Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: qwerty on January 18, 2008, 01:16:49 PM

Title: The Greatest Generation
Post by: qwerty on January 18, 2008, 01:16:49 PM
This is from my Livejournal

A very big passion of mine is talking about the Greatest Generation. The Greatest Generation were a generation that lived through the great depression, fought during WW2, and built a post-war america. I find it incredible because during this time, EVERYBODY was involved in something. Men and Women did something to help the war effort. Hollywood would do its part by mocking and beating down the enemy with movies and cartoons. Of course, this Hollywood is long gone and has become nothing but sympathetic fools for the enemy. My Grandmother worked in a munitions factory making bullets for troops. My grandfather's were a Merchant Marine and a Navy Seaman. My Grandmothers friend I've known all my life was in the navy fighting during D-Day. These people fought without fear. These people fought in one of the most bloodiest conflicts the world has ever seen to destroy all ism's. The whole Country was supporting, the nation was not divided. nobody was anti war. Everybody wanted the enemy destroyed and humiliated, Political Correctness was unimaginable. and most of all, the press was limited to coverage of the war, Now it has run amock. what kind of country have we become where we have sympathy for people who destroy this country, what kind of people are we that we let people stomp and spit in the face of people who fight for our country? what kind of people have we become that we can no longer be independent but now dependent on others. and what kind of country have we become where we let our enemies mock us?
I truly believe that the greatest generation would spit in our face. These people knew how to fight a war. these people knew how to act like americans. War is War. People think that War doesn't happen. It does happen. 9/11 was our pearl harbor. and we should apply what they, the greatest generation did. So when you see a WW2 vet, which 1000 die everyday. thank them and be proud you know one.

Does anybody think that this country can live up to this anymore?
Title: Re: The Greatest Generation
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 18, 2008, 01:21:27 PM
I dont agree. If that generation was soo great how come they failed in bringing up their offspring the right way. They might have done some good at their times, but failed in one of the biggest responsibilities they had- which was educating their children in the right way.
Title: Re: The Greatest Generation
Post by: qwerty on January 18, 2008, 01:27:56 PM
That part I never understood know that you mention it. But I believe in redemption
Title: Re: The Greatest Generation
Post by: qwerty on January 18, 2008, 01:33:49 PM
woops I mean now :)