General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: DownwithIslam on February 10, 2009, 02:44:57 PM
This sick whore Tzipporah spitzer will be sitting in the prime ministers office instead of being bed ridden in her local cancer center. Exit Polls are showing her slightly ahead of Pipi Cockayoyo. I guess pipi made a dumb move knocking out Feiglin. I don't really like Feiglin at all but I bet he would of gotten the likud a few more seats. Boy is Israel in trouble now. What a shame it is that Chaim Ben Pesach wasn't on the ticket. This is one big nightmare. Also, Chaimfan has been proven to be correct again because the insane Jews in Israel voted in mass for livni. She shouldn't have gotten a single seat.
It seems all the Israeli news sources are reporting a slight win for Livni. May hashem eradicate her before she gets a chance to take office and give everything away to the muzzies.
Lets hope that g-d has PERMANENTLY voted against livni! Lets certainly hope that the "right wing" parties won't cave in again and join her coalition. We know for sure that the shas hookers will be the first ones in that coalition.
Tzipora Spitzer is the queen bee of Israel
Dont hurry up for "celebrating".
first The polls are never accurate, so you will have to wait for the final shot.
two, even if she makes it to be the Prime minister, she has to assemble a government, and last time she didnt make it, so i doubt she will succeed this time.
And if she DOES make it, We are all dead :)
Dont hurry up for "celebrating".
first The polls are never accurate, so you will have to wait for the final shot.
two, even if she makes it to be the Prime minister, she has to assemble a government, and last time she didnt make it, so i doubt she will succeed this time.
And if she DOES make it, We are all dead :)
Thats true. When Pipi was facing Peresite, exit polls showed Peresite winning. I don't know who's gonna win, but we have to understand that whoever wins this election evil will still have the political power in Israel.
Allow me to say this (ironically)
I prefer Tzipi Livni as my prime minister rather than Benjamin Netanyahu, since Tzipi will get us an instand death,
and Netanyahu will get us a long, painful death.
How could vote so many for Spitzer? She is no good choice.
Let us hope that she will loose seats in the continuing of the evening.
The weaker Kadima will be, the better for the poor Jews in Yesha.
Are all the Jews in Israel turning liberal? Where is the outrage from conservative Jews in Israel ?
Don't worry. The rightwing and religious parties have 65 seats in total whereas leftwing and arabs 55.
I think it is Netanyahu who will form the coalition (if only he's not too supid to agree to unity goverment with Kadima & Labour)
I have been listening to the muzzie media they are very happy as far as happiness can describe the muzzies feelings toward an Israeli
Dont hurry up for "celebrating".
first The polls are never accurate, so you will have to wait for the final shot.
two, even if she makes it to be the Prime minister, she has to assemble a government, and last time she didnt make it, so i doubt she will succeed this time.
I hope you're right.
I have been listening to the muzzie media they are very happy as far as happiness can describe the muzzies feelings toward an Israeli
I think this is a great statement. In a nutshell! :) :) :)
How could vote so many for Spitzer? She is no good choice.
Let us hope that she will loose seats in the continuing of the evening.
The weaker Kadima will be, the better for the poor Jews in Yesha.
I will tell you my friend, exactly how:
Most of the people in Israel dont understand anything about politics, they are just being brainwashed all the time by the Bolshevik media and they only things
the media shows is the left wing and the fake right wing opinions (democracy huh).
The people who voted for Tzipi Livni just did it because it seemed obvious to them to do it, they saw her face on an ad on the main road while they were driving to work.
Also, alot of israeli women voted for her because she is a female candidate.
Another group of people who vote for Tzipi are those who tried all the other options so now they say, ok shoot it lets see what she can do.
we here in israel, are in serious trouble now.
Israel is full of demented Jews with IQ in lower teens. Idiots! >:(
I think I'm gonna puke. :'(
I am not surprised in the least.
It has to get worse before it gets better. I know many will not agree with me. But we have not even begun to suffer like the world has suffered in the past. Our great sages did foresee a time of great trials and tribulations. Many Gedolim have said, and I have heard, that we are in the birth pangs of the messianic age. No matter what you believe in your heart of hearts everyone must agree that our future looks bleak.
I am one who prefers comfort to distress. I love peace and I don't like violence except for when it is required. My soul dreams of the messianic peace which our Father has promised us. But when I go to the doctor and he performs a painful operation on me, and believe me I am sore, I know that the ultimate goal is good. I don't wish the economic crisis on anyone. I have been blessed by Hashem because my job seems secure and the people I work with love me and protect me. I believe that Hashem is behind everything, just as I got my job by divine providence, I keep it. I have heard it said that those who observe Shabbat diligently will be spared the hardship of the birth pangs of Moshiach.
What will become of Israel? I am not a prophet. I believe Jews will always be present in our promised Holy land. I have a sour view of Israel politics. The way that the left has brainwashed the people into believing that enemies will be pacified with land is very strange. If ever there was a visible manifestation of the Yetzer Hara {Evil Inclination} it is the reality distortion bubble which covers the eyes of the Israelis. Even my secular liberal Israeli friend was expecting a more Rightist turnout than what is appearing now. The yetzer hara is a very tricky and capable adversary. I believe I have become attuned to the wavelength of the Sitra Achra and when I look around at things I see the Yetzer Haras hand. Certainly Obama and Livni and Chavez and Ahamadadinnad are puppets of the Sitra Achra. It is as clear as day and night to me. But this is the way it should be, without a strong adversary how can Hashem expect Israel to grow strong.
I do not wish ill on any Jews in Israel today. But I do fear that without Hashems loving protection that danger is crouching at the door. I feel that the Evil side really does want to destroy the Children of Israel once and for all. They have myriads or myriads of reasons, lists and books and ideologies all bent on destroying Hashems chosen people. If Israel is NOT STRONG , Chas VeShalom, many righteous souls may be lost. Hashems anger is not to be reckoned with and I can tell you from my own personal experience, Hashems anger causes much pain.
I pray that Hashems providence provides peace for all of Israel, and the peace of Jerusalem which must remain undivided, and Jewish. My dreams are for the days when we resume the holy service and that I may stand in the house of the Ribbono Shel Olam.
How could vote so many for Spitzer? She is no good choice.
Let us hope that she will loose seats in the continuing of the evening.
The weaker Kadima will be, the better for the poor Jews in Yesha.
I will tell you my friend, exactly how:
Most of the people in Israel dont understand anything about politics, they are just being brainwashed all the time by the Bolshevik media and they only things
the media shows is the left wing and the fake right wing opinions (democracy huh).
The people who voted for Tzipi Livni just did it because it seemed obvious to them to do it, they saw her face on an ad on the main road while they were driving to work.
Also, alot of israeli women voted for her because she is a female candidate.
Another group of people who vote for Tzipi are those who tried all the other options so now they say, ok shoot it lets see what she can do.
we here in israel, are in serious trouble now.
Thank you for the explanation :)
Israel is full of demented Jews with IQ in lower teens. Idiots! >:(
Its true,sadly.
and the only ones to be blamed are the Bolsheviks with their daily brainwash over the media, and the Education system.
The Education the jews in israel were getting since youth, is totally bad, without any Jewish values,
its all lies and garbage that makes people stupid, without the possibility of THINKING.
thats why most of the people in israel are digging their own graveyard without even knowing it (for examples all the people who voted for Tzipi livni withot any bad intention).
Our country needs a huge and instant change.
I still cannot understand how anyone could vote for Livni when she has promised to give away jerusalem.
Israel is full of demented Jews with IQ in lower teens. Idiots! >:(
Its true,sadly.
and the only ones to be blamed are the Bolsheviks with their daily brainwash over the media, and the Education system.
The Education the jews in israel were getting since youth, is totally bad, without any Jewish values,
its all lies and garbage that makes people stupid, without the possibility of THINKING.
thats why most of the people in israel are digging their own graveyard without even knowing it (for examples all the people who voted for Tzipi livni withot any bad intention).
Our country needs a huge and instant change.
It will change. I know that it sounds hard to believe. But there is a light which will wake everyone one up. I pray that this light shines brightly and brings about the redemption which is coming for all Jews, in Israel and in the Diaspora.
Im sorry that right now there is so much struggle and unhappyness. Just continue to speak the truth. Study the wisdom of the Jews and teach it to those around you. The Jewish people will survive even their own stupidity.
I am not surprised in the least.
It has to get worse before it gets better. I know many will not agree with me. But we have not even begun to suffer like the world has suffered in the past. Our great sages did foresee a time of great trials and tribulations. Many Gedolim have said, and I have heard, that we are in the birth pangs of the messianic age. No matter what you believe in your heart of hearts everyone must agree that our future looks bleak.
I am one who prefers comfort to distress. I love peace and I don't like violence except for when it is required. My soul dreams of the messianic peace which our Father has promised us. But when I go to the doctor and he performs a painful operation on me, and believe me I am sore, I know that the ultimate goal is good. I don't wish the economic crisis on anyone. I have been blessed by Hashem because my job seems secure and the people I work with love me and protect me. I believe that Hashem is behind everything, just as I got my job by divine providence, I keep it. I have heard it said that those who observe Shabbat diligently will be spared the hardship of the birth pangs of Moshiach.
What will become of Israel? I am not a prophet. I believe Jews will always be present in our promised Holy land. I have a sour view of Israel politics. The way that the left has brainwashed the people into believing that enemies will be pacified with land is very strange. If ever there was a visible manifestation of the Yetzer Hara {Evil Inclination} it is the reality distortion bubble which covers the eyes of the Israelis. Even my secular liberal Israeli friend was expecting a more Rightist turnout than what is appearing now. The yetzer hara is a very tricky and capable adversary. I believe I have become attuned to the wavelength of the Sitra Achra and when I look around at things I see the Yetzer Haras hand. Certainly Obama and Livni and Chavez and Ahamadadinnad are puppets of the Sitra Achra. It is as clear as day and night to me. But this is the way it should be, without a strong adversary how can Hashem expect Israel to grow strong.
I do not wish ill on any Jews in Israel today. But I do fear that without Hashems loving protection that danger is crouching at the door. I feel that the Evil side really does want to destroy the Children of Israel once and for all. They have myriads or myriads of reasons, lists and books and ideologies all bent on destroying Hashems chosen people. If Israel is NOT STRONG , Chas VeShalom, many righteous souls may be lost. Hashems anger is not to be reckoned with and I can tell you from my own personal experience, Hashems anger causes much pain.
I pray that Hashems providence provides peace for all of Israel, and the peace of Jerusalem which must remain undivided, and Jewish. My dreams are for the days when we resume the holy service and that I may stand in the house of the Ribbono Shel Olam.
Yes, I tend to agree with you,
but i think that its not Yetzer hara (Evil Inclination) that make our people do what they do,
its more of ignorance, and naivete.
I know some people who voted for Tzipi and Bibi (which are disaster both) and trust me they are not evil, they just dont think like you because
they were brainwashed all this time, unlike us, we see the truth, we know its wrong, and they dont.
Tziporah pointed head is very evil
I also would like to add that most of the people who vote for Tzipi are Ignorant,
If you ask them if they even know "Kadima" (Tzipi's party) did in the past, what they stand for, they will have no idea.
I got to speak with alot of left wing supporters and trust me after speaking with me they felt like discovering America.
This only means that if JTF had more power and advertisement in Israel we could do a huge change in the leadership,
and thats because people dont like to be lied, people want to hear the truth, and thats what we give them.
Yes, I tend to agree with you,
but i think that its not Yetzer hara (Evil Inclination) that make our people do what they do,
its more of ignorance, and naivete.
I know some people who voted for Tzipi and Bibi (which are disaster both) and trust me they are not evil, they just dont think like you because
they were brainwashed all this time, unlike us, we see the truth, we know its wrong, and they dont.
I am not saying they are evil. I am saying that everyone, you and me included, have a yetzer hara which tries to fool us. It makes us believe that wrong is right and since nobody is looking, what the heck? If you know what I mean...
The Yetzer Hara has an ultimate goal of leading into a life on the wrong path. But everyone must deal with his or her own Taiva {Nature}. I have my issues which I struggle with, and I believe everyone has their temptations.
I don't believe that they are doing it for evil purposes. But the ultimate result is what we are judged by. We should always be looking at the reality of the situation and reacting in the best way. Like TV commercials always try to make you believe that the product is the best thing, and you can't live without it. It is a voice of foolishness which is compared to the Evil Inclination...
But on the big screen of life on earth, the Jews will see the hand of Hashem. It is always during this time {during the parshas of Shemot Mishpatim/Yisro} when I see how low the Jews were in Egypt and somehow Hashem remembered them {well it was because of the promise made to Yosef} and took them out. With a strong hand and an outstretched arm Hashem led his people in the wilderness. Did they really deserve it? I always think about what the 49th level of impurity must have been like? Does the depravity of Tel Aviv compare to this middah of Tumah?
How could vote so many for Spitzer? She is no good choice.
Let us hope that she will loose seats in the continuing of the evening.
The weaker Kadima will be, the better for the poor Jews in Yesha.
I will tell you my friend, exactly how:
Most of the people in Israel dont understand anything about politics, they are just being brainwashed all the time by the Bolshevik media and they only things
the media shows is the left wing and the fake right wing opinions (democracy huh).
The people who voted for Tzipi Livni just did it because it seemed obvious to them to do it, they saw her face on an ad on the main road while they were driving to work.
Also, alot of israeli women voted for her because she is a female candidate.
Another group of people who vote for Tzipi are those who tried all the other options so now they say, ok shoot it lets see what she can do.
we here in israel, are in serious trouble now.
VforVendetta , welcome to the JTF English Forum. Your input on the situation in Israel is very much appreciated. Your info is invaluable.
Your description of what's transpiring in the Israeli election campaign and election itself is similar to what happened in the U.S. with Barack Hussein Obama ultimately ending up " winning " the 2008 Presidential election. The vast majority of the American media is left wing, very few on the right were willing to expose Obama as a Muslim, who in truth advanced up the ladder because of his race, the vast majority of blacks voted for Obama, and the American people collective didn't like the other options. Including John McCain being a flawed candidate. Even with the excellent addition of Sarah Palin to the McCain ticket, the baggage that McCain brought to the table and the politically correct campaign he ran were too much to overcome against the record setting funds Obama raised and the hideous media being on his side.
The bottom line is both Israel and the U.S. are in serious trouble. It's nothing short of a crisis situation. With Obama in the White House, a Democrat Congress, and a traitor Israeli government, we have an uphill battle. Like Chaim has expressed repeatedly, it's essential that JTF / Hayamin grows substantially in Israel. Both for Israel's sake and for the sake of the United States of America. My question and comments on the next " Ask JTF " is very much related to what I'm expressing in this post.
She probably has AIDS
This sad turn of events only proves that DownwithIslam and I were right from the very beginning, and that all of the pseudo-rightists were wrong. Yes, Wiener Netanloser is awful, but Tzipwhorah Sh-tzer is Hitler herself (yimach schma). Chaim was 100% correct two weeks ago on Ask JTF when he said that this generation of sick, secular, wishywashy Jews does not have the stomach to give it to the Arabs. The fact of the matter is that this sick country not only is not willing to do even a tenth of what the Bible commands regarding Amalek, but falls for the phony wars that the left stages each and every time. Personally, I couldn't care less what happens to every adult Israeli who voted for this demoness. Let the Katyushas fall on them. It's the innocent children, and the heroic, patriotic Jews in the territories, who are all that I care about anymore.
But one reason to have hope, people: we can still pray that G-d will take out Tzipwhorah at any time we like. I just prayed that He would let His name and glory be shown less than an hour ago by giving this Nazi ovarian cancer.
Thank you very much, eb22.
This sad turn of events only proves that DownwithIslam and I were right from the very beginning, and that all of the pseudo-rightists were wrong. Yes, Wiener Netanloser is awful, but Tzipwhorah Sh-tzer is Hitler herself (yimach schma). Chaim was 100% correct two weeks ago on Ask JTF when he said that this generation of sick, secular, wishywashy Jews does not have the stomach to give it to the Arabs. The fact of the matter is that this sick country not only is not willing to do even a tenth of what the Bible commands regarding Amalek, but falls for the phony wars that the left stages each and every time. Personally, I couldn't care less what happens to every adult Israeli who voted for this demoness. Let the Katyushas fall on them. It's the innocent children, and the heroic, patriotic Jews in the territories, who are all that I care about anymore.
But one reason to have hope, people: we can still pray that G-d will take out Tzipwhorah at any time we like. I just prayed that He would let His name and glory be shown less than an hour ago by giving this Nazi ovarian cancer.
Not cachectic enough. I would say syphilis is more likely.
Not cachectic enough. I would say syphilis is more likely.
This sad turn of events only proves that DownwithIslam and I were right from the very beginning, and that all of the pseudo-rightists were wrong. Yes, Wiener Netanloser is awful, but Tzipwhorah Sh-tzer is Hitler herself (yimach schma). Chaim was 100% correct two weeks ago on Ask JTF when he said that this generation of sick, secular, wishywashy Jews does not have the stomach to give it to the Arabs. The fact of the matter is that this sick country not only is not willing to do even a tenth of what the Bible commands regarding Amalek, but falls for the phony wars that the left stages each and every time. Personally, I couldn't care less what happens to every adult Israeli who voted for this demoness. Let the Katyushas fall on them. It's the innocent children, and the heroic, patriotic Jews in the territories, who are all that I care about anymore.
But one reason to have hope, people: we can still pray that G-d will take out Tzipwhorah at any time we like. I just prayed that He would let His name and glory be shown less than an hour ago by giving this Nazi ovarian cancer.
Chaimfan has been proven correct. How the hell could the people in Israel vote for a party that intentionally got so many israeli soldiers killed in the lebanon war? Livni has already promised to give everything up. Even shas's wimpy demand that she keep small parts of jerusalem for the jews was too much for this satanic crack whore. Lets hope tumors are developing as we speak in her smelly ovaries. I really really really hope that this whore is diagnosed with cancer and it is made public by the end of the day.
Just keep praying, DownwithIslam. Remember that Hashem heard Chaim's requests that Ginsburg would get pancreatic cancer.
This sad turn of events only proves that DownwithIslam and I were right from the very beginning, and that all of the pseudo-rightists were wrong. Yes, Wiener Netanloser is awful, but Tzipwhorah Sh-tzer is Hitler herself (yimach schma). Chaim was 100% correct two weeks ago on Ask JTF when he said that this generation of sick, secular, wishywashy Jews does not have the stomach to give it to the Arabs. The fact of the matter is that this sick country not only is not willing to do even a tenth of what the Bible commands regarding Amalek, but falls for the phony wars that the left stages each and every time. Personally, I couldn't care less what happens to every adult Israeli who voted for this demoness. Let the Katyushas fall on them. It's the innocent children, and the heroic, patriotic Jews in the territories, who are all that I care about anymore.
But one reason to have hope, people: we can still pray that G-d will take out Tzipwhorah at any time we like. I just prayed that He would let His name and glory be shown less than an hour ago by giving this Nazi ovarian cancer.
Chaimfan has been proven correct. How the hell could the people in Israel vote for a party that intentionally got so many israeli soldiers killed in the lebanon war? Livni has already promised to give everything up. Even shas's wimpy demand that she keep small parts of jerusalem for the jews was too much for this satanic crack whore. Lets hope tumors are developing as we speak in her smelly ovaries. I really really really hope that this whore is diagnosed with cancer and it is made public by the end of the day.
Don't you think your message of wishing Tzipi cancer is a bit nasty and overboard? Afterall, she represents ideas of the biggest chunk of Israeli Jewish electorate.
Israel is full of demented Jews with IQ in lower teens. Idiots! >:(
Its true,sadly.
and the only ones to be blamed are the Bolsheviks with their daily brainwash over the media, and the Education system.
The Education the jews in israel were getting since youth, is totally bad, without any Jewish values,
its all lies and garbage that makes people stupid, without the possibility of THINKING.
thats why most of the people in israel are digging their own graveyard without even knowing it (for examples all the people who voted for Tzipi livni withot any bad intention).
Our country needs a huge and instant change.
With the results like this, I am afraid, that the only realistic "huge and instant change" will come from the muslim scum.
Afterall, she represents ideas of the biggest chunk of Israeli Jewish electorate.
Yeah, didn't you see me admit as much in my first post in this thread?
I even said basically to he** with any Israeli voter who supported this lady Hitler and that they should have missiles rain down on them--that I, from here on out, am only concerned with the innocent Israeli children, hilltop pioneers, and those few urban/suburban Israelis that do not stand for this dreck.
Afterall, she represents ideas of the biggest chunk of Israeli Jewish electorate.
Yeah, didn't you see me admit as much in my first post in this thread?
I even said basically to he** with any Israeli voter who supported this lady Hitler and that they should have missiles rain down on them--that I, from here on out, am only concerned with the innocent Israeli children, hilltop pioneers, and those few urban/suburban Israelis that do not stand for this dreck.
Even leftists morons have kids, and righteous Jews have insane leftist relatives and children. We, as a nation, are inseparable and share the same destiny. Today, again, I am embarrassed to be a Jew.
Yeah, and I feel very sorry for the innocent children of Israel. I hope Hashem protects them from the monstrous evil Tzipwhorah will bring on them. But I hope G-d will revisit some of Tzipwhorah's evil back on her in the form of an inoperable brain tumor (or thirty).
And I'd like for G-d to visit some nice, warm Katyushas and Shahabs on the ritzy Tel Aviv homes of the Nazis who voted for this female fuhrer.
Yeah, and I feel very sorry for the innocent children of Israel. I hope Hashem protects them from the monstrous evil Tzipwhorah will bring on them. But I hope G-d will revisit some of Tzipwhorah's evil back on her in the form of an inoperable brain tumor (or thirty).
And I'd like for G-d to visit some nice, warm Katyushas and Shahabs on the ritzy Tel Aviv homes of the Nazis who voted for this female fuhrer.
Listen dude, dont let your anger fool you (since I know you are not ignorant)
Those guys who voted for Livni are NOT NAZI and they are NOT TRAITORS,
They are just innocent people whom have been brainwashed for so many years by the Bolshevik government, and their allies in the media who spread countless lies.
Those people who voted for Livni dont even know what "Kadima" party stands for, they dont even know the relation of "Kadima" for the exile of the poor jews in Gush Katif and the towns around gaza.
Most of the people who voted for Kadima just did it out of ignorace and naivete, or even just because Livni is a female and they want to try something new.
Its true, there are also alot of traitor jews who supoprt these suicidal ideas of Kadima for sharing jerusalem with Hamas and much more, but what i am trying to tell you is that the power they doesnt come from the
real traitors, it comes from ignorance and naive people who didnt even read Kadima's platform.
If only JTF was more powerful and more famous in Israel, we could change so many minds you dont even imagine, even now, with all the Bolshevik censorship we still have thousands of supporters in our Hebrew forum;
And that is simply because people don't like to be lied, We offer them the only truth and when they hear us they join us.
Btw, I created a small thread yesterday about Kadima and the Nuclear arming of Iran, you are invited to read, its called: "KADIMA" Tzipi Livni's Party is INSANE
They are just innocent people whom have been brainwashed for so many years by the Bolshevik government, and their allies in the media who spread countless lies.
Brainwashed, yes; innocent, no. That's like saying the Hitler Youth and SS were brainwashed. Yes, they were, in a way, but they also were 100% fanatically devoted to the extermination of every non-German man, woman, and child on the planet.
Yes, the example of the Hitlerjugend and Schutzstaffel is a bit overkill, but you get my point. These are people who G-d has given free will and have chosen to support evil things. No, Livni does not come out and say what is really on her mind (that she wants to destroy Israel and have a second Holocaust), but she does come out and say openly she wants to ethnically cleanse Judea, Samaria, and the Golan and release 10,000 terrorists from jail. Believe me, most of her supporters know that loud and clear. Her supporters are not dumb hicks or something, but educated, upper-middle-class, elite Tel Aviv- and Haifaniks. They know exactly what they are doing and G-d will judge them for it.
Brainwashed, yes; innocent, no. That's like saying the Hitler Youth and SS were brainwashed. Yes, they were, in a way, but they also were 100% fanatically devoted to the extermination of every non-German man, woman, and child on the planet.
Yes, the example of the Hitlerjugend and Schutzstaffel is a bit overkill NO, NOT A BIT OVERKILL AT ALL, but you get my point. These are people who G-d has given free will and have chosen to support evil things. No, Livni does not come out and say what is really on her mind (that she wants to destroy Israel and have a second Holocaust), but she does come out and say openly she wants to ethnically cleanse Judea, Samaria, and the Golan and release 10,000 terrorists from jail. Believe me, most of her supporters know that loud and clear. Her supporters are not dumb hicks or something, but educated, upper-middle-class, elite Tel Aviv- and Haifaniks. They know exactly what they are doing and G-d will judge them for it.
God has given them free will, but the point is that THEY DONT KNOW what they are voting for, they dont know the evil in Livni and all the left wing traitors, in other words, Ignorance.
Why do you think that so many people join JTF everyday? both in this forum and the Hebrew forum? because people start to THINK, they start to see the truth that is so hidden from them, and for that, they instantly change their mind and start doing the right things.
Of course there is always the snake's head, the real traitors who started everything and they should really be charged in betrayal , and if you ask me, to be hanged in the town square.