General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: admin on November 19, 2006, 09:22:02 PM

Title: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: admin on November 19, 2006, 09:22:02 PM

Note To All Posters: Only one post per person is permitted. Please make it a single, short question.

Chaim would love to answer all of your great questions but (unfortunately due to the number of questions and time constraints), if there is more than one short question, it will have to be moved to The Future Ask JTF Section. We apologize for this inconvenience and only wish that every person has a chance to be heard on the show.

Or course, comments not directed to Chaim will be moved into a separate thread under The General Discussion.

Chaim has stated that only one short question or comment per poster will be answered. Please remember that even with these rules, the program is over 2 hours long every week! If you want to post a longer question, unfortunately, Chaim may or may not be able to answer it in it's entirety. In this case, you may copy and paste parts of your question for the following week.

Thank you for your kindness and respect regarding these rules.



Happy Thanksgiving,

I know you don't celebrate Thanksgiving but you can pass my greetings along to The Righteous Gentiles.

As you can see by the date, this is a continuation of our discussion on the subject last year. So please don't comment on what you think about Jews celebrating American holidays in America in general because I already know your answer from last year.

Below is the NEW stuff that I want you to address.

I don't believe Thanksgiving is celebrating being in America but rather thanking G-d in general. Some people say it is to thank America but it is idolatry to thank someone other than in G-d if it done as a religious holiday like Thanksgiving and we are really thanking G-d no different than Sukkot. Some religious Jews in Israel still celebrate it even after making aliyah and some celebrate it on Friday Night rather than Thursday and combine it with Shabbat by having a turkey dinner for Friday Night kiddush. What is your opinion on Jews celebrating it IN Israel?

Was there ever a point in your life when you celebrated Thanksgiving? If so, how did you celebrate?

Thanksgiving was based on Sukkot and Hanukkah was based on Sukkot as well. So Thanksgiving is like the American Hanukkah, unlike Christmas which The Left tries to compare to Hanukkah. In 2013, Thanksgiving will even fall on Hanukkah so Jews can light the menorah before they have their Thanksgiving dinner.

Even though I do celebrate Thanksgiving, I don't believe it is a Jewish concept to say "I'm thankful for..." but rather to pray to G-d in Hebrew over the food at the table. This means saying the blessings over the food like you're always supposed to do and I personally recite part of Psalm 118 where it says "Hodu LaShem Ki Tov Ki Le'Olam Chasdo" which means "Thank G-d because He is good, for His kindness is everlasting.". Hodu is related to the Hebrew word Hodaya, which means Thanksgiving. I wrote about this in the Torah and Jewish Idea section in the Thanksgiving thread. After any meal is The Grace After Meals which includes the above Psalm in it as well. I'm the only one at my family's Thanksgiving dinner to insert any religious meaning to it. The rest of the people just eat the food without even a bracha.

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim,
Chief Administrator.

P.S. I'm posting this here because you asked me to correct your statement from last show. John Quincy Adams was not the fourth President. Madison came after Jefferson, and then Monroe. John Quincy Adams was the 6th and Andrew Jackson, the first evil President was the 7th.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: TorahZionist on October 30, 2007, 05:58:41 AM
I posting this on behalf of Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim.

The way I found out that July 4, 1776 was The 17th of Tammuz was by checking Chabad.org's online calendar which stretches back a few hundred years and lasts thousands of years into the future, not taking into account that The Mashiach will have already come by then so we won't have a set calendar anymore (Because The Sanhedrin will declare Rosh Chodesh by witnesses testifying that they saw The New Moon.). If we keep our set calendar, the current calendar drift will continue. This drift is that the earliest Passover can fall in the solar year has moved up 7.5 days since we got the set calendar. So it can no longer fall on The Vernal Equinox and can end as late as May now which will be a regular occurrence in a few hundred years. The calendar drifts by one day every 231 years.

What are your thoughts on this calendar drift?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: q_q_ on November 10, 2007, 07:24:41 PM
I am interested in your fighting philosophies.. When that one black guy in the prison started on you and you stabbed him in the arm with a pencil, did you consider the possibility of what if the pencil didn`t go in, or slid off or the end snapped off. Or if he would still continue.  Did you have a plan B.. Would you have bitten his ears off? Hit him in the nuts?  Do you think you could`ve punched him into submission? Was the pencil your only hope?

Would you always respond when provoked? Would you ever back away from a fight?

Would you consider possible negative endings - Hospital, prison, (in your case-8 months solitary confinement).

Would you consider chances of winning / losing as a factor in going ahead or backing away ?

Would you respond equally or respond escalating it a bit, or go in full force straight away ?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Dr. Dan on November 10, 2007, 07:49:44 PM
Shalom Chaim

We already know that there are many interreligious marriages and that Jews shouldn't marry non-Jews and vice versa.  However, what if there is a current marraige between a Jew and a non-Jew that has lasted for many years and with children in the picture? Would you recommend that they get a divorce due to this halakha?  Or is the peace which exists between the two much more important? (This by all means is not an indication that inter-religion marriages should be acceptable..i merely talking about ones which have currently existed for many many years and are going fine.)

Thank you

Dr. Dan
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Daniel on November 10, 2007, 08:06:36 PM
What are your views on organ donation?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: judeanoncapta on November 10, 2007, 08:26:21 PM
Dear Chaim,

I want very much to move to Israel.

My wife wants to live in Gush Etzion. I would love to live in Judea as well because it goes perfectly with my screen name.

Do you think that I should live in the Shtachim or is that just preaching to the choir?

Would I be more useful to the movement living outside of Judea?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on November 10, 2007, 10:16:46 PM
It happens every day in America: an innocent girl is raped by a popular, wealthy, handsome athlete, and is utterly destroyed in court. The town and entire campus--often the girl's "friends" included--rally around the beast, and (if he can't fully afford it) pitch in to get him a Dershowitz-esque hitman. This assassin convinces the jury and world that this victim was a bigger slut than Britney Spears, and after the mess, she's not only utterly ruined, but likely unemployable and completely friendless. Look at Willie Kennedy Smith and his victim.

What would Kahanism do to stop this, and the trial lawyers' mafia in general?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Mstislav on November 11, 2007, 01:42:57 AM
Shalom Chaim,

Thank you for answering my question last week.
Armed Stand Off Between Mexican Military And Texas Lawmen

Mexican military are invading the U.S escorting the drug smugglers and jorge wahabi al bushulla will not do anything about it. I think it is a matter of time before these koukarachas fire on and kill U.S authorities. If the government is not willing to do anything about this, then it is the citizen's job to do it. If local chapters of JTF were opened up in cities across the U.S and the world, would you authorise the chapters at the border with mexico to work with the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps and to use any force necessary to effectively deal with this situation?

Thanks as always,
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Hail Columbia on November 11, 2007, 08:20:43 AM
Dear Chaim,

What is your opinion on Hungarians?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: ItalianZionist on November 11, 2007, 09:18:13 AM
   Since I'm finding it difficult obtaining a job in the accounting profession, I believe that outsourcing jobs is dispicable and unpatriotic. I hear that even auditors and accountants are coming from low wage nations. Which candidate do you feel would be the most effective in discouraging the outsourcing of jobs (since it may be unconstitutional to outlaw outsourcing all together)?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Yisrael on November 11, 2007, 09:38:35 AM
Shalom Chaim,

On last weeks show you said that you often don't get to pray  with a Minyan. How important was praying with a Minyan to Rabbi Kahane and to what extent would he go to get a Minyan


Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: kahaneloyalist on November 11, 2007, 02:39:06 PM
Dear Chaim, of the missions you went on for the Rav which was the most difficult?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 11, 2007, 06:19:25 PM
Shalom Chaim!!

Next year is the 60th anniversary of the "modern" state of Israel.  Is JTF planning anything to celebrate it?  I can't believe it's been 60 years and not one day of peace.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Eliav on November 11, 2007, 06:53:21 PM
Shalom, Chaim,

Recently, it was reported that the Columbus, Ohio area is becoming a possible Jihad hotbed. What should the residents and non-residents alike do about this?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on November 12, 2007, 01:32:56 AM
Chaim What do you think of the Recent Peace Plan put foward by Benny Elon. The Plan would get rid of the idea of Land for peace. It would annex Judah, Samaria and would get rid of any Arab leadership group such as the PLO and the Palestinian Authority the only thing I don't like is that Arabs could stay if they take citizenship in Jordan. What are your thoughts on the plan
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Husar on November 12, 2007, 03:38:09 AM
Dear Brother Chaim,
I just wanted to tell you
that you can PUBLICLY speak about
my begging for your forgiveness,
because, when I was in anger
because of the NAZICROATS
INVADING our JTF forum,
I had my moment of doubt.
I was fooled by these beasts.
I'm sorry, Chaim.
Forgive me, please.


You were right.
I listened and understood you.
From the day I listened to your
comment about my behaviour,
I changed (to the better).
I'm not shouting "BAN this NAZICROAT" anymore,
even when I got personnaly insulted by them.
I let them fool themselves.
I changed,
I owe this to you.


Long Live to JTF.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Dan on November 12, 2007, 01:15:20 PM
Hello Chaim,
   Besides the recent setback on YT, we have made significant progress in JTF.
 I would like to know how the JTF movement is progressing in Israel, and what the Annapolis meeting could mean for the Jewish people in Israel is not stopped.
                                                                       Thanks as Always,

Can we gather enough support to go against the Bolshevik Israeli government if a need arises...
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: MasterWolf1 on November 12, 2007, 01:22:07 PM
Hello Chaim,

I was very young when I heard of Bernard Getz.  I would concider him an American Hero.  How about you?  ( I know only those that live in NYC would know who he is).

For those that don't know in he early 80's he was in the subways in Manhattan and must of gotten sick and tired of these savages down in the subways harassing people either mugging, physical attacks etc.  So he took justice in his own hands and shot i think it was 2 of these beasts that tried to mug him.  And they made as if he was the criminal for being armed to defend himself, a thin short white guy. 

Anyways what do you think of someone like Bernie Getz?  I wish I can shake his hand we need more like him.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Lisa on November 12, 2007, 01:26:08 PM
This is from Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim:

Can you ask Chaim for Ask JTF to instruct us on who to vote for in The Republican Presidential Primary?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Merkava on November 12, 2007, 07:13:38 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Thankyou for answering my question last week. I found it very inspiring. Have you considered writing an Autobiography ? I think it would be great because it would raise awareness of your ideas and at the same time it can raise funds for the JTF. Please share with us your thoughts on this matter.

Shabbat Shalom

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer on November 13, 2007, 02:51:24 AM
Dear Chaim,

What do you think of Theodore Roosevelt? Last week, you said that the 20th century was a presidential disaster, but Roosevelt did protect the US was the evils of big business. By the way, I completely agree with you that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a disaster. He is not only responsible for all which you mentioned last week, but the creator of welfare.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: True Kahanist on November 13, 2007, 03:51:33 AM
Dear Chaim,

What do u think about Pat Robertson's endorsement of Guiliani? Joseph Farah on WND was very upset over this.

Toda Achi
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Boeregeneraal on November 13, 2007, 04:03:41 AM
Shalom Chaim

Chaim, im very worried about the future! When one reads the latest books, in particular history for example-one would be absolutely shocked at the differences in these new books, compared to say, 20 years ago. It's absolutely shocking!

Now this worries me. We are losing the REAL TRUE history.

When Israel, America, south africa etc one day G-D willing, falls in the hands of G-D fearing government eg. JTF,  we would have lost history. We would have to cotinue with the new non-factual history books! This would eventually lead to the country falling back into the hands of evil.

That is unless, we start collecting history books, and all books of relevance eg. science, history, etc.
And when the time arrives, we will have the FACTUAL books, and be able to put the TRUTH back into circulation.

What do you think, Chaim?

Btw, Thank YOU for everything you are doing! And thank you JTF!

G-D bless you Chaim, and JTF


Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: JTFFan on November 13, 2007, 06:11:37 AM
Dear Chaim,
When did you start learning Hebrew and how long did it take for you to learn it? I am thinking of pursuing a career in the field of languages, as I already speak German and Spanish and consider myself somewhat talented in languages and am also curious about learning Hebrew. Although due to the Islamofascists, Arabic is in big demand. What do you think, Chaim?

G-d Bless,

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: YESHA on November 13, 2007, 07:52:00 AM
When is a Jew permitted to kill another – like Amir vs. Rabin? Is it when they commit deadly physical, destructive and traitorous behaviour towards fellow Jews, and are therefore “Kaaret”? Thank you Chaim.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: KalmanBenMenachem on November 13, 2007, 10:56:34 AM

You mentioned on a previous broadcast that JTF in Israel had hired an attorney to sue "Roni the Nazi" for his slanderous comments about JTF.  Subsequently, you stated that the Israeli newspaper "Ha'aretz" had incorrectly ascribed Roni's pro-Nazi comments to JTF.  Has JTF asked its attorney in Israel to contact "Ha'aretz" and demand a retraction?

Thank you,
Kalman Ben Menachem
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: VIVA KAHANE on November 13, 2007, 11:21:02 PM
Several weeks ago, you mentioned the term FASCIST in a condescending manner.  You are wrong to do this.  The three official fascist leaders of the 1930's and 1940's, Mussolini of Italy, Franco of Spain and Salazar of Portugal were not antisemites and protected the Jews during WWII.  Mussolini and the Italian people, were not antisemites and when Hitler asked him to hand over all of the Italian Jews for deportation to Nazi-occupied Austria, he flatly said no.  It was only until late in the war, when Mussolini was militarily weak and the Nazis occupied Italy that Jews were deported.  Franco was the same way despite the fact that the members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade who fought on the side of the Republic in 1936 were Jews from the lower east side of Manhattan and despite the fact that the German Luftwaffe bombed Guernica to help Spain with its Basque terrorist problem.  He refused all Nazi orders to deliver Spanish Jews to Vichy France.  Salazar permitted a diplomat, Aristides de Sousa Mendes, to establish a pipeline for Jews to escape from southern France, through Spain to Portugal to wait out the war with the cooperation of Franco.  Mendes is listed at Yad Vashem as a righteous gentile.  Who cares how Mussolini treated the Libyans or Ethiopians or especially the Albanian Muslim Nazis?  We should have had more fascists in Europe in those days; we wouldn't have lost as many Jews!
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Yochanan on November 14, 2007, 12:26:17 PM

Shalom Chaim

I have been reading a book by Barry Chamish called "Save Israel". This author also wrote "Who killed Yitzhak Rabbin?" In "Save Israel" the author details:

- The plan to force Jews from Judea and Samaria by murdering their rabbis and spiritual leaders.
- The threats, blackmail, bribes, and murder of those politicians who refuse to play the game.
- The Vatican’s plans to create a second Holocaust.
- The PLO is digging under the Temple Mount in search of biblical blackmail.
- An internal terror squad run by the [now ex] Foreign Minister.
- New evidence and eyewitnesses to the Rabin murder.
- The Holocaust the Israeli establishment wants blotted from history.
- Why the EU hates Israel: the Vatican and Bilderberg Group.
- The real rulers of the US, the Council on Foreign Relations, and its Israeli agenda.
- Spreading anti-Semitism through the visible Jews of the media.
- The creation of a Palestinian nation from thin air.
- The covert war against both the Jewish and Christian religions, [especially those who hold the 10 Commandments in high esteem].

Do you know anything of this author? To be honest if all (or even some) of what he writes is true, it is pretty horrific. What is your opinion about these conspiracy theories?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: imaknick on November 14, 2007, 07:50:41 PM
You say God gave people free will so they can choose between good or evil.  However, what about those who are born with mental retardation, they are not given free will, and nor did they choose to be in that state so, what is to happen to them after death? heaven? another chance at life?  What about those who die as babies? They don't get free will. What about babies who were aborted and never had a chance to live?   These are just situations in which an individual did not have free will and therefore what happens to them after death since they really never had lived or lived mentally healthy?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Trumpeldor on November 14, 2007, 09:49:09 PM
Shalom Chaim

From what I understand, Kahanism does not consider the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis to be a people primarily because their founding myths are complete lies.

I agree that their nationhood is based 100% on falsities, however, I do not understand the argument that this fact categorically denies them from being considered a people.

Is the essence of your argument that a group that bases their peoplehood on lies cannot, by definition, be considered a people?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Ralph1 on November 15, 2007, 05:38:48 AM
Dear Chaim:

Anti-Semites accuse Jews of being connected to communism, helping end segregation for Blacks to destroy America, and pushing for third world immigration to the West. I know these anti-Semitic snakes are trying to spread hatred but how much truth is there to these accusations?

I really appreciate your answering my questions week after week. Thank You very much.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Zan on November 15, 2007, 10:02:47 AM
Hi Chaim!  :)

Isn't it a fact that life is all about having fun and being happy in the here and now? My impression is that all "movements" -- including the noble, heroic Kahanist and Pesachist one -- tend to forget this. But isn't it a fact that all mass movements are false and failed if they don't emphasize enough that sacred, ephemeral, human life is all about pleasure and enjoyment in the here and now?

Best Wishes, As Always, from Your Longest Fan,  O0

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: raiseyourfist on November 15, 2007, 10:03:02 AM
Shalom Chaim,

In the exile during the middle ages why were the jews so poorly treated in Europe by the so called Christians during that unstable period from the time of the crusades right up until Israel was re-established as a jewish state in 1948?

Thanks as always for answering my questions and until next time, Sergio
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: WestCoastJTF on November 15, 2007, 02:38:25 PM
I have a question that has been bothering me.  When I look out at the universe, there are billions of galaxies and billions of stars in each galaxy.  I find it hard to believe there is not life on other planets.  If so, does this mean that the whole massive universe is one giant Noahide community and Israel is actually a light unto the universe?  Do you think God has chosen people on other planets?  I ask this question seriously because many liberal commentators say the Bible was written before we knew what we know today about the universe and reflects limited, Earth-centric world view.  I think that the state of the rest of the universe just hasn't been revealed to us yet.  What do you think?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Ambiorix on November 15, 2007, 11:35:50 PM

I'm really getting anxious about the muslim-invaders in Europe.
They seem to become untouchable by anti-racism "laws" and dhimmitude.
Given the demographical situation by the year 2030;
I think the only scenario is a "second reconquista", a full-scale war.

Can we, European Christians defeat our internal enemies ?
Who are they?

Many thanks,
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: mord on November 17, 2007, 07:01:03 PM
Mr Chaim Ben Pesach  can you relate to us the story of FBI special agent who said and i can'nt quote exactly 'i'm begining to worry i am now starting to think like you' .And if you have time the Collete Avital deal she proposed to you ,that the Israeli Govt would allow you make aliyah if you would go on T.V. and endorse Netanyahu.
Thank you
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: takebackourtemple on November 17, 2007, 07:07:12 PM

What can you say about this thing?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: ape on November 17, 2007, 08:08:18 PM
The rich have health care since they have money and lazy schwartzas are always going to have free health care since this is a socialist state. It's the guy in the middle like me, that has to worry about health care. If heaven forbid I lose my job, I have to pay a huge cost for healthcare, while the lazy slime of this country and their offspring get it for free. So in the end maybe some kind of universal health care might not be such a bad idea where at least some of the cost is paid by the taxpayer. I feel as long as the lazy creatures of this country are being provided with health care than so should the middle class if G_d forbid they lose their jobs.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Secularbeliever on November 17, 2007, 11:50:17 PM
If the worst happens at Annapolis and Israel agrees to surrender Judea and Samaria and turn 100,000 Jews into refugees as well as dividing Jerusalem how would JTF, Hilltop Youth and others resist?  Also if the Israelis are successful in carrying out the surrender (as they were in Sinai and Gush Katif) what would be the future of movements such as JTF and Hilltop Youth.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on November 17, 2007, 11:52:33 PM
 What do you think about WalMart?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on November 17, 2007, 11:55:19 PM
Dear Chaim,

What have you learned from Rabbi Kahane's experience in the Israeli politics?
What would you have done differently if you were there in his place?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 18, 2007, 12:56:50 AM
Shalom Chaim,

    I suggest that you read the following article about the recent Democrat debate sometime later after you're done with this show:


Dick Morris is an expert on the Clintons.  I analyzed some of the stuff that went on at that debate and Dick Morris is saying the same. 

One of the things the article doesn't mention is that Bill Richardson mentioned during the debate that Israel's 1967 borders as well as Jerusalem need to be re-examined.  He would try to force Israel to give up a lot of land.  I think he would be worse than Condi Rice.  If he isn't selected as Hillary's VP running-mate, I think she would name him as Secretary of State.  He held a couple positions during Bill Clinton's administration, ambassador to the UN and Secretary of Energy.  Unlike John Bolton, who knows that the UN is very corrupt and works against the US, Richardson loves the UN.  Some candidates once responded in advance to a question on the site JPost.com, and Richardson mentioned that he would force Israel to deal with the UN a lot.  Richardson needs to be far away from the White House and not be part of any administration. 

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: The Shadow on November 18, 2007, 12:15:58 PM
Dear Chaim,

I was curious, how tall is David and how much does he weigh?   He's in fantastic shape!  For any age!    He looks at least 6 foot 2 or more, and at least 220 pounds.  He sure looks like he knows how to take care of himself,  if he needed to.


The Shadow
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 18 Broadcast
Post by: Ari on November 18, 2007, 06:09:54 PM
Hello Dear Chaim,

I was going to ask a question, but I see you have your hands full with a long show.  Great questions by everyone as always.  I'll put it in for next week.  G-d bless for continuing the fight.  All the best to you and everyone in the forum.
