General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mord on August 15, 2009, 07:54:46 PM
Netanyahu 'appalled' by suspected lynch
Corpse of 59-year old man assaulted Friday night while walking with his wife, daughter on beach is last in seven murders to have occurred over two weeks; 10 suspects have been arrested
Avi Cohen
Latest Update: 08.15.09, 22:57 / Israel News
A body was found early Saturday in an Israel Electric Corporation facility in north Tel Aviv. Police say it belongs to a 59-year-old man, Leonard (Arik) Karp, who was assaulted Friday night along with his wife and daughter at the Tel Baruch beach.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch about the murder Saturday evening and said he was appalled and concerned about the case.
Netanyahu ordered the minister to increase police activity against hooliganism and to expedite indictments in the case, the last of seven murders to have occurred in Israel over the course of just two weeks.
Police forces have arrested 10 suspects so far, residents of the Arab local council of Jaljulia and the city of Petah Tikva. Police said they would appeal for a gag order against the publication of the suspects' photos in order to refrain from compromising a future lineup.
Several of the suspects were arrested in the Horashim Forest in a state of intoxication.
One of the suspects, a 17-year old girl from Petah Tikva, was led by officers to the scene of the crime in order to recount the incident. She said the suspects had beat Karp after he voiced a comment to them.
She said she had tried to separate between the sides when conflict ensued. Her attorney said later that any confession she gave to police was void as officers had prevented her from meeting with a lawyer before taking a statement.
A police investigation revealed that the man, who lives in the area, was sitting with his wife and 25-year-old daughter on a bench at the beach, when a group of young people arrived at the area.
According to the mother and daughter, the youths made a comment about Karp's daughter and he responded, prompting them to attack the family members.
At a certain stage, the mother and daughter began fleeing the area. Some of the assailants ran after them, while the other continued beating the father. The father managed to escape a short distance, but the youths chased him and allegedly drowned him in the water.
The two women, who lost eye contact with the father, called the police and Magen David Adom rescue services.
Police forces dispatched to area (Photo: Yaron Brener)
Commander David Gez told reporters that the police had received a report about a brawl at the Tel Baruch beach at around 12:30 am, and that a force dispatched to the area discovered two injured women who told them that they had been beaten and that the father had gone missing.
"We operated forces to locate the missing man, and at the same time located the suspects, all about 20 years old," the police commander said. "All leads are being looked into. We then searched for the husband with the help of a helicopter and many police officers.
"This is a serious act of hooliganism, and we will enforce our presence in the area. The Israel Police are deployed in order to prevent such acts, and that is how we managed to locate the suspects within such a short time."
Commander Ilan Mor, of the police's Tel Aviv district, told Ynet that "in a case like this, in which someone tries to create a provocation, an arrest should ideally be made a minute before an incident breaks out".
"In dozens of cases it happens and this time we weren't successful. It's a frustrating feeling. I think last night was a failure when you look at the outcomes, but we will move on," he added.
Other police officers categorized the attack as a freak occurrence difficult to prevent due to the secluded area in which it took place and the alacrity with which the situation deteriorated.
Mor claims that from an operational standpoint police acted properly. "The final test should be how quickly police cars arrived and suspects were arrested," he said. "Police cars reached the scene in less than five minutes after receiving the call."
The mother was evacuated in light condition to the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv. The police launched an extensive search for her husband, and dozens of police officers were dispatched to the Tel Baruch beach.
A body believed to belong to the man was later found floating at an Israel Electric Corps. harborage near the beach. It was transferred to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute.
If any of these devils (yimach schmam vezichram) serves as much as thirty months, it will be a victory.
I'd like to see this happen to a few hundred--no, a few thousand--self-hating Jews who coddle Arabs and feel sorry for criminal scum.
If any of these devils (yimach schmam vezichram) serves as much as thirty months, it will be a victory.
I'd like to see this happen to a few hundred--no, a few thousand--self-hating Jews who coddle Arabs and feel sorry for criminal scum.
Yes i would love that Leftist Jews in the U.S. attacked and brutally beaten to death by vicious nigra sambos and their wifes daughters and sons made playthings by this sambo gangs .And in Israel leftists and their families have the same done to them by Qurananimal
These Russian sluts are not Jewish just like most of the Russian whores in Israel, they should be raped to death and their russian families deported back to the siberian wasteland they came from. The population of the arab town that the muslim beasts came from should liquidated. All non-Jewish Russians should immediately be deported, they have brought nothing but alcoholism, prostitution, organised crime, nazism and gang warfare to the streets of Israel. They are no better than the arabs.
Russians are the eastern equivalent of cholos (Latino gang members).
Russians are the eastern equivalent of cholos (Latino gang members).
Good observation. Russians I think are a lot like Mexicans i.e drunken men and the women that want to get away from them.
When the Kahanists take over, that will never happen.
Baruch Dayan Haemes.
These Russian sluts are not Jewish just like most of the Russian whores in Israel, they should be raped to death and their russian families deported back to the siberian wasteland they came from. The population of the arab town that the muslim beasts came from should liquidated. All non-Jewish Russians should immediately be deported, they have brought nothing but alcoholism, prostitution, organised crime, nazism and gang warfare to the streets of Israel. They are no better than the arabs.
Where are your data that most Russians are whores? How are you going to deport them?
This story is truly sad. The value of a religious Jews life in Israel is so cheap.
May Hashem avenge their bloods! Baruch Dayan Emet!
This sickens me.
G-d willing the Kahanists take Israel back! Then and only then the filth will be removed once and for all.
These self hating Jews are destroying Israel by spitting on the Torah and it's instructions and worst of all they have no fear of G-d !
Shalom - Dox
Since when murder is considered "hooliganism"?! Good to know that Bibi is "concerned" I am at ease now. :yuck:
Israel needs death penalty and the right to bear firearms as much as it needs strong borders. But the bottom stated by Ha Rav Kahane is this: as long as there are arabs in Israel, Jews will be killed.
This story is truly sad. The value of a religious Jews life in Israel is so cheap.
May Hashem avenge their bloods! Baruch Dayan Emet!
Why do you think that value of religious Jewish live is cheap? Was this man religious? Is secular Jewish live worth more? Why would you emphasize on "religious"?
This story is truly sad. The value of a religious Jews life in Israel is so cheap.
May Hashem avenge their bloods! Baruch Dayan Emet!
Why do you think that value of religious Jewish live is cheap? Was this man religious? Is secular Jewish live worth more? Why would you emphasize on "religious"?
When a Jew is murdered because he is a Jew, his death is kiddush Hashem, sanctification of G-d's Name, no matter if he was religious or not.
All the Jews who perished in the Holocaust, died for Kiddush Hashem.
This is truly sicking, and the Israeli Government should be even more ashamed to be continuing to let this evil continue. The land belongs to the Jews. Do not talk with Iran, don't listen to the [censored] Obama, protect your people at all costs, encourage Jews to come to Israel, build 20 million settlements for Jews and throw out all the Arabs murdering scum. You will be loved by G_D if you do these, you will be blessed and loved. I know that if Chaim was in power all of this you happen and more. I feel for the family of this Jewish man and his family.
Those gowls are Russian Gentile girls, I know one of them.
This is what happens when any country is allowed to become infested with an unsuitable element in its population.
This story is truly sad. The value of a religious Jews life in Israel is so cheap.
May Hashem avenge their bloods! Baruch Dayan Emet!
Why do you think that value of religious Jewish live is cheap? Was this man religious? Is secular Jewish live worth more? Why would you emphasize on "religious"?
When a Jew is murdered because he is a Jew, his death is kiddush Hashem, sanctification of G-d's Name, no matter if he was religious or not.
All the Jews who perished in the Holocaust, died for Kiddush Hashem.
I bet the last words this poor man heard were "Itbah al Yahood" - "Death to Jews". This is what passes for "hooliganism" in Israel nowadays. According to media reports: this was not a hate crime - just teenagers having too much to drink. If nothing changed, in 5 years they'll walk. Hopefully by this time a Kahanist government will be in place and these savages will never breathe again.
I bet the last words this poor man hear were "Itbah al Yahood" - "Death to Jews". This is what passes for "hooliganism" in Israel nowadays. According to media reports: this was not a hate crime - just teenagers having too much to drink. If nothing changed, in 5 years they'll walk. Hopefully by this time a Kahanist government will be in place and these savages will never breathe again.
Yes, let's hope the Kahanists will take power and put an end to this "hooliganism".
I heard that the mother of one of the girls who participated in the lynch tried to prevent her daughter's contacts with those Arabs and informed the police and social services about that. They told her there was nothing bad in her daughter's friendship with the "Arab citizens" and her claims are politically incorrect and illegitimate.
(In Russian)
I bet the last words this poor man hear were "Itbah al Yahood" - "Death to Jews". This is what passes for "hooliganism" in Israel nowadays. According to media reports: this was not a hate crime - just teenagers having too much to drink. If nothing changed, in 5 years they'll walk. Hopefully by this time a Kahanist government will be in place and these savages will never breathe again.
Yes, let's hope the Kahanists will take power and put an end to this "hooliganism".
I heard that the mother of one of the girls who participated in the lynch tried to prevent her daughter's contacts with those Arabs and informed the police and social services about that. They told her there was nothing bad in her daughter's friendship with the "Arab citizens" and her claims are politically incorrect and illegitimate.
(In Russian)
I can't read it but that sounds like Israeli Police.If her parents would have said a follower of Rabbi Kahane 50 vehicles would have come
Like I said already, I would like to see this to happen to all the Jews who support the Arabs. That means all those who supported the Gush Katif ethnic cleansing, the government-sponsored pogrom at the Peace House, the freeing of Samir Kuntar, and anyone who voted for Kadima/Labor.
Of course, there wouldn't be a whole lot of Israelis left after this.
Sorry for the late reply. It is Israel's fault. If they'd find their Jewishness and liberate their lands there would not be one anti-Jew living within its entire borders and tragic events like these would not happen...
I'd love to live in Israel if it was a Jewish Nation and not a Hebrew speaking Greece..
Like I said already, I would like to see this to happen to all the Jews who support the Arabs. That means all those who supported the Gush Katif ethnic cleansing, the government-sponsored pogrom at the Peace House, the freeing of Samir Kuntar, and anyone who voted for Kadima/Labor.
Of course, there wouldn't be a whole lot of Israelis left after this.
I hope you're exaggerating. While I totally agree with you they're brainwashed sheep, I wouldn't wish such terrible things on 2 or so millions of Jews.
I don't know if the two sluts were 'russian'. The 19 year old slut apparently is named Or Levi which is not distinctly a russian name. The victim however, was probably born in Russia or Eastern Europe.
I don't know if the two sluts were 'russian'. The 19 year old slut apparently is named Or Levi which is not distinctly a russian name. The victim however, was probably born in Russia or Eastern Europe.
According to several Russian-speaking Israeli sites, the 17 year old one was definetely born in Russia.
I bet the last words this poor man hear were "Itbah al Yahood" - "Death to Jews". This is what passes for "hooliganism" in Israel nowadays. According to media reports: this was not a hate crime - just teenagers having too much to drink. If nothing changed, in 5 years they'll walk. Hopefully by this time a Kahanist government will be in place and these savages will never breathe again.
Yes, let's hope the Kahanists will take power and put an end to this "hooliganism".
I heard that the mother of one of the girls who participated in the lynch tried to prevent her daughter's contacts with those Arabs and informed the police and social services about that. They told her there was nothing bad in her daughter's friendship with the "Arab citizens" and her claims are politically incorrect and illegitimate.
(In Russian)
I can't read it but that sounds like Israeli Police.If her parents would have said a follower of Rabbi Kahane 50 vehicles would have come
Yes, and the Israeli legal system is even more evil. The same judge who ordered to jail the teenagers that protested the destruction of Jewish home in Judea & Samaria, sent the 17-year-old slut to house arrest "because she is a minor".
Yes, and the Israeli legal system is even more evil. The same judge who ordered to jail the teenagers that protested the destruction of Jewish home in Judea & Samaria, sent the 17-year-old slut to house arrest "because she is a minor".
We used to have Vendetta tradition. Too bad we lost it. I hope we'll rediscover it to become free and noble people again.
I hope you're exaggerating. While I totally agree with you they're brainwashed sheep, I wouldn't wish such terrible things on 2 or so millions of Jews.
I'm not exaggerating by much. The blood of thousands and thousands of Jewish men, women, and children is on the hands of these self-hating losers. Being brainwashed isn't an excuse in a court of law, and it isn't an excuse before Hashem. G-d gave everybody free will and choosing to follow the crowd or the government because it's easier to do so might make you a whore, but it certainly doesn't make you innocent.
I hope you're exaggerating. While I totally agree with you they're brainwashed sheep, I wouldn't wish such terrible things on 2 or so millions of Jews.
I'm not exaggerating by much. The blood of thousands and thousands of Jewish men, women, and children is on the hands of these self-hating losers. Being brainwashed isn't an excuse in a court of law, and it isn't an excuse before Hashem. G-d gave everybody free will and choosing to follow the crowd or the government because it's easier to do so might make you a whore, but it certainly doesn't make you innocent.
True, but being a whore is not punishable by violent death. But G-d will surely find the way to do justice, and I fear the whole State of Israel is in danger if almost half of its Jewish population behaves so bad.
Yes, and the Israeli legal system is even more evil. The same judge who ordered to jail the teenagers that protested the destruction of Jewish home in Judea & Samaria, sent the 17-year-old slut to house arrest "because she is a minor".
We used to have Vendetta tradition. Too bad we lost it. I hope we'll rediscover it to become free and noble people again.
Don't forget the Cities of Refuge.
Exactly. The state of Israel is in danger because at least half of the people there are self-hating brainwashed zombies. A few--maybe 25%--are extreme self-haters of the Feces Now variety. The latter should be drawn and quartered in the streets and their remnants mixed with pig parts and airdropped over the Arab-occupied portions of Israel. The former should be offered compensation to leave Israel, at a bare minimum, if they refuse to repent and turn to Biblical Kahanism.
Exactly. The state of Israel is in danger because at least half of the people there are self-hating brainwashed zombies. A few--maybe 25%--are extreme self-haters of the Feces Now variety. The latter should be drawn and quartered in the streets and their remnants mixed with pig parts and airdropped over the Arab-occupied portions of Israel. The former should be offered compensation to leave Israel, at a bare minimum, if they refuse to repent and turn to Biblical Kahanism.
You see, I've traded from you 25% to be spared (joke). I believe 99% of the remaining 25% could also be spared. But I totally agree the leaders and the masterminds deserve the things you mentioned.
Also, there is a commandent to live in the Land of Israel and there is no commandment to send the sinners abroad.
There is one important saying from Jewish tradition to remember: "All Jews are Responsible for One Another". During the Holocaust perished all kinds of Jews, religious and secular, Haredi and Zionists, etc. Even if a Jew is 100% righteous, he/she is not safe. And if Iranian nuclear missiles are fired at Israel (G-d forbid), they'll not discern between the Jews. If Hamas or Fatah take over, they'll not ask a single Jew whether he's righteous or not.
I'm not trying to separate out the secular from the observant Jews or pit one against the other. There are some very righteous secular Jews (though I do oppose the secular lifestyle for anybody) and some religious Jews I wouldn't even want to be near. By and large, secular Jews are self-hating, though.
I guess what we are really getting at is how to define Erev Rav. As a Gentile, I don't know exactly how to do so, but Feces Now members and sympathizers surely qualify. If I am not mistaken, Erev Rav is worthy of the death penalty under halacha. As for the brainwashed Israelis (i.e. the majority) who may not be willfully self-hating (albeit they are in practice) but along with whatever the gov't says and does, I say that if they refuse to repent and accept Kahanism (I think a lot of them would if it were presented to them) they should get the hell out of the Holy Land.
The father was basically by himself against 8 Arabs. If there were a few other Jewish guys around to fight, it wouldn't have happened.
I don't know if the two sluts were 'russian'. The 19 year old slut apparently is named Or Levi which is not distinctly a russian name. The victim however, was probably born in Russia or Eastern Europe.
Heard about intermarriage between Jews and non Jews in USSR?
I don't understand how these Jewish Israeli girls go with Arabs. They think the Arab guys are tough and bad. Yeah, 8 to 1 . Real bad.
I don't understand how these Jewish Israeli girls go with Arabs. They think the Arab guys are tough and bad. Yeah, 8 to 1 . Real bad.
They were drug addicts.
Sluts should be donated to Taliban.Muzzies should be donated to us on the forum to finish ...................
Has anyone emailed that Uri traitor to congratulate him for his new position on the Fatah Council? It is such a sad fact that "Treason" means absolutely nothing. In the good days when morality meant something these vermin scum would be tried and shot now they get applauded and a fat pay check from some "globalist" organization and held as heroes.
I hope this Uri fellow gets his head hacked off by his Muhammadan friends...
The girls should go to prison for the rest of their lives. Their families - whether Russian or Jewish or mixed - should be deported from Israel. All - parents, grandparents, siblings.
The girls should go to prison for the rest of their lives. Their families - whether Russian or Jewish or mixed - should be deported from Israel. All - parents, grandparents, siblings.
Masha, common now. How and why would you deport a family if they are legally in Israel? This adoration of German Culture is getting into your head. ;D Perhaps you should read more Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu than Nietzsche and Kant? ;D Seriously, I think that the girls are trash and should go to prison. The families should be investigated and if there is any evidence of them squatting in Israel, only then they should be fined and deported.
The girls should go to prison for the rest of their lives. Their families - whether Russian or Jewish or mixed - should be deported from Israel. All - parents, grandparents, siblings.
You are way too moderate. I would say what should be done to the girls but it it is unspeakable even on this forum.