Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: RRNYC1998 on September 03, 2009, 08:29:33 PM
It doesn't matter who is in the white house, those pimps in DC will never change our immigration laws from one that lets 3rd worlders in, but not whites. The useless mainstream media as well as leftist groups like La Raza, SPLC, NAACP and treasonous right groups like the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street Journal are in an unholy alliance. Minorities will soon be the majority and the USA will look like California. I could not care less if any Congressman or Senator lives or dies. They killed America.
Baruch Dayan Haemes.
Wow. You have a very negative outlook. Of course America is heading in the wrong direction, but I think it's much too early to say "America is finished."
How can I not be negative? As we get closer and closer to a minority majority, it will be even harder to reform immigration laws. Even if Congress does not approve amnesty for illegal aliens, they are not leaving. Also minorities are largely socialists who support taxing white people to death and giving to minorities. I will say it again. American is finished. California is gone. I predict Florida is next, then Texas, then New York, then Maryland. Any guess what state is next?
How can I not be negative? As we get closer and closer to a minority majority, it will be even harder to reform immigration laws. Even if Congress does not approve amnesty for illegal aliens, they are not leaving. Also minorities are largely socialists who support taxing white people to death and giving to minorities. I will say it again. American is finished. California is gone. I predict Florida is next, then Texas, then New York, then Maryland. Any guess what state is next?
South Carolina?
All I can say is, make sure you're (legally) armed.
Hi Lisa, its me Richard. I actually registered with this site awhile ago and didn't realize it.
It doesn't matter who is in the white house, those pimps in DC will never change our immigration laws from one that lets 3rd worlders in, but not whites. The useless mainstream media as well as leftist groups like La Raza, SPLC, NAACP and treasonous right groups like the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street Journal are in an unholy alliance. Minorities will soon be the majority and the USA will look like California. I could not care less if any Congressman or Senator lives or dies. They killed America.
I have to agree, the immigration laws have not been enforced and the end result is disaster. These immigrants along with the radical liberals voted this monster into our White House. We need some politicians who will refuse to be politically correct for the sake of saving our Country.
This Country does need change and the first step is to strip these radicals of their citizenship and deport them to Countries like Africa, Iran, North Korea, or Cuba....I'd like to see how far the radicals get under their rule. Then and only then, the light blub in their brains may light up and they will realize just how wrong they were and know the value of freedom and appreciate it.
Richard, your conclusion is sound, but changing demographics is just one of many reasons for America's decline into the abyss.
How can I not be negative? As we get closer and closer to a minority majority, it will be even harder to reform immigration laws. Even if Congress does not approve amnesty for illegal aliens, they are not leaving. Also minorities are largely socialists who support taxing white people to death and giving to minorities. I will say it again. American is finished. California is gone. I predict Florida is next, then Texas, then New York, then Maryland. Any guess what state is next?
Richard, you are right, and I thank G-d that this will be destroyed.
I believe the REAL Americans will be the ONLY ones to rise from the ashes, b/c THERE WILL BE WAR.
How can I not be negative? As we get closer and closer to a minority majority, it will be even harder to reform immigration laws. Even if Congress does not approve amnesty for illegal aliens, they are not leaving. Also minorities are largely socialists who support taxing white people to death and giving to minorities. I will say it again. American is finished. California is gone. I predict Florida is next, then Texas, then New York, then Maryland. Any guess what state is next?
Richard, you are right, and I thank G-d that this will be destroyed.
I believe the REAL Americans will be the ONLY ones to rise from the ashes, b/c THERE WILL BE WAR.
A Big War .......
Anyone notice how America currently resembles Rome in it's declining years?
Wow. You have a very negative outlook. Of course America is heading in the wrong direction, but I think it's much too early to say "America is finished."
How can anyone not have a negative outlook when you look around at what has been happening to this country? I confess that I feel the same way as the OP. Does anyone seriously think that, given the current mind frame by the majority of the population in the U.S., all it will take is a few politicians who are not politically correct to change the inevitable? Unfortunately I don't.
And the really sad thing about it is that the ability to change has always been within the power of the general population. Complaining about politicians and then voting them back into office every election cycle is useless. Runaway illegal immigration, political correctness, excessive taxation, an overreaching federal government, runaway deficit spending...all these things should have been nipped in the bud at the beginning. Instead they were ignored for the most part and now, after decades of damage, I fear that it's really too late to do anything that is truly effective about it. Lisa is right, arm yourself. It's a damned shame that it's come to that in what was once the greatest country in the world.
How can I not be negative? As we get closer and closer to a minority majority, it will be even harder to reform immigration laws. Even if Congress does not approve amnesty for illegal aliens, they are not leaving. Also minorities are largely socialists who support taxing white people to death and giving to minorities. I will say it again. American is finished. California is gone. I predict Florida is next, then Texas, then New York, then Maryland. Any guess what state is next?
If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million criminal invaders called illegals and they vote, then we can say goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years.
I have to agree with you Penny.
It doesn't matter who is in the white house, those pimps in DC will never change our immigration laws from one that lets 3rd worlders in, but not whites. The useless mainstream media as well as leftist groups like La Raza, SPLC, NAACP and treasonous right groups like the Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street Journal are in an unholy alliance. Minorities will soon be the majority and the USA will look like California. I could not care less if any Congressman or Senator lives or dies. They killed America.
I have to agree, the immigration laws have not been enforced and the end result is disaster. These immigrants along with the radical liberals voted this monster into our White House. We need some politicians who will refuse to be politically correct for the sake of saving our Country.
This Country does need change and the first step is to strip these radicals of their citizenship and deport them to Countries like Africa, Iran, North Korea, or Cuba....I'd like to see how far the radicals get under their rule. Then and only then, the light blub in their brains may light up and they will realize just how wrong they were and know the value of freedom and appreciate it.
There is nothing wrong with Cubans!
I am actually starting to see more and more white women here in relationships with these third worlders and they tend to develop self hating attitudes and start shaming those who want to have the mildest immigration controls. Funny thing, the other day I saw what looked like a 6 foot woman with a 5 foot Mexican lol.
I am actually starting to see more and more white women here in relationships with these third worlders and they tend to develop self hating attitudes and start shaming those who want to have the mildest immigration controls. Funny thing, the other day I saw what looked like a 6 foot woman with a 5 foot Mexican lol.
CK, they are totally dumbed down.
The end is near.
The only way we will come out of this funk is for all people to humble themselves and ask for God's help and forgiveness, ( A New Spiritual Awakening.) There are alot of good people in America, there are evil people too, but there are also millions of good, honest, devout God loving Christians and Jews. We are in no way like the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah when they were destroyed.
I keep hoping I am right!!!!
The Signs of Society — Jesus said that society will become increasingly lawless and immoral as the time approaches for His return. In fact, He said it would become as evil as it was in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:12,37-39). People will call evil good and good evil. ( Isaiah 5:20 )
The Signs of Society — Jesus said that society will become increasingly lawless and immoral as the time approaches for His return. In fact, He said it would become as evil as it was in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:12,37-39). People will call evil good and good evil. ( Isaiah 5:20 )
Well, if Jesus said it....
Wow. You have a very negative outlook. Of course America is heading in the wrong direction, but I think it's much too early to say "America is finished."
How can anyone not have a negative outlook when you look around at what has been happening to this country? I confess that I feel the same way as the OP. Does anyone seriously think that, given the current mind frame by the majority of the population in the U.S., all it will take is a few politicians who are not politically correct to change the inevitable? Unfortunately I don't.
And the really sad thing about it is that the ability to change has always been within the power of the general population. Complaining about politicians and then voting them back into office every election cycle is useless. Runaway illegal immigration, political correctness, excessive taxation, an overreaching federal government, runaway deficit spending...all these things should have been nipped in the bud at the beginning. Instead they were ignored for the most part and now, after decades of damage, I fear that it's really too late to do anything that is truly effective about it. Lisa is right, arm yourself. It's a damned shame that it's come to that in what was once the greatest country in the world.
I'm afraid, I too, feel the same way as HiWarp. I am so tired of TOO MUCH tolerance, that's what has brought this country to its knees.
I have to say:
The last week or 2, I have started to lose hope for America.
At the least, I can see a big fight brewing.
Here's what I'm really worried about... people coming after us Jews if/when the $#*% hits the fan (please pardon my language, I did censor it).
I'm seeing Jew-hated all across the political spectrum: Left, Right, and everywhere in-between. I also live among liberal Jews who still trust and believe in Obama, who seem determined to drag me down with them.
I'd hate to see America fall, but can you blame me for not wanting to be here when it happens? I'd like to move to Israel post-haste, but my own rabbi (also a believing Obama supporter) refuses to help me out there.
In the meantime, I've found lots of "American patriots" online who blame us Jews for everything that's going wrong and think that we secretly control everything. Where can or should I discuss these people here on these forums?
I've found lots of "American patriots" online who blame us Jews for everything that's going wrong and think that we secretly control everything. Where can or should I discuss these people here on these forums?
There not real patriot, there white trailer trash that beat there wives, cant hold a job and started having kids at the age of 14. You can pretty much discuss it on general discussion.
Here's what I'm really worried about... people coming after us Jews if/when the $#*% hits the fan (please pardon my language, I did censor it).
I'm seeing Jew-hated all across the political spectrum: Left, Right, and everywhere in-between. I also live among liberal Jews who still trust and believe in Obama, who seem determined to drag me down with them.
I'd hate to see America fall, but can you blame me for not wanting to be here when it happens? I'd like to move to Israel post-haste, but my own rabbi (also a believing Obama supporter) refuses to help me out there.
In the meantime, I've found lots of "American patriots" online who blame us Jews for everything that's going wrong and think that we secretly control everything. Where can or should I discuss these people here on these forums?
Discuss it anywhere. BLAME THE JEWS, lol.