General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: A True Conservative on February 17, 2009, 01:45:18 AM
I don't like conspiracy crap. I was glad to see that you reject the 9/11 conspiracy but Obama is not a Muslim. If you keep saying he is we will lose all credibility. Maybe he was when he was in Indonesia but there isn't a shred of evidence that he's a Muslim now. If he's a Muslim then why did he marry a non-Muslim and why did he attend a non-Muslim church for 2 decades?
Well he mentions it with a conversation with George George Stephanopoulos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKGdkqfBICw
According to the Islamic religion, if your father is a Muslim, you are a Muslim! Barack Hussein Obama's father and stepfather were Muslims!
The Church that Obama attended for 20 years has close ties to the Muslim Community. This Church is both racist and anti-semitic. They gave their 2007 Man of the Year award to Louis Farrakhan. Twelve years earlier, Obama attended Farrakhan's Million " Man" March.
I don't like conspiracy crap. I was glad to see that you reject the 9/11 conspiracy but Obama is not a Muslim. If you keep saying he is we will lose all credibility. Maybe he was when he was in Indonesia but there isn't a shred of evidence that he's a Muslim now. If he's a Muslim then why did he marry a non-Muslim and why did he attend a non-Muslim church for 2 decades?
Because Moslems are liars par excellence for starters.
Obama's actions...refering to his conversion to Christianity
and his marrige to Michelle, were for political reasons only.
Do you honestly think if he openly admitted he was Moslem
he would have become President?
His Church is run by a rabid racist Moslem named Wright
you may have heard him damming America in that
explosive video clip.
Trinity honors the likes of Farrakhan...yes the leader
of the Nation of Islam.
Trinity is a hangout for radical Moslems.
So you don't think Obama is Moslem ?
A true Conservative you are not!
Because Moslems are liars par excellence for starters.
Obama's actions...refering to his conversion to Christianity
and his marrige to Michelle, were for political reasons only.
Do you honestly think if he openly admitted he was Moslem
he would have become President?
His Church is run by a rabid racist Moslem named Wright
you may have heard him damming America in that
explosive video clip.
Trinity honors the likes of Farrakhan...yes the leader
of the Nation of Islam.
Trinity is a hangout for radical Moslems.
So you don't think Obama is Moslem ?
A true Conservative you are not!
There's absolutely no real evidence he's a Muslim. Period. The closest thing is that he signed up as a Muslim to go to a school in Indonesia. He could have made that up to go to school there. Even if he was a Muslim as a child, marrying a non-Muslim and going to a church are strictly forbidden in Islam.
I don't like conspiracy crap. I was glad to see that you reject the 9/11 conspiracy but Obama is not a Muslim. If you keep saying he is we will lose all credibility. Maybe he was when he was in Indonesia but there isn't a shred of evidence that he's a Muslim now. If he's a Muslim then why did he marry a non-Muslim and why did he attend a non-Muslim church for 2 decades?
I read this a bit more carefully and this is my conclusion about your post:
Either you are completely ignorant of the facts, or you are a Moslem troll.
This forum has credibility because we post the truth AKA facts!
For you to infer we may lose credibility just might be some pathetic
attempt to psychologically silence us from speaking the truth about Obama.
If that is not the case, I wonder how much KoOlAiD you drank and why?
I'm glad you bring this up.
In Islam, if your father is a Muslim, you are a Muslim period, end of story. Its like in Judaism where if your mother is Jewish, you are a Jew. Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was a Muslim. Another part of Islamic law is that once you are a Muslim, you are Muslim for life. It says in the Koran "If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him".
Now even if you disagree that Obama is a Muslim, you know that he was once a Muslim. When he was a boy, he went to a Catholic school, but was registered as a Muslim. His classmates recall him doing Islamic prayers. Since Obama was clearly a Muslim from his lineage and his practice when he was a boy, and he claims to be a Christian, he has discarded his Islamic religion. Now I have just given the Koran verse that says that a Muslim who discards his religion should be killed. Why hasn't he been the target of ANY Muslim assassination attempts?
Other Islamic apostates such as Walid Shoebat and Ayaan Hirsi Ali have been receiving CONSTANT death threats for their apostasy. Why Has Obama not gotten this treatment from Muslims abroad and domestic? There is a doctrine is Islam called Taqiyya. Taqiyya is a phrase that means lying to non-Muslims. When a Muslim is in the minority, he can use Taqiyya to lie to the non-Muslim "infidels" as they call us to advance the Muslim agenda.
Moammar Khadaffi of Libya has stated that Obama is a Muslim. It is obvious that Obama is committing Taqiyya, and concealing his Muslim faith. Its also why he had a freudian slip with George Stephanopoulos with the phrase "My Muslim Faith". Obama has of course been shown to be a serial liar on the campaign for President, lying on a regular basis.
A Muslim man CAN marry a non-Muslim woman. You're lying about that. And as far as the "Church" is concerned there is no way that "Church" is Christian. That "Church" gave an award to Louis Farrakhan yimach shemo vezichro, a bizarre black Muslim anti-semite.
And just look at everything Hussein has done in office! The first foreign leader he calls up is Mahmoud Abbas yimach shemo vezichro, the Holocaust denying murderer who is responsible the Munich Massacre. The first television interview he gives is not to CNN or ABC or even NBC. He gave it to Al-Arabiya, the Saudi owned Arab television network! He has pledged $20 million for the "Palestinians" in aid, which will undoubtedly be used for Hamas terrorism like the last UN aid that was given to them.
Thats why we say he's a Muslim. Its the truth!
Obama isn't a Taliban Muslim but he identifies with Islam because his mother married two Muslim men in Hawaii in the 1960's. How did she find two Muslims in Hawaii at that time if she never converted? Obama was raised in a Muslim country by a Muslim stepfather and had Muslim blood from his father's side. Obama has no real loyalties other than to himself. He is a neo socialist and classical liberal. He embraces all religions in that leftist sort of way and since he is willing to go any way the wind blows, he feels comfortable going to a mosque or a liberal church. I'm sure he personally reconciles all these beliefs together. His church was viciously anti-semitic and marginally Christian and it was a tool to advance his political career. You can see that Obama has no problem switching positions and I'm sure it applies to religion too.
I read this a bit more carefully and this is my conclusion about your post:
Either you are completely ignorant of the facts, or you are a Moslem troll.
This forum has credibility because we post the truth AKA facts!
For you to infer we may lose credibility just might be some pathetic
attempt to psychologically silence us from speaking the truth about Obama.
If that is not the case, I wonder how much KoOlAiD you drank and why?
Why didn't his opponents bring it up?
If I'm a Muslim troll then Duncan Hunter, Huckabee, Palin and Tancredo must also be Muslims because they'd disagree with you he's a Muslim.
I smell a 5-8 pager..
I smell a 5-8 pager..
I read this a bit more carefully and this is my conclusion about your post:
Either you are completely ignorant of the facts, or you are a Moslem troll.
This forum has credibility because we post the truth AKA facts!
For you to infer we may lose credibility just might be some pathetic
attempt to psychologically silence us from speaking the truth about Obama.
If that is not the case, I wonder how much KoOlAiD you drank and why?
Why didn't his opponents bring it up?
If I'm a Muslim troll then Duncan Hunter, Huckabee, Palin and Tancredo must also be Muslims because they'd disagree with you he's a Muslim.
His opponents didn't bring it up because they are like you...politically correct!
Politicians have perfected the Art of Political correctness and lying.
I'm glad you bring this up.
In Islam, if your father is a Muslim, you are a Muslim period, end of story. Its like in Judaism where if your mother is Jewish, you are a Jew. Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was a Muslim. Another part of Islamic law is that once you are a Muslim, you are Muslim for life. It says in the Koran "If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him".
Now even if you disagree that Obama is a Muslim, you know that he was once a Muslim. When he was a boy, he went to a Catholic school, but was registered as a Muslim. His classmates recall him doing Islamic prayers. Since Obama was clearly a Muslim from his lineage and his practice when he was a boy, and he claims to be a Christian, he has discarded his Islamic religion. Now I have just given the Koran verse that says that a Muslim who discards his religion should be killed. Why hasn't he been the target of ANY Muslim assassination attempts?
Other Islamic apostates such as Walid Shoebat and Ayaan Hirsi Ali have been receiving CONSTANT death threats for their apostasy. Why Has Obama not gotten this treatment from Muslims abroad and domestic? There is a doctrine is Islam called Taqiyya. Taqiyya is a phrase that means lying to non-Muslims. When a Muslim is in the minority, he can use Taqiyya to lie to the non-Muslim "infidels" as they call us to advance the Muslim agenda.
Moammar Khadaffi of Libya has stated that Obama is a Muslim. It is obvious that Obama is committing Taqiyya, and concealing his Muslim faith. Its also why he had a freudian slip with George Stephanopoulos with the phrase "My Muslim Faith". Obama has of course been shown to be a serial liar on the campaign for President, lying on a regular basis.
A Muslim man CAN marry a non-Muslim woman. You're lying about that. And as far as the "Church" is concerned there is no way that "Church" is Christian. That "Church" gave an award to Louis Farrakhan yimach shemo vezichro, a bizarre black Muslim anti-semite.
And just look at everything Hussein has done in office! The first foreign leader he calls up is Mahmoud Abbas yimach shemo vezichro, the Holocaust denying murderer who is responsible the Munich Massacre. The first television interview he gives is not to CNN or ABC or even NBC. He gave it to Al-Arabiya, the Saudi owned Arab television network! He has pledged $20 million for the "Palestinians" in aid, which will undoubtedly be used for Hamas terrorism like the last UN aid that was given to them.
Thats why we say he's a Muslim. Its the truth!
Ok, first of all I wasn't lying I really thought Muslim men are forbidden from marrying infidel women. I found out you're right just now:http://www.muslimbridges.org/content/view/351/ (http://www.muslimbridges.org/content/view/351/)
When he said his Muslim faith on ABC it could've been an accident. That's not real evidence. The interview in al-arabiya and Abbas conversation just prove he's sympathetic to Muslims because many of his family members are Muslims. The fact that no Muslim is trying to kill him for becoming Christian may be attributed to the fact that they never believed he was a real Muslim in the first place or even if they do they just don't care. Do you have real evidence?
I'm glad you bring this up.
In Islam, if your father is a Muslim, you are a Muslim period, end of story. Its like in Judaism where if your mother is Jewish, you are a Jew. Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was a Muslim. Another part of Islamic law is that once you are a Muslim, you are Muslim for life. It says in the Koran "If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him".
Now even if you disagree that Obama is a Muslim, you know that he was once a Muslim. When he was a boy, he went to a Catholic school, but was registered as a Muslim. His classmates recall him doing Islamic prayers. Since Obama was clearly a Muslim from his lineage and his practice when he was a boy, and he claims to be a Christian, he has discarded his Islamic religion. Now I have just given the Koran verse that says that a Muslim who discards his religion should be killed. Why hasn't he been the target of ANY Muslim assassination attempts?
Other Islamic apostates such as Walid Shoebat and Ayaan Hirsi Ali have been receiving CONSTANT death threats for their apostasy. Why Has Obama not gotten this treatment from Muslims abroad and domestic? There is a doctrine is Islam called Taqiyya. Taqiyya is a phrase that means lying to non-Muslims. When a Muslim is in the minority, he can use Taqiyya to lie to the non-Muslim "infidels" as they call us to advance the Muslim agenda.
Moammar Khadaffi of Libya has stated that Obama is a Muslim. It is obvious that Obama is committing Taqiyya, and concealing his Muslim faith. Its also why he had a freudian slip with George Stephanopoulos with the phrase "My Muslim Faith". Obama has of course been shown to be a serial liar on the campaign for President, lying on a regular basis.
A Muslim man CAN marry a non-Muslim woman. You're lying about that. And as far as the "Church" is concerned there is no way that "Church" is Christian. That "Church" gave an award to Louis Farrakhan yimach shemo vezichro, a bizarre black Muslim anti-semite.
And just look at everything Hussein has done in office! The first foreign leader he calls up is Mahmoud Abbas yimach shemo vezichro, the Holocaust denying murderer who is responsible the Munich Massacre. The first television interview he gives is not to CNN or ABC or even NBC. He gave it to Al-Arabiya, the Saudi owned Arab television network! He has pledged $20 million for the "Palestinians" in aid, which will undoubtedly be used for Hamas terrorism like the last UN aid that was given to them.
Thats why we say he's a Muslim. Its the truth!
Ok, first of all I wasn't lying I really thought Muslim men are forbidden from marrying infidel women. I found out you're right just now:http://www.muslimbridges.org/content/view/351/ (http://www.muslimbridges.org/content/view/351/)
When he said his Muslim faith on ABC it could've been an accident. That's not real evidence. The interview in al-arabiya and Abbas conversation just prove he's sympathetic to Muslims because many of his family members are Muslims. The fact that no Muslim is trying to kill him for becoming Christian may be attributed to the fact that they never believed he was a real Muslim in the first place or even if they do they just don't care. Do you have real evidence?
This forum has provided enough evidence about Obama being a Moslem to last till doomsday!
Obama did let it slip in an interview that he is a muslim when he said "my muslim faith". Having said that, I don't know for certainty that Obama is a muslim, but that is less important than the fact that he has some definite muslim sympathies that are destructive to Israel and America, and for that matter the rest of the world, though I don't give much of a damn about the rest of the world.
Wrights so called church has a lot of Muslim members according to their own statements.
Because Moslems are liars par excellence for starters.
Obama's actions...refering to his conversion to Christianity
and his marrige to Michelle, were for political reasons only.
Do you honestly think if he openly admitted he was Moslem
he would have become President?
His Church is run by a rabid racist Moslem named Wright
you may have heard him damming America in that
explosive video clip.
Trinity honors the likes of Farrakhan...yes the leader
of the Nation of Islam.
Trinity is a hangout for radical Moslems.
So you don't think Obama is Moslem ?
A true Conservative you are not!
There's absolutely no real evidence he's a Muslim. Period. The closest thing is that he signed up as a Muslim to go to a school in Indonesia. He could have made that up to go to school there. Even if he was a Muslim as a child, marrying a non-Muslim and going to a church are strictly forbidden in Islam.
Look what Muslims do all around the western world.
They are stealing/robbing. It is on the first view forbidden in Islam.
They are selling drugs and consuming drugs. It is on the first view forbidden in Islam.
They are offering gambeling and gamble theirselves. It is on the first view forbidden in Islam.
They are running brothels and are the best customers of brothels. It is on the first view forbidden in Islam.
I think for a quranimal is everything allowed if it is done for the higher purpose of doing evil deeds to the "infidels". You see this daily in the news. Even the most creative horror book author wouldn't be able to invent all the crazy crimes the history of Islam is telling us until today.
The Muslim is a vermin, he has no morals!
Even if he was a Muslim as a child, marrying a non-Muslim and going to a church are strictly forbidden in Islam.
That statement is completely untrue.
First of all, a muslim can go to church especially if it helps him to do takiyah(legal Islamic deception) on the kafirun(infidels).
Don't you remember a few years ago when a bunch of Arab terrorist holed themselves up in the church of the nativity in Bethlehem?
Secondly if marrying a non-Muslim is strictly forbidden in Islam, tell that to Muhammad. He married multiple infidel women including, Jews, pagans and Coptic Christians.
And according to Islamic Sharia law, a Muslim man can marry a woman from Ahl Al-Kitab(People of the Book), a designation in the Quran that means Christians and Jews.
You might want to read a little bit of Quran and Hadith before making blanket statements about what Islam forbids or permits.
I obviously disagree with True Conservative. I believe that Barack Hussein Obama is secretly a Muslim.
There is no doubt that Obama was a Muslim as a child. There is no doubt that his father and his step father were Muslims. He lied about his childhood, claiming that he was never a Muslim. Just as he lied about his childhood, he is lying now.
There also is no doubt that Obama supports the Muslims, is surrounded by Muslims, and is already pursuing policies in regard to Iran that promote the Muslim Nazi terrorist agenda of developing nuclear bombs.
However, having said all of this, I am concerned when I see our great members immediately accuse True Conservative of being a liar and a troll. I don't know what True Conservative's motives are. But on this forum, people are allowed to disagree with us. We should debate vigorously but there is no reason for personal attacks.
This forum must be a place which invites vigorous discussion and debate and the exchange of ideas. If someone abuses their membership on the forum, they will be banned. But disagreeing and raising questions is not an abuse of membership.
This thread is irrelevant. Muslim or not, Obama is the new president now, and there is nothing we can do about it.
This is exactly the same thing like if Tzipi Livni will be the new prime minister of Israel, just because of stupid, ignorant voters.
That the liar in chief may be a Muslim, and his actions will speak louder then words, is enough reason for me that he should not be President of the United States.
He may be President, that doesn't mean we can't speak out and inform people about him. For the time being...this is still America.
Because Moslems are liars par excellence for starters.
Obama's actions...refering to his conversion to Christianity
and his marrige to Michelle, were for political reasons only.
Do you honestly think if he openly admitted he was Moslem
he would have become President?
His Church is run by a rabid racist Moslem named Wright
you may have heard him damming America in that
explosive video clip.
Trinity honors the likes of Farrakhan...yes the leader
of the Nation of Islam.
Trinity is a hangout for radical Moslems.
So you don't think Obama is Moslem ?
A true Conservative you are not!
There's absolutely no real evidence he's a Muslim. Period. The closest thing is that he signed up as a Muslim to go to a school in Indonesia. He could have made that up to go to school there. Even if he was a Muslim as a child, marrying a non-Muslim and going to a church are strictly forbidden in Islam.
I have an ODD way of believing someone when he 'tells the truth'
Because Moslems are liars par excellence for starters.
Obama's actions...refering to his conversion to Christianity
and his marrige to Michelle, were for political reasons only.
Do you honestly think if he openly admitted he was Moslem
he would have become President?
His Church is run by a rabid racist Moslem named Wright
you may have heard him damming America in that
explosive video clip.
Trinity honors the likes of Farrakhan...yes the leader
of the Nation of Islam.
Trinity is a hangout for radical Moslems.
So you don't think Obama is Moslem ?
A true Conservative you are not!
There's absolutely no real evidence he's a Muslim. Period. The closest thing is that he signed up as a Muslim to go to a school in Indonesia. He could have made that up to go to school there. Even if he was a Muslim as a child, marrying a non-Muslim and going to a church are strictly forbidden in Islam.
I have an ODD way of believing someone when he 'tells the truth'
BTW: Name me ONE Jew OR Christian even under fire that EVER said 'my muslim faith?' IT DOES NOT HAPPEN.
Because Moslems are liars par excellence for starters.
Obama's actions...refering to his conversion to Christianity
and his marrige to Michelle, were for political reasons only.
Do you honestly think if he openly admitted he was Moslem
he would have become President?
His Church is run by a rabid racist Moslem named Wright
you may have heard him damming America in that
explosive video clip.
Trinity honors the likes of Farrakhan...yes the leader
of the Nation of Islam.
Trinity is a hangout for radical Moslems.
So you don't think Obama is Moslem ?
A true Conservative you are not!
There's absolutely no real evidence he's a Muslim. Period. The closest thing is that he signed up as a Muslim to go to a school in Indonesia. He could have made that up to go to school there. Even if he was a Muslim as a child, marrying a non-Muslim and going to a church are strictly forbidden in Islam.
ALSO- you can call his church ANYTIME, ans ask if they have MUSLIMS there- the answer is YES.
The other members who posted on this thread are absolutely right. Obama's father, and stepfather were both Muslims. He was registered in school in Indonesia as a Muslim. Here's what Daniel Pipes wrote about Obama's Muslim background:
Obama's Indonesian family: His stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was also a Muslim. In fact, as Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng explained to Jodi Kantor of the New York Times: "My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim." An Indonesian publication, the Banjarmasin Post reports a former classmate, Rony Amir, recalling that "All the relatives of Barry's father were very devout Muslims."
Mosque attendance: Obama's half-sister recalled that the family attended the mosque "for big communal events." Watson learned from childhood friends that "Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque." Barker found that "Obama occasionally followed his stepfather to the mosque for Friday prayers." One Indonesia friend, Zulfin Adi, states that Obama "was Muslim. He went to the mosque. I remember him wearing a sarong" (a garment associated with Muslims).
Piety: Obama himself says that while living in Indonesia, a Muslim country, he "didn't practice [Islam]," implicitly acknowledging a Muslim identity. Indonesians differ in their memories of him. One, Rony Amir, describes Obama as "previously quite religious in Islam."
Furthermore, that disgusting pig, Jeremiah Wright is another so-called former Muslim, and that's according to the New Republic.
But Wright was a former Muslim and black nationalist who had studied at Howard and Chicago, and Trinity's guiding principles--what the church calls the "Black Value System"--included a "Disavowal of the Pursuit of Middleclassness.'"
For his masters degree Wright majored in religious studies, with a focus on Islam:
He graduated from Howard University and earned bachelor's and master's degrees in English with a focus on African spirituals. At the University of Chicago Divinity School, he earned another masters degree in the history of religions with a focus on Islam.
In a Trinity church bulletin, Rev. Wright penned the following: "Most of our members do not know that my Master’s Degree from the University of Chicago’s Divinity School was in the area of Islam in West Africa during the 19th Century -- when the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was at its zenith."
Also, according to Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs there was never any certificate of Obama having been baptized, which is how one usually becomes a Christian.
I find it hard to understand why, with all the information that has been presented regarding this matter, that the burden of proof should lie in proving that he is a muslim, rather than proving he is not.
Original poster, go to
and do your research. Read 'Religion' and 'Islam'. THE EVIDENCE IS OVERWHELMING.
His name: Barack HUSSEIN Obama. Barack: blessed in Arabic Hussein: handsome one in Arabic.
Obama is a name from the Luo ethnic group of southwestern Kenya, where Barack Obama Sr. was born. It was originally the given name of Barack Obama's great-grandfather. It is based on the Luo (technically, Dholuo, the name of the language of the Luo) word bam, which means "crooked, slightly bending" . The prefix O- means "he", and many Luo male names begin with it. Since most traditional Luo names were given by the baby's mother referring to something about the child's birth, the best guess is that when Obama's great-grandfather was born one of his arms or legs looked slightly.
For me, the fact that he is NOT producing his birth certificate, is the biggest tell of them all. This is good, True Conservative, that you asked this question, because now there are FACTS in this thread, that all can use to back up that fact that Obamanation IS a muslim!
I don't really care if he's a moslem or not he's a communist and a follower of that demon Saul Alinsky
Because Moslems are liars par excellence for starters.
Obama's actions...refering to his conversion to Christianity
and his marrige to Michelle, were for political reasons only.
Do you honestly think if he openly admitted he was Moslem
he would have become President?
His Church is run by a rabid racist Moslem named Wright
you may have heard him damming America in that
explosive video clip.
Trinity honors the likes of Farrakhan...yes the leader
of the Nation of Islam.
Trinity is a hangout for radical Moslems.
So you don't think Obama is Moslem ?
A true Conservative you are not!
There's absolutely no real evidence he's a Muslim. Period. The closest thing is that he signed up as a Muslim to go to a school in Indonesia. He could have made that up to go to school there. Even if he was a Muslim as a child, marrying a non-Muslim and going to a church are strictly forbidden in Islam.
you tell me what good Christian goes around changing his name, Barry to Barak and create a middle name "Hussein"? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it is most likely a duck...not a hippo.
There is nothing trivial about Obama's muslim roots...whether or not he practices his religion according the Koran or directly believes in Allah and Mohammed is the only thing that I question...but by birth and upbringing, he's a Muslim...
Well, tell me WHAT Christian says they are a MUZLIM by ACCIDENT? HE SAID IT, I believe it, thats that.
Ok, just tell me, HOW MANY CHristians does ANYBODY know that SAID "ITS TRUE, NOBODY HAS QUESTIONED MY MUSLIM FAITH" tell me, I want to know, WHEN do Jews do this as well??
I don't really care if he's a moslem or not he's a communist and a follower of that demon Saul Alinsky
This is for shure obvious. :o
He was a muslim! He is still a muslim!
He was a muslim! He is still a muslim!
Obama is NOT EVEN BORN HERE. Race back then was "negro" NOT "African" he was not born here- he arrived in HAWAII SIX DAYS AFTER his birth. I am SICK of the USURPER!
“I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, www.nytimes.com/ontheground). He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.
Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”
Moreover, Mr. Obama’s own grandfather in Kenya was a Muslim. Mr. Obama never met his grandfather and says he isn’t sure if his grandfather’s two wives were simultaneous or consecutive, or even if he was Sunni or Shiite.
As other posters have said on this issue, the evidence is overwhelming. Obama was born a muslim, raised a muslim, IS a muslim without any debate or discussion on the issue. He lied about this during the campaign so as not to turn off voters who would understandably not vote for him if they discovered this. His entire name is muslim and arabic. He didn't belong to a church, he belongs to a CULT as "reverend" Wright is an anti-American, anti-white, and anti-Jew scum of the earth traitor and leftist agitator.
He was a muslim! He is still a muslim!
Obama is NOT EVEN BORN HERE. Race back then was "negro" NOT "African" he was not born here- he arrived in HAWAII SIX DAYS AFTER his birth. I am SICK of the USURPER!
nice pic
He was a muslim! He is still a muslim!
Obama is NOT EVEN BORN HERE. Race back then was "negro" NOT "African" he was not born here- he arrived in HAWAII SIX DAYS AFTER his birth. I am SICK of the USURPER!
Paulette, hugs to you! Excellent picture. It depicts the truth about his persona!
Shalom - Dox
I don't like conspiracy crap. I was glad to see that you reject the 9/11 conspiracy but Obama is not a Muslim. If you keep saying he is we will lose all credibility. Maybe he was when he was in Indonesia but there isn't a shred of evidence that he's a Muslim now. If he's a Muslim then why did he marry a non-Muslim and why did he attend a non-Muslim church for 2 decades?
He mentioned his "muslim" faith on television.
Guilty As Charged!
He will stall and delay much as possible any action until Iran has fully completed its nuclear weapons program.
Obama doesn't even mention Iran as a possible target of US Air strikes to combat their evil ambitions... What an Evil Bastard! >:(
Even if he was a Muslim as a child, marrying a non-Muslim and going to a church are strictly forbidden in Islam.
Absolutely false, according to Hadith marrying a "person of the book" (Jew or Christian) is permissible--not ideal, but lawful.
Mohammed "married" many Jewish and Christian war-booty captives, and his first wife, Khadija, was a Christian.
Obama has admitted that he has muslim roots. He wrote about it in his book. Isnt it ingeniously wicked that all during the campaign the Obamanuts were crying whenever anyone used the name "Hussein", yet once he is inaugurated he runs around using that name which was supposed to be verboten. What absolute chutzpah from this schvartza muslim. Obama is wickedly Islamic because of his use of Taquiyah {lies to accomplish goal of spreading Islam}.
I think this True Conservative is just trolling... It is time to stop wasting time on such a ridiculous topic. Obama is a Muslim by birth and according to Islam that makes him Muslim.
“I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, www.nytimes.com/ontheground). He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.
Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”
Moreover, Mr. Obama’s own grandfather in Kenya was a Muslim. Mr. Obama never met his grandfather and says he isn’t sure if his grandfather’s two wives were simultaneous or consecutive, or even if he was Sunni or Shiite.
Great post
As other posters have said on this issue, the evidence is overwhelming. Obama was born a muslim, raised a muslim, IS a muslim without any debate or discussion on the issue. He lied about this during the campaign so as not to turn off voters who would understandably not vote for him if they discovered this. His entire name is muslim and arabic. He didn't belong to a church, he belongs to a CULT as "reverend" Wright is an anti-American, anti-white, and anti-Jew scum of the earth traitor and leftist agitator.
I don't really care if he's a moslem or not he's a communist and a follower of that demon Saul Alinsky
Exactly. He's a Communist and JTF should have spent more time exposing this which is provable.
Obama is a Muslim by birth and according to Islam that makes him Muslim.
That goes against logic. People have free will and choose their religion so it doesn't matter what Islam says.
I have done some videos on Obama. I will enbed them below and hope that you will take the time to look at them.
These should help you to understand the concerns of the JTF
Obama is a Muslim by birth and according to Islam that makes him Muslim.
That goes against logic. People have free will and choose their religion so it doesn't matter what Islam says.
No it doesnt go against logic. Islamic law is completely logical, as is Jewish law. You are not what you think you are, you are what you were created to be. Free Will only accounts for how much or how little you abide by the law. So even if Obama doesn't think he is a Muslim, if one day he wakes up and decides he made a mistake, he can go out and be a muslim without having to convert. You a a muslim if your father is Muslim. In Judaism you are a Jew if your mother was Jewish. This lasts for as long as you live...
So maybe Obama is just not observing his religion, sorta like the 9/11 terrorists who went to Las Vegas before carrying out their attack, and is lying to the world to expand the Islamic caliphate.
If I could be everything I wanted to I would have four arms, wings, and two mouths so I could talk and eat at the same time. Fortunately G-d made me with one mouth, two arms, and no wings, thus I am a human being. No matter how much I want to be a woman, I am made a man. No matter how much Obama wants to be seen as non-muslim he will always be muslim because of the situation of his birth.
If you are not able to understand the SIMPLE logic in this then I will not be able to explain anything to you.
PS: Joining Rev Wrights anti-American, pro-Islamic church doesnt remove his Islamic roots.
The only thing all of you have proven is that he sympathizes with Muslims because of his background. Accusing someone of being a Muslim is very serious as serious as accusing someone of being a Nazi. I didn't know Muslim men are allowed to marry non-Muslims and I apologize for that ignorant remark. I wasn't trolling I really thought that. He still went to a Church for 2 decades when he could have gone to a mosque with Farrakhans people which is why I believe he left Islam. You claim Obama's church isn't really Christian but I bet if he went to a Nation of Islam type mosque you'd say that mosque is Islamic when technically NOI is not even Muslim. Obama is a standard communist, Black supremacist.
The only thing all of you have proven is that he sympathizes with Muslims because of his background. Accusing someone of being a Muslim is very serious as serious as accusing someone of being a Nazi. I didn't know Muslim men are allowed to marry non-Muslims and I apologize for that ignorant remark. I wasn't trolling I really thought that. He still went to a Church for 2 decades when he could have gone to a mosque with Farrakhans people which is why I believe he left Islam. You claim Obama's church isn't really Christian but I bet if he went to a Nation of Islam type mosque you'd say that mosque is Islamic when technically NOI is not even Muslim. Obama is a standard communist, Black supremacist.
There is much about Obama which is not 'Kosher'. He is obviously a communist but that doesn't worry people too much here in America. Nobody these days seems to even know what Communism is {especially the 20somethings}. The real fear about Obama is his involvement in destroying Israel and assisting in the Shariafication of the world.
Muslim or not - - - his background is sketchy, his alliances are scary, and his past DOES have Islamic roots (which he admits). You gotta take all facts into consideration and be extra cautious. NO CHANCES! And if there's even a SLIGHT possibility that he's Muslim, then we gotta entertain that possibility and take all neccessary precautions.
Islamic law is completely logical, as is Jewish law.
Muman, can you please elaborate on that for us?
Why would anyone believe that Barack Hussein Obama isn't a Muslim ??
All the evidence indicates he is a Muslim.
His name is Muslim.
His background is Muslim.
He's slipped up and said he's Muslim.
But here's the most important thing -- He has never renounced Islam.
It's a common practice of taqiyya practicing Mohammedans to acknowledge their belief in Jesus Christ as a prophet. Muslims always do this and BHO is no exception.
Ask Hussein is Jesus was a prophet and messiah and he will say yes.
What he won't add, because he is a taqiyya practicing Muslim, is that he believes in Jesus -- but accepts Mohammed as the final prophet !
It would be very interesting to see someone ask Hussein his thoughts and beliefs concerning Mohammed.
I sincerely believe if Hussein was honest he'd say he believes Mohammed (feces be upon him) was the final prophet.
And that, my friends, makes him a Koranimal.
I find it remarkable that some people so easily accept that Hussein always has been and remains a socialist -- but doubt that he's still a Muslim.
His campaign propaganda was that he's a centrist; a moderate.
But his history with Ayers and a multitude of other dubious characters clearly indicated he's not only a leftist, he's about as far left -- and as big a socialist -- as they come.
People with common sense didn't buy into the 'Obama isn't a leftist, he's a centrist' campaign propaganda -- why would rational people buy into the 'Obama isn't a Muslim, he's a Christian' propaganda ??
Sorry, but believing Obama isn't a Muslim is as silly as believing Obama isn't a socialist.
I think the question about why people at JTF insist Obama is a Muslim needs to be turned on True Conservative.
Why does True Conservative insist Hussein is a Christian ??
Especially when the reality is Hussein was born and raised as a Muslim and has never renounced Islam.
Why would anyone believe that Barack Hussein Obama isn't a Muslim ??
All the evidence indicates he is a Muslim.
His name is Muslim.
His background is Muslim.
He's slipped up and said he's Muslim.
But here's the most important thing -- He has never renounced Islam.
It's a common practice of taqiyya practicing Mohammedans to acknowledge their belief in Jesus Christ as a prophet. Muslims always do this and BHO is no exception.
Ask Hussein is Jesus was a prophet and messiah and he will say yes.
What he won't add, because he is a taqiyya practicing Muslim, is that he believes in Jesus -- but accepts Mohammed as the final prophet !
It would be very interesting to see someone ask Hussein his thoughts and beliefs concerning Mohammed.
I sincerely believe if Hussein was honest he'd say he believes Mohammed (feces be upon him) was the final prophet.
And that, my friends, makes him a Koranimal.
I find it remarkable that some people so easily accept that Hussein always has been and remains a socialist -- but doubt that he's still a Muslim.
His campaign propaganda was that he's a centrist; a moderate.
But his history with Ayers and a multitude of other dubious characters clearly indicated he's not only a leftist, he's about as far left -- and as big a socialist -- as they come.
People with common sense didn't buy into the 'Obama isn't a leftist, he's a centrist' campaign propaganda -- why would rational people buy into the 'Obama isn't a Muslim, he's a Christian' propaganda ??
Sorry, but believing Obama isn't a Muslim is as silly as believing Obama isn't a socialist.
I think the question about why people at JTF insist Obama is a Muslim needs to be turned on True Conservative.
Why does True Conservative insist Hussein is a Christian ??
Especially when the reality is Hussein was born and raised as a Muslim and has never renounced Islam.
Great Post.
Shalom - Dox
Couldn't have said it better Muck DeFuslims! I have ALWAYS believed Obamation to be a Muslim and continue to this day, to all who will listen, try to convince people of this. Maybe I should start printing all the FACTS out, so they can read it for themselves, but if they never read the paper or watch the news, who's to say they will believe what I print out?????? These are the people we wil have a very difficult time convincing of these facts, it's so aggravating! But I continue, and some are even trying to avoid me LOL
Couldn't have said it better Muck DeFuslims! I have ALWAYS believed Obamation to be a Muslim and continue to this day, to all who will listen, try to convince people of this. Maybe I should start printing all the FACTS out, so they can read it for themselves, but if they never read the paper or watch the news, who's to say they will believe what I print out?????? These are the people we wil have a very difficult time convincing of these facts, it's so aggravating! But I continue, and some are even trying to avoid me LOL
Excellent comments Muck DeFuslims and great follow-up comments by everyone else.
BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is a Muslim! The vast majority of the media is either leftist and/ or too politically correct. This is why Obama was able to get away with using taqiyya in getting " elected " President of the United States.
I sure hope you are right Mo! You are so right David! The left and these PC people are enough to drive anyone nuts! Has to be the ONLY reason he was elected!
I sure hope you are right Mo! You are so right David! The left and these PC people are enough to drive anyone nuts! Has to be the ONLY reason he was elected!
Dawn, adding to what you mentioned, I very often reflect on the double standards of the media. Especially on how the collective media spent more time in ONE DAY digging for info about Sarah Palin than they did with Barack Hussein Obama during the ENTIRE Presidential Campaign that began in early 2007. And Gov. Palin was not even on the TOP of the Republican Ticket!
Good grief yes David! I blame the media for 99% of this mess! I feel so bad for what happened to Sarah Palin, it was all so very unfair. :'(
Islamic law is completely logical, as is Jewish law.
Muman, can you please elaborate on that for us?
What I mean by this is that everything in Judaism has a logical reason for existing. This is what Halacha is, determining how to go about fufilling the mitzvot. When the Torah says that one must eat Matzah on Pesach, the rabbis have been able to determine from Torah just how much Matzah one must eat, and how long that they have to eat it. The laws of Shabbat are all logically derived from the 39 melachot {creative labors} which were performed by the Israelites while making the Mishkan in the desert. There are many minutia about these laws and many sefers written on the topic of Shabbat observance {all based on logical examination of the scriptures}. When the Torah says to bind the Torah to our arms and keep it like frontlets before our eyes it means the tefillin that men must wear every day during prayer. Without the oral law the Torah doesn't really make much sense.
So what I am leading to is that Judaism is based on very logical precepts extracted from analysis of the scriptures. Many genius Rabbis have spent thousands of years reviewing the findings and looking to the mystical teachings for basis for the halacha. There is reason for every thing we do in Jewish observance.
Since Islam and the other derivative religions seek to satisfy both the spiritual and the intellectual they have adopted similar laws. Is it not odd that Jewish identity is established through the mother, and Islamic identity is established through the father? Is it not odd that Judaism is a religion which stresses making the most of this world and enjoying this life while Islam is a cult which stresses sacrificing ones life in this world in order to gain so-called rewards in the next world? Why does Judaism come down to G-ds explanation to the Jewish people, "I have placed before you Blessing and Life, and Curses and Death, Choose life..." Islam is the anti-Religion to Judaism in so many ways. But just as Judaism requires halacha to define and explain our precepts, so too does Islam use laws and reasons to justify its ideas.
I don't know if I explained my thoughts succinctly. I hope that a ray of my original idea has escaped from my frantically flying fingers...
No it doesnt go against logic. Islamic law is completely logical, as is Jewish law. You are not what you think you are, you are what you were created to be. Free Will only accounts for how much or how little you abide by the law. So even if Obama doesn't think he is a Muslim, if one day he wakes up and decides he made a mistake, he can go out and be a muslim without having to convert. You a a muslim if your father is Muslim. In Judaism you are a Jew if your mother was Jewish. This lasts for as long as you live...
So maybe Obama is just not observing his religion, sorta like the 9/11 terrorists who went to Las Vegas before carrying out their attack, and is lying to the world to expand the Islamic caliphate.
If I could be everything I wanted to I would have four arms, wings, and two mouths so I could talk and eat at the same time. Fortunately G-d made me with one mouth, two arms, and no wings, thus I am a human being. No matter how much I want to be a woman, I am made a man. No matter how much Obama wants to be seen as non-muslim he will always be muslim because of the situation of his birth.
If you are not able to understand the SIMPLE logic in this then I will not be able to explain anything to you.
PS: Joining Rev Wrights anti-American, pro-Islamic church doesnt remove his Islamic roots.
Dude, what are you talking about???
Listen to what you said: He will always be a Muslim because he was born Muslim. You can change your beliefs anytime you want. If someone's mother is Jewish he is a Jew at birth but can then convert to any other religion or become atheist and he is no longer Jewish. Simple as that. People's actions determine what they are. Now, if you're a human and think you're a bird you're still a human. If you're a man and think you're a woman you're still a man. We aren't talking about biological things we're talking about beliefs. I know people who were born to Islam and have left it and hate it more than you can imagine. Are you telling me they are still Muslims?
No it doesnt go against logic. Islamic law is completely logical, as is Jewish law. You are not what you think you are, you are what you were created to be. Free Will only accounts for how much or how little you abide by the law. So even if Obama doesn't think he is a Muslim, if one day he wakes up and decides he made a mistake, he can go out and be a muslim without having to convert. You a a muslim if your father is Muslim. In Judaism you are a Jew if your mother was Jewish. This lasts for as long as you live...
So maybe Obama is just not observing his religion, sorta like the 9/11 terrorists who went to Las Vegas before carrying out their attack, and is lying to the world to expand the Islamic caliphate.
If I could be everything I wanted to I would have four arms, wings, and two mouths so I could talk and eat at the same time. Fortunately G-d made me with one mouth, two arms, and no wings, thus I am a human being. No matter how much I want to be a woman, I am made a man. No matter how much Obama wants to be seen as non-muslim he will always be muslim because of the situation of his birth.
If you are not able to understand the SIMPLE logic in this then I will not be able to explain anything to you.
PS: Joining Rev Wrights anti-American, pro-Islamic church doesnt remove his Islamic roots.
Dude, what are you talking about???
Listen to what you said: He will always be a Muslim because he was born Muslim. You can change your beliefs anytime you want. If someone's mother is Jewish he is a Jew at birth but can then convert to any other religion or become atheist and he is no longer Jewish. Simple as that. People's actions determine what they are. Now, if you're a human and think you're a bird you're still a human. If you're a man and think you're a woman you're still a man. We aren't talking about biological things we're talking about beliefs. I know people who were born to Islam and have left it and hate it more than you can imagine. Are you telling me they are still Muslims?
I am talking truth which you deny. Simple as that...
A person is born to a mother and father, they don't have a choice about who they are. They are created by the mother and father, and G-d. A person is given a body and a soul, and the soul has traits which are passed from the biological parent.
I assume you are not Jewish because if you were you would know what I am talking about. Everyone is a composite of the traits of their parents, you know about DNA. DNA is physical and there are traits of the soul which are passed to the child.
The 'other' religions besides Judaism and Islam don't have these ideas because they don't have this kind of soul. This topic is too broad for me to explain, especially to people who don't understand Jewish ideas.
Basically all those who believe in soul DNA knows that whatever Obama acts to the world about his religious beliefs he will always be accepted as a Muslim because of his father. According to his own books he said he remembers the most important prayers of Islam and knows how to sing it. This kind of prayer is central to Islam and he says the sound of the prayer is the most beautiful thing. Do you know why this is? Because music and prayer reach deep down into a soul. Obama is in tune with the ideas and the beliefs of Islam.
You can deny this to your hearts content but you will realize the truth some day. I really don't understand why anyone would blind their eyes to the truth for the sake of seeming non-judgemental.
Why would anyone believe that Barack Hussein Obama isn't a Muslim ??
All the evidence indicates he is a Muslim.
His name is Muslim.
His background is Muslim.
He's slipped up and said he's Muslim.
But here's the most important thing -- He has never renounced Islam.
He once talked about being accused of being a Muslim and jokingly said it would anger his Pastor. He practically renounced it right there.
I find it remarkable that some people so easily accept that Hussein always has been and remains a socialist -- but doubt that he's still a Muslim.
His campaign propaganda was that he's a centrist; a moderate.
But his history with Ayers and a multitude of other dubious characters clearly indicated he's not only a leftist, he's about as far left -- and as big a socialist -- as they come.
People with common sense didn't buy into the 'Obama isn't a leftist, he's a centrist' campaign propaganda -- why would rational people buy into the 'Obama isn't a Muslim, he's a Christian' propaganda ??
Sorry, but believing Obama isn't a Muslim is as silly as believing Obama isn't a socialist.
I think the question about why people at JTF insist Obama is a Muslim needs to be turned on True Conservative.
Why does True Conservative insist Hussein is a Christian ??
Especially when the reality is Hussein was born and raised as a Muslim and has never renounced Islam.
I don't even believe he's really a Christian either. He's as Christian as his Reverend. It's a perversion of Christianity tailored to suit Black Supremacism. Farrakhan isn't a real Muslim either. All of these people should be classified as Black Supremacists. NOI believes in the space ship destroying the White race and the White race being created by a Black scientist. They believe White people are devils. That's a perversion of Islam too.
I am talking truth which you deny. Simple as that...
A person is born to a mother and father, they don't have a choice about who they are. They are created by the mother and father, and G-d. A person is given a body and a soul, and the soul has traits which are passed from the biological parent.
I assume you are not Jewish because if you were you would know what I am talking about. Everyone is a composite of the traits of their parents, you know about DNA. DNA is physical and there are traits of the soul which are passed to the child.
The 'other' religions besides Judaism and Islam don't have these ideas because they don't have this kind of soul. This topic is too broad for me to explain, especially to people who don't understand Jewish ideas.
Basically all those who believe in soul DNA knows that whatever Obama acts to the world about his religious beliefs he will always be accepted as a Muslim because of his father. According to his own books he said he remembers the most important prayers of Islam and knows how to sing it. This kind of prayer is central to Islam and he says the sound of the prayer is the most beautiful thing. Do you know why this is? Because music and prayer reach deep down into a soul. Obama is in tune with the ideas and the beliefs of Islam.
You can deny this to your hearts content but you will realize the truth some day. I really don't understand why anyone would blind their eyes to the truth for the sake of seeming non-judgemental.
So are you telling me if a Muslim thinks Islam is evil and leaves it he's still a Muslim because his soul is Muslim?
Obama is a crack junkie piece of drek from Chicago. He believes the White race will be sucked up by the mother ship and that Blacks are G-d's chosen people. If the Taliban ever got their hand's on him they'd label him a rejectionist and behead him but for the fact they'd let him live because he's serving their interests for now.
I am talking truth which you deny. Simple as that...
A person is born to a mother and father, they don't have a choice about who they are. They are created by the mother and father, and G-d. A person is given a body and a soul, and the soul has traits which are passed from the biological parent.
I assume you are not Jewish because if you were you would know what I am talking about. Everyone is a composite of the traits of their parents, you know about DNA. DNA is physical and there are traits of the soul which are passed to the child.
The 'other' religions besides Judaism and Islam don't have these ideas because they don't have this kind of soul. This topic is too broad for me to explain, especially to people who don't understand Jewish ideas.
Basically all those who believe in soul DNA knows that whatever Obama acts to the world about his religious beliefs he will always be accepted as a Muslim because of his father. According to his own books he said he remembers the most important prayers of Islam and knows how to sing it. This kind of prayer is central to Islam and he says the sound of the prayer is the most beautiful thing. Do you know why this is? Because music and prayer reach deep down into a soul. Obama is in tune with the ideas and the beliefs of Islam.
You can deny this to your hearts content but you will realize the truth some day. I really don't understand why anyone would blind their eyes to the truth for the sake of seeming non-judgemental.
So are you telling me if a Muslim thinks Islam is evil and leaves it he's still a Muslim because his soul is Muslim?
Obama is a crack junkie piece of drek from Chicago. He believes the White race will be sucked up by the mother ship and that Blacks are G-d's chosen people. If the Taliban ever got their hand's on him they'd label him a rejectionist and behead him but for the fact they'd let him live because he's serving their interests for now.
I have read this whole tread. From my observations I can't help but get the feeling that you may have issues with religion period.
Might you be an Athiest, and if not why does the issue of Obama being seen as a Moslem bother you so much?
It is apparent to me that most of the contents in this tread are arguments over religion and Obama is the excuse for the argument.
I have read this whole tread. From my observations I can't help but get the feeling that you may have issues with religion period.
Might you be an Athiest, and if not why does the issue of Obama being seen as a Moslem bother you so much?
It is apparent to me that most of the contents in this tread are arguments over religion and Obama is the excuse for the argument.
No. I have issues with conspiracy theories. I believe he's a communist but I never say that to people because it's my opinion. He's a proven Socialist because he wants to nationalize everything, etc and that's all I'd talk about. You should just talk about the facts and let people decide what's right. If I found out he were a Muslim tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised at all. He may very well be one but I don't think he is.
I have read this whole tread. From my observations I can't help but get the feeling that you may have issues with religion period.
Might you be an Athiest, and if not why does the issue of Obama being seen as a Moslem bother you so much?
It is apparent to me that most of the contents in this tread are arguments over religion and Obama is the excuse for the argument.
No. I have issues with conspiracy theories. I believe he's a communist but I never say that to people because it's my opinion. He's a proven Socialist because he wants to nationalize everything, etc and that's all I'd talk about. You should just talk about the facts and let people decide what's right. If I found out he were a Muslim tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised at all. He may very well be one but I don't think he is.
Your last sentence was contradictory: " He may very well be one but I don't think he is. "
I do appreciate the fact that at least you recognize he is a piece of chit. We can all agree on that!
Shalom - Dox
Good grief yes David! I blame the media for 99% of this mess! I feel so bad for what happened to Sarah Palin, it was all so very unfair. :'(
Dawn, there's no question that the media made it possible for Barack Hussein Obama " winning " the 2008 Presidential Election. One thing that stands out is Obama wasn't even in the U.S. Senate for 150 days! Basically, his U.S. Senate term ended in mid February, 2007. That's when his Presidential campaign officially began. This is even more pronounced because Obama had no executive experience. Someone with such little experience and a multitude of baggage shouldn't have even been on the Presidential radar screen. If the collective media would have even reported even a 1/10 of the info that JTF provided about Obama, he would have had ZERO chance to have defeated Hillary " Saddam " Clinton for the 2008 Democrat Party nomination for President. Let alone " win" the General Election.
As angry as I am about the biased treatment against Sarah Palin, I'm confident that she has the mental toughness, leadership skills, and intelligence, to overcome the attacks by the media, the left in general, and those in the McCain campaign that attempted to destroy her future. A huge concern though is the very realistic possibility of millions of illegal aliens gaining Amnesty because of Obama and the Democrat controlled Congress. If this happens, it's going to be much harder for any real Conseratives to win the Presidency. Also, the appointment of " Moderate " Republican Michael Steele to be head of the Republican National Committee appears to have the potential to be an obstacle in Gov. Palin winning the 2012 Republican Nomination for President. Unless the Republican party gets back to its genuine Conservative grass roots, the future for the U.S. is dim.
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of religion Obama is BAD NEWS with capital letters.
I truly believe that the particular brand of religion that he practiced for 20 years reflects his true beliefs. His church supported palestinkians and accuses the United States of horrible deeds. I cannot defend what that church stands for. To give honor to Frakanan is outrageous.
I will not convince you of Obamas beliefs because I am not a mind reader. I do know that judging from his actions he is acting like a covert Moslem. His being communist, gay, charismatic, etc... is just the icing on the cake.
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of religion Obama is BAD NEWS with capital letters.
I truly believe that the particular brand of religion that he practiced for 20 years reflects his true beliefs. His church supported palestinkians and accuses the United States of horrible deeds. I cannot defend what that church stands for. To give honor to Frakanan is outrageous.
I will not convince you of Obamas beliefs because I am not a mind reader. I do know that judging from his actions he is acting like a covert Moslem. His being communist, gay, charismatic, etc... is just the icing on the cake.
Excellent quote Muman!
Shalom - Dox
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of religion Obama is BAD NEWS with capital letters.
I truly believe that the particular brand of religion that he practiced for 20 years reflects his true beliefs. His church supported palestinkians and accuses the United States of horrible deeds. I cannot defend what that church stands for. To give honor to Frakanan is outrageous.
I will not convince you of Obamas beliefs because I am not a mind reader. I do know that judging from his actions he is acting like a covert Moslem. His being communist, gay, charismatic, etc... is just the icing on the cake.
Very well stated, munan613.
That hideous so called church is a reflection of what Obamination truly is about.
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of religion Obama is BAD NEWS with capital letters.
I truly believe that the particular brand of religion that he practiced for 20 years reflects his true beliefs. His church supported palestinkians and accuses the United States of horrible deeds. I cannot defend what that church stands for. To give honor to Frakanan is outrageous.
I will not convince you of Obamas beliefs because I am not a mind reader. I do know that judging from his actions he is acting like a covert Moslem. His being communist, gay, charismatic, etc... is just the icing on the cake.
The reason we don't agree is because of our definitions of Muslim. I say you're a Muslim if you believe Muhammad is a prophet and believe their tenants. That's how the dictionary defined it. You're saying since his father is a Muslim he's one automatically for life. He may have believed Muhammad was a prophet and been a Muslim at one point in his life but I believe he left it for his Black supremacist theology. He later went to Bolshevik Harvard where his Communist professors radicalized him even further. Obama is the scum of the earth and if I found out he were a Muslim tomorrow I couldn't think lower of him.
What is a person's religion born of a Jewish women and a muslim man?
David, I have the perfect slogan for the Republican Party come 2012: "Conservatives with Common Sense!" That ought to bring the "middle" over to our side, don't you think? Obamanation will make as huge of a mess of things as Carter did, so I have all confidence come 2012 that that animal will be out of there and hopefully, go down in history as the worst president in US History. But...........if the media handles this, it won't happen.
Even if most people do NOT believe Obamanation is a moslem, I truly believe in his heart, HE thinks he is, a covert moslem and that is more dangerous than any of the others.
My guess is, if you take your mother's side, in Judaism, then this child would be born a Jew, no? But then again, if a Jewish woman married or gave son to a muslim man, then HOW could she be Jewish? Wouldn't that be going against all she was taught and believed in?
Dawn, I certainly like the slogan that you came up with. I only wish though that those in the " middle " had more common sense.
It's very likely that the media will be supporting Obama to be re-elected. Even if Obama's decisions leads to disaster both in terms of the economy and terrorism ( overall national security ), the media probably will put the blame on the G.W. Bush administration for their policies from 2001 to the beginning of 2009. Of course overlooking the fact that the Clintons appeasement policies and Affirmative Action emphasis in the housing and financial sectors were a substantial factor in causing problems for G.W. Bush and co. The media will go out of its way to support liberals, especially those who are Black and / or are Muslims.
From the Judaism perspective, the mother's religion determines the religion of the child. In Islam though, if the father is a Muslim, the child is a Muslim. In Islam, if one leaves the " religion ", death is the punishment. Louis Farrakhan's seal of approval of Barack Hussein Obama reinforced my opinion that Obama is still really a Muslim but he is acting as a Christian for political purposes. Hence most other Muslims believe that Obama is using Taqiyya with Infidels.
In Judaism, one isn't allowed to marry outside the Jewish faith unless the non Jewish person converts. It can't be a half hearted conversion. Having said that, a Jewish person marrying a Muslim probably would be one of the absolute greatest sins a Jewish person can make. If anyone has additional info about this, by all means please share it.
What is a person's religion born of a Jewish women and a muslim man?
That is a good question. My niece is Jewish and she is married to an Iraqi Jew. Her Mother in law is Jewish and she has a sister who lives in Iran. Her sister is Jewish and married to a Moslem ( they don't talk about that ) anyways the Jewish sister of my niece's Mother in law has raised her children Moslem because her husband demanded it. Women in Iran have little or no rights and I suspect that any Jewish women living in Iran that are married to Moslem men are forced to raise their children as Moslems. Does this mean that the children are not Jewish because they are being raised in the fathers cult? I don't know the answer to that.
Shalom - Dox
Sounds very complicated Elizabeth!
Women in Iran have little or no rights and I suspect that any Jewish women living in Iran that are married to Moslem men are forced to raise their children as Moslems. Does this mean that the children are not Jewish because they are being raised in the fathers cult? I don't know the answer to that.
According to Judaism, the children are Jewish. They can have Moslem mentality, speak Farsi or Arabic, be members of terrorist organizations etc. but they are Jewish according to Jewish Law. Nothing can change it.
Such tragic case is called "tinok she-nishba" (captured baby) in Judaism.
Women in Iran have little or no rights and I suspect that any Jewish women living in Iran that are married to Moslem men are forced to raise their children as Moslems. Does this mean that the children are not Jewish because they are being raised in the fathers cult? I don't know the answer to that.
According to Judaism, the children are Jewish. They can have Moslem mentality, speak Farsi or Arabic, be members of terrorist organizations etc. but they are Jewish according to Jewish Law. Nothing can change it.
Such tragic case is called "tinok she-nishba" (captured baby) in Judaism.
For those children to truly be able to practice Judiasm, they will probably have to go to a non-majority Muslim country. Their lives at a great risk if they practice Judaism in Iran.
Women in Iran have little or no rights and I suspect that any Jewish women living in Iran that are married to Moslem men are forced to raise their children as Moslems. Does this mean that the children are not Jewish because they are being raised in the fathers cult? I don't know the answer to that.
According to Judaism, the children are Jewish. They can have Moslem mentality, speak Farsi or Arabic, be members of terrorist organizations etc. but they are Jewish according to Jewish Law. Nothing can change it.
Such tragic case is called "tinok she-nishba" (captured baby) in Judaism.
For those children to truly be able to practice Judiasm, they will probably have to go to a non-majority Muslim country. Their lives at a great risk if they practice Judaism in Iran.
Yes. And if they don't have an oppurtunity to find out what Judaism is, they are not required to practice it. Judaism itself says so.
Sounds very complicated Elizabeth!
Hi Dawn, it's not complicated at all, the only thing is we are not allowed to bring that up in front of her in laws.
I tried to delve into this further by playing 20 questions to my niece, but my niece asked to not bring it up again.
It is a very touchy subject and my niece's Mother in Law is terribly embarrassed about this.
I don't blame her and I pity my niece's Mother in law because she is a wonderful Jewish woman who is very sorry
for her sister and she has not seen her in 30 years.
Shalom - Dox
I can only imagine how hard this is with all the families, such heartache! My heart goes out to all of you that are affected by this. All you can do is pray for them and hope for the best.
I am completely sick of Assimilation. It is a plague on the Jewish people and I have been guilty of being enticed by the non-Jews to marry out of my religion. All Jews should be educated on why it is important to continue the Jewish faith by Jewish men marrying Jewish women. My family has been completely decimated by Assimilation in America.
A lot of my family has inter-married also. But I can't blame people who don't give a sh*t about religion for not knowing any better. We can't expect a first grader to know calculus, and as hard as it is for me to admit, we can't expect these "Goyisha Jews" to appreciate religious values. :'(
Just one more thing about Obama and Islam. Obama can't be a Muslim by just believing Muhammad is a prophet which he might believe. Baha'is also believe Muhammad is a prophet too but they are non-Muslims.
What I mean by this is that everything in Judaism has a logical reason for existing. This is what Halacha is, determining how to go about fufilling the mitzvot. When the Torah says that one must eat Matzah on Pesach, the rabbis have been able to determine from Torah just how much Matzah one must eat, and how long that they have to eat it. The laws of Shabbat are all logically derived from the 39 melachot {creative labors} which were performed by the Israelites while making the Mishkan in the desert. There are many minutia about these laws and many sefers written on the topic of Shabbat observance {all based on logical examination of the scriptures}. When the Torah says to bind the Torah to our arms and keep it like frontlets before our eyes it means the tefillin that men must wear every day during prayer. Without the oral law the Torah doesn't really make much sense.
So what I am leading to is that Judaism is based on very logical precepts extracted from analysis of the scriptures. Many genius Rabbis have spent thousands of years reviewing the findings and looking to the mystical teachings for basis for the halacha. There is reason for every thing we do in Jewish observance.
Since Islam and the other derivative religions seek to satisfy both the spiritual and the intellectual they have adopted similar laws. Is it not odd that Jewish identity is established through the mother, and Islamic identity is established through the father? Is it not odd that Judaism is a religion which stresses making the most of this world and enjoying this life while Islam is a cult which stresses sacrificing ones life in this world in order to gain so-called rewards in the next world? Why does Judaism come down to G-ds explanation to the Jewish people, "I have placed before you Blessing and Life, and Curses and Death, Choose life..." Islam is the anti-Religion to Judaism in so many ways. But just as Judaism requires halacha to define and explain our precepts, so too does Islam use laws and reasons to justify its ideas.
I don't know if I explained my thoughts succinctly. I hope that a ray of my original idea has escaped from my frantically flying fingers...
Would you agree that Islam and it's founder are evil?
Would you agree that Islam and it's founder are evil?
Is that a rhetorical question? Of course Mohamud and his perverted invention of Islam are evil. They have been placed here for a purpose, to be our adversary. A wise man will see the writing on the wall and not cover his eyes to the ugly truth that Islam is the hand of evil in this world. I don't believe in a separate deity who is responsible for evil as many other religions do and I don't want to explain how the Sitra Achra {dark side} is just a manifestation of the hiddeness of Hashem.
Basically I agree with your point that Islam and it's physical manifestations are pure evil.
PS: Im a victim of Islams attack on America on 9/11 because of my brothers death in the WTC.
What's the difference if he's Muslim or not? We're not going to be able to convince anyone, we might as well just trust in ourselves and watch him prove us right. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Is that a rhetorical question? Of course Mohamud and his perverted invention of Islam are evil. They have been placed here for a purpose, to be our adversary. A wise man will see the writing on the wall and not cover his eyes to the ugly truth that Islam is the hand of evil in this world. I don't believe in a separate deity who is responsible for evil as many other religions do and I don't want to explain how the Sitra Achra {dark side} is just a manifestation of the hiddeness of Hashem.
Basically I agree with your point that Islam and it's physical manifestations are pure evil.
PS: Im a victim of Islams attack on America on 9/11 because of my brothers death in the WTC.
I asked because that quote sounded like you thought some parts of Islam are good like the spiritual thing.
Why would anyone believe that Barack Hussein Obama isn't a Muslim ??
All the evidence indicates he is a Muslim.
His name is Muslim.
His background is Muslim.
He's slipped up and said he's Muslim.
But here's the most important thing -- He has never renounced Islam.
He once talked about being accused of being a Muslim and jokingly said it would anger his Pastor. He practically renounced it right there.
I find it remarkable that some people so easily accept that Hussein always has been and remains a socialist -- but doubt that he's still a Muslim.
His campaign propaganda was that he's a centrist; a moderate.
But his history with Ayers and a multitude of other dubious characters clearly indicated he's not only a leftist, he's about as far left -- and as big a socialist -- as they come.
People with common sense didn't buy into the 'Obama isn't a leftist, he's a centrist' campaign propaganda -- why would rational people buy into the 'Obama isn't a Muslim, he's a Christian' propaganda ??
Sorry, but believing Obama isn't a Muslim is as silly as believing Obama isn't a socialist.
I think the question about why people at JTF insist Obama is a Muslim needs to be turned on True Conservative.
Why does True Conservative insist Hussein is a Christian ??
Especially when the reality is Hussein was born and raised as a Muslim and has never renounced Islam.
I don't even believe he's really a Christian either. He's as Christian as his Reverend. It's a perversion of Christianity tailored to suit Black Supremacism. Farrakhan isn't a real Muslim either. All of these people should be classified as Black Supremacists. NOI believes in the space ship destroying the White race and the White race being created by a Black scientist. They believe White people are devils. That's a perversion of Islam too.
WRong, Farrakahn is practically a perfect Muslim as far as I understand...So is Osama bin Ladin...both are pretty much doing what MOhammed did and believed.
What is a person's religion born of a Jewish women and a muslim man?
That is a good question. My niece is Jewish and she is married to an Iraqi Jew. Her Mother in law is Jewish and she has a sister who lives in Iran. Her sister is Jewish and married to a Moslem ( they don't talk about that ) anyways the Jewish sister of my niece's Mother in law has raised her children Moslem because her husband demanded it. Women in Iran have little or no rights and I suspect that any Jewish women living in Iran that are married to Moslem men are forced to raise their children as Moslems. Does this mean that the children are not Jewish because they are being raised in the fathers cult? I don't know the answer to that.
Shalom - Dox
I will tell you the real answer:
Since Islam is a very false religion and Judaism is a very true religion, in this instance, the children are really Jewish... :P
because he cannot pretend or act as a non-muslim :::D