General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mifletzet on April 05, 2008, 09:17:26 PM

Title: Rabbi Avraham Ravitz regrets his Lechi past!
Post by: Mifletzet on April 05, 2008, 09:17:26 PM
Although Degel HaTorah MK Rabbi Avraham Ravitz is very far from being Erev Rav or Erev Ze'ir, in this week's Mishpacha there is an article about the murder by the British of Avraham Stern of the Stern Gang.

It states:

Many yeshiva students, both chassidic and litvish, found themselves fighting in the ranks of Lechi. Among them was future MK Avraham Ravitz and Rav Menashe Eichler, although the active underground operations were thorns in the side of the past Gedolei Hador.

"The Gedolei Hador were essentially opposed to the entire underground and not only the Lechi" explained Rabbi Ravitz. "They were opposed to the fact that yeshivah bochurim were abandoning the benches of the study halls in favor of these operations. Despite this, many charedim served in Lechi, more than in any other underground resistance group. And this is also the reason that the opposition was directed against the Lechi. The Haganah was part of the Establishment, and Etzel was Zionistic and spoke in the name of the ideology of Beitar, which was foreign to the chareidi mindset.

Lechi was the only group that spoke the truth clearly. It wasn't part of the Establishment and it wasn't even Zionistic. Lechi spoke about the eviction of the British from the land in order that Jews could make Aliya to Eretz Yisrael freely, and this spoke to us more than anything. The situation of the Jews in Europe pained our hearts greatly, and we felt we could help.

I want to emphasize that if my sons faced this question today, I would surely forbid them from participatng. They are commanded to listen to the voice of the Gedolim. This was the folly of youth".


By having such charotah for noble deeds in his past and for doleing out negative eitzos to the current generation, Ravitz thereby loses a large part of the reward in Olam Haba that was due to him!
Title: Re: Rabbi Avraham Ravitz regrets his Lechi past!
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on April 06, 2008, 01:50:02 AM
That is totally bizarre.  Sounds like he fears that he erred by disobeying the gedolim of his time in doing the activities he did.  But his original argument STILL STANDS:  "Lechi spoke about the eviction of the British from the land in order that Jews could make Aliya to Eretz Yisrael freely, and this spoke to us more than anything. The situation of the Jews in Europe pained our hearts greatly, and we felt we could help."

The real question is how could the gedolim have opposed it?

in my honest humble opinion, it is not Ravitz that needs to regret his disobeying the gedolim but the rest of world Jewry that must ask, why were those gedolim opposed to activities like Ravitz's that strove to help the situation of Europe's Jews?
(of course not all gedolim fit this simple mold, but of those that do, I believe this is the relevant question.  Until it is answered, why should anyone who participated ever regret it?)
Title: Re: Rabbi Avraham Ravitz regrets his Lechi past!
Post by: q_q_ on April 06, 2008, 07:29:36 AM
An article in many pages of the jewish tribune criticised those who claimed that a gadol might have supported the warsaw uprising. They thought it was sick slander!

Probably the 3 oaths. You should listen to neturei karta.     Because aside from the fact that they stand with our enemies, their basic philosophy is the same as satmar.  And other charedim. That we must not rise up against the nations..

They then have to explain chanukah though!
Pinchas HaGiladi killing the man and moabite woman,
and Moshe rabbainu killing the egyptian. 
Title: Re: Rabbi Avraham Ravitz regrets his Lechi past!
Post by: Zelhar on April 06, 2008, 11:12:41 AM
By having such charotah for noble deeds in his past and for doleing out negative eitzos to the current generation, Ravitz thereby loses a large part of the reward in Olam Haba that was due to him!
I think You judge him too harshly on this one
You can't expect a Charedi to publicly defy or dispute the Gedolim, it's not their way.