Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: newman on February 22, 2008, 03:39:08 PM
Has anyone ever looked at 'high fashion' parades and seen the crap the models are wearing. It all looks like garbage. Walmart wouldn't sell that stuff. The hairdos those anorexic models have at those things look like something from outerspace too.
Consider that both the fashion designers and hairdressers at those things are women-hating fags and put two and two together.
These poo-pokers are trying to make women look as ugly and stupid as they possibly can.
So true!
Half of the so called "fashion" aren't wearable at all……unless you’re taking part in a “being a hot air ballon” competition or something.
For once, I’d like to see elegant yet original clothing that women can actually wear…..not it just being a piece of demented art.
Why all the successful fashion designers in todays time, are homosexual, God knows!
So true!
Half of the so called "fashion" aren't wearable at all……unless you’re taking part in a “being a hot air ballon” competition or something.
For once, I’d like to see elegant yet original clothing that women can actually wear…..not it just being a piece of demented art.
Why all the successful fashion designers in todays time, are homosexual, G-d knows!
I think that a lot of gay fashion designers are terrific! I don't know why they're hated though. Gay men also make some of the best hair stylists also.
So true!
Half of the so called "fashion" aren't wearable at all……unless you’re taking part in a “being a hot air ballon” competition or something.
For once, I’d like to see elegant yet original clothing that women can actually wear…..not it just being a piece of demented art.
Why all the successful fashion designers in todays time, are homosexual, G-d knows!
I think that a lot of gay fashion designers are terrific! I don't know why they're hated though. Gay men also make some of the best hair stylists also.
Can they do anything with naps?
So true!
Half of the so called "fashion" aren't wearable at all……unless you’re taking part in a “being a hot air ballon” competition or something.
For once, I’d like to see elegant yet original clothing that women can actually wear…..not it just being a piece of demented art.
Why all the successful fashion designers in todays time, are homosexual, G-d knows!
I think that a lot of gay fashion designers are terrific! I don't know why they're hated though. Gay men also make some of the best hair stylists also.
Can they do anything with naps?
Black homosexual hairstylists CAN work with nappy hair. Can you?
Erica, homosexuals shouldn't be encouraged with anything until they stop their immoral behaviour because THEY CAN, they just want to be different or have some psychological mentality that they are expressing their true selves.
Erica, homosexuals shouldn't be encouraged with anything until they stop their immoral behaviour because THEY CAN, they just want to be different or have some psychological mentality that they are expressing their true selves.
So homosexuals, because of who they choose to date, should not have any aspirations in life because they WANT to be who they are? I'm not sure I understand that. You know me well enough to know that if I'm not going to bash whites for being white, I'm not going to bash homosexuals for being gay. I'm just wired that way, I guess. It comes from actually having a gay father, and gay friends. And while we're on the subject, my dad made clothes, was a hairstylist, and a poet. He wasn't famous but he made his mark in this world. He is the reason why I can do the things I can do. So I don't believe what I think you're trying to say...that gays shouldn't do anything worthwhile in life until after they become straight. I don't think you can turn a Gay person straight.
Homosexuality is a sin .................and because it is so, i do not believe that anybody is born a homosexual because you are born innocent as a baby, with an inclination to sin, not with a sin already built within you. I believe that being "gay" is self controlled and can be overcome as a test instead of succumbing to immoral desires and an unatural way of life.
I don't think that Homosexuals should be taunted or mocked however to rever their work e.g. fashion designing, and to allow them to come out and influence others in society i believe has a negative impact and merely encourages homosexuality.
Homosexuality is a sin .................and because it is so, i do not believe that anybody is born a homosexual because you are born innocent as a baby, with an inclination to sin, not with a sin already built within you. I believe that being "gay" is self controlled and can be overcome as a test instead of succumbing to immoral desires and an unatural way of life.
I don't think that Homosexuals should be taunted or mocked however to rever their work e.g. fashion designing, and to allow them to come out and influence others in society i believe has a negative impact and merely encourages homosexuality.
Do you know any 'formerly gay people' sarah? I don't know of one who has all of a sudden turned straight just because some people think they should. If an affeminent man wakes up one day and says, I'm not gay, do the feminine ticks stop? Does he deepen his voice to sound more manly? Does his walk change? What happens, Sarah?
About homosexuals being revered in their work, e.g., fashion designing, what you're saying is that straight people should "Watch out... a homosexual hairstylist or clothing designer will influence you to make clothes and do hair!" My dad being gay didn't make me want to be gay. My dad's talents influenced my own talents. I'm not gay. My brother isn't gay. My sister isn't gay. I don't agree with you on this front. It's just far-fetched to think that because a person hangs around a gay person that they will leave their home a homosexual.
I agree homosexuality is a disease. I am not sure they are born with it though. Sick behavior.
The sad fact of the matter is that the fashion industry, interior design industry, hair salon industry, as well as acting and theatre industry, are and always have been, since the dawn of time, the domain of homosexuals both male and female.
It's true that their "fashion shows" are ridiculous, but it's also true that most beautiful hairstyles and beautiful women's dress styles are also the work of homosexuals.
It's the way the world is, and the way it has been and always will be.
As our Scriptures so aptly state, "There is nothing new under the Sun."
Everyone here should go read about the rule of King Solomon, and you will get a wake-up call about how life in ancient Israel differed little from life today.
Also go read the historian Josephus' classic work "History of the Jews", where you'll read about the gangs of transexual Jewish men who roamed the streets of Jerusalem killing people in the time prior to the Temple's destruction.
Study history of Japanese Kabuki Theatre...early on it was banned by the Shoguns because the actors and musicians were all prostitutes both male and female who stirred up fights and trouble wherever and whenever they appeared.
It is the human condition.
Interesting post, Massuh.
I don't agree with people being able to determine their sexual preferences. I've known a few gay men. And they all knew, from a very young age, that they were "different." It wasn't like they woke up one morning and decided to be homosexuals.
So for those people who think homosexuality controllable, I have a question for you. Would you want your sisters or female friends to be married to men who have no physical interest in women whatsoever? Don't you think that your sisters or friends deserve to be happy with their husbands?
Well, Lisa, maybe these men should not marry at all, so neither they or their potential spouses don't end up unhappy. However, I can't condone their behavior which I consider to be without morals. Even if they have these urges, they don't have to act on them, do they?
Well, Lisa, maybe these men should not marry at all, so neither they or their potential spouses don't end up unhappy. However, I can't condone their behavior which I consider to be without morals. Even if they have these urges, they don't have to act on them, do they?
I don't think we're in a position to judge homosexuals for how they are. I think some homosexuals are born that way, and some become homosexuals because of sexual abuse. I know many gay men who were affeminate at 5 years old and thought they were girls. Most of them found out they were gay in their teens...some found out later. I can't imagine anyone wanting to CHOOSE to be gay when you consider how much abuse homosexuals recieve from some in the hetero community. Did you know that there are teen boys who'd rather kill themselves than to tell their parents that they're gay? And there are girls who would rather run away from home than to divulge to their parents that they're lesbians.
Also, to say that these people who are dealing with a conflict should not be happy, or be interested in anyone because they have 'gay' feelings is just wrong. I think there is someone for everyone and that one shouldn't just STOP looking for love because they like someone of he same sex.
I've heard many ex-homosexuals talk on religious programs like Olive Tree Views.
Mormons have cured homosexuality with electric shock aversion therapy.
This is a good article explaining the problems with homosexuality.
Rav Moshe Feinstein, in Iggrot Moshe, Orach Chaim, Part 4, Responsa 115, adopted a very strong position against homosexuality. Human drives are necessary although they must be controlled. Since there is no purpose for the homosexual drive [and G-d is perfect], Rav Moshe contends, it must not be a true drive. Therefore, the underlying reason for gay behavior, he argues, must be to rebel against G-d, to wish to do something forbidden (perhaps, implying some innate knowledge of its forbidden nature).
Why Judaism Rejected Homosexuality
By Dennis Prager
When Judaism demanded that all sexual activity be channeled into marriage, it changed the world. The subsequent dominance of the Western world, says Dennis Prager, can largely be attributed to the sexual revolution initiated by Judaism, and later carried forward by Christianity.
The revolution consisted of forcing the sexual genie into the marital bottle. It ensured that sex no longer dominated society, heightened male-female love and sexuality (and thereby almost alone created the possibility of love and eroticism within marriage), and began the arduous task of elevating the status of women.
By contrast, throughout the ancient world, and up to the recent past in many parts of the world, sexuality infused virtually all of society.
Human sexuality, especially male sexuality, is utterly wild. Men have had sex with women and with men; with little girls and young boys; with a single partner and in large groups; with total strangers and immediate family members; and with a variety of domesticated animals. There is little, animate or inanimate, that has not excited some men to orgasm.
Thus, the first thing Judaism did was to de-sexualize God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth by His will, not through any sexual behavior. This broke with all other religions, and it alone changed human history.
The gods of virtually all civilizations engaged in sexual relations.
Given the sexual activity of the gods, it is not surprising that the religions themselves were replete with all forms of sexual activity. In the ancient Near East and elsewhere, virgins were deflowered by priests prior to engaging in relations with their husbands, and sacred or ritual prostitution was almost universal.
The revolutionary nature of Judaism's prohibiting all forms of non-marital sex was nowhere more radical, more challenging to the prevailing assumptions of mankind, than with regard to homosexuality.
Indeed, Judaism may be said to have invented the notion of homosexuality, for in the ancient world sexuality was not divided between heterosexuality and homosexuality. That division was the Bible's doing. Before the Bible, the world divided sexuality between penetrator (active partner) and penetrated (passive partner).
As Martha Nussbaum, professor of philosophy at Brown University, recently wrote, the ancients were no more concerned with people's gender preference than people today are with others' eating preferences:
Ancient categories of sexual experience differed considerably from our own. The central distinction in sexual morality was the distinction between active and passive roles. The gender of the object . . . is not in itself morally problematic. Boys and women are very often treated interchangeably as objects of (male) desire. What is socially important is to penetrate rather than to be penetrated. Sex is understood fundamentally not as interaction, but as a doing of something to someone . . .
Judaism changed all this. It rendered the "gender of the object" very "morally problematic"; it declared that no one is "interchangeable" sexually. And as a result, it ensured that sex would in fact be "fundamentally interaction" and not simply "a doing of something to someone."
"None of the archaic civilizations prohibited homosexuality per se," Dr. David E. Greenberg notes. Judaism alone declared homosexuality wrong. "Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is an abomination." "And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed an abomination." It is Judaism's sexual morality, not homosexuality, that historically has been deviant.
Greenberg, whose The Construction of Homosexuality is the most thorough historical study of homosexuality ever written, summarized the ubiquitous nature of homosexuality in these words: "With only a few exceptions, male homosexuality was not stigmatized or repressed so long as it conformed to norms regarding gender and the relative ages and statuses of the partners . . . The major exceptions to this acceptance seem to have arisen in two circumstances." Both of these circumstances were Jewish.
It is the Hebrew Bible that gave humanity such ideas as a universal, moral, loving God; ethical obligations to this God; the need for history to move forward to moral and spiritual redemption; the belief that history has meaning; and the notion that human freedom and social justice are the divinely desired states for all people. It gave the world the Ten Commandments, ethical monotheism, and the concept of holiness (the goal of raising human beings from the animal-like to the Godlike).
Therefore, when this Bible makes strong moral proclamations, Dennis Prager listens with great respect. And regarding male homosexuality -- female homosexuality is not mentioned -- this Bible speaks in such clear and direct language that one does not have to be a religious fundamentalist in order to be influenced by its views.
Judaism cannot make peace with homosexuality because homosexuality denies many of Judaism's most fundamental principles. It denies life, it denies God's expressed desire that men and women cohabit, and it denies the root structure that Judaism wishes for all mankind, the family.
The Need to Channel Passions into Marriage
God's first declaration about man (the human being generally, and the male specifically) is, "It is not good for man to be alone." Now, presumably, in order to solve the problem of man's aloneness, God could have made another man, or even a community of men.
But instead God solved man's aloneness by creating one other person, a woman -- not a man, not a few women, not a community of men and women. Man's solitude was not a function of his not being with other people; it was a function of his being without a woman.
In this regard, the Torah and Judaism were highly prescient: the overwhelming majority of violent crimes are committed by unmarried men. Thus, male celibacy, a sacred state in many religions, is a sin in Judaism. In order to become fully human, male and female must join. In the words of Genesis, "God created the human .. . male and female He created them." The union of male and female is not merely some lively ideal; it is the essence of the Jewish outlook on becoming human.
The Homosexual Life
A final reason for opposition to homosexuality is the homosexual "lifestyle." While it is possible for male homosexuals to live lives of fidelity comparable to those of heterosexual males, it is usually not the case. While the typical lesbian has had fewer than ten lovers, the typical male homosexual in America has had over 500.
In general, neither homosexuals not heterosexuals confront the fact that it is this male homosexual lifestyle, more than the specific homosexual act, that disturbs most people. This is probably why less attention is paid to female homosexuality.
When male sexuality is not controlled, the consequences are considerably more destructive than when female sexuality is not controlled. Men rape. Women do not. Men, not women, engage in fetishes. Men are more frequently consumed by their sex drive and wander from sex partner to sex partner. Men, not women, are sexually sadistic.
The indiscriminate sex that characterizes much of male homosexual life represents the antithesis of Judaism's goal of elevating human life from the animal-like to the God-like.
To a world which divided human sexuality between penetrator and penetrated, Judaism said, "You are wrong -- sexuality is to be divided between male and female." To a world which saw women as baby producers unworthy of romantic and sexual attention, Judaism said, "You are wrong -- women must be the sole focus of erotic love."
To a world which said that sensual feelings and physical beauty were life's supreme goods, Judaism said, "You are wrong -- ethics and holiness are the supreme goods." A thousand years before Roman emperors kept naked boys, Jewish kings were commanded to write and keep a sefer torah, a book of the Torah.
I've heard many ex-homosexuals talk on religious programs like Olive Tree Views.
Mormons have cured homosexuality with electric shock aversion therapy.
There is a gospel artist who says that God cured him of homosexuality. The question is, where do you go from there? Do you force yourself to have feelings for women now that you're 'cured'?
As for what the Mormons did to cure homosexuality, I'm sure that the 'ex-gay people' DID change their lives after being almost fried to death. But I the message that sent was "if you even LOOK at another man in "that way" again, we'll up the voltage a hundred times higher next time". I think that some people are TOO preoccupied with what's going on in the bedrooms and lives of everyone ELSE in the world. Why can't people mind their business?
Way more than 90% of all "homosexual" men had intercourse with a woman at some point. You can't tell me they didn't enjoy it because it wouldn't work.
It's all thoroughly documented in the book:
The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian
Homosexuality is a Sin. It is forbidden. It is immoral. It is unnatural.
People who have been faced with the test of homosexuality should try their best to overcome it.
I do know someone Erica that was an attention seeker wanted to be different and so announced himself gay, he was in fact only 14 years old and already had problems.
Homosexuals manipulate their so called "case" by changing the way they look and speak...even exaggerating it.
If God judges them to be wrong doers in the Holy books, and we for sure know they are outwardly homosexual then, i think that grants me the right to say that they are sinners and wrong. They need to correct their ways.
It is rubbish that they cannot stop being homosexual or fight against it.
Way more than 90% of all "homosexual" men had intercourse with a woman at some point. You can't tell me they didn't enjoy it because it wouldn't work.
It's all thoroughly documented in the book:
The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian
I suppose many gays have in fact had at least one intercosre with a woman.... if they enjoyed it? well, we should ask them...I suppose it depends on each gay... But do you honestly believe any woman would like to marry a man knowing that he really prefers men and is with her just to keep the Law????????????
BTW, I have never heard anyone advocating electric shock to cure adultery, blasphemy, idolatry........Curious, isn't it?
Religious zeal, or just repulsion? That's the question.
They need to get over it, they can.
They need to get over it, they can.
Sarah, there is a flaw in your theory. Obviously the gay teens I mentioned who wind up killing themselves couldn't "just get over it". How do you suppose that gays CAN get over it?
Will they have to MAKE themselves attracted to the opposite sex?
Sorry, I forgot to ask the other way around. Would you boys here marry a lesbian woman knowing that she is not attracted by men, and is marrying just to avoid sin????? Even if she may enjoy relations with a man at some level...... I don't know for sure, but I think I wouldn't!
They need to get over it, they can.
Sarah, there is a flaw in your theory. Obviously the gay teens I mentioned who wind up killing themselves couldn't "just get over it". How do you suppose that gays CAN get over it?
Will they have to MAKE themselves attracted to the opposite sex?
Getting over homosexuality does just mean changing ones sexual feelings but their whole mentality. They need to establish their gender identity......this will take a lot of time and patience and probably pain and struggle......
I don't think homosexuals are attracted to the male sex to the same degree that men who are hetrosexual are attracted to women. There is another topic by Newman with an Article, read it.
If they turn to God, they'll get over it.
It's not a theory either.
They need to get over it, they can.
Sarah, there is a flaw in your theory. Obviously the gay teens I mentioned who wind up killing themselves couldn't "just get over it". How do you suppose that gays CAN get over it?
Will they have to MAKE themselves attracted to the opposite sex?
Getting over homosexuality does just mean changing ones sexual feelings but their whole mentality. They need to establish their gender identity......this will take a lot of time and patience and probably pain and struggle......
I don't think homosexuals are attracted to the male sex to the same degree that men who are hetrosexual are attracted to women. There is another topic by Newman with an Article, read it.
If they turn to G-d, they'll get over it.
It's not a theory either.
I disagree. If what you say is true, then every gay person who is beaten up, or killed asked for it. If they would have 'just changed', Matthew Shepard would still be alive today. Mathew Shepard was a 19 year old teen who was severely beaten and stomped to death, undressed, killed and empaled in barbed wire when it was found out that he was gay. I am a Christian but I don't think gays can turn from Gay to straight by going to God. I think that ultimately, said 'reformed gays' won't seek a relationship with ANY gender... #1 because they dont' want to anger God, and #2 because they STILL aren't attracted to the opposite sex after the fact.
Then every homosexual should turn into a "reform gay".
If you are a christian you believe it is sinful.....and if that means homosexuality is actually committing a sin....they are not born with it because they have caused it by "committing" it.
Look at mentally insane people, God has stated that they are not accountable for their actions if they are not in the right mind. Look at homosexuals, God has said they are accountable for their sins...of homosexuality....and therefore it shows that they ARE in the right mind, and can distinguish and escape from the vile mentality.
Then every homosexual should turn into a "reform gay".
If you are a christian you believe it is sinful.....and if that means homosexuality is actually committing a sin....they are not born with it because they have caused it by "committing" it.
Look at mentally insane people, G-d has stated that they are not accountable for their actions if they are not in the right mind. Look at homosexuals, G-d has said they are accountable for their sins...of homosexuality....and therefore it shows that they ARE in the right mind, and can distinguish and escape from the vile mentality.
You still didn't answer the question, Sarah. You're saying that gays speak the way they do, walk the way they do, and act the way they do for attention... WHO in their right mind would want to pretend to be gay knowing they could possibly be beaten or killed because of their orientation?
Not solely attention but it is a key factor.
Why would they come out and dress gay and act so in PUBLIC if they KNOW they are going to get beaten up anyway? Why would they put themselves in danger, just to let the world know they are Gay when they could be so in secret! They can be gay and dress normally but no they want to express it because they think they are being true to themselves and it is worth the risk. They have something wrong with their minds, they are twisted.
Not solely attention but it is a key factor.
Why would they come out and dress gay and act so in PUBLIC if they KNOW they are going to get beaten up anyway? Why would they put themselves in danger, just to let the world know they are Gay when they could be so in secret! They can be gay and dress normally but no they want to express it because they think they are being true to themselves and it is worth the risk. They have something wrong with their minds, they are twisted.
That's the thing, sarah. You have it in your mind that Gays don't dress like normal people. There are men who dress normal but have affeminate features, have lighter voices, and walk like women because that's natural to THEM. I walk like my dad and have a certain stride to my step. (Eventhough my dad was gay, he didn't have any affeminate ticks or anything like that. He walked the way you expect a 'real man' to walk, and had a deep voice. The only thing he did differently than 'real men' (sarcasm) was style hair, manicure nails, design clothing for himself, and sew. He was also a good plumber, and an all around Mr. Fix-it.
My point is that Homosexuals can no more stop 'talking like a female' , than I can stop walking like a man. I don't think it's fair to judge homosexuals.
Erica, you are right about a lot of cases. There are people who act like gays before even realising that they actually are. But those who do parades do want indeed to call atention. BTW, you said you walk like a man, and your profile says Gender: "Female". How's that? a mistake? Your nickname is also a woman name, at least in my native language.....
Erica, you are right about a lor of cases. There are people who act like gays defore even realisinf that they actually are. But those who do parades don't wabt indded to call atention. BTW, Uoi said tou walk like a man, and your profile says Gender: "Female". Jow's that? a mistake? Your nickname is also a woman name, at least in my native language.....
I am female and I inherited my dad's walk. I walk like man because it's in my genes to do so..just like my girls walk like their dad, on the the tips of their toes (almost). I also have two daughters who have the same body make-up (muscle tone) as their dad...very athletically built. It's all in the genes. That's what I meant by, "I walk like a man".
Let me ask you a question. Do you believe in G-d or the Bible?
So Hashem would make people born pure gay and then tell them that it's wrong? Do you realize what you are saying?
Let me ask you a question. Do you believe in G-d or the Bible?
So Hashem would make people born pure gay and then tell them that it's wrong? Do you realize what you are saying?
I believe in God. But I also think that he doesn't hate Gays or Lesbians. Can you explain why gays are in fact, gay? Can you explain why a 5 year old boy would call himself a girl when he's a boy (without anyone telling affirming his belief?) Can you tell me why some girls who are tom-boyish think they should have been born boys?
G-d gave everyone free will. Homosexuals are given the free will to choose whether to act on their homosexual urges or ignore them and be righteous. It's only a test.
Yacov. Can YOU explain why some little kids believe they were born in the wrong body?
G-d gave everyone free will. Homosexuals are given the free will to choose whether to act on their homosexual urges or ignore them and be righteous. It's only a test.
Yacov. Can YOU explain why some little kids believe they were born in the wrong body?
Erica - Can you explain what that has to do with homosexuality? How does that example prove your point? ???
G-d gave everyone free will. Homosexuals are given the free will to choose whether to act on their homosexual urges or ignore them and be righteous. It's only a test.
Yacov. Can YOU explain why some little kids believe they were born in the wrong body?
Erica - Can you explain what that has to do with homosexuality? How does that example prove your point? ???
That example has a lot to do with homosexuality. Children who say that they were not supposed to be the sex they were born as usually come out later in life and announce that they're gay.
G-d gave everyone free will. Homosexuals are given the free will to choose whether to act on their homosexual urges or ignore them and be righteous. It's only a test.
Yacov. Can YOU explain why some little kids believe they were born in the wrong body?
Erica - Can you explain what that has to do with homosexuality? How does that example prove your point? ???
That example has a lot to do with homosexuality. Children who say that they were not supposed to be the sex they were born as usually come out later in life and announce that they're gay.
It is a world gone mad.
So if a boy has some feminine tendencies or a girl acts like a tom boy - should we help them out of the closet early? Send them to a psychiatrist. Get them a sex change?
Don't you think some of those feelings are normal stages of development?
G-d gave everyone free will. Homosexuals are given the free will to choose whether to act on their homosexual urges or ignore them and be righteous. It's only a test.
Yacov. Can YOU explain why some little kids believe they were born in the wrong body?
Erica - Can you explain what that has to do with homosexuality? How does that example prove your point? ???
That example has a lot to do with homosexuality. Children who say that they were not supposed to be the sex they were born as usually come out later in life and announce that they're gay.
It is a world gone mad.
So if a boy has some feminine tendencies or a girl acts like a tom boy - should we help them out of the closet early? Send them to a psychiatrist. Get them a sex change?
Don't you think some of those feelings are normal stages of development?
I'm not saying that, bullcat. I'm saying that that's usually how it starts. If those normal feelings don't go away by the age of 12, it's possible that the child could be gay. Because the subject of homosexuality is controversial some children don't come out because of judgement from family and friends. This is hard on them, of course.
I don't agree with sending a teenager to a psychiatrist or child therapist because they believe they're gay. What good will that do? And I definately wouldn't recommend taking a child to get a sex change. That's a decision best made when they're adults and can afford the operation themselves.
I think I might have generalized and not specified that this is the outcome in SOME situations. Not all.
That example has a lot to do with homosexuality. Children who say that they were not supposed to be the sex they were born as usually come out later in life and announce that they're gay.
Ok, for the sake of the argument, if people were "born" gay, then where did they get their "gay" DNA at - since "true born gay" homosexuals would never reproduce offspring?
It could never be a trait that could be handed down. Plus, they never can ever seem to find this "gay gene" they talk about so often. It's because it was never there to begin with.
People can choose to cultivate their masculinity or femininity but if G-d made them a man, then it is their job to cultivate their masculinity. It's part of their purpose. To do the opposite would make that person miss out on what life is supposed to be about (especially with children who should have both the masculine and feminine role models to grow up with in order to be mentally healthy).
That example has a lot to do with homosexuality. Children who say that they were not supposed to be the sex they were born as usually come out later in life and announce that they're gay.
Ok, for the sake of the argument, if people were "born" gay, then where did they get their "gay" DNA at - since "true born gay" homosexuals would never reproduce offspring?
It could never be a trait that could be handed down. Plus, they never can ever seem to find this "gay gene" they talk about so often. It's because it was never there to begin with.
People can choose to cultivate their masculinity or femininity but if G-d made them a man, then it is their job to cultivate their masculinity. It's part of their purpose. To do the opposite would make that person miss out on what life is supposed to be about (especially with children who should have both the masculine and feminine role models to grow up with in order to be mentally healthy).
That, I don't know, Schlomo. After all, as I mentioned before, my dad was gay. But then again, when I was a little kid, around 9 and after being sexually molested for 4 1/2 years at that time, I decided I liked girls because I thought they were less threatening than my uncle (who I thought of as a representative of every evil man). I don't think it was engrained in me to like girls as a child (I found out my dad was gay when I was 13), so there was no direct correlation. I think I liked girls because of the abuse and the fact that I linked the abuse to all men.
With that said, I don't know if there is a gay gene or not. But from what I do know, from the lesbians and gay men I knew in my life, some were born that way, some became gay because of circumstances beyond their control as children. Only God knows for sure. I'm just offering my opinion.
The question of 'born gay' is immaterial.
Being born with a negative inclination is no excuse to act upon it. Many people are born or inclined to certain urges that must be resisted.
Some are born with an inclination to impatience and bad temper but resist the urge to shout at old ladies who take too long in the supermarket quew.
Some are born with an inclination to idleness or laziness but they overcome it to earn a living.
An inlination to sexual perversion must be overcome like any of the countless other negative traits SOME are born with.
The question of 'born gay' is immaterial.
Being born with a negative inclination is no excuse to act upon it. Many people are born or inclined to certain urges that must be resisted.
Some are born with an inclination to impatience and bad temper but resist the urge to shout at old ladies who take too long in the supermarket quew.
Some are born with an inclination to idleness or laziness but they overcome it to earn a living.
An inlination to sexual perversion must be overcome like any of the countless other negative traits SOME are born with.
Whatever, newman. Why don't you does someone else's love life bother you? (I think I asked that question before).
Whatever, newman. Why don't you does someone else's love life bother you? (I think I asked that question before).
Nobody objects to the goings-on behind closed doors.
Our objection to gays is the constant lobbying, demands to adopt children, demands to make church proscriptions against homosexuality illegal, demands for marriages and demands to introduce 'gay tollerence' lessons in schools etc.
Whatever, newman. Why don't you does someone else's love life bother you? (I think I asked that question before).
Nobody objects to the goings-on behind closed doors.
Our objection to gays is the constant lobbying, demands to adopt children, demands to make church proscriptions against homosexuality illegal, demands for marriages and demands to introduce 'gay tollerence' lessons in schools etc.
In this I agree 100%. But I also want to point out that there are many straights involved in those lobbys. I heard that some gays in Urugyay opposed to those weird rights, and others called them "traitors to the community"
Whatever, newman. Why don't you does someone else's love life bother you? (I think I asked that question before).
Nobody objects to the goings-on behind closed doors.
Our objection to gays is the constant lobbying, demands to adopt children, demands to make church proscriptions against homosexuality illegal, demands for marriages and demands to introduce 'gay tollerence' lessons in schools etc.
My last post was atrocious! (sorry). But in response to you, you just mentioned sexual acts (and one that isn't even part of homosexuals lives). You never mentioned anything about rights to adopt and marry.... you went right to the sex. The other stuff is more debatable.
Whatever, newman. Why don't you does someone else's love life bother you? (I think I asked that question before).
Nobody objects to the goings-on behind closed doors.
Our objection to gays is the constant lobbying, demands to adopt children, demands to make church proscriptions against homosexuality illegal, demands for marriages and demands to introduce 'gay tollerence' lessons in schools etc.
My last post was atrocious! (sorry). But in response to you, you just mentioned sexual acts (and one that isn't even part of homosexuals lives). You never mentioned anything about rights to adopt and marry.... you went right to the sex. The other stuff is more debatable.
Nobody cares about sinful activity done in private between consenting adults. It's been going on for 6000 years.
Our objection is to the pollution of the 'cultural well' from which we all drink.
Nobody cares about men & women having sex where the man leaves $50 on the bedside table. People do object to whores lining the main street soliciting the patronage of passers-by.
Nobody cares about someone looking at porn in their own home. Pewople do object to it's display at news stands.
Nobody objects to a husband & wife making love at home. People do object when they grope each other in the park on Sunday afternoon.
Whatever, newman. Why don't you does someone else's love life bother you? (I think I asked that question before).
Nobody objects to the goings-on behind closed doors.
Our objection to gays is the constant lobbying, demands to adopt children, demands to make church proscriptions against homosexuality illegal, demands for marriages and demands to introduce 'gay tollerence' lessons in schools etc.
My last post was atrocious! (sorry). But in response to you, you just mentioned sexual acts (and one that isn't even part of homosexuals lives). You never mentioned anything about rights to adopt and marry.... you went right to the sex. The other stuff is more debatable.
Nobody cares about sinful activity done in private between consenting adults. It's been going on for 6000 years.
Our objection is to the pollution of the 'cultural well' from which we all drink.
Nobody cares about men & women having sex where the man leaves $50 on the bedside table. People do object to whores lining the main street soliciting the patronage of passers-by.
Nobody cares about someone looking at porn in their own home. Pewople do object to it's display at news stands.
Nobody objects to a husband & wife making love at home. People do object when they grope each other in the park on Sunday afternoon.
So now, gays are doing what you said they do, in front of you? LOL And PDA is another topic all together. You don't like seeing a couple kiss each other in the park, turn the other way. PDA only bothers those who really dont' have anyone to come home to.
Not solely attention but it is a key factor.
Why would they come out and dress gay and act so in PUBLIC if they KNOW they are going to get beaten up anyway? Why would they put themselves in danger, just to let the world know they are Gay when they could be so in secret! They can be gay and dress normally but no they want to express it because they think they are being true to themselves and it is worth the risk. They have something wrong with their minds, they are twisted.
That's the thing, sarah. You have it in your mind that Gays don't dress like normal people. There are men who dress normal but have affeminate features, have lighter voices, and walk like women because that's natural to THEM. I walk like my dad and have a certain stride to my step. (Eventhough my dad was gay, he didn't have any affeminate ticks or anything like that. He walked the way you expect a 'real man' to walk, and had a deep voice. The only thing he did differently than 'real men' (sarcasm) was style hair, manicure nails, design clothing for himself, and sew. He was also a good plumber, and an all around Mr. Fix-it.
My point is that Homosexuals can no more stop 'talking like a female' , than I can stop walking like a man. I don't think it's fair to judge homosexuals.
Whatever Erica! Homosexuals committ one of the "big" sins.....what they do is wrong, not just according the nature but according to the Holy books....and the one you're SUPPOSED to believe in. God says it is wrong. So it is. To judge their actions as being bad, is fair.
You're just argueing about something that you know cannot be defended. If your dad was gay, you should have helped him.
Not solely attention but it is a key factor.
Why would they come out and dress gay and act so in PUBLIC if they KNOW they are going to get beaten up anyway? Why would they put themselves in danger, just to let the world know they are Gay when they could be so in secret! They can be gay and dress normally but no they want to express it because they think they are being true to themselves and it is worth the risk. They have something wrong with their minds, they are twisted.
That's the thing, sarah. You have it in your mind that Gays don't dress like normal people. There are men who dress normal but have affeminate features, have lighter voices, and walk like women because that's natural to THEM. I walk like my dad and have a certain stride to my step. (Eventhough my dad was gay, he didn't have any affeminate ticks or anything like that. He walked the way you expect a 'real man' to walk, and had a deep voice. The only thing he did differently than 'real men' (sarcasm) was style hair, manicure nails, design clothing for himself, and sew. He was also a good plumber, and an all around Mr. Fix-it.
My point is that Homosexuals can no more stop 'talking like a female' , than I can stop walking like a man. I don't think it's fair to judge homosexuals.
Whatever Erica! Homosexuals committ one of the "big" sins.....what they do is wrong, not just according the nature but according to the Holy books....and the one you're SUPPOSED to believe in. G-d says it is wrong. So it is. To judge their actions as being bad, is fair.
You're just argueing about something that you know cannot be defended. If your dad was gay, you should have helped him.
You all commit sins here that are against the Bible every single day. Judging people unfairly is only one of them. So when it comes to actually having a sin-o-meter, measuring other's sins...measure your own.
And about my dad... I was 13 when my dad came out to me... 5 years after he and my mother divorced. My only job was to love my dad for who he was. He was never improper to me nor around me. I loved him and that's all that mattered to me, that he was still my dad. But while we're on the subject, if I'd had the want to help him (I didn't' feel he needed help.) how would I have gone about it as a 13 year old? LOL How do you put that responsibility on a child who really doesn't know up from down at that age?
How is calling a homosexual bad, judging unfairly?!
I'm not judging anything about them, except that they are homosexual! Judging them allows us to understand how homosexuality is wrong and teach others so!
I didn't say they're going to hell or heaven or anything like that but just that the sins they are committing are EVIL.
We all have sins but we aren't all homosexuals. Homosexuality is an abomination ......i can measure my own sins and my own faults but not identifying the sin of homosexuality or measuring it, would degrade it's level of evilness......in ways similar to it being accepted in society today.
You are speaking of your dad being homosexual as if you're proud of him and his talents. Of course you love your father, but that does not mean that because of your love for him, you have to accept his problem of homosexuality.
I never said you had to help him when you're 13. Later on you could have expressed your dislike towards his practices. That fact that he had a child raises a question to somebody being always gay?!
How is calling a homosexual bad, judging unfairly?!
I'm not judging anything about them, except that they are homosexual! Judging them allows us to understand how homosexuality is wrong and teach others so!
I didn't say they're going to hell or heaven or anything like that but just that the sins they are committing are EVIL.
We all have sins but we aren't all homosexuals. Homosexuality is an abomination ......i can measure my own sins and my own faults but not identifying the sin of homosexuality or measuring it, would degrade it's level of evilness......in ways similar to it being accepted in society today.
You are speaking of your dad being homosexual as if you're proud of him and his talents. Of course you love your father, but that does not mean that because of your love for him, you have to accept his problem of homosexuality.
I never said you had to help him when you're 13. Later on you could have expressed your dislike towards his practices. That fact that he had a child raises a question to somebody being always gay?!
I'm glad I don't go around dictating to people how to act. I don't have a heaven or hell to put ANYONE in because I'm just as imperfect as the next person. THAT's why I dont' judge homosexuals. You never know how they got there until you've walked a mile in their shoes. I knew homosexuals before I knew my dad was one. I saw them as normal people just like me when I was younger and never stood in judgement of them.
And I speak of my dad the way I do because I AM proud that he was my dad no matter what sexual preference he chose. Lots of closeted homosexuals who 'try' to have a normal life and to be attracted to the opposite sex often don't come out until the guilt for feeling the way they feel consumes them. They 'have to' fit into society's view of what 'normal' is and there's the added pressure. That's why they get married and have children. They even marry women they actually feel love for. They feel it would change how they feel. I've always thought outside of the box. I've even thought of what would happen if my own daughters came out and I've come to the same conclusion. Love them no matter what. I don't concern myself with the physical aspect of a homosexual relationship just like none of you are pondering about the physical aspects of my heterosexual relationship.
With that said, I didn't 'not like' his practices because I wasn't privvy to what went on. All I knew was that he loved another man. I was always happy that he was loved by someone. When I look back on what he meant to me, his being gay didn't stand out a lot, all of the other things did. He told me and my siblings that he loved us everyday. On every phone call. He tried to be a good man. He was fun-loving and he was a serious man who was a jack of all trades. I respected him more than the abusive arse hat my mom dated for 15 years after they divorced.
Tolerating it, encourages it.
Tolerating it, encourages it.
No, I believe that the Bible says that... And while I don't agree that homosexuals are doing anything wrong, I do agree that "He who is without sin, cast the first stone. I think that before people start to judge others on what they're doing wrong, they should fix what's wrong in THEIR lives.
Tolerating it, encourages it.
No, I believe that the Bible says that... And while I don't agree that homosexuals are doing anything wrong, I do agree that "He who is without sin, cast the first stone. I think that before people start to judge others on what they're doing wrong, they should fix what's wrong in THEIR lives.
People should fix their faults first but that doesn't mean they shouldn't put down homosexuality....it is a sin that they can judge as wrong because it is wrong like you yourself said.
Tolerating it, encourages it.
No, I believe that the Bible says that... And while I don't agree that homosexuals are doing anything wrong, I do agree that "He who is without sin, cast the first stone. I think that before people start to judge others on what they're doing wrong, they should fix what's wrong in THEIR lives.
People should fix their faults first but that doesn't mean they shouldn't put down homosexuality....it is a sin that they can judge as wrong because it is wrong like you yourself said.
I didn't say that I believed that homosexuals are doing anything wrong. Some people are quick to point out someone else's flaws when they don't negatively affect them in their personal lives.
Tolerating it, encourages it.
No, I believe that the Bible says that... And while I don't agree that homosexuals are doing anything wrong, I do agree that "He who is without sin, cast the first stone. I think that before people start to judge others on what they're doing wrong, they should fix what's wrong in THEIR lives.
People should fix their faults first but that doesn't mean they shouldn't put down homosexuality....it is a sin that they can judge as wrong because it is wrong like you yourself said.
I didn't say that I believed that homosexuals are doing anything wrong. Some people are quick to point out someone else's flaws when they don't negatively affect them in their personal lives.
Tolerating it, encourages it.
No, I believe that the Bible says that... And while I don't agree that homosexuals are doing anything wrong, I do agree that "He who is without sin, cast the first stone. I think that before people start to judge others on what they're doing wrong, they should fix what's wrong in THEIR lives.
People should fix their faults first but that doesn't mean they shouldn't put down homosexuality....it is a sin that they can judge as wrong because it is wrong like you yourself said.
I didn't say that I believed that homosexuals are doing anything wrong. Some people are quick to point out someone else's flaws when they don't negatively affect them in their personal lives.
Yes. I don't think I have the right to tell someone how to live their lives. And I'm not going to start by telling gays that they're wrong for how they feel . Like I said, it also says, in the bible "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." I'm not without sin, I'm not perfect...why would I judge or why SHOULD I judge a homosexual when I'm no perfect than he or she is?
You keep saying the same thing Erica......that wasn't my question. I'm asking you about the route problem, not whether or not we should judge people about it.
Once again, do you believe that homosexuality is ok?
Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
The word "abomination" is the Hebrew word "toeyvah" and means "idolatrous perversion" or "enormous sin".
The Bible goes even further to say:
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
And if you want to go to Christian belief, just look at Romans:
Romans 1:26-27 "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
It might be a little tough for your ego, but if you claim to believe in the Bible (and you say you do), then how could you condone homosexual behavior?
I just laid it out for you. And there's a lot more. A LOT more.
You keep saying the same thing Erica......that wasn't my question. I'm asking you about the route problem, not whether or not we should judge people about it.
Once again, do you believe that homosexuality is ok?
I answered your question, Sarah. My answer is yes.
Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
The word "abomination" is the Hebrew word "toeyvah" and means "idolatrous perversion" or "enormous sin".
The Bible goes even further to say:
Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
And if you want to go to Christian belief, just look at Romans:
Romans 1:26-27 "For this cause G-d gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet."
It might be a little tough for your ego, but if you claim to believe in the Bible (and you say you do), then how could you condone homosexual behavior?
I just laid it out for you. And there's a lot more. A LOT more.
Like I said before there is also a passage in the bible that says "Judge not lest ye be judged". I'm no more perfect than anyone else.
This has nothing to do with my ego. I'm not saying that everyone should be gay I just don't judge those who are. That's how they feel in their own lives.
There are also passages in the Bible that speak of men and women not changing their physical appearances. I've cut my hair (According to the Bible I'm supposed to keep it long). I eat shellfish (According to the Bible, we're not supposed to eat it. )
There's a HUGE difference between not judging someone... and calling an abomination "ok" when G-d said it wasn't "ok".
I know part of the judging thing is a Christian concept and Judaism treats the issue entirely different, but I'm pretty sure it didn't mean judging obvious abominations.
I'm fairly certain it means if you don't have evidence, don't judge. And I'm fairly certain that the not judging thing probably only applies to people who at least attempt to be righteous. Otherwise, how could the Bible work? Let me explain...
If you can't judge at all, how could you judge that you think we are racists? How can you judge that we are judging? Isn't it judging if you make videos about JTF and slander us? I think that seems like judging to me!
I think someone uses catch phrases when it's convenient. Sounds like a pretty sorry excuse to me. You do not have any idea what's actually in the Bible, do you?
There's a HUGE difference between not judging someone... and calling an abomination "ok" when G-d said it wasn't "ok".
I know part of the judging thing is a Christian concept and Judaism treats the issue entirely different, but I'm pretty sure it didn't mean judging obvious abominations.
I'm fairly certain it means if you don't have evidence, don't judge. And I'm fairly certain that the not judging thing probably only applies to people who at least attempt to be righteous. Otherwise, how could the Bible work? Let me explain...
If you can't judge at all, how could you judge that you think we are racists? How can you judge that we are judging? Isn't it judging if you make videos about JTF and slander us? I think that seems like judging to me!
I think someone uses catch phrases when it's convenient. Sounds like a pretty sorry excuse to me. You do not have any idea what's actually in the Bible, do you?
First of all, I dont' judge your religion, I don't judge your upbringing, I don't judge Jews. I DO tell you when you're acting racist towards me. That's nothing but the truth. It can be proven. I'd be judging if I didn't know that this was how you were. Oh, and to make another thing clear. I only call those out who say racist things to me. Whenever I refer to people being racist on this site, I say "some of you".
I dont' come in here pretending that some of you give me racist feedback, call me racist names, and say other things that could be considered racist statements. It happens here. So there's no judgement if it's clear that that's what's going on.
And you just made a point. In your religion, you look at it in a different way (homosexuality). I am an individual and what I feel isn't based on how someone else feels. I can say that I'm more emotional when it comes to this but not because my dad was gay. I was more emotional about it because I actually saw the way people treated homosexuals before my dad came out. One guy I knew when I was younger was beaten to death by some evil animals because they didn't like the fact that he wore makeup and a dress every once in a while. One female I knew in grammar school was teased for being "a boy" because of the way she acted. She wasn't openly gay then but she always had a rough way of carrying herself which led people to believe she was a lesbian. It hurt me to no end with all of the gang bangers and drug dealers on the corners in urban neighborhoods, or sex offenders living next door to us nowadays, the one thing people feel it's right to do is beat up, kill, tease or judge a homosexual simply because they're not comfortable with the dynamic.
Oh, and before I forget. I won't even pretend to KNOW the Bible from cover to cover...I've only been saved for 2 years. I wasn't a Christian at any time before that. So my feelings were well engrained in me before I made the decision to turn to G-d. If any of my gay friends are having trouble, I pray to G-d that he helps them because I'm just a person.
I think people have a different interpretation of what "Judge not..." means. To me, it means don't judge until you've walked a mile or two in another's shoes. Until you've experienced what they've gone through to get to where they are, it's not fair to call them evil, sick or anything else.
On racism, I think that some of you are old enough to know better than to say things that the KKK would be proud to hear, even if it's in fun (at the other person's expense.) I dont' have to judge some of you for how you treat me, it stares me in my face everytime I log on.
You keep saying the same thing Erica......that wasn't my question. I'm asking you about the route problem, not whether or not we should judge people about it.
Once again, do you believe that homosexuality is ok?
I answered your question, Sarah. My answer is yes.
Ok. :o
Tell that to your daughters then.
Please... do us all a favor and drop the whole politically correct "I don't judge" garbage. You are very judgmental! Spare me.
Just say what you really mean... just say that you defend homosexual perverts because your father was a homosexual and it's more convenient to go this route to protect your pride. Your entire belief system is based on what YOU want and what's convenient for you. When it's convenient to judge us, hey... that must be right. When it's the other way around... we shouldn't judge. It's total hypocrisy and it's evil and wrong. It has nothing to do with logic or the Bible, obviously.
So Erica, when did you decide that your opinion out-weighed G-d? That's interesting.
Do you judge pedophiles?
I'm still shocked.
You keep saying the same thing Erica......that wasn't my question. I'm asking you about the route problem, not whether or not we should judge people about it.
Once again, do you believe that homosexuality is ok?
I answered your question, Sarah. My answer is yes.
Ok. :o
Tell that to your daughters then.
I don't volunteer that information, Sarah. If any of my girls expressed to me that they were lesbians, would I stop everything and take them to a therapist? NO. Would I convince them that "What are you kidding me? Go out there and find a man and make me some grandbabies!"? No. That's how they would feel and although I am not a lesbian, I would accept them because they are my daughters and I'm only interested in their happiness. I'm not interested in turning them away, disowning them, or beating them over the head with the Bible. That could lead to me not having my daughters anymore. If that's too hard for you to understand, I don't know what else to tell you. I can't make them feel something they wouldn't or don't feel.
Do you judge pedophiles?
I'm still shocked.
Why are you shocked, Sarah? I have a right to feel sympathy for those who are trampled on. Period. Homosexuals are constantly compared to pedophiles, as if they were out patrolling for little boys or little girls to have sex with. Homosexuals are men or women who love, and are in relationships with the same sex and gender. Pedophiles kidnap little kids, rape them, sodomize them, and/or kill them.
Do you judge pedophiles?
You just assumed ALL pedophiles mollest children. Some do not, just as not ALL homosexuals engage in sodomy. So, I'll qualify the question.
Do you judge pedophiles that do not touch children but only fantasise about it?
Do you judge pedophiles?
You just assumed ALL pedophiles mollest children. Some do not, just as not ALL homosexuals engage in sodomy. So, I'll qualify the question.
Do you judge pedophiles that do not touch children but only fantasise about it?
I wouldn't know if a pedophile is fantasising about a child. How could I judge them when I don't know about it? I've never heard of a pedophile going to jail for 'thinking' about being with a child. It's the action of molesting or raping a kid that I'm talking about.
I've been on both sides of the coin, newman and Sarah. I had a dad who was gay and I was molested by my mom's brother. What's the difference? The molester actually HURT me! My dad didn't.
Do you judge pedophiles?
You just assumed ALL pedophiles mollest children. Some do not, just as not ALL homosexuals engage in sodomy. So, I'll qualify the question.
Do you judge pedophiles that do not touch children but only fantasise about it?
I wouldn't know if a pedophile is fantasising about a child. How could I judge them when I don't know about it? I've never heard of a pedophile going to jail for 'thinking' about being with a child. It's the action of molesting or raping a kid that I'm talking about.
I've been on both sides of the coin, newman and Sarah. I had a dad who was gay and I was molested by my mom's brother. What's the difference? The molester actually HURT me! My dad didn't.
You have evaded the question as usual.
A pedophile is someone with a sexual attraction to children IRRESPECTIVE of whether he acts upon that attraction or not. Knowing someone's thoughts has nothing to do with judging a type of behaviour or midset. You said you don't judge gays WITHOUT knowing what any of them were thinking.
I'll ask AGAIN.
Do you judge pedophiles who DO NOT have sexual relations with children?
Do you judge pedophiles?
You just assumed ALL pedophiles mollest children. Some do not, just as not ALL homosexuals engage in sodomy. So, I'll qualify the question.
Do you judge pedophiles that do not touch children but only fantasise about it?
I wouldn't know if a pedophile is fantasising about a child. How could I judge them when I don't know about it? I've never heard of a pedophile going to jail for 'thinking' about being with a child. It's the action of molesting or raping a kid that I'm talking about.
I've been on both sides of the coin, newman and Sarah. I had a dad who was gay and I was molested by my mom's brother. What's the difference? The molester actually HURT me! My dad didn't.
You have evaded the question as usual.
A pedophile is someone with a sexual attraction to children IRRESPECTIVE of whether he acts upon that attraction or not. Knowing someone's thoughts has nothing to do with judging a type of behaviour or midset. You said you don't judge gays WITHOUT knowing what any of them were thinking.
I'll ask AGAIN.
Do you judge pedophiles who DO NOT have sexual relations with children?
You are asking an unanswerable question, newman. How could you judge someone who is thinking? People like that wouldn't even come up as stories at 11 on the news. When was the last time you read in a paper or had a conversation with someone who divulged that they were 'thinking' about molesting a child? I've only known of cases where a pedophile was caught and sent to jail, or acted on those thoughts.
On the flip side, if a pedophile were to divulge to me that they were thinking about molesting a child, I'd walk away from them and call the police to come and pick his/her dumb, nasty, disgusting arse up.
Do you judge pedophiles?
You just assumed ALL pedophiles mollest children. Some do not, just as not ALL homosexuals engage in sodomy. So, I'll qualify the question.
Do you judge pedophiles that do not touch children but only fantasise about it?
I wouldn't know if a pedophile is fantasising about a child. How could I judge them when I don't know about it? I've never heard of a pedophile going to jail for 'thinking' about being with a child. It's the action of molesting or raping a kid that I'm talking about.
I've been on both sides of the coin, newman and Sarah. I had a dad who was gay and I was molested by my mom's brother. What's the difference? The molester actually HURT me! My dad didn't.
You have evaded the question as usual.
A pedophile is someone with a sexual attraction to children IRRESPECTIVE of whether he acts upon that attraction or not. Knowing someone's thoughts has nothing to do with judging a type of behaviour or midset. You said you don't judge gays WITHOUT knowing what any of them were thinking.
I'll ask AGAIN.
Do you judge pedophiles who DO NOT have sexual relations with children?
You are asking an unanswerable question, newman. How could you judge someone who is thinking? People like that wouldn't even come up as stories at 11 on the news. When was the last time you read in a paper or had a conversation with someone who divulged that they were 'thinking' about molesting a child? I've only known of cases where a pedophile was caught and sent to jail, or acted on those thoughts.
On the flip side, if a pedophile were to divulge to me that they were thinking about molesting a child, I'd walk away from them and call the police to come and pick his/her dumb, nasty, disgusting arse up.
You are incapable of answering a question.
Do you judge kkk sympathisers?
Do you think that incest is wrong? Would you judge someone who married his sister?
Do you judge pedophiles?
You just assumed ALL pedophiles mollest children. Some do not, just as not ALL homosexuals engage in sodomy. So, I'll qualify the question.
Do you judge pedophiles that do not touch children but only fantasise about it?
I wouldn't know if a pedophile is fantasising about a child. How could I judge them when I don't know about it? I've never heard of a pedophile going to jail for 'thinking' about being with a child. It's the action of molesting or raping a kid that I'm talking about.
I've been on both sides of the coin, newman and Sarah. I had a dad who was gay and I was molested by my mom's brother. What's the difference? The molester actually HURT me! My dad didn't.
You have evaded the question as usual.
A pedophile is someone with a sexual attraction to children IRRESPECTIVE of whether he acts upon that attraction or not. Knowing someone's thoughts has nothing to do with judging a type of behaviour or midset. You said you don't judge gays WITHOUT knowing what any of them were thinking.
I'll ask AGAIN.
Do you judge pedophiles who DO NOT have sexual relations with children?
You are asking an unanswerable question, newman. How could you judge someone who is thinking? People like that wouldn't even come up as stories at 11 on the news. When was the last time you read in a paper or had a conversation with someone who divulged that they were 'thinking' about molesting a child? I've only known of cases where a pedophile was caught and sent to jail, or acted on those thoughts.
On the flip side, if a pedophile were to divulge to me that they were thinking about molesting a child, I'd walk away from them and call the police to come and pick his/her dumb, nasty, disgusting arse up.
You are incapable of answering a question.
Do you judge kkk sympathisers?
Like I said,I've never known anyone to run telling everyone "HEY, I"M THINKING ABOUT MOLESTING A LITTLE BOY/GIRL TODAY...JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW!" So that question is unanswerable, newman. I JUDGE PEDOPHILES WHO ACT ON THEIR IMPULSES! Do with that bit of info, what you will.
Do I judge kkk sympathisers... yes, as shown here on this forum. Those who aren't kkk members but speak just like them and then laugh about it are representatives of KKK sympathisers, to me. If I dont' know that you are, I can't tell just by looking at you that you agree with what they say so I DON'T judge them...because I don't know that they're like that. (Just for clarification, there are a lot of people here who don't use stereotypes and belittlement of races to make a point. I admire a lot of you for not being childish and for debating with respect whether disagreeing or not.)
Do you think that incest is wrong? Would you judge someone who married his sister? Or would you judge someone who was 18 and slept with his mother? I'm just curious.
Do you judge pedophiles?
You just assumed ALL pedophiles mollest children. Some do not, just as not ALL homosexuals engage in sodomy. So, I'll qualify the question.
Do you judge pedophiles that do not touch children but only fantasise about it?
I wouldn't know if a pedophile is fantasising about a child. How could I judge them when I don't know about it? I've never heard of a pedophile going to jail for 'thinking' about being with a child. It's the action of molesting or raping a kid that I'm talking about.
I've been on both sides of the coin, newman and Sarah. I had a dad who was gay and I was molested by my mom's brother. What's the difference? The molester actually HURT me! My dad didn't.
You have evaded the question as usual.
A pedophile is someone with a sexual attraction to children IRRESPECTIVE of whether he acts upon that attraction or not. Knowing someone's thoughts has nothing to do with judging a type of behaviour or midset. You said you don't judge gays WITHOUT knowing what any of them were thinking.
I'll ask AGAIN.
Do you judge pedophiles who DO NOT have sexual relations with children?
You are asking an unanswerable question, newman. How could you judge someone who is thinking? People like that wouldn't even come up as stories at 11 on the news. When was the last time you read in a paper or had a conversation with someone who divulged that they were 'thinking' about molesting a child? I've only known of cases where a pedophile was caught and sent to jail, or acted on those thoughts.
On the flip side, if a pedophile were to divulge to me that they were thinking about molesting a child, I'd walk away from them and call the police to come and pick his/her dumb, nasty, disgusting arse up.
You are incapable of answering a question.
Do you judge kkk sympathisers?
Like I said,I've never known anyone to run telling everyone "HEY, I"M THINKING ABOUT MOLESTING A LITTLE BOY/GIRL TODAY...JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW!" So that question is unanswerable, newman. I JUDGE PEDOPHILES WHO ACT ON THEIR IMPULSES! Do with that bit of info, what you will.
Do I judge kkk sympathisers... yes, as shown here on this forum. Those who aren't kkk members but speak just like them and then laugh about it are representatives of KKK sympathisers, to me. If I dont' know that you are, I can't tell just by looking at you that you agree with what they say so I DON'T judge them...because I don't know that they're like that. (Just for clarification, there are a lot of people here who don't use stereotypes and belittlement of races to make a point. I admire a lot of you for not being childish and for debating with respect whether disagreeing or not.)
You're either cleverly evasive or thick as two planks. Here we go again..................
1/ I'm asking you a hypothetical question about a hypothetical person .
2/ The hypothetical having sexual fantasies about children.
3/ The hypothetical person has never touched a child or broken any law and vows they never will.
Do you judge that hypothetical person to be good or bad?
I'm still shocked.
Why are you shocked, Sarah? I have a right to feel sympathy for those who are trampled on. Period. Homosexuals are constantly compared to pedophiles, as if they were out patrolling for little boys or little girls to have sex with. Homosexuals are men or women who love, and are in relationships with the same sex and gender. Pedophiles kidnap little kids, rape them, sodomize them, and/or kill them.
I never myself brought in pedophiles with homosexuals.
I just don't understand how you can excuse homosexuality, and believe that it is something somebody hasn't incurred themselves.
Why would God deem homosexuality a SIN? If it were not something that people commit and cause themselves?
What you are saying is almost degrading GOD HIMSELF!! You are assuming that God would forbid homosexuality but create them to have homosexual inclinations without their control?!!!!!
I'm sorry you were a victim of a pedophile and that your dad was gay but both are wrong, and you know it.
IF you truly did wish for the happiness and LOVE your daughters then you would make sure that you don't let them become lesbian or lead a lifestyle like that simply because, it's trash and will only lead to their anguish in society. If you are believeing christian then you would also wish for the happiness of your children for the afterlife, and i'm sure God won't be too happy if you tolerated them being homosexual which He forbids.
This world is merely a fantasy like Chaim said, the purpose of this life is to lead up to the afterlife.......
Do you think that incest is wrong? Would you judge someone who married his sister? Or would you judge someone who was 18 and slept with his mother? I'm just curious.
Damn, didn't I just say that I was molested by my uncle? Incest is a form of molestation and usually occurs when an adult molests or has sex with a younger member in the same family. This has nothing to do with homosexuality, again. It's simply not the same thing... one person takes forcibly, the other shares a relationship with someone they care about who is of the same sex. Force...NO force. Rape...Consent. Different altogether. I would scold my brother and my mother. Anyone else would have to handle that situation on their own and I would be happy not to be them. Because if my brother and mother were in that kind of relationship, that would damage me because they're my family. Anyone who does something like that in their own house, I'd leave them to their own distruction. IMO that's crazy...Not something I'd even fathom doing. But their lives aren't mine.
Do you judge pedophiles?
You just assumed ALL pedophiles mollest children. Some do not, just as not ALL homosexuals engage in sodomy. So, I'll qualify the question.
Do you judge pedophiles that do not touch children but only fantasise about it?
I wouldn't know if a pedophile is fantasising about a child. How could I judge them when I don't know about it? I've never heard of a pedophile going to jail for 'thinking' about being with a child. It's the action of molesting or raping a kid that I'm talking about.
I've been on both sides of the coin, newman and Sarah. I had a dad who was gay and I was molested by my mom's brother. What's the difference? The molester actually HURT me! My dad didn't.
You have evaded the question as usual.
A pedophile is someone with a sexual attraction to children IRRESPECTIVE of whether he acts upon that attraction or not. Knowing someone's thoughts has nothing to do with judging a type of behaviour or midset. You said you don't judge gays WITHOUT knowing what any of them were thinking.
I'll ask AGAIN.
Do you judge pedophiles who DO NOT have sexual relations with children?
You are asking an unanswerable question, newman. How could you judge someone who is thinking? People like that wouldn't even come up as stories at 11 on the news. When was the last time you read in a paper or had a conversation with someone who divulged that they were 'thinking' about molesting a child? I've only known of cases where a pedophile was caught and sent to jail, or acted on those thoughts.
On the flip side, if a pedophile were to divulge to me that they were thinking about molesting a child, I'd walk away from them and call the police to come and pick his/her dumb, nasty, disgusting arse up.
You are incapable of answering a question.
Do you judge kkk sympathisers?
Like I said,I've never known anyone to run telling everyone "HEY, I"M THINKING ABOUT MOLESTING A LITTLE BOY/GIRL TODAY...JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW!" So that question is unanswerable, newman. I JUDGE PEDOPHILES WHO ACT ON THEIR IMPULSES! Do with that bit of info, what you will.
Do I judge kkk sympathisers... yes, as shown here on this forum. Those who aren't kkk members but speak just like them and then laugh about it are representatives of KKK sympathisers, to me. If I dont' know that you are, I can't tell just by looking at you that you agree with what they say so I DON'T judge them...because I don't know that they're like that. (Just for clarification, there are a lot of people here who don't use stereotypes and belittlement of races to make a point. I admire a lot of you for not being childish and for debating with respect whether disagreeing or not.)
You're either cleverly evasive or thick as two planks. Here we go again..................
1/ I'm asking you a hypothetical question about a hypothetical person .
2/ The hypothetical having sexual fantasies about children.
3/ The hypothetical person has never touched a child or broken any law and vows they never will.
Do you judge that hypothetical person to be good or bad?
If a pedophile told me that he was thinking about molesting a child, I'd call the police..no judgement needed. So I guess I WOULD judge a pedophile.
But like I said, if I didn't know a pedophile was thinking it or even SEE the pedophile, how could I judge his thoughts?
Answer your question?
I give up.
I can't explain any clearer. This monkey cannot comprehend english!
There you go again! Please... watch the language. We have many real Christians and Jewish members on this site.
didn't I just say that I was molested by my uncle? Incest is a form of molestation and usually occurs when an adult molests or has sex with a younger member in the same family.
No wait... I never said molest. Did I say molest? No...
Two consenting adults... a mother and a son want to get married. Or a brother and sister want to get married. Is there anything wrong with this?
This has nothing to do with homosexuality, again. It's simply not the same thing...
On the contrary... why would it be different? Who said it's ok for two men to love each other but not a father and his legally adult daughter in that way? How can you say one is right and the other is wrong if both consent? Who said? What says that homosexual love is any different, better, or worse than incest love? Please... where do you actually draw that line?
Let me go ahead and take this one step further. How do you feel about bestiality? I mean... really, if it was an adult and the animal seemed to love the person and the activities. Would that be wrong? And if not... why wouldn't it be? It doesn't hurt anyone. It doesn't do any more or less damage than homosexual or incest love... What rule would say that was wrong but not homosexuality? I'm curious. Would you judge then?
Like... what actually is the difference? People should be able to love whom-ever and what-ever they want, right? I mean... as long as they are consenting adults.
Because last time I checked... the only thing that says these things are wrong at all... is the Bible. But you wouldn't judge if your mom and sister loved each other in a romantic and sexual way, right? As long as they didn't force it on you. Some people are born that way. It's not their fault... they can't help it. It happens every day.. believe it or not.
I'd like to hear your take... being that you are supposedly a Christian and everything.
I would scold my brother and my mother. Anyone else would have to handle that situation on their own and I would be happy not to be them. Because if my brother and mother were in that kind of relationship, that would damage me because they're my family.
So why would you scold them? And what if it damages a family if someone in it is gay? Exactly how is it any different?
She can't comprehend written passages.
Her comprehension skills are lower than 7th grade level. I hope to G-d she teaches Phys' Ed' when she starts teaching because if she teaches reading her students are going to be in sh*tters' ditch!
There you go again! Please... watch the language. We have many real Christians and Jewish members on this site.
Yet, it's allowed for people here to call others '[censored]'gers' , "shvartzas", "Coons", " jungle bunnies", "Kikes", whatever the replaced phrase is for P@lestinians? This is a Jewish and Christian site, alright. Oh, and Damn is actually in the bible...just so you know.
didn't I just say that I was molested by my uncle? Incest is a form of molestation and usually occurs when an adult molests or has sex with a younger member in the same family.
No wait... I never said molest. Did I say molest? No...
Two consenting adults... a mother and a son want to get married. Or a brother and sister want to get married. Is there anything wrong with this?
This has nothing to do with homosexuality, again. It's simply not the same thing...
On the contrary... why would it be different? Who said it's ok for two men to love each other but not a father and his legally adult daughter in that way? How can you say one is right and the other is wrong if both consent? Who said? What says that homosexual love is any different, better, or worse than incest love? Please... where do you actually draw that line?
Let me go ahead and take this one step further. How do you feel about bestiality? I mean... really, if it was an adult and the animal seemed to love the person and the activities. Would that be wrong? And if not... why wouldn't it be? It doesn't hurt anyone. It doesn't do any more or less damage than homosexual or incest love... What rule would say that was wrong but not homosexuality? I'm curious. Would you judge then?
A lot of hypothetical questions, no real life ones...and none that have anything to do with me. But I'll answer your questions. I'm not into beastiality, I personally think it's gross. I'm thinking that the animals are suffering for that. And the person whose doing it to them is sick as all get out. My mother and sister being lovers makes me sick also because they're my family. That's not supposed to happen...and by the way, it has nothing to do with being born that way. That's an act that's taught by the mother because she's older than the daughter/son. Kids don't automatically feel a sexual attraction for their parents. Homosexuality is still quite different than beastiality and incest because #1, beastiality is sex with animals... #2. homosexuaity is a relationship and/ or sex with a monogomous same-sex partner. #3. Incest is sex with your own child, neice, nephew, mother or father.
If my sister and mother had a relationship like that one, I would stop talking to them because it would mess with my psyche. If my brother then, came out and told me he was gay, I'd keep in touch with him because at least he's interested in a relationship with someone not related to us. Homosexuality can damage a family. Lived it, been there, done that... My mom knew about my dad years before they had my brother, sister and myself. She was convinced she could change him (he was raped by many men when he was a boy).
He never had peace from it until he moved away and finally died of AIDS years later. He even tried to change for my brother, but all my brother wanted was for him to be there. He couldn't help who he was and what his life was like. And there are many like him. There are also some who haven't gone through his trials , those who were born and as little kids felt like the other gender. I don't know how these things happen...I'm not God, as I said before. I'm just a beginning Christian. I just have a heart that aches for anyone suffering in this way/ being persecuted for something you can't help but feel (WHICH ISN'T HURTING ANYONE)...NOT like INcest or beastialty which psychologically damages the family dynamic (and animals respectively) on a fundamental level.
Sarah said something earlier in the conversation about hating the sin and loving the sinner. Tell me, would you hate the sin of the incestuous mother and sister, AND the guy who is into beastiality and love them all the same? I couldn't do it. But I would love my brother if he said he was homosexual because he wouldn't be doing anything to hurt anyone purposely.
Like... what actually is the difference? People should be able to love whom-ever and what-ever they want, right? I mean... as long as they are consenting adults.
Because last time I checked... the only thing that says these things are wrong at all... is the Bible. But you wouldn't judge if your mom and sister loved each other in a romantic and sexual way, right? As long as they didn't force it on you. Some people are born that way. It's not their fault... they can't help it. It happens every day.. believe it or not.
I'd like to hear your take... being that you are supposedly a Christian and everything.
"I already told you my stance on my Christianity. I'm not perfect and I'm just a newborn in this. Those things you mentioned Beastiality and Incest would mess me up if I were to see it or hear about it. It's because I'm use to seeing things a certain way. So I guess I see where you're coming from. You're set in YOUR ways and I'm set in mine. THere is a difference between abuse and a caring relationship. First of all, if said relationship (mother and daughter) began, it probably started off when the daughter was a child (which is MOLESTATION AND Statutory RAPE!), if nothing is done about it and the child grows up and hasnt' told anyone but it's still going on, it's now a form of manipulation on the mother's part because it was WRONG from the beginning, not to mention that it's against the law. Did you know that men/women who commit incest actually go to jail? This goes for beastiality also. And guess what, homosexuality may be a sin, but it's not against the law. That's why I feel the way I feel about each subject.
I would scold my brother and my mother. Anyone else would have to handle that situation on their own and I would be happy not to be them. Because if my brother and mother were in that kind of relationship, that would damage me because they're my family.
So why would you scold them? And what if it damages a family if someone in it is gay? Exactly how is it any different?
Incest doesn't just happen when a child turns 18...it happens when a child is too little to understand what's going on and is taken advantage of by and adult they're related to. I would scold my mom first because she's the adult. And if she was doing this to my brother at 18, that means she was doing it when he was 8. Isn't THAT molestation (rape) doesn't that make her a pedophile?
This differs, again from homosexuality because although a family member would be hurt that their child is gay, it's something they can eventually get over. A child never gets over being abused. Why do you act as if being gay is what homosexuals do to get back at people...or to punish others, like their families?
I give up.
I can't explain any clearer. This monkey cannot comprehend english!
Those are the racist comments I was talking about. Be a man, newman. Act as if you have common sense for once in your life. Don't call me names if you don't want to be called one back.
I'm still shocked.
Why are you shocked, Sarah? I have a right to feel sympathy for those who are trampled on. Period. Homosexuals are constantly compared to pedophiles, as if they were out patrolling for little boys or little girls to have sex with. Homosexuals are men or women who love, and are in relationships with the same sex and gender. Pedophiles kidnap little kids, rape them, sodomize them, and/or kill them.
I never myself brought in pedophiles with homosexuals.
I just don't understand how you can excuse homosexuality, and believe that it is something somebody hasn't incurred themselves.
I could have sworn I answered this post already but I'm going to answer it again. Sometimes homosexuality is brought on by events in a person's life. Some gays were raped or molested by the same sex or opposite sex as children or it continued and they think that's all they're worth. They were treated a certain way so they act as if they're that way in adulthood. Some homosexuals claim to be born that way, as if they've been stuck in the wrong body all their lives. I feel for both because it must be hard to go through life thinking that way or feeling that way when so many people are against it, no matter what. I wouldn't force a gay person to date the opposite sex, just like I wouldn't force my brother to go out with a girl I hand-picked.even if it was for happiness.
Why would G-d deem homosexuality a SIN? If it were not something that people commit and cause themselves?
What you are saying is almost degrading G-d HIMSELF!! You are assuming that G-d would forbid homosexuality but create them to have homosexual inclinations without their control?!!!!!
I dont' know for sure Sarah. I can only tell you what I'm like. I'm not God. I'm just a newborn Christian with some work to do. But I don't think God gave me this heart for nothing, that or my feelings. I dont' know why in the bible it says "Homosexuality is an abomination" then says "Judge not lest ye be judged"... "Men don't lay with men." then "Do unto others as they do unto you." (meaning treat people how you want to be treated.) That's a question I'll ask God one day.
I'm sorry you were a victim of a pedophile and that your dad was gay but both are wrong, and you know it.
IF you truly did wish for the happiness and LOVE your daughters then you would make sure that you don't let them become lesbian or lead a lifestyle like that simply because, it's trash and will only lead to their anguish in society. If you are believeing christian then you would also wish for the happiness of your children for the afterlife, and i'm sure G-d won't be too happy if you tolerated them being homosexual which He forbids.
So what do you suppose I do, Sarah. I mentioned in the post I though I responded to this one with, that I do have a daughter who feels as if she's gay. We dont' want to lose her as a daughter, and her mom feels the same way you do about homosexuality. She says love the sinner hate the sin. I agree with that too. We both want her to be happy. But as parents, how do you tell your daughter "This isn't right, homosexuality is wrong!" What next? *and I can't believe I'm asking a 15 year old this question. I want for their souls to be alright with God and at the same time, I want them to find happiness with whomever they feel happiest with (barring sisters, brothers, dad, or mothers.) What would you want to be told ? Would you want to be beaten into submission ? WHat?
This world is merely a fantasy like Chaim said, the purpose of this life is to lead up to the afterlife.......
That means that you're perfect, right, Sarah? Everyone should strive to be perfect so that they can get to Heaven? We all make mistakes, especially here on this site. SOme of you talk about how wrong homosexuality is but 'okay' racist comments. Some of you talk about how wrong having a gay person do your hair or make your clothes is, but you okay someone calling another person a monkey or a whore?
I'm still shocked.
Why are you shocked, Sarah? I have a right to feel sympathy for those who are trampled on. Period. Homosexuals are constantly compared to pedophiles, as if they were out patrolling for little boys or little girls to have sex with. Homosexuals are men or women who love, and are in relationships with the same sex and gender. Pedophiles kidnap little kids, rape them, sodomize them, and/or kill them.
I never myself brought in pedophiles with homosexuals.
I just don't understand how you can excuse homosexuality, and believe that it is something somebody hasn't incurred themselves.
I could have sworn I answered this post already but I'm going to answer it again. Sometimes homosexuality is brought on by events in a person's life. Some gays were raped or molested by the same sex or opposite sex as children or it continued and they think that's all they're worth. They were treated a certain way so they act as if they're that way in adulthood. Some homosexuals claim to be born that way, as if they've been stuck in the wrong body all their lives. I feel for both because it must be hard to go through life thinking that way or feeling that way when so many people are against it, no matter what. I wouldn't force a gay person to date the opposite sex, just like I wouldn't force my brother to go out with a girl I hand-picked.even if it was for happiness.
Why would G-d deem homosexuality a SIN? If it were not something that people commit and cause themselves?
What you are saying is almost degrading G-d HIMSELF!! You are assuming that G-d would forbid homosexuality but create them to have homosexual inclinations without their control?!!!!!
I dont' know for sure Sarah. I can only tell you what I'm like. I'm not G-d. I'm just a newborn Christian with some work to do. But I don't think G-d gave me this heart for nothing, that or my feelings. I dont' know why in the bible it says "Homosexuality is an abomination" then says "Judge not lest ye be judged"... "Men don't lay with men." then "Do unto others as they do unto you." (meaning treat people how you want to be treated.) That's a question I'll ask G-d one day.
I'm sorry you were a victim of a pedophile and that your dad was gay but both are wrong, and you know it.
IF you truly did wish for the happiness and LOVE your daughters then you would make sure that you don't let them become lesbian or lead a lifestyle like that simply because, it's trash and will only lead to their anguish in society. If you are believeing christian then you would also wish for the happiness of your children for the afterlife, and i'm sure G-d won't be too happy if you tolerated them being homosexual which He forbids.
So what do you suppose I do, Sarah. I mentioned in the post I though I responded to this one with, that I do have a daughter who feels as if she's gay. We dont' want to lose her as a daughter, and her mom feels the same way you do about homosexuality. She says love the sinner hate the sin. I agree with that too. We both want her to be happy. But as parents, how do you tell your daughter "This isn't right, homosexuality is wrong!" What next? *and I can't believe I'm asking a 15 year old this question. I want for their souls to be alright with G-d and at the same time, I want them to find happiness with whomever they feel happiest with (barring sisters, brothers, dad, or mothers.) What would you want to be told ? Would you want to be beaten into submission ? WHat?
This world is merely a fantasy like Chaim said, the purpose of this life is to lead up to the afterlife.......
That means that you're perfect, right, Sarah? Everyone should strive to be perfect so that they can get to Heaven? We all make mistakes, especially here on this site. SOme of you talk about how wrong homosexuality is but 'okay' racist comments. Some of you talk about how wrong having a gay person do your hair or make your clothes is, but you okay someone calling another person a monkey or a whore?
No I didn't say that, i'll sum up my main point for you:
You are twisting yourself up.
I'm still shocked.
Why are you shocked, Sarah? I have a right to feel sympathy for those who are trampled on. Period. Homosexuals are constantly compared to pedophiles, as if they were out patrolling for little boys or little girls to have sex with. Homosexuals are men or women who love, and are in relationships with the same sex and gender. Pedophiles kidnap little kids, rape them, sodomize them, and/or kill them.
I never myself brought in pedophiles with homosexuals.
I just don't understand how you can excuse homosexuality, and believe that it is something somebody hasn't incurred themselves.
I could have sworn I answered this post already but I'm going to answer it again. Sometimes homosexuality is brought on by events in a person's life. Some gays were raped or molested by the same sex or opposite sex as children or it continued and they think that's all they're worth. They were treated a certain way so they act as if they're that way in adulthood. Some homosexuals claim to be born that way, as if they've been stuck in the wrong body all their lives. I feel for both because it must be hard to go through life thinking that way or feeling that way when so many people are against it, no matter what. I wouldn't force a gay person to date the opposite sex, just like I wouldn't force my brother to go out with a girl I hand-picked.even if it was for happiness.
Why would G-d deem homosexuality a SIN? If it were not something that people commit and cause themselves?
What you are saying is almost degrading G-d HIMSELF!! You are assuming that G-d would forbid homosexuality but create them to have homosexual inclinations without their control?!!!!!
I dont' know for sure Sarah. I can only tell you what I'm like. I'm not G-d. I'm just a newborn Christian with some work to do. But I don't think G-d gave me this heart for nothing, that or my feelings. I dont' know why in the bible it says "Homosexuality is an abomination" then says "Judge not lest ye be judged"... "Men don't lay with men." then "Do unto others as they do unto you." (meaning treat people how you want to be treated.) That's a question I'll ask G-d one day.
I'm sorry you were a victim of a pedophile and that your dad was gay but both are wrong, and you know it.
IF you truly did wish for the happiness and LOVE your daughters then you would make sure that you don't let them become lesbian or lead a lifestyle like that simply because, it's trash and will only lead to their anguish in society. If you are believeing christian then you would also wish for the happiness of your children for the afterlife, and i'm sure G-d won't be too happy if you tolerated them being homosexual which He forbids.
So what do you suppose I do, Sarah. I mentioned in the post I though I responded to this one with, that I do have a daughter who feels as if she's gay. We dont' want to lose her as a daughter, and her mom feels the same way you do about homosexuality. She says love the sinner hate the sin. I agree with that too. We both want her to be happy. But as parents, how do you tell your daughter "This isn't right, homosexuality is wrong!" What next? *and I can't believe I'm asking a 15 year old this question. I want for their souls to be alright with G-d and at the same time, I want them to find happiness with whomever they feel happiest with (barring sisters, brothers, dad, or mothers.) What would you want to be told ? Would you want to be beaten into submission ? WHat?
This world is merely a fantasy like Chaim said, the purpose of this life is to lead up to the afterlife.......
That means that you're perfect, right, Sarah? Everyone should strive to be perfect so that they can get to Heaven? We all make mistakes, especially here on this site. SOme of you talk about how wrong homosexuality is but 'okay' racist comments. Some of you talk about how wrong having a gay person do your hair or make your clothes is, but you okay someone calling another person a monkey or a whore?
No I didn't say that, i'll sum up my main point for you:
You are twisting yourself up.
Sarah, how I feel now is how I felt before I became a Christian. Like I said before, God knows my heart and that I mean well.
However I asked you some questions. What does a parent do when their child says they might be gay, Sarah? What would you like your parents to say to you (it won't happen, I know you're allergic to hypothetical questions). But what? Schlomo. NOne from Newman though. He'll just tell me to kill her.
God doesn't change the rules for different people, GOD MEANS WELL, HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US MORE THEN YOU DO!!
It is wrong. FULL STOP.
If I was lesbian (GOD FORBID) I would wish for my parents to kick me out of the house and then take me to live with a normal family that weren't homosexual, and see how the atmosphere is there....and then take me to a gay "family" and see how disgusting it is there.
I can't answer a question like that because there is no other answer since i wouldn't be gay because it is wrong and if it is wrong there is only the one solution of not tolerating it.............the parents should help their child not by beating them or anything but still at the same time not tolerating it at all but helping them understand why it is wrong.
If you were a good parent, your kids wouldn't become gay in the first place.
G-d doesn't change the rules for different people, G-d MEANS WELL, HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US MORE THEN YOU DO!!
It is wrong. FULL STOP.
If I was lesbian (G-d FORBID) I would wish for my parents to kick me out of the house and then take me to live with a normal family that weren't homosexual, and see how the atmosphere is there....and then take me to a gay "family" and see how disgusting it is there.
I can't answer a question like that because there is no other answer since i wouldn't be gay because it is wrong and if it is wrong there is only the one solution of not tolerating it.............the parents should help their child not by beating them or anything but still at the same time not tolerating it at all but helping them understand why it is wrong.
Wait, I get 20 hypothetical questions and I'm badgered to death for answering them but you can't answer two? How can you give me advice on what to think of homosexuality if my children were involved and then not have an answer as to how to help them since 'they're sick'.
And again, I'm not trying to make any decisions for you. As a parent I have to make decisions for my kids. You're still young yet, when you have children of your own, you'll understand.
BUT, you're telling me that you'd be happy with your parents kicking you out to live with a heterosexual couple (which I'm assuming you live with hetero parents now, right?) Then move you into a homosexual couple's home? What if that home isn't as you thought it would be?
If you were a good parent, your kids wouldn't become gay in the first place.
What? What is it that a parent has to be good at for their child not to become a gay man or woman? Did you even know that there are devout Christians who are the best parents they can be who have sons or daughters who come out to them?
Are you saying that Alan Keyes and his wife were not good parents to their daughter who they kicked out at 18 without money or a home?
G-d doesn't change the rules for different people, G-d MEANS WELL, HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US MORE THEN YOU DO!!
It is wrong. FULL STOP.
If I was lesbian (G-d FORBID) I would wish for my parents to kick me out of the house and then take me to live with a normal family that weren't homosexual, and see how the atmosphere is there....and then take me to a gay "family" and see how disgusting it is there.
I can't answer a question like that because there is no other answer since i wouldn't be gay because it is wrong and if it is wrong there is only the one solution of not tolerating it.............the parents should help their child not by beating them or anything but still at the same time not tolerating it at all but helping them understand why it is wrong.
Wait, I get 20 hypothetical questions and I'm badgered to death for answering them but you can't answer two? How can you give me advice on what to think of homosexuality if my children were involved and then not have an answer as to how to help them since 'they're sick'.
And again, I'm not trying to make any decisions for you. As a parent I have to make decisions for my kids. You're still young yet, when you have children of your own, you'll understand.
BUT, you're telling me that you'd be happy with your parents kicking you out to live with a heterosexual couple (which I'm assuming you live with hetero parents now, right?) Then move you into a homosexual couple's home? What if that home isn't as you thought it would be?
It would be how i predict it to be because you can't have a true "family" lifestyle if you're gay, it brings down the whole purpose of marriage and destroys it, it creates an unatural atmosphere and children cannot be born normally. How delightful, yeah i'm sure i'd love it Erica.
Ok i do have an answer, follow the bible how it has been prescribed to you.......and then you'll find your own answer.
I can't give you a neutral answer because there isn't one according to me.
If you were a good parent, your kids wouldn't become gay in the first place.
What? What is it that a parent has to be good at for their child not to become a gay man or woman? Did you even know that there are devout Christians who are the best parents they can be who have sons or daughters who come out to them?
Are you saying that Alan Keyes and his wife were not good parents to their daughter who they kicked out at 18 without money or a home?
You'd have to teach them that being homosexual is wrong, if they don't get that then they are stupid.
If you were a good parent, your kids wouldn't become gay in the first place.
What? What is it that a parent has to be good at for their child not to become a gay man or woman? Did you even know that there are devout Christians who are the best parents they can be who have sons or daughters who come out to them?
Are you saying that Alan Keyes and his wife were not good parents to their daughter who they kicked out at 18 without money or a home?
You'd have to teach them that being homosexual is wrong, if they don't get that then they are stupid.
For someone with so much knowledge about world events and religion, you sure are vague when it comes to giving people advice, Sarah. What do you mean? How do you TEACH them that being homosexual is wrong? And no matter what, Sarah don't call my kids stupid. I don't call you stupid when you disagree with me. I let you speak your peace.
You really don't make sense. Maybe because I'm asking the wrong person. Skip, what do you think. I'm still going to love my daughter no matter what she decides but how do you explain to your almost 17 year old child that homosexuality is wrong and that they should stop, without them leaving or rebelling against your wishes? Do you put them in jail? What?
G-d doesn't change the rules for different people, G-d MEANS WELL, HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US MORE THEN YOU DO!!
It is wrong. FULL STOP.
If I was lesbian (G-d FORBID) I would wish for my parents to kick me out of the house and then take me to live with a normal family that weren't homosexual, and see how the atmosphere is there....and then take me to a gay "family" and see how disgusting it is there.
I can't answer a question like that because there is no other answer since i wouldn't be gay because it is wrong and if it is wrong there is only the one solution of not tolerating it.............the parents should help their child not by beating them or anything but still at the same time not tolerating it at all but helping them understand why it is wrong.
Wait, I get 20 hypothetical questions and I'm badgered to death for answering them but you can't answer two? How can you give me advice on what to think of homosexuality if my children were involved and then not have an answer as to how to help them since 'they're sick'.
And again, I'm not trying to make any decisions for you. As a parent I have to make decisions for my kids. You're still young yet, when you have children of your own, you'll understand.
BUT, you're telling me that you'd be happy with your parents kicking you out to live with a heterosexual couple (which I'm assuming you live with hetero parents now, right?) Then move you into a homosexual couple's home? What if that home isn't as you thought it would be?
It would be how i predict it to be because you can't have a true "family" lifestyle if you're gay, it brings down the whole purpose of marriage and destroys it, it creates an unatural atmosphere and children cannot be born normally. How delightful, yeah i'm sure i'd love it Erica.
Ok i do have an answer, follow the bible how it has been prescribed to you.......and then you'll find your own answer.
I can't give you a neutral answer because there isn't one according to me.
And you'll get away with that answer because you're not me. I said the same thing not long ago "The question doesen't apply to me because I'm not in that situation." I was accused of not answering the question to the best of my ability then you chimed in with (something along the lines of ) "She doesn't read".
What do you mean by the first sentence and why is it full of sarcasm. I've been married close to 14 years in 2 months. One of my daughters feels as if she's gay and my marriage hasn't been damaged by it in any way. And what do you mean, children cannot be born normally?
I never called your kids stupid Erica, i was just answring making a general comment that if a kid has been taught that homosexuality is wrong and they still don't get it, they're stupid.
You were trying to evade the fact, that you think homosexuality is ok, even when it says it's evil in the bible.
Children can't be born from a gay relationship.
I never called your kids stupid Erica, i was just answring making a general comment that if a kid has been taught that homosexuality is wrong and they still don't get it, they're stupid.
You were trying to evade the fact, that you think homosexuality is ok, even when it says it's evil in the bible.
Children can't be born from a gay relationship.
No kidding, Sarah. I think the gays were onto that before you were. lol So? Everyone in this world wasn't meant to have kids. Not everyone WANTS children.
I never called your kids stupid Erica, i was just answring making a general comment that if a kid has been taught that homosexuality is wrong and they still don't get it, they're stupid.
You were trying to evade the fact, that you think homosexuality is ok, even when it says it's evil in the bible.
Children can't be born from a gay relationship.
No kidding, Sarah. I think the gays were onto that before you were. lol So? Everyone in this world wasn't meant to have kids. Not everyone WANTS children.
Yeah well you asked me the question: And what do you mean, children cannot be born normally?
I didn't know what answer you wanted.
If everybody becomes gay, the world will come to an end.
Heck, how comes the number of homosexuals is increasing in todays world when they're meant to "naturally" become homosexual?
Erica, please don't link so many posts in a row. You have been politely asked about this before.
A lot of hypothetical questions, no real life ones...and none that have anything to do with me.
On the contrary... they are no hypothetical at all. Unfortunately, all these thing happen in the world on a daily basis. These are the exact same arguments used by people who practice homosexuality, incest, and bestiality.
So it's not hypothetical if it's a real situation that really happens since hypothetical actually means "supposed but not necessarily real or true". All these things are real.
I'm not into beastiality, I personally think it's gross. I'm thinking that the animals are suffering for that. And the person whose doing it to them is sick as all get out. My mother and sister being lovers makes me sick also because they're my family. That's not supposed to happen...
Yes, and homosexual sex is also very gross! How is it any different?
And I said, very plainly, in a situation where none of the parties are being hurt.
So why do these things make you sick? Is it because it's unnatural?
and by the way, it has nothing to do with being born that way.
EXACTLY. Neither is homosexuality. No one is born with a desire to perform acts that do not reproduce children since it does not work biologically. In fact, no one is born wanting to have sexual relations right out of the womb.
Kids don't automatically feel a sexual attraction for their parents. Homosexuality is still quite different than beastiality and incest because #1, beastiality is sex with animals... #2. homosexuaity is a relationship and/ or sex with a monogomous same-sex partner. #3. Incest is sex with your own child, neice, nephew, mother or father.
Thank you for those definitions. I think we all know what the definitions for those terms are.
But why is one acceptable to you and the others not? And who are you to say they every once in a while, someone is not born feeling this type of relationship for a sister, mother, father, aunt, uncle, or twin? I understand the dictionary definitions of these terms but what I would like to hear is how you can condone one behavior and not the others? How do you draw that line? Is it just conditioning because you were exposed to one and not the other? I think so.
So many people are brainwashed because they see these things all the time. They become used to it. It doesn't make it right.
Homosexuality can damage a family. Lived it, been there, done that... My mom knew about my dad years before they had my brother, sister and myself. She was convinced she could change him
He never had peace from it until he moved away and finally died of AIDS years later. He even tried to change for my brother, but all my brother wanted was for him to be there.
Wow... looks like that hurt a lot of people including your father!
I think it's strange how they knew he was gay before he had relations with a woman... enough to have 3 children. That's amazing how that works somehow.
I just have a heart that aches for anyone suffering in this way/ being persecuted for something you can't help but feel (WHICH ISN'T HURTING ANYONE)
Wait... I thought you just said it hurt your entire family! Interesting.
he was raped by many men when he was a boy
There was a study that found that 92% of all homosexual men were raped as children. I'll try to find the study for you.
He couldn't help who he was and what his life was like.
I disagree. We all have choices. Perhaps some are more difficult but the family comes first since children are the only physical thing we leave behind after we die.
NOT like INcest or beastialty which psychologically damages the family dynamic (and animals respectively) on a fundamental level.
I would propose that it is exactly the same. You have proved this with your own words.
But I would love my brother if he said he was homosexual because he wouldn't be doing anything to hurt anyone purposely.
What if incest or bestiality didn't "hurt anyone on purpose"? I'm fairly sure these perverts don't hurt people on purpose.
And if she was doing this to my brother at 18, that means she was doing it when he was 8. Isn't THAT molestation (rape) doesn't that make her a pedophile?
Now I wasn't talking about this scenario. We are not talking about child abuse. I was talking about consenting adults only.
The Bible allows only certain types of relationships because IT PROTECTS THE FAMILY which is why G-d gave us the ability to procreate in the first place. That's why one of the very first commandments G-d gives is to "Be Fruitful and Multiply". This is not talking about math class.
I do not judge gays for having an inclination. Neither do I judge a sodomite since we cannot force others to accept a religious belief by force. I don't judge idolators either.
I do condemn sodomites who want to adopt children, thus forcing them to accept homosexuality as normal, since every human being has the right to decide what opinion to hold.
Pedopiles who only are atracted by children but don't molest any child, no problem. I do judge and condemn a pedophile who molests children or would do so in case he could do!!!!
I do not judge gays for having an inclination. Neither do I judge a sodomite since we cannot force others to accept a religious belief by force. I don't judge idolators either.
I do condemn sodomites who want to adopt children, thus forcing them to accept homosexuality as normal, since every human being has the right to decide what opinion to hold.
Pedopiles who only are atracted by children but don't molest any child, no problem. I do judge and condemn a pedophile who molests children or would do so in case he could do!!!!
I think pedophiles can't be trusted.
Of course!!! I wouldn't let a child exposed to that danger. I only said a person cannot be judged for whatever he may feel, but a pedphile must be kept away from children, just like a person who knows he is violent must not have a gun.
If I knew a friend feels an atraction to children I wouldn't have any problem with letting him into my house since I am an adult and have no children (as far as he doesn't intend to act, or has said he would molest a child). But if I had cildren, I would be carefull, and wouldn't never ley him in, even if he says he'd never molest.
Of course!!! I wouldn't let a child exposed to that danger. I only said a person cannot be judged for whatever he may feel, but a pedphile must be kept away from children, just like a person who knows he is violent must not have a gun.
If I knew a friend feels an atraction to children I wouldn't have any problem with letting him into my house since I am an adult and have no children (as far as he doesn't intend to act, or has said he would molest a child). But if I had cildren, I would be carefull, and wouldn't never ley him in, even if he says he'd never molest.
That's what I told newman. Thanks for repeating it. I can't judge a pedophile if he's thinking about molesting a kid because I can't read his mind. If he tells me that that's what his feeling is and he dreams about it, I would excuse myself and call the police, just to save another child from his monsterous act.
You simly cannot pickand choose from Bible; that sodomy is good and incenst is bad; you're not G-d Erica; you act like Satan; he rebeled against G-d too.
You simly cannot pickand choose from Bible; that sodomy is good and incenst is bad; you're not G-d Erica; you act like Satan; he rebeled against G-d too.
Um, ultra, People pick and choose from the bible (here ) all day long. I've already stated that I'm not God. I've already stated that I don't know the bible well. But I find it funny that with the subject of premarital sex and homosexuality (here) Premarital sex gets a golden star over homosexuality eventhough both are sins according to the bible. Talk about picking and choosing. ::)
I'm not rebeling against God. I had these feelings before I became a Christian 2 years ago. I'm not sure that I want to stop having compassion for gay people then start wishing them hellfire and damnation just because that's how YOU feel. I'm going to continue feeling this way. God will judge me when we get to that point. You worry about your own life and opinions.
You simly cannot pickand choose from Bible; that sodomy is good and incenst is bad; you're not G-d Erica; you act like Satan; he rebeled against G-d too.
Um, ultra, People pick and choose from the bible (here ) all day long. I've already stated that I'm not G-d. I've already stated that I don't know the bible well. But I find it funny that with the subject of premarital sex and homosexuality (here) Premarital sex gets a golden star over homosexuality eventhough both are sins according to the bible. Talk about picking and choosing. ::)
I'm not rebeling against G-d. I had these feelings before I became a Christian 2 years ago. I'm not sure that I want to stop having compassion for gay people then start wishing them hellfire and damnation just because that's how YOU feel. I'm going to continue feeling this way. G-d will judge me when we get to that point. You worry about your own life and opinions.
according the torah if you commit sodomy you get thrown off a cliff then stoned to death. while premarital sex forces the man to pay money to the womens father and he is never allowed to divorce her
You simly cannot pickand choose from Bible; that sodomy is good and incenst is bad; you're not G-d Erica; you act like Satan; he rebeled against G-d too.
Um, ultra, People pick and choose from the bible (here ) all day long. I've already stated that I'm not G-d. I've already stated that I don't know the bible well. But I find it funny that with the subject of premarital sex and homosexuality (here) Premarital sex gets a golden star over homosexuality eventhough both are sins according to the bible. Talk about picking and choosing. ::)
I'm not rebeling against G-d. I had these feelings before I became a Christian 2 years ago. I'm not sure that I want to stop having compassion for gay people then start wishing them hellfire and damnation just because that's how YOU feel. I'm going to continue feeling this way. G-d will judge me when we get to that point. You worry about your own life and opinions.
according the torah if you commit sodomy you get thrown off a cliff then stoned to death. while premarital sex forces the man to pay money to the womens father and he is never allowed to divorce her
That's an interesting factoid, Shimon.
Regarding society, it's strange that they don't even dare to talk about incest, but do support gays and lesbians. But according to civil laws, incest is also legal in many countries. In Argentina theoretically incest is allowed since 1853, since the Constitution says that no private action can be pubished by any judge.
according the torah if you commit sodomy you get thrown off a cliff then stoned to death. while premarital sex forces the man to pay money to the womens father and he is never allowed to divorce her
When we finally obolish 'monkey lucifer coon' day we can replace it with 'Throw a fag off a cliff' Day.
You simly cannot pickand choose from Bible; that sodomy is good and incenst is bad; you're not G-d Erica; you act like Satan; he rebeled against G-d too.
Um, ultra, People pick and choose from the bible (here ) all day long. I've already stated that I'm not G-d. I've already stated that I don't know the bible well. But I find it funny that with the subject of premarital sex and homosexuality (here) Premarital sex gets a golden star over homosexuality eventhough both are sins according to the bible. Talk about picking and choosing. ::)
I'm not rebeling against G-d. I had these feelings before I became a Christian 2 years ago. I'm not sure that I want to stop having compassion for gay people then start wishing them hellfire and damnation just because that's how YOU feel. I'm going to continue feeling this way. G-d will judge me when we get to that point. You worry about your own life and opinions.
Only Jewish fallowers of Jesus must abide to all 613 comandment just like all Jews; the gentile christians must only avoid idol worshiping, sexual imorality and eating the blood; in principle the commnandment of Love to G-d and your neighbour, supporting the Jewish people and Israel and keeping the Noahide laws.
Erica I was never claiming to be sinless; only G-d is; but inventing your own Gospel and Torah is satanic; it was the same thing the snake did in Garden of Eden; read the scriptures and repent becouse the kingdom of G-d is near.
You simly cannot pickand choose from Bible; that sodomy is good and incenst is bad; you're not G-d Erica; you act like Satan; he rebeled against G-d too.
Um, ultra, People pick and choose from the bible (here ) all day long. I've already stated that I'm not G-d. I've already stated that I don't know the bible well. But I find it funny that with the subject of premarital sex and homosexuality (here) Premarital sex gets a golden star over homosexuality eventhough both are sins according to the bible. Talk about picking and choosing. ::)
I'm not rebeling against G-d. I had these feelings before I became a Christian 2 years ago. I'm not sure that I want to stop having compassion for gay people then start wishing them hellfire and damnation just because that's how YOU feel. I'm going to continue feeling this way. G-d will judge me when we get to that point. You worry about your own life and opinions.
Only Jewish fallowers of Jesus must abide to all 613 comandment just like all Jews; the gentile christians must only avoid idol worshiping, sexual imorality and eating the blood; in principle the commnandment of Love to G-d and your neighbour, supporting the Jewish people and Israel and keeping the Noahide laws.
Erica I was never claiming to be sinless; only G-d is; but inventing your own Gospel and Torah is satanic; it was the same thing the snake did in Garden of Eden; read the scriptures and repent becouse the kingdom of G-d is near.
I never invented my own Gospel. What I was saying is that my emotions lead me to feel the way I feel. Not my Christianity.
Erica, if a friend of yours were a very good friend, but he tells you the he is dating and having sexual realations with a close relative ( consenting adults with no infuence since childhood), would keep in touch with him/her? YES or NO
Erica, if a friend of yours were a very good friend, but he tells you the he is dating and having sexual realations with a close relative ( consenting adults with no infuence since childhood), would keep in touch with him/her? YES or NO
Actually, I'd prefer not to keep in touch with him/her. It's just too "Jerry Springer" for my case. Incest is illegal. Homosexuality isn't. On the other end of that, I would hope that a friend of mine wouldn't share that information with me. I'd feel that way because it's just weird to me and way out of my comfort zone. It's personal preference that leads me to think this way, not religion.
Also, I had a couple of friends in my life devulge to me that they're gay or even bisexual. I have kept in touch with both over the years.One of them happens to be a friend of mine since high school. She came out about 5 years ago to me.
Erica, if a friend of yours were a very good friend, but he tells you the he is dating and having sexual realations with a close relative ( consenting adults with no infuence since childhood), would keep in touch with him/her? YES or NO
Actually, I'd prefer not to keep in touch with him/her. It's just too "Jerry Springer" for my case. Incest is illegal. Homosexuality isn't. On the other end of that, I would hope that a friend of mine wouldn't share that information with me. I'd feel that way because it's just weird to me and way out of my comfort zone. It's personal preference that leads me to think this way, not religion.
Also, I had a couple of friends in my life devulge to me that they're gay or even bisexual. I have kept in touch with both over the years.One of them happens to be a friend of mine since high school. She came out about 5 years ago to me.
Well, civil laws are different form country to country. There are places where homosexuality is also illegal, and other places where incest is not punished. Now, if you don't judge people, what's your problem with incest?
Erica, if a friend of yours were a very good friend, but he tells you the he is dating and having sexual realations with a close relative ( consenting adults with no infuence since childhood), would keep in touch with him/her? YES or NO
Actually, I'd prefer not to keep in touch with him/her. It's just too "Jerry Springer" for my case. Incest is illegal. Homosexuality isn't. On the other end of that, I would hope that a friend of mine wouldn't share that information with me. I'd feel that way because it's just weird to me and way out of my comfort zone. It's personal preference that leads me to think this way, not religion.
Also, I had a couple of friends in my life devulge to me that they're gay or even bisexual. I have kept in touch with both over the years.One of them happens to be a friend of mine since high school. She came out about 5 years ago to me.
Well, civil laws are different form country to country. There are places where homosexuality is also illegal, and other places where incest is not punished. Now, if you don't judge people, what's your problem with incest?
I know you're trying to make your position seem right... its your opinion. My problem with incest is that it usually stems from sexual abuse. My uncle molested me every weekend for 5 years. If a mother and a son develop a sexual relationship, the mother is to blame for it because she took advantage of her son's innocence in his early years..that's not something that develops or JUST HAPPENS when the guy turns 18.
My opinion doesn't make me right but you asked how I feel, and I can only tell you the truth...unless you like being lied to; then I can't help you.
Erica, I don't try to defend any position. I disagree with those members who claim that gays are doing a plot, or that they hate heterosexuals. We are going nowhere with that conspiracy theories, and I don't judge people for their private life. Many people try to find a rational explanation to condemn gays, and they make mistakes. We cannot prove that two man or two women's love is not real, or that they are dangerous.....
But neither can you prove that all incestous relations are based on child abuse. What about two close relatives who meet again as adults and fall in love?
You just have decided that homosexuality is ok, and now you want to find a way to differentiate it from incest....
Erica, I don't try to defend any position. I disagree with those members who claim that gays are doing a plot, or that they hate heterosexuals. We are going nowhere with that conspiracy theories, and I don't judge people for their private life. Many people try to find a rational explanation to condemn gays, and they make mistakes. We cannot prove that two man or two women's love is not real, or that they are dangerous.....
But neither can you prove that all incestous relations are based on child abuse. What about two close relatives who meet again as adults and fall in love?
You just have decided that homosexuality is ok, and now you want to find a way to differentiate it from incest....
I don't judge people who had NO IDEA that they were related and eventually fall in love, get married, have kids THEN find out that they're 1st cousins. They didn't know. However you're right, none of this can be proven. I already said so. I'm just going off of personal experience and what I've heard. I'm not God so I can't say that I know everything...never said I did. You wanted to know how I felt...I told you.
Erica, I don't try to defend any position. I disagree with those members who claim that gays are doing a plot, or that they hate heterosexuals. We are going nowhere with that conspiracy theories, and I don't judge people for their private life. Many people try to find a rational explanation to condemn gays, and they make mistakes. We cannot prove that two man or two women's love is not real, or that they are dangerous.....
But neither can you prove that all incestous relations are based on child abuse. What about two close relatives who meet again as adults and fall in love?
You just have decided that homosexuality is ok, and now you want to find a way to differentiate it from incest....
I don't judge people who had NO IDEA that they were related and eventually fall in love, get married, have kids THEN find out that they're 1st cousins. They didn't know. However you're right, none of this can be proven. I already said so. I'm just going off of personal experience and what I've heard. I'm not G-d so I can't say that I know everything...never said I did. You wanted to know how I felt...I told you.
1st cousins getting married is not incest. I asked you about real incest between CLOSE relatives, who DO KNOW they are related, but have met again after a long time separated, (so there is no child abuse) and fall in love. Would you befriend them?
Erica, I don't try to defend any position. I disagree with those members who claim that gays are doing a plot, or that they hate heterosexuals. We are going nowhere with that conspiracy theories, and I don't judge people for their private life. Many people try to find a rational explanation to condemn gays, and they make mistakes. We cannot prove that two man or two women's love is not real, or that they are dangerous.....
But neither can you prove that all incestous relations are based on child abuse. What about two close relatives who meet again as adults and fall in love?
You just have decided that homosexuality is ok, and now you want to find a way to differentiate it from incest....
I don't judge people who had NO IDEA that they were related and eventually fall in love, get married, have kids THEN find out that they're 1st cousins. They didn't know. However you're right, none of this can be proven. I already said so. I'm just going off of personal experience and what I've heard. I'm not G-d so I can't say that I know everything...never said I did. You wanted to know how I felt...I told you.
1st cousins getting married is not incest. I asked you about real incest between CLOSE relatives, who DO KNOW they are related, but have met again after a long time separated, (so there is no child abuse) and fall in love. Would you befriend them?
I don't know Raul. I'm not in their lives. For all I know, their feelings are real. My business is to make sure that everything is right as rain in MY house. Would I choose to befriend a person I don't know is in a relationship like that? I don't know. That depends on the odds of me going out, looking for people who present that kind of relationship and deciding whether to befriend them. In reality (because your question is rhetorical), because of society's opinion on everyone's lives, no one is going to come out and say, "we're brother and sister, and we're married"... less drama that way. If I met a couple who was married for 5 years, had a baby on the way, oh and by the way they're brother and sister I wouldn't just back off from them because I don't know their situation totally.
Like I said before, I related incest to abuse because of personal experience...my mind automatically goes there. Perhaps if I'd lived without having seen or experienced some of the things that happened to or around me, I'd think like you and everyone else here.