General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: A True Conservative on February 14, 2009, 06:42:33 PM
I know I’m new here so if I’m out of line, I’m sorry. I was surprised to see that the n-word is blocked on this forum because you’re supposed to be politically incorrect. The rules state "that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, ..." but it's the leftist culture of the West that has made this word insulting. People who think JTF is racist will never change so using this word won’t matter to them. Most people who identify with JTF would probably not object if you used this word and the ones that do wouldn’t make strong allies if a word can turn them off. I say if it’s fine for them to call each other this word and call us c***ker or k**e we should call them n***er.
The use of that word will marginalize us. It's detrimental to our cause and hurts our desire to become a mass movement. We'll be forever considered a "fringe group" if we start using intensely racist terms and slang like "n*gger" or "sp*c."
Using the n word is definitely racist so it should be banned here. I disagree when you wrote that people who think JTF is racist will never change. I originally thought JTF was racist, but I now see the truth.
JTF does not believe that the color of a person's skin makes them do bad things. Chaim believes it's all about free will and evil culture. Chaim would say that many blacks choose to be stupid by not applying themselves in school, by not working hard at their jobs, and by getting themselves knocked up.
True but some pe9ople are nigras use that word
Until the last couple of years that word made me angry, and I'm about as conservative as they come. Even now that I realize that many blacks earn that particular epithet, I still don't think the use of the word helps us as a movement and I think it's right for us to not use it on the forum.
If you need a substitute, "Negro" is acceptable and not a slur.
I know I’m new here so if I’m out of line, I’m sorry. I was surprised to see that the n-word is blocked on this forum because you’re supposed to be politically incorrect. The rules state "that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, ..." but it's the leftist culture of the West that has made this word insulting. People who think JTF is racist will never change so using this word won’t matter to them. Most people who identify with JTF would probably not object if you used this word and the ones that do wouldn’t make strong allies if a word can turn them off. I say if it’s fine for them to call each other this word and call us c***ker or k**e we should call them n***er.
I do AGREE that they made the word look bad. I remember going to school in LI, NY- and they practically shoved it in our face that it was evil, so, I dont use it, b/c I truly was taught its an evil word. I cant help that now.
I wont use any words like this anyway. The anti-semitism I face EVERYDAY is enough for me to fight without having to resort to the names- it also makes the other person look like an idiot.
I have been called such horrible names in the last few weeks, and I am NOT a racist. I always measure people by their actions and deeds. Its too bad the golden rule didnt apply to me, as even 25 yr friends are treating me like I am a piece of sh*t and saying things I've NEVER been accused of- EVER.
I'm tired.
JTF does not believe that the color of a person's skin makes them do bad things. Chaim believes it's all about free will and evil culture. Chaim would say that many blacks choose to be stupid by not applying themselves in school, by not working hard at their jobs, and by getting themselves knocked up.
excellent quote Lisa. I agree it is about behavior, and not color.
Shalom - Dox
Technically "Negro", used by non-blacks, is considered a slur these days.
I know I’m new here so if I’m out of line, I’m sorry. I was surprised to see that the n-word is blocked on this forum because you’re supposed to be politically incorrect. The rules state "that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, ..." but it's the leftist culture of the West that has made this word insulting. People who think JTF is racist will never change so using this word won’t matter to them. Most people who identify with JTF would probably not object if you used this word and the ones that do wouldn’t make strong allies if a word can turn them off. I say if it’s fine for them to call each other this word and call us c***ker or k**e we should call them n***er.
I use the word in my daily life IF I feel the behavior warrants it.
You might like this site: you are practically mandated to use the word there, lol!
Type in http://www. and then add the N word, and then add mania.net Sorry I couldn't just give the direct link, but because the computer software has the Ni66er word blocked out, I had to type it that way.
This is now the THIRD forum I'm on where the Ni66er word is blocked out by the software....yet NO forum blocks out Kike, sheeny, wop,gook, cracker, or any other RACIST word. Why do shvartsas get special treatment, even here?
Even StørmFrønt blocks it out!!!
So they're comfortable being called "blacks"?
I don't think its racist to call a n_gg_r a n_gg_r.
N_gg_rs call each n_gg_rs all day long.
This is what they do to their own kind:
[link removed]
Kid trashes grandmother:
dismemberment punishment (somali n_gg_r):
EDIT: Link removed because it contained inappropriate content.
I have heard blacks themselves use the words negro and n**g*r. I agree with Mishmaat that if n-word is used that will marginalize JTF as a fringe group. JTF has black supporters too who know the true nature of their community.
I have heard blacks themselves use the words negro and n**g*r. I agree with Mishmaat that if n-word is used that will marginalize JTF as a fringe group. JTF has black supporters too who know the true nature of their community.
We have black supporters?
There are plenty of other colorfull words you can use on this forum.
Negro is the most common here.
Technically "Negro", used by non-blacks, is considered a slur these days.
It's only lack of education that makes it so. I think as long as they have the united negro college fund then we can use it.
Besides there are only so many words that substitute in the phrase typical negro behavior and negro is among the least offensive.
I have heard blacks themselves use the words negro and n**g*r. I agree with Mishmaat that if n-word is used that will marginalize JTF as a fringe group. JTF has black supporters too who know the true nature of their community.
We have black supporters?
We had a really great black Jewish person who was a moderator and still supports JTF. There could be others here. It's hard to tell skin color by people's postings, and if they're good people it doesn't matter much in a forum like this.
Isn't it odd the the 'M10r' word is crawling into the mainstream even as the '[censored]' becomes ever more forbidden ?
I know I’m new here so if I’m out of line, I’m sorry. I was surprised to see that the n-word is blocked on this forum because you’re supposed to be politically incorrect. The rules state "that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, ..." but it's the leftist culture of the West that has made this word insulting. People who think JTF is racist will never change so using this word won’t matter to them. Most people who identify with JTF would probably not object if you used this word and the ones that do wouldn’t make strong allies if a word can turn them off. I say if it’s fine for them to call each other this word and call us c***ker or k**e we should call them n***er.
I do AGREE that they made the word look bad. I remember going to school in LI, NY- and they practically shoved it in our face that it was evil, so, I dont use it, b/c I truly was taught its an evil word. I cant help that now.
I wont use any words like this anyway. The anti-semitism I face EVERYDAY is enough for me to fight without having to resort to the names- it also makes the other person look like an idiot.
I have been called such horrible names in the last few weeks, and I am NOT a racist. I always measure people by their actions and deeds. Its too bad the golden rule didnt apply to me, as even 25 yr friends are treating me like I am a piece of sh*t and saying things I've NEVER been accused of- EVER.
I'm tired.
Wow, They must be total scumbags if they treat a good human like you this way.
I think the only reason people like you are being hated is because people hate to hear the truth.
Do you remember Yirmiyahu from the bible?
I know I’m new here so if I’m out of line, I’m sorry. I was surprised to see that the n-word is blocked on this forum because you’re supposed to be politically incorrect. The rules state "that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, ..." but it's the leftist culture of the West that has made this word insulting. People who think JTF is racist will never change so using this word won’t matter to them. Most people who identify with JTF would probably not object if you used this word and the ones that do wouldn’t make strong allies if a word can turn them off. I say if it’s fine for them to call each other this word and call us c***ker or k**e we should call them n***er.
I do AGREE that they made the word look bad. I remember going to school in LI, NY- and they practically shoved it in our face that it was evil, so, I dont use it, b/c I truly was taught its an evil word. I cant help that now.
I wont use any words like this anyway. The anti-semitism I face EVERYDAY is enough for me to fight without having to resort to the names- it also makes the other person look like an idiot.
I have been called such horrible names in the last few weeks, and I am NOT a racist. I always measure people by their actions and deeds. Its too bad the golden rule didnt apply to me, as even 25 yr friends are treating me like I am a piece of sh*t and saying things I've NEVER been accused of- EVER.
I'm tired.
Wow, They must be total scumbags if they treat a good human like you this way.
I think the only reason people like you are being hated is because people hate to hear the truth.
Do you remember Yirmiyahu from the bible?
Yes, I can relate to him very much so. I read the books of the prophets more than any other book in Torah. I can relate with them, NOT b/c I think I am a 'prophet' but b/c I feel a lot like Jeremiah- weeping, you know?? I go through a LOT, in life, AND online. I am not afraid, but if ANY Jew, OR Christians that loves G-d thinks words dont hurt, they are LYING.
That is exactly what I meant by relating you to Yirmiyahu.
I don't think its racist to call a n_gg_r a n_gg_r.
N_gg_rs call each n_gg_rs all day long.
This is what they do to their own kind:
[link removed]
Kid trashes grandmother:
dismemberment punishment (somali n_gg_r):
EDIT: Link removed because it contained inappropriate content.
That was really disturbing. Wasn't having your hand cut off enough for the day? They had to do the foot too?
When Muslims talk about compassion, they'd point to providing plastic bags to cover the bleeding stumps.