General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: eb22 on March 08, 2008, 11:45:51 PM
Between 4pm and 6 pm on weekdays, Steve Malzberg has a radio show on WOR-AM in New York. I heard his program several times. He used to be on between 9pm and 11pm. Malzberg's views are very conservative. He seems very Pro-America and Pro-Israel. He's always speaking out against CAIR and doesn't seem like a politically correct type of media person.
On Steve Malzberg's show, he often has guests who help reinforce Conservative views. I believe that there's a realistic chance that he would welcome Chaim or another knowledge representative of the JTF on his program. IMO, this is a potential opportunity that JTF should look into.
Then by all means lets do it.
O0 O0 O0
Thanks everyone for your input.
I just sent Steve Malzberg an email at the following address mentioning Jews against Obama and that I think Chaim would be a terrific guest for his program:
You can use that address to either send your own recommendation to help get Chaim or another JTF spokesperson on Steve's program. And/ or offer comments about Steve's radio show.
I wrote this hope my english is good enough :P
Dear Steve Malzberg i am from india and i am a member of jewsagainstobama.org or jtf.org here jews and non muslims discuss the threat of islam and our great leader Chaim Ben Pesach who follows the teachings of : rabbi meir kahane helps the hilltop youth movement we need your help in exposing obama please visit our site and invite chaim to your great radio show
I wrote this hope my english is good enough :P
Dear Steve Malzberg i am from india and i am a member of jewsagainstobama.org or jtf.org here jews and non muslims discuss the threat of islam and our great leader Chaim Ben Pesach who follows the teachings of : rabbi meir kahane helps the hilltop youth movement we need your help in exposing obama please visit our site and invite chaim to your great radio show
Excellent English
Very good. O0