Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: admin on March 05, 2007, 04:52:13 PM

Title: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: admin on March 05, 2007, 04:52:13 PM
My synagogue sold its old building to "Black Hebrews" because the neighborhood became Negrofied. In the meantime they are renting the old building from the schvartzas and using the funds from the sale to build a new synagogue in the suburbs just across the city line that is the border between Philadelphia and Montgomery County. The Philadelphia side is all schvartza now. In the past 10 years, all the Jews have fled to my side of the border.

Last Shabbat, they announced that we will have to use temporary locations until the new building is ready because the "Hebros" wanted to move into the building for Passover and they're not even Jewish. The agreement was to stay until some time in April. People are mad at the schvartzas now. A Persian Jew who drove me home from services this morning told me today that those schvartzas are n*ggers and are not even Jewish and that they paid such a cheap price for the building. So just because they think that "dey be the original Hebros", that they should be there for Passover and they won't let us be there.

Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 05, 2007, 04:58:11 PM
I think it's horrifying how many people are willing to believe anything the [censored] say, and to bend over backwards to accommodate them.

Something is seriously wrong here.
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: Yochanan Zev on March 06, 2007, 12:23:54 PM
A Persian Jew who drove me home from services this morning told me today that those schvartzas are n*ggers and are not even Jewish and that they paid such a cheap price for the building. So just because they think that "dey be the original Hebros", that they should be there for Passover and they won't let us be there.

Did you leave the mezuzah in place on the front doorpost of the synangogue?
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: mord on March 07, 2007, 07:18:32 AM
There's still another 5 days until the last day.

Well when you say Black Hebrews do you mean those guys on T.V. their not Jewish ,they mix Judaism and Christianity together their not real Jews.Then the Mezzuzahs have to be taking down.
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: Maccabi on March 07, 2007, 09:42:56 AM
I met a "hebro" this weekend at a pub.

He said he was a Jesuit and a Jew.

I think he said he drew obscene portraits of nuns or something and did other strange artwork. lol.

he knew a few things, facts and ancient people and stuff, but most of what he said made no sense to me.
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: Angry Panther on March 07, 2007, 12:15:53 PM
I remember seeing the black hebros on MNN in NYC years ago. The black hebros in Philadelphia must be connected somehow with the hebros in NYC. There not jewish, all there doing is anti-semitic eye-poking. There disgusting. Yacov, I hope your synagogue DOESN'T leave a torah for them, there not jewish.
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: fjack on March 07, 2007, 03:36:06 PM
These africanus crimialis are nothing more than extortionistS. They have no 'history' except a police rap sheet. I am not Jewish, buy I am amazed by Jewish stupidity. Why in the world would any Jew consider a black biped a 'Jew'. It doesn't make sense. These are a sub species of Homo Sapien Sapiens, they have nor fully evolved. If the Jews in Philly are so easy to give up a house of G_d then they should not complain. STAND UP AND FIGHT.
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: sat_chit_anand on March 07, 2007, 03:49:55 PM
I met a "hebro" this weekend at a pub.

He said he was a Jesuit and a Jew.

I think he said he drew obscene portraits of nuns or something and did other strange artwork. lol.

he knew a few things, facts and ancient people and stuff, but most of what he said made no sense to me.

Oh, a Jesuit and a Jew? Interesting.

I remember seeing a black supremacist film when I was at art school. I cannot remember the the name of it, but it featured black American people wearing strange (mostly purple) futuristic clothing and reading poetry composed of a lot of invented words which sounded terribly technical.

The film was from the 1970s, such a strange film. Was it something to do with 'Jive Talk' or the 'Blaxploitation' genre?

Naive forms can be quite interesting but it is all very strange. This was the sort of nonsense we had to put up with at art school, along with the banning of all representational art beyond life drawing. (I was expelled from art school for standing up to my (lesbian, emasculating) painting tutor and for (amongst other things) painting an Italian fascist style painting representing the traditional separation of gender.) If I had kept the painting (destroyed in a fit of pique) I would post it here on the forum. It was a Victorian train station, painted in earth colours. Trains representing the male form, all else representing the female.

Did post-modernism derive from the Frankfurt School?

Fjack, one cannot help but feel a little bit sorry for black people. There are, of course many decent black people.

What we are suffering from, is the modern permeability of the cultural divide. The survival of ethno-culture depends more upon a system of cultural restraints rather than racialism. When cultural constraints and barriers erode, racialism comes to fill the vacuum which is left behind.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't racialism idolatry? I would agree that black people are not homo sapiens sapiens, but this is science, not godly knowledge.

In a conservative culture, the parents of a married couple would have to give their consent to a marriage. Does that not cover for every eventuality? Why would we need racialism if our ethno-culture were conservative? We wouldn't.
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: mord on March 07, 2007, 04:59:29 PM
Yakov? Why did your shul sell to them in the first place? Has the neighborhood the shul is is gone down the drain? I dont live in philly so I dont know. I dont care if you a a black Jew who is halacaly a Jew. By mother or if they converted in an orthodox manner. But it seems to me the hebros are growing now. If that happened to my shul I would have cussed them out or chased them out with baseball bats. You seem to go to Israel alot also. Are they still in Dimona? Has Dimona turned into a black slum?

I wish you all the best Yakov. After my I get my GED I am going to Israel. Hopefully once you get your things squared away I hope you do the same.

Their not real black jews ,they have no connection to Judaism isee them on T.V. they mix everything together
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 08, 2007, 10:32:05 PM
Dimona is the poorest town in Israel in the middle of the desert. The pigeons even perch on ice cream freezers outside of stores. The schvartzas have their own compound area where they have shacks that look like they're in Africa. They fast on Shabbat yet they claim to be Jews. I heard they even consider Israel to be in Africa.

Their living conditions sound delightful.  Maybe they are only there so that specious accusations of racism can be brushed aside?  Parts of London look like a negro kingdom.  However in London it's past the stage of being a token gesture.  They are actually here to replace the whites because of the massive black-on-black and black man-on-white women birth rates.
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: bongoid on March 11, 2007, 11:29:42 PM
My synagogue sold its old building to "Black Hebrews" because the neighborhood became Negrofied. In the meantime they are renting the old building from the schvartzas and using the funds from the sale to build a new synagogue in the suburbs just across the city line that is the border between Philadelphia and Montgomery County. The Philadelphia side is also schvartza now. In the past 10 years, all the Jews have fled to my side of the border.

Last Shabbat, they announced that we will have to use temporary locations until the new building is ready because the "Hebros" wanted to move into the building for Passover and they're not even Jewish. The agreement was to stay until some time in April. People are mad at the schvartzas now. A Persian Jew who drove me home from services this morning told me today that those schvartzas are n*ggers and are not even Jewish and that they paid such a cheap price for the building. So just because they think that "dey be the original Hebros", that they should be there for Passover and they won't let us be there.

 Is this the building in present day "Zimbabwe-Delphia" that was recently renamed "Congregation Beth Schvartza" ?
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on March 12, 2007, 11:20:36 PM
Re:  "...I was thinking that everyone in the synagogue could already move to Israel if they wanted to and not have to wait for The Redemption..."

I have thought the same thing for a long time now.  It seems to me that any good rabbi would have long ago announced to their entire communities that the time had come for all to pack up & make aliyah.

However, to my dismay, I have yet to mention that thought to the many rabbis with whom I've made their acquaintance; without getting a reaction from them ranging from "squirming uncomfortably at the very thought of aliyah", to attempting to avoid and deny the thought.

Rabbi Meir Kahane's argument to each and every galut Jew to make Aliyah, is indisputably logical; allowing no possible rational rejection.

Furthermore, Rabbi Kahane always said that the vast majority of Jews in exile would refuse to even consider the thought of returning to our own land, and would become both extremely emotional, as well as increasingly vicious, in their attacks on anyone suggesting that they must give up their "good life" for a "better, Jewish life in Eretz Yisrael".

Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 13, 2007, 12:22:22 AM
Why emigrate to Israel if it means a lower quality of life?  Religious Jews will have children.  Do they want to potentially disadvantage their children?  The only thing that might change on this front is the continued Third World/affirmative action invasion of Britain and America.  Affirmative action means even Jews are put at the back of the line for the sake of retarded, newly-arrived, incompetent [censored].
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: mord on March 14, 2007, 11:40:19 AM
On Shabbat, the rabbi was talking about how the synagogue having to leave the neighborhood is just another process of The Exile. No where in The Exile is permanent. Just like Jews had to leave Spain, they now have to leave neighborhoods in America. He said until The Redemption, he will never be in a permanent place. I was thinking that everyone in the synagogue could already move to Israel if they wanted to and not have to wait for The Redemption. 

dO YOU LIVE IN THE SECTION OF Philly by the kosher chinisse restaurant and near the pizza store?if you do it was once a nice neighberhood
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: Yochanan Zev on March 14, 2007, 02:03:46 PM

dO YOU LIVE IN THE SECTION OF Philly by the kosher chinisse restaurant and near the pizza store?if you do it was once a nice neighberhood

I recall a Kosher Chinese restaurant in the Chinatown area?? 
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: mord on March 14, 2007, 02:18:08 PM

dO YOU LIVE IN THE SECTION OF Philly by the kosher chinisse restaurant and near the pizza store?if you do it was once a nice neighberhood

I recall a Kosher Chinese restaurant in the Chinatown area?? 
Really i did'nt know i'm from N.Y. the one i meant was one near a kosher pizza store
Title: Re: "Black Hebrews" Evict My Synagogue
Post by: mord on March 14, 2007, 05:49:00 PM
No. You mean The Northeast. The Chinese restaurant closed. But there is an Israeli grill that sells food that the Chinese restaurant used to sell.

There is a different pizza store near me. It is right across from the suburbs and I live right across from the city.

Yes thats where i meant,my brother lived by city line