General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: nessuno on October 04, 2008, 07:26:32 PM
:dance: Sarah Palin brought up Obama's connection to Bill Ayers today.
This blogger sums up how I feel.
I hope that McCain/Palin continue to connect the dots.
She mentioned it at her rally in Carson, CA today too (which I attended--nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-na-nah). She also brought up Obama's comment that all U.S. forces in Afghanistan are doing "is killing innocent women and children".
She mentioned it at her rally in Carson, CA today too (which I attended--nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-na-nah). She also brought up Obama's comment that all U.S. forces in Afghanistan are doing "is killing innocent women and children".
Meanwhile, Obama would be all for the killing of unwanted babies. This lowlife no more deserves to run a country than I deserve to fly to the moon.
I hope and pray that this is just the beginning. The McCain-Palin ticket must relentlessly attack Barack Hussein Obama on William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Louis Farakhan etc. That is the only way we can catch up and win this election.
The McCain-Palin ticket must completely ignore news media criticism and just keep attacking with facts. If they allow the leftwing media to dictate to them what they can say about Obama, then we will lose G-d forbid. But if they ignore the media criticism, we can still pull this off G-d willing.
I forgot to add that the uber-righteous Gentile, actor Jon Voight, spoke before Sarah. He talked about how he was converted from Hollywood leftism to conservatism because of what he observed in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, and also how he'd like to hear Obama say that he wants America to win this war.
Here's the video ....Shes fun to watch give speeches.
Now McCain has to go there, she laid out the golden road for him on thursday and I was so proud of her.
I hope and pray that this is just the beginning. The McCain-Palin ticket must relentlessly attack Barack Hussein Obama on William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Louis Farakhan etc. That is the only way we can catch up and win this election.
The McCain-Palin ticket must completely ignore news media criticism and just keep attacking with facts. If they allow the leftwing media to dictate to them what they can say about Obama, then we will lose G-d forbid. But if they ignore the media criticism, we can still pull this off G-d willing.
Yeah, McCain-Palin shouldn't be afraid of the news media, or seek their approval. Sarah is better then McCain at this, because McCain was once a media darling.
Do you think she will ever
say the taboo middle name "Hussein" ?
and that according to Islamic law he is still a Muslim.
Will the Berg Lawsuit be brought up ?
What about his admitted former Kenyan citizenship,
His likely Indonesian citizenship
His fraudulent certificate of live birth.
What about the fact that Hamas and Khadaffi
refer to him as their Muslim brother ?
What about his expertise in singing
the Mengaji to Allah....in perfect Arabic ...
and referring to it as the most beautiful sound on earth
Could she get away with asking
for his Baptism Certificate?
I have my doubts ...but it's possible.
Sarah has done an excellent job so far, lets hope she sticks to her word and defeats oSSama bin Bongo.
She should also mention Obama's ties to Acorn and how Obama lobbied with them to pressure mortgage companies like Countrywide.
Chaim you hit the nail on the Head I wish you were running their campaign. The McCain Campaign is filled with wimps
She mentioned it at her rally in Carson, CA today too (which I attended--nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-na-nah). She also brought up Obama's comment that all U.S. forces in Afghanistan are doing "is killing innocent women and children".
Is that nice, to tease us, C.F.? 8;)
After all this is what we have been waiting for.
I bet we all wish we could have attended that rally with you.
I just hope that they don't back down. I'm worried about that.
I agree with Chaim. McCain/Palin are going need to have fortitude. They are going to have to ignore the criticism that will be heaped on them, in order to succeed.
A few weeks ago in an interview, Giuliani mentioned about Alinsky and how Obama trained under that philosophy.
Others need to also mention about Alinsky.