Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: OZ77 on January 11, 2007, 07:25:46 AM

Title: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: OZ77 on January 11, 2007, 07:25:46 AM

This video was removed from youtube by Chaim's request,
he feels it's too strong for youtube and might put my account
with all the other vids in risk of it being deleted,
I trust chaim's call - and so the vid will be available for download only,
ofcourse you could always open your OWN account and upload it,
that way if your account will be closed,
it won't effect our "offical" account oz77jtf

(don't upload it to any account with existing vids)


For Downloading:

The high quality version, aprox 30MB is here:

The "less sharp" version (also the one I uploaded to youtube), aprox 9MB is here:
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: ihkili18 on January 11, 2007, 05:00:56 PM
I have no idea why that is too harsh to be put on you tube. We should not be running from the truth and if more people saw that african smashing the womans car and encouraging the extermination of white people we may be better off.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: kahaneloyalist on January 11, 2007, 05:32:45 PM
Youtube is pretty Left I think Chaim's right about this, what we should do is have a designated second who will put up videos too hot for the official JTF account
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Until Shiloh Comes on January 11, 2007, 05:58:54 PM
Hello Oz77, and good day to you.

I agree, the language is too harsh.  Particularly the video of the black hoodlum who attacks the blue vehicle.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 11, 2007, 06:10:04 PM
These vids aren't that graphic, imo. I've seen them both on many sites. There was another video of a lady getting beat by a group of blacks for telling a pimp to leave her alone. It happend in Oakland it was terrible.

The kill white people vid is already on there: http://youtube.com/results?search_query=kill+white+people

so is the guy attacking the car: http://youtube.com/results?search_query=bum+fights+car
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 11, 2007, 06:39:23 PM
http://www.sumo.tv/video/740291  here is the video i was talking about
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Yoel on January 11, 2007, 08:21:27 PM
Thanks oz for another poweful film.

I think you should upload the video on youtube under a different account so you dont jeopardize the other videos.

Toda raba achi.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: OZ77 on January 12, 2007, 07:20:23 AM
Hello friends, as to your replies,
the reason chaim asked me to take down the video from YT,
was not because of the strong language, and I'd like to take this moment
to apologize to anyone who might have been offended by it,
I tried on one hand to lower this savage's voice so it won't offend as much,
but on the other allow people to hear what he says,
he says he has killed raped stilled, and other horrible things.

but the real reason chaim wanted this video out of oz77jtf
was not because of the language but rather the message,
the anti-shvartza message, and he has a good point,
I grew up in the states and I remember how strongly people felt about PC,
luckily I was in a jewish private "yeshiva" school, I insisted on it, my parents are secular and so was I,
but it sure was better to wear a yamacka then to get your ass kicked by these gorillas,
so in order to avoid jtf's account to be removed this vid was kept out,
and I do ask also from yackov and jimmy to take initative and upload this in to youtube anyway,
I'm just so busy in Israel and I hardly have any free time, so if you can do this please do.

Shabbat shalom from the promised land,


Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MasterWolf1 on January 12, 2007, 11:11:47 PM
Its a good video my friend and since its a download its easy to send to people that can add on their computer to see for themselves what jungle animals they are.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: KnightsofEurope on January 13, 2007, 04:37:23 AM
I have created my own YouTube account and uploaded both versions of the video. We will see how that goes. Right now it says they are still "processing" the video.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: KnightsofEurope on January 13, 2007, 03:43:38 PM
Ok, the videos are up and running.

http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=knightsofeurope (http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=knightsofeurope)
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 13, 2007, 04:14:59 PM
That is a very good video knights.  Very good.  I hope that the QPTV shows make it to GoogleVideo or YouTube as well.  Very good brother...
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Ari on January 13, 2007, 06:46:42 PM
I think this is a very tough call, but Chaim is probably right to err on the side of caution.  Keep up the great work Oz.  Be well.

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 14, 2007, 08:44:46 AM
Oh, you are right Cosmo.  I remember seeing that a while ago.  I thought it looked familiar.  This is a reason why respectable people should also buy fire arms with carrying permits.  I'd have blown a hole through him the size of a volkswagen....    I cannot imagine a filthy animal attacking my car or my wife and child in a car like that with a base ball bat....  Lord.....  "I should have said every Jew an M1, but unfortunately it didn't rhyme" - Kahane...
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: takebackourtemple on January 14, 2007, 09:52:34 AM
I also posted it.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on January 14, 2007, 11:42:04 AM

Well, that bum beating up the car with the driver in it reminds me of my school days.
Yes, I went to school with those savages.
Instead of math, English, geometry, history, I got blacks and hispanic savages and barbarians.
I got these crack dealers. There fights everyday. The classrooms were not a place of learning but a place of terror.

These black savages and hispanic barbarians should be exterminated.
I would gladly join that army.

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 14, 2007, 01:39:46 PM
Well, we are not supposed to "tolerate" intolerance....   Oh, I wanted to ask you AngryChinese...  Are you Chinese?  Do you origionally come from China if not when did you emmigrate?  The reason why I ask, I was wondering if you or your family might have some first hand stories that you could share with us on JTF about the effects of Communism as it has been in China under Mao or even today?   Toda roba ve shalom...
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: cjd on January 14, 2007, 01:57:52 PM

Well, that bum beating up the car with the driver in it reminds me of my school days.
Yes, I went to school with those savages.
Instead of math, English, geometry, history, I got blacks and hispanic savages and barbarians.
I got these crack dealers. There fights everyday. The classrooms were not a place of learning but a place of terror.

These black savages and hispanic barbarians should be exterminated.
I would gladly join that army.

When I was in high school in the mid 70s in Flushing Queens N.Y things were different. We had blacks being bussed in from from black neighborhoods but the whites still controlled the school. In the morning whites and blacks would stay in separate groups whites with whites blacks with blacks. Problems broke out now and then but for the most part the whites far outnumbered the blacks and they knew it and it was not their turf. We had a older cop who would hang out in front of the school most of the day to quell any outbrake of hostilities which did happen a few times. For me it was like the blacks were not even there since my group was from the neighborhood and all white. We had a policy of completely ignoring the blacks and they kept away from us. In the class there was always someone you knew so that wasn't a problem either. White kids today want to befriend  blacks and thats where they get into problems with them. Times have changed I guess but not for the better.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: cjd on January 14, 2007, 02:22:35 PM
Great job again OZ, the videos message is very powerful. I think Chaim is right in that most folks on youtube may find it to extreme. The sad fact of the matter is it shows exactly the planet of the apes we face. It would not be worth it to jeopardies JTFs account on youtube however. Possibly your videos links could be put  in a place on the forum thats easily seen so people comming to the forum can find them quickly.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: takebackourtemple on January 14, 2007, 04:22:36 PM
For those of you who want to rate my video, here is the link.

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 14, 2007, 04:46:35 PM
I am starting to hate youtube.  Everytime I have tried to create an account it keeps screwing up........what a stupid system...
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: takebackourtemple on January 14, 2007, 05:11:05 PM
Here is my affirmative action video.

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 14, 2007, 09:30:30 PM
Very good...  perhaps you might include some scenes from the footage taken from New Orleans with the monsters robbing, raping and looting and then compare it to Colorado where nothing whatsoever was done to help them po white folk..... ;)
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on January 14, 2007, 11:12:22 PM
Well, we are not supposed to "tolerate" intolerance....   Oh, I wanted to ask you AngryChinese...  Are you Chinese?  Do you origionally come from China if not when did you emmigrate?  The reason why I ask, I was wondering if you or your family might have some first hand stories that you could share with us on JTF about the effects of Communism as it has been in China under Mao or even today?   Toda roba ve shalom...

* Yes
* Originally from Red China.
* 1978
* Yes, my parents have better memories of china. My mother's parents were murdered by the Reds.
In that order.

My mother's father started several large businesses. I think they were shops. She wouldn't elaborate. I think you can understand.
The devil Mao took over. There's no such thing as an election -- pure blood lust, the most brutal wins.
The poorest, uneducated peasants were told that the one's who "have" owe them and that they should take back what they deserve.
The red guards, at gun-point, held my mother's family right outside of their own home. She was about five or six years old.
With the family outside, the sheeps went in took everything of value and ransack the place.
The older folks like her father was then shot dead.

On my father's side. The same thing happened. Only, my father's father took his family and ran. They left  everything behind.

They were business owners, but none of them were "Bill Gates" billionaires.

I was born at about the time of Mao's death. I guess that time was the worst. There was nothing but starvation. We were poor and starving. I mean really starving. Not like Lakiesha who weighs 800LBs and complains "Ah caint feed muh kidz wid deeze food stamps whitey gave".
One day, when I was about three or four, my parents came home and prepared me a very special meal. It was a bowl of oat meal. I think my point is clear.

When my family came to this country, my parents worked in sweat shops -- Long hours.

I went to grade school with filthy Puerto Rican barbarians. Herman Badillo was right, his people don't value education, they only want to party and their goal is to organize the largest party. I have nothing nice to say about these animals, you know them too damn well.

The rest of my school days were spent with Negroes and Hispanics. No point in discussing my time with them. Nothing will change my mind about those barbarians and savages.

The only thing left to do is to round them up and gas them.

When I was in high school in the mid 70s in Flushing Queens N.Y things were different. We had blacks being bussed in from from black neighborhoods but the whites still controlled the school. In the morning whites and blacks would stay in separate groups whites with whites blacks with blacks. Problems broke out now and then but for the most part the whites far outnumbered the blacks and they knew it and it was not their turf. We had a older cop who would hang out in front of the school most of the day to quell any outbrake of hostilities which did happen a few times. For me it was like the blacks were not even there since my group was from the neighborhood and all white. We had a policy of completely ignoring the blacks and they kept away from us. In the class there was always someone you knew so that wasn't a problem either. White kids today want to befriend  blacks and thats where they get into problems with them. Times have changed I guess but not for the better.

I went to school in LIC Queens in the 80's. The school was was already infested with black and brown animals. The same color as turd.
White kids who hang out with animals should be hanged.

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 15, 2007, 08:26:34 AM
Thank you ACM.  That must have been one horrible experience.  I have read many books about Chinese Communism and Mao etc. but this is the first time I had ever spoken directly to anyone that lived through the suffereing.  So I take it you are Christian?  Here in Canada there are massive amounts of Asians, but mostly Socialist/Communist Asians with pockets of Christians or Buddhist (I think) here and there but the majority that have come here to Toronto, Calgary or Vancouver are, in my opinion, the red type and have been a major influence on the drug trade and violent Asian Triad gangs and people that will eat anything that moves, which I find personally most revolting and most uncivilized.  I found this situation to be very different with the Christian Chinese and Asians that came here and fit in with their Christian surroundings very well.  Most Christians come and wish to live via the Canadian Christian culture and keep their Asian language for something to be used at home or amongst relatives but mostly speak English.  This I found to be totally opposite with the "red" types of Chinese, Asians, Arab/Moslems or any non-Christian or non-Jewish immigrants......  which are engulfing us by the hour....

Thanks again for the input... :)
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MasterWolf1 on January 15, 2007, 11:33:01 AM
The woman should of ran over his stupid black ass... This is why whites need to wake up.  Look at New Orleans and everywhere there are jungle savages.  Nothing but riots, drugs, gang banging,, I don't care if they kill each other,, Its what they do towards whites and others I have the problem.  Look how they were with some Asians who want to open a business.  THe negros are filled with envy cause they have done nothing for 500 years and still stupid.  They dumbed down schools for these animals.  And still can't get it we have wasted enough time and money for these savages.  Either get the whip cracking or send them to Africa so they call put poop on their heads and a plate in their lips.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 15, 2007, 11:59:45 AM
The woman should of ran over his stupid black ass... This is why whites need to wake up.  Look at New Orleans and everywhere there are jungle savages.  Nothing but riots, drugs, gang banging,, I don't care if they kill each other,, Its what they do towards whites and others I have the problem.  Look how they were with some Asians who want to open a business.  THe negros are filled with envy cause they have done nothing for 500 years and still stupid.  They dumbed down schools for these animals.  And still can't get it we have wasted enough time and money for these savages.  Either get the whip cracking or send them to Africa so they call put poop on their heads and a plate in their lips.
Strongly put....but agreed... ;)
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 15, 2007, 12:13:53 PM
I remember some riot in seattle I think during new years the [censored] were attacking and punching every white woman they could find. I saw the terrible footage on the news. I have not seen that video since. Probably some liberal destroyed it.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Alex on January 15, 2007, 08:37:53 PM
Amazing that he has the gall 'n' balls to just go and vandalize a car with innocent people in it, I mean, what damned excuse does he have? And if the police have the audacity as well to arrest an innocent woman who'd be defending her property, and possibly even her life from a black savage who has none, well then to hell with them.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 15, 2007, 08:43:31 PM
Amazing that he has the gall 'n' balls to just go and vandalize a car with innocent people in it, I mean, what damned excuse does he have? And if the police have the audacity as well to arrest an innocent woman who'd be defending her property, and possibly even her life from a black savage who has none, well then to hell with them.
They are savages.  Any excuse is enough for these hominids to resort to violence and deprevity.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: cjd on January 15, 2007, 08:46:33 PM
Amazing that he has the gall 'n' balls to just go and vandalize a car with innocent people in it, I mean, what damned excuse does he have? And if the police have the audacity as well to arrest an innocent woman who'd be defending her property, and possibly even her life from a black savage who has none, well then to hell with them.
They are savages.  Any excuse is enough for these hominids to resort to violence and deprevity.
The poor lady in that car should have filled a pot hole with that black beast!
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on January 16, 2007, 01:50:34 PM
Thank you ACM. That must have been one horrible experience. I have read many books about Chinese Communism and Mao etc. but this is the first time I had ever spoken directly to anyone that lived through the suffereing. So I take it you are Christian? Here in Canada there are massive amounts of Asians, but mostly Socialist/Communist Asians with pockets of Christians or Buddhist (I think) here and there but the majority that have come here to Toronto, Calgary or Vancouver are, in my opinion, the red type and have been a major influence on the drug trade and violent Asian Triad gangs and people that will eat anything that moves, which I find personally most revolting and most uncivilized. I found this situation to be very different with the Christian Chinese and Asians that came here and fit in with their Christian surroundings very well. Most Christians come and wish to live via the Canadian Christian culture and keep their Asian language for something to be used at home or amongst relatives but mostly speak English. This I found to be totally opposite with the "red" types of Chinese, Asians, Arab/Moslems or any non-Christian or non-Jewish immigrants...... which are engulfing us by the hour....

Thanks again for the input... :)

My parents were Buddhist.
I was to worship communism.
But since I was a teenager, I've been going to church.
I think the commies need to be de-educated from their re-education (communism).

The triads were used by communist China against once British occupied HK.

Thanks for the Canada info. Now I know where the bad rap about Asians comes from.
And thanks for being honest about it.

For comparison how about:
China and Taiwan
North Korea and South Korea

I've seen the Korean border. Both sides have paved roads.
On the south, you have the reflective white and yellow lines cleanly drawn.
There are no cracks or pot-holes.
On the north, you have unmaintained roads. No lines drawn. cracks and holes all over. The pavement has grayed out over time.

The officials can be pretty nasty, but since I look like I could be Korean, they mostly left me alone.

Have you ever wondered how it's like in commie countries?
Don't worry. You won't have to wait long and you won't have to go anywhere.
We'll be communized soon. They've had a 100 year head start here in the United States.

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 16, 2007, 02:40:46 PM
My parents were jailed in eastern europe for fighting against communism
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Hail Columbia on January 16, 2007, 03:26:53 PM
My parents were jailed in eastern europe for fighting against communism

What country were they from, and what did they do?
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 16, 2007, 03:45:48 PM
Romania and they were giving food to anti commie fighters and going to protests.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 16, 2007, 04:18:54 PM
Wow azrom.  Are you Jewish?  I read a fabulous book about Nicolae Ceauşescu called "Red Horizons"-Gen. Iona Pacepa.  It was a very good book.  I couldn't imagine living in a police state with spies and being monitored all the time, although it is quickly coming here...  I'd like to read about the history of Romania and even tour the country.  It sounds like a fascinating place with a very interesting history...  Vlad Tepes....whose castle is up for sale now for a cool $78 million. 
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 16, 2007, 06:05:00 PM
Wow azrom.  Are you Jewish?  I read a fabulous book about Nicolae Ceauşescu called "Red Horizons"-Gen. Iona Pacepa.  It was a very good book.  I couldn't imagine living in a police state with spies and being monitored all the time, although it is quickly coming here...  I'd like to read about the history of Romania and even tour the country.  It sounds like a fascinating place with a very interesting history...  Vlad Tepes....whose castle is up for sale now for a cool $78 million. 

I have some jewish ancestors. But I was raised a christian. We left Romanian in 1991 and moved to the us. I will have to pick up that book. Vlad tepes is a hero to many Romanians for defeating the Turks, I hope to see his castle when I go visit this september, first time back there since I left in 91.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 16, 2007, 07:11:22 PM
That is actually very nice.  You will have to take some pics and send them to me.  Apparently there are two castles that were places of Vlad Tepes.  One is Bran Castle which is for sale the other is one called Poenari Castle which has a more in depth history associated with Tepes.  I'd love to go one day.  I wouldn't mind living in Romania I don't think.  It looks very nice comparable to "multicultural" toronto..

Oh ACM.  I'm not too well knowledged in Taiwan although my cousin is there now teaching English.  My friend is a teacher is South Korea and says that the culture is very animalistic and sub-human.  He hated every minute he was there.  He said the Koreans by and large are very lacking in the mental capacity area... 

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MasterWolf1 on January 16, 2007, 07:25:12 PM
My ancestors came from Italy,,, and I still have a good amount of relatives living in Northern Italy in the Alp region and they all say the same the blacks that migrated from Africa into Europe are either pimps, hookers or drug pushers.  Savages are savages no matter where they are.. Africa, Europe or here in the U.S. ... Take a good look at Haiti.. also savage its in them, thier genetics to act like beasts.  And what you do with beasts you put them in cages.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 16, 2007, 08:40:12 PM
^ Nice, Italians and Romanians are the true latin people, not those mexicans. My family went on a vaction to Italy this summer, what they saw made them sick, those old historical churches full of graffiti, streets dirty and filled with trash, muslims everywhere. If you read any of Oriana Fallaci's books she says those [censored] immigrants defecate on the historical Italian monuments. I can not believe the people of Italy don't do anything about it.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 16, 2007, 08:48:57 PM
That is actually very nice.  You will have to take some pics and send them to me.  Apparently there are two castles that were places of Vlad Tepes.  One is Bran Castle which is for sale the other is one called Poenari Castle which has a more in depth history associated with Tepes.  I'd love to go one day.  I wouldn't mind living in Romania I don't think.  It looks very nice comparable to "multicultural" toronto..

Yup, I was actually thinking of moving back there. The country is very nice, I don't think any of that multicultural stuff will fly there since Romanians have alot of history with gypsies. Its a shame they joined the EU though, funny how they have a problem in England with Romanian immigrants who are white, but not with tons of muslims, and [censored], and asian muslims. I will take pics, I wanna see the whole country. Here is a nice Romanian myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=57624162 there is some music playing on it but you can turn that off.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 16, 2007, 09:02:05 PM
Thanks azrom.  I'd love to visit there as well.  I think it would have been much better if Romania hadn't have joined the EU.  If I were you I'd head back and try to get into politics there and do some good.  That country as resources that, G-d willing, the EU won't rape from the Romanian people. 
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Hail Columbia on January 16, 2007, 11:00:35 PM
^ Nice, Italians and Romanians are the true latin people, not those mexicans.

I am of Hispanic descent, and I get pissed off everytime I hear the term "Latino" being used.  To me, that term is worthless, since it doesn't include mostly anyone who descended from the Romans, such as the groups that you have mentioned.  The term "Latino", for some reason, only refers to those of Spanish descent, and to a smaller extent, those of Portuguese descent, who come from the Western Hemisphere, despite having an ambiguous literal meaning.  How is it that mestizos, who identify principally with Indian culture, be considered a Latino, while Italians, who are the most direct descendants of the Romans, are not considered as such?
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 16, 2007, 11:43:39 PM
^ Nice, Italians and Romanians are the true latin people, not those mexicans.

I am of Hispanic descent, and I get pissed off everytime I hear the term "Latino" being used.  To me, that term is worthless, since it doesn't include mostly anyone who descended from the Romans, such as the groups that you have mentioned.  The term "Latino", for some reason, only refers to those of Spanish descent, and to a smaller extent, those of Portuguese descent, who come from the Western Hemisphere, despite having an ambiguous literal meaning.  How is it that mestizos, who identify principally with Indian culture, be considered a Latino, while Italians, who are the most direct descendants of the Romans, are not considered as such?

The mestizos have perverted the word for their use. I get angry just like you whenever I hear the term latino applied to them.  "mestizos" are NOT Latins, the real latins are white people, and you can see their offspring in the white people with Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, French, Galician, Italian, Occitan, Aromanian, Aragonese or Catalan Blood.
I've been thinking about making a thread about latin/latino/and hispanic to show where the words come from and who the real ones are.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Lisa on January 17, 2007, 10:14:04 AM
I read Fallaci's books "The Rage and The Pride" and "The Force of Reason."  She does write about how the Muslims defecate on, and vandalize the churches.  But there's more.  She says the churches actually sell their land to the moosies so they can build mosques.  These churches also shelter moosie illegal aliens, and aggressively fight their governments to prevent them from being deported.  WHY???
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 20, 2007, 05:26:15 PM
^ I'm not sure. But in the book america alone it talks about how after 911 alot of people converted to Islam. I guess they are just cowards who don't wanna take a stand or just fit in. They asked a lady who became a muslim right after 911 why she did it and she said she does not really know. I suggest they are scared and wanna make friends with the enemy.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Sarah on January 20, 2007, 05:54:25 PM
^ I'm not sure. But in the book america alone it talks about how after 911 alot of people converted to Islam. I guess they are just cowards who don't wanna take a stand or just fit in. They asked a lady who became a muslim right after 911 why she did it and she said she does not really know. I suggest they are scared and wanna make friends with the enemy.

That is quite an odd issue....yes maybe in that particular womens case, she was scared and wanted to make friends with the enemy but also in that case it means she is fairly stupid and ignorant and IF a LOT OF AMERICAN people converted because of the same reason then they would all be ignorant....and that i don't believe is true.

I reckon its fairly simplistic.....they 9/11 bombings exposed ISLAM...and thats all you would see on the news and media for quite a while afterwards...which may of caused people to be curious about the religion which caused such an uproar..they then may have researched into the religion and it could have lead them to believe that ISLAM is the truth.

Or in terms you would prefer.....found research that misrepresented islam and its true meanings...and showed it to be a religion of peace, when instead it is not. These poor americans were led to believe in the wrong and became muslims based on very little information......
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 20, 2007, 06:13:07 PM
Well it is true there was a  surge in people converting to islam after 911. You should read the book
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Sarah on January 20, 2007, 06:24:43 PM
will do.....as a matter of fact i spent my time in the "history" section of a book shop today---usually i'm in the teenage fiction, but have been motivated:)-...trying to find a book marzutra recommended.....not much luck though.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 20, 2007, 09:14:26 PM
will do.....as a matter of fact i spent my time in the "history" section of a book shop today---usually i'm in the teenage fiction, but have been motivated:)-...trying to find a book marzutra recommended.....not much luck though.

I doubt you will find any of the books Mazutra recommends into your local book store. Try amazon.com they have one for the uk I think. I found some books he told me about there.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: kahaneloyalist on January 20, 2007, 09:49:55 PM
The reason there were so many converts to Islam after 9/11 is that Islam has something to offer beyond the Nihilistic Democracy that is all Liberals have. So naturally people are drawn to a cause a purpose even if its evil when the only other option is nothingness.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 21, 2007, 10:43:14 AM
will do.....as a matter of fact i spent my time in the "history" section of a book shop today---usually i'm in the teenage fiction, but have been motivated:)-...trying to find a book marzutra recommended.....not much luck though.
I am very glad to see that you are motivated.  This is a good and positive thing I should think.  I noticed you read teenage fiction?  Be very careful with that because that specific area has been totally subverted with socialist principals promoting the Communist party line.  Too, one can note that much of which is also infected by the New Age garbage.  May I ask what book you are ref. to?  I should think that Islam is comparable to Judaism in that there is one Torah and one true Judaism (Orthodox) where as there is one Quraan, one Mohammed and one Islam.  If Islam is anything as to what is written in the Quraan and practiced through the deeds of Mohammed.....we are all in trouble. :'(
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on January 21, 2007, 08:48:19 PM

I am of Hispanic descent, and I get pissed off every time I hear the term "Latino" being used.  To me, tha

How are you Hispanic?
Where are your ancestors from?
When I speak to people from Spain or Portugal, some of them consider themselves white and not Hispanic.
One woman with a heavy Portuguese accent got very offended when I called her Hispanic. She says she's white, and that Hispanics have chicken skin because they eat so much fried chicken.

I believe Hispanics are not a legitimate race. From what I've learned, they were created about six hundred years ago. The Spanish sent their criminals to the new world to fight their war in exchange for their release.
So, after their release to the new world from Spanish prisons, they went around raping the red skin American Indians.
Hispanics are the products of rape.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 21, 2007, 09:27:27 PM
The Romans called the Iberian area "Hispania" and certainly it doesn't have anything to do with the modern "[censored]" who besides all the damage they've done have also downgraded the greatness of Spain and its people by using that term for themselves

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: azrom on January 21, 2007, 09:40:24 PM
What these people have done is taken the term America Latina (a term chosen by the French- Amerique Latine) cut it in a half and made the word "Latino/a".

They are twisting history and fooling themselves but it's also our fault for their arrogance because we aren't very aggressive in demanding that they stop usurping our rightfully language and culture. In the absence of a combined effort from all the real Latins these skunks will continue to trash our good name.
And things seems to be getting more complicated as I recently discovered that there exist an organization called " Unione Latina or Latin Union" as some of you know already which groups together any "Latin" speaking nation seven of them in Africa in one large family. The fact is that we are not a family with them and have little or nothing in commun.

Yet from a few European Latin Nations they have made now 35.


I sincerely believe that it takes more than speaking a language derived from the Latin to be a Latino/a. It's always been a matter of Language, race/ethnicity, Roman Christian Religion, the continuation of Roman Laws and European Civilization based on these conditions.

I believe that Marcial wanted to know the meaning of the term Hispanic. Well the confusion still continues but the reality has never changed. Being Hispanic is the equivalent to being Spaniard or Spanish. The Romans called the Iberian area "Hispania" and certainly it doesn't have anything to do with the modern "[censored]" who besides all the damage they've done have also downgraded the greatness of Spain and its people by using that term for themselves.

Here is my thread about latins and hispanics:


I got alot of this info from a thread on StørmFrønt about the latins and there is also a michael savage article about latins I am looking for.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Hail Columbia on January 21, 2007, 10:01:27 PM
How are you Hispanic?
Where are your ancestors from?
When I speak to people from Spain or Portugal, some of them consider themselves white and not Hispanic.
One woman with a heavy Portuguese accent got very offended when I called her Hispanic. She says she's white, and that Hispanics have chicken skin because they eat so much fried chicken.

I believe Hispanics are not a legitimate race. From what I've learned, they were created about six hundred years ago. The Spanish sent their criminals to the new world to fight their war in exchange for their release.
So, after their release to the new world from Spanish prisons, they went around raping the red skin American Indians.
Hispanics are the products of rape.

I consider myself Hispanic, since I am of Spanish blood.  My great-grandparents came from Spain to the Dominican Republic, and my parents came from the Dominican Republic to the United States.  I don't have any Indian blood in me, by the way, but I consider myself white.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Lisa on January 21, 2007, 11:30:29 PM
I know someone who is a naturalized American citizen whose father is Portuguese and his mother is Brazilian.  And he he gets very offended if anyone ever refers to him as Hispanic.  He considers himself white. 
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on January 24, 2007, 12:36:03 AM

I consider myself Hispanic, since I am of Spanish blood.  My great-grandparents came from Spain to the Dominican Republic, and my parents came from the Dominican Republic to the United States.  I don't have any Indian blood in me, by the way, but I consider myself white.

Wouldn't that make you a person of Spanish decent and not a Hispanic?
But then again, maybe those greasy persons are not hispanic. Maybe we can give them another name since they are a newly created race. We can call them "Products-of-Rape".
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on January 24, 2007, 12:37:50 AM
I know someone who is a naturalized American citizen whose father is Portuguese and his mother is Brazilian.  And he he gets very offended if anyone ever refers to him as Hispanic.  He considers himself white. 

I remember a long time ago, my driving instructor insists he was white. He was from Spain.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: Hail Columbia on January 24, 2007, 03:01:20 PM
Wouldn't that make you a person of Spanish decent and not a Hispanic?
But then again, maybe those greasy persons are not hispanic. Maybe we can give them another name since they are a newly created race. We can call them "Products-of-Rape".

First of all, those greasy people from Mexico, and from the rest of Central America, are not Hispanic, they are mestizos, and yes, they are products of rape.  Their ancestors consist of Spanish colonial soldiers, and the Indian women that they raped.  And second, Hispaniola is the Latin name for Spain, and I can't really call myself a Spaniard, since that term refers to nationality.
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: MarZutra on January 24, 2007, 06:26:35 PM
Don't forget the masses of black African imports.... ;)
Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on January 25, 2007, 11:03:50 AM
First of all, those greasy people from Mexico, and from
the rest of Central America, are not Hispanic, they are
mestizos, and yes, they are products of rape. Their
ancestors consist of Spanish colonial soldiers, and
the Indian women that they raped. And second, Hispaniola
is the Latin name for Spain, and I can't really call myself
 a Spaniard, since that term refers to nationality.
Then those smelly Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Dominicans and other slime should stop calling themselves
Hispanic and Spanish.  They call themselves Spanish just because they can poorly speak Spanish.
Because if they can call themselves Spanish, then we can call ourselves English.
We'll call them mestizos. We'll call you white.

Title: Re: JTF's Black Attack warning
Post by: mord on January 25, 2007, 11:47:41 AM
Wouldn't that make you a person of Spanish decent and not a Hispanic?
But then again, maybe those greasy persons are not hispanic. Maybe we can give them another name since they are a newly created race. We can call them "Products-of-Rape".

First of all, those greasy people from Mexico, and from the rest of Central America, are not Hispanic, they are mestizos, and yes, they are products of rape.  Their ancestors consist of Spanish colonial soldiers, and the Indian women that they raped.  And second, Hispaniola is the Latin name for Spain, and I can't really call myself a Spaniard, since that term refers to nationality.
A friend who was born in Puerto Rico,yet her Great Gradparents were from Spain calls herself a Spainard