany. He needs to visit the Holocaust museum in Washington DC. He needs to watch Schindler's List again. How can you wear the flag of a country that stripped your faith's human dignity ?
supporting/welcomed (by) NAZICROATS/ALBANAZIS,
in the Balkans, exactly similar to WWII !!!
>:( >:( >:(
germany should have no "flag" of any kind outside of germany "proper".
>:( >:( >:(
supporting/welcomed (by) NAZICROATS/ALBANAZIS,
in the Balkans, exactly similar to WWII !!!
>:( >:( >:(
germany should have no "flag" of any kind outside of germany "proper".
>:( >:( >:(
No I don't agree in the flag case, but this traitorous politicans and those which support the bombing of Serbia in 1998 should be put on trial of high treason of the western world, like in "Nürnberg". I am no selfhating German, but this is the only way to handle this evil creatures. They supported the expansion of Islam in Europe and betrayed the Serbs, which only fight for their homes and families. This is more worse than the behaviour of western christanity in the year 1453. In this case they are helping muslimes only by passivity, in the other case the German gouvernment supported the muslimes active. This is more evil.
Husar this are the responsible German politicans of the bombing of Serbia:
Rudolf "the goat" Scharping:
Joschka Fischer:
WWI, WWII, supporting by any mean necessary to slovenes, croats, bosnomuslims, albanians,
"diplomacy", weaponry supplies, bombings, insults, disrespect for our Dead Serbian Victims,
der spiegel, kohl, waldheim, hitler, himmler, merkel, kinkel, "neo"-NAZIS FIGHTING ALONGSIDE
NAZICROATS, berlin's festival award for anti-Serbian propaganda "movie" "grbavica",
given to nazibosnomuslim jasmila zbanic, NAZICROAT "SONG" "DANKE DEUTSCHLAND" in 1991,
a hit in NAZICROATIA for years (translation: "THANK YOU GERMANY" !!!), the germans altogether,
as a "VOLK" AGAINST the Serbs and Serbia, like in "good ol' times" !!!
I do not intend to argue with you, goldfasan, since JTF accepted you,
thus going AGAINST the Will of Rav Kahane...........
WAS IT A BOOT, A 'flag", OR A SCREW............
(directly or through your whorshippers)
>:( >:( >:(
Husar, can you please translate this Serbian page into English, since it has much more information than the English version?
WWI, WWII, supporting by any mean necessary to slovenes, croats, bosnomuslims, albanians,
"diplomacy", weaponry supplies, bombings, insults, disrespect for our Dead Serbian Victims,
der spiegel, kohl, waldheim, hitler, himmler, merkel, kinkel, "neo"-NAZIS FIGHTING ALONGSIDE
NAZICROATS, berlin's festival award for anti-Serbian propaganda "movie" "grbavica",
given to nazibosnomuslim jasmila zbanic, NAZICROAT "SONG" "DANKE DEUTSCHLAND" in 1991,
a hit in NAZICROATIA for years (translation: "THANK YOU GERMANY" !!!), the germans altogether,
as a "VOLK" AGAINST the Serbs and Serbia, like in "good ol' times" !!!
I do not intend to argue with you, goldfasan, since JTF accepted you,
thus going AGAINST the Will of Rav Kahane...........
WAS IT A BOOT, A 'flag", OR A SCREW............
(directly or through your whorshippers)
>:( >:( >:(
I understand your oppinion. And you are right. There is a direct line in newer history from Helmut Kohl to Angela Merkel against the Serbians. I will accept your statement.
@ Hail Columbia and to all JTFers:
is the title of a song as a sign of GRATITUDE TO GERMANY
DUE TO ITS INVOLVMENT to international recognition of the INDEPENDANCE OF CROATIA, in january 1992.
The song, popular some weeks in croatia, was seen in the remainings of ex-yugoslavia as a climax of
political "kitch" and lack of taste, widely laughed at, on the side of the "regime" in Serbia used as
"anti-propaganda", and the very title is still part of post-yugoslav "popular" (sic) "culture" (sic) with strong
mocking (the serbs mock, NAZICROATS adore) under-text (?).
croatia heralded independance from federal socialist republic of yugoslavia on june 25th 1991.
european commission demanded a three-months long suspension of this decision, in the Country
war started to rage, croatian parliament ceased remaining bonds with the federation on october 8th,
and until half of december croatia was already recognized by some countries, including the VATICAN.
Inside the very european economic union, GERMANY led the efforts to convince partners on a consensus
in recognizing the independances of slovenia and croatia; then, GERMANY's foreign minister
hans-dietrich genschner has, on the 19th of december 1991, after his return from the VATICAN,
announced that GERMANY will recognize these countries as independant of the decisions of other
parliaments, and, quickly after that, have some countries made the same thing, thus giving force
to the pressure on european economic union.
e.e.u. has thus announced, on the 15th of january 1992, the recognition of independance of slovenia
and croatia, although the badinter commission of this very e.e.u. has given the message that
slovenia and macedonia had to be recognicized.
The same day, the croatian television showed in the prime-time the song-GRATITUDE TO GERMANY
entitled "DANKE DEUTSCHLAND" ("THANK YOU GERMANY"), and the recording of it has echoed
like a bomb in the other republics of former yugoslavia.
Danke Deutschland, meine Seele brennt!
Danke Deutschland, für das liebe Geschenk.
Danke Deutschland, vielen Dank,}-
wir sind jetzt nicht allein,
und die Hoffnung kommt in das zerstörte Heim.
Translation in Serbian Cyrillic Scripture:
Хвала Немачкој, моја душа гори!
Хвала Немачкој, на драгом поклону.
Хвала Немачкој, пуно хвала,
сад више нисмо сами,
и нада долази у нашу порушену домовину.
Translation in english:
Thank you germany, my soul burns !
Thank you germany, for the beautiful gift.
Thank you germany, thank you very much,
now we are not alone,
and hope comes in our destructed home.
The song was sung by sanya trumbi(t)ch, who has remained "famous" for other "patriotic" titles,
as well as "hits" such as "Hawaii are just nothing" ("I've got my own island..."), "punish me like a woman",
"100 kuna (NAZICROAT MONEY) give me mummy" or "marino, marry me".
"DANKE DEUTSCHLAND" ("THANK YOU GERMANY") is signature of compositor George Novkovitch,
a Serb by Nationality (TRAITOR TO HIS NATION), originating from Shabats,
father of renowned singer Boris novkovitch,
who sang a year later, for croatia (ANOTHER TRAITOR), in eurovision 1993: "Don't ever cry"
("my Croatian sky!").
The lyrics were the work of tea trumbi(t)ch, "famous" croatian compositor and sanya's husband,
and arranged by nikitsa kalogyera.
"DANKE DEUTSCHLAND" ("THANK YOU GERMANY") was just the beginning of an untasty campaign
on this topic.
To genscher, for his life-time, in croatia, were raised quite some statues, and his name was
installed (as well as REICHSKANZLER kohl's one) as the name of croatian streets (among others, in trogir),
while after the name of the AUSTRIAN minister of foreign affairs, doktor aloisius mok,
were named an order and some pubs.
The song was of such a problematic taste that even sanya, who was seemingly still unknown then,
did not put it in her february album.
It was particularly an awful whole idea that rang in the light of the fact that croatia, in the new history,
gained independance for the first time as a quisling INDEPENDANT STATE OF CROATIA ("NDH"),
on the side of NAZIGERMANY in WWII.
croatian television has PROUDLY (!!!) displayed the song some weeks, and the spectators from the other republics were watching, mainly sarcastically, with mockery and disgust (NOT THE BOSNOMUSLIMS),
such a display of gratitude that was sensed as the worst kind of political "kitch",
comic and of unsucceeded (target ?).
The "propaganda machine" of Belgrade's State media,
in the light of international recognition of croatia,
couldn't seek a better gift from "its collegue" in zagreb.
croats are shown like genetical aliens
(which is true: once they're proud of being illyrians, then, in hitler "time", they're proud of being "goths" (germans), then they're proud of being "avars" (turks), later, they're proud of being "iranians", and when a turk KARATAY writes a book about them being turks, they're proud also !!!),
accordingly with the repeated stereotype about vienna's horse-keepers (lads) and similar,
(which is also true. despite the fact they love to display themselves as something superior, they always were the servants (arse-lickers) of hungarians, germans and austrians.)
their leaders as traitors,
(Who will dare pretending they're not traitors to serbs ?!!
i agree, on the contrary, they NEVER betrayed GERMANY.)
under the rule of "foreign (german, austrian, hungarian) mentors",
and in agreement with the "world's conspiracy" against Serbia,
(they applaused the BOMBING of Serbia, for just one instance...
whereas the very croatian media,
clear and they deserve it, obedient, propagandistic and immature.
since the song was never put in the marketplace, today it is hard to find an entire copy.
The song "DANKE DEUTSCHLAND" ("THANK YOU GERMANY") is not displayed any more for a long time now,
(you can find it in YouTube)
but its very title has remained in the post-yugoslav "popular" (sic) cultures (sic) as a phrase that
thrills all the "emotions" that the song has provoked, gaining in the further "accomplishments" of happenings a clear note of (SERBIAN) bitterness, irony and small "self-(NAZICROATISTIC)contentment".
This is the way it appeared in various journalistic titles:
BELGRADE's "Borba" ("Fight"), 25/07/1999, a month and a half after the retreat from Kosovo and Metohia).
"DANKE DEUTSCHLAND" ("THANK YOU GERMANY"), an article about a german stamp to which is linked
the BOSNOHERZEGOVIAN MONEY, in sarayevo's "dani" ("days"), 17/12/1998.
"DANKE ("THANKS") of the state's bank", Belgrade's "Vreme" ("Time"), about the chaos in the money commerce, 17/04/1995.
The Serbian opposition has for a while, on protest meetings, distributed badges with "DANKE CHINA"
("THANK YOU CHINA") written on them, "DANKE ZIMBABWE" ("THANK YOU ZIMBABWE") due to China's and
Zimbabwe's support during the UNITED NATIONS's SANCTIONS AGAINST socialist republic of yugoslavia, in may 1992."
Well, Hail Columbia,
here's the translation.
The text displays
the exact same "team" ("axis")
as the EVIL one in WWII...
:o :o :o
Excellent work, now if someone can post that on the English Wikipedia.
Whom are you speaking about, mord ?
Whom are you speaking about, mord ?
Someone i know who is of Croation descent but is a 3rd generation Croation American, he says Croats are nazis but he's very liberal
I myself met one like this ("croat")
through a common (english) friend.
We didn't ever speak of the war,
but the english said me once:
his "croat" friend was aware
he was of Serbian descent.
(Entire Serbian villages converted to catholicism
in order not to be slaughtered by NAZICROATS, during WWII.)
Aware of this, Izvor XXXXXXX...
(name of this "croat", meaning "Source, Origin", in Serbian)
flew away from NAZICROATIA,
and they met
(the english and the "croat")
in london.
Sad and true story.
i see it all over uk, all ages and creeds. its DISGUSTING. i look at those people with a dirty look. they are followers of EVIL.
on busses, the musis advertise that it is a "religion of peace" and all that crap.
they also have advertisments, husge ones, saying people should donate to "islmaic relief"!
I've said it before and i'll say it again, the croats are some of the most wicked people on the planet.
Croatian soccer fans showing their true colours at a game in Italy last year:
Soon the British will be forced to wear islamic clothing.
ENGLISH Terrorist and NAZI "fashion" exported very well during ex-yugoslav war.
They engaged in NAZICROAT "army" so that they could slaughter some serbs too.
>:( >:( >:(
In the photo posted here by AussieJTFer,
you can see with your very eyes the NAZICROATS
during a soccer match in Livorno, Italia.
Should I remind you they come to america in november 2007 ?
Re that picture....where is a swarm of killer african bees when you need one ;)
That is a terrible picture with those morons, nazi pigs.
:laugh: Although a while ago I got an email from a friend. It seems that during a soccer game between a European team and an Israeli team. Well during the game, the anti-Semitic dogs started saying nazi things and making nazi gestures. Well :laugh:, the Israeli fans DID'NT TAKE IT and fired I think a fire cracker at the anti-Semitic crowd. ;D And the anti-Semites started running like crazy, shocked at the fact that the Israeli fans said "We;re not going to take it"!!!! :::D.
Oh, no one was hurt but can anyone notice how anti-Semites are cowards!!!
Anti-semites have an expectation that a Jew will be a bespectacled weed who cowers in fear and cops abuse in quiet dignity without raising his hand. They hate it when Jews fight back. That's why the nations hate Israel. Israel defends itself (well it used to, anyway). In the minds of most goyim, Jews must suffer in silence and not fight back. The original JDL's prime mission was to reverse this view.
on busses, the musis advertise that it is a "religion of peace" and all that crap.
They will advertise 'religion of peace' on that bus and as soon as they can get away with it....blow it and all its passengers up....
;) :)
That is a terrible picture with those morons, nazi pigs.
:laugh: Although a while ago I got an email from a friend. It seems that during a soccer game between a European team and an Israeli team. Well during the game, the anti-Semitic dogs started saying nazi things and making nazi gestures. Well :laugh:, the Israeli fans DID'NT TAKE IT and fired I think a fire cracker at the anti-Semitic crowd. ;D And the anti-Semites started running like crazy, shocked at the fact that the Israeli fans said "We;re not going to take it"!!!! :::D.
Oh, no one was hurt but can anyone notice how anti-Semites are cowards!!!
That was in Bosnia, they were all kicked out of the stadium by the bosnian police after they started damaging the seats and throwing flares. Suprisingly it was Hapoel Tel Aviv fans who are extreme leftists and commonly seen with soviet and che guevera flags.
Anti-Semetic chants and nazi/celtic cross flags are heard and seen nearly every week in Europe even when no Jew is playing, particularly in Italy and Spain. Also in Holland when Ajax Amsterdam are playing against their supporters and in England against Tottenham supporters (both having large Jewish following and Ajax being founded by Jews if I'm not mistaken).
From stadiums in Italy:
I would have thrown a grenade into their stand >:(
I was looking for a funny picture for one of my posts and I found this. Not funny by anymeans. Its outrageous. WHY DOES BRITAIN ALLOW THIS ?????????
If I was that cop I would have made sure that silly/nazi scarf is wrapped around his corpse in a morgue.
The idiot cop is just standing there.
The idiot cop is just standing there.
That was all they did during that temper tantrum by the muzzies. They did, however, get videotape evidence of the as$wipe leading the chanting. The police could have done more like arrest the muzzies who were clearly inciting sedition/treason and terrorism.
The police could have done more like arrest the muzzies who were clearly inciting sedition/treason and terrorism.
Agreed ! If thats the case why doesn't Britain have rallyies to protest against Islam ? Why can't I go out to the street and chant "Death to the Arabs" wrapped in a beautiful Israeli flag while at the same time I am burning Palestinan & Iranian flags along the way without getting arrested?
The police could have done more like arrest the muzzies who were clearly inciting sedition/treason and terrorism.
Agreed ! If thats the case why doesn't Britain have rallyies to protest against Islam ? Why can't I go out to the street and chant "Death to the Arabs" wrapped in a beautiful Israeli flag while at the same time I am burning Palestinan & Iranian flags along the way without getting arrested?
Because non muslim British people would be arrested for doing that. The police have been "sensitivity" trained by muslim groups and have to do as their bosses tell them. Its outrageous that law enforcement has to be "sensitive" to any group, let alone THIS group. Here is what muslims think of England, the country that took them in and supports most of them:
I like this one ;)
Since englistan is against Serbia,
giving full support to NAZIHEDINS butchers,
I like what happens to englistan now.
englistan becomes muslimmmmiiiiiier every day.
They will soon LEARN WHAT IT IS
Thanks for the pics Kelly.
I am utterly disgusted to the point of sickness. And stupid Brits complain about the Poles >:(
We need a JTFer in the British Parliment NOW.
more than that!
You reap what you sew.
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain refused to allow Jewish refugees into Israel before AND after WW2.
Britain opposed the formation of the State of Israel.
Britain killed Jews in Israel.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Britain has consistantly voted AGAINST Israel in the UN.
G_d said to Abraham......" Your seed shall become a great nation. I will bless those who bless them and curse those who curse them..."
In short............
Britain deserves EVERYTHING it gets!!!!!
You are absolutley right.
Another very dark part of British History is the fact that its own Jews were aware of what was happening in the rest of Europe but yet refused to allow them to come in as refugees to spare the embarassment.
How sick & self hating is that ?!?!?!?
You are absolutley right.
Another very dark part of British History is the fact that its own Jews were aware of what was happening in the rest of Europe but yet refused to allow them to come in as refugees to spare the embarassment.
How sick & self hating is that ?!?!?!?
Renember what all those jewish liberals have said against Rabbi Kahane; calling him hitler and nazi? he was at least ten times less radicall than those pisslamic animals on Kelly's Photos:
It's G-d's miracle that Jews survived to this day.:D
About this blouse the design came from 1916 and flag from 1848 so I can't call it nazi and germans always did good military weapons and equipment I have no qualms to use it against nazi muslims or neo nazim:
The polish partizans from Home Army AK; including one Polish Jew fighter? in captured german kit
Here's my favorite: "One bullet one german" poster.
Another resitance fighter in german uniforme; all pics from site about second Warsaw Uprisng.
The Armia Krajowa were brave fighters specifically as they were fighting against a much more advanced army that had already occupied their nation. They were the second largest resistance group after the Yugoslav Partisans if i'm not mistaken. I also think they supplied arms and other forms of assistance to the Jews during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and even tried to blow up the walls. Some people say that they were as anti-semetic as the nazis themselves, I don't know how true that is however.
My grandfather was from the city of Lodz and I'm not sure what he thinks of the AK.
Their flag:
AussieJTFer, Merkava and newman:
I agree with all of you:
britain is a kind of "damnation" for true Human Beings,
and a hellish "heaven" for NAZISLAMISTS who feel there "at home".
As for Jewish Fighters from WWII:
God bless them all.
"One bullet for one german"
is too much of a cost.
I'd rather say:
"One knife for thousands of germans".
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Can I have sources for these two.
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Can I have sources for these two.
That's like asking for a source for Cook mapping the Pacific!
They're facts! There's thousands of Jews alive in Israel today who were in the damned places. Read Exodus (the book about the ship, not the Bible).
Re the railway lines..............They weren't bombed (despite Jewish refugees in London begging the government to do so)! What more proof do you want?
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Can I have sources for these two.
That's like asking for a source for Cook mapping the Pacific!
They're facts! There's thousands of Jews alive in Israel today who were in the damned places. Read Exodus (the book about the ship, not the Bible).
Re the railway lines..............They weren't bombed (despite Jewish refugees in London begging the government to do so)! What more proof do you want?
Link me to a website about it, please.
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Can I have sources for these two.
That's like asking for a source for Cook mapping the Pacific!
They're facts! There's thousands of Jews alive in Israel today who were in the damned places. Read Exodus (the book about the ship, not the Bible).
Re the railway lines..............They weren't bombed (despite Jewish refugees in London begging the government to do so)! What more proof do you want?
Link me to a website about it, please.
Google your own websites. I've seen countless documentaries over the last 20+ years about it. I've heard testimony from Jewish survivors. Are you a holocaust denyer too?
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Can I have sources for these two.
That's like asking for a source for Cook mapping the Pacific!
They're facts! There's thousands of Jews alive in Israel today who were in the damned places. Read Exodus (the book about the ship, not the Bible).
Re the railway lines..............They weren't bombed (despite Jewish refugees in London begging the government to do so)! What more proof do you want?
Link me to a website about it, please.
Google your own websites. I've seen countless documentaries over the last 20+ years about it. I've heard testimony from Jewish survivors. Are you a holocaust denyer too?
I've searched, but can't find any evidence to suggest the british complicity with the holocaust that you are suggesting, that's why I'm asking you to link me to some websites.
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Can I have sources for these two.
That's like asking for a source for Cook mapping the Pacific!
They're facts! There's thousands of Jews alive in Israel today who were in the damned places. Read Exodus (the book about the ship, not the Bible).
Re the railway lines..............They weren't bombed (despite Jewish refugees in London begging the government to do so)! What more proof do you want?
Link me to a website about it, please.
Google your own websites. I've seen countless documentaries over the last 20+ years about it. I've heard testimony from Jewish survivors. Are you a holocaust denyer too?
I've searched, but can't find any evidence to suggest the british complicity with the holocaust that you are suggesting, that's why I'm asking you to link me to some websites.
It's been on the TV news! Tovia Singer's done shows on it. The allies knew about the camps and didn't bomb the railway lines! Are you trying to say the lines WERE bombed? It's even in Churchill's memoirs!!!!! He wanted the lines bombed but his military chiefs kept procrastinating. Churchill stated that his biggest regret was not following it up.
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Can I have sources for these two.
That's like asking for a source for Cook mapping the Pacific!
They're facts! There's thousands of Jews alive in Israel today who were in the damned places. Read Exodus (the book about the ship, not the Bible).
Re the railway lines..............They weren't bombed (despite Jewish refugees in London begging the government to do so)! What more proof do you want?
Link me to a website about it, please.
Google your own websites. I've seen countless documentaries over the last 20+ years about it. I've heard testimony from Jewish survivors. Are you a holocaust denyer too?
I've searched, but can't find any evidence to suggest the british complicity with the holocaust that you are suggesting, that's why I'm asking you to link me to some websites.
It's been on the TV news! Tovia Singer's done shows on it. The allies knew about the camps and didn't bomb the railway lines! Are you trying to say the lines WERE bombed? It's even in Churchill's memoirs!!!!! He wanted the lines bombed but his military chiefs kept procrastinating. Churchill stated that his biggest regret was not following it up.
I'm not trying to sya anything, I'm trying to ask for some sources so I can study this in more detail. I've made use of google, but failed to find any sources.
Britain's military heirachy refused to destroy the railway lines to the nazi death camps.
Britain put Jews in concentration camps in Cyprus.
Can I have sources for these two.
That's like asking for a source for Cook mapping the Pacific!
They're facts! There's thousands of Jews alive in Israel today who were in the damned places. Read Exodus (the book about the ship, not the Bible).
Re the railway lines..............They weren't bombed (despite Jewish refugees in London begging the government to do so)! What more proof do you want?
Link me to a website about it, please.
Google your own websites. I've seen countless documentaries over the last 20+ years about it. I've heard testimony from Jewish survivors. Are you a holocaust denyer too?
I've searched, but can't find any evidence to suggest the british complicity with the holocaust that you are suggesting, that's why I'm asking you to link me to some websites.
It's been on the TV news! Tovia Singer's done shows on it. The allies knew about the camps and didn't bomb the railway lines! Are you trying to say the lines WERE bombed? It's even in Churchill's memoirs!!!!! He wanted the lines bombed but his military chiefs kept procrastinating. Churchill stated that his biggest regret was not following it up.
I'm not trying to sya anything, I'm trying to ask for some sources so I can study this in more detail. I've made use of google, but failed to find any sources.
This is the proof and source that Alies (US and UK) knew about Holocaust from 1942 but did nothing:
Mission of Emissary Jan Karski
The Government Delegate also sounded the alarm repeatedly, sending dispatches on the extermination of Jews and transmitting to London messages from Dr. Feiner and Dr. Berman, addressed to Rabbi Stephen Wise and Rabbi Nachum Goldman in the United States, and to the two Jewish members of the National Council in London--Dr. Ignacy Schwartzbart, a Zionist, and Szmul Zygielbojm, member of BUND. What was even more important, however, was that an eyewitness, emissary Jan Karski, was sent to London. Dressed as an Estonian guard, Karski bribed his way right into the Belzec death camp for Jews and saw everything with his own eyes. Before leaving Poland, he had lengthy interviews with Dr. Feiner and Dr. Berman, who gave him the following instructions:
"We want you to tell the Polish government, the allied governments and allied leaders that we are helpless against the German criminals. We cannot defend ourselves, and no one in Poland can possibly defend us. The Polish underground authorities can save some of us, but they cannot save the masses. The Germans do not try to enslave us, the way they do other peoples. We are being systematically murdered . . . all Jews in Poland will perish. It is possible that some few will be saved. But three millions of Polish Jews are doomed to extinction.
"There is no power in Poland able to forestall this fact; neither the Polish, nor the Jewish underground can do it. You have to place the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the Allies. No leader of the United Nations should ever be able to say that he did not know that we were being murdered in Poland and that only outside assistance could help us."
Overcoming tremendous obstacles, Karski reached London in November 1942. He not only informed the Polish government-in-exile and its Premier, General Sikorski, about the genocide in Poland, but also saw personally the following: Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden; leader of the Labour Party Arthur Greenwood; Lord Selbourne; Lord Cranborne; the Chairman of the Board of Trade, Hugh Dalton; Member of the House of Commons, Ellen Wilkinson; British Ambassador to the government-in-exile O'Malley; American Ambassador to the government-in-exile, Anthony Drexel Biddle; and Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Richard Law. Karski also testified regarding the extermination of Jews before the UN War Crimes Commission, chaired by Sir Cecil Hurst. Finally, he gave numerous interviews to the British press and also briefed other members of Parliament and organizations of British writers and intellectuals.
Leaving for thc United States, Karski then personally told the story of Jews in Poland to Undersecretary of State Adolf Berle, Attorney General Biddle, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, Archbishops Mooney and Stritch, and American-Jewish leaders such as Stephen Wise, Nachum Goldman and Waldman. Karski was also received by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who kept on asking specific questions about the extermination of Jews in Poland long past the time allotted for Karski's audience.
The Polish underground emissary accomplished his mission and passed on to allied leaders the message about the fate of Jews in Poland. But, to all practical purposes, his mission produced no results.(3)
The Armia Krajowa were brave fighters specifically as they were fighting against a much more advanced army that had already occupied their nation. They were the second largest resistance group after the Yugoslav Partisans if i'm not mistaken. I also think they supplied arms and other forms of assistance to the Jews during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and even tried to blow up the walls. Some people say that they were as anti-semetic as the nazis themselves, I don't know how true that is however.
My grandfather was from the city of Lodz and I'm not sure what he thinks of the AK.
Their flag:
In fact Jewish Underground was part of Polish one:
3. The Jewish Underground:
About that time, the first preparations for armed resistance began in the ghettos. In October 1942, leaders of the incipient Jewish underground joined in forming the Jewish National Committee, composed of representatives of all Jewish organizations, with the exception of BUND. This led to the creation of the Coordination Commission, which logically became in time the central political body of the Jewish underground. Irrespective of this, both BUND and the Jewish National Committee had their separate representatives remaining "on the Aryan side" and maintaining regular contact with the Government Delegate. Dr. Adolf Berman (Borowski) represented the Jewish National Committee, and Dr. Leon Feiner (Berezowski) was the representative of BUND.
On July 28, 1942, the Fighting Organization of the Warsaw ghetto was born. "On the Aryan side," it was represented by Arie Wilner (pseudonym: Jurek). On December 2, 1942, the Fighting Organization, its composition enlarged by that time, took a new name: Jewish Fighting Organization ("Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa"--ZOB). The Jewish Fighting Organization was commanded by Mordecai Anielewicz. At the time of the Ghetto Uprising, it had about 22 combat groups (20-30 men in each), over 700 combat soldiers in all. Liaison with the Home Army was maintained by Arie Wilner, who was in touch with the head of the Jewish Section of the High Command of the Home Army, Henryk Wolinski (pseudonym: Waclaw).
The Jewish representatives--Dr. Adolf Berman for the Jewish National Committee, Dr. Leon Feiner for BUND, and Arie Wilner for the Jewish Fighting Organization--declared their willingness to subordinate the activities of their organizations to the Government Delegate and the High Command of the Home Army. At the same time they asked for arms and ammunition, for financial assistance, and help with the training. The Delegate accepted the declaration and promised to extend help, while the Commander of the Home Army, in his order of November ll, 1942, acknowledged the Jewish Fighting Organization as a paramilitary organization and instructed them to employ the Home Army's organizational methods and fighting tactics. Simultaneously, the High Command assigned Major Stanislaw Weber (pseudonym Chirurg) and Captain Zbigniew Lewandowski (pseudonym: Szyna) to organize assistance for the Jewish Fighting Organization. Accordingly, the first ten guns and ammunition were passed on to the Jewish Fighting Organization in December 1942, and another ten guns and ammunition in January 1943. For his part, the Government Delegate established the Jewish section of the Delegacy, headed at first by Witold Bienkowski (pseudonym:Kalski) and later by Wladyslaw Bartoszewski (pseudonym: Ludwik), who was decorated after the war with the Israeli medal of Yad Vashem.
Thus the historical joining together of the Polish and the Jewish underground movements was completed. The manner in which it was accomplished testified to the loyalty of the Jewish citizens of Poland to the Polish state.
Also active in the ghetto was another Jewish military organization, which did not merge with the Jewish Fighting Organization. The Jewish Military Union ("Zydowski Zwiazek Wojskowy"--ZZW) consisted of three combat groups, about 400 men in all, mostly former officers and non-commissioned officers of the Polish Army and members of a Zionist organization, BETAR. It was commanded by Pawel Frenkel. The Jewish Military Union established contact with the Government Delegate and the High Command of the Home Army through a Polish underground organization, the Corps for Security.
Within the framework of cooperation between the Polish and the Jewish underground, and at the request of Dr. Feiner, the High Command of the Home Army sent a dispatch to Jewish organizations in London, which responded by forwarding through the Home Army channels the first $5,000 for BUND. This initiated other, more frequent and larger shipments of money, sent to the Jewish organizations via the underground channels of the Government Delegate and the High Command of the Home Army. Contact was also established by means of the Home Army and the Delegacy transmitters with Jewish organizations in the United States.
Thanks for the info and the link Ultra Requete.
Thanks very much, this is what I wanted to see.