General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mord on May 05, 2009, 07:54:42 AM
Article's topics: Rahm Emanuel, Iran, AIPAC
The task of forming an international coalition to thwart Iran's nuclear program will be made easier if progress is made in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has said, according to sources in Washington.
White House Chief of Staff...
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
Photo: AP
SLIDESHOW: Israel & Region | World
Israeli TV stations had reported Monday night that Emanuel had actually linked the two matters, saying that the efforts to stop Iran hinged on peace talks with the Palestinians. The remarks were reportedly made in a closed-door meeting previous day with 300 major AIPAC donors on Sunday.
Last month, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Israel that it risks losing Arab support for combating threats from Iran if it rejects peace negotiations with the Palestinians.
Clinton said Arab nations had conditioned helping Israel counter Iran on Jerusalem's commitment to the peace process.
* Gingrich: 'Obama endangering Israel'
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Meanwhile, in an interview with the Jerusalem Post on Sunday, former US House speaker Newt Gingrich blasted the Obama administration for setting itself on a collision course with Israel and endangering the Jewish state.
He called US President Barack Obama's program of engagement with Iran a "fantasy," and his Middle East policies "very dangerous for Israel." He summed up Obama's approach as "the clearest adoption of weakness since Jimmy Carter.
I could not agree more that he is way worse than Jimmy Carter! People need to LEARN the true meaning of Taqyya!!!!!!!!!!!
This article demonstrates why Israelis must understand that their very survival is on the line NOW. The ONLY hope is that Netanyahu understands that he cannot rely on an America lead by BHO and his suicidal liberal Jewish supporters. HE must take responsibility for Israel during this tiny window of opportunity by doing what must be done.
The Iranian leadership has repeatedly announced that as soon as they have a nuclear weapon, they will use it to destroy Israel. Even their "moderate" leaders have said that Israel is a one nuke country (meaning that it will only require one bomb to defeat Israel). They are right.
Most of Iran's nuclear weapons program is buried so far underground that it will be impossible to destroy it with conventional weapons. Israel has only two viable options. The first is to cut off the head off the snake by killing their leadership if intelligence provides the whereabouts of a meeting. The other is to nuke them before they nuke us.
Yes i agree or else they could possibly seal the tunnels permanently
And people think he's a Zionist?? Please.
Rahm Emanuel is one of the worst self-hating Jews that I have ever seen.
What is wrong with this guy?
Does he despise his ancestry so bad that he actually supports and advocates for enemies of Israel and Jewish people.
He is just another nail in the coffin that was the U.S. support of Israel.
I agree with you Mord. This ghetto minded kike emanuel is knowingly trying to eliminate Israel so he no longer has to be ashamed of that "stain" in his past. Lets hope the same thing that happened to Ariel Sharon, happens to him.
he no longer has to be ashamed of that "stain" in his past.
Too bad the mincing fairy Emanuel (ys"vz) isn't ashamed of that stain of HIV-laden semen on his ballet dress.