The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: SoldierOfZion on March 07, 2007, 10:05:32 AM

Title: Muslim Hotties
Post by: SoldierOfZion on March 07, 2007, 10:05:32 AM
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Allen-T on March 07, 2007, 10:31:12 AM
Just be grateful they are covered!!
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: SoldierOfZion on March 07, 2007, 10:40:54 AM
Just be grateful they are covered!!

I'd be more grateful if they were covered by 6 feet of dirt.
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Din Rodef on March 07, 2007, 11:04:00 AM
6 feet of dirt

Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Angry Panther on March 07, 2007, 12:01:25 PM
And the sad thing is the taliban would think that image was pornographic, you can see there eyes.

Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on March 07, 2007, 04:23:11 PM







Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Sarah on March 07, 2007, 04:28:40 PM
Massuh, i just ate dinner. I bet they pick their noses under the niqaabs.......
You don't know whether they are men or women.....
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on March 08, 2007, 12:29:44 AM
Sarah:  "...Massuh, i just ate dinner. I bet they pick their noses under the niqaabs...."

There is a special "Pouch of the Beard of Ali" sewn into the lining of the face masks those babes are wearing.
They pick boogers out of their noses all day long, and wipe them into that pouch; all the while continuing to stare with "the evil eye" at the infidels in Hyde Park.
Then, with sunset, it's time for dinner!
Delicious nose-meat!...
"Finger-Food of The Holy Martyr-Women!"
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on March 08, 2007, 05:39:04 AM
The one on the left is Osama, the one on the right is Obama.
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: MasterWolf1 on March 08, 2007, 08:26:27 PM
I am happy they are covered who needs to see ugly all day long?
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Nonny on March 15, 2007, 10:47:06 AM
Arab females are usually ugly. But some eg Pakistani Muslim women, who were originally of Hindu Indian stock, aren't too bad, and may be redeemable.

When Moshiach commences his military campaigns the mitzvah of yafes toar will be reinstated: the more beautiful gentile women will be captured, converted, married and impregnated by our Jewish soldiers, all l'shem mitzvah! 

"When you go to war against your enemies and G-d, your G-d gives them over to you and you take captives; and you see a beautiful female captive whom you desire to take as a wife, then you shall bring her home and ..." (Devarim 21)

Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Scriabin on March 15, 2007, 10:54:45 AM
The one on the right is alright, a bit angry looking though.

The one on the left is no 'hottie' I can assure you.
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Fruit of thy loins on March 15, 2007, 11:00:12 AM
The one on the right is alright, a bit angry looking though.

The one on the left is no 'hottie' I can assure you.

How do you feel about Muslim men?  Do they turn you on?   :-*
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on March 15, 2007, 12:28:49 PM
They've both already stolen the window drapes!   ;D
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Sarah on March 15, 2007, 04:04:59 PM
I know you'll get annoyed at me saying so, but a lot of Israeli women look like lebanese women or some arab women.
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Din Rodef on March 15, 2007, 04:57:48 PM

I think they're both pretty hot!  ;D
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Sarah on March 15, 2007, 05:20:16 PM
Some persian, pakistani, lebanese etc women will be ugly! Its just the how it works, not everyone is blessed with attractiveness. There are ugly arab women and also beautiful ones too, sometimes even under the their tents.(http://www.madridismo.net/Mills/irania.jpg)

Why do haisdic jewish men have those curly strands of hair? My teacher told me it because they believe they'll be pulled to heavan with them? ???
Why do the jewish boys wear those strings?

Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Nonny on March 15, 2007, 06:11:53 PM
The word "arab" comes the Hebrew "aruv" = "a mixture".

And the Arabs truly are an awesome dysgenic racengemisch of ancient Phoenician, Berber, old Egyptian, Copt, Tuareg, Mameluke, Bedouin, Janissar, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, Bosnian, Circassian, genuine Ishmaelitic, Bashi-Bazouk, Dervish and Negroidal admixtures.

But they may have a smidgen of hadar still in some of them from the  Jewish blood present from the huge Jewish tribes of Arabia who were forcibly shmad 1300 years ago.

There were once Jewish tribes in Afghanistan, and some of their genes may have been incorporated into the Pakistanis.

All you've got to do now is to get them to change from crying "Allahu Akbar" to "Hashem Hagibbor"!

Otherwise they too are also destined for destruction for their implacable hatred of Israel and the Jew!
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Sarah on March 15, 2007, 06:29:03 PM
The Menashe was one of those tribes, they resided in south Asia. Nonny thats very interesting and if we actually research into many European, American and British peoples ancestral racial groups a lot of them are infact an accumulated mixture! We probably all have smidgens of foreign blood in us and as the world progresses there probably won't be many purely racial backgrounds among people. Thats why i think that the BNP has hypocritical viewpoints since not many people are English but everyone can become British, by applying for citizenship. So if their aims are to make Britain British, it will still contain a heck of a lot of other ethic groups.
I still don't understand. I was told that Islam was sent down by God to correct the errors in Judaism and Christianity. I understand some "different" things in Christianity, that i don't believe in but what are the errors in Judaism. Nothing really, however it has been progressed quite a lot. What is the main scriptural difference regarding Islam and Judaism. Please don't tell me the killing etc i know that already, i mean the spiritual difference disregarding rules.

Yacov before i tell you their nationalities, what do you think of them?
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Nonny on March 15, 2007, 06:43:00 PM
Christianity and Islam are twisted daughter religions of Judaism. Christianity is imbalanced, because it preaches "turn the other cheek". Islam is also imbalanced because it preaches "slay all infidels".

Only Judaism is able to balance when to have mercy and when to kill.

Christianity has the advantage of believing in the Tenach as the truth. Muslims believe we forged it. Therefore the Halacha is that one can teach certain parts of Torah to an Xtian, but not to a Muslim.

Islam however has the advantage of imageless montheism, whereas Xtianity believes in a corporified Trinity.

Rambam states that both religions are very great falsehoods, but that Hashem granted them success to prepare the way for Moshiach, as thanks to them major elements of the truth have been spread around the Earth, a task which would have been beyond the poor little Jewish people in Exile.
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Sarah on March 15, 2007, 06:51:29 PM
Wow Nonny great explanation. You said that Judaism balances both religions so why did it exist before both of them as well. I mean wouldn't it be more logical for the two extremes to come beforehand and Judaism to correct them with the balance. Since Islam and Christianity do contain many partial elements of truth, we should respect them right? Maybe not the muslim people but some parts of Islam because otherwise we would be mocking some of Haschems truths?
I think it the prophet once stated in a hadith-or it was in the quran. That if one is unsure about some of Islams ideologies then they should compare and return to the bible-Tanach. You said that major elements of truth have been spread accross the world but along with that it has brought even more diversity and wrong doings that cause people to go the completely wrong way Whilst recognising these truths, which is in some ways worse because they are ignoring them unlike not knowing them.
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Nonny on March 15, 2007, 07:05:18 PM
There is a Kabbalistic explanation for Xtianity and Islam, involving the Supernal Sefirot of Chesed and Gevurah, and their counterparts in the realm of evil, chessed d'klippah (Ishmael=Arabs=Islam) and gevruah d'klippah (Edom=Rome=Xtianity), but for that you must consult an expert like Rav Ginsburgh http://www.inner.org/
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Sarah on March 15, 2007, 07:08:01 PM
There is a Kabbalistic explanation for Xtianity and Islam, involving the Supernal Sefirot of Chesed and Gevurah, and their counterparts in the realm of evil, chessed d'klippah (Ishmael=Arabs=Islam) and gevruah d'klippah (Edom=Rome=Xtianity), but for that you must consult an expert like Rav Ginsburgh http://www.inner.org/
I'm sorry but i didn't understand any of that and my internet security blocks that website.
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Christian Zionist on March 15, 2007, 07:09:44 PM
Look at this hotty!

Suicide granny ;D

Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: adam613 on March 15, 2007, 11:26:44 PM
Only Judaism is able to balance when to have mercy and when to kill.

Not when it comes to women according to the Kahanists. To criticize a women according to the Kahanist is being a Muslim and is like raping them. That's what some on this board have told me. They called me a muslim and satan for criticizing Lisa when she was tellling me not to be insulted when she never saw the show I was talking about.

I'm sure you know the main administrator of this forum Yacov Menashe himself is from a divorced family and lives with his mother. I just hope Yacov practices what he preaches and since he believe men are inheritely immature and need women to civilize them he asks his mommy about everything he posts on this site. He likely blames his father for everything which is a violation of Honor thy Father and Mother. The Kahanists believe in only Honor thy mother but becuase men are inheritely immature and even though they are your father you always take the mothers side during a divorce. Especially if she lives in the nicer home and is extorting money from the father for no good reason. No wonder Yacov rarely says anything nice about men. I'm not shocked at this either. This movement is a horror show when it comes to family issues between a Jewish man and a Jewish women and Jewish men have no rights. How a henpecked nation can defeat our enemies I have no idea how they can.

Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Mizrachi Jew on March 21, 2007, 03:16:32 PM
Pakistani are not Arabs and their not even Arabized. Pakistanis originate from Indo-Aryan tribes and Dravidians that intermarried with each other, and they were original Hindus. The Arabs conqured only small part of India and it was Sind, todays Southern Pakistan. The Pakistanis were forced into Islam by Turko-Mongoliod Babur who conquered India and proclamied the Mougal empire. Pakistanis usually belong to the Irano-Afghan Caucasiods who inhabit Iran,Azerbaijan,Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan, and the Nordindid thats how the original Indo-Aryan tribes looked like. Dravidic elements seen in the South among the Balochies. Infact Arabs regarded inslut to be compared to a Pakistani. Arabs belong to the Orintealid Caucasiod race, and influenced mostly but Meditternian and Armeniod component.
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Sarah on March 21, 2007, 04:27:24 PM
There is a Kabbalistic explanation for Xtianity and Islam, involving the Supernal Sefirot of Chesed and Gevurah, and their counterparts in the realm of evil, chessed d'klippah (Ishmael=Arabs=Islam) and gevruah d'klippah (Edom=Rome=Xtianity), but for that you must consult an expert like Rav Ginsburgh http://www.inner.org/
I'm sorry but i didn't understand any of that and my internet security blocks that website.

Did your parents block it because it is a Torah site?

How and why did your brother block you from sending messages earlier? Does he know about JTF?

No, when i clicked the URL link, Norton Internet security blocked it as being a newage/ occult website. My parents blocked all websites under that category. He blocked the Sending messages Link, i don't know why. I think he knows about it but you wouldnt want him to come on.

MizhariJew were the pakistanis forced to convert to Islam. I thought they were muslim indians, the victims of the spreading of Islam in Asia-like indonesia. Then began to wage war with the indians and wanted their own Islamic land opposed to the hindu government of India. Hence the formation of pakistan and them becoming Pakistanis. You are right, Arabs do find it insulting but mostly because they have a different mentality to the pakistanis and i dunno....i guess they are both jealous of each other.

Adam divorced families is another matter all together. When you don't know of the situation you shouldnt assume things. Women are treated more then equally in most cases of divorce. And i dont really get what your saying about how its wrong to critisize women as a kahanist?
Title: Re: Muslim Hotties
Post by: Sarah on March 21, 2007, 07:45:25 PM
Why is Kahane.org listed as terrorist. Haha its pathetic they think JTF is a crime site and yet tit allows all these shvartza rap websites probably that invoke crime and worse.