General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: MikeyChua on March 14, 2009, 08:50:35 PM
We should be concerned when secular (non-practicing) Jews speak for us as Jews and organize to displace whites in America while hypocritically supporting Israel as a Jewish state at the same time:
Those organizations don't support Israel. They support Israel giving up land to the Palestinian scum. As far as open borders goes, It's is in my opinion that these organizations stick there nose up at the Jews and the Israel supporting righteous gentiles in America who have lost jobs to the racist antisemitic illegal scum who act like they are the only ones that should be doing jobs that Americans wont do and brag about how low of a wage there willing to work for. Course I know the situation isn't black and white though I have had conversations with these so called hard working people and they have a nasty attitude towards this country. One of them had the balls to shoot a bird at me. Course I know the situation isn't black and white.
>:( Have they lost their f**ing minds!!! The bastards are going to be a cause of antisemitism with this drek!!! The damned disloyal neo-communist bastards, Jews in name only, American in name only, trying to do their evil undermining of America, and sully the name of Judaism.
At one time I had some people try to convince me that Jews were responsible for everything bad in the country and thank God it didn't stick because I realized that it was BS and that real Jews weren't like that and were actually God-loving people.
At one time I had some people try to convince me that Jews were responsible for everything bad in the country and thank G-d it didn't stick because I realized that it was BS and that real Jews weren't like that and were actually G-d-loving people.
you were probably listening to allot of white trailor trash Frank Weltnertards.
At one time I had some people try to convince me that Jews were responsible for everything bad in the country and thank G-d it didn't stick because I realized that it was BS and that real Jews weren't like that and were actually G-d-loving people.
you were probably listening to allot of white trailor trash Frank Weltnertards.
I'm not sure who they were listening to themselves but they were definitely tards.
I hate this kind of people.
It is nuts to open the borders in a welfare state like the US.
This idiots of Bnai Brith, ADL etc. have to make a decision.
Either they have a welfare state or open borders.
Both together means only, that there will be a redistribution of wealth on a larger scale as we have already. >:(
It's not only the Jewish Organizations that are a problem on this issue sadly however they will be the one group that will catch most of the blame. America is headed for a day of reckoning on its illegals situation. Shrinking employment, higher and higher taxes to pay for spread the wealth policies will form a powder keg that is sure to blow.
Hello! The Catholic, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Methodist, etc. leadership are all for open-borders too. Why do "Jewish" advocates of open-borders get all the attention?
Hello! The Catholic, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Methodist, etc. leadership are all for open-borders too. Why do "Jewish" advocates of open-borders get all the attention?
True and this organizations are for social aid too.
I thank god, that I am no member in this fleshy socialist organizations. All of this groups use religion for their political agenda.
The original link in this post has some interesting comments posted in its blog. While its true that all the different clergy support open border policies the fact that they work through a church gives them a level of immunity to ridicule. Most people look on the Jewish organizations as political action groups. One only has to look back to the late 50's and 60's at the so called black civil rights movement to see the damage liberal Jews caused Jewish society as a whole. The same groups listed below took blacks by the hand financed and directed them in their protests and legal actions and got black society where it is today. In the end not only did black society turn on Jewish society American society blamed the Jews for all the unrest as well. It will be the same here with this issue. Groups like, American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, B'nai B'rith International, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, the National Council of Jewish Women, the Rabbinical Assembly, the Union for Reform Judaism should be working on making things better for Jewish folks here in America and lobbying to stop crazy land surrender deals over in Israel nothing more.
These groups [the liberal Jewish groups] have the highest pro abortion support .They are out of step with the rest of citizens in the U.S.
On abortion, 84% of Jewish respondents said the procedure should remain legal in most or all cases — a level of support that slightly exceeded that shown by atheists and agnostics and was substantially higher than any other religious group, except for Buddhists
We here at JTF are a miniority most Jews like Baby killing >:( >:(
On one of the " Ask JTF " shows, Chaim said something to the effect that the Jewish people would be better off if Jewish organizations such as the ones mentioned in this article ( which call for open U.S, borders ) ceased to exist. I COMPLETELY agree with him. These are hideous organizations which are causing MUCH more harm than any benefits that they might provide on occasion.
Regarding what I mentioned in my previous reply, I came across a completely different " Ask JTF " program that totally relates to the topic that MikeyChua started in this thread. Chaim touched on the subject of liberal establishment Jewish newspapers supporting a path to citzenship for illegal immigrants. Chaim's overall response, including what he had to say about the Democrat Party, is well worth listening to:
2007-12-12, show c
The question and answer starts at the 2:19:50 mark.
Regarding what I mentioned in my previous reply, I came across a completely different " Ask JTF " program that totally relates to the topic that MikeyChua started in this thread. Chaim touched on the subject of liberal establishment Jewish newspapers supporting a path to citzenship for illegal immigrants. Chaim's overall response, including what he had to say about the Democrat Party, is well worth listening to:
2007-12-12, show c
The question and answer starts at the 2:19:50 mark.
I listened to the section of the "Ask JTF" which you suggested and, as usual, Chaim is right on target. If only all Jews could be exposed to his thoughts!
On abortion, 84% of Jewish respondents said the procedure should remain legal in most or all cases — a level of support that slightly exceeded that shown by atheists and agnostics and was substantially higher than any other religious group, except for Buddhists
We here at JTF are a miniority most Jews like Baby killing >:( >:(
A lot of these are Deformed "converts" or the Gentile spouses of Deformed "Jews".