General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: eb22 on March 08, 2008, 11:45:51 PM

Title: Possibility to get JTF some radio exposure in New York
Post by: eb22 on March 08, 2008, 11:45:51 PM

     Between 4pm and 6 pm on weekdays,   Steve Malzberg has a radio show on WOR-AM in New York.    I heard his program several times.   He used to be on between 9pm and 11pm.     Malzberg's views are very conservative.    He seems very Pro-America and Pro-Israel.    He's always speaking out against CAIR and doesn't seem like a politically correct type of media person.

    On Steve Malzberg's show,  he often has guests who help reinforce Conservative views.       I believe that there's a realistic chance that he would welcome Chaim or another knowledge representative of the JTF on his program.        IMO,   this is a potential opportunity that JTF should look into.     
Title: Re: Possibility to get JTF some radio exposure in New York
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on March 08, 2008, 11:47:38 PM
Then by all means lets do it.
Title: Re: Possibility to get JTF some radio exposure in New York
Post by: ItalianZionist on April 08, 2008, 06:17:33 AM
 O0 O0 O0
Title: Re: Possibility to get JTF some radio exposure in New York
Post by: eb22 on April 09, 2008, 11:16:18 PM
  Thanks everyone for your input.     

   I just sent Steve Malzberg an email at the following address mentioning Jews against Obama and that I think Chaim would be a terrific guest for his program:


    You can use that address to either send your own recommendation to help get Chaim or another JTF spokesperson on Steve's program.    And/ or offer comments about Steve's radio show.
Title: Re: Possibility to get JTF some radio exposure in New York
Post by: ASHISH on April 25, 2008, 07:58:17 AM
I wrote this hope my english is good enough :P

Dear Steve Malzberg i am from india and i am a member of jewsagainstobama.org or jtf.org here jews and non muslims  discuss  the threat of islam and our great leader Chaim Ben Pesach who follows the teachings of : rabbi meir kahane helps the hilltop youth movement we need your help in exposing obama please visit our site and invite chaim to your great radio show
Title: Re: Possibility to get JTF some radio exposure in New York
Post by: mord on April 25, 2008, 12:17:22 PM
I wrote this hope my english is good enough :P

Dear Steve Malzberg i am from india and i am a member of jewsagainstobama.org or jtf.org here jews and non muslims  discuss  the threat of islam and our great leader Chaim Ben Pesach who follows the teachings of : rabbi meir kahane helps the hilltop youth movement we need your help in exposing obama please visit our site and invite chaim to your great radio show
Excellent English
Title: Re: Possibility to get JTF some radio exposure in New York
Post by: Ari on April 25, 2008, 01:19:35 PM
Very good. O0