General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Carpenter on December 06, 2009, 04:07:32 PM
In this video Ron Paul says America is harming Israel by giving Israel foreign aid and that America has made Israel dependent on America. He says Israel is depending on America to take care of Iran but if they weren't getting aid from America they'd they'd do it themselves. It starts from 2:00 - 4:15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz6AKU5lSqc&feature=related
In this video he says he says it's "preposterous" to think Al-Qaeda wasn't responsible for 9/11. It starts from 2:48 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YUukbFgQcY&feature=related
I heard a JTF video where someone said Ron Paul says that the Likud party and the Neocons have close ties. Even if you believe Likud is bad for Israel there's no denying they have close ties.
So what's wrong with him?
Yes the foreign aid does cripple Israel's free will to defend itself etc.
I agree with Paul on some issues, but need more info on his views. Israel needs to do what is best for Israel, and not let other governments influence their national security, even if they get aid or weapons systems the US.
The right to defend Ones self always outways other factors!
Ron Paul ain't no friend of the Jews, and don't even try to make it like he is. I wouldn't vote for him, for lead dog catcher.
So what? That doesn't mean Ron Paul supports Nazism. They probably view him as the "lesser of two evils" the way you view Mccain as the lesser of two evils. I saw this video before. It seems your opposition to Paul is baseless. You claim you want America to end aid to Israel but for once when a candidate like Paul finally comes you're diametrically opposed to him. Do you really support ending foreign aid to Israel?
Part of the reason why a lot of us oppose him is that when he ran for president with the libertarian party in 1988, he ran on having open borders meaning illegal aliens could freely come over here.
So what? That doesn't mean Ron Paul supports Nazism. They probably view him as the "lesser of two evils" the way you view Mccain as the lesser of two evils. I saw this video before. It seems your opposition to Paul is baseless. You claim you want America to end aid to Israel but for once when a candidate like Paul finally comes you're diametrically opposed to him. Do you really support ending foreign aid to Israel?
Maybe "So What" to you. Not "So What" to me. Ron Paul is Garbage. He'll never be president of anything, except his fan club.
Hi Mankowitz.
How come asssholes like Carpenter always come to this forum on Sunday night? Probably something to do with their welfare check.
Also, Ron Paul accepted a $500 donation from Don Black of pedofront, and did not return it.
I just banned Carpenter.
Some people have good intentions and some bad intentions about not giving aid to israel. Jtf and kahane are against american aid to israel for good righteous intentions. Ron Paul has ill intentions because he thinks that if israel didn't have american aid they can be destroyed nore easily.
Much like the blessing/curse that israel would be a nation that will dwell alone. Those who hate israel say it as a curse but to Gd's "ears" from His "mouth" it becomes a blessing.
Some people have good intentions and some bad intentions about not giving aid to israel. Jtf and kahane are against american aid to israel for good righteous intentions. Ron Paul has ill intentions because he thinks that if israel didn't have american aid they can be destroyed nore easily.
Much like the blessing/curse that israel would be a nation that will dwell alone. Those who hate israel say it as a curse but to Gd's "ears" from His "mouth" it becomes a blessing.
You hit the nail on the hit! How come the Jew haters always come out on Sunday night?
Hi Mankowitz.
That homo also went to Lisa's blog:
In this video Ron Paul says America is harming Israel by giving Israel foreign aid and that America has made Israel dependent on America. He says Israel is depending on America to take care of Iran but if they weren't getting aid from America they'd they'd do it themselves. It starts from 2:00 - 4:15 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz6AKU5lSqc&feature=related
In this video he says he says it's "preposterous" to think Al-Qaeda wasn't responsible for 9/11. It starts from 2:48 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YUukbFgQcY&feature=related
I heard a JTF video where someone said Ron Paul says that the Likud party and the Neocons have close ties. Even if you believe Likud is bad for Israel there's no denying they have close ties.
So what's wrong with him?
That is sort of like when Black Muslims say Blacks should not rely on Government or white people to take care of them. I tend to agree with that and if that was the end of their rhetoric I would support them. Unfortunately it carries over into hating Whites and Jews. Pretty similar story with Ron Paul except for the Whites part.
Sure, he some nice positions, but how can anyone support a candidate received money from StørmFrønt and wont give it back.
You might as well support a candidate who openly receives donations from other hate groups like CAIR or the Nation of Islam.
Also, his rhetoric after 9/11 was VERY disturbing. WE and our policies were more at fault than Islam. He either DOESNT get it, or he is an Islamolover. Either way, he was despicable.
If you like his fiscal policies, then support Huckabeee.
I support Ron Paul, because he won't be bossing Israel around and telling them what land they can and cannot own. Really, even if Ron Paul is a nazi, which he isn't really, although I doubt he loves Jews, he is really the best president Israel could hope for. Without Ron Paul, Bibi will no longer get his special White House playboy status and will be stuck having to win the hearts of the Israeli people who he betrayed. If Paul is in power, Israel can start kicking a-s-s and stop kissing a-s-s like it has done for the last 20 or 30 years.
OMG, I think it is Mankowitz. OK, I fell for it too. :spam: :spam:
Many things about Ron Paul might be borderline questionable, he's way better than ANYBODY the Republicans or Demonrats have put out there.
Ron Paul would have been better than Bush, McCain, the Clintons, and it goes without saying, light years better than Obama! I would take Ron Paul any day over all of them!
Ron Paul is a vicious Jew-hating scum. He's known for his opinion over the Jewish-Arab+Muslim war and his 9/11 "truth"ism.
Ron Paul is a vicious Jew-hating scum. He's known for his opinion over the Jewish-Arab+Muslim war and his 9/11 "truth"ism.
Obama is all that and worse. At least Ron Paul wouldn't be wrecking our economy.
Ron Paul is a vicious Jew-hating scum. He's known for his opinion over the Jewish-Arab+Muslim war and his 9/11 "truth"ism.
Obama is all that and worse. At least Ron Paul wouldn't be wrecking our economy.
"Our"? aren't you Jewish?
No Obama is not worse, Obama would never attack Israel directly but I don't think Paul wouldn't, for example.
"Our"? aren't you Jewish?
No Obama is not worse, Obama would never attack Israel directly but I don't think Paul wouldn't, for example.
Yes I'm Jewish, and since I'm an American and we're discussing America's President with what I assume is fellow Americans, it is OUR economy. Obama has already placed the bar pretty high (or is it low) for worst President, I think anyone, Ron Paul included would have a hard time matching Obama in the worst President contest, and yeah, Ron Paul would be GOOD for the economy, his economic positions are sound, beats the neo-Marxism we're having to deal with currently.
WHo cares that Paul hates Jews? Obama hates Jews? At least Ron Paul will not try to get in Israel's business and if he did, he would lose his sole support, libertarians. What Israel needs right now is a leader who will stop harrassing them and forcing the mto make concessions to arabs. Ron Paul has good views, but well he is southern back woods redneck, what can i say? He grew up being told Jews have horns. It be nice to educate the guy so he could be actually a good leader not a backwoods bigot. OF course, some of his libertarian mentors were Jewish. I guess some of Stalin's mentors are Jewish too, so it doesnt count.
What I can say is.. Whether Ron Paul is a Jew hater, he will probably jsut turn USA into an isolated country and boot out all the mexicans and punish the blacks too. I doubt he would mess with the Jews much.
He is not great leader to have, but in this current time, he woudl be good. If he was in power, Israel could take over al lthe middle eastern countries and oil supplies and America would have a new oil broker. THink about it?
"Our"? aren't you Jewish?
No Obama is not worse, Obama would never attack Israel directly but I don't think Paul wouldn't, for example.
Yes I'm Jewish, and since I'm an American and we're discussing America's President with what I assume is fellow Americans, it is OUR economy. Obama has already placed the bar pretty high (or is it low) for worst President, I think anyone, Ron Paul included would have a hard time matching Obama in the worst President contest, and yeah, Ron Paul would be GOOD for the economy, his economic positions are sound, beats the neo-Marxism we're having to deal with currently.
Wrong, if you're Jewish it doesn't matter where you live or what passport/citizenship you got your economy is the Israeli one. You're not American just like you're not Japanese.
Being worse than Obama is not a big deal, Obama would never do anything against Jews directly (he still needs the "Liberal" image).
Ron Paul would be no good for the American economy, he's a hypocrite and lying piece of sub-garbage, I doubt any sane America would trust him in this matter (not like there's something to trust in other issues) and this has been proven in the illegal immigration issue.
I support Ron Paul, because he won't be bossing Israel around and telling them what land they can and cannot own. Really, even if Ron Paul is a nazi, which he isn't really, although I doubt he loves Jews, he is really the best president Israel could hope for. Without Ron Paul, Bibi will no longer get his special White House playboy status and will be stuck having to win the hearts of the Israeli people who he betrayed. If Paul is in power, Israel can start kicking a-s-s and stop kissing a-s-s like it has done for the last 20 or 30 years.
I can't believe you are saying this. If Ron Paul is in power, he will try to nuke Israel ASAP.
manKowitz may as well just give up.. He is such a waste of time.
I support Ron Paul, because he won't be bossing Israel around and telling them what land they can and cannot own. Really, even if Ron Paul is a nazi, which he isn't really, although I doubt he loves Jews, he is really the best president Israel could hope for. Without Ron Paul, Bibi will no longer get his special White House playboy status and will be stuck having to win the hearts of the Israeli people who he betrayed. If Paul is in power, Israel can start kicking a-s-s and stop kissing a-s-s like it has done for the last 20 or 30 years.
I can't believe you are saying this. If Ron Paul is in power, he will try to nuke Israel ASAP.
??? What gives you that idea?
Look at who we've had to choose from in all the elections since Ronald Reagan.
Bush Sr, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, George Bush Jr, Al Gore, John Kerry, John McCain, Huessein Obama.
Is there one decent man worthy of being President of the United States of America in that whole bunch!? There was no winning, there isn't a winning choice in that pile.
America hasn't had a President since Ronald Reagan.
Bin Laden sends greetings to Reagan.
Bin Laden sends greetings to Reagan.
So who do you like? Or are you just a argumentative malcontent for the sake of it?
Bin Laden sends greetings to Reagan.
So who do you like? Or are you just a argumentative malcontent for the sake of it?
None of them.
I would certainly prefer Ron Paul over Barak Hussein Obama because Ron Paul would lift the smoke and mirrors and show the world that the Israeli govt is the one taking initiative here, that the US has no say, and the charade is over. Bibi would be exposed as the leftist capitulationist he is, and all Israelis would know that it is not the american president who causes their problems, but the Israeli govt who does. The US is just a cheerleader on the sidelines. That explains how the settlement movement grew despite US outcry from the beginning. It would continue to grow if the Israeli govt let it.
Ron Paul would not play along with the Israeli govt game, to pretend that he's on a bully pulpit and pretending that he's telling Bibi what to do. The Israeli govt would have to face up to what it is forcing on the Jewish people, potentially prompting a revolt. So the Israeli govt would have that choice either to give in or face revolt. They'd give in.
Look at Bush giving his speeches and soundbites, you can tell they were forced. And even then, he does not use the same rhetoric as the presidents before him. Olmert and the Israeli govt were begging Bush to pressure them so that the Israelis will blame someone else instead of their own leaders when they make their corrupt business dealings with Arab terrorist thugs. That's a page out of the Arab government handbook of scapegoating.
Heck ya Ron Paul 2012.. ANd, if Ron Paul decides to Nuke Israel or round up The Jews and put us in gas chambers.. Well , first of all, the country would erupt into civil war. Second of all, Israel would nuke quite a few American cities and Ron Paul's popularity would be at quite a low. If Ron Paul is responsible for massive amounts of American deaths and unrest, his days will be numbered very fast, that is, if people don't decide to punish him directly. The only thing that will happen with Ron Paul presidency is that Israel kicks the sand N*ggers as-s-es and takes control of the Middle East. Ron Paul would keep American bureaucracy to an all time low.
Also if Ron Paul becomes prez, I can legally own grenades, fully auto weapons and all kind of other great toys to defend my jewish people. I really wish we could have a president like Ron Paul, who didn't have the backward Judeophobic hillybilly views.
Lets put it this way, Ron Paul is the best of the bunch. Perhaps Sarah Palin would be the most pro-Israel and ethical , but even she has to kiss up to the politically correct neo-conservative party that has lost its backbone. Ronald Reagan, Bush I & II and the rest of the bunch were not our friends.
We need more pro-Israel libertarians to take control of the USA. Kick out the Mexicans and Arabs!!!! Tell the blacks we are not going to pay their welfare checks anymore, your cotton pickin' pensions are over, go get a real job and stop sucking off of the hard working people in this country!
?? What gives you that idea?
Because he is obsessed with Israel just like his butt-buddies Don Black and David Duke.
Heck ya Ron Paul 2012.. ANd, if Ron Paul decides to Nuke Israel or round up The Jews and put us in gas chambers.. Well , first of all, the country would erupt into civil war. Second of all, Israel would nuke quite a few American cities and Ron Paul's popularity would be at quite a low. If Ron Paul is responsible for massive amounts of American deaths and unrest, his days will be numbered very fast, that is, if people don't decide to punish him directly. The only thing that will happen with Ron Paul presidency is that Israel kicks the sand N*ggers as-s-es and takes control of the Middle East. Ron Paul would keep American bureaucracy to an all time low.
Also if Ron Paul becomes prez, I can legally own grenades, fully auto weapons and all kind of other great toys to defend my jewish people. I really wish we could have a president like Ron Paul, who didn't have the backward Judeophobic hillybilly views.
Lets put it this way, Ron Paul is the best of the bunch. Perhaps Sarah Palin would be the most pro-Israel and ethical , but even she has to kiss up to the politically correct neo-conservative party that has lost its backbone. Ronald Reagan, Bush I & II and the rest of the bunch were not our friends.
We need more pro-Israel libertarians to take control of the USA. Kick out the Mexicans and Arabs!!!! Tell the blacks we are not going to pay their welfare checks anymore, your cotton pickin' pensions are over, go get a real job and stop sucking off of the hard working people in this country!
You make no sense. You'd vote for a prez who might try to put you in gas chambers ? I mean they said stuff like that on hitler pre WWI- "well he hates Jews but at least in his Germany the trains arrive on time". I don't know which on is worse- Hussein Osama or Ron Paul, but they are both completely unvoteable, especially for a Jew with a drop of self respect.
I"m Ron Paul supports the Muslims and the terrorists..if he isn't as bad as Obama, he probably would be even worse.
Whether Ron Paul is a Jew hater, he will probably jsut turn USA into an isolated country and boot out all the mexicans and punish the blacks too. I doubt he would mess with the Jews much.<<
What makes you think Ron Paul would boot out Mexicans? I assume you are talking about illegal aliens, not citizens. Still Libertarians believe in open borders more than just about any other group. I used to until I took a harder look at the issue.
You guys, I don't believe how many of you are defending that nutso Ron Paul. I
The fact that he accepted money from Pedofront and refused to return should tell you everything!
And whoever said that everyone will see how it's America bossing Israel around as opposed to the opposite, you're sorely mistaken. This is man who said the Likud dictates the foreign policy of the neocons. If he's POTUS, G-d forbid, he'll continue to make Israel out to be the bad guy. Why can't you see that?
In terms of that scenario of American Jews being rounded up and killed, I doubt Israel will lift a finger. They can't/won't even get their own soldier Gilad Shalit back from Hezbollah! Let's also remember Ron Arad and all those rockets those fakestinian cockroaches are launching on them.
So we all need to get real here.
You guys, I don't believe how many of you are defending that nutso Ron Paul. I
The fact that he accepted money from Pedofront and refused to return should tell you everything!
And whoever said that everyone will see how it's America bossing Israel around as opposed to the opposite, you're sorely mistaken. This is man who said the Likud dictates the foreign policy of the neocons. If he's POTUS, G-d forbid, he'll continue to make Israel out to be the bad guy. Why can't you see that?
In terms of that scenario of American Jews being rounded up and killed, I doubt Israel will lift a finger. They can't/won't even get their own soldier Gilad Shalit back from Hezbollah! Let's also remember Ron Arad and all those rockets those fakestinian cockroaches are launching on them.
So we all need to get real here.
Look at who we've had to choose from in all the elections since Ronald Reagan.
Bush Sr, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, George Bush Jr, Al Gore, John Kerry, John McCain, Huessein Obama.
Is there one decent man worthy of being President of the United States of America in that whole bunch!? There was no winning, there isn't a winning choice in that pile.
America hasn't had a President since Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was not a great president. Look at his close friendship with the Saudi "royals", his amnesty of 3 million illegal aliens, and what he did to Jonathan Pollard.
I"m Ron Paul supports the Muslims and the terrorists..if he isn't as bad as Obama, he probably would be even worse.
Yep. Ron Paul is the ideological twin (and likely rump buddy) of Fag Buchanus.
Look at who we've had to choose from in all the elections since Ronald Reagan.
Bush Sr, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, George Bush Jr, Al Gore, John Kerry, John McCain, Huessein Obama.
Is there one decent man worthy of being President of the United States of America in that whole bunch!? There was no winning, there isn't a winning choice in that pile.
America hasn't had a President since Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was not a great president. Look at his close friendship with the Saudi "royals", his amnesty of 3 million illegal aliens, and what he did to Jonathan Pollard.
Reagan was a great President, he pulled America out of Jimmy Carter's recession, he took on the Soviet Union with strength, he stood up for Conservative values, Reagan is the best President this country has had in the last 40 years.
Change "great" to "least bad" and then we'll talk.
The Soviet Union was already moribund and rotting internally, it was going to collapse on its own weight no matter what.
Change "great" to "least bad" and then we'll talk.
The Soviet Union was already moribund and rotting internally, it was going to collapse on its own weight no matter what.
Even Gorbachev has admitted that Reagan sped it up greatly. It was a combo of low oil prices and an unparalleled arms race that bunkrupt the USSR. Also, he was the first GOP candidate that got any substantial support from the Religious Jewish community, for his strong righteous views.
Lets stop promoting Ron Paul. There is NO reason to support this Jew hater. He is a COMPLETE hypocrite, and would accept money MAMBLA if they donated to him. F him.
So who is good? Currently, I like Tom Tancredo, Palin is good but she has viability problems with the way that the coordinated left wing media incessantly attacks and undermines her, and of course the masses of sheeple start to believe to malicious poison the media puts out about her.
Fun dream ticket, the girls! A Coulter - Palin ticket for 2012!
What about Michelle Bachman?
What about Michelle Bachman?
Coulter and Palin are cuter. ^-^
Plus Coulter is a bad-a*s! I wish she would run.
So who is good? Currently, I like Tom Tancredo, Palin is good but she has viability problems with the way that the coordinated left wing media incessantly attacks and undermines her, and of course the masses of sheeple start to believe to malicious poison the media puts out about her.
Fun dream ticket, the girls! A Coulter - Palin ticket for 2012!
I am backinig Huckabee. I have seen him waiver on several issues though, and its very disappointing, but he is still the best viable candidate. And his fiscal positions are great.
Coulter could have been more bad a-- in speaking out against Obama, but she wasn't. She also criticized the so-called birthers, which I thought was wrong.
Coulter could have been more bad a-- in speaking out against Obama, but she wasn't. She also criticized the so-called birthers, which I thought was wrong.
She's constantly hammering Obama and the Marxist enemies of America, check out her article list. http://anncoulter.com/cgi-local/archives.cgi (http://anncoulter.com/cgi-local/archives.cgi)
The only perfect candidate would be Duncan Hunter, who has no chance at present. Hunter-Palin would be a dream ticket.
The only perfect candidate would be Duncan Hunter, who has no chance at present. Hunter-Palin would be a dream ticket.
There I agree with you 100%
http://www.hunterforcongress.com/bio/ (http://www.hunterforcongress.com/bio/)
I support Ron Paul, because he won't be bossing Israel around and telling them what land they can and cannot own. Really, even if Ron Paul is a nazi, which he isn't really, although I doubt he loves Jews, he is really the best president Israel could hope for. Without Ron Paul, Bibi will no longer get his special White House playboy status and will be stuck having to win the hearts of the Israeli people who he betrayed. If Paul is in power, Israel can start kicking a-s-s and stop kissing a-s-s like it has done for the last 20 or 30 years.
I can't believe you are saying this. If Ron Paul is in power, he will try to nuke Israel ASAP.
Even though I'm not defending him though I think you probably need to get your facts straight and making such comments and besides your smarter than that man.
I think that Ronald Reagan deserves the title "Great" which doesn't equal "Righteous" ...
Even though I'm not defending him though I think you probably need to get your facts straight and making such comments and besides your smarter than that man.
I didn't insult him or say anything that isn't common sense already.
I make good sense. Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community. If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama). If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul. I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas. Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover, by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world. Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.
CMon, think about it! If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom. I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine". Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do.
Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler. Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority. What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.
Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government. He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted. Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government. Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system. I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes even under the so-called tax cutter George W>
I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran. Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power. As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs. Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support. He will stop supporting the arabs.
Why are people her eso naive??? The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people. The American government has not been our friend, its the American people . Ron Paul will give more power to the people of USA.
Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too. That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.
These are my resasons for supporting Paul. The Republican party downright sucks and I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing. American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom. But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.
Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews. Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma. Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die. Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too. Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist?
Heck ya Ron Paul 2012.. ANd, if Ron Paul decides to Nuke Israel or round up The Jews and put us in gas chambers.. Well , first of all, the country would erupt into civil war. Second of all, Israel would nuke quite a few American cities and Ron Paul's popularity would be at quite a low. If Ron Paul is responsible for massive amounts of American deaths and unrest, his days will be numbered very fast, that is, if people don't decide to punish him directly. The only thing that will happen with Ron Paul presidency is that Israel kicks the sand N*ggers as-s-es and takes control of the Middle East. Ron Paul would keep American bureaucracy to an all time low.
Also if Ron Paul becomes prez, I can legally own grenades, fully auto weapons and all kind of other great toys to defend my jewish people. I really wish we could have a president like Ron Paul, who didn't have the backward Judeophobic hillybilly views.
Lets put it this way, Ron Paul is the best of the bunch. Perhaps Sarah Palin would be the most pro-Israel and ethical , but even she has to kiss up to the politically correct neo-conservative party that has lost its backbone. Ronald Reagan, Bush I & II and the rest of the bunch were not our friends.
We need more pro-Israel libertarians to take control of the USA. Kick out the Mexicans and Arabs!!!! Tell the blacks we are not going to pay their welfare checks anymore, your cotton pickin' pensions are over, go get a real job and stop sucking off of the hard working people in this country!
You make no sense. You'd vote for a prez who might try to put you in gas chambers ? I mean they said stuff like that on hitler pre WWI- "well he hates Jews but at least in his Germany the trains arrive on time". I don't know which on is worse- Hussein Osama or Ron Paul, but they are both completely unvoteable, especially for a Jew with a drop of self respect.
Another deception about Obama is that he supports a Jewish-Palestinian state. The truth is he wants Israel to give up too much, while the Palestinians are let off the hook for terrorism.
I really think this country is ready for a Conservative woman like Palin, who has common sense, and knows what works. She has already run Alaska with executive experience, and I think she would far surpass Barry's abilities! I think this administration would like to open the way for Hillarie's Presidency. God forbid.
Coulter-Palin, Now wouldn't that be a feisty duo! Michele Bachmann is very smart and capable too. We will have to see who Palin would pick as a running mate. Are there any good men candidates out there? Not as yet.
Another deception about Obama is that he supports a Jewish-Palestinian state. The truth is he wants Israel to give up too much, while the Palestinians are let off the hook for terrorism.
I really think this country is ready for a Conservative woman like Palin, who has common sense, and knows what works. She has already run Alaska with executive experience, and I think she would far surpass Barry's abilities! I think this administration would like to open the way for Hillarie's Presidency. G-d forbid.
Coulter-Palin, Now wouldn't that be a feisty duo! Michele Bachmann is very smart and capable too. We will have to see who Palin would pick as a running mate. Are there any good men candidates out there? Not as yet.
I hate to disagree with you though at this point in time I would rather have Romney if not Huckabee rather than palin. She forfeited the governorship to go on a book tour. That really says she cant handle being governor.
I would never support Palin. She does not know how to run a country and she'd make our country look bad like Obama is making it look bad right now. I would rather see somebody who is an economic expert as well as a supporter of State's rights get elected.
I make good sense. Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community. If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama). If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul. I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas. Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover, by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world. Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.
CMon, think about it! If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom. I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine". Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do.
Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler. Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority. What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.
Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government. He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted. Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government. Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system. I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes even under the so-called tax cutter George W>
I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran. Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power. As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs. Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support. He will stop supporting the arabs.
Why are people her eso naive??? The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people. The American government has not been our friend, its the American people . Ron Paul will give more power to the people of USA.
Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too. That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.
These are my resasons for supporting Paul. The Republican party downright sucks and I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing. American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom. But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.
Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews. Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma. Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die. Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too. Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist?
This is total and utter fantasy. And I really doubt that David Duke supported McCain/Palin. Source please?
I make good sense. Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community. If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama). If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul. I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas. Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover, by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world. Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.
CMon, think about it! If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom. I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine". Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do.
Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler. Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority. What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.
Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government. He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted. Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government. Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system. I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes even under the so-called tax cutter George W>
I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran. Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power. As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs. Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support. He will stop supporting the arabs.
Why are people her eso naive??? The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people. The American government has not been our friend, its the American people . Ron Paul will give more power to the people of USA.
Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too. That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.
These are my resasons for supporting Paul. The Republican party downright sucks and I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing. American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom. But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.
Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews. Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma. Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die. Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too. Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist?
This is total and utter fantasy. And I really doubt that David Duke supported McCain/Palin. Source please?
David Duke HATES Mccain. Im guessing Duke supported Barr, for the sole reason that Paul supported him. Duke is obssesed what he sees as a zionist conspiracy that runs the GOP. Nazis will support Black Muslims before they support zionists. Again, Nazis didnt set out to exterminate non-whites, they set out to exterminate Jews.
Look at who we've had to choose from in all the elections since Ronald Reagan.
Bush Sr, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, George Bush Jr, Al Gore, John Kerry, John McCain, Huessein Obama.
Is there one decent man worthy of being President of the United States of America in that whole bunch!? There was no winning, there isn't a winning choice in that pile.
America hasn't had a President since Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was not a great president. Look at his close friendship with the Saudi "royals", his amnesty of 3 million illegal aliens, and what he did to Jonathan Pollard.
Don't forget the "Mujahideen", they adore him too.
I make good sense. Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community. If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama). If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul. I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas. Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover, by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world. Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.
CMon, think about it! If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom. I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine". Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do.
Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler. Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority. What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.
Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government. He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted. Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government. Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system. I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes even under the so-called tax cutter George W>
I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran. Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power. As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs. Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support. He will stop supporting the arabs.
Why are people her eso naive??? The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people. The American government has not been our friend, its the American people . Ron Paul will give more power to the people of USA.
Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too. That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.
These are my resasons for supporting Paul. The Republican party downright sucks and I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing. American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom. But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.
Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews. Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma. Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die. Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too. Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist?
This is total and utter fantasy. And I really doubt that David Duke supported McCain/Palin. Source please?
David Duke HATES Mccain. Im guessing Duke supported Barr, for the sole reason that Paul supported him. Duke is obssesed what he sees as a zionist conspiracy that runs the GOP. Nazis will support Black Muslims before they support zionists. Again, Nazis didnt set out to exterminate non-whites, they set out to exterminate Jews.
What's wrong with Barr. He used to be our representative here in Ga.
I make good sense. Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community. If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama). If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul. I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas. Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover, by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world. Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.
CMon, think about it! If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom. I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine". Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do.
Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler. Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority. What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.
Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government. He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted. Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government. Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system. I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes even under the so-called tax cutter George W>
I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran. Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power. As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs. Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support. He will stop supporting the arabs.
Why are people her eso naive??? The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people. The American government has not been our friend, its the American people . Ron Paul will give more power to the people of USA.
Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too. That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.
These are my resasons for supporting Paul. The Republican party downright sucks and I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing. American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom. But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.
Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews. Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma. Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die. Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too. Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist?
What is it about these Ron Paul supporters ? They just won't go away.
I'm amazed that someone with the moniker 'death to islam' would endorse an isolationist like Ron Paul. As if moRON PAUListinian would take a pro-active stance against Islam. Puhleeeze.
Look, it's fine to agree with Paul's libertarian domestic social and economic policies - but if you think even for a moment that Paul's neutral isolationist foreign policy vis a vis the struggle against Islamic totalitarianism and imperialism will benefit America - then you are out of your mind.
Even if you want to disregard Paul's well documented anti-semitic, anti-Israel statements -- how can any self-avowed opponent of Islamic hegemony lend any support to Ron Paul ?
Surely, no one here wants America to attempt to dictate policy to Israel, and we can all agree that American foreign aid to Israel is often counter-productive to the Jewish State's best interests. But that doesn't mean that America should be neutral or non-supportive of Israel - and that's precisely the direction a Ron Paul administration would take. In fact, it's fairly obvious to anyone with a salient mind that Paul would be a do nothing lap dog, cloaked in an isolationist robe, soon to be subservient to his Islamic masters.
Ron Paulian isolationism is exactly what any proponent of an active war against Islamic imperialism should least want to see come to fruition. Use your brain.
If you're interested in supporting a politician that's anti-Islam, pro-Israel, and for smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating the IRS, and has a tough immigration policy - then take a look at Allen West. He's running for congress in Florida.
But please don't insult JTF by supporting a scumbag like Ron Paul.
I agree. Supporting Ron Paul now would be like supporting Charles Lindbergh or Father Coughlin if they were running for president in the late 30s.
I agree. Supporting Ron Paul now would be like supporting Charles Lindbergh or Father Coughlin if they were running for president in the late 30s.
What is it about these Ron Paul supporters ? They just won't go away.
I'm amazed that someone with the moniker 'death to islam' would endorse an isolationist like Ron Paul. As if moRON PAUListinian would take a pro-active stance against Islam. Puhleeeze.
Look, it's fine to agree with Paul's libertarian domestic social and economic policies - but if you think even for a moment that Paul's neutral isolationist foreign policy vis a vis the struggle against Islamic totalitarianism and imperialism will benefit America - then you are out of your mind.
Even if you want to disregard Paul's well documented anti-semitic, anti-Israel statements -- how can any self-avowed opponent of Islamic hegemony lend any support to Ron Paul ?
Surely, no one here wants America to attempt to dictate policy to Israel, and we can all agree that American foreign aid to Israel is often counter-productive to the Jewish State's best interests. But that doesn't mean that America should be neutral or non-supportive of Israel - and that's precisely the direction a Ron Paul administration would take. In fact, it's fairly obvious to anyone with a salient mind that Paul would be a do nothing lap dog, cloaked in an isolationist robe, soon to be subservient to his Islamic masters.
Ron Paulian isolationism is exactly what any proponent of an active war against Islamic imperialism should least want to see come to fruition. Use your brain.
If you're interested in supporting a politician that's anti-Islam, pro-Israel, and for smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating the IRS, and has a tough immigration policy - then take a look at Allen West. He's running for congress in Florida.
But please don't insult JTF by supporting a scumbag like Ron Paul.
Oh geez.. ITs not that I support Ron Paul, as in I believe in him. He is a two, bit, lying cheating politician like the rest. What I like about him is he will decrease the power of the government and stop pouring billions of dollars to the Sand N*gger nazis like our beloved Republican oil-donkey-kissing party has done.
Why don't you just back off.. >:( When the muzzies come your a-s-s might be hiding and waiting for your Republican government to save you, I will be out killing islamo-zombies.. I think Republicans and Democrats suck.. Go do some research before you start spewing insults at me.
I am 100% Jewish and 100% Zionist and I know that Republican party will drive Israel into the ground. Even if Ron Paul is a JEw hater, his isolating America will save Israel from utter destruction Wake the he-l-l up! OK!
I am not insulting JTF.. I have the right to my opinion. You think Palin/Coultier and the oil a-s-s kissers she will put in the government will be any better for JTF or Israel?
Ron Paul is the only politician who said he would not interfere with Israel nuking Iran.
I don't give a sh*t if Don Black donated $500 to his party. Nazis always support LIbertarians anyway. What is sad is that us Jews dont support Pro-Israel Zionist Libertarians. We are so naive .. We either support ZIonist hating Liberal Democrats or kiss the a-s-s of Two faced Jew hating republicans.
Oh geez.. ITs not that I support Ron Paul, as in I believe in him. He is a two, bit, lying cheating politician like the rest. What I like about him is he will decrease the power of the government and stop pouring billions of dollars to the Sand N*gger nazis like our beloved Republican oil-donkey-kissing party has done.
Why don't you just back the F**K off.. >:( When the muzzies come your a-s-s might be hiding and waiting for your Republican government to save you, I will be out killing islamo-zombies.. I think Republicans and Democrats suck.. Go do some research before you start spewing insults at me.
I am 100% Jewish and 100% Zionist and I know that Republican party will drive Israel into the ground. Even if Ron Paul is a JEw hater, his isolating America will save Israel from utter destruction Wake the he-l-l up! OK!
I am starting to think you are a troll.
Ok call me a troll.. Are you a Jew or a goy? I am grandson of HOlocaust survivors.. Call me what you want. I am ready to fight and defend the Jewish people. Waht are you ready to do, Dr. Brennan Fan?
ANyone who disagrees with you is a troll, no offense but you're pathetic for saying that .
Go read my 100+ posts and tell me why I am a troll??
Pardon my harsh rhetoric and foul languages ,its been a bad day for me.. Guess I am getting a bit too worked up. I apologize.
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.
You matched the IP's?
Man F**K U I am an Ashkenazi Jew.. I am not St. SHitler..
You want to talk face to face and tell me I am Hitler, I am welcomgin you.. You want to come and meet me? I am not afraid .. I am not a pathetic coward who hides on the net and insults people.. YOu name time and place.. I saw mR. shitler he came and hid..
I am 100% Ashkenazi Jew.. I am most pure bred person here. My grandmother/grandfather come from Ukraine, Russia.. My other grandfther on mothers side is Polish JEw.
I am ready to fight and I am ready to defend the JEwish people. I want to die with a gun in my hand. I will not die like my ancestors did in EUrope..
IF you want to come and call me Hitler, I welcome you..
If you're aa goy.. You got a lot of chutzpah for [censored] on a Jewish man calling him Hitler..
You matched the IP's?
It's obvious.
Man F**K U I am an Ashkenazi Jew.. I am not St. SHitler..
You want to talk face to face and tell me I am Hitler, I am welcomgin you.. You want to come and meet me? I am not afraid .. I am not a pathetic coward who hides on the net and insults people.. YOu name time and place.. I saw mR. shitler he came and hid..
I am 100% Ashkenazi Jew.. I am most pure bred person here. My grandmother/grandfather come from Ukraine, Russia.. My other grandfther on mothers side is Polish JEw.
I am ready to fight and I am ready to defend the JEwish people. I want to die with a gun in my hand. I will not die like my ancestors did in EUrope..
IF you want to come and call me Hitler, I welcome you..
If you're aa goy.. You got a lot of chutzpah for [censored] on a Jewish man calling him Hitler..
An interesting "Jew" you are, to spam the forum with dead Jew pictures.
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.
You matched the IP's?
Nope, you won't match his IP To mine.. you want to talk to me on phone?? You're welcome.. Come and spew your insults to me.. I am a man are you?? I am not a troll or spammer.. I am a devoted Zionist and full blooded Ashkenazi Jew.. I support Rabbi Kahane and want the same thing for Israel that most of you do, the eradication of arabs/muslims from Israel. I also want America free from third world donkeys and nazis.. Just because I said Ron Paul would be better for Israel, I am suddenly a troll and Hitler?? No offense, but you guys are idiotic.
If he was such a good guy, then why was Whorefront supporting him? That should send up big red flags to you. Also I would say that it seems you ought to trust Chaim's analysis of RP. He can see right through these so-called conservative frauds.
Dr. Brennan.. You name time and plce to meet.
I will F**K Ur As up.. for sayhing I post dead Jew pics..
I lost 6,000,000 relatives in Germany you mother F**KER... Don't f**K with me!
Man F**K U I am an Ashkenazi Jew.. I am not St. SHitler..
You want to talk face to face and tell me I am Hitler, I am welcomgin you.. You want to come and meet me? I am not afraid .. I am not a pathetic coward who hides on the net and insults people.. YOu name time and place.. I saw mR. shitler he came and hid..
I am 100% Ashkenazi Jew.. I am most pure bred person here. My grandmother/grandfather come from Ukraine, Russia.. My other grandfther on mothers side is Polish JEw.
I am ready to fight and I am ready to defend the JEwish people. I want to die with a gun in my hand. I will not die like my ancestors did in EUrope..
IF you want to come and call me Hitler, I welcome you..
If you're aa goy.. You got a lot of chutzpah for [censored] on a Jewish man calling him Hitler..
An interesting "Jew" you are, to spam the forum with dead Jew pictures.
Dr. Brennan.. You name time and plce to meet.
I will F**K Ur As up.. for sayhing I post dead Jew pics..
I lost 6,000,000 relatives in Germany you mother F**KER... Don't f**K with me!
Have a good evening too, Ralph.
Dr. Brennan.. You name time and plce to meet.
I will F**K Ur As up.. for sayhing I post dead Jew pics..
I lost 6,000,000 relatives in Germany you mother F**KER... Don't f**K with me!
Man F**K U I am an Ashkenazi Jew.. I am not St. SHitler..
You want to talk face to face and tell me I am Hitler, I am welcomgin you.. You want to come and meet me? I am not afraid .. I am not a pathetic coward who hides on the net and insults people.. YOu name time and place.. I saw mR. shitler he came and hid..
I am 100% Ashkenazi Jew.. I am most pure bred person here. My grandmother/grandfather come from Ukraine, Russia.. My other grandfther on mothers side is Polish JEw.
I am ready to fight and I am ready to defend the JEwish people. I want to die with a gun in my hand. I will not die like my ancestors did in EUrope..
IF you want to come and call me Hitler, I welcome you..
If you're aa goy.. You got a lot of chutzpah for [censored] on a Jewish man calling him Hitler..
An interesting "Jew" you are, to spam the forum with dead Jew pictures.
Death to Islam, I don't think you're a Nazi and I don't think you're a troll. I believe that you are a Jew.
But I can't understand how you can support such a vicious and obsessive Jew-hater like Ron Paul. You don't realize how dangerous it is to put someone like that in the White House with all the power of the presidency? There is no doubt that Ron Paul would use his power to do everything he could to harm Israel and the Jewish people.
Ron Paul is one of the few members of Congress who defends Iran's nuclear bomb-making program, and he is one of the few members of Congress who sided with the Hezballah terrorists in Lebanon against Israel.
I am going to investigate deeper into the issue of Ron Paul, Chaim.. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. There is a lot of Orthodox and religious Jews who were supporting him. THere is even lot of settlers who were supporting Ron Paul. We were naive enough, perhaps to belive Ron Paul would leave Israel alone and not interfere anymore in Middle Eastern affairs. But as you are saying, Ron Paul perhaps is more nazi than libertarian. A true libertarian believes in freedom and small government. He believs in not dictating to other countries what they should do with themselves. I have to say I am a libertarian, but I always had a bad feeling about Ron Paul... Maybe I am wrong to support him. I will investigate deeper into the claims that he supported the arabs during last war.
One reason why maybe I can blieve this is that he did take a picture with Don Black leader of StørmFrønt and refused to give back his donation money.. But, you have to realize many Jews do support him because they think he will stop giving arabs money and let Israel defend itself. But, the Jewish people have been fooled in the past. Perhaps I am a fool..
I am man enough to say I can be a fool.. Please don't ban me or call me a troll or nazi because I am a man and prone to error. I will investigate this. I am an open-minded person and the only thing I am proud about is being a Jew who loves his people. I will seriously look into what your are saying about Paul. Perhaps, I will not endorse him anymore.
you would vote for a prez who might try to put you in gas chambers ?
Look, I also thought that was crazy that he just said that, but my question is, where are people getting it from that ron paul would want to do such a thing? I think that is rather nutty to accuse ron paul of that. I'm not even saying I like the guy but to say he wants to put Jews into chambers? Did Ron Paul write Mein Kampf? It seems people have gone a little overboard with ron paul. The fact is, that guy has no chance of ever being elected. But some of his views I do happen to agree with. This guy seems to be saying the same thing.
You guys, I don't believe how many of you are defending that nutso Ron Paul. I
The fact that he accepted money from Pedofront and refused to return should tell you everything!
His explanation was, he'd rather use the money for his campaign than let pedofront use it for their own evil means. Maybe you don't believe that. I'm not sure I do either. But it's possible.
And whoever said that everyone will see how it's America bossing Israel around as opposed to the opposite, you're sorely mistaken.
If that is so, then why did the settlement movement flourish while there were US presidents condemning it every step of the way, and US ambassadors in the UN calling it illegal and wrong? Then all of a sudden Israel decided it has to listen to what the US says? But before it didn't care? So what would be the imperative to listen now if there was no consequence before when they weren't? To me it's a very simple explanation. Israel has adopted the US's point of view. Now the "pressure" and "condemnations" have become convenient.
This is man who said the Likud dictates the foreign policy of the neocons.
In a sense, I agree with him. Likud (Bibi) says, please Obama blame us and condemn us so that when I freeze Yesha settlement and kick Jews out of their homes, I can blame you instead of the blame lying with me... This way the people won't revolt against me.
In terms of that scenario of American Jews being rounded up and killed,
By whom? This is in no way realistic if you mean that that will become American govt policy. That is absurd. America is not threatened by Galut Jews or Galut Judaism. The only danger for Jews in America is the Muslim terror. And that's very real.
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.
This is unforgivable. How dare you say things like this. Because a guy likes Ron Paul you can assume he's an evil person who once spammed the forum and then call him Hitler? That you are calling this Jewish guy hitler is an outrage CF.
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.
This is unforgivable. How dare you say things like this. Because a guy likes Ron Paul you can assume he's an evil person who once spammed the forum and then call him Hitler? That you are calling this Jewish guy hitler is an outrage CF.
This ended a while ago. Over.
Also RP is a mason and we all know that JTF looks down on that group.
Where's Carpenter in all this?
Where's Carpenter in all this?
I think he was banned.
This is unforgivable. How dare you say things like this. Because a guy likes Ron Paul you can assume he's an evil person who once spammed the forum and then call him Hitler? That you are calling this Jewish guy hitler is an outrage CF.
I thought that he was Ralph, who recently had trolled the forum under the screenname "St. Hitler".
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt but if you want to know why I thought that, PM me and I will give you more information.
Look, I also thought that was crazy that he just said that, but my question is, where are people getting it from that ron paul would want to do such a thing? I think that is rather nutty to accuse ron paul of that. I'm not even saying I like the guy but to say he wants to put Jews into chambers? Did Ron Paul write Mein Kampf? It seems people have gone a little overboard with ron paul. The fact is, that guy has no chance of ever being elected. But some of his views I do happen to agree with. This guy seems to be saying the same thing.
The dude was the only man in Congress to publicly support Hezbollah and defend the Assad regime in Syria. The guy makes Obama look like a Zionist.
Look, I also thought that was crazy that he just said that, but my question is, where are people getting it from that ron paul would want to do such a thing? I think that is rather nutty to accuse ron paul of that. I'm not even saying I like the guy but to say he wants to put Jews into chambers? Did Ron Paul write Mein Kampf? It seems people have gone a little overboard with ron paul. The fact is, that guy has no chance of ever being elected. But some of his views I do happen to agree with. This guy seems to be saying the same thing.
The guy makes Obama look like a Zionist.
I think the opposite is true.
I think the opposite is true.
How so? Obama may be an anti-Semite and anti-Israel but Israel is just one part of his Bolshevik schvartze agenda. He has many other evil plans, like socializing healthcare and fattening the banks and auto companies and increasing abortion. Ron Paul is pretty singularly focused on the Jews, like Buchanan.
I think the opposite is true.
How so? Obama may be an anti-Semite and anti-Israel but Israel is just one part of his Bolshevik schvartze agenda. He has many other evil plans, like socializing healthcare and fattening the banks and auto companies and increasing abortion. Ron Paul is pretty singularly focused on the Jews, like Buchanan.
I'm not sure to what degree that's true for Paul, but it's definitely true for Buchanan. On Pat Buchanan's blog, "Israel" is the second most common tag after "Barack Obama." "Economy" is the fourth most common tag word. Destroying Israel is a bigger priority for Pat Buchanan than fixing the American economy.
I'm not sure to what degree that's true for Paul, but it's definitely true for Buchanan. On Pat Buchanan's blog, "Israel" is the second most common tag after "Barack Obama." "Economy" is the fourth most common tag word. Destroying Israel is a bigger priority for Pat Buchanan than fixing the American economy.
The reason Buchanan is not fond of Obama is because he thinks Obama is not anti-Israel enough.
Here are the most common tags on his blog.
1. Barack Obama (184)
2. Israel (109)
3. War (105)
4. Ron Paul (90)
5. Economy (82)
Look, I also thought that was crazy that he just said that, but my question is, where are people getting it from that ron paul would want to do such a thing? I think that is rather nutty to accuse ron paul of that. I'm not even saying I like the guy but to say he wants to put Jews into chambers? Did Ron Paul write Mein Kampf? It seems people have gone a little overboard with ron paul. The fact is, that guy has no chance of ever being elected. But some of his views I do happen to agree with. This guy seems to be saying the same thing.
The dude was the only man in Congress to publicly support Hezbollah and defend the Assad regime in Syria. The guy makes Obama look like a Zionist.
Was he really the only one? Also, much like DTI, I didn't realize he had done this. That is horrific. RP is such a muzzie lover.
Leaving the whole issue of rno paul aside, I'd like to hear Lisa's responses to my other comments.
Well I am learning about Ron Paul. I am a Conservative LIbertarian.. I think the hatred of Libertarians is unfounded by some people here. Not all Libertarians believe in sitting on their butts with their guns , prostitutes and marijuana pipes. That is a giant misconception. If anything, Republicans and Democrats have done more whoring , just under the covers, then the LIbertarians have. Yes, well lot of scummy people call themselves libertarians, but so do a lot of self-hating Jews call themslevs Jews.. Does that mean every Jew is like Rahm Emmanuel or Madeline Albright?
LIsten, I am agreeing with Chaim and others here now that Ron Paul is behaving like a monkey. I am researching deeper. It turns out he thinks Mossad did 9/11..
Ron Paul is acting more like a liberal conspiracy artist now than a libertarian. Ron Paul did have some good ideas, which were not his own, but fundamental to libertarian party. He believed in ending our idiotic helath care system, throwing illegal aliens out of hte country and protecting gun and firearm rights.. However, Ron Paul seems to be a traitor the more I read.. He seems to be using the good name of libertarian party to fulfill his agenda.. It turns out he even left libertarian party behind0 to be a republican.. GO FIGURE!
HItler was a Socialist Pig.. NOt a Libertarian.. Libertarians believe in protecting the rights of all American citizens. Libertarians don't support telling Israel what to do and how they should live and where they can build. Look at Republicans. Every Republican president in USA has made as many attempts as possible to make life miserable for Jewish people. We can thank that scumbag Nixon for saving Sadat's a-s-s in Egypt when Israel was rolling its tanks, ready to crush its wicked opponent. Republicans (Neo-cons) are not a true friend to Israel.. The true old-school REpublican party was much more like Libertarian. People like ROn Paul are disgracing Libertarian party, just like how Bush I & II disgraced the republican party. But Paul is a total fraud I am seeing.. This sucks..
Many Jews are Libertarians.. If people think being a Libertarian means you're a Jew hater, you have had your head in ur butt for too long! Libertarians believe in putting a gun in the hand of every JEw. They believe in protecting America's sovereignty and dignity. Republicans are sitting on their butts while Mexis run through our borders illegaly and minorities are wasting our welfare system. Libertarians will put an end to the stupid spending and let indivudal states have more autonomy to organize their assets and not be a slaves for the begging liberal states in our country. Also Libertarians believe in ending the endless aid and military support America gives to the Arabs. The Republican party has helped Saudi Arabia, Israel's arch-rival build some very sophisticated anti-missle technology. George W was King Fasad's little bag boy.
Anyway, these are mine and many other Jews reasons for being Libertarisn. I can see Ron Paul is a liar and has led the party astray, with his backward honky national socialist affiliation. I should have done my homework on him, before I endorsed him.. I apologize greatly for that. Many politicians do talk out of both sides of their mouth.
Thanks for your Support Kahane-Was-Right. I know Dr. Brennan Fan was fast on the trigger calling me a nazi troll. I guess being a moderator is not an easy job and sometimes you deal with so many bad people, you don't realize who is who anymore. He probably didn't read all my posts, he just saw Ron Paul and a red flag trigger. I want to be friends with Dr. Brennan Fan and not have any bad blood.. If you support Jews, Israel and are a Zionist you should be my friend, not my enemy.
I"m not a fan of any political movement including some of the views of Libertarianism..This movement also has some flaws if it were absolutist in nature...
Well I am learning about Ron Paul. I am a Conservative LIbertarian.. I think the hatred of Libertarians is unfounded by some people here. Not all Libertarians believe in sitting on their butts with their guns , prostitutes and marijuana pipes. That is a giant misconception. If anything, Republicans and Democrats have done more whoring , just under the covers, then the LIbertarians have. Yes, well lot of scummy people call themselves libertarians, but so do a lot of self-hating Jews call themslevs Jews.. Does that mean every Jew is like Rahm Emmanuel or Madeline Albright?
LIsten, I am agreeing with Chaim and others here now that Ron Paul is behaving like a monkey. I am researching deeper. It turns out he thinks Mossad did 9/11..
Ron Paul is acting more like a liberal conspiracy artist now than a libertarian. Ron Paul did have some good ideas, which were not his own, but fundamental to libertarian party. He believed in ending our idiotic helath care system, throwing illegal aliens out of hte country and protecting gun and firearm rights.. However, Ron Paul seems to be a traitor the more I read.. He seems to be using the good name of libertarian party to fulfill his agenda.. It turns out he even left libertarian party behind0 to be a republican.. GO FIGURE!
HItler was a Socialist Pig.. NOt a Libertarian.. Libertarians believe in protecting the rights of all American citizens. Libertarians don't support telling Israel what to do and how they should live and where they can build. Look at Republicans. Every Republican president in USA has made as many attempts as possible to make life miserable for Jewish people. We can thank that scumbag Nixon for saving Sadat's a-s-s in Egypt when Israel was rolling its tanks, ready to crush its wicked opponent. Republicans (Neo-cons) are not a true friend to Israel.. The true old-school REpublican party was much more like Libertarian. People like ROn Paul are disgracing Libertarian party, just like how Bush I & II disgraced the republican party. But Paul is a total fraud I am seeing.. This sucks..
Many Jews are Libertarians.. If people think being a Libertarian means you're a Jew hater, you have had your head in ur butt for too long! Libertarians believe in putting a gun in the hand of every JEw. They believe in protecting America's sovereignty and dignity. Republicans are sitting on their butts while Mexis run through our borders illegaly and minorities are wasting our welfare system. Libertarians will put an end to the stupid spending and let indivudal states have more autonomy to organize their assets and not be a slaves for the begging liberal states in our country. Also Libertarians believe in ending the endless aid and military support America gives to the Arabs. The Republican party has helped Saudi Arabia, Israel's arch-rival build some very sophisticated anti-missle technology. George W was King Fasad's little bag boy.
Anyway, these are mine and many other Jews reasons for being Libertarisn. I can see Ron Paul is a liar and has led the party astray, with his backward honky national socialist affiliation. I should have done my homework on him, before I endorsed him.. I apologize greatly for that. Many politicians do talk out of both sides of their mouth.
Thanks for your Support Kahane-Was-Right. I know Dr. Brennan Fan was fast on the trigger calling me a nazi troll. I guess being a moderator is not an easy job and sometimes you deal with so many bad people, you don't realize who is who anymore. He probably didn't read all my posts, he just saw Ron Paul and a red flag trigger. I want to be friends with Dr. Brennan Fan and not have any bad blood.. If you support Jews, Israel and are a Zionist you should be my friend, not my enemy.
Most IMportant Virtues of Libertarian:
1. Protect Our Country from Foreign Invaders
2. Protect Our COuntry from Foreigners (Those without USA citizenship)
3. Protect the Right to Bear and Keep Arms (2nd Amendment of COnstitution)
4. Decrease powerful of central government and increase individual government authority.
5. Ban all forms of discrimination, anything that inhibits anothers liberty
6. Libertarians wish to cut excessive and wasteful tax
7. Pro-Capitalist, Anti-Socialist
8. Kick out illegals
9. Punish criminals and not let their presence waste our tax system
10. If a foreign country poses a threat to our sovereignty, then Libertarians will fight a war to protect its own citizens, not the citizens of enemy country.
11. Decentralize and remove government regulations on health and food industry. For example, the gov't no longer will have control of our pharmaceuticals, decreasing price substantially. This will prevent all the liberals from whining about health care costs. American bureaucracy currently runs our medical industry, hence why a doctor visit costs $200 here and much less elsewhere.
12. End bogus lawsuits that clog our court system and raise insurance and medical costs. Endless regulation and holes in our court system keep the rest of us paying lot of extra money for nothing. Libertarians will fix this!
13. Cut aid to Jew hating Arab countries and stop supplying Jew hating countries with money and weapons.
14. If A leader, like Ahmedinejab says Death to USA and is building nukes, respond with enough firepower to make him say, "I Love USA", instead of the bullsh*T peace talks that Democraps and RepubliCONs are pursuing.
So which of these libertarian virtues do you hate? It is true most political parties in USA suck, especially the Democrap and RepubliCON party. Libertarians are very vast and of a wide variety. Just because some honky from Texas says he is libertarian, doesn't make him! In casep eople don't realize, Paul joined the RepubliCON party , probably beacuse many libertarians were fed up with his pro-arab, pro-national socialist views that he was rumored to have. These are still rumors, but much evidence poitns to them being true. Libertarians are the very people who would do the most to protect the JEwish people. As a matter of fact, some Jewish scholars shaped the beliefs and formation of the Libertarian party.
If you dig deeper, you will find Democraps like Barack Hussein Obama and RepuliCONS like George W have more anti-semitic tendencies than you will care to fathom. A Pro-Zionist Libertarian is the most ideal candidate for America, if we were to elect anyone.
Those are Neo-Libertarian values. That's alright because I'm personally a Neo-Libertarian.
I think we should try to eliminate the monopoly that Republicans and Democrats have on our politics. They're almost the same. We should have more major parties and parties will have to form a Coalition in Congress to establish a government. Or at least whoever wins the most states becomes President and we give more power to Congress.
I'd support Small-Government Populist Party based on Classical Jeffersonian Republicanism but with Hawkish views on foreign policy.