General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: davkakach on September 11, 2006, 11:56:08 AM
American Jews -- numbered at 5,200,000 strong in 2000 -- constitute the second largest and most influential Jewish community in the World. Yet, that figure hardly provides the objective observer with any insight as to the community's future viability. To glimpse such an insight, one must examine those twin scourges of Jewish life -- Love and Hate, more formally known as Assimilation and Antisemitism.
The United Jewish Communities' "National Jewish Population Survey 2000" -- a decennial demographic study -- found that, due to a negative net birthrate (i.e., Jewish deaths exceeded Jewish births for that period), America's Jewish population had declined by 300,000 souls from 1990 to 2000. This translates to an average net loss of 82 Jews per day for that decade.
The study also discovered that, due to an ongoing intermarriage rate in excess of 50%, of all children under the age of 12 with Jewish parentage, less than half have 2 Jewish parents. Of the more than half with a gentile parent, (according to other surveys) only a quarter thereof will be raised as Jews. Of these, only a small minority will marry other Jews, as it will be almost impossible for an intermarried Jew, however sincere, to convince his or her child to do what he or she failed to do, namely, marry a fellow Jew.
However, Assimilation is not the only problem facing the American Jewish community. In its June 2002 "Survey Of Antisemitism In America" the Anti-Defamation League found that one third of all Americans believe that Jews have "dual loyalties" (i.e., they are potentially treasonous) and that one fifth of all Americans believe that Jews have "too much power in the U.S. today" (i.e., they are potentially dangerous). Ironically, it was once perversely believed that the multiplicity of ethnic groups inhabiting America -- constituting a plethora of inviting targets for the majority population's hostility -- would provide a bulwark against an obsessive hatred of American Jews. Instead, it seems that at least some of these immigrants simply brought their Jew-hatred with them, thereby finding at least some common ground with those Americans who had arrived before them.
The Message is clear. The American Exile will end, whether by Assimilation or Antisemitism -- more likely, by a combination of both.
When the nation-state of Israel was resurrected in 1948, it was home to a mere 5% of World Jewry. Today, it constitutes the largest Jewish community in the World, and is home to virtually 40% of World Jewry. And Israel's Jewish community is the only one in the World with a positive net birthrate.
Due to ongoing terrorism and the enduring hostility of much of the World, Israel may not seem safe for the individual Jew. Yet, it is the only country in the World that is safe for the collective Jew.
Again, the Message is clear. If the Jewish people are to have a Future, it will only be found in Israel. American Jews can either be a part of that Future, or they can simply disappear.
At 5,200,000 strong, American Jewry will not vanish overnight. But its days are numbered; and so are its opportunities to fulfill its true destiny.
© Mark Rosenblit
So true...
Jews will never disappear. Atrocities that have made others whither away have not deterred the Jew from his G-d given purpose to exist and survive in this world. The formnation of Israel as a State was the first step in the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Promised Land.
The German Jewry were planning this WAY back in the late 19th century.
Men like Karl Kautsy and Karl Marx (Marxists, self-loathing Jews) wanted to see not only the abolition of the white race per se, but the abolition of Judaism, through one world-wide race-mixing project.
It seems as if World War II was a temporarily blip, and since World War II this drive to miscegenate the planet has carried on at an atonishing rate.
Before accusing anyone who speaks out against massive immigration, bear in mind that ALL of the 'Jews' who advocate free mixture are likely of the same Marxist mould, and know fine well that a world-wide miscegenation project will miscegenate the Jews too. And this is why today's America, with sky-rocketing miscegenation (it seems as if miscegenation is the norm rather than the exception now), also has an endangered Jewish population.
Although, one small caveat - potentially all of these people could convert to Orthodox Judaism and then their race wouldn't matter at all. :-*
Even though I'm not Jewish, I find it shameful that people who come from such a great culture are apathetic to their mere existance.
El Cabong :
The article is in regaurds to American Jewry. There is an Israel now, and Jews do not have to fight to stay alive in a foreign land.. they can just go to the land G-d has given to them... but when they choose not to, that's when the punishment comes.
El Cabong :
The article is in regaurds to American Jewry. There is an Israel now, and Jews do not have to fight to stay alive in a foreign land.. they can just go to the land G-d has given to them... but when they choose not to, that's when the punishment comes.
Your statemnt seems kind of not make any sense.
So what is your point?
"Jews will never disappear. Atrocities that have made others whither away have not deterred the Jew from his G-d given purpose to exist and survive in this world. The formnation of Israel as a State was the first step in the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Promised Land."
The good Jews will never disappear.
There was no Israel when the Jews were enslaved in Egypt, yet they did not assimilate, they weren't wiped out by the Egyptians. When G-d told them to go to Israel, the ones who didn't want to go were killed.
There is an Israel now, but the Jews in America do not want to go back. They aren't being killed, there are no pogroms against the Jews in America, yet the Jews are dissappearing here. They don't want to go back, so they are now being punished.
Do I make more sense now?
Kind of but what you stated makes no argument to what I posted. I know the article is about American Jews. So what. I made a post to show whatever the Jews go through, they always survive and persevere in the harshest of circumstances. To say that they will be punished if the don't go to Israel, just doesn't make sense to me because if they all go to Israel, reproduce and stay there, they will soon run out of room for all the Jews of the world to live in.
Kind of but what you stated makes no argument to what I posted. I know the article is about American Jews. So what. I made a post to show whatever the Jews go through, they always survive and persevere in the harshest of circumstances. To say that they will be punished if the don't go to Israel, just doesn't make sense to me because if they all go to Israel, reproduce and stay there, they will soon run out of room for all the Jews of the world to live in.
And that's why Israel needs to be a LOT larger and take up the Biblical land it used to. :)
In one respect you're right, in another you're wrong.
On one hand Jews surviving all atrocities is from the will of G-d.. but to say that all Jews should not go to Israel because there's not enough space? There is no compromising with G-d.. if he commands the Jews to live in Israel, it will be so.
On the other hand, I don't think G-d wants the Barbara Streisand and Abe Foxman Jews to step foot in Israel.
In one respect you're right, in another you're wrong.
On one hand Jews surviving all atrocities is from the will of G-d.. but to say that all Jews should not go to Israel because there's not enough space? There is no compromising with G-d.. if he commands the Jews to live in Israel, it will be so.
On the other hand, I don't think G-d wants the Barbara Streisand and Abe Foxman Jews to step foot in Israel.
Good points.
The assimilated American Jew is not only a loss for Judaism but a grave danger for America,
for he or she invariably transmogrifies into an incorrigible leftist who wittingly or unwittingly
does everything he or she can to unravel the delicate fabric of American society (which has
become very fragile in the last few decades) by consistently voting for the wrong party,
donating money to all the wrong causes, and attacking patriotic conservative Americans with
the usual "racist/bigot/xenophobe/nativist" worn-out labels that the media loves to flaunt,
thereby raising the ire of said conservatives and regrettably leading them to make negative
generalizations about all Jews, i.e. breeding anti-Semitism.