General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: takebackourtemple on December 16, 2008, 09:48:49 PM
Good thing the Shop-Rite had decent sense not to fill the other. Unfortunately the Walmart did not.
i just read this a bunch of idiots naming their kid after one of the worlds most hated person.
I feel sorry for the children in that family getting stuck with a names like "Adolf Hitler" and "Aryan Nation" and then the dad says he's not racist. :laugh: It's not the child's fault but I hope he has the sense to change his middle name when he gets older.
Are you freaking kidding me? Who are these sickos? Why have they come to my planet? >:(
Boy this guys retarded. I think I'll name my next son... Sadaam Hussien... it has a nice ring to it....
Boy this guys retarded. I think I'll name my next son... Sadaam Hussien... it has a nice ring to it....
More like sodamn insane
Unbelievably sick and irresponsible parents ....
That poor kid will be dealing with non-stop taunting for
the rest of his life ......
an update. I just saw on fox news they just did this story. They didn't even mention the kids name, how can they be so twisted yet they did mention his siblings names.
The parents are obviously nazi pigs, despite claiming not to be racists. They named their other child Aryan Nation.
I'll bet that these are just "progressives" who call good evil and evil good. They are trying to prove how enlightened they are by calling their kid Hitler. This is as sick as it gets. They're just a couple of creeps.
Truly disgusting, but you know full well that if a black couple had named their kids Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, they would be praised for making a "conscious choice to honor their heritage".
PS: Am I the only one who thinks Heath Campbell looks like an effeminate goose-stepping fruitloop faggot?
If I went to school with an Adolph Hitler I'd be the first one to sock him in his eye socket.
If I went to school with an Adolph Hitler I'd be the first one to sock him in his eye socket.
It wouldn't be his fault though. ;D
What the......
:o :o :o
If I went to school with an Adolph Hitler I'd be the first one to sock him in his eye socket.
It wouldn't be his fault though. ;D
Well, by the time he is in school he would be wise to go by a nickname... I would not respect him in school with such a name. I guess Im kinda close minded when it comes to names.
Is it possible that these pathetic losers just want their 15 minutes of fame?
Say he grows up and hangs out with black people.
Off course most of the Nazis in the U.S. are the negro they hate caucassian people.BTW my Brother has a friend named Thor he's not a Nazi or a pagan Odinist
Truly disgusting, but you know full well that if a black couple had named their kids Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, they would be praised for making a "conscious choice to honor their heritage".
ANYthing blacks do is great, and NOT racist. You should know that. :::D
Is it possible that these pathetic losers just want their 15 minutes of fame?
They can have it in this case. When it rains it pours and hopefully they'll drown in it. Sometimes an example has to be made of evil people to deter others from doing the same thing. I hope they are made to look like real fools and if they commit any hate crimes they should be prosecuted for it.
what idiots name their kids after Hitler? This kid will grow up witha complex...a name isn't always a name!
Truly disgusting, but you know full well that if a black couple had named their kids Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, they would be praised for making a "conscious choice to honor their heritage".
cf, you are a 1000% correct!
So much for this "Aryan Beauty" huh
So much for this "Aryan Beauty" huh
Looks English ;D
Looks like a witch. :o
So much for this "Aryan Beauty" huh
Looks English ;D
Looks like a person who loves fast food and the dollar menu
I feel sorry for the children in that family getting stuck with a names like "Adolf Hitler" and "Aryan Nation" and then the dad says he's not racist. :laugh: It's not the child's fault but I hope he has the sense to change his middle name when he gets older.
There is a thread on a white supremacist froum about this...even there the WS posters lashed out at the kooks who gave their kids these names! One even posted a pic of the kid, and said it was "child abuse" that the kid was growing a mullet! :::D
Looks like a witch. :o
Is that the witch from Hansel and Gretal? my mother used to tell me that story it use to scare me a little :laugh: :laugh:
The picture is:
The Witch
Victor Prouvé
(Nancy 1858-1943 Sétif /Algerien)
Before 1904
Oil on canvas
Nancy, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy
I like the painting it's well done.
I like the painting it's well done.
It is but when i see the picture it looks like from the book when i was little :)
So much for this "Aryan Beauty" huh
Looks English ;D
Looks exactly like an evil witch ;D :::D
She is ugly, but Jews don't believe in witches.
She is ugly, but Jews don't believe in witches.
Didn't Shaul haMelech consult the witch of En-Dor to conjure the spirit of Shmuel haNavi?
I hope that whole family gets ill with meningitis and drowns in their own piss while being eaten by wolves nazi dirtbags.
I hope that whole family gets ill with meningitis and drowns in their own piss while being eaten by wolves nazi dirtbags.
Why wish ill on the child he did not choose his name