General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: admin on October 22, 2007, 02:49:28 PM

Title: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: admin on October 22, 2007, 02:49:28 PM

Note To All Posters: Only one post per person is permitted. Please make it a single, short question.

Chaim would love to answer all of your great questions but (unfortunately due to the number of questions and time constraints), if there is more than one short question, it will have to be moved to The Future Ask JTF Section. We apologize for this inconvenience and only wish that every person has a chance to be heard on the show.

Or course, comments not directed to Chaim will be moved into a separate thread under The General Discussion.

Chaim has stated that only one short question or comment per poster will be answered. Please remember that even with these rules, the program is over 2 hours long every week! If you want to post a longer question, unfortunately, Chaim may or may not be able to answer it in it's entirety. In this case, you may copy and paste parts of your question for the following week.

Thank you for your kindness and respect regarding these rules.



Chodesh Tov,

Do you believe countries should claim land in Antarctica or should it only belong to G-d? Do you think Americans should settle Antarctica permanently?

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim,
Chief Administrator.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: TorahZionist on October 30, 2007, 05:59:06 AM
I posting this on behalf of Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim.

Prior to coming to the realization that Jews shouldn't celebrate American holidays, did you used to celebrate any, and if so, which ones?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Mstislav on November 04, 2007, 01:34:59 AM
Shalom Chaim,

Today I came across a very disturbing and disgusting website of 5th column islamic barbarian traitors based in Washington, D.C., and has branches in Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, and Philadelphia. They call themselves "as sabiqun" (the vanguard),http://www.sabiqun.net/index.html (http://www.sabiqun.net/index.html) have stolen and desecrated the Kahanist insignia, and incite their fellow muslim filth to commit sedition/treason.

Such groups are allowed to freely operate in the United States and the government does nothing about it. It seems like they are waiting for the muzzies to do something then come in and arrest the lot of them. My question to you is: Why, in your opinion, are these satanic savages allowed into America and to do these things with impunity?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: ItalianZionist on November 04, 2007, 01:51:24 AM
The other day a student brought a bibi gun to class so I brought the gun and the dirty pellets to the affirmative action principal. I left for a while and came back to find the principal chewing on something. I couldn't believe my eyes! SHE WAS CHEWING ON THE DIRTY PELLETS FROM THE KID'S SCHOOLBAG! These pellets were black.

 She said,"You don't have to worry about the gun they just shoot hard candy and one of thems is sour." The lack of grammar is unbelievable...double negatives,"we is, you is" etc. And the city pays her $110,000 a year. Is there any way to get this ebonics spewing creature fired?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: judeanoncapta on November 04, 2007, 01:53:48 PM
Dear Chaim,

Rav Kahane, atleast when speaking english, was alot calmer than you when speaking.

What is the reason for your difference of speaking style?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on November 04, 2007, 03:59:42 PM
Dearest Chaim,

With all due respect--there is a danger facing all of us MUCH greater than world Islam. China is taking over the world as we speak, very rapidly. In ten years, China will have more wealth than the rest of the world combined. In a couple of years, our foreign debt to China will exceed our GNP. In twenty years, China will have more technology than the rest of the world combined. China already has more heavy factories than the rest of the world combined, thanks in large part to outsourcing.

China already owns our country and has not had to fire a shot. All she needs to do is play the bill collector, which she most certainly will someday.

Muslims are but pawns of China and her ally Russia in the long run. What we are facing is a world government whose level of sophistication, finesse, and absolute control will soon make the Roman, Nazi, and Soviet empires look like ancient Zimbabwe.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 04, 2007, 06:44:01 PM
Shalom Chaim!! 

The man I have been writing to you about, Bill Kregler, got himself re-elected to my board of directors.  I hope he doesn't carry out his threat and throw out myself and my fellow jewish residents of my co-op.  I want to ask you, what do you think about my questions on the Ask JTF shows.  Some people have been complaing that my questions are "Silly" and we all know what you are going to say about them.  I signed up early when the forum started.  I think that some questions posted here are a waste of your time because they don't ask question about what's going on in Israel or here in America.  Thank you for your answer.  Let's go JTF!!
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Dr. Dan on November 04, 2007, 09:16:47 PM

What do you think of the red yarn bracelets that are supposed to prevent the evil eye?  I tend to notice that non Jewish Romanians, Hungarians, and other Eastern Europeans gentiles believe in it as the Lubovitch do.

And if it does prevent the evil eye, how?  It is red string.

Thank you

Dr. Dan
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Yisrael on November 05, 2007, 01:42:20 AM
Shalom Chaim,

Who do you think was America's best President and who was the worst?

Thanks for answering my questions and all the hard work you do.


Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: newman on November 05, 2007, 04:09:13 AM
Shalom, Chaim.

What is your take on the rank insanity of the western Europeans? I know they've always been anti-semitic, but why do you think they are so reluctant to do something about their muslim minorities who have openly stated their intentions to rape, murder, forcibly convert or enslave them? Surely even immoral perverts and anti-semites have a sense of self-preservation!


Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Merkava on November 05, 2007, 07:26:10 AM
Shalom Chaim,

You were unfairly imprisoned for helping free the Soviet Jews. What was it like to be in prison? What did you learn from your experience? How did you keep yourself motivated? What did you do the day you left prison?

Shabbat Shalom,


Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: raiseyourfist on November 05, 2007, 07:33:47 AM
Shalom Chaim,

Chaim how important is rioting to get the message across about a nationwide issue.. i am not sure if you are aware of the cronulla riots in Sydney, Australia, but about 6000 of us attended them and what became an affective way to combat the lebenese population from attacking life guards at the beach and raping women in the streets...

I know JDL did a fair bit of rioting in its day but with current worldwide issues that threaten the civilized world, is rioting a waste of time?

thanks as always, Sergio
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: YESHA on November 05, 2007, 10:05:36 AM
Dear CBP,

      I, as you know, always defend Zionism is the religious, spiritual and biblical way, despite my very limited Torah knowledge, however, many in the Charedi-religious world regret it as Zionism, they say was in the hands of the secular so-called ‘Zionists’- who used it to harm Judaism, the Torah and Jews’ heritage. 
      They used Zionism to escape anti-semitism, not for spiritual or religious reasons, and they posed a danger to Charedim because of their attitudes towards Rabbanim, Roshei Yeshivah, mitzvoth etc.
The secularists have become bankrupt and only Torah-true Judaism prevails – the Orthodox religious nationalists and the Charedi religious.

Thank YOU - and Shalom.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on November 05, 2007, 03:50:27 PM
Some of the so called Conservitave Republicans turn to
the talk show hosts. That's fine.

Some even turn to "All in the Family",
"the Simpsons", etc...

Is that any bettern than watching stupid un-"reality" shows
and talen-less shows like un-"American Idol"?

For the past 14 years, I haven't had a TV, but I do have 9 computers on my network.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Dan on November 05, 2007, 03:56:09 PM
Hello Chaim,
  Your suggestion to get others involved in making YT videos was a Great Idea!
  Our JTF members have shown in these videos how much they care and believe in the Righteous cause that JTF stands for... I guess you have to be a Special Breed to go against all the Masses, and believe that we Can change the world for the better.
                                                           Thanks as Always,

P.S. We really have great members here, glad to be a part of it!
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: MasterWolf1 on November 05, 2007, 09:10:48 PM
Hello Chaim

Being that you have had so many.  Of all your encounters with Affrimative Action people what is the worst of the worst expirience you ever had?

What exactly is Kwanza is that a legit reason to shoplift and steal hubcaps?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: JTFFan on November 06, 2007, 01:56:40 AM
Dear Chaim,
I have watched all your videos, and have decided to join this great forum.  I feel a bit strange asking this question but would like to hear your response. I was wondering what you thought about some Christian Albanians? I know some of the so-called Christians in Albania are traitors and support the Muslim Terrorists in Kosovo which I think is a disgrace. However, My mom is a Conservative Albanian-American Orthodox woman who supports Israel, Serbia and what you stand for. I support Serbia and believe Serbia has always historically belonged to the Serbs. Keep up the great work Chaim against Islamic Terrorism.

Thanks for the great videos

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: cosmokramer on November 06, 2007, 05:57:40 AM
Hello Chaim,

What is your opinion of the self hating Jewish attourney Roy Cohn? I am sure you know of him as he was the attourney to McCarthy in the 1950s. He was also a homosexual who died of Aids.

Thank You

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: True Kahanist on November 06, 2007, 09:40:18 AM
Dear Chaim,

Have you heard that the people who dodge the army in Israel is nearly 30%. What do u think the punishment should be. Just to let u know; relating to last weeks question many white people in London wear the Kaffiyeh.

Toda Achi
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: imaknick on November 06, 2007, 06:38:23 PM
Hi Chaim,

It seems like the fight for the release of Jonathon Pollard is on the backburner in Israel and among JTF.  So I was wondering if you are going to be making a youtube video to urge the release of Jonathon Pollard? And when you become prime minister what will you do to urge the American government to release him?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer on November 07, 2007, 12:20:09 AM
Dear Chaim,

Who is your favorite twentieth century US President?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Adam04 on November 07, 2007, 06:02:05 PM
Dear Chaim,

Im 11, my mom (Kelly) finally let me sign up and post on the forum!

What do you think the immediate and long term changes would be in America if (and I REALLY hope this doesnt happen) a democrat wins the next presidency?

Thanks for your opinion
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Hail Columbia on November 07, 2007, 09:03:26 PM
Dear Chaim,

What do you think of Bulgarians?

Oh, by the way, Dalmacija is pronounced (dal-MA-tsi-ya), and my birthday is on November 11.)
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Trumpeldor on November 07, 2007, 11:36:12 PM
Shalom Chaim

Are you skilled at word games such as scrabble, jeopardy, or crossword puzzles?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: tonycali99 on November 08, 2007, 02:39:58 PM
hi chaim! well, to answer you, no the gays here dont wear clothe's like women, they dress normal, but act very gay! so i told my political sci professor i wouldent be going to that leccture, hes cool with it. did you know, every club on campus has one day a week they control the quad, friday's are bglad's and divarse identity's day. this past friday bglad had a big poster sign, it said in eighty's the FBI sold drug's to black ppl in the getto's, and used the money to build HIV factorys! this is crazy talk, i thought the govt trys to stop ppl from catching aid's. why are they so nuts, thanks tony.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Yochanan on November 09, 2007, 05:47:02 AM
The text below was reported on Arutz Sheva on Friday 9th Nov - Shabbat Toldot!

Has there ever been such a betrayal of our people? This will be the third churban of our eternal capital Yerushalayim.

We MUST urge our Rabbis (especially the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the current (not approved) Sanhedrin) to declare the day the Annapolis Conference is scheduled for as well as three days in three weeks previous on the same day of the conference in each of those preceding three weeks as 24 hour fast days - no work and wearing of sack cloth!

May HaShem punish and curse the apikorsim and k'firim leading the Knesset to temporal and eternal damnation.

'Breakthrough' in Annapolis Talks

(IsraelNN.com) Israel thinks its negotiations with the PLO have been crowned with success, according to a report in Ma'ariv/NRG Friday. The report says a "breakthrough" was achieved when the PLO side agreed to Israel's demand that the creation of an Arab state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza be conditional on "effective counter-terror fighting" by the PLO.

Quoting Israeli diplomatic sources, the report says Israel will apparently announce its intention to divide Jerusalem and to make "significant territorial concessions" in Judea and Samaria. Israel will also agree to a "compromise" regarding the Arab "refugees" (descendants of Arabs who lived within the current Israeli borders in the past).

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: ape on November 09, 2007, 06:17:16 AM
What your opinion of the show Sanford and son?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Ralph1 on November 10, 2007, 06:56:48 PM
Dear Chaim:

Liberals always say Blacks and Hispanics commit crime because they live in poverty. They expect people to believe that when the filthy negro savages rape humans at a rate thousands of times higher than the humans rape them at it's because of poverty. As if poverty has anything to do with rape. I do however believe poor people are more likely to commit crimes not related to poverty like rape. Not because they're poor but because poor people are more likely to be evil, lazy and stupid which is why they're poor in the first place. The poverty doesn't cause the crime the behavior causes both the poverty and the crime. If a middle class Asian person were to be put into poverty he would not be any more likely to rape than before, but if a poor Black person were to made rich they'd still be as likely to rape as before (like Black rapists in the NBA). What do you think?

Thank You

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Ari on November 10, 2007, 07:35:21 PM
Hello Dear Chaim,

Hope you had a great week and all is well.  G-d bless you for continuing the fight in such a great way.  Well, as you may have heard, a schwartze admitted murdering a Jewish realtor in NYC this week, Linda Stein I believe.  Apparently this was her thanks for employing the black woman.  Anyway, I was wondering if you have any recent affirmative action stories to share, as these great people continue to pay back the Jews for being at the forefront of the Civil Rights movement.  All the best, Chaim.  Until next week, G-d willing.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on November 10, 2007, 07:38:02 PM
Dear Chaim,

Don’t you think that the US government’s actions in the Kosovo conflict was not so much dictated by a desire to help Muslims as by a desire to spite Russia, which has historical, ethnical, religious, and political bonds with the Serbs?

Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Daniel on November 10, 2007, 08:19:57 PM
Do you think that Al Qaeda would have been able to successfully pull off the 9/11 attacks if Rabbi Kahane were still alive?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Gruzinit on November 10, 2007, 08:56:21 PM
Dear Chaim,
        On a previous episode some time ago, you said you were against of use of nuclear energy as a substitute to Arab oil. But over time I've done research, and i can honestly say that it is probably the best alternative. Even France is getting nearly 80% of their electricity from nuclear power, in this case it wouldn't be such a bad idea to emulate them. It's cheaper than oil, not as dangerous to obtain as coalmines, which can be death traps, and unlike the ethanol scam, it wouldn't need to be subsidized by the government. All we need to do is build more power plants. What is your position on this issue?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: jdl4ever on November 10, 2007, 11:21:07 PM
Chaim, if you had the option of making 100k a year doing something you really like and 300k a year doing something you don't like, then which one would you chose?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Vito on November 11, 2007, 01:31:48 AM
Shalom Chaim, kol tuv.

I've been active on the forum, just haven't thought of questions to ask!

This is just a quick statement before I get to my question -
I am running for State Assembly next year in district 26, so if you know anybody in the areas of Bayside, Whitestone, Malba, Beechurst, Douglaston, Little Neck and Fresh Meadows, I'll need all the signatures and votes I can get! I need 1500 signatures to get my name on the ballot.

My question - What do you think about Assemblyman Dov Hikind?


Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: RationalThought110 on November 11, 2007, 04:19:52 AM
Shalom Chaim,

    I think there is some hope of a mass-movement forming. 

    Lou Dobbs is doing a good job in forming a movement. 

   Lou has done a great job at convincing people of the flaws of both political parties.  Everyday people are re-registering from a Democrat or Republican, to an independent, eliminating their affiliation with any political party.  This shows that they are very unhappy with the establishments of both parties.  The fact that Lou is able to draw support from both former Republicans and former Democrats is that Americans are uniting behind the issues that he supports.   

    I think that Lou's views tend to represent real conservative principles.  So maybe the Democrats who are leaving the Democrat party weren't really crazy liberals but were previously manipulated into becoming a Democrat. 

     I try to watch his show on CNN at least a couple days per week.  Lou's positions have been gaining a lot of support among Americans.  For example, in the spring of 2006, the politicians went from a majority supporting "comprehensive immigration reform" to November 2007, about 1.5 years later, to the point where there's more opposition to it as well as opposed to Spitzer's license plan.  These politicians have been hearing the anger from their constituents. 

    The special-interest groups and the corporations can't stand Dobbs. 

    In my opinion, the candidate Lou would probably like the best is Duncan Hunter.  However, Dobbs doesn't want a candidate who is registered with either political party.  If Lou were to find a candidate to endorse, that person would gain a significant level of support, much greater than Ron Paul's. 

     I think that JTF tends to agree with the issues that Lou supports so I think this is a good sign how much support Lou has been gaining. 

    You should read the following article later after you're done with the show:


  (The article is two pages)
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: takebackourtemple on November 11, 2007, 08:58:13 AM
   When a good leadership takes power in our gorvernment, who should be more responsible for paying back the wrongs of section 8 and public housing? The landlords who accept payments from the government, or the savages that receive the free housing at taxpayer expense?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Mishmaat on November 11, 2007, 10:52:51 AM

I currently spend a dollar every Tuesday and Friday on the Mega Millions. Do you think that Jews should abstain from playing the Lottery?

Glad to see you on the forum. You're a gentleman and a scholar.

Kol tuv.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Lisa on November 11, 2007, 11:57:05 AM
This is from Harel156:

Chaim, greetings.
What is your opinion on the 9/11 event. We all know how the towers fell, but what about WTC #7. All experts I heard say this building, which was hit by nothing, came down as by a planned demolition, I saw pictures. (Not withstanding the 2 planes that hit the towers, I think the 2 towers, in the brief end, came down in the same way – that is structured demo). But I have no explanation. Do you?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Zan on November 11, 2007, 12:08:55 PM
How does Kahana-ism and your belief-system differ from Enlightenment liberalism and the ideology of America's Founding Fathers?

Best Wishes,

Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Manch on November 11, 2007, 02:01:29 PM
Hello Chaim,
why it is not allowed for Jews to mix dairy and poultry? Or am I mistaken?
Thank you!
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Sarah on November 11, 2007, 06:27:48 PM
Shalom Chaim,

A lot of people on JTF can speak many languages fluently e.g Italien, serbian etc

Maybe some of your videos should have different versions with either subtitles in other languages or an over voice. Then more people will understand your video and the message of JTF, stretching it globally. What do you think?

I'm also asking your permission to do this on one of your videos regarding Islam, in arabic. Would this cause unnessecary war-fare or spark a lot more debate?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Ulli on November 11, 2007, 06:52:05 PM
Dear Mr. ben Pesach,

I heard all radioshows on the website http://www.jtfarchive.org/index.php of the year 2007. You mentioned there the concept of a Jewish Kingdom. It sounds very good. I like the great ancient kings, like David and Salomon.
Which rights and responsibilities would have a king in the constitution?

Truly yours,


P.S. I like JTF.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: OdKahaneChai on November 11, 2007, 10:12:33 PM
Dear Chaim,
Once the movement really gets going in Israel and becomes a political party, would you consider an alignment with Shas, Moledet, or Chayil?

Thanks as always,
Title: Re: Ask JTF For Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Sunday, November 11
Post by: Hidden Author on November 12, 2007, 02:18:17 AM
You say that the goal of Pharoah was to make people into numbers by keeping them from having names. Yet the ancient Egyptians did have names and indeed the Book of Genesis even mentions an Egyptian named Potiphar. So could you clarify what you meant?