General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: admin on June 03, 2007, 01:09:36 AM

Title: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: admin on June 03, 2007, 01:09:36 AM

Note To All Posters: Only one post per person is permitted. Please make it a single, short question.

Chaim would love to answer all of your great questions but (unfortunately due to the number of questions and time constraints), if there is more than one short question, it will have to be moved to The Future Ask JTF Section. We apologize for this inconvenience and only wish that every person has a chance to be heard on the show.

Or course, comments not directed to Chaim will be moved into a separate thread under The General Discussion.

Chaim has stated that only one short question or comment per poster will be answered. Please remember that even with these rules, the program is over 2 hours long every week! If you want to post a longer question, unfortunately, Chaim may or may not be able to answer it in it's entirety. In this case, you may copy and paste parts of your question for the following week.

Thank you for your kindness and respect regarding these rules.



Dear Chaim,

What is your opinion of The Spanish-American War? Why don't you believe Americans should settle Puerto Rico and make it a state like they did with the other former Hispanic areas that were taken from Mexico? What is your opinion on the American conquest of The Philippines? Was it wrong to relinquish it? Was it wrong to relinquish Cuba? Was the victory in the war in vain if you don't want to keep Puerto Rico and Cuba and The Philippines were later given up? What is your opinion of Guam (Which is still American.)? Do you consider Guam to be Third World? Should it become a state?

Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim,
Chief Administrator.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: TorahZionist on October 30, 2007, 05:58:22 AM
I posting this on behalf of Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim.

What is your opinion on the American territories of The U.S. Virgin Islands (Caribbean), American Samoa (Pacific) and The Northern Mariana Islands (Pacific)? Should any of them become U.S. states? Are any of them Third World islands? If so, which ones are Third World?

What is your opinion on uninhabited territorial American islands? What is the JTF policy on their future? Should they become inhabited and/or made American states?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on November 18, 2007, 11:48:37 AM
Yacov, if there is already such a thread, please move this question over. Thanks!

Shalom Chaim,

Going back to two weeks ago, of course I don't believe Islam doesn't threaten civilization and our very survival. At the same time, you have to admit that it does in huge part because of aid from Communist/Nazi powers who want to use Islam to destroy the U.S. and Israel. Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant was built by Russia. The Hezbollah missiles that rained on Israeli cities and destroyed so many Israeli armored vehicles--all Russian. Pakistan's nuclear missiles were based on Chinese technology.

Muslims can kill thousands of people, but they are good at little more besides indiscriminate slaughter. These Stone Age camel-rapists don't have the organizational skill and talent to run a falafel stand--let alone a global empire, whereas China (a huge ally of world Islam) most certainly does.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Hail Columbia on November 18, 2007, 05:08:27 PM
Dear Chaim,

What do you think of the Ukrainians?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Dr. Dan on November 18, 2007, 05:56:56 PM
Shalom Chaim

first, I just want to say, you are the best!


I know that you hate groups like AIPAC, UJA, B'nai Brith et al and consider them self-hating.  I agree with you to a certain extent. They  certainly aren't as courageous and idealistic as our movement.  However, while some of things they do are very destructive and unhelpful for the Jewish people, they still have done some positive things in aiding helpless Jews.  Certainly not as much as we try to do as a movement, but still, for certain things there are good righteous intentions.  So to me, I wouldn't say they are completely self hating. Secondly, this movement is a movement of Jewish warriors.  We will hold our ground and fight through the night unlike those other movements I mentioned.  And certainly, that's the way every good righteous Jew should do it. As you put it, we are a zealot for righteous causes.  However, just because they aren't warriors like us, doesn't make them self hating.. They are at worst cowards who would be willing to march to the gas chambers so that they don't offend anyone.  And unfortunatley, the majority of world Jewry is cowardly.  No nation would allow 6 million of its own be murdered. NO NATION! Only us!  And our leaders in Israel continue to repeat the same mistakes.  However, I have faith in Gd. We can try to frustrate our brothers who are blind, but Gd will continue to appear over and over again to save us from the hands of these poor decision makers!

Thank you

Dr. Dan
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Yisrael on November 18, 2007, 06:11:30 PM
Shalom Chaim,

I noticed that both Rabbi Kahane and yourself often refer to yourselves in third person. Why is that?

Thanks for all your work,

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 18, 2007, 07:23:32 PM
Shalom Chaim!!

What do you think about celebrating the holiday of Thanksgiving which we just had this week.  I know that it's an American holiday, but since many of the people on the forum live in this country, why can't we celebrate one of it's oldest and non-religous holidays?  Thank you for your kind comments 2 weeks ago.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: JTFFan on November 18, 2007, 08:12:09 PM
Dear Chaim,
Where do you think Bin Laden is hiding? Waziristan sounds like a place where this Islamonazi terrorist is probably hiding. What do you think?

G-d Bless,

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Mstislav on November 18, 2007, 11:50:13 PM
Shalom Chaim,

What is your take on halal food products? Would you consume them if faced with eating unkosher foods?

Thank you,

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: judeanoncapta on November 19, 2007, 01:40:08 AM
Dear Chaim, I can't take the anti-semitism on Youtube.

I'm talking about the sheer volume of Jew-hating videos and comments.

I think that Youtube is exposing what Rabbi Kahane always said lay beneath the surface.

Chaim, I don't think there is a future for American Jews.

I want to make Aliyah soon but I see hundreds of communities of Jews who have no desire whatsoever to make aliyah.

Chaim, I am afraid for them. What can i do to convince Jews to go back to Judea where we came from?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Dan on November 19, 2007, 01:42:55 AM
Hello Chaim,
  I just wanted to know what is your opinion on the Nazarene Christians... they have very strict, traditional views on most of everything. I have some of my extended family members who belong to this sect of Christianity. However, I don't see how practical their views are since they're really passive on ALMOST every issue in regards to our survival, 'Leave it in G-d hands' they say...
I think they are Good Bible believing people but I just don't see how they can withstand the test of time since they seclude themselves and refuse to deal with 'worldly people' who are prone to evil... what are your thoughts?
                                                    thanks as Always,

P.S. Nazarene don't celebrate: people's Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Passover, they only observe the Sabbath (sunday) as being a holy day.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on November 19, 2007, 03:36:30 AM
Dear Chaim I call talk radio once or twice a week to talk about our traitorous leaders and Israel. My question for you is. Is there a certain point that I should bring up that you believe would be more important and if so what. As always thanks Chaim


Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: VIVA KAHANE on November 19, 2007, 07:44:53 AM
Chaim: Do you believe that the late Pope Pius XII, Eugenio Pacelli, in the Papacy from 1939-1958, was an antisemite, Nazi sympathizer and Nazi collaborator or just inept and unable to stand up to the Nazi occupiers of Italy and Vatican City? 
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: YESHA on November 19, 2007, 09:20:46 AM
Thank you, for clarifying the situation vis-à-vis El—Sayyid NOSAIR YEMACH SHEMO VZICHRO, he, by the way now  claims that he has given up the path of terror and supports a ‘peaceful resolution’ of the conflict over Israel – a single Jewish-Arab "State of Avraham" - Any comments? A liar & murderer he surely is, he would kill many Jews, were he was released, Hashem Yerachem!  --Zev.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Yochanan on November 19, 2007, 11:37:11 AM

Dear Chaim

Thank you for the insight on Barry Chamish. I never finished his book "Save Israel" - straight in the bin it went!

I agree with you about the open air conspiracy of Annapolis. Do you think this could be the prelude to what is prophesied in the Zohar Chadash about the 9 year conquering of Yerushalayim?

On a different note, do you think that compiling a Kahanist Manifesto for Israel would be beneficial when presenting our dream of a Torah government in Israel to people at large. That we are not just a group of people harping on and on and over the same things without any proposals?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: MasterWolf1 on November 19, 2007, 07:09:21 PM
Hello Chaim,

Hope you had a great week brother.  Since You Tube has shown its bias agenda can't we have any legal battles with them?  I have been registered on You Tube for a long time and have seen far worst then anything JTF has made, and most of the stuff that YouTube ends up allowing is either trash, racial bias against whites and no matter how many times I have flagged them.  It is kept on Y.T.  Is there a way to fight them about this?

And would you concider maybe to have some show back on QPTV that it can be recorded on video that can be sent to Live Leak or what ever other video/audio sites out there?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: KalmanBenMenachem on November 20, 2007, 02:12:30 AM

First of all, I just want to say that I love listening to your broadcasts and I appreciate your answering my questions.  This week's question:

Has your attorney in Israel filed your petition to make Aliyah?  If not, do you know when it will be filed?

Who has jurisdiction over such a petition: Minister of the Interior Meir Sheetrit or Attorney General Menachem Mazuz?

Do you believe that supportive publicity will help or hurt your case?

Kalman Ben Menachem
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: takebackourtemple on November 20, 2007, 05:55:04 PM
   Should Krav Maga or some other form of martial arts be made part of the standard curriculum for every Yeshiva's physical education? I would think that would represent Torah values more than Basketball and Baseball.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Dan Ben Noah on November 20, 2007, 06:25:58 PM
Shalom Chaim,

What do you think about certain groups of Yemenite Jews who observe halacha according to Rambam's Mishneh Torah as opposed to Shulchan Aruch, as well as generally rejecting Kabbalistic influence?  I personally give them credit for trying to keep Judaism pure.  They also seem to have maintained a more original pronunciation of the Hebrew alphabet.


Dan ben Noah
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer on November 21, 2007, 03:26:51 AM
Dear Chaim,

Why do you think today's youth in America are so uncaring? All they seem to care about is their iPods and text messaging. None seem too concerned about the world crashing down around them and they couldn't care less how G-d views them. They need to be given a reason to become patriotic, but today's university system seems to be working against that notion. The left-wing professors need to be removed. Just to give you an example of how nutty these professors are. I currently have a professor who claims there is no such thing as race, as in there is no such thing as whites and blacks. She refers to it as a "myth". This is the same professor that I mentioned a while back, who claimed that today's Turkish Muslim Nazis are not the same Turkish Muslim Nazis who commited genocide during World War I.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: raiseyourfist on November 21, 2007, 06:52:49 AM
Shalom Chaim,

Chaim as i already mentioned some time ago, i have run a personal campaign on behalf of JTF to promote the organization to gain more members... however i recently had a falling out with a family member that says kahanism is a terrorist nazi organization that is justifiably monitored by Government security... i replied that what JTF and kahanism stands for is the exact opposite to nazism and terrorism, however i can't rebuke the argument that JTF sometimes views issues in black and white and as a cousin of mine once said, viewing things that way can create extremist and naive behavior..

What point can i provide to rebut the argument that JTF is not an extremist organization in terms of its political standpoint..

Thanks as always, Sergio 
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Ambiorix on November 21, 2007, 12:23:52 PM

Can you express your opinion on The Vatican, the Freemasonry, The Illuminati, The skull&bones society...
Can you relate this to the JTf - concept of Righteous vs. non-Rightous Gentiles.
Can atheists, so called post-Christians be part of JTF?

2) optional:

The Madame Blavatsky and her teaching - Theosophy, had a major influence on Thule Gesellschaft =  Thule Society ;
the occult people , the core of  nazism.
hitler preached to be a mortal enemy of marxism. Why did he called himself national-socialist then?
What about the allegations that Bush family endorsed the Nazi-party in the 20-ties?

Greetings from Belgium,

Thanks for your extraordinary  youtube shows,


Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Trumpeldor on November 21, 2007, 08:47:17 PM
Shalom Chaim

In the Camp David surrender negotiations of 2000, Israel would have eventually retreated from 97% of Judea and Samaria. Which communities or blocs would Israel have kept and approximately how many Jews would have been evacuated from the others?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: imaknick on November 22, 2007, 07:35:59 AM
What do you think of Ofrah hazah? her politics? music? the song Chai chai chai?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: ape on November 22, 2007, 11:05:44 AM
You're right, there is no free healthcare, but you must agree the cost of healthcare under a universal H.C. plan would be far less for someone like me than if I had to pay on my own. Most people already pay for H.C. out of their salaries. Under a universal H.C. we wouldn't have to pay out of our salaries and the increase in tax would be negligiable for the middle class.
But we must have one where we can choose our doctors.If lazy chimps are going to have it (and at this rate no matter who is the president) they always will, then I think the middle class should have it.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: DALMACIJA on November 22, 2007, 03:15:10 PM
Pomaze Bog (may God be with you)

Hello brother Chaim,

My request for the coming broadcast.

First of all my personal compliments for your great work!
Your videos are very interesting. You deserve a lot of support and compliments from our side the Serbian side.

I see some requests for a show about the Vatican.
I think that's a fine subject to discus about.
The Vatican has a dark history of wars and prosecution. They prosecuted the European Jews for centuries long. They also tried several times in history to destroy the Eastern Orthodox countries.

Today the Vatican international has still a lot influence in the word politics.

In the 20 century the two oldest states with a great religion, culture, history and tradition were attacked by communism. They were not just economical destroyed by this criminal ideology they were also brought to the bring of biological survival!

This plague, a criminal and regressive ideology, communism was launched by the Vatican international on the to strongest Orthodox countries. The purpose of this operation was the elimination of the authority of the Orthodox church after that a replacement of the Catholic church would be possible.

It is a very interesting subject.
It is not a story with out sense this is logical and it was in operation in 20 century.
The consequences of communism are still in continue in Serbia and Russia.

Keep up the great work!
Best regards!

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: ItalianZionist on November 22, 2007, 11:47:33 PM
Chaim, if everyone contributed on the forum, couldn't we make a TV commercial for JTF? I think it would get the media talking about JTF...I think we can get the greatest buzz if we just find a way to get the media to talk about JTF even if they speak negatively.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on November 23, 2007, 01:44:26 AM
Shalom Chaim,

What is your stand on wearing beard and peises?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: kahaneloyalist on November 23, 2007, 03:54:57 AM
Do you have a specific political plan for taking power in Israel, would you concentrate primarily on the Knesset or try to build up strength on a local level first.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Shlomo on November 23, 2007, 04:14:58 AM
Shalom Chaim!

Do you think that if you became Prime Minister of Israel, that you would be able to fully keep Shabbat? I really thought about this the other day while listening to a lecture. Would it be possible in this day and age?

Respectfully Yours,
(aka jeffguy)
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Joe Schmo on November 23, 2007, 03:23:13 PM
Dear Chaim:

Why was FTF removed and replaced as moderator?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: cjd on November 24, 2007, 07:30:11 PM
Hello Chaim,
            It seems that the arab countries can't wait to get to the Annapolis  conference table this week. Many of the  arab representatives are here in America already. It looks to me  like they think the fix is in if you know what I mean.  It really seems that Israel is going into this situation as usual with the deck stacked against her. My question is what would the outcome be if at the end of the day Israel told  all assembled to go jump in a lake that she was not surrendering another inch of land,....  if consessions are needed let them come from the arab countries?                                         

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Ari on November 24, 2007, 09:31:53 PM
Hello Dear Chaim,

Hope all is well.  This week  would like to ask you about a large segment of society that seems to be completely apathetic to the larger issues in life.  We all know about the obviously evil segments of society, and we discuss them quite often, but sometimes it seems to me that an even larger silent majority of people live life in the pursuit simply of pleasure, whether it be the physical or material.  In living everyday daily life, many people come across to me as shallow, materialistic, and vain.  They will do anything to get ahead, often at the expense of others.  Once in a while I bring up these points to challenge some people like this that I know, and they act like I am an outcast and this is the way of the world.  In fact, one guy I know told me the only purpose in life should be to have as much fun until you die.  He said that when I am older I will regret not taking advantage of my youth, living it up with women, partying, etc.  Still, something deeper inside me still tells me this is not the way to go.  What do you think I should do about this dilemna, Chaim?  Thanks for your hard work as always.  All the best.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Daniel on November 25, 2007, 09:34:53 AM

I was SO happy to see you finally do a video attacking that Nazi scum Frank Weltner! I know you had reservations about making a video going after him a couple of months ago when I mentioned this to you. But I'm so happy that you decided to do this! This was certainly one of your finest moments! I think we should use this video as a response video to all those who are posting videos claiming that the Youtube staff are a bunch of Zionist Jews who gave into the pressure of those "whiny Zionists who fight to censor everything they don't like!"

I comment on these videos making the point that if Youtube was really run by a bunch of Zionist Jews, then why are Chaim ben Pesach's videos being immediately removed? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to want to leave them up there?

This video really made my day! Thanks so much for this!

Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Ralph1 on November 25, 2007, 04:51:18 PM
I personally think we are close to the coming of electric vehicles. The Tesla Roadster can travel 250 miles on a single charge and a full recharge takes 3.5 hours from a completely dead battery. Even if electric cars become common that still won't render oil worthless. In March 2006 45% of oil was refined into gasoline and the rest was refined to kerosene, heating oil, Asphalt etc. Natural gas also needs to be rendered worthless. Russia exports the most natural gas in the world https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2183rank.html (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2183rank.html). Even if all of these were rendered worthless by the time this happens some Muslims will have acquired so much wealth that they won't need oil or gas anymore. What do you think?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Hidden Author on November 25, 2007, 05:39:43 PM
You said that if you had millions of dollars right now, then it would take a year to build a mass movement and then several years to assume power in Israel. And it is very, very likely that you won't get millions of dollars right away. So that's a period of 10-20 years in which most of your time and energy is spent over Israeli affairs. Meanwhile America faces immediate threats. So how will JTF save America?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For November 25 Broadcast
Post by: Kiwi on November 25, 2007, 08:10:58 PM
Dear Chaim

I would not normally ask you anything due to you have many people always at you asking you everything.
It must get trying.

My question is this, is it right for Gentiles to attack  Jewish members on this board, and try and drive them from this forum? 

When its the Gentles own lack of understanding of Jewish life, that fuels their gaols.

I was on the understanding that Jewish Task Force was to support Jews.

Forgive me if I am wrong, if I have misunderstood they intent of this forum and site.

I am only a Jewess after all.