General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ulli on April 08, 2008, 12:25:58 PM

Title: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Ulli on April 08, 2008, 12:25:58 PM
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 08, 2008, 12:28:10 PM
Well maybe with this any idiot lies on any other site now that can squash it..  I wish more Jews then and now were like him.  By the way, Chaim.. Really in this photo you would probably look like someone in my neighborhood.  Take it as a compliment I loved my old school Italians
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Wayne Jude on April 08, 2008, 12:32:20 PM
I respect pepole of action!
wayne jude
talk is cheap!
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 08, 2008, 12:33:43 PM
Yea and what I am saying, all these other forums who got dullars to question.. I challenge them to question now.... G.P. Thanks  O0
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Wayne Jude on April 08, 2008, 12:36:06 PM
Hooah and Amen! O0
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on April 08, 2008, 12:43:28 PM
Good pic but it is clear that the crazy people who wrote that didn't know what he was really doing
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 08, 2008, 12:45:04 PM
Well it is the Village Voice, a leftist rag if there ever was one
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Wayne Jude on April 08, 2008, 12:45:39 PM
All my friends are considered nuts.I consider it a compliment!
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: mord on April 08, 2008, 01:25:14 PM
Very good to bad we can'nt find the article
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: mord on April 08, 2008, 01:31:23 PM

Heres a little
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Wayne Jude on April 08, 2008, 01:36:53 PM
wayne jude :)
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Ari on April 08, 2008, 02:12:56 PM
Great pic. :)
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: newman on April 08, 2008, 02:47:02 PM
And may G-d bless Reb Victor for all he has done.


He does look a bit like a young Robert DeNiro in that pic........."You talkin' to me?".
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Ari on April 08, 2008, 02:57:48 PM
And may G-d bless Reb Victor for all he has done.


He does look a bit like a young Robert DeNiro in that pic........."You talkin' to me?".

Yes, a young DeNiro circa the "Taxi Driver" era.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Еврей on April 08, 2008, 02:59:14 PM

"Crazy Jews live longer"

what a great quote!  ;D
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 08, 2008, 03:53:15 PM
I laughed at the "Nice Jewish Boy with Bombs"  More like "Jewish Hero that takes no crap"
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 08, 2008, 04:00:43 PM
Well it is the Village Voice, a leftist rag if there ever was one

did you say leftist?  Leftist?  They are so left that they fall off the edge of the round earth!
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 08, 2008, 04:02:50 PM
i remember my oldest brother hanging a poster of this picture in his bedroom with the same "Nice JEwish Boys with Bombs."
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: IslamIsCancer on April 08, 2008, 04:05:26 PM
I'm telling you this guy is a 100% patriot.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: MasterWolf1 on April 08, 2008, 04:06:09 PM
Well it is the Village Voice, a leftist rag if there ever was one

did you say leftist?  Leftist?  They are so left that they fall off the edge of the round earth!

It is also a paper run by Queers in the Village
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: IslamIsCancer on April 08, 2008, 04:06:42 PM
Just pick 1000 Jews at random and ask them who would bomb Soviet fascist cars to free their people and see if you get one positive answer.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 08, 2008, 04:07:54 PM
Well it is the Village Voice, a leftist rag if there ever was one

did you say leftist?  Leftist?  They are so left that they fall off the edge of the round earth!

It is also a paper run by Queers in the Village

with ads soliciting sex of all kinds and nudity.  they have no mercy
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: IslamIsCancer on April 08, 2008, 04:08:41 PM
I think many people would like to bomb but are afraid that it may damage their reputation, I don't know what's Chaim's take on this? Is he afraid that actions like this might make people hate Jews even more?
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 08, 2008, 04:10:06 PM
I think many people would like to bomb but are afraid that it may damage their reputation, I don't know what's Chaim's take on this? Is he afraid that actions like this might make people hate Jews even more?

Chaim isnt' the type of person who thinks about himself except for his health.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: IslamIsCancer on April 08, 2008, 04:19:30 PM
I think many people would like to bomb but are afraid that it may damage their reputation, I don't know what's Chaim's take on this? Is he afraid that actions like this might make people hate Jews even more?

Chaim isnt' the type of person who thinks about himself except for his health.

BTW I know Chaim as Chaim Ben Pesach, why do some call him Victor Vancier, did he change his name?
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Dan on April 08, 2008, 04:24:03 PM
Great Find!  O0
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Americanhero1 on April 08, 2008, 04:25:12 PM
I have read that Chaim Ben Pesach is his jewish name
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Vito on April 08, 2008, 04:40:01 PM
I think many people would like to bomb but are afraid that it may damage their reputation, I don't know what's Chaim's take on this? Is he afraid that actions like this might make people hate Jews even more?

Chaim isnt' the type of person who thinks about himself except for his health.

BTW I know Chaim as Chaim Ben Pesach, why do some call him Victor Vancier, did he change his name?

Chaim Ben Pesach is his Hebrew name. Victor Vancier is his Polish name.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on April 08, 2008, 04:50:05 PM
Lookin' sharp there, Chaim. Actually, you haven't aged a bit!  O0
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Wayne Jude on April 08, 2008, 05:06:09 PM
Hey CF havent been hearing from you much lately?You OK? :)
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: IslamIsCancer on April 08, 2008, 05:47:22 PM
So Chaim is a Polish Jew?
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: q_q_ on April 08, 2008, 06:01:09 PM
I seriously doubt it.

Most european jews have great grandfathers or great great ancestors from russia or poland or austria or germany. But we don`t call those names our russian polish austrian or german names.    The name`s origin maybe., but that`s it.

Jews have names for the country they live, and their hebrew names.

If they are quite religious, then all their friends and family will know them by their hebrew name - like chaim probably. But when they go to the bank or a shop or place with goyim, to make it easier many just use their english name.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Vito on April 08, 2008, 07:02:21 PM
So Chaim is a Polish Jew?

His father was from Poland, his mother's family was from Egypt.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Ehud on April 08, 2008, 07:40:06 PM
This picture is featured in Robert Friedman's "The False Prophet".  There are also some stories about Chaim in there, some where Rabbi Kahane gave missions specifically to Chaim.  This is proof to Kahane.org that Chaim really was the head of the JDL. 
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Ulli on April 08, 2008, 07:56:07 PM
This picture is featured in Robert Friedman's "The False Prophet".  There are also some stories about Chaim in there, some where Rabbi Kahane gave missions specifically to Chaim.  This is proof to Kahane.org that Chaim really was the head of the JDL. 

Yes this is true.

I am reading right now. :)
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: DownwithIslam on April 08, 2008, 08:42:04 PM
This should put an end to the assault on Chaim by the splinter groups. Chaim truly hasn't aged a bit.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Wayne Jude on April 08, 2008, 09:24:42 PM
I showed my wife.Hes ageing well.Yacov,wasnt the Jdl started by Orthodox Jews?Are you Orthodox?
wayne jude
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on April 08, 2008, 09:29:14 PM

The Village Voice distributed millions of copies for free all over the United States in the 1980s. (They make their money through advertising.) Even today the Village Voice web site is one of the biggest in the country with 8 million regular visitors.

Notice the subheadline, "The Return Of The JDL". Because the JDL did not exist as an effective or real organization after HaRav Meir Kahane made aliyah (moved to Israel) in 1971. From 1971 to 1984, there was no real JDL. But in 1984, the JDL made a historic return just in time to save over 1 million Jews in the Soviet Union.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on April 08, 2008, 10:07:39 PM

I want to put this picture of the front page of the Village Voice on our Hebrew forum. But I am embarrassed to admit that I do not know how to do it. Can someone tell me how to copy it onto a post on our Hebrew forum?
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Madeline on April 08, 2008, 10:28:50 PM
Oooo, Chaim, you look GOOD! 
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on April 08, 2008, 10:41:18 PM
What a great picture!  Even if it is in a leftist rag, you are showing all the wimps and selfhaters what they should aspire to be instead of what they are now.  It is a powerful image while casual looking. 

Btw Chaim, when the JDL went downhill because the Rav left for Israel, before you became National Chairman and revived it with your heroic effort for Soviet Jewry, did you still have a limited role in JDL in the meantime?   Did you do any liberation bombings or other such efforts before becoming chairman?

Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Ehud on April 08, 2008, 11:10:53 PM
You should be able to add the picture in a post by clicking on the button that looks like a small photograph.  After you click the button, leave the cursor where it is and paste this inside of it:   http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/80/chaimib4.jpg


Or you can just post the above link, replace both of the n's inside of [ing] and [/ing] with lower case m's  (I had to change the letter because that was the only way I could show the format without it just displaying the picture)

Hope this works
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on April 08, 2008, 11:32:39 PM
Thanks Zeev. I did it but the picture quality is terrible. It's smaller and the picture is not clear. Can I get the same picture quality that we have in this thread?
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on April 08, 2008, 11:35:19 PM
Now I tried it on this thread and it came out perfectly. I haven't posted, I am just looking at the picture after clicking on "Preview".

I works perfectly on the English forum, but not on the Hebrew forum.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Scriabin on April 08, 2008, 11:41:59 PM

The Village Voice distributed millions of copies for free all over the United States in the 1980s.

But that photo says '$1.00'.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on April 08, 2008, 11:42:55 PM
Until I figure out how to do on the Hebrew forum, I am just going to post a link to this forum so that our Israeli members can see it here.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on April 08, 2008, 11:50:42 PM

The Village Voice distributed millions of copies for free all over the United States in the 1980s.

But that photo says '$1.00'.

Even though they sold the newspaper on newsstands, they distributed it for free to college campuses, high schools, supermarkets and so on. The vast majority of their readers got the paper for free. They had to do this to make sure that they had mass circulation to justify their very high advertising rates.

Today, the New York Nazi Times does the same thing. They sell their newspaper to idiots who pay for it, but they also distribute it for free in my sister's neighborhood for example. My sister never ordered it and yet she receives it in the mail for over a year now. Everyone in her neighborhood gets it for free. And they send free copies to every student in my nephew's yeshiva (Jewish religious school).

Today, the Voice's main business is their web site which has millions of visitors.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Scriabin on April 08, 2008, 11:52:57 PM

The Village Voice distributed millions of copies for free all over the United States in the 1980s.

But that photo says '$1.00'.

Even though they sold the newspaper on newsstands, they distributed it for free to college campuses, high schools, supermarkets and so on. The vast majority of their readers got the paper for free. They had to do this to make sure that they had mass circulation to justify their very high advertising rates.

Today, the New York Nazi Times does the same thing. They sell their newspaper to idiots who pay for it, but they also distribute it for free in my sister's neighborhood for example. My sister never ordered it and she receives it in the mail for over a year now. Everyone in her neighborhood gets it for free. And they send free copies to every student in my nephew's yeshiva (Jewish religious school).

Today, the Voice's main business is their web site which has millions of visitors.

You're right.  My music school in Manhattan had it distributed for free
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: The Shadow on April 09, 2008, 12:40:30 AM
Chaim looks real cool in that picture. 
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Boeregeneraal on April 09, 2008, 12:45:36 AM
Lookin' sharp there, Chaim. Actually, you haven't aged a bit!  O0
completely agree!!!

G-D bless Chaim Ben Pesach!
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Wayne Jude on April 09, 2008, 12:47:01 AM
Its is in the genes!
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on April 09, 2008, 12:50:59 AM
That's how a brother should look like.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: ASHISH on April 09, 2008, 01:33:39 AM
Chaim looks gangsta lol after seeing this pic no arab will mess with him O0
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Boeregeneraal on April 09, 2008, 02:13:34 AM
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Exiled in his country on April 09, 2008, 04:06:40 AM

The lept party in tha holy-land fights agenst Jues who want to fight agenst arab-terorism who fights to '' kill all jues and make the holy-land DAR AL ISLAM ''--so the left party fights agenst itself !!!--we nead HELP !!--PLEASE HELP US TO FIGHT THE ARABS AND THER'E '' PARTNERS'' WHO CALLED WW THE LEFT PARTY ''

exiled  :'(
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: AsheDina on April 09, 2008, 07:47:35 AM

GOOD. I thought it was GREAT.. Sorry- but I looked at it from another angle- Chaim IS a nice Jewish boy, He was mad at injustice and had a fire-bomb. So- don't be messing with NICE JEWISH BOYS. They might get angry...you won't like them when they are angry.. Forget all of this.. Chaim- you got what? almost a million Jews BACK into Israel?  Yes, you were extreme.. And now we are in extreme times.. people EXPECT conservative G-d fearing people to just 'sit down and shut up' AND I AM TIRED OF IT. Caesar's Army scared any army that was fighting them just by yelling and being MORE intimidating...hopefully loud voices is all that we need- but I don't know, in today's barbaric society.  Anyway, you look the same today, I hope you live LONG.
Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: Dr. Dan on April 09, 2008, 08:24:40 AM

GOOD. I thought it was GREAT.. Sorry- but I looked at it from another angle- Chaim IS a nice Jewish boy, He was mad at injustice and had a fire-bomb. So- don't be messing with NICE JEWISH BOYS. They might get angry...you won't like them when they are angry.. Forget all of this.. Chaim- you got what? almost a million Jews BACK into Israel?  Yes, you were extreme.. And now we are in extreme times.. people EXPECT conservative G-d fearing people to just 'sit down and shut up' AND I AM TIRED OF IT. Caesar's Army scared any army that was fighting them just by yelling and being MORE intimidating...hopefully loud voices is all that we need- but I don't know, in today's barbaric society.  Anyway, you look the same today, I hope you live LONG.

Title: Re: Picture of our good Chaim from 22 years ago
Post by: YESHA on April 09, 2008, 10:08:59 AM
The article is not fair. Good it was that Chaim was on the FRONT page but written by a unsavoury character.  :D :D :D