General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: angryChineseKahanist on December 23, 2008, 06:50:30 AM
The Klan has a new disguise.
Note that the pretty girl on the left is not Don Black's wife but Derek Black, his son.
The Klan has a new disguise.
Note that the pretty girl on the left is not Don Black's wife but Derek Black, his son.
He looks gay is he fag
Here's what makes me the saddest of all. People with legitimate feelings about illegal immigration or other racial topics like affirmative action or minority crime, end up on these sites and then get brainwashed into being anti-Semites if they weren't before. Then they end up spending all their time talking about Jews and badmouthing them instead of doing anything about illegal immigration or affirmative action.
Note that the pretty girl on the left is not Don Black's wife but Derek Black, his son.
as I was reading that sentence, I was going to say that girl has a very serious case of an issue that some girls have nowadays!
Where have I seen them before???
Oh yah....
Do they ever change their clothes???
Do they ever change their clothes???
I would not bet on it. :o
It's not like these Nazis really care about conservative issues like being anti-illegal immigration and anti-affirmative action, because when they see strong decent Jews like the ones in this movement that agree with those issues, they hate them even more than the evil self-hating Jews. Contrast that with us--when we see good blacks like Alan Keyes or good Arabs like Walid Shoebat, we support them. For them it is solely a matter of race, and for us it is solely a matter of good vs. evil.
True although Blacks and moslems tend to be more anti Jewish
He looks gay is he fag
He most certainly does
Please access this article using the link provided in the original post, and skim down to the third sentence from the bottom.
There you will read how Don Black's "faggy" looking son was just elected to the Palm Beach Republican Committee!
Let's see now...David Duke a Republican Louisiana State Senator,
"Jr." Black chosen for Palm Beach Republican Committee....
I'd say the Jews and righteous Gentiles had better rethink whether or not either major political party here in the U.S.A. represent our views and interests.
Great to see you back Massuh. I don't think the Republican party has teamed up with the klan. If anything they have gone in a more politicly correct direction. I think that this is an aboration.