General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on December 19, 2009, 05:06:06 PM

Title: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: TruthSpreader on December 19, 2009, 05:06:06 PM
Dear Chaim, what is your opinion on Spike Lee?

PS: Also what is you opinion on former professional wrestler turned Hollywood actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Do you think he's a familyman or just another disgusting [censored]?

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Jorje15 on December 19, 2009, 05:09:42 PM
Dear Chaim,

What are your thoughts on importing items from other countries? Did you hear about the person who tried to blow up an airplane? Most likely it might been a Muslim Terrist. What happened during the week of the holidays?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Irish Zionist on December 19, 2009, 05:25:35 PM
Dear Chaim

I assume you heard about the new discoveries of oil in Central Israel http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/135178
So here is my questions on this subject.

1. Do you think that Arabs will claim their share if a PLO Muslim terrorist state is declared G-D forbid, or are you thinking what I'm thinking, that they will get a share either way.
2. If you were PM what would you spend the profits of oil on?

Now here's my questions on Jordan.
1. Does Israel recognise Jordan has a legitimate King?
2. Do you recognise Jordan as a legitimate state for Muslims?
3. When you expell Arabs, will you move them to Jordan, and if not where? (that is if no Muslim state accepts them)

G-D Bless you, your family, all your loved ones, and all The Jews in Israel and throughout the world. Happy New Year, may this be the Year you return home. Bryan.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Moshe92 on December 19, 2009, 05:58:07 PM
Dear Chaim,

It's interesting how when Israeli leftist politicians visit other countries, protesters show up and call them war criminals and Nazis. There were even Arab lawyers who tried to arrange for the arrest of Tzipi Livni when she wanted to visit Britain.

In one recent incident, Ehud Olmert spoke at the University of Chicago, and there were tons of Arab protesters calling him a war criminal and criticizing the university president for letting him speak. There were also a few Jewish protesters at the event. If I was a student there and I joined the Jewish protesters, should I protest against Olmert, or should I protest against the Arab Nazis at the event? How should we approach situations like that?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Nekama on December 19, 2009, 06:06:52 PM

Hope all is well. Thank you for all you do for the Jewish People and Righteous Gentiles.  Here are my questions for the week:

(1) What do you know about the so called group "UHO" - the United Homeless Organization in NYC. They seem to be set up all over busy cross-streets in the City collecting money.  Years ago, I remember the actual homeless bums would sell their newspaper rag on the subway for $1.  I believe this group is some offshoot of ACORN.  Have you had any run-ins with the miscreants?

(2) I remember reading somewhere that Muslim men are prohibited from urinating standing up.  The are commanded to sit down like a woman (no offense to women) while they do a #1.  I believe there is some crazy hadith to this point.  Do you know anything about this?  Also, men are required to shave their body.  Really crazy stuff.  What do you know about Muslim hygiene?

(3) Have you ever heard of Imhotep Gary Byrd?  Did you or Rabbi Kahane ever interact with him?

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on December 19, 2009, 06:47:44 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Was there an Arab or Middle Eastern (")History(") Month when you were a teen attending Jamaica High School?

What advice would you give to high school kids today who, for a whole month, get shoved down their throats that Arabs were the first humans to evolve from apes and produced all other races, that all great ancient civilizations were Arab or Persian, and that the caliphs brought science and mathematics to the Middle East and got Europe out of the dark ages? How do you feel when the so-called "Israeli occupation" is compared to the slavery of negroes in the Old South?

Should right-wing students just go along with the lies their Bolshevik teachers are saying, or speak up and risk getting flunked or worse? Even more specifically, how should kids who know better react to such artistic nonsense as Arabic "spirituals" lamenting the "oppression in Palestine" when it is blasted in the classroom?
Dr. Brennan Fan

PS: Please feel free to speak in Arabonics.  :laugh: :::D
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Rubystars on December 20, 2009, 02:03:28 AM
Greetings Chaim. Almost every time I leave my home I end up running into low class illegal immigrants who do disgusting things. They pick their noses without tissues, sneeze and cough without covering it, leave public toilets unflushed, and often don't know to wash their hands afterward. They also take bites out of produce like tomatoes or apples then throw them back into the pile.

They also get offended sometimes that I don't know their language, which I have no connection to and therefore don't wish to learn. When I hear them speaking Spanish, sometimes I get a headache because of the choppy rhythm and loud volume of their speech.

I really, really hate them as a group, and I feel they're destroying the future I expected I would have when I was growing up. Will G-d be upset with me for hating these people, or should I not feel this way?

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Dr. Dan on December 20, 2009, 10:31:21 AM
Shalom chaim

Does anyone in your family disagree with jtf?  What aspects do they disagree and what do you tell them?  If previously family members disagreed but now agree with you what aspects of jtf philosophy did they change their minds on?  What have family members said to you to influence you and jtf for the better?

Thank you

Dr. Dan
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: davinci on December 20, 2009, 10:50:45 AM
Shalom Chaim

Bullfighting is unfortunately still a popular spectacle in Spain, Portugal and some Southern French cities.

I find it rather interesting that the origin of this form of "entertainment" is barely discussed.

Recently I discovered a good theory about the origin of bullfighting.
Since it is practised almost only in Spain and Portugal it was the muzzies who introduced this.

So, according to this theory, what happened exactly? When the muzzies conquered the Iberian peninsula in 711 CE they put an "unbeliever" in a big arena just for entertainment. This was of course a win-win situation for the bloodthirsty muzzies: in case the unbeliever died, they were of course very happy because according to islam a non-muzzy doesn't have any value.

But even in case the bull died, it was a good thing for them, because a suffering animal doesn't have any meaning for Mohammedans.

So I have the following questions:

1. Why isn't the origin of bullfighting subject of broad accademic studies?

2. What is your personal opinion about bullfighting?



Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: IsraeliGovtAreKapos on December 20, 2009, 06:13:36 PM

Hello Chaim,

What is your definition of a good leader (in general)?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: ape on December 20, 2009, 08:34:19 PM
Dear Chaim,
   I usually agree with you on most things, but last week you lost me when you responded to Dr. Dan's question. In answering his question, you implied that one day Christians will not be allowed to worship in Israel since they are idol worshippers. Muslims don't allow christians to worship in their countries, also. I do appreciate your honesty in answering Dan's question. Most people would not be honest and I commend you for it. But I think that christians should be allowed to worhip in Israel. They don't have to take over the country.  Would you also get rid of the churches in Israel? One last point. For those out there who are a little slow: Here's a news flash. It's not the statues that christians worship, but they worship G_d himself. Just like Jews use a Manora to get themselves in a prayerful state, christians use a statue. Who the heck would worship a piece of plaster?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Fighting For Truth on December 20, 2009, 11:06:16 PM
Hello Chaim,

What is your views on the Assyrian Christians, and should they have their own Country?

Thank you again.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: dreidelhead on December 21, 2009, 06:49:32 AM
Shalom Chaim,

Thanks for being Chaim.

1)  Can you give us three predictions regarding the world for 2010?

2)  If you could pick three events in Jewish history from Avraham to the present that you could go back in time and witness with your own eyes, what would they be? (There are many, many of course, but I’d probably choose Hashem speaking to Israel at Sinai, Solomon dedicating the First Temple, and Eliyahu’s showdown with the priests of Baal at Mount Carmel)

3)  I often run into regular, nonreligious Jews in Israel who regularly use phrases like “Baruch Hashem” or “B’ezrat Hashem”. I like hearing that and it gives me a little hope. What do you think?

Thanks and Chazak v’emahtz!
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: FreedomFighter08 on December 21, 2009, 08:36:24 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Good news, I have fixed my computer!

I have a theory. I believe that we should make a list of the most self-hating Left Wing Jews titled "Traitors to the Jewish people". People like the guy who owned the World Trade Center and collected 4 billion in insurance but didn't give it away to the victim's families, Larry David, Noam Chomsky and the rest. The point of the list is that we will be "excommunicating" these people from the Jewish nation. These people won't be just misguided Jews but they would have to be really self hating Jews that profess their hatred strongly. The Jews who agree with this idea will boycott these self hating Jews and we would try to get attention from political forums on the internet and hopefully major news media. What are your thoughts on this idea?

I think it's very important to let people know that we don't support these self hating Jews so that they would stop comparing them with other good Jews.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: patches on December 21, 2009, 10:12:38 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Can you describe your time in NYC around the Son of Sam killings? I think someone was murdered even in Forest Hills, right by the LIRR. Were you nervous to be walking around at night? Were you packing heat or taking any extra precautions?

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Gimatria on December 24, 2009, 08:08:09 AM
Dear Chaim,
a couple of weeks ago you took a very strong stance against Jews listening to Christmas carols. While I agree in some way, I wonder what you think of the following:
I get hired very often to play piano gigs - some of these events would be "Christmas parties" and the like, where I'd get $200 or $300 to play carols for an hour, or 90 minutes. To me, the carols are just notes on a page that I sight-read out of a book. I don't see the harm in that. People might call them "the First Noel", or "Jingle Bells", but I think of them as "F major, 3/4 time", or "G major, 4/4 time". While my friends would be out working jobs for 8 or 10 bucks an hour, I would get paid 10 times that for doing something that required almost 0 effort.
if, Baruch Ha-Shem, I have a talent such as being able to easily sight read piano music, should I turn down very lucrative gigs because they involve playing Christmas music? Again, to me the songs are just notes on a page, in a given key, with a given meter, and a given melodic/harmonic profile. I don't care for the lyrics or the message. Is this bad?
Toda Raba Chaim!
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Trace on December 24, 2009, 07:11:19 PM
Shalom Chaim,

You might like the classic rock band Rush - they rock really hard but they never sing about drugs or any other bad influences. Ted Nugent is also pretty good, and he's a conservative guy who loves guns and speaks out against Barack Obama and Shmuck Schumer. Not all hard rock is about drugs or Satanism. Also, for older rock, the Beach Boys are really excellent. They never advocated negative behavior and all of their music is wholesome and cheerful. Also, you might not like the band KISS, but Gene Simmons did recently say that Islam was a "vile culture," and he was also one of the only people in the music world who spoke out against Michael Jackson.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Chai on December 25, 2009, 02:50:05 AM
Shalom Bother Chaim,

I Feel religious Jews have a few obstacles keeping them from truly being united.

One example is  Jews that still wear black fedoras. Do you feel it does more harm then good? ( They think its to look more Jewish, but its something even

gentiles wore not 30  years ago).

The reason I believe it does more harm is like this;  fashion is always is changing, it is very likely it will come back into fashion and for this reason this black hat

is only an excuse to me when I hear black hat Jews exclaim they wear it only to look more Jewish. All this behavior does is make unnecessary  cliques in the

Jewish community.  I know many Jews that do not interact with other non black hatter Jews, even if they are orthodox in the way they do with their own

cliques . I see it all the time, and if they do, they are condescending,(such as asking if  help is needed with a siddur) 

Such behavior is of course not appreciated. Of course I am not saying all people that wear black hats behave in such a manner, I am only stating something

that gives reason for people to act like this. I also have friends that wont come to my house on pesach to eat , because i eat rice ..is this what G-d wanted? I

don't think so. I would very much like you to debate how this is healthy.

The slight minhagim ( very light variations on the traditions and customs brought forth) make the religion more colorful and special. however , I strongly believe

wearing articles of clothing or other unnecessary things that have no bearing on minhagim only separate us.  

Again, I have no feelings of malice towards Jews with black hats .. I love my brothers .. it only scares me when I see such unnecessary things  make it easier

to separate other religious Jew . I feel only when we are united can Moshiach come

Please tell me you opinion on this , no holds bars Chaim style!.. If you think I am wrong  (which i hope I am..give it to me).

PS, If you have time, give us an affirmative action story to cool my blood (lol)

Thanks so much.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: SW on December 25, 2009, 10:22:49 AM
Dear Chaim,

what do you think about the latest terror attack where a Jewish father died?

Why aren't the settlers allowed to fight back?

Jerusalem is Israeli Jewish land. Why is there still the Al Aqsa mosque? Why doesn't the Israeli government destroy or nuke this evil mosque?

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: eb22 on December 25, 2009, 01:56:08 PM
Shalom Chaim,

I recall you mentioning that in U.S. Prisons,   Blacks are basically forced to convert to Islam.

Based on this,   my questions are as follows:

1)   In your estimation,   what % of Blacks in the U.S., who convert to Islam while in Prison,  remain Muslims after they leave prison?

2)   About how many Black Muslims do you believe are currently in the United States?

3)   What is the relationship between Black Muslims and other Blacks in the U.S.?     The type of non Muslim Blacks who voted for Barack Hussein Obama.

4)   What is the relationship between Black Muslims in the U.S.  and Arab Muslims in the U.S.  at present and what do you believe will be their relationship in the future?

Thanks as always,  eb22
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: WestCoastJTF on December 26, 2009, 04:08:11 PM

I'd like you to think back to that grim day on November 5, 1990 when Rabbi Kahane was assassinated.

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: ItalianZionist on December 26, 2009, 07:26:45 PM
Dear Chaim,
     First of all, I'd like to wish you a happy birthday.
 1) At what time was Israel the most successful (ie a complete true Torah state)? Perhaps this was in the time of King David or Solomon? In this time did all the Jews keep all the required commandments?
    2) Is it true that for Israel to become successful, all the Jews have to return to Israel. In other words, in order for Israel to come to full success (as in the days of David or Solomon) then all the Jews must return and keep all the commandments. Or can Israel be complete without all the Jews returning? And must they keep all the commandments? Or maybe the Jews who do not want to return are not to be considered real Jews?

....if the above is true, how can you ever get all the Jews to go to Israel and keep all the commandments?

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Secularbeliever on December 27, 2009, 12:55:33 AM
Shalom Chaim, I have been meaning to ask you this question for a long time but have been reluctant to do so since I was not ready to act on it (and I still am not) and I have a low threshhold myself for people who are all talk and no action.  However, I would like to start researching it now so that I could be more ready if the time is right.

Since my experience and expertise is in business and finance I have thought about looking at working with and investing in businesses in the Land of Israel, specifically those in Judea, Samaria and the Golan.  I know Israel has been listed as the start up capital of the world and that the nation as a whole does not lack for financial expertise or access to capital.  However, is this also true of Judea and Samaria and the Golan.  Is there a need for these resources in those areas?  Would it be welcomed?

If you think it would be, is there anyone in particular that I should talk to?  I don't expect you to give out contact info here but perhaps in private messages.  What do you think?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Daniel on December 27, 2009, 10:29:22 AM
What's your opinion of Peter, Paul, and Mary? Do you appreciate their music even though you may disagree with their views on social justice? I personally find their song, "Light One Candle" to be one of the most beautiful and powerful songs ever made!

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: WhereIzPaPa on December 27, 2009, 11:04:07 AM
Where the Hittites Jews? Was Solomon the Son of DAvid and a Hittite woman? If so, He built the temple which housed the sacred ark. I find many instances of Jewish patriarchs who marry non jewish women. Moses even married an egyptian. Abrahams first son was with a a non jew. Where does it come from, that it is forbidden to marry non jewish women? do you think these non jewish wives of our patriarchs converted?

Also can you comment on the ark of the covenant. It is supposed to be the holiest of holy relics of the jewish religion, but it is gone. what do you think of destroying the temple mount and rebuilding a temple? The ethiopian jews that were rescued, were said to have had the ark of the covenant, which I know you think is false. However if the temple is rebuilt, do you feel the ark will reappear.

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Maimonides on December 27, 2009, 12:15:32 PM
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and for answering my questions.

What do you think of the current state of American culture?

It appears to be more sexual, decadent, obscene, and senselessly violent than ever before. It reminds me of the grotesque culture of pre-Nazi Weimar Germany in the 1920's, which was somewhat depicted in the movie Cabaret. Taking into account the current economic crisis the U.S. is facing, do you see this as a dangerous sign the U.S. is heading down the same path of Weimar Germany? Meanwhile Jews in America are oblivious to the danger all around them.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Mishmaat on December 27, 2009, 02:00:53 PM
May you share with us an African-Action story that involved Rabbi Kahane, ZT"L?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on December 27, 2009, 03:31:59 PM
Hello Chaim,

why are white girls such push-overs for muslamic nazi arab and black loverboy's?
Could it be that the white male has gone off a bit too far on the pacifistic side due to western civilisations metrosexualised sterile environment?
Humanism is a sign of civilisation but too much of it seems to disable the mind to recognise savage mindsets.
Also, savage terrorism should be countered with extreme measurements.
How do we regain the white man's righteous warrior spirit?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: imaknick on December 27, 2009, 04:14:57 PM
what is your opinion of the organization Shalom International?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Aces High on December 27, 2009, 06:22:15 PM
Dear Chaim,

I know this question is very difficult to make a prediction on, but here goes:  What do you think the chances in 10 are, of an attack by Israel on Iran's Nuclear Power Plants, before it is too late.  Things are very quiet.  Israel has stopped making public threats to Iran.  And I'm wondering if Israel is planning to attack, or Obama put a gag order on Israel, to stay out of it, for another year, and let America negotiate with Iran.


Aces High
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on December 27, 2009, 06:59:06 PM
Do you think it's true that the news mostly only talks about crimes perpetuated by whites especially if it's a white against a minority?  You never heard much about the death of Christoper Newsom and Channon Christian while you are still hearing about the death of Luis Ramirez an illegal in Pennsylvania by a few high school football players.  I even read somewhere even though he had a white girlfriend, Luiz Ramerez probably made racist comments to those high school football players that provoked the attacks.  I think this is making a large percentage of the American public think that whites are generaly no good stupid ignorant thugs while making blacks and Mexicans look like good hardworking noble people.

Also do you think the anti American and anti Israelli news media is coming to an end due to the internet?   

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday December 27, 2009
Post by: Minuteman on December 27, 2009, 09:50:49 PM
Dear Chaim,

I always wondered how the Founding Fathers of America would have handled the many challenges this country had faced throughout the ages.  How do you think they would have handled WW2, and would there have been a WW2 had they been in power at that time?  And what do you think they would be doing today to deal with the threat of Al Qaeda and Islam?  I personally think there wouldn't have been a WW2 had they been in power then, and I think the Al Qaeda would have been annihilated by now if they were in power today.

God Bless America, Israel, and the West,
