General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 03:15:57 PM

Title: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 03:15:57 PM
I went with my mom to National Liquidators on Kissena Blvd in Queens, earlier today she wanted to buy some things for the garden she enjoys doing that so I said fine.  I take her there cause she needs her strapping son to help lift bags of dirt in the trunk.  If any of you ever been to this store it is always packed and they got employees transporting boxes on these large wheel transports.  I went to check something out that I needed for myself and I stepped back cause one of these transports were going through behind me this Zulu baboon woman on her cell phone.  She throws an attitude to my mother who is a 62 year old woman " You beez watching where you beez going, beez stepping on my shoes"  They just butcher the english language.  Anywho, I heard this and told her with my Italian attitude "WTF is your problem can't you just show some curtosy see whats in front of us shut your fn mouth and talk to an elder with respect."  She cops her attitude with me sayin "Who you beez talkin to like dat"  and my answer "I beez talkin to you and sheet you talk to this woman like this you got a problem with me." F U and your shoes.  I also got loud.  You know what folks that shut her up she went away if you are tough with these savages they will back and they are cowards she had no problems going after a 62 year old woman my mother but with me she shut her liver lips.   Now you see why I keep saying fight back and don't take shhhhhhhh from these people or beasts."
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 03:25:50 PM
I wouldnt have one of these beasts try anything towards my mom or my sister I think ladies you must carry pepper spray in your bag these are demonic savages walking among us
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 03:27:46 PM
Cool! I'm glad to hear someone told her off.
I've also told people off but there is a danger. Blacks and "barrio" Latinos usually (like the majority of the time) will try to fight back, they will get in your face and even physically. Like savages, some might want to throw a punch or push back.
That's just the way some of them are, they have no class and no manners. And like mindless baboons, they can't think so they try to resolve everything with physical violence.

So just take care. I would carry something for protection like spray. I used to have this alarm thing that if I pulled a string, it would sound really really loud but it ran out of batteries.
These monsters are used to fighting all their lives and it's better to have protection if need be.

Mills she didn't if show curtosy that this transport was coming across us and what was she doing so close behind I have no idea they just have zero attention span.  Ever see them on the highways they take up 1 2 and 3 lanes zig zagging not giving a damn about the safety of others they own the hit and rundowns
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 03:30:37 PM
I wouldnt have one of these beasts try anything towards my mom or my sister I think ladies you must carry pepper spray in your bag these are demonic savages walking among us

I would but once someone said they were not legal and others say there are legal. So I don't know what to think anymore.
I definitely will check something out and get appropriate protection within the law.

Pepper spray?  I think Mace is go figure these savages are strapped and knifed and people cant defend.  I guess call your local police what is legal in these sprays.
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: Ben Yehuda on May 02, 2008, 03:33:14 PM
Good for you, Masterwolf.
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 03:42:38 PM
You know, I watch nature shows I love nature shows.  Discovery channel how the mother lion or cheetah cares for her cubs.   And you see these barbarians they make babies and abandon before they are born,  the female barbarians make 10 kids by different thugs and we end up picking thye tab on that one. 

And as a man myself, I do find it something as the male very important to stand up and to protect our females.. All men in this movement we must teach our brothers of all ages to be the guardian of our females aslong you got savages walking loose with human beings.  They are our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters and they are so precious they bring our futrue generations that we need.
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: Americanhero1 on May 02, 2008, 03:44:10 PM
I went with my mom to National Liquidators on Kissena Blvd in Queens, earlier today she wanted to buy some things for the garden she enjoys doing that so I said fine.  I take her there cause she needs her strapping son to help lift bags of dirt in the trunk.  If any of you ever been to this store it is always packed and they got employees transporting boxes on these large wheel transports.  I went to check something out that I needed for myself and I stepped back cause one of these transports were going through behind me this Zulu baboon woman on her cell phone.  She throws an attitude to my mother who is a 62 year old woman " You beez watching where you beez going, beez stepping on my shoes"  They just butcher the english language.  Anywho, I heard this and told her with my Italian attitude "WTF is your problem can't you just show some curtosy see whats in front of us shut your fn mouth and talk to an elder with respect."  She cops her attitude with me sayin "Who you beez talkin to like dat"  and my answer "I beez talkin to you and sheet you talk to this woman like this you got a problem with me." F U and your shoes.  I also got loud.  You know what folks that shut her up she went away if you are tough with these savages they will back and they are cowards she had no problems going after a 62 year old woman my mother but with me she shut her liver lips.   Now you see why I keep saying fight back and don't take shhhhhhhh from these people or beasts."

If you park in the lot in the back of the store be careful because people like to rob stuff from cars and a funny thing i had a problem like that two years ago but with a clerk that worked there needless to say i am banned from stepping foot in that store ever again

That was a great thing you did and if your mom needs pepper spray i can get it for you if you want but police issue O0
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: Ari on May 02, 2008, 03:44:27 PM
Yes, it sounds contagious, MW.  An interesting point.  If she had touched you, would you be allowed to deck her?  I'd like to know for future reference.  The sad part is though, like Chaim's affirmative action case this past week, you would probably get a black cop who believed her version of the events.  Good job not letting her bully your Mom.   O0
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 03:46:18 PM
I went with my mom to National Liquidators on Kissena Blvd in Queens, earlier today she wanted to buy some things for the garden she enjoys doing that so I said fine.  I take her there cause she needs her strapping son to help lift bags of dirt in the trunk.  If any of you ever been to this store it is always packed and they got employees transporting boxes on these large wheel transports.  I went to check something out that I needed for myself and I stepped back cause one of these transports were going through behind me this Zulu baboon woman on her cell phone.  She throws an attitude to my mother who is a 62 year old woman " You beez watching where you beez going, beez stepping on my shoes"  They just butcher the english language.  Anywho, I heard this and told her with my Italian attitude "WTF is your problem can't you just show some curtosy see whats in front of us shut your fn mouth and talk to an elder with respect."  She cops her attitude with me sayin "Who you beez talkin to like dat"  and my answer "I beez talkin to you and sheet you talk to this woman like this you got a problem with me." F U and your shoes.  I also got loud.  You know what folks that shut her up she went away if you are tough with these savages they will back and they are cowards she had no problems going after a 62 year old woman my mother but with me she shut her liver lips.   Now you see why I keep saying fight back and don't take shhhhhhhh from these people or beasts."

If you park in the lot in the back of the store be careful because people like to rob stuff from cars and a funny thing i had a problem like that two years ago but with a clerk that worked there needless to say i am banned from stepping foot in that store ever again

That was a great thing you did and if your mom needs pepper spray i can get it for you if you want but police issue O0

I hell won't let her go on the subways cause of these freaks in the station.  I remember what Chaim said to me about the subways in the 70s when he heard a woman getting attacked by these beasts that she was almost a bloody pulp
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 03:48:04 PM
Yes, it sounds contagious, MW.  An interesting point.  If she had touched you, would you be allowed to deck her?  I'd like to know for future reference.  The sad part is though, like Chaim's affirmative action case this past week, you would probably get a black cop who believed her version of the events.  Good job not letting her bully your Mom.   O0

Now I never hit women, that isn't a cool thing when men do that.  But for this beast I would smack her to calm her ooooo oooo eeep eeep foodstamp butt down cause she was getting her fur in a knot
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: Ari on May 02, 2008, 03:52:18 PM
I would never hit a woman either.  Unless they really belted me.  If they did, sorry, fair game.   :::D
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: david1967 on May 02, 2008, 04:29:07 PM
Be careful about confronting svartze choleras.  If that was a young male, I assume he would have taken out a gun and or a knife.  G-d Forbid!  They have their "street cred" they have to live up to.  They're all "uppity" now because of Obama's impending victory, g-d forbid!, and Sharpton beating the war drums.  They're all packing heat.  If they use it, they'll get Sharpton on your ass, and sue you like they did to Bernard Goetz.  They'll say you racially intimidated them and they were forced to defend themselves!
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: Americanhero1 on May 02, 2008, 04:30:38 PM
I went with my mom to National Liquidators on Kissena Blvd in Queens, earlier today she wanted to buy some things for the garden she enjoys doing that so I said fine.  I take her there cause she needs her strapping son to help lift bags of dirt in the trunk.  If any of you ever been to this store it is always packed and they got employees transporting boxes on these large wheel transports.  I went to check something out that I needed for myself and I stepped back cause one of these transports were going through behind me this Zulu baboon woman on her cell phone.  She throws an attitude to my mother who is a 62 year old woman " You beez watching where you beez going, beez stepping on my shoes"  They just butcher the english language.  Anywho, I heard this and told her with my Italian attitude "WTF is your problem can't you just show some curtosy see whats in front of us shut your fn mouth and talk to an elder with respect."  She cops her attitude with me sayin "Who you beez talkin to like dat"  and my answer "I beez talkin to you and sheet you talk to this woman like this you got a problem with me." F U and your shoes.  I also got loud.  You know what folks that shut her up she went away if you are tough with these savages they will back and they are cowards she had no problems going after a 62 year old woman my mother but with me she shut her liver lips.   Now you see why I keep saying fight back and don't take shhhhhhhh from these people or beasts."

If you park in the lot in the back of the store be careful because people like to rob stuff from cars and a funny thing i had a problem like that two years ago but with a clerk that worked there needless to say i am banned from stepping foot in that store ever again

That was a great thing you did and if your mom needs pepper spray i can get it for you if you want but police issue O0

I hell won't let her go on the subways cause of these freaks in the station.  I remember what Chaim said to me about the subways in the 70s when he heard a woman getting attacked by these beasts that she was almost a bloody pulp

If you want i can also get for you or your mom self defense weapons like a comb that is a knife of  stun gun or a type of Mace that stains your face you the cops can identify them easier
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: Ari on May 02, 2008, 04:53:25 PM
Yes, it is a good point that you do have to be careful with many of them carrying unregistered firearms.
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: cjd on May 02, 2008, 05:02:35 PM
I went with my mom to National Liquidators on Kissena Blvd in Queens, earlier today she wanted to buy some things for the garden she enjoys doing that so I said fine.  I take her there cause she needs her strapping son to help lift bags of dirt in the trunk.  If any of you ever been to this store it is always packed and they got employees transporting boxes on these large wheel transports.  I went to check something out that I needed for myself and I stepped back cause one of these transports were going through behind me this Zulu baboon woman on her cell phone.  She throws an attitude to my mother who is a 62 year old woman " You beez watching where you beez going, beez stepping on my shoes"  They just butcher the english language.  Anywho, I heard this and told her with my Italian attitude "WTF is your problem can't you just show some curtosy see whats in front of us shut your fn mouth and talk to an elder with respect."  She cops her attitude with me sayin "Who you beez talkin to like dat"  and my answer "I beez talkin to you and sheet you talk to this woman like this you got a problem with me." F U and your shoes.  I also got loud.  You know what folks that shut her up she went away if you are tough with these savages they will back and they are cowards she had no problems going after a 62 year old woman my mother but with me she shut her liver lips.   Now you see why I keep saying fight back and don't take shhhhhhhh from these people or beasts."
MasterWolf1 I am going to tell you a story about Flushing that will show you just how much things have changed when it comes to black savages. Many years ago about 25 or maybe even 30 a black animal came in to rob the Key Food Store up on Main Street. He went in a took one of the cashier's hostage and demanded that the store open the safe and give him the money. Well the store was a family owned operation and the people who owned it back then looked very laid back the thing was however they all carried guns. Long story short they told the dumb monkey to wait and not do anything dumb they would get him the money. As the money bag was being made ready the owners of the store all got into position. When they came to give the guy the money they opened fire and  shot the black animal down dead right in the cash register island. Well the cops came and scraped up the dead body and thank G-d the girl at the register was not hurt. After word got around that the store was like a fortress they never had much problems with robbery again.
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 05:06:10 PM
I went with my mom to National Liquidators on Kissena Blvd in Queens, earlier today she wanted to buy some things for the garden she enjoys doing that so I said fine.  I take her there cause she needs her strapping son to help lift bags of dirt in the trunk.  If any of you ever been to this store it is always packed and they got employees transporting boxes on these large wheel transports.  I went to check something out that I needed for myself and I stepped back cause one of these transports were going through behind me this Zulu baboon woman on her cell phone.  She throws an attitude to my mother who is a 62 year old woman " You beez watching where you beez going, beez stepping on my shoes"  They just butcher the english language.  Anywho, I heard this and told her with my Italian attitude "WTF is your problem can't you just show some curtosy see whats in front of us shut your fn mouth and talk to an elder with respect."  She cops her attitude with me sayin "Who you beez talkin to like dat"  and my answer "I beez talkin to you and sheet you talk to this woman like this you got a problem with me." F U and your shoes.  I also got loud.  You know what folks that shut her up she went away if you are tough with these savages they will back and they are cowards she had no problems going after a 62 year old woman my mother but with me she shut her liver lips.   Now you see why I keep saying fight back and don't take shhhhhhhh from these people or beasts."
MasterWolf1 I am going to tell you a story about Flushing that will show you just how much things have changed when it comes to black savages. Many years ago about 25 or maybe even 30 a black animal came in to rob the Key Food Store up on Main Street. He went in a took one of the cashier's hostage and demanded that the store open the safe and give him the money. Well the store was a family owned operation and the people who owned it back then looked very laid back the thing was however they all carried guns. Long story short they told the dumb monkey to wait and not do anything dumb they would get him the money. As the money bag was being made ready the owners of the store all got into position. When they came to give the guy the money they opened fire and  shot the black animal down dead right in the cash register island. Well the cops came and scraped up the dead body and thank G-d the girl at the register was not hurt. After word got around that the store was like a fortress they never had much problems with robbery again.

Oh is this the Key Food not far from Booth Memorial?  I use to shop there with my mom cause I use to live in that neighborhood it was such a nice neighborhood too.  Disgusting how it has turned out to be.
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: cjd on May 02, 2008, 05:13:59 PM
I went with my mom to National Liquidators on Kissena Blvd in Queens, earlier today she wanted to buy some things for the garden she enjoys doing that so I said fine.  I take her there cause she needs her strapping son to help lift bags of dirt in the trunk.  If any of you ever been to this store it is always packed and they got employees transporting boxes on these large wheel transports.  I went to check something out that I needed for myself and I stepped back cause one of these transports were going through behind me this Zulu baboon woman on her cell phone.  She throws an attitude to my mother who is a 62 year old woman " You beez watching where you beez going, beez stepping on my shoes"  They just butcher the english language.  Anywho, I heard this and told her with my Italian attitude "WTF is your problem can't you just show some curtosy see whats in front of us shut your fn mouth and talk to an elder with respect."  She cops her attitude with me sayin "Who you beez talkin to like dat"  and my answer "I beez talkin to you and sheet you talk to this woman like this you got a problem with me." F U and your shoes.  I also got loud.  You know what folks that shut her up she went away if you are tough with these savages they will back and they are cowards she had no problems going after a 62 year old woman my mother but with me she shut her liver lips.   Now you see why I keep saying fight back and don't take shhhhhhhh from these people or beasts."
MasterWolf1 I am going to tell you a story about Flushing that will show you just how much things have changed when it comes to black savages. Many years ago about 25 or maybe even 30 a black animal came in to rob the Key Food Store up on Main Street. He went in a took one of the cashier's hostage and demanded that the store open the safe and give him the money. Well the store was a family owned operation and the people who owned it back then looked very laid back the thing was however they all carried guns. Long story short they told the dumb monkey to wait and not do anything dumb they would get him the money. As the money bag was being made ready the owners of the store all got into position. When they came to give the guy the money they opened fire and  shot the black animal down dead right in the cash register island. Well the cops came and scraped up the dead body and thank G-d the girl at the register was not hurt. After word got around that the store was like a fortress they never had much problems with robbery again.

Oh is this the Key Food not far from Booth Memorial?  I use to shop there with my mom cause I use to live in that neighborhood it was such a nice neighborhood too.  Disgusting how it has turned out to be.
Yes thats the one. I haven't seen it in years. A friend from the neighborhood  father was the store manager back then and thats how I heard the story of what went on during the robbery. Its been years and some of the details have been lost to memory. I drive through there from time to time it just doesn't look the same. That was some neighborhood back in the 60's and 70's.
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on May 02, 2008, 05:32:50 PM
That is typical of NY Italian attitude. It can come in handy. Haven't been to NYC that much recently being on the West Coast I am kind of stuck here. Here we just have Wiggers.
Title: Re: My Affirmative Action Moment of the day: Ari sounds contageous: Plz READ
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 02, 2008, 05:33:32 PM
I saw they changed it to some Asian groceries cause the population of Asians there is huge I guess we can thank them for not sending the neighborhood completely to the toilet