General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ASHISH on January 09, 2008, 11:00:31 PM

Title: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: ASHISH on January 09, 2008, 11:00:31 PM
So here is the deal parents in uk protesting why school is serving halal meat so now muslims create topic saying

"I don't know why these people complain"

"As for the complaints from parents, they seem to be a bit crazy"

"seriously, i dont know who is more in the dark, these neanderthals or the muslims who want to be accepted by the neanderthals"

Now these muslims will tell us how kufrs in a kufr country will eat meat these muslims will call us crazy because we are protesting against halal meat >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 09, 2008, 11:11:32 PM
I belive that for a gentile Halel meat is much better then the regular non-kosher meat that that sell.
 (Different reasons)
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: White Israelite on January 09, 2008, 11:12:36 PM
What is Halal?
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 09, 2008, 11:28:32 PM
What is Halal?

Cohen, halal means "kosher food" for muslims.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 09, 2008, 11:29:22 PM
I belive that for a gentile Halel meat is much better then the regular non-kosher meat that that sell.
 (Different reasons)

Please Tzvi, give us your arguments .
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Kiwi on January 09, 2008, 11:33:11 PM
What is Halal?

Cohen, halal means "kosher food" for muslims.

Many halal products are used in health food shops, the yuppies buy it.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 09, 2008, 11:35:20 PM
I belive that for a gentile Halel meat is much better then the regular non-kosher meat that that sell.
 (Different reasons)

Please Tzvi, give us your arguments .

Tomm, right now im tired.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: ItalianZionist on January 09, 2008, 11:35:53 PM
What does halal mean, a filthy muslim pissed on it..
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 09, 2008, 11:56:53 PM
I belive that for a gentile Halel meat is much better then the regular non-kosher meat that that sell.
 (Different reasons)

Please Tzvi, give us your arguments .

Tomm, right now im tired.
OK see you tomorrow.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 10, 2008, 12:03:44 AM

They never served me kosher meat at public school.

Maybe if Jews had blown up some subways, the goverment would give us kosher food.

Amazing how the more monstrous and violent the Muslims become, the more rights and priveleges they recieve.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 10, 2008, 12:05:00 AM

They never served me kosher meat at public school.

Maybe if Jews had blown up some subways, the goverment would give us kosher food.

Amazing how the more monstrous and violent the Muslims become, the more rights and priveleges they recieve.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: dhimmi_pride on January 10, 2008, 12:23:38 AM
Halal is nothing like being Kosher and it is not good for Gentiles!!!

Halal is very different than Kosher. For Jews Kashrut refers only to dietary laws (according to my understanding at least I'm sure I'll be corrected if I am wrong). But in Islam Halal refers to everything that is permissable in Islam ie it also includes dress and all codes of behavior. What is not Halal in Islam is Haraam (forbidden). So the range of what is Halal and what is Haraam is much much wider and is very different than Jewish dietary laws.

For an animal to be Halal it must be slaughtered facing Mecca after a Muslim prayer is recited- this is why I oppose it. I eat at Kosher restaurants all the time but I will never eat Halal meat ever. It's actually a blessing in disguise that so many Muslim places now advertise for it so I know which places to avoid. There is also the additional reason to oppose this for Gentiles in schools in the UK because if the schools are going to serve Halal than this means the government must also pay for Imams to supervise to make sure the meat is really Halal.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 10, 2008, 12:27:30 AM
Halal is nothing like being Kosher and it is not good for Gentiles!!!

Halal is very different than Kosher. For Jews Kashrut refers only to dietary laws (according to my understanding at least I'm sure I'll be corrected if I am wrong). But in Islam Halal refers to everything that is permissable in Islam ie it also includes dress and all codes of behavior. What is not Halal in Islam is Haraam (forbidden). So the range of what is Halal and what is Haraam is much much wider and is very different than Jewish dietary laws.

For an animal to be Halal it must be slaughtered facing Mecca after a Muslim prayer is recited- this is why I oppose it. I eat at Kosher restaurants all the time but I will never eat Halal meat ever. It's actually a blessing in disguise that so many Muslim places now advertise for it so I know which places to avoid. There is also the additional reason to oppose this for Gentiles in schools in the UK because if the schools are going to serve Halal than this means the government must also pay for Imams to supervise to make sure the meat is really Halal.
i'm glad to hear we have different opinions on this.

Maybe tomorrow we can pros and cons.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: kellymaureen on January 10, 2008, 12:31:54 AM
Good for anyone or not, the agenda here is to shove THEIR ways and THEIR laws down OUR throats, each small step like this one leads closer and closer to sharia.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Kiwi on January 10, 2008, 12:33:22 AM

They never served me kosher meat at public school.

Maybe if Jews had blown up some subways, the goverment would give us kosher food.

Amazing how the more monstrous and violent the Muslims become, the more rights and priveleges they recieve.

Did you eat school food?  ???
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: ASHISH on January 10, 2008, 12:34:52 AM
Good for anyone or not, the agenda here is to shove THEIR ways and THEIR laws down OUR throats, each small step like this one leads closer and closer to sharia.

Yes why give special treatment to muslims?Then sikhs,hindus,jews should also get food acc to their religion
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: ASHISH on January 10, 2008, 12:36:57 AM
and look at the guts of muslims who are calling non muslims crazy for protesting man i am so angry at the dhimmi attitude of britishers  >:(
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: dhimmi_pride on January 10, 2008, 12:38:46 AM
Good for anyone or not, the agenda here is to shove THEIR ways and THEIR laws down OUR throats, each small step like this one leads closer and closer to sharia.
That is exactly my point, Halal is not just about food. It is much wider than that. It is directly tied to Sharia.

Although just the thought of eating something ritually slaughtered, after an Islamic-Nazi prayer, while facing Mecca should be enough in itself to turn anyone on here off.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 10, 2008, 12:41:43 AM
and look at the guts of muslims who are calling non muslims crazy for protesting man i am so angry at the dhimmi attitude of britishers  >:(
Good for anyone or not, the agenda here is to shove THEIR ways and THEIR laws down OUR throats, each small step like this one leads closer and closer to sharia.

Yes why give special treatment to muslims?Then sikhs,hindus,jews should also get food acc to their religion

that dhimmi-attitude is dangerous. there will be civil war in less then 10 years if we go on like that.
There is no reason , to have peaceful people keep some customs. Jews never tried to push kosher food on us.

Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 10, 2008, 12:57:30 PM
Okay in this context Halel is just like saying Kosher. Because kosher doesn't only mean food, but also dress, modesty, etc. But in this context (of food), then it means food.
   *- note Halel is not good enough for any Jew, this post is talking to Gentiles only.
Why I said that Halal is better then non-kosher non-Halal meat is because of different reasons.
 1- Other meat is made many times by either shooting or shocking an animal in the brain. Theirs problems in that becuase one- diseases like the mad cow disease came from this. Also when the animals throat is cut a gentile doesn't transgress no cruelty to animals, but if other ways like shooting it can be a problem (becuase if you shoot it a couple of times, you might be transgressing cruelty to animals (even if you are just the buyer).
also (not sure even about Halal meat) but in Koshering the meat, the meat has to be salted (in a given time 72 hours, unless it was frozen right away), but when in America for example this isn't done then those who buy meat eat the blood and worse eat all the waste thats in the animal (for sure urine, maybe even #2).
    Also not all Halal meat is cut by muslims, for example many of the Sefardim who sheht the animal and it doesn't meet the right criteria for it to be acceptible, they then sell it to them and it is allowed by their standards. (expecially Beit Yosef meat, which is hard to allways get it right, and they dont sell it to other Jews, becuase they concider it not allowed for Jews when the lungs aren't 100% smooth.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 10, 2008, 01:16:55 PM
Okay in this context Halel is just like saying Kosher. Because kosher doesn't only mean food, but also dress, modesty, etc. But in this context (of food), then it means food.
   *- note Halel is not good enough for any Jew, this post is talking to Gentiles only.
Why I said that Halal is better then non-kosher non-Halal meat is because of different reasons.
 1- Other meat is made many times by either shooting or shocking an animal in the brain. Theirs problems in that becuase one- diseases like the mad cow disease came from this. Also when the animals throat is cut a gentile doesn't transgress no cruelty to animals, but if other ways like shooting it can be a problem (becuase if you shoot it a couple of times, you might be transgressing cruelty to animals (even if you are just the buyer).
also (not sure even about Halal meat) but in Koshering the meat, the meat has to be salted (in a given time 72 hours, unless it was frozen right away), but when in America for example this isn't done then those who buy meat eat the blood and worse eat all the waste thats in the animal (for sure urine, maybe even #2).
    Also not all Halal meat is cut by muslims, for example many of the Sefaradim who sheht the animal and it doesn't meet the right criteria for it to be acceptible, they then sell it to them and it is allowed by their standards. (expecially Beit Yosef meat, which is hard to allways get it right, and they dont sell it to other Jews, becuase they concider it not allowed for Jews when the lungs aren't 100% smooth.

Well Tzvi;

I do not know if our meat is unhealthy in comparison what muslim-halal meat is.
I do eat porc.
I do mix butter/cream/beef.

That's unkosher.

I would never buy from muslims, because, i boycott them , you see?
No vegetables from the Turk, no Pitta-kebab, no meat from the Algerian, nothing, niente, nada.

I have eaten if before, and I must say, I don't want to eat muslims-prepared food ever again.
Purely political issue. They are the enemy.

As i have never eaten kosher, I also have no idea, what that is in comparison with our meat.

Our animals are killed, and stored in a different way ?

Do you recommend me to eat kosher ? I will refuse Halal - rather eat nothing.

Are some people able to compare to difference in quality, for health-reasons, or taste?
Appart from that, what does the Thora say about people who don't follow the kosher way of preparing meals?

Thanks for your info.

Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: kellymaureen on January 10, 2008, 01:31:08 PM
I would never buy from muslims, because, i boycott them , you see?

I boycott them as well.


Doesnt this halal look sanitary :o

Id be a vegetarian if halal was my only option
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 10, 2008, 01:31:20 PM
I would recomomed you eating kosher, and if I was a gentile I would only eat kosher, or halal.
 About taste- you get used to everything, and for me it tastes great.
 I did hear that non-kosher is sometimes more jucier, but the reason is because Jews take out the blood and urine, wastes by salting the meat. Also diseases which are common in non-kosher meat, doesn't exist in Kosher meat (ex- mad cow disease, and some others which come from time to time).
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: mord on January 10, 2008, 01:31:53 PM
One moslem poster on that forum does'ntknow his own religion he  asks i know moslems can eat kosher but can Jews eat hallal.Well we al know Jews can'nt eat Hallal but for a moslem not to know that he can'nt eat Kosher he does'nt know Islam.In Islam the guy who kills the animal must say a prayer before each animal   Jews only have to say one prayer
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 10, 2008, 01:58:36 PM
I would recomomed you eating kosher, and if I was a gentile I would only eat kosher, or halal.
 About taste- you get used to everything, and for me it tastes great.
 I did hear that non-kosher is sometimes more jucier, but the reason is because Jews take out the blood and urine, wastes by salting the meat. Also diseases which are common in non-kosher meat, doesn't exist in Kosher meat (ex- mad cow disease, and some others which come from time to time).

Our ancestres have been eating pork since the beginning of times.

Why is pork forbidden according to the Thora?
Is our European climate, not different?
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: ramen on January 10, 2008, 02:05:45 PM
I would recomomed you eating kosher, and if I was a gentile I would only eat kosher, or halal.
 About taste- you get used to everything, and for me it tastes great.
 I did hear that non-kosher is sometimes more jucier, but the reason is because Jews take out the blood and urine, wastes by salting the meat. Also diseases which are common in non-kosher meat, doesn't exist in Kosher meat (ex- mad cow disease, and some others which come from time to time).

Our ancestres have been eating pork since the beginning of times.

Why is pork forbidden according to the Thora?
Is our European climate, not different?

Coz it is dirty meat. THe thought of eating a pig......uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhh oink oink
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 10, 2008, 03:00:18 PM
I would recomomed you eating kosher, and if I was a gentile I would only eat kosher, or halal.
 About taste- you get used to everything, and for me it tastes great.
 I did hear that non-kosher is sometimes more jucier, but the reason is because Jews take out the blood and urine, wastes by salting the meat. Also diseases which are common in non-kosher meat, doesn't exist in Kosher meat (ex- mad cow disease, and some others which come from time to time).

Our ancestres have been eating pork since the beginning of times.

Why is pork forbidden according to the Thora?
Is our European climate, not different?

 I never said anything about pork, either pro or con, just meat like cows, goats, etc.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 10, 2008, 03:02:22 PM
Also one more thing- the Torah says that if the meat is slaghtered and it doesn't come out to be Kosher, it says to throw it to the dogs for them to eat, so in a way if I was a gentile I wouldn't eat that (if I believed in the Torah).
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Shlomo on January 10, 2008, 04:11:44 PM
Tzvi Ben Roshel is correct. You should listen to him.

I have heard Rabbis say that it is better that gentiles eat only kosher meat or not eat meat at all. There are an infinite number of spiritual reasons for this. A few (for the sake of the argument) are the soul of the animal is taken into the person who eats the animal (you are what you eat), the energy used from taking the animal's life for food (which should only be used for good), and the blood of the animal that shouldn't be eaten which is stated plainly in the Torah.

Also, if you eat bad food, it effects you 100%. For example, if someone eats meat that is bad or eats the blood, they might wonder why, all of a sudden, they don't feel like praying or giving to charity. Plus, it helps the Jewish people financially and helps bring down the price for kosher meat so that more Jewish people will do right. In other words, you are doing a mitzva.

If you are a gentile, I would encourage you to eat only kosher meat. You will thank me for this when you go to be with Hashem. You can bank me on this.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Yisrael on January 10, 2008, 06:26:04 PM
If I'm not mistaking, Jimmy Sullivan only eats Kosher meat.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Dr. Dan on January 10, 2008, 06:35:34 PM

They never served me kosher meat at public school.

Maybe if Jews had blown up some subways, the goverment would give us kosher food.

Amazing how the more monstrous and violent the Muslims become, the more rights and priveleges they recieve.

that's because they are stronger zealots of evil causes than we are zealots of righteous causes..eh..perhaps it will go in our favor in the future.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Dr. Dan on January 10, 2008, 06:40:07 PM
Okay in this context Halel is just like saying Kosher. Because kosher doesn't only mean food, but also dress, modesty, etc. But in this context (of food), then it means food.
   *- note Halel is not good enough for any Jew, this post is talking to Gentiles only.
Why I said that Halal is better then non-kosher non-Halal meat is because of different reasons.
 1- Other meat is made many times by either shooting or shocking an animal in the brain. Theirs problems in that becuase one- diseases like the mad cow disease came from this. Also when the animals throat is cut a gentile doesn't transgress no cruelty to animals, but if other ways like shooting it can be a problem (becuase if you shoot it a couple of times, you might be transgressing cruelty to animals (even if you are just the buyer).
also (not sure even about Halal meat) but in Koshering the meat, the meat has to be salted (in a given time 72 hours, unless it was frozen right away), but when in America for example this isn't done then those who buy meat eat the blood and worse eat all the waste thats in the animal (for sure urine, maybe even #2).
    Also not all Halal meat is cut by muslims, for example many of the Sefaradim who sheht the animal and it doesn't meet the right criteria for it to be acceptible, they then sell it to them and it is allowed by their standards. (expecially Beit Yosef meat, which is hard to allways get it right, and they dont sell it to other Jews, becuase they concider it not allowed for Jews when the lungs aren't 100% smooth.

Well Tzvi;

I do not know if our meat is unhealthy in comparison what muslim-halal meat is.
I do eat porc.
I do mix butter/cream/beef.

That's unkosher.

I would never buy from muslims, because, i boycott them , you see?
No vegetables from the Turk, no Pitta-kebab, no meat from the Algerian, nothing, niente, nada.

I have eaten if before, and I must say, I don't want to eat muslims-prepared food ever again.
Purely political issue. They are the enemy.

As i have never eaten kosher, I also have no idea, what that is in comparison with our meat.

Our animals are killed, and stored in a different way ?

Do you recommend me to eat kosher ? I will refuse Halal - rather eat nothing.

Are some people able to compare to difference in quality, for health-reasons, or taste?
Appart from that, what does the Thora say about people who don't follow the kosher way of preparing meals?

Thanks for your info.

my goal is to eat only kosher meat.

Halal is a way of Muslims copying the Jews in kashrut...which isn't a bad thing, but is a bad thing because the Muslims think they are authentic about their religion and all they are are copy cats (almost).

The quality of the meat may vary.  I feel better eating kosher because i know the animal was killed humanely and inspected properly. But what makes meat good is how it's cooked and if it is quality meat..so there can be poor quality kosher meat and good quality kosher meat.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Shlomo on January 10, 2008, 07:05:39 PM
If I'm not mistaking, Jimmy Sullivan only eats Kosher meat.

Yes, this is correct.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 10, 2008, 10:07:15 PM
Halal just means a Muslim slaughtered it. Any Muslim can do so. But If I slaughtered an animal, the animal's meat would not be kosher because I'm not certified to slaughter kosher meat.

I think Muslims who will eat kosher meat if there is no Halal aren't following authentic Islam. I have some corn dogs in my freezer that are certified kosher and they also have a Halal symbol on them. Kosher means a specially trained Jew slaughtered it. So how could it be Halal if an infidel slaughtered it and not a Muslim? Those must be Reform Muslims.

 No not true. Just becuase we have problems with them doesn't mean we should make things like this up, or actually believe it. For a long time Sefardim have been selling meat to muslims, when it didn't meet the right Glat Kosher criteria and which was allowed for muslims (because Jewish law, expecially by meat for the Sefardim is much more stricter). Muslims did buy from Jews, and maybe still continue to (or maybe not, but I assume they do). 
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 10, 2008, 10:15:41 PM
One note expecially for Jews. What you eat affects you 100%. If one eats non-Kosher in whichever way or form (including outright non-Kosher like pork or meat that wasn't slaughtered properly, or bugs and worms in vegetables and fruits) Then it affects their soul and body and makes them spiritually dumb, lazy and not wanting and feeling the beauty of the Torah and Mitzvot (also maybe depression). When a chance of a Mitzva comes up, or learning a lecture, its no wonder that one doesn't want to listin to it, or feels going agains't it. And it can couse you to do even more sins and cause more damage to yourself.  The thing to do is to just stop right away.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 10, 2008, 10:18:21 PM
Whosoever eats forbidden foods…
1) Is judged as a despised person since Hashem loathes him in this world and the world to come. (Zohar-part 111, 41.)
2) Defiles his soul (ibid) (Reishis Chochma)
3) Will suffer much since all of a man's suffering in this world is because he was not scrupulous in the observance of kashrut. (ibid, 42)
4) Attaches his soul to the forces of impurity and a spirit of defilement rests upon him. (Ibid)
5) Leaves the sphere of holiness and enters a sphere of impurity. (ibid, 42)
6) Woe unto him and woe unto his soul. He has not attached himself to those of the eternal life. (ibid, 41)
7) Is as though he has a worshipped idols G-d forbid. (ibid,)
8 ) Has no part of the G-d of Israel (ibid, 41)
9) Will have his face take on the appearance of a wild animal. (Zohar part 11, 125)
10) Is as though his soul has left him and he remains a living corpse and is considered evil. (Chasam Sofer Parashat Shmini)
11) Has entered within him thoughts of atheism and heresy. (Rambam)
12) Unintentionally defiles his soul; with intent – his soul becomes like that of a lizard. (Or Hachayim Shmini)

 (just a little from Israel613.com )
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Shlomo on January 10, 2008, 11:55:45 PM
Seriously, if you are Jewish, you should at least try making steps towards eating kosher food.

I did it. You can do it. My absolute favorite used to be cheese burgers and jalapeno pepperoni pizza. Seriously, I used to say it was dumb to eat a hamburger without cheese on it. Now it's been 10 years since I ate that stuff. I don't even want it today. You couldn't pay me to eat it.

You can do it. Just start by trying to use only kosher meat. Just make a step forward. It's really not as bad and as difficult as people make it out to be.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Ambiorix on January 11, 2008, 01:12:49 AM
Halal just means a Muslim slaughtered it. Any Muslim can do so. But If I slaughtered an animal, the animal's meat would not be kosher because I'm not certified to slaughter kosher meat.

I think Muslims who will eat kosher meat if there is no Halal aren't following authentic Islam. I have some corn dogs in my freezer that are certified kosher and they also have a Halal symbol on them. Kosher means a specially trained Jew slaughtered it. So how could it be Halal if an infidel slaughtered it and not a Muslim? Those must be Reform Muslims.


 No not true. Just becuase we have problems with them doesn't mean we should make things like this up, or actually believe it. For a long time Sefaradim have been selling meat to muslims, when it didn't meet the right Glat Kosher criteria and which was allowed for muslims (because Jewish law, expecially by meat for the Sefaradim is much more stricter). Muslims did buy from Jews, and maybe still continue to (or maybe not, but I assume they do). 
I am sure arabs eat kosher meat without a problem.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: JTFFan on January 11, 2008, 03:33:51 PM
Halal just means a Muslim slaughtered it. Any Muslim can do so. But If I slaughtered an animal, the animal's meat would not be kosher because I'm not certified to slaughter kosher meat.

I think Muslims who will eat kosher meat if there is no Halal aren't following authentic Islam. I have some corn dogs in my freezer that are certified kosher and they also have a Halal symbol on them. Kosher means a specially trained Jew slaughtered it. So how could it be Halal if an infidel slaughtered it and not a Muslim? Those must be Reform Muslims.


 No not true. Just becuase we have problems with them doesn't mean we should make things like this up, or actually believe it. For a long time Sefaradim have been selling meat to muslims, when it didn't meet the right Glat Kosher criteria and which was allowed for muslims (because Jewish law, expecially by meat for the Sefaradim is much more stricter). Muslims did buy from Jews, and maybe still continue to (or maybe not, but I assume they do). 
I am sure arabs eat kosher meat without a problem.

Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: kellymaureen on January 12, 2008, 08:53:12 PM
Halal just means a Muslim slaughtered it. Any Muslim can do so. But If I slaughtered an animal, the animal's meat would not be kosher because I'm not certified to slaughter kosher meat.

I think Muslims who will eat kosher meat if there is no Halal aren't following authentic Islam. I have some corn dogs in my freezer that are certified kosher and they also have a Halal symbol on them. Kosher means a specially trained Jew slaughtered it. So how could it be Halal if an infidel slaughtered it and not a Muslim? Those must be Reform Muslims.


 No not true. Just becuase we have problems with them doesn't mean we should make things like this up, or actually believe it. For a long time Sefaradim have been selling meat to muslims, when it didn't meet the right Glat Kosher criteria and which was allowed for muslims (because Jewish law, expecially by meat for the Sefaradim is much more stricter). Muslims did buy from Jews, and maybe still continue to (or maybe not, but I assume they do). 
I am sure arabs eat kosher meat without a problem.


They will damn well eat whatever food aid we send them :D ...though we shouldnt be sending any at all
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: CorrieDeservedIt on January 12, 2008, 10:48:27 PM
They should learn to bring their own lunches to school.
It's still a white country.

Not for long but it still is a white country.
Title: Re: This is so disgusting that i cant even name it
Post by: Kiwi on January 13, 2008, 12:04:31 AM

They will damn well eat whatever food aid we send them :D ...though we shouldnt be sending any at all

Why send them food, let them eat their friggin oil  ^-^