General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hyades on May 18, 2009, 04:18:04 AM

Title: Muslim stripped of German award after criticizing crucifix Read more: http://ww
Post by: Hyades on May 18, 2009, 04:18:04 AM
Europe News

May 15, 2009, 17:32 GMT

Frankfurt - Controversy erupted in Germany Friday after a Muslim author was deleted from the winners' list of an annual culture award after he wrote that a crucifix was an idolatrous image.

The state of Hesse had planned to hand its 45,000-euro (61,000-dollar) prize this July jointly to a Jew, a Muslim, a Catholic and a Lutheran to honour the cultural achievements of the monotheistic religions.

But Catholic Cardinal Karl Lehmann of Mainz and Peter Steinacker, former head of the Lutheran church of Hesse and Nassau, objected to sharing the state culture prize with Navid Kermani, an Iranian-born author.

Kermani had begun an article about a crucifix, a standard Christian image that depicts Jesus Christ in an agonizing death nailed to a wooden cross, with, 'I'd express my personal rejection of the theology of the cross frankly with 'blasphemy and idolatry'.'

The prize board then wrote to Kermani withdrawing its offer of the prize to him. The fourth recipient is a Jewish leader, Salomon Korn.

The speaker of Germany's parliament, Norbert Lammert, slammed the board's turnabout, saying 'If this is true, they should abolish the prize altogether. ... Culture is nice, tolerance too, but one can't have both without making a big effort.'

The Central Council of Muslims, one of four national Islamic groups in Germany, described the church reaction as 'childish.'

Aiman A Mazyek, secretary of the council, to the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel, said, 'How would they have felt if a Muslim had refused to meet a churchman because he did not revere the Prophet Mohammed?'

Read more: http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/europe/news/article_1477501.php/Muslim_stripped_of_German_award_after_criticizing_crucifix_#ixzz0FqZE90Uw&B   :dance: :dance:
Title: Re: Muslim stripped of German award after criticizing crucifix Read more: http://ww
Post by: Ulli on May 18, 2009, 04:58:12 AM
I think the decision is wrong. According to this standards, no Jew could ever get this price.

In addition to that it is ridiculous that Peter Steinacker the former head of one of the most bolschewik "churches" imo a clear atheist objects the critique of Kermani. His so called church and he himself is fallen out of grace long ago. His church is doing much more digusting things than Kermani.
Title: Re: Muslim stripped of German award after criticizing crucifix Read more: http://ww
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 18, 2009, 05:00:44 AM
I agree with Pheasant; self-hating Christians are ultimately more dangerous than the Muslim Nazis themselves.
Title: Re: Muslim stripped of German award after criticizing crucifix Read more: http://ww
Post by: Ulli on May 18, 2009, 05:04:30 AM
I agree with Pheasant; self-hating Christians are ultimately more dangerous than the Muslim Nazis themselves.

Specially if they are such hipocrites like in this case.
Title: Re: Muslim stripped of German award after criticizing crucifix Read more: http://ww
Post by: Hyades on May 18, 2009, 05:14:04 AM
This is not the point. I think that the fact that he said it in this context was a lack of respect. He could very well think it and keep it for himself, just as the Jew counterpart did.
I wouldn't give a price to a person either if this person called me an idolater, knowing that idolatry is one of the worst sins. I also would withdraw the proposal for a price to someone who told me the Torah was a fake. The fact that until today nothing of the Torah can be proved 100% doesn't make it a fake. So saying so right into my face is a respectless open insult I would not tolerate either.
BTW: A muzzie would NEVER get any prize from - only if he converted or if he clearly rejected islam - then perhaps...
Title: Re: Muslim stripped of German award after criticizing crucifix Read more: http://ww
Post by: Rubystars on May 18, 2009, 07:58:38 AM
Some people do seem to worship such objects, while others can have them as religious symbols and don't direct devotion toward the objects themselves.

I think that the Muslim shouldn't have said what he felt when he was waiting to receive the award because it showed poor judgment.
Title: Re: Muslim stripped of German award after criticizing crucifix Read more: http://ww
Post by: Ulli on May 18, 2009, 08:28:32 AM
Some people do seem to worship such objects, while others can have them as religious symbols and don't direct devotion toward the objects themselves.

I think that the Muslim shouldn't have said what he felt when he was waiting to receive the award because it showed poor judgment.

Ruby I think, that Kermani's critique was in first line not about the physical cross you can see in some churches, but about the whole idea of the passion.

I have read Kermani's articel in the NZZ -> You find it here: http://www.nzz.ch/nachrichten/kultur/literatur_und_kunst/warum_hast_du_uns_verlassen__guido_renis_kreuzigung_1.2195409.html

There is nothing offensive in it if you read it to the end. Even most so called "Christians" agree with him.
Title: Re: Muslim stripped of German award after criticizing crucifix Read more: http://ww
Post by: Rubystars on May 18, 2009, 08:33:32 AM
Ok Pheasant I'll read it and see what I think. Even though I have some strong disagreements on some doctrines of the RCC I can't condemn its members because many of my family on my father's side were Catholics so I try my best to understand them. Plus some of the people on this forum who I really like are Catholics.