General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on March 28, 2009, 07:54:51 PM
Dear Chaim, what is your opinion on the late former Texas gov, Ann Richards?
Dear Chaim.
What will we do for the month of April? On YouTube non of my videos are being removed why is this happening? Why is there no Hebrew archive? What were the good things that President Regan did for his time? What happen during the Great Depression? What do you think of Obama and the Special Olympics? I saw a video about this on YouTube. PS: I'm delaying the JTF Archive videos for a while I'll be sometime this month see the topic JTF Archive videos Delayed. Go to this link and comment. http://jtf.org/forum_english/index.php/topic,33676.0.html
Shalom Chaim,
What were the great rabbi's thoughts on american politics and the road america was heading in
or thoughts on america at all. I understand that as a jew the only place to want to live in was Israel
but what were his views on america.
Dearest Chaim,
Please expose the disgusting self-hating Serbian vermin, former IL governor Rod Blagojevich (ys). This pig, in order to rise through the ranks of the Democratic sewer, actually publicly supported the ex-Nazi-in-Chief Bill Clinton's three-month genocide against his homeland! He is ashamed to be Serbian; he only identifies his ethnicity as "Eastern European". Rod is the Serb Norman Finkelstein or Noam Chomsky (yimach schmam).
Note: Despite this though, I do think Blagojevich was unfairly made the fall guy for the corruption scandal Obama masterminded and was targeted by the media for being a Serb.
Dear Chaim,
What do you think of Rehavam "Gandhi" Zeevi?
Shalom chaim
I saw your good friend arthur schneierman at the park east shul the other day. I wanted to send him your regards and get his reaction but didn't get a chance to do it. Please tell us a story about him.
By the way I had an aliya for the birkhat ha gomer in the sefardic part of the shul. The new rabbi is pretty good.
Chag sameakh
Dr dan
Shalom Chaim,
I don't know whose side to take in the conflict between the Irish and the British (and the Ulster Loyalists.) I sympathize with the situation of the Irish because they have been oppressed by the British for so long. However, the Irish, for reasons that utterly elude me, have decided to sympathize with the so-called "Palestinians" in the fight against Israel. For some insane reason, the Irish Republican Army and most of the other groups who are fighting for the independence of Northern Ireland see their situation as being the same as the Arabs versus Israel, whereas in reality it is more similar to Israel versus the British during the Israeli War of Independence. They see Israel as "goliath" like the British Empire, whereas in reality it is Israel who is David, like Ireland is. For whatever reason, they have decided to throw in their lot with the Arab terrorists, which makes me decidedly less sympathetic to the Irish. The Protestant Ulster Loyalists on the other hand, who fight the Catholics in Northern Ireland, tend to be pro-Israel.
What's your take on all this? How should this situation ultimately be resolved?
Dear Chaim,
First of all I want to say I am proud to be a member of the Jewish Task Force. This is my first post on Ask JTF and I hope I don't ask a stupid question. This is a special date for me because my birthday is on April 5.
Chaim, what do you think about the political situation in Germany?
Thank you and God bless you Chaim!
Hello Chaim,
Why did G-d create people to die and why certain people no-matter how evil, are given longer days than others how have done so much good, ex. Rabbi Kahane?
All the Best,
Dear Chaim,
I need your advise. For the second time my brother (Who rejects the Torah) is having his Non-Jewish Girlfriend move in with him. I really don't know what to do. I am ready to disown him and never speak to him if he intermarries. What would you do is a situation like this. It makes me sick he is throwing away 6000 years of Jewish herataige over some urge. :'(
PS have a great Pesach and Chag Samach,
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh
Dear Chaim,
We Canadians take pride in our healthcare system and I often hear it said "sure it has its flaws, but at least it's not like the American healthcare system, where poor people don't get treatment and are left to die." Then I hear Americans saying that at least their healthcare system isn't as bad as the one in Canada.
Personally, I think a two-tiered system of public and privatized care would probably work the best, but I'm not certain of this.
I guess I'm just curious about what you think is the best way. I don't like the idea of those who can't afford treatment being left to die, though I think Canadian claims about this happening in America are exagerated.
What are your thoughts on how the healthcare system should work and what do you see Obama doing to it that troubles you?
Shalom Chaim,
I'm interested in your opinion on Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, both on Domestic issues and Foreign Issues.
In an era of political correctness, Michele Bachmann seems to be someone who is willing to speak the truth to a much greater degree, when compared to the vast majority of elected officials.
Thanks as always, eb22.
Dear Mr. ben Pessach,
how many people listen every week to "Ask-JTF"?
Shalom Chaim,
It is being reported today ( on Arutz Sheva) that Israel and the Vatican have been negotiating a diplomatic agreement regarding their tax dispute over supposed "Catholic Church" properties in Israel.
This is an opportunity for our movement in Israel to take the lead and create a frenzy before and during the pope's visit in Israel. This needs to be organised through videos, public meetings and demos. Awareness of this betrayal has to be emphasised!
We need to state clearly that any agreement regarding the transfer of national, historic, and/or religious Jewish assets to the Catholic Church will be null and void and will not be recognized.
Is it true that in Islam music, television and technology is a sin?
PS: a hispanic friend of mine from South Omaha who is an extreme right winger likes your shows and your website. He wants to know if you seen the youtube video of the crazy schvartza SOULJA GIRL *MMMMHHMMMM* who went nuts on the atlanta subway yet? If so he'd like to hear you impersonate her maybe do a show on youtube about blacks on the subway with her. I would too.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NZtGz_7WI0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NZtGz_7WI0)
Shalom Chaim, what is your opinion of former Colorado Congressman and former presidential candidate, Tom Tancredo?
Shalom Chaim
the Muslims occupied Spain and Portugal for 700 years until the reconquista was able to conquer both countries back in 1492.
After the Christian warriors won the territories back they expelled or killed the Muslims and replaced them with Christians. This wonderful act is known among historians as repoblacion or re-population which was from my point of view fully justified.
Even that part of the Inquisition which targeted the Muslims who had the option to convert to Christianity instead of leaving Spain or Portugal was a very good deed. There was a real danger that the Muslims who converted to Christianity were just playing Taqiyya to remain on the Iberian Peninsula so that they maybe could have taken over again at a later date.
But now comes the dark side of the reconquista. Why in the world did the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile target also the Jews? It was the Muslims and not the Jews who occupied Spain and Portugal for 700 years.
The wonderful act of throwing out all the Muslims from Spain and Portugal was from my point of view turned into a nightmare by expelling also all the Jews.
What is your opinion on this? Why the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal even if they were completely innocent?
Kind regards
Would you outlaw porn in Israel? Many young Israeli Jewish girls are doing porn for easy money. This industry is growing very fast in the last years in Israel (about 200 adult films are made every year - The where even a parody porn movies: an adult film on Gaza withdrawal and also a film about Sderot). Porn is 100% legal in Israel. If the answer is 'yes' would you execute Jewish porn actresses or porn producers? Why Israeli secularists have to suffer because of your beliefs?
Greetings Chaim. In a thread called "The Nazi Nexus" recently posted on our forum, there was an article about how American car companies like the Ford Motor Company and General Motors helped the Nazis. With this in mind is it any better to buy an American car than it is to buy a VW? You also mentioned that Japanese culture tends to be very anti-Semitic, so I'm not sure if any company is better than another as far as this issue goes.
Hello Brother Chaim
Now why is no one questioning Obama for belly crawling to Muz terrorist Iran like a wimp, showing what kind of an animal he is, he gave 900 million dollars to Hamas from our money, he called the Taliban moderate yet no one is quetioning it? I know Bush has done some pretty bad things in is time but if Bush did 1/100th of what Obama did the media and everyone would of had a feast out of it, are people that blind, embarrassed or naive? Obama is setting us up for something that will make 911 look like a birthday party and there is a tremendous un eased feeling. What is your take on this?
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.
Do you eat rice or beans on Pesach like Sefardic Jews?
When the Kahanists take over Israel will rice and beans be considered Chametz and banned from stores on Pesach?
Dear Chaim,
If the Founding Fathers of the United States were put in charge of the U.S. today, how do you think they would handle the problems of this country, and what do you think would be the response from the liberial establishment?
God Bless America, Israel, and the West
Hello Chaim. I remember hearing on an old JTF show in qptv that you said the muslims cannot even touch a pig. When us Jews can touch a pig but we are not allowed to eat them. Is it true that the muzzies cannot touch them and why thanks. G-D bless
Shalom Chaim
I was very encouraged by Lieberman's statement that Israel is not bound by The Annapolis conference agreements (this was the conference where Livni entered through the servants quarters so the Saudis would not have to be offended by seeing her). I know Lieberman is a fraud and wants to give away much of the Galillee and Negev but I think the precedent is great.
Til now these agreements have been one way death traps for Israel. When Oslo first started supporters said if the Arabs did not honor their agreements Israel would retake the areas given up to the savages. Of course we know how well that worked out.
While I have no problem with stating the Land of Israel is ours for reasons of history, bible, etc. I think a simpler look at contract law is called for. In the Roadmap (which Lieberman did say Israel is bound to) Israel promised various things such as freezing settlement activity. The Arabs promised to fight terrorism. Everyone remembers what Israel promised but nobody cares or remembers that the Arabs have never fought terrorism.
It is a simple principle of contracts that they are only effective and binding if both parties abide by it. If I am renting a house to a tenant he has a right to live there only as long as he pays his rent. If he stops paying rent he cannot say but you said I can live here. Same with the Arabs. They made an agreement but did not live up to it. Their chance came and went. They can lament later about the opportunity they squandered but now Jews have no reason to restrict the rights of Jews to live anywhere in the Land of Israel.
By the way what about honoring agreements made by Jews to themselves. The Golan has been formally made part of Israel and Jerusalem was made the indivisible capital. Yet both are being negotiated by subsequent governments. Why are future governments not bound by those decisions of former governments?
Shalom Chaim,
is Ichud Leumi a part of governing coalition? If yes, how can they sit with Barak in the same government and what portfolios they've got? If not, were they invited by Bibi?
Shalom Chaim,
I look forward every week to this program G-d bless you for doing this. My question this week is one political and one religious.
The political is, What is your opinion on the blacks who claim reparations for slavery?
It just boggles my mind … when I’m working in the hospital all the mmhmmms are on Medicaid , they all have welfare and have nothing better to do then to come to the E.R.
and complain about nonsense because they don’t have jobs in the morning ( they are affecting the people that need real medical attention). Isn’t it enough the government
supports them? How does one answer the left for such things, is it even worth it, or should I just keep quiet I’m surrounded by them, please help.
( I also see no one has asked for the Leroy story of the week .. please share with us .)
My religious question is what is your view on the Jews such as me who wear techeilet, The Rabbi in Young Israel, yelled at me for wearing it.
Thank you so much, your fan,
Shalom Chaim,
What are your thoughts of the Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi?
God Bless,
What would you do if schwartzas took over your neighborhood? Would you move or hold your ground?
Shalom Chaim,
Could you please give us an explanation of why Nazism and fascism are left wing ideologies instead of right wing? Thank you.
Dan ben Noah
What is your opinion on Nostradomas? He was Jewish and some would argue that he made incredible predictions such as an evil dictator from Germany named "Hister" (off by one letter) that would kill millions and the rise of a final evil muslim dictator from the "east." Are his predictions just coincidences?If not, do you believe he was given this gift from G_d.
שַׂמֵחַ חַג הַפֶּסַח
Are you allowed to keep the liquor in the liquor cabinet during pesach, if the door is never opened?
Shalom Chaim,
Why do most Americans have a negative impression of Jews? I think it's because most Americans Jews are self-hating and voted for Obama. Also, the self-hating Jews in America only care about themselves, as well as money and sometimes screwing people over out of deals so this can benefit their narcissistic needs, this may be why most Americans don't like the Jews in America. If all the American Jews were in Israel, righteous and Kahanists, most Americans wouldn't have a problem with them in my opinion. I'm not sure most gentile Americans know what true Conservative Torah believing righteous Jews are about and stand for. Therefore, JTF must become a mass movement and show everybody what real Jews are about. Also, why are American Jews, much more liberal than Israeli Jews? Is it because the American Jews have lost their faith in America and have exploited themselves through too much free will? G-d bless all the righteous Israeli Jews in Israel for fighting the Fakistinians and other Islamic Terrorism.
G-d Bless you,
Dear Chaim. Since the Dream act or Nightmare Act I should say has come back up. Do you think with this kind of administration, house and senate we have, do you think it will automatically get passed even if we poke our senators and congress not to pass it? Thanks in advanced for answering.