General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on November 12, 2007, 10:48:27 PM
Dear Chaim,
You told Husar two weeks ago of the tremendous personal price you are paying for making videos exposing the historical and present truth about Albanian and Croat Nazis. Understandably, these beasts fear being exposed. Have you, though, also ever received (now or previously) death threats by Tamil Muslim Nazis? These drug-dealing, extortionist Muslim mobsters have a presence in nearly all major cities and are every bit as militant and ferocious as Arab, Albanian, or Pakistani (to whom they are most closely related nationally speaking) Muslims, and in many parts of Europe, have already made the native citizens dhimmi in their own land with their threats and violence. They are allies of their fellow Albanian Muslim [organized criminal]s in particular.
I hope he carries a gun. I don't think he can legally do it because of his record but having one illegal is better than not having one at all.
You guys are worried over nothing. Death threats don't mean anything.
I hope he carries a gun. I don't think he can legally do it because of his record but having one illegal is better than not having one at all.
Well I sure can, maybe not in NYC though...maybe I should move into the career of bodyguard ;)
Well I sure can, maybe not in NYC though...maybe I should move into the career of bodyguard ;)
I once went to SUNY buffalo in Amherst NY. It was very safe. When I went to nearby Buffalo and Niagara Falls it was very dangerous. Is it still like that?
I always carry my Glock19,and sometimes also my Berreta 380 although i rather beat the person then shoot him :::D
I always carry my Glock19,and sometimes also my Berreta 380 although i rather beat the person then shoot him :::D
I really believe it O0
I always carry my Glock19,and sometimes also my Berreta 380 although i rather beat the person then shoot him :::D
I really believe it O0
O0 O0 O0
You guys are worried over nothing. Death threats don't mean anything.
When one lives for G-D there is always reason to take death threats serious. People despise us. I have seen lives lost by disregarding such. You have to realize. I do not being ugly my brother, and please do not take what I am going to say as an attack. I say this for your on good. Many play, and pretend. What we are dealing with is nothing to play with. We are in reality in a war against Satan. These are evil demons the muslims, the Nazis. In truth you either stand for the G-D of Abraham or you stand for Satan. There is no in between. Its really black, and white on that. I didn't say it Y-HWEH did. When you enter into making videos, and speaking out concerning this matter you are immediately putting yourself at risk. It is said you do not enter into battle without G-D. If this is not a calling , and it is something that you are faint at heart about I would leave it alone. Please take this as true loving advise.
In His Service
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
since then which was 11 years ago the murder rate here has dropped exponentially after those laws were instated...
I just believe that owning a weapon can cause more problems than it solves as friendly fire and gang killings happens unnecessarily and can be easily prevented..
I havent been on because i have moved into an apartment and have no internet
but will have it soon so i am on at school
I believe in the saying its better for a 1000 guilty people be free than one innoscent person be put away
Which i relate to i think its bad that that lunatic killed innoscent people in the mall but i think that if someone was breaking into a house and it was for example a single mother with a baby at home all alone that i think it would be right for her to use the firearm to protect herself and her baby from the intruder.
Its kinda like saying to ban high horsepower cars because people die racing them
They die but someone cant have the power to say they cant have them because they are fast
Just like saying someone cant own a gun because they kill
I havent been on because i have moved into an apartment and have no internet
but will have it soon so i am on at school
I believe in the saying its better for a 1000 guilty people be free than one innoscent person be put away
Which i relate to i think its bad that that lunatic killed innoscent people in the mall but i think that if someone was breaking into a house and it was for example a single mother with a baby at home all alone that i think it would be right for her to use the firearm to protect herself and her baby from the intruder.
Its kinda like saying to ban high horsepower cars because people die racing them
They die but someone cant have the power to say they cant have them because they are fast
Just like saying someone cant own a gun because they kill
You raise a very interesting point of argument there Iron Greek... truely a mind of the ancient legends !!!
In Australia we have harsh laws on driving high powered motor vehicles which prevents people on their P1 and P2 (provisional license) because those people who have only been driving for 1-3 years do not have enough experience to use high powered RX8's or XR8's for example... i can see how you would tie this into using a gun for protection
The problem is that all the people who are attracted towards these "implements of danger" are the young naive types that are reckless to other people and even themselves..
People dont need a sign tellin them not to touch the oven because its hot!
I believe most regulations shouldnt be there because that is the same principle.
For example people need to learn maybe i shouldnt do that because i might die! And if they die its because they shouldnt have done that. Death is bad but you have to be smart and learn on your own. There is a saying you are smart to learn from your mistakes, but your smarter when you learn from other peoples mistakes. And how can either of these sayings be effective if there is a power trying to restrict and trying to control a person. A mistake is a mistake because of a reason or a decision is a decision for a reason and if a power is trying to control a desision you make then how can you learn from your mistakes.
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
since then which was 11 years ago the murder rate here has dropped exponentially after those laws were instated...
And I am 100% against it. Gun control doesn't work and it's an assault on human dignity.
In the U.S., states that have switched to "shall issue" gun permits (that allow you to carry a concealed handgun) have much lower crime rates than those that are "no issue" (or de facto no issue).
But the statistics are completely irrelevant. Everyone has the right to defend himself - in his home, and when he goes out. I'm not a violent man, but if someone breaks into my home, intent on harming my family, he'll get a few rounds of 00 buck ;-) The idea that I would have to cower in my bedroom and call the police, wait 15 minutes for them to come, by which time I could be dead...ABSURD!
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
since then which was 11 years ago the murder rate here has dropped exponentially after those laws were instated...
And I am 100% against it. Gun control doesn't work and it's an assault on human dignity.
In the U.S., states that have switched to "shall issue" gun permits (that allow you to carry a concealed handgun) have much lower crime rates than those that are "no issue" (or de facto no issue).
But the statistics are completely irrelevant. Everyone has the right to defend himself - in his home, and when he goes out. I'm not a violent man, but if someone breaks into my home, intent on harming my family, he'll get a few rounds of 00 buck ;-) The idea that I would have to cower in my bedroom and call the police, wait 15 minutes for them to come, by which time I could be dead...ABSURD!
And that is why America is in such poor shape ... look at the murder rates of America compared to any other first world country and you will see that gun restrictions save lives and stats prove that a person who owns a gun is more likely to shoot an innocent person than an attacker who means them harm...
IF GUNS ARE NEED TO BE A NESSESITY IN AMERICAN SOCIETY THEN THEY SHOULD HAVE TOUGHER LAWS SO THAT THEY DON'T FALL INTO THE WRONG HANDS... like with that nut case in Virginia tech who shot dozens of students and was mentally deficient and only had to say that he wasn't in order to get the weapon that took the lives of many innocent people...
Raise your fist you are a good man but i am sorry to say there is nothing we can do about this people will always find a way and i know its bad when innoscent people die but there is nothing that can be done.There are crazy people out there but there is no way for us to determine who is crazy or who gets ahold of a gun because there is always a way if someone really wants it. If it wasnt shootings it would be stabbings, homemade fire bombs/coctail,or suicide bombs.If someone has the intention of inficting pain on others its impossible to stop it.
Athens is one of the biggest cities in the world and has an extremly low crime rate considering its huge size.
RaiseyourFist all we can do is hope and pray for the best for mankind!
Iron Greek, you are our Serbian brother. I just want you to know that O0 O0
I told Chaim to carry a gun. It is needed because these animals are ready for anything >:(
You guys are worried over nothing.
Worried over nothing? Rabbi Kahane was assassinated, as you know.
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
If those victims had all been armed, the scumbag would never have even considered going on a rampage like that.
Well I sure can, maybe not in NYC though...maybe I should move into the career of bodyguard ;)
I once went to SUNY buffalo in Amherst NY. It was very safe. When I went to nearby Buffalo and Niagara Falls it was very dangerous. Is it still like that?
Like any city it depends on where you go. I wouldnt go downtown at night, and know what areas to stay away from but where I live its perfectly safe, Ive never had any problems at all.
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
If those victims had all been armed, the scumbag would never have even considered going on a rampage like that.
Why wasn't the Rabbi carrying a gun that night? After all, it was he who said 'every Jew a '22'
I have no problem restricting gun ownership qualifications, but not gun ownership in general. I had to take a couple classes and pass a test. No problem with that.
But there's a reason that one of the first things the Nazis and Communists did was take away people's freedom to own firearms...
Your stats don't compute. Switzerland requires all adult males to own an assault rifle. Yet their murder rate is lower than the US. On the other hand, Russia forbids virtually all gun ownership...but their rate is four times higher than the US's. China has FAR more restrictive gun laws than Australia (you can't own any), but they have less murder...?
There's more to it than simple gun laws = lots of murder. It's culture, not availability. My sister just came back from Israel and said guns are everywhere, but they have less murder than the US...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homicide_rate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homicide_rate)
There would be no accurate way to determine who is qualified to have a firearm
The most unpredictable people lots of times turn out to be the real killers
Like that Scott Peterson case where he killed his wife and unborn baby and it came to a shock to both sides of the family because he didnt seem anything like the kind of person to do that. He was a normal working white guy that noone would expect.
For example if Rabbi Kahane was stabbed to death would you want to have knife control or have to be qualified to own a knife?
It simply wouldnt be accurate and wouldnt work.
Or if they said that police were only allowed to use paintballs or rubber bullets because real bullets can kill someone. That would be rediculious!
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
If those victims had all been armed, the scumbag would never have even considered going on a rampage like that.
Why wasn't the Rabbi carrying a gun that night? After all, it was he who said 'every Jew a '22'
The Rabbi had a bodyguard that day as he always had a bodyguard with him (my father was his bodyguard at least once) with several JDL people there that were probably very good fighters. Most of the JDL didn't carry guns by the way, they were just really great at hand to hand combat or hand to bat/knife combat. The reason why he was killed was because it was a professional hit. The terrorist who was arrested pulled out a gun and quickly shot into the air, and he was immediately tacked by the brave JDL guys (and if he was acting alone he wouldn't even have a chance to aim the gun due to the quick action of the JDL) and at this same time when they were distracted, some other guy standing at a different location shot the Rav who was unprotected at the time and that guy escaped. At least this is what I heard.
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
If those victims had all been armed, the scumbag would never have even considered going on a rampage like that.
You got it the wrong way round... if the gun laws had been put into fruition he wouldn't have been able to go and kill all those people, or at least at the ease of just filling out a few forms.. he was a maniac who was mentally deficient and when people get like that they don't care whether they live or die as long as they are taking "as many of em' to Hades"
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
If those victims had all been armed, the scumbag would never have even considered going on a rampage like that.
You got it the wrong way round... if the gun laws had been put into fruition he wouldn't have been able to go and kill all those people, or at least at the ease of just filling out a few forms.. he was a maniac who was mentally deficient and when people get like that they don't care whether they live or die as long as they are taking "as many of em' to Hades"
The murder rate in Australia has gone up since the gun ban. Australians are now defenseless against home invaders and killers.
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
If those victims had all been armed, the scumbag would never have even considered going on a rampage like that.
You got it the wrong way round... if the gun laws had been put into fruition he wouldn't have been able to go and kill all those people, or at least at the ease of just filling out a few forms.. he was a maniac who was mentally deficient and when people get like that they don't care whether they live or die as long as they are taking "as many of em' to Hades"
The murder rate in Australia has gone up since the gun ban. Australians are now defenseless against home invaders and killers.
Theft and serious assault went up Newman, in fact did you know that Australia is leading the world in those areas pro rata..i don't know about the fact that you say the murder rate has ascended due to the ban on guns... i think is more to do with the culture of those people who are still able to get them on the black market..
i agree people have a G-d given right to defend themselves but if everyone is walking around "bearing arms" then as common sense would predict the murder rate is going to go up no matter what punishments are dished out...
Look at that guy, Martin Bryant who killed those 35 people in Port Arthur he only got a life sentence... but should have received the death penalty (IMO).
I am 100% for gun control... in Australia we had a ban on semi automatic weapons after the Port Arthur Massacre when some freak shot over 30 people to death in a shopping mall....
If those victims had all been armed, the scumbag would never have even considered going on a rampage like that.
You got it the wrong way round... if the gun laws had been put into fruition he wouldn't have been able to go and kill all those people, or at least at the ease of just filling out a few forms.. he was a maniac who was mentally deficient and when people get like that they don't care whether they live or die as long as they are taking "as many of em' to Hades"
The murder rate in Australia has gone up since the gun ban. Australians are now defenseless against home invaders and killers.
Theft and serious assault went up Newman, in fact did you know that Australia is leading the world in those areas pro rata..i don't know about the fact that you say the murder rate has ascended due to the ban on guns... i think is more to do with the culture of those people who are still able to get them on the black market..
i agree people have a G-d given right to defend themselves but if everyone is walking around "bearing arms" then as common sense would predict the murder rate is going to go up no matter what punishments are dished out...
Look at that guy, Martin Bryant who killed those 35 people in Port Arthur he only got a life sentence... but should have received the death penalty (IMO).
Martin Bryant was retarded with a record of anti-social behaviour going back to childhood. He should have been put to sleep long ago. His guns were NOT legally purchased. He had NO firearms liscence.
How do explain Switzerland's record high private gun ownership and record low murder rate?
"Guns are deeply rooted within Swiss culture - but the gun crime rate is so low that statistics are not even kept.
The country has a population of six million, but there are estimated to be at least two million publicly-owned firearms, including about 600,000 automatic rifles and 500,000 pistols. "
Also read:
Nine myths of gun control
You raise a valid argument Newman... it is fair to say that the culture mixed with the readiness to attain firearms allows for murders to occur commonly...
Countries like Australia and America are dangerous with gang crime and most likely attributes to high levels of serious assault, murder and vandalism as well as theft.. both countries have "divided economic cultures" as if there should be different rules in different vicinities...
I don't believe that more murders occurred after the change in legislative in 1996 to the right to hold semi automatic weapons... and if it did it is not because people were left indefensible.. i agree that theft and serious assault would have been much less if those rules has not come into place but murders.... i doubt it
You raise a valid argument Newman... it is fair to say that the culture mixed with the readiness to attain firearms allows for murders to occur commonly...
Countries like Australia and America are dangerous with gang crime and most likely attributes to high levels of serious assault, murder and vandalism as well as theft.. both countries have "divided economic cultures" as if there should be different rules in different vicinities...
I don't believe that more murders occurred after the change in legislative in 1996 to the right to hold semi automatic weapons... and if it did it is not because people were left indefensible.. i agree that theft and serious assault would have been much less if those rules has not come into place but murders.... i doubt it
Murders have increased. Shootings (specifically) are down slightly, but the murder rate is up (by tyre levers, knives etc).
My question is, what is so good about being killed by a knife as opposed to a gun? Dead is dead.
Secondly. You havn't taken into account the number of crimes prevented by guns.
In the USA, 500,000 violent crimes are STOPPED by armed citizens each year. That's 10,000 per week!!! Imagine if those citizens were denied those guns. 10,000 more murders, rapes stick-ups and muggings EVERY WEEK.
Cannibas is banned
Heroine is banned.
Crack is banned
Child pornography is banned
Explosives are banned
Did any of these bans work?............................NO
What makes you think that a gun ban will work when none of these other bans have?
Guns are banned in prisons, yet routine prison cell searches regularly turn up guns, often large capacity ones not just pocket pistols.
Carbine Williams designed and built a firing prototype of the famous M1 Carbine in a prison workshop under the noses of the guards while serving time!
Now, if you can make guns in jail or smuggle them into a jail how will you prevent guns entering a free community? (Knowing from history that no ban has ever worked)
You raise a valid argument Newman... it is fair to say that the culture mixed with the readiness to attain firearms allows for murders to occur commonly...
Countries like Australia and America are dangerous with gang crime and most likely attributes to high levels of serious assault, murder and vandalism as well as theft.. both countries have "divided economic cultures" as if there should be different rules in different vicinities...
I don't believe that more murders occurred after the change in legislative in 1996 to the right to hold semi automatic weapons... and if it did it is not because people were left indefensible.. i agree that theft and serious assault would have been much less if those rules has not come into place but murders.... i doubt it
Murders have increased. Shootings (specifically) are down slightly, but the murder rate is up (by tyre levers, knives etc).
My question is, what is so good about being killed by a knife as opposed to a gun? Dead is dead.
Secondly. You havn't taken into account the number of crimes prevented by guns.
In the USA, 500,000 violent crimes are STOPPED by armed citizens each year. That's 10,000 per week!!! Imagine if those citizens were denied those guns. 10,000 more murders, rapes stick-ups and muggings EVERY WEEK.
Cannibas is banned
Heroine is banned.
Crack is banned
Child pornography is banned
Explosives are banned
Did any of these bans work?............................NO
What makes you think that a gun ban will work when none of these other bans have?
Guns are banned in prisons, yet routine prison cell searches regularly turn up guns, often large capacity ones not just pocket pistols.
Carbine Williams designed and built a firing prototype of the famous M1 Carbine in a prison workshop under the noses of the guards while serving time!
Now, if you can make guns in jail or smuggle them into a jail how will you prevent guns entering a free community? (Knowing from history that no ban has ever worked)
The Australian Government has to do the right thing by the people and make this a safer place to dwell in... you want Australia to end up like America with a gun death toll over 10 times of what we have here man for man?...
Does guns prevent certain crimes from occurring?? yes your right in saying that especially if the predator feels that the target has something to defend himself/herself with...
If people are going to get weapons on the black market obviously there is very little the Federal and State Government can do about that but becoming more resilient in instating harsher laws against the accessibility of illegal weapons is something they can do to keep the number of guns in the country...
Lets leave it at that... unless i am missing something
You raise a valid argument Newman... it is fair to say that the culture mixed with the readiness to attain firearms allows for murders to occur commonly...
Countries like Australia and America are dangerous with gang crime and most likely attributes to high levels of serious assault, murder and vandalism as well as theft.. both countries have "divided economic cultures" as if there should be different rules in different vicinities...
I don't believe that more murders occurred after the change in legislative in 1996 to the right to hold semi automatic weapons... and if it did it is not because people were left indefensible.. i agree that theft and serious assault would have been much less if those rules has not come into place but murders.... i doubt it
Murders have increased. Shootings (specifically) are down slightly, but the murder rate is up (by tyre levers, knives etc).
My question is, what is so good about being killed by a knife as opposed to a gun? Dead is dead.
Secondly. You havn't taken into account the number of crimes prevented by guns.
In the USA, 500,000 violent crimes are STOPPED by armed citizens each year. That's 10,000 per week!!! Imagine if those citizens were denied those guns. 10,000 more murders, rapes stick-ups and muggings EVERY WEEK.
Cannibas is banned
Heroine is banned.
Crack is banned
Child pornography is banned
Explosives are banned
Did any of these bans work?............................NO
What makes you think that a gun ban will work when none of these other bans have?
Guns are banned in prisons, yet routine prison cell searches regularly turn up guns, often large capacity ones not just pocket pistols.
Carbine Williams designed and built a firing prototype of the famous M1 Carbine in a prison workshop under the noses of the guards while serving time!
Now, if you can make guns in jail or smuggle them into a jail how will you prevent guns entering a free community? (Knowing from history that no ban has ever worked)
The Australian Government has to do the right thing by the people and make this a safer place to dwell in... you want Australia to end up like America with a gun death toll over 10 times of what we have here man for man?...
Does guns prevent certain crimes from occurring?? yes your right in saying that especially if the predator feels that the target has something to defend himself/herself with...
If people are going to get weapons on the black market obviously there is very little the Federal and State Government can do about that but becoming more resilient in instating harsher laws against the accessibility of illegal weapons is something they can do to keep the number of guns in the country...
Lets leave it at that... unless i am missing something
You have missed something very important.
The American "gun deaths" you mention are just that.....DEATHS not muders. Not all deaths are a bad thing
The gun death figures quoted so often by the left are total deaths (of all kinds) caused by firearms. They include..................
Police shooting killers and criminals
Security guards shooting criminals
Home owners shooting burglars
Women shooting rapists
Motorists shooting car-jackers
7-11 clerks shooting stick-up artists
Gas station owners shooting armed robbers etc etc
These are good killings. The actual number of murders is only a small percntage of gun deaths. This is the great ommission from that "going down the American road" BS of the anti-gunners.
Would you preferr all these criminals to still be alive and the good people dead, raped or robbed?
Larry Elder (black conservative radio host) recently took all the US crime stats and removed the crimes commited by non-whites to isolate white crime. Guess what? Looking at white crime in isolation gave the US a lower crime rate than ANY European country besides Switzerland!
Guns don't kill or commit crime. People do. Some more than others.
One last thing:
My question is, what is so good about being killed by a knife as opposed to a gun? Dead is dead.
My brother always says "dont bring a knife to a gun fight" ;)
My question is, what is so good about being killed by a knife as opposed to a gun? Dead is dead.
My brother always says "dont bring a knife to a gun fight" ;)
Well you're scotts like Sean Connery himself. ;)
We will defend Chaim O0 O0
This is not the first time that we are dealing with death threats from Croatians.
The owner of the internet side named Pavelicpapers.com had also to do with death threats from Croatians. They discovered his identity and he obeyed them.
Croatians are immoral people who are able to say anything.
But I thing that the JTF has members who are able to help our brother Chaim ben Pesach. Jews are well trained people. There must be somebody who would provide help to our great comrade Chaim ben Pessach.
Stay united.
Stay together.
Do not be intimated by them. Those people who threat through the internet have not courage in reality.
This is not the first time that we are dealing with death threats from Croatians.
The owner of the internet side named Pavelicpapers.com had also to do with death threats from Croatians. They discovered his identity and he obeyed them.
Croatians are immoral people who are able to say anything.
I can't believe this !!!
:'( :'( :'(