General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: DownwithIslam on February 23, 2008, 10:49:59 PM
and this is an old evil thread on their forum.
and a more recent hateful thread against gentiles in which Scriabin was called "Goyowitz." Go look
Those animals just called all the jewish members of JTF "Erav Rav" and made fun of goyim. They called JTF "the melting pot." I think that forum needs to be shut down cause its and embarrassment to kahanism.
I think you should leave them be. No sense in causing friction between the two forums.
No, I will not leave. The harm they are causing needs to be exposed and stopped.
Arguing with the microbes there will get you nowhere. It's like arguing with a brick wall. You're handling yourself well though. O0
Arguing with the microbes there will get you nowhere. It's like arguing with a brick wall. You're handling yourself well though. O0
Thanks Yermiyahu. They are so vial. They are sending me disgusting PM's as well. They are savage chayos.
Half the members there seem to also belong to JTF. The difference is they post here at JTF and not there. You can't blame the other one or two active members they have left if they are disgruntled because JTF is a far more active forum. Our ask the ape thread has about as many posts in it as their entire forum ;)
Wow, they are more vial than I thought.
Kahane.org is an excellent organization. The forum just needs active moderators since right now mostly trolls post on the board.
yekutiel unfortunately seems to be more interested in his own power than whats best for Israel. He should just admit that Chaim is more qualified than him.
Well if only all this energy was spent Muslims rather than fellow Kahanists ::)
Below is a vile post By River140 on kahane.org
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Re: This forum!
« Reply #28 on: Today at 11:32:46 PM »
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Quote from: Downwithislam on Today at 11:25:42 PM
No because their is more at stake than your lousy forum. All this hatred towards other jews and righteous gentiles is vile. Yekutiel has created a whorehouse known as the kahane.org forums.
methinks someone is trying to incite discord among the members of the groups jtf and kahane.org.... amongst one another group and within each group amongst each other....
I left their "forum" and I don't plan on logging in there anymore. They are nauseating and evil. I see why they have no members.
Wow, after being there for a few minutes, I have come out realizing how incredible Chaim Ben Pesach is and I now see why JTF is the only hope for saving Israel and righteous gentiles. I now realize how incredible this forum is.
Below is a vile post By River140 on kahane.org
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Re: This forum!
« Reply #28 on: Today at 11:32:46 PM »
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Quote from: Downwithislam on Today at 11:25:42 PM
No because their is more at stake than your lousy forum. All this hatred towards other jews and righteous gentiles is vile. Yekutiel has created a whorehouse known as the kahane.org forums.
I am sure he got banned from here.....
Anyway its only a different style of forum there.
They keep on calling Jtf members "Armchair activists." Thats funny, the money we send Chaim for yesha jews is more than they do.
They keep on calling Jtf members "Armchair activists." Thats funny, the money we send Chaim for yesha jews is more than they do.
True, but most JTF Jews have not made aliyah, save a few.
They keep on calling Jtf members "Armchair activists." Thats funny, the money we send Chaim for yesha jews is more than they do.
True, but most JTF Jews have not made aliyah, save a few.
Whatever, all the do is just sit their slandering Chaim.
They keep on calling Jtf members "Armchair activists." Thats funny, the money we send Chaim for yesha jews is more than they do.
Does it matter what they think? Only thing that matters is you know the truth.
They keep on calling Jtf members "Armchair activists." Thats funny, the money we send Chaim for yesha jews is more than they do.
Does it matter what they think? Only thing that matters is you know the truth.
I quited after reading that all gentiles are animals, and their interpratation of talmud and sages are from Jew Watch; I don't know if some of their mebers like awichar or river 140 know that they fitting right into Jew conspiracy sterotypes of more virulent antisemitc Storm Fronters; they do sound like them anyway... ::)
They're jelous becouse unlike them JTF is not cooking in it's own heavy souce... ;)
I quited after reading that all gentiles are animals, and their interpratation of talmud and sages are from Jew Watch; I don't know if some of their mebers like awichar or river 140 know that they fitting right into Jew conspiracy sterotypes of more virulent antisemitc Storm Fronters; they do sound like them anyway... ::)
They're jelous becouse unlike them JTF is not cooking in it's own heavy souce... ;)
Whorefront, Jew Watch and other anti-semetic dreck sites should be destroyed and shut down! >:(
I quited after reading that all gentiles are animals, and their interpratation of talmud and sages are from Jew Watch; I don't know if some of their mebers like awichar or river 140 know that they fitting right into Jew conspiracy sterotypes of more virulent antisemitc Storm Fronters; they do sound like them anyway... ::)
They're jelous becouse unlike them JTF is not cooking in it's own heavy souce... ;)
Kahane.org is an embarrasment to judaism. Gentiles should not be ofended by what those dogs said aboout them as they say even worse things about chaim. that whole forum is no different than revava. it's great than they have only 2 or three members on the whole site.
I sort of looked around on the forum of Kahane.org it seems pretty empty, JTF.org is much more lively and exciting O0
I quited after reading that all gentiles are animals, and their interpratation of talmud and sages are from Jew Watch; I don't know if some of their mebers like awichar or river 140 know that they fitting right into Jew conspiracy sterotypes of more virulent antisemitc Storm Fronters; they do sound like them anyway... ::)
They're jelous becouse unlike them JTF is not cooking in it's own heavy souce... ;)
Kahane.org is an embarrasment to judaism. Gentiles should not be ofended by what those dogs said aboout them as they say even worse things about chaim. that whole forum is no different than revava. it's great than they have only 2 or three members on the whole site.
As much as I respect you Downwithislam, I can't stand by and let you slander the righteous Yekutiel and kahane.org. He actually does do much more activism for Israel than JTF does by far. JTF gives money to righteous organizations in Israel and does audio and visual programs. Very good. But that is no comparison to Yekutiel who is actually living in Israel on a settlement and is opening up a hilltop Yeshivah, runs a combat dog program to defend settlements from terrorists, which has saved many Jewish lives, the guy was R' Benyamin Kahane's right hand man, the guy actively raises money to free good Jews arrested by the Bolshivicks with trumped up charges and the guy is running the Kahane movement in Israel just to name a few of his credentials. You or I both aren't worthy of cleaning the floor that Yekutiel walks on.
The only valid issue you brought up is that their forum recently has only trolls posting nonsense. Yekutiel and his people don't post the garbage you see on the forum right now, it's just overrun by trolls recently and it has no moderation.
JDL4ever, normally I agree with all that you post, but why are you so adamant about defending Guzofsky? What has he accomplished in 25 years of having made aliyah? Whether you care to admit it or not, his right-wing activities have, first and foremost, been a means of supporting himself. Chaim has not lived off of a single penny from any of his followers, and even his worst enemies will acknowledge that. Where have the millions Mike has raised over the decades gone?
Guzofsky runs a dog-training program. He lives on a hilltop. Big deal. If Chaim were in Israel right now, he wouldn't be commanding dogs, but legions of hardcore Kahanist youths who would put their lives on the line for Eretz Israel right this moment. There is no excuse for the absolute lack of results we have seen from Mike, under any circumstances!
Finally, I really, really, really am flabbergasted by your claim that Guzofsky was Rabbi Meir Kahane's "right hand man". :o ;D ROTFLMAO! I can't believe you would make such an assertion. Every "Kahanist" leader (HaIvri, Guzofsky, Mordechai Levy, etc) claims to have been HaRav Kahane (zt"l)'s right-hand man, but tell me--who went to prison for all the bombings? Who was the only person the mainstream media reported on with disgust? Who kicked Bonnie Pechter out of the movement? Who was the only Kahanist being mentioned in conjunction with freeing Soviet Jewry?
Which Guzofsky should we support? Should it be the one who had an alliance with Roni, the homosexual sadomasochist who stated that Europe's Jews were subverting the Christian governments there and thus deserved the Holocaust?
Or, should it be the one who ever since making aliyah, has worked constantly with Bnei Elim and Irv Rubin, who all believe Jonathan Pollard deserved the sentence he got?
Or, should it be the one who curses Chaim every chance he gets because he is jealous of his following and the influence he has in Judea and Samaria, even 12,000 miles from Israel?
Or, should it be the Guzzy who considers Gentiles subhumans and refuses to have anything to do with them, even in this era that Israel's very survival is at stake?
I really, really am wondering what you were thinking right now. Surely you know better than to support petty rivals of Chaim.
Wasn't Rivera a wetback, Aztlanist Mexican?
C.F., I stated that Yekutiel was R' Binyamin Kahane's right hand man (R' Kahane's son) which is undisputed. Even Chaim admits this to be true. Whether he was R' Kahane's Zs'l's right hand man is disputed between Chaim and Yekutiel. Secondly, you keep saying IF IF IF IF IF, "If Chaim is in Israel, he'd be doing much more so Yekutiel is garbage." IF is a stupid argument. Chaim is not in Israel right now unfortunitely and right now Yekutiel is in Israel and is actively doing 100 times more for Israel than Chaim is doing for Israel since he is actually there and running the movement. Freeing Jewish prisoners is garbage to you? Saving Jewish lives with guard dog programs is not doing anything? Running a Kahanist Yeshivah is garbage to you? Running the entire Kahane movement in Israel after R' Kahane's son was killed is nothing to you? Being constantly arrested and harassed by the Israeli government is nothing to you? Why is it nothing to you? Because if Chaim was in Israel he would do better? But he's not in Israel so he can't do anything close to what Yekutiel is doing until he gets there! And I don't know if he will do any better nor do you. Chaim is the most active Kahanist leader in America but Yekutiel is the most active Kahanist leader in Israel. Your argument is like saying everyone is Israel should just give up being Kahanists because Chaim isn't there yet and wait for him to come there. Stop defending settlements with dog programs because Chaim isn't there yet, stop trying to free Jewish prisoners so they can wait for Chaim. How ridiculous. Chaim from America can't do one percent of what Yekutiel is doing in Israel. When Chaim gets to Israel then we can argue who is a better leader in Israel, but until then there is no comparison. Chaimfan, do you think it's possible from your computer to run the Kahanist movement in Israel? This is impossible. You have to be living there and actively going out and doing things to run the movement like Yekutiel is doing.
And Yekutiel doesn't take a penny of the money he collects for himself. He works for a living and uses that money to support himself and is a very poor man. How dare you make up this lie about Yekutiel that he's living off donated money.
Why are you engaging in forum wars? They have a right to operate their site how they see fit.
Haven't really been on that forum for some time, but I agree with JDL4ever.
Why are you engaging in forum wars? They have a right to operate their site how they see fit.
That is the key question. methinks there is an answer...
I don't mind if they think all Christians are going to hell. That's their right to believe that. I'm not even offended by that at all really. One time I had a Jewish friend who was talking to some others who said "Jesus was just a carpenter, and shouldn't matter to us, why do you have to attack him like that?"
Then he was afraid he had offended me by saying that. I told him not at all because he was actually being much nicer than others and I didn't expect him to think any other way. ;D
What bothers me is that they even care enough about it to defame and say nasty things about Jesus. If they don't believe in Jesus then why would they feel a need to be so nasty about Him?
I don't spend all day making Buddha jokes or Vishnu jokes.
I do make fun of Allah and Mohammed but that's because the Muslims are trying to take us over, so I think that makes a difference. :)
JDL, if you think that Guzofsky is so very much greater than Chaim ben Pesach, and if you seriously question Chaim's statements about JDL history (about who was Ha Rav [zt"l]'s right hand man), why don't you work for Mike's organization then?
Yacov and everybody else,
Let's be realistic here: if a large number of posters, all saying the exact same thing, are all permitted, over a period of not just days, but weeks, months and years, to completely dominate a website's forum, are they trolls, or do they reflect what the site believes?
When trolls come to JTF, they are banned immediately upon being discovered. What would happen if this weren't the case? Let's pretend that our enforcement was so very lax that at any given time, 9 out of 10 active threads were started by members of Whorefront. Let's pretend that furthermore, this atmosphere is found to be consistent over many months of regular visits. Do you not think that some visitors would begin to say "Hmmm... I guess this is a white-supremacist organization like their detractors say after all?"
In this case, we have all of the above, and more. Why are we giving Guzofsky the benefit of the doubt when over a period of years his forum is dominated by anti-Gentile, anti-Christian, and anti-JTF invective? Has Mike really been sleeping under a rock for that long that he has absolutely no idea what is going on in his name on his own website? Or, is it our bad--for not taking him at face value when he states that he only wants Jews to work with and help him?
Come on; is it intellectually feasible to believe that a man who would prefer to enter alliances with HaIvri, Irv Rubin, and Roni the sadomasochist over with Gentile Zionists has no idea what he is doing? Or, is the better explanation that he works with these leaders and organizations because he shares their views, and because he dislikes all "goys", no matter what their character is?
I am not saying that Guzofsky only has evil motives. What I do know, and what Chaim ben Pesach himself and 99% of this forum would agree with, is that this is a petty man who places his disdain for Gentiles, and his own ego, above the greater good of Eretz Yisrael. Is Guzofsky jealous of Chaim? Yes. Is Guzofsky irritated that Gentiles are in ranks of such prominence in JTF? Yes, because they are untermensch to him and his friend HaIvri. Does Guzofsky have any regard whatsoever for Jewish allies or fellow Islamic victims such as the Serbs, white South Africans, Sri Lankans, etc? Absolutely not, because they aren't Jewish!
As for the claim that he has done much more in Israel than Chaim has--hahahahahaha! I don't dispute that he was the right-hand man of Binyamin Kahane (zt"l), but he'd better do something in Israel, having been there three decades! Guzofsky made aliyah decades ago and for decades, has had a well-known public movement most Israelis have heard of. Wouldn't one have expected him to at least get a Knesset seat by now? Guzofsky is greater than Chaim because he runs a dog-training program in Israel, when Chaim cannot even set foot in the land? LOL! How come Chaim was able to ally Beitar Jerusalem with JTF with one correspondence, while Guzofsky wasn't able to get Kahane.org allied with Beitar in 25 years of being there?
Jdl4ever, even Chaim has said that Yekutiel has been an utter failure. He has lived there for 25 years and he only has a couple of people in his community who support him at all. Even people in other settlements are not working with him. I think that of course any work such as the dog program that he does to help jews is wonderful. All I am saying is that if after 20 years, all you have is a forum with a bunch of attack artists, it's time to rethink your whole strategy. Nobody is accusing him of stealing money. I went to that forum just to check it out but then when I looked around and saw viscous threads claiming that Chaim is a fraud etc... I decided to deal with them. I didn't go there initially looking to cause trouble but I felt that I needed to act to defend Chaims name. And whether or not Yekutiel is doing more for Kahanism than Chaim is certainly debatable. The fact that Chaim is reaching out and attracting people of other walks of life in Israel is even more important than yekutiels dog program because yekutiel will never stop one expulsion with the people he has now. If you don't attract people from all over Israel, you won't succeed. Jdl4ever I know we see things the same way. All I am saying is that when I went over there and I saw the hate that they had for JTF, their is no way to stand still. They refer to "Vancier" with such contempt it's disgusting. For Yekutiel to sit there and allow that crap to go on is embarrassing the Kahane name.
Yekutiel has stated repeatedly that he is non in competition with Chaim when people fight over these issues on his forum.
I never attacked Yekutiel like his members attacked chaim. The most I said was that he has almost nothing resembling a movement to show for his decades of work. That is legit criticism not an attack.
JDL, if you think that Guzofsky is so very much greater than Chaim ben Pesach, and if you seriously question Chaim's statements about JDL history (about who was Ha Rav [zt"l]'s right hand man), why don't you work for Mike's organization then?
Yacov and everybody else,
Let's be realistic here: if a large number of posters, all saying the exact same thing, are all permitted, over a period of not just days, but weeks, months and years, to completely dominate a website's forum, are they trolls, or do they reflect what the site believes?
When trolls come to JTF, they are banned immediately upon being discovered. What would happen if this weren't the case? Let's pretend that our enforcement was so very lax that at any given time, 9 out of 10 active threads were started by members of Whorefront. Let's pretend that furthermore, this atmosphere is found to be consistent over many months of regular visits. Do you not think that some visitors would begin to say "Hmmm... I guess this is a white-supremacist organization like their detractors say after all?"
In this case, we have all of the above, and more. Why are we giving Guzofsky the benefit of the doubt when over a period of years his forum is dominated by anti-Gentile, anti-Christian, and anti-JTF invective? Has Mike really been sleeping under a rock for that long that he has absolutely no idea what is going on in his name on his own website? Or, is it our bad--for not taking him at face value when he states that he only wants Jews to work with and help him?
Come on; is it intellectually feasible to believe that a man who would prefer to enter alliances with HaIvri, Irv Rubin, and Roni the sadomasochist over with Gentile Zionists has no idea what he is doing? Or, is the better explanation that he works with these leaders and organizations because he shares their views, and because he dislikes all "goys", no matter what their character is?
I am not saying that Guzofsky only has evil motives. What I do know, and what Chaim ben Pesach himself and 99% of this forum would agree with, is that this is a petty man who places his disdain for Gentiles, and his own ego, above the greater good of Eretz Yisrael. Is Guzofsky jealous of Chaim? Yes. Is Guzofsky irritated that Gentiles are in ranks of such prominence in JTF? Yes, because they are untermensch to him and his friend HaIvri. Does Guzofsky have any regard whatsoever for Jewish allies or fellow Islamic victims such as the Serbs, white South Africans, Sri Lankans, etc? Absolutely not, because they aren't Jewish!
As for the claim that he has done much more in Israel than Chaim has--hahahahahaha! I don't dispute that he was the right-hand man of Binyamin Kahane (zt"l), but he'd better do something in Israel, having been there three decades! Guzofsky made aliyah decades ago and for decades, has had a well-known public movement most Israelis have heard of. Wouldn't one have expected him to at least get a Knesset seat by now? Guzofsky is greater than Chaim because he runs a dog-training program in Israel, when Chaim cannot even set foot in the land? LOL! How come Chaim was able to ally Beitar Jerusalem with JTF with one correspondence, while Guzofsky wasn't able to get Kahane.org allied with Beitar in 25 years of being there?
I agree with every word Chaimfan said. We should think about the attacks coming out of that forum before we are so quick to distance ourselves from my words.
I agree with Rubystars all decent faith and religions think they're the best and only true; exept for deformed ones like Unitarism, some new age budhism or reformed Judaism. I'm was not exepecting to be liked liked here becouse I had a mission but I was positivly suprised. If the rivera is permitted to post his anti gentiles mania when his not Jewish at all what is with Mike's platform on not working with non Jews? Why they insult other Jews like Scrabian? Why they permit the atacks on Chaim done by so called trolls with hundred of posts? JTF have reached and changed the mind of few liberals couse we debate don't deflame; The Kachane org looks like it's run by shabak in contrast becouse lot of posters there act like clasic agent provocatuers unchecked The Israeli left will love such oposition dirty vocal and inflitrated thus inafective. Mike Guzowski will beter looks in this mess.
I quited after reading that all gentiles are animals, and their interpratation of talmud and sages are from Jew Watch; I don't know if some of their mebers like awichar or river 140 know that they fitting right into Jew conspiracy sterotypes of more virulent antisemitc Storm Fronters; they do sound like them anyway... ::)
They're jelous becouse unlike them JTF is not cooking in it's own heavy souce... ;)
Whorefront, Jew Watch and other anti-semetic dreck sites should be destroyed and shut down! >:(
I disagree, if they are in the open they are no a threat, force them underground you have a problem.
I have read the statements about Christianity on kahane.org. I understand the point of idiol worshipping of them.
But I have a different oppinion.
The nature of trinity is the point, which is most difficult to understand in my religion. Until today, I have no final understanding of it.
I am not offended by the point of view, of some members of kahane.org. I know, that a lot of Jews have this oppinion.
Leftists say daily much worse things all around the world.
The best thing would be if this fight is stopped instantly, because they are not the enemy.
Ok I think you are right. I will ignore them from now on. That will probabaly hurt them the most because by far, the most activity on their forum comes when we go on there and post stuff.
JDL, if you think that Guzofsky is so very much greater than Chaim ben Pesach, and if you seriously question Chaim's statements about JDL history (about who was Ha Rav [zt"l]'s right hand man), why don't you work for Mike's organization then?
Yacov and everybody else,
Let's be realistic here: if a large number of posters, all saying the exact same thing, are all permitted, over a period of not just days, but weeks, months and years, to completely dominate a website's forum, are they trolls, or do they reflect what the site believes?
When trolls come to JTF, they are banned immediately upon being discovered. What would happen if this weren't the case? Let's pretend that our enforcement was so very lax that at any given time, 9 out of 10 active threads were started by members of Whorefront. Let's pretend that furthermore, this atmosphere is found to be consistent over many months of regular visits. Do you not think that some visitors would begin to say "Hmmm... I guess this is a white-supremacist organization like their detractors say after all?"
In this case, we have all of the above, and more. Why are we giving Guzofsky the benefit of the doubt when over a period of years his forum is dominated by anti-Gentile, anti-Christian, and anti-JTF invective? Has Mike really been sleeping under a rock for that long that he has absolutely no idea what is going on in his name on his own website? Or, is it our bad--for not taking him at face value when he states that he only wants Jews to work with and help him?
Come on; is it intellectually feasible to believe that a man who would prefer to enter alliances with HaIvri, Irv Rubin, and Roni the sadomasochist over with Gentile Zionists has no idea what he is doing? Or, is the better explanation that he works with these leaders and organizations because he shares their views, and because he dislikes all "goys", no matter what their character is?
I am not saying that Guzofsky only has evil motives. What I do know, and what Chaim ben Pesach himself and 99% of this forum would agree with, is that this is a petty man who places his disdain for Gentiles, and his own ego, above the greater good of Eretz Yisrael. Is Guzofsky jealous of Chaim? Yes. Is Guzofsky irritated that Gentiles are in ranks of such prominence in JTF? Yes, because they are untermensch to him and his friend HaIvri. Does Guzofsky have any regard whatsoever for Jewish allies or fellow Islamic victims such as the Serbs, white South Africans, Sri Lankans, etc? Absolutely not, because they aren't Jewish!
As for the claim that he has done much more in Israel than Chaim has--hahahahahaha! I don't dispute that he was the right-hand man of Binyamin Kahane (zt"l), but he'd better do something in Israel, having been there three decades! Guzofsky made aliyah decades ago and for decades, has had a well-known public movement most Israelis have heard of. Wouldn't one have expected him to at least get a Knesset seat by now? Guzofsky is greater than Chaim because he runs a dog-training program in Israel, when Chaim cannot even set foot in the land? LOL! How come Chaim was able to ally Beitar Jerusalem with JTF with one correspondence, while Guzofsky wasn't able to get Kahane.org allied with Beitar in 25 years of being there?
Do u seriously think that CHaim was Rabbi Kahane's right hand man?
Come on; is it intellectually feasible to believe that a man who would prefer to enter alliances with HaIvri, Irv Rubin, and Roni the sadomasochist over with Gentile Zionists has no idea what he is doing? Or, is the better explanation that he works with these leaders and organizations because he shares their views, and because he dislikes all "goys", no matter what their character is?
Lets review Yekutiel works with Haivri? (a lie) they havent worked together for years. Irv Rubin ZT"L? He is dead. Roni? Yekutiel never met him.
JDL, if you think that Guzofsky is so very much greater than Chaim ben Pesach, and if you seriously question Chaim's statements about JDL history (about who was Ha Rav [zt"l]'s right hand man), why don't you work for Mike's organization then?
Yacov and everybody else,
Let's be realistic here: if a large number of posters, all saying the exact same thing, are all permitted, over a period of not just days, but weeks, months and years, to completely dominate a website's forum, are they trolls, or do they reflect what the site believes?
When trolls come to JTF, they are banned immediately upon being discovered. What would happen if this weren't the case? Let's pretend that our enforcement was so very lax that at any given time, 9 out of 10 active threads were started by members of Whorefront. Let's pretend that furthermore, this atmosphere is found to be consistent over many months of regular visits. Do you not think that some visitors would begin to say "Hmmm... I guess this is a white-supremacist organization like their detractors say after all?"
In this case, we have all of the above, and more. Why are we giving Guzofsky the benefit of the doubt when over a period of years his forum is dominated by anti-Gentile, anti-Christian, and anti-JTF invective? Has Mike really been sleeping under a rock for that long that he has absolutely no idea what is going on in his name on his own website? Or, is it our bad--for not taking him at face value when he states that he only wants Jews to work with and help him?
Come on; is it intellectually feasible to believe that a man who would prefer to enter alliances with HaIvri, Irv Rubin, and Roni the sadomasochist over with Gentile Zionists has no idea what he is doing? Or, is the better explanation that he works with these leaders and organizations because he shares their views, and because he dislikes all "goys", no matter what their character is?
I am not saying that Guzofsky only has evil motives. What I do know, and what Chaim ben Pesach himself and 99% of this forum would agree with, is that this is a petty man who places his disdain for Gentiles, and his own ego, above the greater good of Eretz Yisrael. Is Guzofsky jealous of Chaim? Yes. Is Guzofsky irritated that Gentiles are in ranks of such prominence in JTF? Yes, because they are untermensch to him and his friend HaIvri. Does Guzofsky have any regard whatsoever for Jewish allies or fellow Islamic victims such as the Serbs, white South Africans, Sri Lankans, etc? Absolutely not, because they aren't Jewish!
As for the claim that he has done much more in Israel than Chaim has--hahahahahaha! I don't dispute that he was the right-hand man of Binyamin Kahane (zt"l), but he'd better do something in Israel, having been there three decades! Guzofsky made aliyah decades ago and for decades, has had a well-known public movement most Israelis have heard of. Wouldn't one have expected him to at least get a Knesset seat by now? Guzofsky is greater than Chaim because he runs a dog-training program in Israel, when Chaim cannot even set foot in the land? LOL! How come Chaim was able to ally Beitar Jerusalem with JTF with one correspondence, while Guzofsky wasn't able to get Kahane.org allied with Beitar in 25 years of being there?
Do u seriously think that CHaim was Rabbi Kahane's right hand man?
Yekutiel has a group of 3 or 4 members who have no meaningful contact with REAL Israeli Jews, because REAL Israeli Jews would laugh at them. Yekutiel lives in Israel for 26 years but has no Hebrew forum or organization. That's a serious Israeli leader?
We, on the other hand, have a very active Hebrew forum with over 1000 members. Almost all of our Hebrew forum members are young Israeli Jews who were born in Israel and have lived in Israel their whole life. Some of them are students in secular Israeli schools, some of them are Israeli yeshiva students, some of them are soldiers in the IDF. We have many secular and religious members, and we have many Sephardi-Mizrachi, Russian and Ashkenazi members.
Peace Now, Gush Shalom (the Bloc of Peace) and other leftist groups have uploaded 44 smear videos against me on youtube and flix. NONE OF THESE GROUPS HAVE EVER UPLOADED A SINGLE VIDEO AGAINST YEKUTIEL AND HAIVRI BECAUSE THE LEFT KNOWS THAT THEY ARE A JOKE.
Dominator, I am tired of your ignorant mouthing off on this forum. You can continue to do so because we allow other views, but that does not mean that we will not become annoyed. You were not born when I lead the campaign to free Soviet Jews and when Rabbi Kahane asked me to take over JDL. But your stupidity in believing that Rabbi Kahane would prefer utterly ineffective leaders like Yekutiel is just beyond the pale. And your writing "zt''l" for an informer rat traitor like Irv Rubin ys''v who betrayed Jonathan Pollard, Reuven Manning and myself shows that you are not a good Jew. You and Yekutiel always defend the rat informer traitor Irv Rubin ys''v while attacking me and attacking JTFers and attacking righteous Gentiles.
Let's say that we somehow convince the petty, jealous, ineffective 3 or 4 members of that group to join JTF. Think about it: Do we really want people like that in our movement? Are they really an asset to ANY movement?
Yekutiel has a group of 3 or 4 members who have no meaningful contact with REAL Israeli Jews, because REAL Israeli Jews would laugh at them. Yekutiel lives in Israel for 26 years but has no Hebrew forum or organization. That's a serious Israeli leader?
We, on the other hand, have a very active Hebrew forum with over 1000 members. Almost all of our Hebrew forum members are young Israeli Jews who were born in Israel and have lived in Israel their whole life. Some of them are students in secular Israeli schools, some of them are Israeli yeshiva students, some of them are soldiers in the IDF. We have many secular and religious members, and we have many Sefaradi-Mizrachi, Russian and Ashkenazi members.
Peace Now, Gush Shalom (the Bloc of Peace) and other leftist groups have uploaded 44 smear videos against me on youtube and flix. NONE OF THESE GROUPS HAVE EVER UPLOADED A SINGLE VIDEO AGAINST YEKUTIEL AND HAIVRI BECAUSE THE LEFT KNOWS THAT THEY ARE A JOKE.
Dominator, I am tired of your ignorant mouthing off on this forum. You can continue to do so because we allow other views, but that does not mean that we will not become annoyed. You were not born when I lead the campaign to free Soviet Jews and when Rabbi Kahane asked me to take over JDL. But your stupidity in believing that Rabbi Kahane would prefer utterly ineffective leaders like Yekutiel is just beyond the pale. And your writing "zt''l" for an informer rat traitor like Irv Rubin ys''v who betrayed Jonathan Pollard, Reuven Manning and myself shows that you are not a good Jew. You and Yekutiel always defend the rat informer traitor Irv Rubin ys''v while attacking me and attacking JTFers and attacking righteous Gentiles.
Let's say that we somehow convince the petty, jealous, ineffective 3 or 4 members of that group to join JTF. Think about it: Do we really want people like that in our movement? Are they really an asset to ANY movement?
Chaim, you are a brilliant, special man and it is evident in your response to this infiltrating filth that comes across our path continously. Chaim I went on their vile forum and all I saw was anti Jtf stuff and it bothered me. The continuously say you did nothing and that we are "armchair kahanists" barking at everyone when in reality, they have 2 shmucks who are the only ones posting on that forum. Chaim, I would tell you to go to the kahane.org forum to see what I am talking about but I am afraid you will vomit. They are embarrassing kahnists worldwide.
Yekutiel has a group of 3 or 4 members who have no meaningful contact with REAL Israeli Jews, because REAL Israeli Jews would laugh at them. Yekutiel lives in Israel for 26 years but has no Hebrew forum or organization. That's a serious Israeli leader?
We, on the other hand, have a very active Hebrew forum with over 1000 members. Almost all of our Hebrew forum members are young Israeli Jews who were born in Israel and have lived in Israel their whole life. Some of them are students in secular Israeli schools, some of them are Israeli yeshiva students, some of them are soldiers in the IDF. We have many secular and religious members, and we have many Sefaradi-Mizrachi, Russian and Ashkenazi members.
Peace Now, Gush Shalom (the Bloc of Peace) and other leftist groups have uploaded 44 smear videos against me on youtube and flix. NONE OF THESE GROUPS HAVE EVER UPLOADED A SINGLE VIDEO AGAINST YEKUTIEL AND HAIVRI BECAUSE THE LEFT KNOWS THAT THEY ARE A JOKE.
Dominator, I am tired of your ignorant mouthing off on this forum. You can continue to do so because we allow other views, but that does not mean that we will not become annoyed. You were not born when I lead the campaign to free Soviet Jews and when Rabbi Kahane asked me to take over JDL. But your stupidity in believing that Rabbi Kahane would prefer utterly ineffective leaders like Yekutiel is just beyond the pale. And your writing "zt''l" for an informer rat traitor like Irv Rubin ys''v who betrayed Jonathan Pollard, Reuven Manning and myself shows that you are not a good Jew. You and Yekutiel always defend the rat informer traitor Irv Rubin ys''v while attacking me and attacking JTFers and attacking righteous Gentiles.
Let's say that we somehow convince the petty, jealous, ineffective 3 or 4 members of that group to join JTF. Think about it: Do we really want people like that in our movement? Are they really an asset to ANY movement?
Yeutiel is a well meaning man but for anyone to compare him to Chaim Ben Pesach is a joke. He cannot speak and cannot motivate anyone and that is why he has failed. The proof is in the pudding when it comes to the number of supporters you have Chaim.
DownwithIslam, you are a very good Jew. For you to waste valuable time on that forum is simply not worth it.
They don't even respond to my questions.
They call them Goyisha ideas.
DownwithIslam, you are a very good Jew. For you to waste valuable time on that forum is simply not worth it.
Thank you Chaim. It means alot to me coming from you. I initially went on there to just see what it was but then I saw such vile hatred towards you that I had to deal with them. I won't be going on there anymore. Thanks for all you do Chaim.
Someone is going on there now posting porn and they accuse this person of being from the "melting pot", their name for JTF.
Well that is not surprising because they hate JTF with a passion so naturally with their lack of memebership and activity, they will blame JTF for anything that happens on there.
Someone is going on there now posting porn and they accuse this person of being from the "melting pot", their name for JTF.
That's a disquesting thing to do. I think I have a clue on who is behind it, but my mouth is closed :-X .
Someone is going on there now posting porn and they accuse this person of being from the "melting pot", their name for JTF.
Well that is not surprising because they hate JTF with a passion so naturally with their lack of memebership and activity, they will blame JTF for anything that happens on there.
Of course why not, everyone else does.
I don't understand why there are Kahanists who spend all thier energy on attacking fellow Jews. What kind of insanity is this when Jews are in such danger worldwide. It's like America attacking Britain during WW2 because they eat too much fish and chips. If Gentiles support you, why in the world would you insult them? Fine, you have differences with them but if they support Israel and the Jewish people, what kind of suicidal action is this to personally and religiouslly attack them? As long as they are not trying to convert Jews, why make enemies of potential allies? Maybe those "Kahanists" are actually Muslims. How hard is it to get a login...
That "Rivera" is a Puerto Rican Gentile who was banned from JTF. He claims to be a Noahide yet he criticises JTF for being "racist" because we support white Gentiles.
Yes he has issues, but not all what he says is incorrect either.
That "Rivera" is a Puerto Rican Gentile who was banned from JTF. He claims to be a Noahide yet he criticises JTF for being "racist" because we support white Gentiles.
Yes he has issues, but not all what he says is incorrect either.
What do you mean?
Exactly what I said Yacov. I don't disagree with everything that he said.
You are well aware of my beliefs.
Do u seriously think that CHaim was Rabbi Kahane's right hand man?
Lemme guess... you are gonna tell me Ovadia Yosef was HaRav Kahane(zt"l)'s right hand man! ;D
Lets review Yekutiel works with Haivri? (a lie) they havent worked together for years. Irv Rubin ZT"L? He is dead. Roni? Yekutiel never met him.
The only reason Guzofsky stopped working with HaIvri was because David stabbed him in the back in the end and tried to stop his dog-training problem. As long as David was just joining him in cursing the "goys" and bashing Chaim, he was just fine with him.
The only reason Yekutiel doesn't work with Rubin because he's DEAD now. He still works with his allies in Bnei Elim.
You might want to check your facts on Roni also, because just last year, Roni was one of his chief moderators.
That's 0 for 3! ;) :)
DownwithIslam, you are a very good Jew. For you to waste valuable time on that forum is simply not worth it.
And, of course, you are right, Chaim. I will shut up about that little tea party now.
Skippy, why would you agree with anything that an Aztlanist, reconquista MEChA wetback would say?
Chaimfan, we don't permit the word wetback on this forum.
I thought Chaim said that it was not banned.
Skippy, why would you agree with anything that an Aztlanist, reconquista MEChA wetback would say?
Apart from he is Gentile he does have a valid point when he states Gentiles have no right to attack Jews or their beliefs. No matter how Righteous they claim to be. I support this 100%.
Also the statement to claiming an idiol as G-d, is wrong. This I can't fault him.
Stating that Christians are worthless, this I don't agree on. There Worth is in the Gentile world, that is all.
You know my stand on Gentiles, he is the same in ways , but in a back to front way. I would like to see him fully convert.
That "Rivera" is a Puerto Rican Gentile who was banned from JTF. He claims to be a Noahide yet he criticises JTF for being "racist" because we support white Gentiles.
Sorry, but I agree with that thought. Supprting WHITE Gentiles, specifically WHITE might sound racist, whether it is or not. "Utneinu leChein, UleChesed, UleRachamin Be'Einecha Ube'Eienei Chol Roeinu"
That's one of the reason I decided not to convert, just to be free to say whatever I feel (not racism of course, since I don't like it, but any other thought), and in case I look wrong, not to involve the Jews. That's why I so often call myself a GOY.
Chaimfan, we don't permit the word wetback on this forum.
I thought Chaim said that it was not banned.
Chaimfan, ask Chaim whether or not you can say it. Maybe he will allow it.
Jews generally have no problem with yeshu. They just wish his followers would stop (a) telling them he's their messiah and (b) blaming them for his death.
Jews generally have no problem with yeshu. They just wish his followers would stop (a) telling them he's their messiah and (b) blaming them for his death.
It's difficult when one religion is a "universal" religion and the other is not. I think that will always be an issue to some degree as far as tensions are concerned, but I think the moderators of this forum are doing a good job of keeping tensions down to a minimum and most people are here to work together, not against one another. Most Christians who come here haven't come here to cause problems or strife.
We have common interests with Jews in the current political climate especially, and true Christians will respect Jews because otehrwise we would never have had the Bible to begin with.
There is a history of some fanatics in the past during the Dark Ages in Europe acting like Muslims are behaving in the current time instead of being peaceful. Thankfully I believe most Christians today are more civilized than most Muslims and would never go back to that.
As for B, well, that never made any sense to me as Christian philosophy puts the blame on all humanity, not just one nationality. I've never seen the hatred by these virulent anti-Semites also directed toward Romans as well, so it's really ridiculous on its face. Those people need to grow up if they're still spouting that hateful stuff that doesn't help any group of people and can only hurt.
Skippy, why would you agree with anything that an Aztlanist, reconquista MEChA wetback would say?
Chaimfan, we don't permit the word wetback on this forum.
Mexicans should be allowed to use that word.
No, I will not leave. The harm they are causing needs to be exposed and stopped.
and who are they harming? the 2 new members they get a year on that forum?
The "W" word only refers to illegals anyway. It's not a racial term but a reference to a scummy group of invaders. "Spick" is a racial slur. If you're going to ban slurs then ban that word and not the W word which refers to the enemy among them.
Yekutiel has a group of 3 or 4 members who have no meaningful contact with REAL Israeli Jews, because REAL Israeli Jews would laugh at them. Yekutiel lives in Israel for 26 years but has no Hebrew forum or organization. That's a serious Israeli leader?
We, on the other hand, have a very active Hebrew forum with over 1000 members. Almost all of our Hebrew forum members are young Israeli Jews who were born in Israel and have lived in Israel their whole life. Some of them are students in secular Israeli schools, some of them are Israeli yeshiva students, some of them are soldiers in the IDF. We have many secular and religious members, and we have many Sefaradi-Mizrachi, Russian and Ashkenazi members.
Peace Now, Gush Shalom (the Bloc of Peace) and other leftist groups have uploaded 44 smear videos against me on youtube and flix. NONE OF THESE GROUPS HAVE EVER UPLOADED A SINGLE VIDEO AGAINST YEKUTIEL AND HAIVRI BECAUSE THE LEFT KNOWS THAT THEY ARE A JOKE.
Dominator, I am tired of your ignorant mouthing off on this forum. You can continue to do so because we allow other views, but that does not mean that we will not become annoyed. You were not born when I lead the campaign to free Soviet Jews and when Rabbi Kahane asked me to take over JDL. But your stupidity in believing that Rabbi Kahane would prefer utterly ineffective leaders like Yekutiel is just beyond the pale. And your writing "zt''l" for an informer rat traitor like Irv Rubin ys''v who betrayed Jonathan Pollard, Reuven Manning and myself shows that you are not a good Jew. You and Yekutiel always defend the rat informer traitor Irv Rubin ys''v while attacking me and attacking JTFers and attacking righteous Gentiles.
Let's say that we somehow convince the petty, jealous, ineffective 3 or 4 members of that group to join JTF. Think about it: Do we really want people like that in our movement? Are they really an asset to ANY movement?
We shoudl tell Yekutiel to join our forum :)
We shoudl tell Yekutiel to join our forum :)
He's already a member.
Someone is going on there now posting porn and they accuse this person of being from the "melting pot", their name for JTF.
might be Allen T
Chaimfan, we don't permit the word wetback on this forum.
I thought Chaim said that it was not banned.
Chaim doesn't allow n*gger so why should wetback be any different?
What does wetback mean?
We shoudl tell Yekutiel to join our forum :)
He's already a member.
which member is he?
We shoudl tell Yekutiel to join our forum :)
He's already a member.
which member is he?
He calls himself 'Yekutiel'.
What does wetback mean?
It means 'wet back'. When Cubans sneak into America, they invariably get wet.
Thus, the name 'wet back'.
What does wetback mean?
It means 'wet back'. When Cubans sneak into America, they invariably get wet.
Thus, the name 'wet back'.
I think it has to do with Mexicans crossing the Rio Grande and getting a wet back.
Yekutiel has a group of 3 or 4 members who have no meaningful contact with REAL Israeli Jews, because REAL Israeli Jews would laugh at them. Yekutiel lives in Israel for 26 years but has no Hebrew forum or organization. That's a serious Israeli leader?
We, on the other hand, have a very active Hebrew forum with over 1000 members. Almost all of our Hebrew forum members are young Israeli Jews who were born in Israel and have lived in Israel their whole life. Some of them are students in secular Israeli schools, some of them are Israeli yeshiva students, some of them are soldiers in the IDF. We have many secular and religious members, and we have many Sefaradi-Mizrachi, Russian and Ashkenazi members.
Peace Now, Gush Shalom (the Bloc of Peace) and other leftist groups have uploaded 44 smear videos against me on youtube and flix. NONE OF THESE GROUPS HAVE EVER UPLOADED A SINGLE VIDEO AGAINST YEKUTIEL AND HAIVRI BECAUSE THE LEFT KNOWS THAT THEY ARE A JOKE.
Dominator, I am tired of your ignorant mouthing off on this forum. You can continue to do so because we allow other views, but that does not mean that we will not become annoyed. You were not born when I lead the campaign to free Soviet Jews and when Rabbi Kahane asked me to take over JDL. But your stupidity in believing that Rabbi Kahane would prefer utterly ineffective leaders like Yekutiel is just beyond the pale. And your writing "zt''l" for an informer rat traitor like Irv Rubin ys''v who betrayed Jonathan Pollard, Reuven Manning and myself shows that you are not a good Jew. You and Yekutiel always defend the rat informer traitor Irv Rubin ys''v while attacking me and attacking JTFers and attacking righteous Gentiles.
Let's say that we somehow convince the petty, jealous, ineffective 3 or 4 members of that group to join JTF. Think about it: Do we really want people like that in our movement? Are they really an asset to ANY movement?
Chaim, I fail to understand your comments. Had Yekutiel simply ran a guard dog program in a settlement to defend the settlement from terrorists and that was all that the man had ever done in his entire life time then just that alone is worthy of the upmost support and praise. If he simply did this one thing for 26 years and it possibly saved one Jewish life then that would make the man an effective and righteous leader for his settlement. Just because he made a few mistakes like supporting Rubin does not make his dog program ineffective. And this dog program is just one of the many things Yekutiel is actively doing in Israel. You don't think he is as great a Kahanist leader as yourself, that is irrelevant. If he was a homeless man leading no one and simply running these programs then he is one of the hidden righteous pillars of this generation.
I don't understand why you feel the need to compete with everyone and not work together with righteous Jewish organizations and leaders such as Yekutiel. Yekutiel is a very righteous humble and effective leader and he should be praised for his attributes and JTF should support him and work together with Yekutiel. Similarly Yekutiel should praise and awknowledge you as a great leader. While JTF has more members and a more active forum to our advantage, Yekutiel's 3 or 4 people actively do 100 times more than the 1000's of members of JTF who type at their computer such as myself. A year ago Yekutiel led a protest demonstrating for Pollard in Israel, with only 25 of his people showing up. Well, he blocked traffic and got arrested with a whole bunch of people. Not one member of JTF got arrested that day demonstrating for Pollard; I was protesting that day but didn't have the guts to do what Yekutiel had planned. His small group of people run a Kahanist Yeshivah in Israel, they run the dog program that save Jewish lives, his group publishes Kahane's books, he speaks all over the country at Yeshivas and his group frees Jewish prisoners.
I do think that he was R' Kahane's right hand man simply because of his incredible trait of humility. This is what Yekutiel says on his forum: "I am not competing with Chaim or anyone else nor do i claim to be any sort of leader of some sort of mass movement. We have some basic programs to spread the authentic Jewish Idea and to protect Jewish lives in Israel." Yekutiel couldn't care less bragging about who's organization is bigger, has more money or has more online members, or trying to become the leader of anything, he simply wants to spread R' Kahane's message and protect Jewish lives in Israel. A man like this was definitely R' Kahane's right hand man. This is what my father picked up from the Rav. For example, my father went out with a friend in the 70's and they fired a rifle at the Soviet Embassy in Glen Cove. He never tells anyone about this or brags about the things he did, and he never thought of becoming any kind of leader, he simply tries to lead a life of Torah and be a good Jew.
What does wetback mean?
It means 'wet back'. When Cubans sneak into America, they invariably get wet.
Thus, the name 'wet back'.
So why is that terminology offensive?
Sp*c is also banned. In fact it is censored as comes out as Hispanic.
Ok that makes more sense. :) Banning the W word still doesn't make sense to me though.
Yekutiel has so much self sacrifice. He is in jail, and warrants are out for his arrest on a monthly basis. Recently he was told to stay out of Judea, and Samaria for a 3 month period. I was there with u JDL4EVER on that day protesting Pollard's sentence, but I would never have the guts to do what a true leader like Yekutiel does. He isnt just behind some computer like all of us, he is actively doing things to help Jews. He has done more, and will do more in the future, more than any other "Kahanist Leader" has done.
Yekutiel has so much self sacrifice. He is in jail, and warrants are out for his arrest on a monthly basis. Recently he was told to stay out of Judea, and Samaria for a 3 month period. I was there with u JDL4EVER on that day protesting Pollard's sentence, but I would never have the guts to do what a true leader like Yekutiel does. He isnt just behind some computer like all of us, he is actively doing things to help Jews. He has done more, and will do more in the future, more than any other "Kahanist Leader" has done.
Very well said.
Yekutiel has so much self sacrifice. He is in jail, and warrants are out for his arrest on a monthly basis. Recently he was told to stay out of Judea, and Samaria for a 3 month period. I was there with u JDL4EVER on that day protesting Pollard's sentence, but I would never have the guts to do what a true leader like Yekutiel does. He isnt just behind some computer like all of us, he is actively doing things to help Jews. He has done more, and will do more in the future, more than any other "Kahanist Leader" has done.
Very well said.
Thanks, great men (Yekutiel) arent recognized in their lifetime.
JDL4ever, I didn't speak falsehoods. On the one area where it was demonstrated that I was flat-out mistaken, I corrected myself (confusing Yekutiel with Marzel). It is a fact that he doesn't care for Gentiles. It is a fact that he has worked with people who despise Jonathan Pollard. It is a fact that he has attacked Chaim. It is a fact that some of his "friends" have stabbed him in the back. I never called him a "bad Jew" or a Shabak agent or anything like that. I said that he is sincere but puts his biases ahead of the greater good.
I am dropping this matter but please don't accuse me of lies that were not said.
Mexicans should be allowed to use that word.
Apart from he is Gentile he does have a valid point when he states Gentiles have no right to attack Jews or their beliefs. No matter how Righteous they claim to be. I support this 100%.
Also the statement to claiming an idiol as G-d, is wrong. This I can't fault him.
Stating that Christians are worthless, this I don't agree on. There Worth is in the Gentile world, that is all.
You know my stand on Gentiles, he is the same in ways , but in a back to front way. I would like to see him fully convert.
What about Jews who are clearly evil, like Olmert, Adam Shapiro, and Noam Chomsky?
Apart from he is Gentile he does have a valid point when he states Gentiles have no right to attack Jews or their beliefs. No matter how Righteous they claim to be. I support this 100%.
Also the statement to claiming an idiol as G-d, is wrong. This I can't fault him.
Stating that Christians are worthless, this I don't agree on. There Worth is in the Gentile world, that is all.
You know my stand on Gentiles, he is the same in ways , but in a back to front way. I would like to see him fully convert.
What about Jews who are clearly evil, like Olmert, Adam Shapiro, and Noam Chomsky?
If Jews are EVIL then they are worthless too. I don't support EVIL.
OK, then, what's an instance in which you believe Gentiles should not criticize Jews?
I notice you have pretty much stayed out of the Ovadia Yosef/Yekutiel arguments in which many complained that Gentiles have no right to criticize Jewish leaders.
OK, then, what's an instance in which you believe Gentiles should not criticize Jews?
I notice you have pretty much stayed out of the Ovadia Yosef/Yekutiel arguments in which many complained that Gentiles have no right to criticize Jewish leaders.
When Gentiles are criticizing Jews on their beliefs and culture.
Yes I keep out of a lot of those type of debates because my view never changes. I just repeat myself over and over again. I get bored with it.
When Gentiles are criticizing Jews on their beliefs and culture.
Fair enough. When you have said, previously, that you don't think "Gentiles should be allowed to attack Jews", I never had any idea what you meant. Usually, that means that we are not allowed to attack or criticize bad Jews who have attacked or harmed their fellow Hebrews.
Thanks for responding to my asking what exactly you have meant.
When Gentiles are criticizing Jews on their beliefs and culture.
Fair enough. When you have said, previously, that you don't think "Gentiles should be allowed to attack Jews", I never had any idea what you meant. Usually, that means that we are not allowed to attack or criticize bad Jews who have attacked or harmed their fellow Hebrews.
Thanks for responding to my asking what exactly you have meant.
no worries O0