Pollard's sentence is an abomination. Pure anti-semitism. Let's be frank, shall we? If Israel wanted to spy on the US, they wouldn't use a Jewish guy. Helllooooo.
This is Pollard's 24th year in prison. The median sentence for the offense Pollard committed - one count of passing classified information to an ally - is 2 to 4 years. Pollard received his life sentence without a trial, as a result of a plea bargain which he honored and the U.S. government violated.
Flood the White House with Phone Calls: Free Pollard Now!
"I'm calling to register a strong request that President Bush issue an immediate Pardon to Jonathan Pollard."
Flood the White House with Phone Calls: Free Pollard Now!
On Friday Nov 21st Jonathan Pollard will enter his 24th year in prison.
On Sunday Nov 23rd Ehud Olmert will be meeting with President Bush for the
last time.
On Thursday Nov 27th the American people will celebrate the Thanksgiving
Holiday - a holiday traditionally associated with Presidential clemencies.
Now is the time to call upon the President:
Free Jonathan Pollard!
Call: 202-456 -1111 or 202-456-1414
(Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM - Eastern DST)
Every phone call is important. Everyone is encouraged to start calling the
White House and to call daily, repeatedly, until Jonathan is home in
Jerusalem, alive and well.
Presidential clemencies are traditionally signed precisely at this time and
prisoners are freed in advance of the holiday to go home to their families
for Thanksgiving. What finer gesture could President Bush make to the People
of Israel when he meets with the PM this coming week? Freedom for Jonathan
Mr. Bush has but 2 months left in office. These two months are a time of
grace, when the out-going president traditionally grants clemencies to
prisoners. There is no legal or moral reason that requires the president to
wait until his last day in office to grant clemency. Call the White House
today! Please, Mr. President, send Jonathan Pollard home!
White House telephone lines are manned from 4 PM
To ensure a faster response, follow the instructions
for "Rotary" telephones regardless!]
"I'm calling to register a strong request that President Bush issue an immediate Pardon to Jonathan Pollard."
[ quote ][ size=9pt ]This is a test[ /size ][ /quote ]
This is a test
He should be freed and make alyiah. Israel should strongly demand his liberation. It's silly that the US presses on Israel to make peace with terrorists with blood in their hands and free them.... and the same US refuses to liberate Pollard.
What do I think about him? His only "crime" is being a GOOD JEW, and it is a complete injustice and atrocious offense the way he has been kept in jail for so many years and treated like dirt, by both the US and Israeli establishments. It's an antisemitic outrage, but Shimon Peres and the court Jews in the Israeli govt are also partly responsible!
Stay in jail.
The last thing I want is for our intelligence to be a open book just because the spy is giving it to an ally.
The last thing I want is godless British people with no morals selling US intelligence to Mussies.
Reagan had nothing to do with the case, Pollard never appealed until 1990 and he PLEAD guilty he admitted guilt, therefore if he ever thought he never did anything wrong, why did he plea guilty?
Paul Hill never plead guilty because he knew what he did was right, so why wouldn't Pollard if he thought what he was doing was right plea guilty?
Stay in jail.
The last thing I want is for our intelligence to be a open book just because the spy is giving it to an ally.
The last thing I want is godless British people with no morals selling US intelligence to Mussies.
Reagan had nothing to do with the case, Pollard never appealed until 1990 and he PLEAD guilty he admitted guilt, therefore if he ever thought he never did anything wrong, why did he plea guilty?
Paul Hill never plead guilty because he knew what he did was right, so why wouldn't Pollard if he thought what he was doing was right plea guilty?
You guys have to understand my position before throwing out the Nazi word...
You can't be letting other countries, whether they are allies or not be having people go into the intelligence community to steal information. The US needs to show it won't tolerate any thing of that sort.
I doubt you guys would be saying the same thing if the UK or some other ally did the same thing, which is hypocritical.
You guys have to understand my position before throwing out the Nazi word...
You can't be letting other countries, whether they are allies or not be having people go into the intelligence community to steal information. The US needs to show it won't tolerate any thing of that sort.
I doubt you guys would be saying the same thing if the UK or some other ally did the same thing, which is hypocritical.
The punishment should not be cruel and unusual... In this case there are other 'spies' who have revealed more damaging information yet were not given life sentences. For this case, which he was convicted for 'conspiracy to deliver national defense information to a foreign government' the usual sentence was 2-4 years... Because Weinerberger suddenly called it treason {and he was NEVER charged with or found guilty of TREASON} he was given the life sentence... Very cruel and unusual!
Stay in jail.Time to ban yet another troll...
The last thing I want is for our intelligence to be a open book just because the spy is giving it to an ally.
The last thing I want is godless British people with no morals selling US intelligence to Mussies.
Reagan had nothing to do with the case, Pollard never appealed until 1990 and he PLEAD guilty he admitted guilt, therefore if he ever thought he never did anything wrong, why did he plea guilty?
Paul Hill never plead guilty because he knew what he did was right, so why wouldn't Pollard if he thought what he was doing was right plea guilty?
Are you alright GNG?!I second that. I predict that any moment Shlomo is going to give this schmuck the royal boot.
You're begging to sound like a down right Nazi colaborator.
The primary investigator in the Pollard case, Ron Olive, stated in his 2006 book Capturing Jonathan Pollard, that Pollard offered classified material to four other countries besides Israel, including Pakistan.Bulls%&t.
You guys have to understand my position before throwing out the Nazi word...Save it for StørmFrønt. Only a goosestepping WN would be sad that Saddam Hussein's nuclear facilities were destroyed by the Israeli air force (thanks to Pollard doing the right thing).
You can't be letting other countries, whether they are allies or not be having people go into the intelligence community to steal information. The US needs to show it won't tolerate any thing of that sort.
I doubt you guys would be saying the same thing if the UK or some other ally did the same thing, which is hypocritical.
You guys have to understand my position before throwing out the Nazi word...
You can't be letting other countries, whether they are allies or not be having people go into the intelligence community to steal information. The US needs to show it won't tolerate any thing of that sort.
I doubt you guys would be saying the same thing if the UK or some other ally did the same thing, which is hypocritical.
You guys have to understand my position before throwing out the Nazi word...Save it for StørmFrønt. Only a goosestepping WN would be sad that Saddam Hussein's nuclear facilities were destroyed by the Israeli air force (thanks to Pollard doing the right thing).
You can't be letting other countries, whether they are allies or not be having people go into the intelligence community to steal information. The US needs to show it won't tolerate any thing of that sort.
I doubt you guys would be saying the same thing if the UK or some other ally did the same thing, which is hypocritical.
C.F. is right to be critical of GNG, JTF's position on Johnatan Pollard is Clear and without any doubt.You guys have to understand my position before throwing out the Nazi word...Save it for StørmFrønt. Only a goosestepping WN would be sad that Saddam Hussein's nuclear facilities were destroyed by the Israeli air force (thanks to Pollard doing the right thing).
You can't be letting other countries, whether they are allies or not be having people go into the intelligence community to steal information. The US needs to show it won't tolerate any thing of that sort.
I doubt you guys would be saying the same thing if the UK or some other ally did the same thing, which is hypocritical.
C.F. I think you're going a little far in attacking him. Not everyone understands the whole story here or why it's JTF's position that Pollard be freed.
Ronald Reagan (who, praise G-d, is being boiled in the lake of fire as we speak) did this to Pollard as a favor to his Saudi masters.
pure, uncalled for idiocy
We'll have to wait and see.What's to wait and see? This individual has deliberately chosen to spell out G-d's name in his screenname, which is offensive to Jews. Shlomo will lay a beatdown on his rear any minute now.
Because he was behind the prosecution of Pollard. This Saudi-fellating, Jew-hating beast was behind the prosecution of Pollard from the start. Reagan had a horrible track record on Israel. Don't forget that he sent Marines to Lebanon in order to protect the PLO headquarters and Hezbollah from the Israeli army. In the process, he got 250 Marines murdered.
Because he was behind the prosecution of Pollard. This Saudi-fellating, Jew-hating beast was behind the prosecution of Pollard from the start. Reagan had a horrible track record on Israel. Don't forget that he sent Marines to Lebanon in order to protect the PLO headquarters and Hezbollah from the Israeli army. In the process, he got 250 Marines murdered.
I think Reagan did more good then bad. What do you think?
You guys have to understand my position before throwing out the Nazi word...
You can't be letting other countries, whether they are allies or not be having people go into the intelligence community to steal information. The US needs to show it won't tolerate any thing of that sort.
I doubt you guys would be saying the same thing if the UK or some other ally did the same thing, which is hypocritical.
it's clear what he thinks. Once again, CF calls for someone to suffer. He seems to do that with everyone he disagrees with.If your friend Buchanan passed intelligence to the country that he is loyal to, Russia, I guarantee you he'd be sentenced to a lot less than Pollard was.
The only hypocrite here is you (and people who think like you). EVERY COUNTRY is spying on every other country. Get that through your thick head. In some cases agents give over information to ENEMY nations, even information that compromises US security to those enemy nations, and THEY don't get anywhere near the sentence that Pollard got. And here, Pollard spied for not an enemy nation but AN ALLY, and he didn't give any information that put the US at any kind of security risk. He merely provided Israel with information that was vital to its security, which the US had agreed to help provide them with anyway but were withholding it for obviously antisemitic reasons. The same kind of reasons used by people like you who try to promote the idea that Pollard should remain in jail, chas veshalom. May he be freed soon and let's see if you eat your words.Very true and well-stated, but don't expect Nazis and Pat Buchanan supporters (not that those aren't one and the same) to listen to logic and reason against their Jew-theories. Just report SatanGunsandGlory's posts. I'm going to right now.
[size 9pt]The only hypocrite here is you (and people who think like you). EVERY COUNTRY is spying on every other country. Get that through your thick head. In some cases agents give over information to ENEMY nations, even information that compromises US security to those enemy nations, and THEY don't get anywhere near the sentence that Pollard got. And here, Pollard spied for not an enemy nation but AN ALLY, and he didn't give any information that put the US at any kind of security risk. He merely provided Israel with information that was vital to its security, which the US had agreed to help provide them with anyway but were withholding it for obviously antisemitic reasons. The same kind of reasons used by people like you who try to promote the idea that Pollard should remain in jail, chas veshalom. May he be freed soon and let's see if you eat your words. [/size 9pt]
it's clear what he thinks. Once again, CF calls for someone to suffer. He seems to do that with everyone he disagrees with.If your friend Buchanan passed intelligence to the country that he is loyal to, Russia, I guarantee you he'd be sentenced to a lot less than Pollard was.
Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanson, who reported a dozen-odd CIA agents in Russia to the KGB, got lighter sentences than Pollard. But I'm sure you think they were framed up by a "Zionist conspiracy."
another stupid post from CF. What else is newI notice you didn't deny what I said! ;-)
another stupid post from CF. What else is newI notice you didn't deny what I said! ;-)
Normally when you make your ridiculous comments, then say
"You didn't Deny it"
you don't follow it with a wink
You have here though. This looks like a defence tactic on your part (so this time you can say that you were only joking).
Of course, it's no defence to the retort, "never a truer word spoken in jest", but it leaves you some wiggle room that you forgot to leave yourself in the past.
Normally when you make your ridiculous comments, then say
"You didn't Deny it"
you don't follow it with a wink
You have here though. This looks like a defence tactic on your part (so this time you can say that you were only joking).
Of course, it's no defence to the retort, "never a truer word spoken in jest", but it leaves you some wiggle room that you forgot to leave yourself in the past.
Umm, what is your point, dude?
Nevermind q_q_, he enjoys giving people a hard time for no reason besides his own ego...
pure, uncalled for idiocy
*shh... pipe down everybody. I think a Pat Buchanan supporter was trying to squeak something, but I couldn't make it out...*
pure, uncalled for idiocy
*shh... pipe down everybody. I think a Pat Buchanan supporter was trying to squeak something, but I couldn't make it out...*
Please show me Reagan's involvement in the Pollard case.
Remember that the correlation of Reagan being president does not imply causation.
So pipe down until you can back up your idiotic claims.
pure, uncalled for idiocy
*shh... pipe down everybody. I think a Pat Buchanan supporter was trying to squeak something, but I couldn't make it out...*
Please show me Reagan's involvement in the Pollard case.
Remember that the correlation of Reagan being president does not imply causation.
So pipe down until you can back up your idiotic claims.
Caspar Weinberger
Ronald Reagans Secretary of State was intimately involved in the persecution {sic} of Jonathan Pollard.
Prosecution of someone who broke the law.
It is unconstitutional to treat anyone differently under the law and the non prosecution of Pollard could be in the future used as an excuse by lawyers to not prosecute spies from other countries whether they are a ally or not.
Suggest you read up on the 9th amendment, because you sound like a leftist who is ignorant of the constitution. Not prosecuting Pollard would send the message you are allowed to spy on America and to disparage that right from others would be unconstitutional.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_PollardMaybe we can talk when you are a bit more knowledgeable about the facts. Pollard has been in prison for 23 years now, far longer than any other person found guilty of this crime.
Pollard's plea discussions with the Government sought both to minimize his chances of receiving a life sentence and to enable Anne Pollard to plead as well, which the Government was otherwise unwilling to let her do. The government, however, was prepared to offer Anne Pollard a plea agreement only after Jonathan Pollard consented to assist the government in its damage assessment and submitted to polygraph examinations and interviews with FBI agents and Department of Justice attorneys. Accordingly, over a period of several months, Pollard cooperated with the Government's investigation, and in late May 1986, the Government offered him a plea agreement, which he accepted.
By the terms of that agreement, Pollard was bound to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to deliver national defense information to a foreign government,[15] which carried a maximum prison term of life, and to cooperate fully with the Government's ongoing investigation. He promised not to disseminate any information concerning his crimes without submitting to pre-clearance by the Director of Naval Intelligence. His agreement further provided that failure by Anne Pollard to adhere to the terms of her agreement entitled the Government to void his agreement, and her agreement contained a mirror-image provision.
In return for Pollard's plea, the Government promised not to charge him with additional crimes, entered into a plea agreement with Anne Pollard, and made several specific representations that are very much at issue in this case. The critical provisions are paragraphs 4(a) and 4(b) of the agreement, in which the Government "agreed as follows":
(a) When [Pollard] appears before the Court for sentencing for the offense to which he has agreed to plead guilty, the Government will bring to the Court's attention the nature, extent and value of his cooperation and testimony. Because of the classified nature of the information Mr. Pollard has provided to the Government, it is understood that particular representations concerning his cooperation may have to be made to the Court in camera. In general, however, the Government has agreed to represent that the information Mr. Pollard has provided is of considerable value to the Government's damage assessment analysis, its investigation of this criminal case, and the enforcement of the espionage laws.
(b) Notwithstanding Mr. Pollard's cooperation, at the time of sentencing the Government will recommend that the Court impose a sentence of a substantial period of incarceration and a monetary fine. The Government retains full right of allocution at all times concerning the facts and circumstances of the offenses committed by Mr. Pollard, and will be free to correct any misstatements of fact at the time of sentencing, including representations of the defendant and his counsel in regard to the nature and extent of Mr. Pollard's cooperation. Moreover, Mr. Pollard understands that, while the Court may take his cooperation into account in determining whether or not to impose a sentence of life imprisonment, this agreement cannot and does not limit the court's discretion to impose the maximum sentence.[citation needed]
On June 4, 1986 Jonathan Pollard pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to deliver national defense information to a foreign government. Before sentencing, and in violation of the plea agreement, Pollard and his wife Anne gave defiant media interviews in which they defended their spying, and attempted to rally American Jews to their cause. In a 60 Minutes interview, Anne said, "I feel my husband and I did what we were expected to do, and what our moral obligation was as Jews, what our moral obligation was as human beings, and I have no regrets about that".[9] Three weeks before Pollard's sentencing, Wolf Blitzer, at the time a Jerusalem Post correspondent, conducted a jail-cell interview with Pollard and penned an article which also ran in The Washington Post headlined, "Pollard: Not A Bumbler, but Israel's Master Spy." published on February 15, 1987.[16] Pollard told Blitzer about some of the information he provided the Israelis: reconnaissance satellite photography of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) headquarters in Tunisia, specific capabilities of Libya's air defenses, and "the pick of U.S. intelligence about Arab and Islamic conventional and unconventional military activity, from Morocco to Pakistan and every country in between. This included both 'friendly' and 'unfriendly' Arab countries."
According to an opinion piece by Joseph C. Goulden, the breaking of the plea agreement (in which Pollard swore not to disclose classified material he obtained while working for the Navy and swore not to "provide information for purposes of publication or dissemination," unless it was reviewed by the Director of Naval Intelligence) remains one possible reason for Pollard's remaining in prison despite a change in U.S. parole laws.[17]
Before sentencing, as noted above, Secretary Weinberger delivered a 46-page classified memorandum to the sentencing judge. According to a pro-Pollard ACLU amicus brief,[18] Wolf Blitzer,[19] former U.S. District Court Judge George N. Leighton (see below) and even Pollard's own website[20] the contents of the memo were shown to Pollard's attorneys at the time. On the day before sentencing, Weinberger delivered a supplemental four-page memorandum to the judge. Pollard and his attorneys were shown the supplemental memorandum only briefly before sentencing. Pollard alleges that, in the memorandum, Weinberger accused him of treason and suggested a lifetime prison sentence.
Pollard never faced treason charges and was convicted within the boundaries of the charge he pleaded guilty to, although many speculate that the Weinberger memorandum outlined (and the classified memorandum to the judge detailed) treasonous activities by Pollard, due to the overwhelming assertion by U.S. defense and intelligence officials that Pollard should stay imprisoned for life.
The primary investigator in the Pollard case, Ron Olive, stated in his 2006 book Capturing Jonathan Pollard, that Pollard offered classified material to four other countries besides Israel, including Pakistan. Seven former U.S. secretaries of Defense have written petitions to keep Pollard imprisoned for life, and CIA chief George Tenet threatened to resign when the issue of releasing Pollard was put forward by the Clinton administration.[21]
pure, uncalled for idiocy
*shh... pipe down everybody. I think a Pat Buchanan supporter was trying to squeak something, but I couldn't make it out...*
Please show me Reagan's involvement in the Pollard case.
Remember that the correlation of Reagan being president does not imply causation.
So pipe down until you can back up your idiotic claims.
pure, uncalled for idiocy
*shh... pipe down everybody. I think a Pat Buchanan supporter was trying to squeak something, but I couldn't make it out...*
Please show me Reagan's involvement in the Pollard case.
Remember that the correlation of Reagan being president does not imply causation.
So pipe down until you can back up your idiotic claims.
GG&G it it right, that Pollard broke the law. I am shure he had to subscribe a security annex to his employment contract.
But do you really think that his crime was so heavy to let him die in prison?
I seriously doubt.
There are always levels in breach of regulations. And law has to account for it.
Prosecution of someone who broke the law.
It is unconstitutional to treat anyone differently under the law and the non prosecution of Pollard could be in the future used as an excuse by lawyers to not prosecute spies from other countries whether they are a ally or not.
Suggest you read up on the 9th amendment, because you sound like a leftist who is ignorant of the constitution. Not prosecuting Pollard would send the message you are allowed to spy on America and to disparage that right from others would be unconstitutional.