General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Daniel on February 05, 2008, 10:22:31 PM

Title: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Daniel on February 05, 2008, 10:22:31 PM
Before tonight, I felt that Chaim and many forum members were giving up too soon on Huckabee. So far, Huckabee has won more states than Romney. I said it before and I'll say it again. The way you win anything, whether it be a game or an election, is to play to win rather than to play not to lose. The focus should have always been to support the candidate who is best rather than to focus on who has the greatest chance at stopping the candidate who we think is bad.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 05, 2008, 10:24:00 PM
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Daniel on February 05, 2008, 10:27:38 PM
I think Romney is splitting the vote just as much, if not more, than Huckabee.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: aggressi0n on February 05, 2008, 10:37:32 PM
Or maybe people just like tuition money to go to citizens of the US instead of illegals with no allegiance to America.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 05, 2008, 10:38:07 PM
People who really believe they are voting for Huckabee I got news for you you pulled the vote off Romney and set it in the McCain camp just look at the margins in many states these margins re the factor in win or lose even in states McPain took these are critical votes lost to a candidate that is really a SPOILER.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lubab on February 05, 2008, 10:48:20 PM
If you are talking about which candidate is more efficient at getting votes with the resources provided there is no question Huckabee was the one to support over Romney.

It looks like Romney is the spoiler now.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: DownwithIslam on February 05, 2008, 10:51:05 PM
I really hate all the candidates but after seeing the section on Israel Huckabee has on his site, I have to say he is the lesser of the evils.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lubab on February 05, 2008, 10:52:51 PM
I really hate all the candidates but after seeing the section on Israel Huckabee has on his site, I have to say he is the lesser of the evils.

There are even better videos than that the Chaim pointed out a while back.
He was asked if there should be a Palestinian state and he basically said: "Sure, in one of the Arab states".
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lubab on February 05, 2008, 10:55:31 PM
People who really believe they are voting for Huckabee I got news for you you pulled the vote off Romney and set it in the McCain camp just look at the margins in many states these margins re the factor in win or lose even in states McPain took these are critical votes lost to a candidate that is really a SPOILER.

Masterwolf will always be against Huckabee no matter what because now his ego is wrapped up in this.
I'm not saying I'm any better. I'm wrapped up in the idea that I want Huckabee to win. I really like the guy.

Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: judeanoncapta on February 05, 2008, 11:02:08 PM
Huckabee has WON more states than Romney.

Romney is the spoiler, NOT Huckabee.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on February 05, 2008, 11:04:49 PM
People who really believe they are voting for Huckabee I got news for you you pulled the vote off Romney and set it in the McCain camp just look at the margins in many states these margins re the factor in win or lose even in states McPain took these are critical votes lost to a candidate that is really a SPOILER.

Masterwolf will always be against Huckabee no matter what because now his ego is wrapped up in this.
I'm not saying I'm any better. I'm wrapped up in the idea that I want Huckabee to win. I really like the guy.

In all honesty, I see little difference between McCain and Romney. If I could vote I wouldn't care which one won. Huckabbee's view on Israel draws me in a lot. Had Huckabbee dropped out I would take a democratic ballot probably to make sure clinton didn't win (not that Obama is much better).
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: DownwithIslam on February 05, 2008, 11:08:10 PM
Yes, if Romney would get the hell out, Huckabee would have a serious chance. Let hope Romney gets out already.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on February 05, 2008, 11:15:44 PM
Yes, if Romney would get the hell out, Huckabee would have a serious chance. Let hope Romney gets out already.
Huckabbee's only problem will be that he is fiscally liberal
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: eb22 on February 06, 2008, 01:43:21 AM
Huckabee has WON more states than Romney.

Romney is the spoiler, NOT Huckabee.

      The problem with Mike Huckabee's candidacy is he isn't getting enough support from non-Southern States.     Since winning Iowa,   Huckabee hasn't won a single state out of the South,    with the exception of the "  gift"  he received from John McCain in West Virginia.     

     Basically,   both candidates are proving to be flawed from the standpoint of having appeal on a National Scale.       
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 06, 2008, 01:57:06 AM
You guys have all gone insane!

Do you support the Huckabee who said that the Fakestinians have been "removed from their homes for no reason"?

Or the Huckabee who STILL TO THIS DAY does not apologize for freeing all those rapists and drug dealers, and thinks it was the "Christlike thing to do"?

Or the Huckabee who would refuse to bomb Iran under any circumstances?

Or the Huckabee who says you aren't saved (going to heaven) if you oppose scholarships for illegals?

WAKE UP! This fraud just bought a first-class ticket for our country to Gehenom!!!
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on February 06, 2008, 01:58:55 AM

That is what Romney is doing.

As for comments about the Palestinians why don't you look at the other options. Huckabee won't pressure Israel to give up Judea and Samaria.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Scriabin on February 06, 2008, 02:02:03 AM
It makes no difference.  No one can beat McCain at this point.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: eb22 on February 06, 2008, 02:04:02 AM
You guys have all gone insane!

Do you support the Huckabee who said that the Fakestinians have been "removed from their homes for no reason"?

Or the Huckabee who STILL TO THIS DAY does not apologize for freeing all those rapists and drug dealers, and thinks it was the "Christlike thing to do"?

Or the Huckabee who would refuse to bomb Iran under any circumstances?

Or the Huckabee who says you aren't saved (going to heaven) if you oppose scholarships for illegals?

WAKE UP! This fraud just bought a first-class ticket for our country to Gehenom!!!

          Of the remaining candidates,   Mike Huckabee is my preference.    He's just not getting enough support from non- Southern Republicans.

          I'll be thrilled if Huckabee somehow overcomes the huge delegate deficit in the race,   wins,   the Republican nomination,   and then the Presidency.     The chances of this happening though are slim at best.  
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on February 06, 2008, 02:08:46 AM
I think Huckabee has a slim shot if that. He will be in my prayers. But if McCain chooses Huckabee it would be great because we would have at least one Pro Israel candidate on the ticket. That and the Democrats are going to be fighting with each other until the convention so they will only have about 10 weeks to campaign against the GOP
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Scriabin on February 06, 2008, 02:26:59 AM
Obstacles of political misfortune stood in Huckabee and Romney's way.  Romney's humiliating defeat to Huckabee in IA after a 50-1 spendthrift venture and McCain 8-year in the making comeback defeating Huckabee.  Add McCain's NH win into the analysis, and you end up with your nominee and likely 44th president. (McCain would be the first president born outside of a U.S. state; his birthplace is in the former U.S. territory of the Panama Canal Zone.)

Its all over, all over.  What a legacy.  What a legacy.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on February 06, 2008, 02:30:15 AM
I just hope he picks a good VP. Huckabee or Duncan Hunter.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 11:13:08 AM

Most Huckabee supporters will vote for McCain and so will Huckabee, himself. Huckabee HATES Romney.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 06, 2008, 11:15:35 AM
Dan, thats right everyone been had by this guy.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 11:17:27 AM
You guys have all gone insane!

Do you support the Huckabee who said that the Fakestinians have been "removed from their homes for no reason"?

Or the Huckabee who STILL TO THIS DAY does not apologize for freeing all those rapists and drug dealers, and thinks it was the "Christlike thing to do"?

Or the Huckabee who would refuse to bomb Iran under any circumstances?

Or the Huckabee who says you aren't saved (going to heaven) if you oppose scholarships for illegals?

WAKE UP! This fraud just bought a first-class ticket for our country to Gehenom!!!

funny, didn't you say that you would support Hillary  (or was it Obama) if McCain won?  Talk about first class tickets to Gehonom!  You might has well be a pilot  on a concord if you go with Hillary or Obama!
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 06, 2008, 11:20:43 AM
Dr. Dan, some people really do not understand politics.  if say Huckster left you know how that would give McPain a run for his money.. There are States that have a strong lead of support for Romney.  These are wasted votes and they split the other 2 candidates from the leader.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 11:22:40 AM
Dr. Dan, some people really do not understand politics.  if say Huckster left you know how that would give McPain a run for his money.. There are States that have a strong lead of support for Romney.  These are wasted votes and they split the other 2 candidates from the leader.

i know...we abandoned huckabee too quickly.  Huck and mccain are a team with each other..so better to abandon Romney to and go for Huckabee...
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 06, 2008, 11:25:11 AM
It still feels as if you sold your soul to the devil cause in a way it is still a support for McPain
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 06, 2008, 11:36:33 AM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lubab on February 06, 2008, 11:37:10 AM
You guys have all gone insane!

Do you support the Huckabee who said that the Fakestinians have been "removed from their homes for no reason"?

Or the Huckabee who STILL TO THIS DAY does not apologize for freeing all those rapists and drug dealers, and thinks it was the "Christlike thing to do"?

Or the Huckabee who would refuse to bomb Iran under any circumstances?

Or the Huckabee who says you aren't saved (going to heaven) if you oppose scholarships for illegals?

WAKE UP! This fraud just bought a first-class ticket for our country to Gehenom!!!

This is what I found about Huckabee on Iran:

"Huckabee on Iran's nuclear program and the Chuck Norris bounce
Republican Mike Huckabee appeared today on CNN's Late Edition and got hit right off with questions on Iran. He said it would be "totally unacceptable" for Iran to have nuclear weaponry "given the language, the tone and the direction of this regime."

Notice how here we have actual quotes.

Your quote about Huckabee on Israel is very misleading considering the context as Chaim explained to you.

Regarding the pardon the rapist you really need to read Huckabee's website to get the other side of that story before you pass judgement.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: JR-Obilic on February 06, 2008, 11:38:23 AM
Forget Huckabee.  He's a snake!  I'm never supporting anyone, even if just verbally, ever again!  This is politics, the person u support, even if unknowingly could be the one supporting the demise of everything you believe in.  Let's not forget, they all are part of the same establishment.  I want nothing to do with it!
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 06, 2008, 11:40:03 AM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

C.F. Finally there is a voice of reason, cause if Huckabee turns as McCain's VP nominee, what really did we gain?  That still makes McCain top dog and people don't see this??? WAKE UP PEOPLE
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lubab on February 06, 2008, 11:41:18 AM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

And what are you suggesting we do exactly? I voted for Romney as JTF suggested. But in my heart I feel Huckabee would make a better president.

If you are interested in defeating McCain I can't understand why you would ask Huckabee to drop out and not Romney. Huckabee got more delagates with less money. He has more mass appeal and has a better chance in a general election than Romney. Why does this make us all so crazy, pray tell.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lubab on February 06, 2008, 11:42:57 AM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

C.F. Finally there is a voice of reason, cause if Huckabee turns as McCain's VP nominee, what really did we gain?  That still makes McCain top dog and people don't see this??? WAKE UP PEOPLE

Telling us to "wake up" is not an argument. I could just as easily tell you to wake up and smell the fact that Romney's campaign has been ineffective considering the money he spent and therefore he's the one who should drop out.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lubab on February 06, 2008, 11:44:14 AM
Forget Huckabee.  He's a snake!  I'm never supporting anyone, even if just verbally, ever again!  This is politics, the person u support, even if unknowingly could be the one supporting the demise of everything you believe in.  Let's not forget, they all are part of the same establishment.  I want nothing to do with it!

The establishment actually hates Huckabee.

And again, this is just more name-calling. No logic. No argument. No nothing.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 06, 2008, 11:47:22 AM
Forget Huckabee.  He's a snake!  I'm never supporting anyone, even if just verbally, ever again!  This is politics, the person u support, even if unknowingly could be the one supporting the demise of everything you believe in.  Let's not forget, they all are part of the same establishment.  I want nothing to do with it!

The establishment actually hates Huckabee.

And again, this is just more name-calling. No logic. No argument. No nothing.

Oh please he is part of the establishment and he is about as conservative as my dead grannie is alive.   The fact remains this if he takes those votes away from Romney that can be used to defeat McCain what are we really gaining here.

The idea was to defeat McCain.  You do all realize that Mike Huckabee was an even worst gov of the state of Ark then Clinton was.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 11:47:36 AM
It still feels as if you sold your soul to the devil cause in a way it is still a support for McPain

FIrst off i didn't vote...And in NJ McCain won big time so my vote for Romney or Huck would have been a waste.

Huck looks more consistent and better on paper..but i'm sure he woudl be another GW Bush...same establishment fella as any of th eother candidates running..but better tohave a conservative to slow things down from going into oblivion.

Also, Huckabee's view on oil independence is really what we need...Nobody else offers a proper resolution for it.  Anything we can do to keep ARabs and muzzies from making money is what we need.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 11:49:20 AM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

WEll you are someone who is a much hardliner than Chaim..so what you say is no surprise to me.. I might as well be a self hating kyke in your eyes with the things i post on this forum.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 11:52:48 AM
Forget Huckabee.  He's a snake!  I'm never supporting anyone, even if just verbally, ever again!  This is politics, the person u support, even if unknowingly could be the one supporting the demise of everything you believe in.  Let's not forget, they all are part of the same establishment.  I want nothing to do with it!

The establishment actually hates Huckabee.

And again, this is just more name-calling. No logic. No argument. No nothing.

Oh please he is part of the establishment and he is about as conservative as my dead grannie is alive.   The fact remains this if he takes those votes away from Romney that can be used to defeat McCain what are we really gaining here.

The idea was to defeat McCain.  You do all realize that Mike Huckabee was an even worst gov of the state of Ark then Clinton was.

Listen, if I had voted yesterday i would have picked Romney.  However, realizing what happened yesterday, I realize that Huck hates Romney...Romney supporters are more likely to vote for Huckabee than Huckabee supporters to McCain.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: JR-Obilic on February 06, 2008, 12:00:41 PM
Forget Huckabee.  He's a snake!  I'm never supporting anyone, even if just verbally, ever again!  This is politics, the person u support, even if unknowingly could be the one supporting the demise of everything you believe in.  Let's not forget, they all are part of the same establishment.  I want nothing to do with it!

The establishment actually hates Huckabee.

And again, this is just more name-calling. No logic. No argument. No nothing.

How is there no logic when the guy is suppoprting MCCAIN????  The worst candidate by far!  Obama winning would be better for Serbs then McCain and ur telling me there's no logic behind not supporting MCCAIN???  HOW???  When u support Huckabee u are supporting McCain.  That is all the logic i need.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on February 06, 2008, 12:10:03 PM
Romney will be dropping out and Huckabee will get all the consertive votes and he is better for Israel and the Pro Life Issue. Plus the Values Voters won't be torn between not voting and a third party.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: JR-Obilic on February 06, 2008, 12:11:35 PM
Romney dropping out...  All that would secure is a victory for McCain.  I liked him at the beginning because of those issues u stated, but it seems that by supporting him we would just be supporting McCain.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 01:55:25 PM
There is a possibility that without the necessary number of delegates to win that Romney and Huckabee might strike a deal with each other to give the other his delegates for becoming vice president..

however, I think Huckabee will most likely help McCain over Romney if it came down to it.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: OdKahaneChai on February 06, 2008, 04:00:09 PM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement
Real Kahanists know not to trust in America in the first place!
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Daniel on February 06, 2008, 05:05:45 PM
Yes, if Romney would get the hell out, Huckabee would have a serious chance. Let hope Romney gets out already.
Huckabbee's only problem will be that he is fiscally liberal

Wanting to eliminate the Federal Reserve is fiscally liberal?
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Daniel on February 06, 2008, 05:08:59 PM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

So what's your solution then? Supporting Romney will help turn Kahanism into a mass movement?
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Daniel on February 06, 2008, 05:10:13 PM
Forget Huckabee.  He's a snake!  I'm never supporting anyone, even if just verbally, ever again!  This is politics, the person u support, even if unknowingly could be the one supporting the demise of everything you believe in.  Let's not forget, they all are part of the same establishment.  I want nothing to do with it!

So what's your solution then?
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: JTFFan on February 06, 2008, 05:10:28 PM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

So what's your solution then? Supporting Romney will help turn Kahanism into a mass movement?

All the candidates are Terrible, Terrible!
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Daniel on February 06, 2008, 05:11:20 PM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

So what's your solution then? Supporting Romney will help turn Kahanism into a mass movement?

All the candidates are Terrible, Terrible!

So why even bother spending all this time, effort, and attention on the election then?
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: JTFFan on February 06, 2008, 05:12:17 PM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

So what's your solution then? Supporting Romney will help turn Kahanism into a mass movement?

All the candidates are Terrible, Terrible!

So why even bother spending all this time, effort, and attention on the election then?

Support the lesser of the two evils.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 06, 2008, 05:14:30 PM
You guys are all morons. You can't see what is happening when it is RIGHT IN FRONT of your faces.

YOU are the reasons Kahanism is not a mass movement and conservative is a splintered, impotent, dying movement--we all chase after rabbits, believe the promises of the very first person who claims to be a rightist or support Israel, tune out all evidence to the contrary once your minds have been made up, and refuse to work together for the common cause.

This forum and everyone in it except a couple of people make me sick.

So what's your solution then? Supporting Romney will help turn Kahanism into a mass movement?

Do you honestly think any of them would ever help us being a Mass movement?  Do you really think that??
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: JR-Obilic on February 06, 2008, 07:18:57 PM
Forget Huckabee.  He's a snake!  I'm never supporting anyone, even if just verbally, ever again!  This is politics, the person u support, even if unknowingly could be the one supporting the demise of everything you believe in.  Let's not forget, they all are part of the same establishment.  I want nothing to do with it!

So what's your solution then?

i didn't say i had a solution..  i just dont think anyone should support huckabee now that he's supporting mccain..  my personal solution is not to support any candidate anymore, unless they prove to me that i should support them which i can't forsee ever happening.  i'm not gonna believe in picking the lesser of the evils anymore.

like i said, i detest mccain more then obama.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 07:32:31 PM
huckabee as president buys more time before ISrael and America's destruction, Gd forbid.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on February 06, 2008, 09:08:54 PM
huckabee as president buys more time before ISrael and America's destruction, Gd forbid.
agreed, huckabbee would take a tough stance on Muslim terrorists
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 06, 2008, 09:12:35 PM

And C.F. has demonstrated that not even the Huckster is perfect on the issue, but was the closest thing to an Evangelical rebirth in this nation in a long time coming.
Oh yeah, what a rebirth.  ::)

"Jesus wants us to free the Gitmo prisoners."
"Jesus wants us to provide scholarships to the illegals."
"Jesus wants us to forgive the rapists and drug dealers."
"Jesus loves the Fagestinians."

 ::) ::) ::)
THIS crap is why most people reject Christianity!
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 06, 2008, 09:17:14 PM

And C.F. has demonstrated that not even the Huckster is perfect on the issue, but was the closest thing to an Evangelical rebirth in this nation in a long time coming.
Oh yeah, what a rebirth.  ::)

"Jesus wants us to free the Gitmo prisoners."
"Jesus wants us to provide scholarships to the illegals."
"Jesus wants us to forgive the rapists and drug dealers."
"Jesus loves the Fagestinians."

 ::) ::) ::)
THIS crap is why most people reject Christianity!

CF i think you are right about all of the republican candidates..none of them are good enough for us and we certainly can't put our trust in any single one of them.. Even Huckabee will screw us over like GW Bush did...However, he is the best choice and if he loses, i believe whomever becomes the republican candidate will be the one to choose even if it is McCain, Gd forbid.  hitlery and obama will very easily destroy this country. However, McCain will cause a slower decay of this country..so we are better off with him 4 years. Plus he might die of cancer in the meantime and we might get his VP...So we can only hope McCain will choose a true conservative VP...and not Lieberman.

If Bloomberg runs and McCain is the nominee, you can be sure that the demoncrat nominee will win the election.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: OdKahaneChai on February 06, 2008, 10:17:36 PM

And C.F. has demonstrated that not even the Huckster is perfect on the issue, but was the closest thing to an Evangelical rebirth in this nation in a long time coming.
Oh yeah, what a rebirth.  ::)

"Jesus wants us to free the Gitmo prisoners."
"Jesus wants us to provide scholarships to the illegals."
"Jesus wants us to forgive the rapists and drug dealers."
"Jesus loves the Fagestinians."

 ::) ::) ::)
THIS crap is why most people reject Christianity!
Oh, that's why people reject Christianity...  ::)
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: Lubab on February 06, 2008, 10:28:09 PM
Last I checked Christianity is still pretty big.
Title: Re: I think we gave up on Huckabee too soon
Post by: christians4jews on February 07, 2008, 09:35:36 AM
good post dan, masterwolf and C.F has lost the plot...

romney is thinking of dropping out lololol