General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Daleksfearme on December 22, 2008, 10:50:00 PM

Title: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Daleksfearme on December 22, 2008, 10:50:00 PM
Hi all

Here is an example of the sneaky methods that Peace Now is using in their videos. Maybe someone can think of a way to use it,

In the "How to reduce Anti Semitisim" Video by Peace Now you can clearly hear the theme music from the British sci Fi show "Dr Who"  as part of the overall back ground music. This is followed by A group of Daleks that are saying "We obey the One"...."We are the supreme beings"

For those of you that do not know, The Daleks are the Muslim Nazi Terrorists of Science fiction. They are dedicated solely to the conquest and extremanation of other races, all of who the Daleks consider to be inferior.

I think it is clear that peace now is attempting to use subliminal methods to influence the minds of those who listen to the video, portraying Chaim as having the same evil mentality of the Daleks, as opposed to having an open and honest debate.

By the way...this is the origin of my screen name, The only fear the Daleks have is that of The Doctor, who battles them thru Time and space to protect the Innocent from certain death at the hand of the Dalek Empire.
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Rubystars on December 22, 2008, 11:07:31 PM
So basically they're calling Chaim a Nazi, when Peace Now are the real Nazis and have admitted Nazis on their side.
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on December 22, 2008, 11:16:21 PM
Excellent points. I never understood what their goal was in placing that background music on the video.

Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Daleksfearme on December 22, 2008, 11:16:50 PM
So basically they're calling Chaim a Nazi, when Peace Now are the real Nazis and have admitted Nazis on their side.

That's about it....its not even subtle. I always tell people that being a sci fi geek can be an advantage. Where did I put that sonic screwdriver?

Be well
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: muman613 on December 22, 2008, 11:17:40 PM
Are they comparable to The Borg from STNG? The Borg say:

"We are Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Daleksfearme on December 22, 2008, 11:22:38 PM
Excellent points. I never understood what their goal was in placing that background music on the video.


Dr. who is considered on of the best Sci Fi shows ever. It has been on since the 1960s and is very very popular with Young adults. Its interesting that this age group is just the one that Peace Now and we at the JTF are looking to reach. I think that this might be the focus of my next video for you tube...what do you think?
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Daleksfearme on December 22, 2008, 11:23:48 PM
Are they comparable to The Borg from STNG? The Borg say:

"We are Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

They are very similar in their mindset yes.
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: muman613 on December 23, 2008, 12:01:56 AM
Shalom Daleksfearme,

I sometimes wonder whether subliminal messages are really provable. My reason for thinking this is that the same music can have many different meanings to many different people. For instance for me I cannot stand the sound of Punk Music or rap music. Anything set to this music will seem very undesirable to me. Yet many products on TV use punk and rap music to sell products. I wont buy any of them, but apparently the same music sounds different to these people.

I am wondering what the 'subminal messages' in the 1980s movie Flash Gordon are. I noticed the last time I watched that there are numerous Masonic symbols in the Flash Gordon movie. They are kinda subliminal but I don't really know the message. There are a number of websites which talk about the Masonic symbols in the movie...



Also only those people old enough to remember The Munsters or Dr Who will 'get' the subliminal message. Because of so many variables I think it would be hard to craft a message which will be useful to the entire population.

Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Daleksfearme on December 23, 2008, 05:54:05 PM
Shalom Daleksfearme,

I sometimes wonder whether subliminal messages are really provable. My reason for thinking this is that the same music can have many different meanings to many different people. For instance for me I cannot stand the sound of Punk Music or rap music. Anything set to this music will seem very undesirable to me. Yet many products on TV use punk and rap music to sell products. I wont buy any of them, but apparently the same music sounds different to these people.

I am wondering what the 'subminal messages' in the 1980s movie Flash Gordon are. I noticed the last time I watched that there are numerous Masonic symbols in the Flash Gordon movie. They are kinda subliminal but I don't really know the message. There are a number of websites which talk about the Masonic symbols in the movie...



Also only those people old enough to remember The Munsters or Dr Who will 'get' the subliminal message. Because of so many variables I think it would be hard to craft a message which will be useful to the entire population.

I am not sure of the overall effectiveness of subliminal messages myself. Technically, what Peace Now is doing is not subliminal, as it is able to be heard on the conscious level. I realised that fact after I posted my topic.

However, I do think that it may be an effective tactic due to the continued popularity of the show.
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Lisa on December 23, 2008, 06:57:15 PM
Daleksfearme, are you also a Star Trek fan?  I love the old series, and used to watch TNG and Voyager.  (Sorry to go off topic.)
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Rubystars on December 23, 2008, 07:26:47 PM
Also only those people old enough to remember The Munsters or Dr Who will 'get' the subliminal message. Because of so many variables I think it would be hard to craft a message which will be useful to the entire population.

I recognized the Munsters theme because reruns are played on tv. I also had heard the Dr. Who theme before but hadn't seen any episodes of it.
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Daleksfearme on December 23, 2008, 08:19:03 PM
Daleksfearme, are you also a Star Trek fan?  I love the old series, and used to watch TNG and Voyager.  (Sorry to go off topic.)

I am a fan of all the Trek shows, as well as Dr Who, Star wars, B5, Stargate etc.. In general I like sci fi
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Daleksfearme on December 23, 2008, 08:25:56 PM
Also only those people old enough to remember The Munsters or Dr Who will 'get' the subliminal message. Because of so many variables I think it would be hard to craft a message which will be useful to the entire population.

I recognized the Munsters theme because reruns are played on tv. I also had heard the Dr. Who theme before but hadn't seen any episodes of it.

Here is how a very angry Timelord dealt with a family of Terrorists. He had given them every chance to repent their ways, and yet they were still attempting to commit mass murder. The Doctors punishment was, shall we say, quite final and telling.

Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Rubystars on December 23, 2008, 08:54:31 PM
Daleks that looks like a cool show.
Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: muman613 on December 23, 2008, 09:05:50 PM
Daleksfearme, are you also a Star Trek fan?  I love the old series, and used to watch TNG and Voyager.  (Sorry to go off topic.)

I am a fan of all the Trek shows, as well as Dr Who, Star wars, B5, Stargate etc.. In general I like sci fi

I am proud to tell everyone that the Network software I worked on in the early 90's for Commodore Amigas was used by the 3d graphics team to render Babylon 5 graphics. I was the team leader and primary author of Commodore Amiga Netware which ran on the Commodore Video Toaster. I also know the person who developed the 3d software for the Video toaster.

Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Americanhero1 on December 23, 2008, 09:15:46 PM
Daleksfearme, are you also a Star Trek fan?  I love the old series, and used to watch TNG and Voyager.  (Sorry to go off topic.)

I am a fan of all the Trek shows, as well as Dr Who, Star wars, B5, Stargate etc.. In general I like sci fi

I am proud to tell everyone that the Network software I worked on in the early 90's for Commodore Amigas was used by the 3d graphics team to render Babylon 5 graphics. I was the team leader and primary author of Commodore Amiga Netware which ran on the Commodore Video Toaster. I also know the person who developed the 3d software for the Video toaster.

Title: Re: Peace now's use of subliminal messages in videos
Post by: Daleksfearme on December 23, 2008, 09:18:17 PM
Daleks that looks like a cool show.

It is,,,, Here is the general concept

A race of people who have solved all of the mysteries of time ans space, Never interfering, only observing to ensure that the laws of time are not broken. The Doctor, wishing for a more active stance, takes a TARDIS, a time/space ship and travels thru the universe helping people.

Then came the last great Time War. The Daleks, the most evil race in the cosmos had discovered Time travel and set out to conquer all. Thus started a battle for the sake of all creation. The Time Lords, unused to battle, were on the verge of defeat, with the Daleks close to becoming unstopable. The Doctor was forced to distroy his own planet to defeat the Daleks.

Now the last of the Timelords continues his quest to help the Innocent, where ever and whenever they might be.
