Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: lovecanseepastcolor on March 06, 2008, 04:05:21 AM
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
<<What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.>>
You're about to be avalanched with people on this forum telling you the opposite.
Enjoy your stay!
A reasonable question, the truth I dont hate black people I hate anyone who wishes harm to the Jewish people. Every major black leader is an open and avowed Jew hater. Jesse Jackson, makes no qualms that he believes the Jews stole Arab land by creating Israel, Sharpton once whipped up a mob that proceeded to murder 5 Jews. Farakkan is an avowed admirer of Hitler and has referred to Jews as bloodsuckers.
Every major black political movement including the Black Panthers was viciously Jew hating. One of the reasons for the formation of the JDL was the widespread attacks on Jews by Black Nationalists. Though it should be clear any Jew who happens to be black is our brother and our equal. In fact it was the Kahanists who embarresed the Israeli government into airlifting the Ethiopian Jewish community to Israel when they were in danger.
We hate evil, black culture and evil blacks..................not black skin.
There are NO inferior races. There ARE inferior cultures and inferior people.
I don't hate Black people either, they have as much right to exist in this world as Asians, and Europeans.
Its a fair question really but it must be said in recent times blacks have been heavily into criminal activity...
Im sure your aware of this already but recent statistics show that close to 70% of people caught in acts of violent crime in America are Blacks..
Its ridiculous to say that it has something to do with the colour of their skin although it does have a lot to do with there culture.. (bearing in mind this does overlap with other groups of people)...
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
I can't speak for everyone but please look into the following parts of history you are not aware of.....
I had a response so long my login timed out.
Please look up what Malcom X and Marcus Garvey said about Jews. Please check about speeches MLK attended in Indiana where they attacked Jews and he said nothing. Please look up the Crown Heights Riots in NYC and David Dinkins. Please look up Jesse Jackson's comments. Please listen to what countless rappers have said about Jews. Public Enemy, Ice Cube, X-Clan etc. Please look up info on Al Sharpton and the Harlem jewelry store. Please listen to prof. Leonord Jeffries, Farrakhan, and any Nation of Islam speaker from any time in history. Please go and look up the opnions of every person from Elijah Muhammed to Wallace Fard. Please look up Rastafarianism and the Black Israelites. I'm sure there will be more posts about this.
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
I can't speak for everyone but please look into the following parts of history you are not aware of.....
I had a response so long my login timed out.
Please look up what Malcom X and Marcus Garvey said about Jews. Please check about speeches MLK attended in Indiana where they attacked Jews and he said nothing. Please look up the Crown Heights Riots in NYC and David Dinkins. Please look up Jesse Jackson's comments. Please listen to what countless rappers have said about Jews. Public Enemy, Ice Cube, X-Clan etc. Please look up info on Al Sharpton and the Harlem jewelry store. Please listen to prof. Leonord Jeffries, Farrakhan, and any Nation of Islam speaker from any time in history. Please go and look up the opnions of every person from Elijah Muhammed to Wallace Fard. Please look up Rastafarianism and the Black Israelites. I'm sure there will be more posts about this.
When you say black rappers attack Jews... what about the wu tang clan that praises Israels right to exist and made a video about the Israeli army defending itself from terrorism..
i saw it for myself it was very good.. although can't stand most rap i have to say they wern't bad at all
I think the song i am thinking of that they did on Israels right to defend itself and survive was called "Never Again"
I guess what i am trying to say here is there is always exceptions to the rule
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
They did'nt fight to protect the Jews they fought because they were U.S. citizens.Did they say i iz goin to help dem Jews
Us negroes rarely fought in front line troops during the WWII, it was more common among the French and British colonial subjests; beside you shud ask why evil negroes hate, Jews, white christians, asian budhists, hindu indians etc... ??? becouse they're jelous. Why every imigrant group however despised and poor at start sucseed in US exept the " let's blame the whitey" blacks?
Its a fair question really but it must be said in recent times blacks have been heavily into criminal activity...
Im sure your aware of this already but recent statistics show that close to 70% of people caught in acts of violent crime in America are Blacks..
Its ridiculous to say that it has something to do with the colour of their skin although it does have a lot to do with there culture.. (bearing in mind this does overlap with other groups of people)...
Okay, here we go again.
The main cause of the inferior black culture is due to stupid liberal policies of the 1960s that resulted in dependency and the shedding of responsibility for one's actions. Prior to this period blacks had a lower illegitimate birth rate, lower crime rate and higher labor force participation. And this was prior to the civil rights movement that actually benefited blacks. Unfortunately it coincided with the so-called cultural revolution and the ridiculously idiotic social engineering policies of the 1960s which in the end were catastrophic not only for blacks but for all of society. Witness the wonderful "culture" that we have today.
Well put HiWarp
If more blacks would accept chipper chaps like seasoned dramatic actor Gary Coleman as their role models, as opposed to miserable monsters likes Mike Tyson the world would be a far better place...
I don't hate people of any other colour (I am European) and I am fully convinced, that all humans have the same value.
But if someone, like Khalid Abdul Muhammad, asks for my dead, only because I am white, I pay him and his animal zoo of supporters back.
I care less what leftists will call me, when I say openly, that he and his supporters are BLACK MUSLIME NAZI APES WHICH DESERVE TO BE LYNCHED!
Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth - That is the way!
Us negroes rarely fought in front line troops during the WWII, it was more common among the French and British colonial subjests; beside you shud ask why evil negroes hate, Jews, white christians, asian budhists, hindu indians etc... ??? becouse they're jelous. Why every imigrant group however despised and poor at start sucseed in US exept the " let's blame the whitey" blacks?
All black units in WW2:
the 758st tank battalion, 761st tank battalion, 784th tank battalion, 92nd Infantry Division, 93rd Infantry Division, 336th Infantry Regiment, 758th Tank Battalion, 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion, plenty more, etc.
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
I can't speak for everyone but please look into the following parts of history you are not aware of.....
I had a response so long my login timed out.
Please look up what Malcom X and Marcus Garvey said about Jews. Please check about speeches MLK attended in Indiana where they attacked Jews and he said nothing. Please look up the Crown Heights Riots in NYC and David Dinkins. Please look up Jesse Jackson's comments. Please listen to what countless rappers have said about Jews. Public Enemy, Ice Cube, X-Clan etc. Please look up info on Al Sharpton and the Harlem jewelry store. Please listen to prof. Leonord Jeffries, Farrakhan, and any Nation of Islam speaker from any time in history. Please go and look up the opnions of every person from Elijah Muhammed to Wallace Fard. Please look up Rastafarianism and the Black Israelites. I'm sure there will be more posts about this.
When you say black rappers attack Jews... what about the wu tang clan that praises Israels right to exist and made a video about the Israeli army defending itself from terrorism..
i saw it for myself it was very good.. although can't stand most rap i have to say they wern't bad at all
I think the song i am thinking of that they did on Israels right to defend itself and survive was called "Never Again"
I guess what i am trying to say here is there is always exceptions to the rule
One of the twenty or so members of wutang is Remedy, he is Jewish and he wrote that song.
He doesn't necessarily represent their opinions and certainly a Jew in a rap group does not reflect black opinions.
I wish I had the link handy, but I remember Chaim doing a video saying that if you were so stupid as to not accept that the black organizationss are anti-Semitic, then he doesn't want you in JTF. Think about it. The Nation of Islam for example hates Jews openly.
I don't hate people of any other colour (I am European) and I am fully convinced, that all humans have the same value.
But if someone, like Khalid Abdul Muhammad, asks for my dead, only because I am white, I pay him and his animal zoo of supporters back.
I care less what leftists will call me, when I say openly, that he and his supporters are BLACK MUSLIME NAZI APES WHICH DESERVE TO BE LYNCHED!
Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth - That is the way!
<< all humans have fundamentally the same value.>>
That doesn't mean that we must agree with the policy of open borders.
If more blacks would accept chipper chaps like seasoned dramatic actor Gary Coleman as their role models, as opposed to miserable monsters likes Mike Tyson the world would be a far better place...
Just to put you on notice, abidi, no black person looks at Mike Tyson and thinks "Role Model". And I think you may be the only person (white or black) pushing for Gary Coleman to be "God to all blacks". lol He's a regular guy who has gone through things and come out on top (as mentioned before). There should be some people who look at his situation and draw from that positivity but, he's not superhuman. I admire cancer survivors, survivors of physical abuse, and people who don't use racism as a way to communicate with people. This doesn't deminish Gary Coleman's life at all but it speaks to how influential regular people who have gotten over monumental happenings in their lives are.
If more blacks would accept chipper chaps like seasoned dramatic actor Gary Coleman as their role models, as opposed to miserable monsters likes Mike Tyson the world would be a far better place...
Just to put you on notice, abidi, no black person looks at Mike Tyson and thinks "Role Model". And I think you may be the only person (white or black) pushing for Gary Coleman to be "G-d to all blacks". lol He's a regular guy who has gone through things and come out on top (as mentioned before). There should be some people who look at his situation and draw from that positivity but, he's not superhuman. I admire cancer survivors, survivors of physical abuse, and people who don't use racism as a way to communicate with people. This doesn't deminish Gary Coleman's life at all but it speaks to how influential regular people who have gotten over monumental happenings in their lives are.
I would like nothing more than to believe that blacks don't think of Mike Tyson as a role model, I really would, believe me... HOWEVER, unfortunately they DO think of Mike Tyson as being a "positive role model" of their race... If you look into black history, if you bother to do your research on this matter, it is well documented that afro-american film super-mega-star and "rap artist" Will Smith (a.k.a. The Fresh Prince) actually recorded a major hit record paying homage to Mike Tyson... The "song" was extremely complimentary towards the "convicted wife beater" and sold substantially well in the black community... It pains us all that "brutal" black men like "Iron" Mike Tyson are put on such a high pedestal by many members of the black community, I really wish that weren't the case... And I am still of the belief that Gary Coleman deserves "Super Hero" status among the black community compared to most other people (like Tyson) who they generally tend to admire the most... Sorry, Erica, these are just the facts... The sad facts of this most disturbing and troubling matter...
Your claims are absolutely ludicrous. Where is the proof that most blacks see Mike Tyson as their role model?
If more blacks would accept chipper chaps like seasoned dramatic actor Gary Coleman as their role models, as opposed to miserable monsters likes Mike Tyson the world would be a far better place...
Just to put you on notice, abidi, no black person looks at Mike Tyson and thinks "Role Model". And I think you may be the only person (white or black) pushing for Gary Coleman to be "G-d to all blacks". lol He's a regular guy who has gone through things and come out on top (as mentioned before). There should be some people who look at his situation and draw from that positivity but, he's not superhuman. I admire cancer survivors, survivors of physical abuse, and people who don't use racism as a way to communicate with people. This doesn't deminish Gary Coleman's life at all but it speaks to how influential regular people who have gotten over monumental happenings in their lives are.
I would like nothing more than to believe that blacks don't think of Mike Tyson as a role model, I really would, believe me... HOWEVER, unfortunately they DO think of Mike Tyson as being a "positive role model" of their race... If you look into black history, if you bother to do your research on this matter, it is well documented that afro-american film super-mega-star and "rap artist" Will Smith (a.k.a. The Fresh Prince) actually recorded a major hit record paying homage to Mike Tyson... The "song" was extremely complimentary towards the "convicted wife beater" and sold substantially well in the black community... It pains us all that "brutal" black men like "Iron" Mike Tyson are put on such a high pedestal by many members of the black community, I really wish that weren't the case... And I am still of the belief that Gary Coleman deserves "Super Hero" status among the black community compared to most other people (like Tyson) who they generally tend to admire the most... Sorry, Erica, these are just the facts... The sad facts of this most disturbing and troubling matter...
First of all abidi, "I think I Can Beat Mike Tyson" is a funny rap song that was recorded by Dj Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince (Will Smith) post- Michael Tyson's wife-beating days. HE WAS a role model THEN. After that, no one payed attention to Mike. He lost all of that sparkling persona you feel blacks today idolize about him the moment he layed his hands on his then wife, Robin Givens. He lost ALL credibility with me, especially...if there's one thing I hate in a man is if he's violent, racist or stupid. MIke ranks really high in all three of those subjects with the majority of blacks in America. And you're not an authority on who blacks consider to be role models. You happend to come up with the worst possible example of a role model who is black. I think YOU should do research...REAL research and stop trying to act as if you're a cypher of information when it comes to who blacks idolize. Your "facts" are based on what you personally feel is true...not on anything concrete.
And I think your obsession with Gary Colemen is just weird.
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
well Erica.... I mean Lovecanseepastcolor,
Color is irrelovant. Where I live, there is a huge population of Indians (the asian type), and they are dark and different, BUT you'll never here people talking with hate about them (other than the fact that they smell bad)
so anyway Erica.... I mean Lovecanseepastcolor..., when we talk about blacks, we dont say we hate their surpluss of pigment, we say we hate their culture of victimization, childishness, and hate towards whites and Jews. If all albinos behaved this way, we would be just as angry. However, there are blacks who dont fall in this category, ie Larry Elders (Who is one of my favorite tv/radio personalities), I just wish there were more.
I understand your concern Erica.... I mean Lovecanseepastcolor, but you can't possibly beleive that blacks dont hate Jews. EVERY black civil rights leader has said awful things towards Jews. Rev Jackson has called N.Y. “hymietown”, sharpton has called us 'diamond merchants' and im not going to even mention the awful things farakhaun has said. And ALL black nationalists become Nation of Islam members, and they want to wipe every Jew and white off the face of the earth.
thanks for the question Erica.... I mean Lovecanseepastcolor.
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
well Erica.... I mean Lovecanseepastcolor,
Color is irrelovant. Where I live, there is a huge population of Indians (the asian type), and they are dark and different, BUT you'll never here people talking with hate about them (other than the fact that they smell bad)
so anyway Erica.... I mean Lovecanseepastcolor..., when we talk about blacks, we dont say we hate their surpluss of pigment, we say we hate their culture of victimization, childishness, and hate towards whites and Jews. If all albinos behaved this way, we would be just as angry. However, there are blacks who dont fall in this category, ie Larry Elders (Who is one of my favorite tv/radio personalities), I just wish there were more.
I understand your concern Erica.... I mean Lovecanseepastcolor, but you can't possibly beleive that blacks dont hate Jews. EVERY black civil rights leader has said awful things towards Jews. Rev Jackson has called N.Y. “hymietown”, sharpton has called us 'diamond merchants' and im not going to even mention the awful things farakhaun has said. And ALL black nationalists become Nation of Islam members, and they want to wipe every Jew and white off the face of the earth.
thanks for the question Erica.... I mean Lovecanseepastcolor.
First of all, briann... I am not Lovecanseepastcolor. I was asleep when the response was posted. I think you should act as an adult would and check your information before you start posting nonsense like this ( without knowledge of who you're speaking of.) I don't believe in coming into a forum with two usernames. That's lame...and it's even MORE LAME that you'd think I would. I think this response (your's) is childish. I'm not taking an history class...ALSO, I do agree with LCSPC. What they said is a true part of history. That doesn't mean I am THEM. Because you believe what Yacov believes, does that make him YOU or you HIM? Grow up.
Cummon Erica.... its so obvious that its you!!!! Its funny when people do this. :::D
and uhhh...... and just as a sidenote, I dont ordinarily monitor the JTF members sleep patterns, and have yet to install closed-circuit tv's in everyone's bedrooms.
btw, I see nothing wrong with Gary Coleman as a role model.
Cummon Erica.... its so obvious that its you!!!! Its funny when people do this. :::D
and uhhh...... and just as a sidenote, I dont ordinarily monitor the JTF members sleep patterns, and have yet to install closed-circuit tv's in everyone's bedrooms.
btw, I see nothing wrong with Gary Coleman as a role model.
briann, most of you here agree with each other, does that mean that you are masquerading as everyone else here? Answer the question, man or are you a little boy who can't accept when someone proves them wrong?
What you need to be monitoring is IP addresses. I guarantee, I'm in a different state as well as a different time zone from the other poster. Long story short, from now on, check your sources to make sure you know who you're responding to, so that no one (like myself) has to point out your mistakes for you.
briann, most of you here agree with each other, does that mean that you are masquerading as everyone else here?
:::D oh no, you're on to us. JTF only actually has six members that have 200 usernames each.
briann, most of you here agree with each other, does that mean that you are masquerading as everyone else here?
:::D oh no, you're on to us. JTF only actually has six members that have 200 usernames each.
briann, most of you here agree with each other, does that mean that you are masquerading as everyone else here?
:::D oh no, you're on to us. JTF only actually has six members that have 200 usernames each.
What makes you think that???
Were all different members here. I'm not trying to masquerade as everyone else.
Brian N.
Were all different members here. I'm not trying to masquerade as everyone else.
Brian N.
When you make dumb comments as the ones you just made about me being another person on this forum, THAT's what makes me say things like that about you.
Oh, and that sig pic is mine. Don't use it again.
And another thing, replying under two usernames is a character flaw. One I don't posess. I've been here (on and off) for a year , almost and never misrepresented myself as anyone else but me. Do an IP address search...or better yet, let Yacov do it for you.
briann, most of you here agree with each other, does that mean that you are masquerading as everyone else here?
:::D oh no, you're on to us. JTF only actually has six members that have 200 usernames each.
What makes you think that???
joke –noun
1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
Hence the disembodied laughing head.
briann, most of you here agree with each other, does that mean that you are masquerading as everyone else here?
:::D oh no, you're on to us. JTF only actually has six members that have 200 usernames each.
What makes you think that???
joke –noun
1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
Hence the disembodied laughing head.
HiWarp!!!! I know how to use a dictionary! You are all just being immature!! Stop it Stop it!!! Especially Newman!!!! I can't stand his childishness. And this whole thing about Gary Coleman is just plain silly!! Grow up everyone!!
briann, most of you here agree with each other, does that mean that you are masquerading as everyone else here?
:::D oh no, you're on to us. JTF only actually has six members that have 200 usernames each.
What makes you think that???
joke –noun
1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
Hence the disembodied laughing head.
HiWarp!!!! I know how to use a dictionary! You are all just being immature!! Stop it Stop it!!! Especially Newman!!!! I can't stand his childishness. And this whole thing about Gary Coleman is just plain silly!! Grow up everyone!!
You're just evil for no apparent reason. Isn't that a bannable offense, Moderators?
You're just evil for no apparent reason. Isn't that a bannable offense, Moderators?
(http://aycu20.webshots.com/image/44899/2004147070445737262_rs.jpg) (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2004147070445737262)
What-chu-talkin-bout, Erica?
I don't hate people of any other colour (I am European) and I am fully convinced, that all humans have the same value.
But if someone, like Khalid Abdul Muhammad, asks for my dead, only because I am white, I pay him and his animal zoo of supporters back.
I care less what leftists will call me, when I say openly, that he and his supporters are BLACK MUSLIME NAZI APES WHICH DESERVE TO BE LYNCHED!
Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth - That is the way!
<< all humans have fundamentally the same value.>>
That doesn't mean that we must agree with the policy of open borders.
I have the oppinion, that there must be a strict policy on immigration.
I have enough from this Muzzie scum in Europe which would die from starvation, if someone would finally decide to cut all welfare money. In addition to that they endager the life of all of us.
All people who are not able to earn enough money, in a righteous way, to feed themselves and their families should under no circumstances allowed to live in our countries. The criminals and all Muzzies must go!
180 000 000 000 Euro, the half of the German gouvernment spendings, go to welfare. This is the main cause of this fascistic taxes.
I am tired to work for this lazy scum (of all races) >:(
I dont' hate people becuase of the color of their skin.
Actually nobody on this forum hates anyone because of the color of their skin...And if they did, they would just be stupid racists.
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
Heard of the crown heights riots?
(http://aycu20.webshots.com/image/44899/2004147070445737262_rs.jpg) (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2004147070445737262)
What-chu-talkin-bout, Erica?
Ya know, Erica, consistently calling references to Gary Coleman as being "silly" does not sway me from my original opinion that he remains probably the most significant positive role model in modern black culture. It's not "silly" that a man endures a landslide success as one of America's most heroic child stars, only to have his own parents steal his financial fortune, and then, despite the fact that most other young men would have took that misfortune as a cue to become a bitter druggie, Gary Coleman found the inner strength and dignity to "stay in the game" and humble himself to the degree of a minimum wage security guard... And now he's a well adjusted married black man.... Nobody could claim that Gary Coleman's life is "trivial" or like many other black "survivors"... There's no way you can deny that Gary Coleman is an exceptional black man who has taken on adversity with the kind of integrity that's unmatched by any other black man in modern history... Sure, you can try to trivialize Gary Coleman because of his affectionate appearance, Erica, sorry he doesn't look "mean enuf" for some "rebels" of the black community to embrace...Sorry that Gary Coleman doesn't "posture" like a "gangsta"--- Sorry--- If you can't accept Gary Coleman for his wholesomeness, goodness and even his brand of "good guy blackness", then you're missing your chance to appreciate a hero who lives among you and is part of your very own heritage.
(http://aycu20.webshots.com/image/44899/2004147070445737262_rs.jpg) (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2004147070445737262)
What-chu-talkin-bout, Erica?
Ya know, Erica, consistently calling references to Gary Coleman as being "silly" does not sway me from my original opinion that he remains probably the most significant positive role model in modern black culture. It's not "silly" that a man endures a landslide success as one of America's most heroic child stars, only to have his own parents steal his financial fortune, and then, despite the fact that most other young men would have took that misfortune as a cue to become a bitter druggie, Gary Coleman found the inner strength and dignity to "stay in the game" and humble himself to the degree of a minimum wage security guard... And now he's a well adjusted married black man.... Nobody could claim that Gary Coleman's life is "trivial" or like many other black "survivors"... There's no way you can deny that Gary Coleman is an exceptional black man who has taken on adversity with the kind of integrity that's unmatched by any other black man in modern history... Sure, you can try to trivialize Gary Coleman because of his affectionate appearance, Erica, sorry he doesn't look "mean enuf" for some "rebels" of the black community to embrace...Sorry that Gary Coleman doesn't "posture" like a "gangsta"--- Sorry--- If you can't accept Gary Coleman for his wholesomeness, goodness and even his brand of "good guy blackness", then you're missing your chance to appreciate a hero who lives among you and is part of your very own heritage.
[/quote]Abidi...the quote you just posted was from NEWMAN!!! I don't care for Gary Coleman that much to go and track down a picture of him and post his catch phrase under it. It would be a waste of my time. And what's this about Gary looking mean enough (the correct spelling), or him posturing like a 'gangsta'? I think you have some really deep-seeded issues. Talk to a therapist. I already told you how I feel about Gary and his trials and tribulations.... I favored him but apparently you don't read. Don't respond to any more of my posts man, if you can't take the time to read and understand them.
I wanted to have Gary Coleman's photo included in my post to remind you and others who don't believe he is a genuine icon of black heritage and pride to be reminded of his highly heralded celebrity... You can't possibly look at that photo and not agree that he is "da man" (as folks in the black community would say)... I really wish you would have more respect and admiration for Mr. Coleman... Let's just put it this way, if you were trapped in an elevator with armed Islamic terrorists threatening your life, who would you feel safer having by your side, a blitzed-out Mike Tyson on steroids OR a strong and responsible Gary Coleman (dressed in his security uniform)??... Well, who would YOU rather have to defend you from crazy Islamic terrorists?.... Gary Coleman?... I thought so......
I wanted to have Gary Coleman's photo included in my post to remind you and others who don't believe he is a genuine icon of black heritage and pride to be reminded of his highly heralded celebrity... You can't possibly look at that photo and not agree that he is "da man" (as folks in the black community would say)... I really wish you would have more respect and admiration for Mr. Coleman... Let's just put it this way, if you were trapped in an elevator with armed Islamic terrorists threatening your life, who would you feel safer having by your side, a blitzed-out Mike Tyson on steroids OR a strong and responsible Gary Coleman (dressed in his security uniform)??... Well, who would YOU rather have to defend you from crazy Islamic terrorists?.... Gary Coleman?... I thought so......
Do I have to go back to all of the posts I've responded with respect to your posts about Gary Coleman? When did I ever say I hated the man? Also, your use of ebonics is lame. I don't think ANYONE is 'da man'. Well besides my husband (who is in a class by himself. ;) ) You have GOT to stop watching old Diff'rent Strokes re-runs.
I'm staying away from this question all together...
Don't get me started. I'd be here Moshiach comes.....
Exactly and if your list is anything like mine you would still not reach its end.
You have GOT to stop watching old Diff'rent Strokes re-runs.
Uh, why? What's the matter with old DIFF'RENT STROKES re-runs? Aren't they "hip", "rad" "boss" or "knarly" enough for you? The show doesn't depict blacks as being "def" enough for you? Look, I like the fact that DIFF'RENT STROKES is wholesome family entertainment. I enjoy watching the show because Gary Coleman shows us that all black children aren't "crazy wit da jizzy jizzy crack pipe"... The show demonstrates that black people can behave themselves in a civil and friendly manner, what's so wrong with that? Isn't that "exciting" enough for you??
cjd.... thanks for making me laugh. I truly needed that. Toda roba achi..
In history class we learned of black soldiers that fought with allied forces to stop the nazi's and help protect jewish people and end WWII
So why is it I see such negative comments about a race of people (blacks) that help serve to protect and fight for the cuase during wwII
What have blacks done to jews did i miss something please fill me in . I have never read anything negative about blacks
hurting or wanting to hurt the jewish people in history.
I can't speak for everyone but please look into the following parts of history you are not aware of.....
I had a response so long my login timed out.
Please look up what Malcom X and Marcus Garvey said about Jews. Please check about speeches MLK attended in Indiana where they attacked Jews and he said nothing. Please look up the Crown Heights Riots in NYC and David Dinkins. Please look up Jesse Jackson's comments. Please listen to what countless rappers have said about Jews. Public Enemy, Ice Cube, X-Clan etc. Please look up info on Al Sharpton and the Harlem jewelry store. Please listen to prof. Leonord Jeffries, Farrakhan, and any Nation of Islam speaker from any time in history. Please go and look up the opinions of every person from Elijah Muhammad to Wallace Fard. Please look up Rastafarianism and the Black Israelites. I'm sure there will be more posts about this.
When you say black rappers attack Jews... what about the wu tang clan that praises Israels right to exist and made a video about the Israeli army defending itself from terrorism..
i saw it for myself it was very good.. although can't stand most rap i have to say they wern't bad at all
I think the song i am thinking of that they did on Israels right to defend itself and survive was called "Never Again"
I guess what i am trying to say here is there is always exceptions to the rule
There are but check out these Wu Tang lyrics.
[Intro: Raekwon the Chef, Method Man]
What that [censored] want God?
Word up, look out for the cops (Wu-Tang five finger [censored])
(Cash Rules) Word up, two for fives over here baby
Word up, two for fives them niggaz got garbage down the way, word up
(Cash Rules Everything Around Me
C.R.E.A.M. get...)
Yeah, check this ol fly [censored] out
Word up
(Cash Rules Everything Around Me) Take you on a natural joint
(C.R.E.A.M. get the money) Here we here we go
(dolla dolla bill y'all) Check this [censored], yo!
[Verse One: Raekwon the Chef]
I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side
Staying alive was no jive
At second hands, moms bounced on old men
So then we moved to Shaolin land
A young youth, yo rockin the gold tooth, 'Lo goose
Only way, I begin to gee off was drug loot
And let's start it like this son, rollin with this one
And that one, pullin out gats for fun
But it was just a dream for the teen, who was a fiend
Started smokin woolies at sixteen
And running up in gates, and doing hits for high stakes
Making my way on fire escapes
No question I would speed, for cracks and weed
The combination made my eyes bleed
No question I would flow off, and try to get the dough all
Sticking up white boys in ball courts
So they talk about robbing white people which would make that guy self hating. So maybe that was just one line, check this song
Wu Tang Clan - Da Mystery of Chessboxin' Lyrics
[Wu-Tang movie dialogue]
The game of chess, is like a swordfight
You must think first, before you move
Toad style is immensely strong, and immune to nearly any weapon
When it's properly used, it's almost invincible
[Verse One: U-God]
Raw I'ma give it to ya, with no trivia
Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia
My hip-hop will rock and shock the nation
like the Emancipation Proclamation
Weak MC's approach with slang that's dead
you might as well run into the wall and bang your head
I'm pushin' force, my force your doubtin'
I'm makin' devils cower to the Caucus Mountains
[Verse Two: Inspectah Deck]
The word devils is a signature of the Nation of Islam, which as you know hates Jews and white people.
The two songs I mentioned also got a ton of radio play and almost ALL members participated in those songs.
You can see that rapper here but he looks like and sounds like a fool.
Rappers such as the Geto Boys would in one line make one statement and then contradict it in the next sentence.
If this guy is pro Israel, great, but he works with an anti-white group, which would make him self hating culturally and since many Jews are Caucasian, that would mean he stands against fellow Jews.
Mind you, this was an example you brought up as pro Jewish, so how many other rappers are even worse???
Please don't take this the wrong way but rap is predominantly evil and anti-Jewish.
Lets not forget the immorality they ALL support.
What that schvartza want G-d?
Word up, look out for the cops (Wu-Tang five finger excrement)
(Cash Rules) Word up, two for fives over here baby
Word up, two for fives them niggaz got garbage down the way, word up
(Cash Rules Everything Around Me
C.R.E.A.M. get...)
Yeah, check this ol fly excrement out
Word up
(Cash Rules Everything Around Me) Take you on a natural joint
(C.R.E.A.M. get the money) Here we here we go
(dolla dolla bill y'all) Check this excrement, yo!
[Verse One: Raekwon the Chef]
I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side
Staying alive was no jive
At second hands, moms bounced on old men
So then we moved to Shaolin land
A young youth, yo rockin the gold tooth, 'Lo goose
Only way, I begin to gee off was drug loot
And let's start it like this son, rollin with this one
And that one, pullin out gats for fun
But it was just a dream for the teen, who was a fiend
Started smokin woolies at sixteen
And running up in gates, and doing hits for high stakes
Making my way on fire escapes
No question I would speed, for cracks and weed
The combination made my eyes bleed
No question I would flow off, and try to get the dough all
Sticking up white boys in ball courts
So they talk about robbing white people which would make that guy self hating. So maybe that was just one line, check this song
Wu Tang Clan - Da Mystery of Chessboxin' Lyrics
[Wu-Tang movie dialogue]
The game of chess, is like a swordfight
You must think first, before you move
Toad style is immensely strong, and immune to nearly any weapon
When it's properly used, it's almost invincible
[Verse One: U-G-d]
Raw I'ma give it to ya, with no trivia
Raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia
My hip-hop will rock and shock the nation
like the Emancipation Proclamation
Weak MC's approach with slang that's dead
you might as well run into the wall and bang your head
I'm pushin' force, my force your doubtin'
I'm makin' devils cower to the Caucus Mountains
[Verse Two: Inspectah Deck]
The word devils is a signature of the Nation of Islam, which as you know hates Jews and white people.
The two songs I mentioned also got a ton of radio play and almost ALL members participated in those songs.
You can see that rapper here but he looks like and sounds like a fool.
Rappers such as the Geto Boys would in one line make one statement and then contradict it in the next sentence.
If this guy is pro Israel, great, but he works with an anti-white group, which would make him self hating culturally and since many Jews are Caucasian, that would mean he stands against fellow Jews.
Mind you, this was an example you brought up as pro Jewish, so how many other rappers are even worse???
Please don't take this the wrong way but rap is predominantly evil and anti-Jewish.
Lets not forget the immorality they ALL support.
What Beautiful Lyrics.
It makes me respect Gary Coleman even more.
Jews were very active in the Civil Rights Movement, and blacks returned the favor with vicious antisemitism. In America, the only large-scale, organized antisemitism comes from blacks. Even Barack Obama is connected to Farrakhan through his pastor. It's sad, but there's no denying reality. American blacks have proven themselves to be enemies of the Jewish people.
They are like this with everyone..
What did Koreans and Chinese ever do to them? They attack businesses owned by Koreans. Did Koreans own slaves? Savagry is savagry.
My ancestors weren't even on this side of the world when slavery took place. They were in Europe. What did the Italians ever do to them?
They are just jealous that people are successful and for 500 years they still the same. Look at Africa the diseases and filth. And they blame that on the whiteman too.
Jews were very active in the Civil Rights Movement, and blacks returned the favor with vicious antisemitism. In America, the only large-scale, organized antisemitism comes from blacks. Even Barack Obama is connected to Farrakhan through his pastor. It's sad, but there's no denying reality. American blacks have proven themselves to be enemies of the Jewish people.
How come blacks aren't in such an uproar over the so-called "gay community" saying that they're the "new minority" who needs to fight for their rights like black people once did? Why are the blacks so embracing of the "gay community" and not the "Jewish community"? What's the "logic" behind that??
Jews were very active in the Civil Rights Movement, and blacks returned the favor with vicious antisemitism. In America, the only large-scale, organized antisemitism comes from blacks. Even Barack Obama is connected to Farrakhan through his pastor. It's sad, but there's no denying reality. American blacks have proven themselves to be enemies of the Jewish people.
How come blacks aren't in such an uproar over the so-called "gay community" saying that they're the "new minority" who needs to fight for their rights like black people once did? Why are the blacks so embracing of the "gay community" and not the "Jewish community"? What's the "logic" behind that??
Homosexuals embrace any group of peopel that embrace them..Hence the rainbow color of their flag...I know, sounds gay...
Jews were very active in the Civil Rights Movement, and blacks returned the favor with vicious antisemitism. In America, the only large-scale, organized antisemitism comes from blacks. Even Barack Obama is connected to Farrakhan through his pastor. It's sad, but there's no denying reality. American blacks have proven themselves to be enemies of the Jewish people.
Very well put and very much true. What was the thanks for the "freedom", rights and desegragation of the blacks? The burning, rioting, raping and looting of nearly every major city in the United States.... Paul Johnson has a fabulous portion about this situation within his best seller "Modern Times"..
Abe Lincoln was right...O0
Jews were very active in the Civil Rights Movement, and blacks returned the favor with vicious antisemitism. In America, the only large-scale, organized antisemitism comes from blacks. Even Barack Obama is connected to Farrakhan through his pastor. It's sad, but there's no denying reality. American blacks have proven themselves to be enemies of the Jewish people.
How come blacks aren't in such an uproar over the so-called "gay community" saying that they're the "new minority" who needs to fight for their rights like black people once did? Why are the blacks so embracing of the "gay community" and not the "Jewish community"? What's the "logic" behind that??
Yes homos like embracing everything, especially each other.
Homosexuals embrace any group of peopel that embrace them..Hence the rainbow color of their flag...I know, sounds gay...
If more blacks would accept chipper chaps like seasoned dramatic actor Gary Coleman as their role models, as opposed to miserable monsters likes Mike Tyson the world would be a far better place...
Just to put you on notice, abidi, no black person looks at Mike Tyson and thinks "Role Model". And I think you may be the only person (white or black) pushing for Gary Coleman to be "G-d to all blacks". lol He's a regular guy who has gone through things and come out on top (as mentioned before). There should be some people who look at his situation and draw from that positivity but, he's not superhuman. I admire cancer survivors, survivors of physical abuse, and people who don't use racism as a way to communicate with people. This doesn't deminish Gary Coleman's life at all but it speaks to how influential regular people who have gotten over monumental happenings in their lives are.
I'm getting personally fed up with all the Gary Coleman references. The first time he was brought up, I kind of saw the point, the next two times, I laughed, because it was getting comedic, but after that, it has simply become tiresome! There has to be more than one "good black person" in the world. Sheesh. ;D These incessant Gary Coleman posts are beginning to sound as if there are no good blacks beside Gary Coleman. I think that if anyone brings up a "black role model" in threads for a while they should leave out references to Gary Coleman, Alan Keyes, and Bill Cosby. Let's see who else would make a good role model for a change. ;D
On the other hand, I do have to disagree with you, Erica, that no blacks see Mike Tyson as a role model. I did see one black man saying just that, they want to be like Mike Tyson. When I said I didn't think Tyson was very admirable they acted as if I were in the wrong. I've seen a lot of black people who still admire Vick too, sadly.
Jews were very active in the Civil Rights Movement, and blacks returned the favor with vicious antisemitism. In America, the only large-scale, organized antisemitism comes from blacks. Even Barack Obama is connected to Farrakhan through his pastor. It's sad, but there's no denying reality. American blacks have proven themselves to be enemies of the Jewish people.
How come blacks aren't in such an uproar over the so-called "gay community" saying that they're the "new minority" who needs to fight for their rights like black people once did? Why are the blacks so embracing of the "gay community" and not the "Jewish community"? What's the "logic" behind that??
The majority of blacks are left-wing liberals. They may see a connection between themselves and homosexuals because homosexuals have been portrayed as the "oppressed minority". They see a lot of Jews (like Ari Fleischer and Michael Chertoff) in prominent positions of power, so it's hard to see them as an oppressed minority, even if right wing Jews are facing persecution, and Israel itself is in serious danger.
I don't hate all black people, just some of them... I am Proud to be Jewish, and I have some black friends, and many blacks are decent people
Most violent crime in America, the Majority of Violent Crime is done by Blacks against whites
The Black Race backstabbed the Jewish people after all that the Jews had done to help Blacks in the Civil Rights movement... I have even heard some Jewish people refer to Blacks as the N-Word..
In my High School I had problems with some Blacks and this Typical Arab who called me a "Dirty Jew" I hate Arabs, all of them, Arabs are Inferior Intellectually to Jews, Jews have Superior Intelligence, how many Arab Nobel Prize winners do you see
That subhuman piece of Garbage the "Rev" Al Sharpton.. we as Jewish people must unite legally against the NAZI Al Sharpton and put him behind bars for LIFE, and the Killer
Lemrick Nelson from the Crown Heights Riots, Sharpton is a MONSTER
Why doesn't Jewish Mayor Michael Bloomberg of NYC, why doesn't he use his POWER to put
Sharpton away for life...
That's the Problem, Jewish people have alot of Power but they don't use it properly
Look at all the Jewish Celebrities, why don't they use their power to combat the anti-semites and LOCK THEM UP
Rubystars: "...They see a lot of Jews (like Ari Fleischer and Michael Chertoff) in prominent positions of power, so it's hard to see them as an oppressed minority, even if right wing Jews are facing persecution..."
The very essence of their Jew-Hatred is exposed...They see "the Jew" in a position of "power", and therefore can't consider the Jews to be a disadvantaged minority.
All the while, they are completely blind to Negroes in position of power...such as Colin Powell, Congoleeza, Clarence Thomas, Osama Barama....they refuse to see them.
If forced to look at Negroes who completely disprove their warped ideologies, they only redouble their inward and outward directed contempt, and will claim that "they are only tools and 'Uncle Toms".
Like Rabbi Kahane said, "They're suffering from a "condition"!"
Rubystars: "...They see a lot of Jews (like Ari Fleischer and Michael Chertoff) in prominent positions of power, so it's hard to see them as an oppressed minority, even if right wing Jews are facing persecution..."
The very essence of their Jew-Hatred is exposed...They see "the Jew" in a position of "power", and therefore can't consider the Jews to be a disadvantaged minority.
All the while, they are completely blind to Negroes in position of power...such as Colin Powell, Congoleeza, Clarence Thomas, Osama Barama....they refuse to see them.
If forced to look at Negroes who completely disprove their warped ideologies, they only redouble their inward and outward directed contempt, and will claim that "they are only tools and 'Uncle Toms".
Like Rabbi Kahane said, "They're suffering from a "condition"!"
They don't consider those blacks to be "real blacks". It's kind of funny. I think he may have been correct about their having a condition. lol I've never heard a black say anything nice about Congoleeza. It may have been jealously of her on their part though.
99% of blacks hate whites and if you're a white Jew, blacks hate you worse. But everybody knows that!
This is becouse the evil blacks in reality hate White Americans, Jews, Asians etc... true but they hate them selfs even more for being failed people so this hatred and yelousy consime them from within, that's why the alcohool and drugs abuse is rampart in black comunities, and that's why their leaders like Sharpton, Farakhan and Osama embrace iSSlam as mean of ateining the discipline and order they lack, mind that order and good are not the same.