General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dan on October 26, 2008, 02:24:58 PM

Title: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: Dan on October 26, 2008, 02:24:58 PM

California has begun early voting already as well as mail-in balloting. The number of people who have gone in to vote in person has been extensive. The results so far prove what we had always suspected. The polls are being proven as totally unreliable. Although the results of early balloting have not been disclosed,of course,how many Republicans and how many Democrats have voted has been revealed.

The results are simply shocking. The polls showed Barack Obama with an 18 point lead in California just a few days ago. The results thus far are the complete opposite. In the most liberal state in the entire country,the results are that 99,000 Republicans have voted and 96,000 Democrats voted. In the mail-in balloting the results so far are that 9,000 Democrats sent in their ballots and that 5,000 Republicans did so. So with nearly 210,000 people having voted,the Democrats have only a 1,000 vote advantage !

If we take the liberty of assuming that all Republicans will vote for John McCain and all Democrats will vote for Obama,then the race is incredibly close. I'm sure that Obama will eventually win in California,but if he is struggling here after he pushed so hard for early voting,then he will lose the election ! Everybody thought he would win California in a landslide,but so far anyway,it's very tight. That means that in the less liberal states he is in real trouble.

Ignore the pundits. Forget the polls. Get out there and vote for John McCain. The results in California show the wisdom of Yogi Berra who said, "It's not over until it's over.

Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: P J C on October 26, 2008, 02:31:47 PM
That's pretty good news. No doubt that Liberalfornia and their Gov Schmuckenegger will go Dem this year.
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: Dr. Dan on October 26, 2008, 02:37:44 PM
they aren't supposed to open the absentee ballots until election day...so we dont' know who's voting for whom yet.
Secondly, NY and massechussetes are probably the most liberal states and not california.

Thirdly, I sent in my absentee ballot already..for the state of NJ. I hope they count it.
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: P J C on October 26, 2008, 02:39:13 PM
they aren't supposed to open the absentee ballots until election day...so we dont' know who's voting for whom yet.
Secondly, NY and massechussetes are probably the most liberal states and not california.

Thirdly, I sent in my absentee ballot already..for the state of NJ. I hope they count it.
Dont forget that liberal state Vermont
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: Sentinel For Truth on October 26, 2008, 04:31:22 PM
I live in California and I was once a Democrat back before JTF.org woke me up to the reality of what is what, and now I know the RIGHT way.

I will be voting for John McCain and also encouraging everyone I know to do the same.  This Obama creature is far too dangerous for the U.S. and the world.
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: Baltimore on October 26, 2008, 04:45:15 PM
Before we call anything stunning you have to take in to account that the major cities of California and areas that surround them are liberal. Then there are huge areas of land with few towns in them that are very rugged and are filled with conservative minded people. It is a tremendous state. I believe one out of nine US citizens lives in the state of California!
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on October 26, 2008, 06:12:37 PM
Before we get too excited, we have to remember that absentee voters are more likely to be elderly, who are more conservative than young and middle-aged voters.
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on October 26, 2008, 06:58:13 PM
This is a good sign
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: jaime on October 26, 2008, 09:36:25 PM
Good news.  thanks Briann.  Watching Hannity's America and getting scared.  No one in their right mind would vote for these 2 arrogant, abrasive jerks who do not have America's best interests at heart.  I'm watching Hannity and everything he is reporting just doesn't seem to bother the people that are voting for them AT ALL.  You've got to be nuts to ignore what they stand for.  They are traitors, thieves, liars, 2-faced, etc. :yuck: I hope America WAKES UP!!!!!!
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: Shlomo on October 26, 2008, 10:37:26 PM
I really think the media slants their polls (or chooses the poll that best suits them) because they believe in the "pack" mentality (if people see obama is ahead, they may vote for him because others do).

I don't trust any of the polls. More surprising things have happened in elections.
Title: Re: Stunning results in early voting in California!
Post by: jaime on October 26, 2008, 10:54:18 PM
Exactly.  No one wants to vote for a loser.  Rasmussen, gushing and gloating, makes me sick.  I unsubscribed to his poll.  What good is it anyway.  He always says, "wait a week."  i don't want to wait a week.  i want the poll now.  i wonder who he's voting for :crazy: