General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Cyberella on April 15, 2008, 10:56:23 AM
Nostradamus Obama Prophecies Revealed
April 10th, 2008
by Andrew Olsen
WASHINGTON DC - USA - Scholars for the Smithsonian Institute have uncovered new interpretations that may relate to Barack Obama, the Illinois senator vying to become the next US president.
Professor Eugene Randell, Deputy Director of the Smithsonian Institution Archives has released information pertaining to the up and coming US elections.
The Institute which holds some very rare Nostradamus manuscripts, believes that some of the quatrains written by the 16th century soothsayer are very close to describing the fight for the White House that is happening now.
"We have the only existing fourth edition of Nostradamus' book Les Propheties (The Prophecies). There were thought to be only three editions published in 1558, this new edition is from 1559 and includes 20 more quatrains which have never been revealed before -- that is, until now," Professor Randell said from the archive office on Tuesday.
Nostradamus has been credited with predicting numerous events in world history, from the Great Fire of London, the rise of Napoleon I of France, the French Revolution and Adolf Hitler, to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.
The professor told the Daily Squib that it is well known that some of the quatrains are open to interpretation however what he has translated from the previously unreleased manuscript will certainly "ruffle a few feathers".
The great empire will be torn from limb,
The all-powerful one for more than four hundred years:
Great power given to the dark one from slaves come,
The Aryana will not be satisfied thereby.
Nostradamus' previously unreleased quatrains are a heavily guarded secret and the scholars have broken with tradition to reveal a few tidbits in the Smithsonian's monthly circular.
We leave it to our esteemed readers to make up their own minds. However, it seems that with the release of the new quatrains the race for the White House may have been already written about many centuries ago.
Nostradamus Obama Prophecies Revealed
April 10th, 2008
by Andrew Olsen
WASHINGTON DC - USA - Scholars for the Smithsonian Institute have uncovered new interpretations that may relate to Barack Obama, the Illinois senator vying to become the next US president.
Professor Eugene Randell, Deputy Director of the Smithsonian Institution Archives has released information pertaining to the up and coming US elections.
The Institute which holds some very rare Nostradamus manuscripts, believes that some of the quatrains written by the 16th century soothsayer are very close to describing the fight for the White House that is happening now.
"We have the only existing fourth edition of Nostradamus' book Les Propheties (The Prophecies). There were thought to be only three editions published in 1558, this new edition is from 1559 and includes 20 more quatrains which have never been revealed before -- that is, until now," Professor Randell said from the archive office on Tuesday.
Nostradamus has been credited with predicting numerous events in world history, from the Great Fire of London, the rise of Napoleon I of France, the French Revolution and Adolf Hitler, to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.
The professor told the Daily Squib that it is well known that some of the quatrains are open to interpretation however what he has translated from the previously unreleased manuscript will certainly "ruffle a few feathers".
The great empire will be torn from limb,
The all-powerful one for more than four hundred years:
Great power given to the dark one from slaves come,
The Aryana will not be satisfied thereby.
Nostradamus' previously unreleased quatrains are a heavily guarded secret and the scholars have broken with tradition to reveal a few tidbits in the Smithsonian's monthly circular.
We leave it to our esteemed readers to make up their own minds. However, it seems that with the release of the new quatrains the race for the White House may have been already written about many centuries ago.
Yes that appears to be o'bama
This man predicted a lot he said Hitler would take over germany Napoleon would ascend In military rank then become King and then be exiled.
This is pure stupidity. He predicted 1000's of vague prophecies... and naturally... we only talk about the ones that sorta kinda sound like what has actually happened.. and ignore the other 99% of garbage that he came up with.
Nostradamus actually became popular because of the nazis. They combed through his stuff (as they were obsessed by the occult), and found an allusion to hisler (I think)... which actually had some sort of second meaning... and the nazis went with it, and told everybody that he predicted that the 3rd reich would take over the world.
Heres the Nazi propoganda magazine (called signal) that was actually the highest circulated magazine to date.. which helped propogate this nonsence:
only idiots believe in this kinda stuff.
Nostradamus claimed to be a prophet in exchange for money. He was bribed by Satan. None of his works have real meaning.
Nostradamus, like all self proclaimed seers, was a fraud. Obonga was not descended from slaves, Bush is not an emperor, and the U.S. presidency has not been around for 400 years. People read into this superstitious nonsense way too much. That 'professor' is an idiot.