General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: DownwithIslam on March 01, 2009, 01:20:55 PM
This is nothing. I wish hashem would give this spiller of jewish blood a permanent indictment of incurable prostate cancer. May the pain of the federman family who were thrown out of their home by this dirty kike cause hashem to give him a permanent ruling.
How come the N-Word is filthered but Kike isn't?
Because that was a stupid rule enacted by the former retard in chief who incidentally tried to take the entire forum down when he was leaving. He was the shmuck that banned these words at the same time that he tried to ban women from breathing etc....
Their is nothing wrong with a kahanist jew using that word to describe an excuse for a human being knows as ehud"prostate" olmert.
As I have said numerous times it is offensive to ALL JEWS to refer to a Jew as a Kike.. I have asked people nicely to try to avoid using this word. It is OFFENSIVE TO ALL JEWS DWI no matter what you think about it.
This is not good for JTF to use this word... I recommend all reading this to learn something and try to avoid using the K word. It is a slur on all Jews!
PS: As much as I hate Olmert I will not slur all of Judaism with such a pathetic word. It is not like the N word where it is cool for some blacks to use the word. Whenever a Jew sees the K word he thinks it is an attack on the Jewish people.
Is DWI Jewish? I dont think so...
As I have said numerous times it is offensive to ALL JEWS to refer to a Jew as a Kike.. I have asked people nicely to try to avoid using this word. It is OFFENSIVE TO ALL JEWS DWI no matter what you think about it.
This is not good for JTF to use this word... I recommend all reading this to learn something and try to avoid using the K word. It is a slur on all Jews!
PS: As much as I hate Olmert I will not slur all of Judaism with such a pathetic word. It is not like the N word where it is cool for some blacks to use the word. Whenever a Jew sees the K word he thinks it is an attack on the Jewish people.
Is DWI Jewish? I dont think so...
Muman, I am 100% jewish. Also, before jtf had a forum and before you knew about the organization, I would watch Chaim on QPTV use the word often and I feel he was 100% correct in using it. If used by anti semites, then it is a slur against all jews. When one jew uses it to refer to a traitor amongst his people, it is appropriate.
Look how quickly you make the false assumption that I am not jewish.
As I have said numerous times it is offensive to ALL JEWS to refer to a Jew as a Kike.. I have asked people nicely to try to avoid using this word. It is OFFENSIVE TO ALL JEWS DWI no matter what you think about it.
This is not good for JTF to use this word... I recommend all reading this to learn something and try to avoid using the K word. It is a slur on all Jews!
PS: As much as I hate Olmert I will not slur all of Judaism with such a pathetic word. It is not like the N word where it is cool for some blacks to use the word. Whenever a Jew sees the K word he thinks it is an attack on the Jewish people.
Is DWI Jewish? I dont think so...
Muman, I am 100% jewish. Also, before jtf had a forum and before you knew about the organization, I would watch Chaim on QPTV use the word often and I feel he was 100% correct in using it. If used by anti semites, then it is a slur against all jews. When one jew uses it to refer to a traitor amongst his people, it is appropriate.
Show me one single Jew who uses such a word, aside from Chaim?
It is just not done. In all the Jewish education I have learned I have never heard an exception for using this word to describe a Jew. Do you have any references where this 'exception' is made?
Im sorry if I doubted your Jewishness. I am not the final person to decide who is Jewish or who is not. It is said that the Jewish soul has three qualities...
"Shlosha simanim yesh b'umah zo: Rachmanim, Bayshanim, and Gomlei Chasadim." "Three qualities are integral to this People: they are compassionate, bashful, and engage in acts of lovingkindness." (Yevamot 9)
I wish I could see some of these qualities in some members here...
I just did a search using 4torah.com which is a search engine for Orthodox Jews who want kosher sites to answer their searches. If I search for the term 'kike' I find many references, all using it as a slur against all Jews. I found not a single site which refered to fellow Jews as Kikes... According to religious Jews it just is NOT DONE!
I cant wait for Olmert to leave the building {so to speak}. I had hoped his cancer would take him out, and I hope that he suffers from his criminal government. But I will not use a word which will offend 90% of the Jewish population.
I cant wait for Olmert to leave the building {so to speak}. I had hoped his cancer would take him out, and I hope that he suffers from his criminal government. But I will not use a word which will offend 90% of the Jewish population.
Look, I happened to have seen Chaim use it and don't really see anything wrong with it but I see where you are coming from. I do admit that most jews are horrified when they hear it being used by anti semites. I still think their is a place for it to be used when address extremely evil jews. Also, I am not offended at all about you thinking I was not jewish. Their is no way for you to have known that since you never met me. I just felt I had to bring that up since you said Is "DWI Jewish? I dont think so..."
I cant wait for Olmert to leave the building {so to speak}. I had hoped his cancer would take him out, and I hope that he suffers from his criminal government. But I will not use a word which will offend 90% of the Jewish population.
Look, I happened to have seen Chaim use it and don't really see anything wrong with it but I see where you are coming from. I do admit that most jews are horrified when they hear it being used by anti semites. I still think their is a place for it to be used when address extremely evil jews. Also, I am not offended at all about you thinking I was not jewish. Their is no way for you to have known that since you never met me. I just felt I had to bring that up since you said Is "DWI Jewish? I dont think so..."
And I understand where you are coming from, there is no ill feeling about you. It would be another matter if a non-Jew used it so liberally.
DWI, do you have the article on Smolmert's indictment?
I cant wait for Olmert to leave the building {so to speak}. I had hoped his cancer would take him out, and I hope that he suffers from his criminal government. But I will not use a word which will offend 90% of the Jewish population.
Look, I happened to have seen Chaim use it and don't really see anything wrong with it but I see where you are coming from. I do admit that most jews are horrified when they hear it being used by anti semites. I still think their is a place for it to be used when address extremely evil jews. Also, I am not offended at all about you thinking I was not jewish. Their is no way for you to have known that since you never met me. I just felt I had to bring that up since you said Is "DWI Jewish? I dont think so..."
And I understand where you are coming from, there is no ill feeling about you. It would be another matter if a non-Jew used it so liberally.
Also Muman, I am deff jewish lol. Numerous members of this forum have met me in person and they can attest to it. Also, I just don't think it should upset you when people use that word unless it is being used by evil anti semites. Chaim has used it so many times in the past so I doubt their is anything too horrific about it when it is used by a jew. You have to admit it that when a kahanist jew uses it, you don't really think that their is anti semitism involved.