General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: wonga66 on January 10, 2010, 06:09:20 PM

Title: Shmulig Boteach: Hamite "tochess kissa"!
Post by: wonga66 on January 10, 2010, 06:09:20 PM
Always the eternal opportunist to grab yet more infame, Boteach now vitiates any mitzvos or good that he has done, by stooping to a new low of writing an in depth psychoanalysis about.....Michael Jackson!

For a "rabbi" like Boteach, to write such a book about a sad uncircumcised Negroidal lowish-entity, is not just bittul Torah....it's a chillul Hashem.....even if the book itself is quite well written!


Title: Re: Shmulig Boteach: Hamite "tochess kissa"!
Post by: JTFenthusiast2 on January 10, 2010, 06:38:49 PM
What  a disgusting self-hating piece of Jewish Dreck (spit)! This guy is without any sense of self-preservation for himself, his family or his people. What a sick self-hating, disturbed **** ( I wont say this word, but you know it begins with a K!).   Is this what happens when Jews have no self-respect whatsoever?   Michael Jackson was a vicious Jew hating, anti-White pedophile who went out of the way to destroy, in his later music, the Jewish people.  And now this rabbi prostitutes himself for this enemy, this absolute incarnation of evil. I really dont have the words to describe him.  I take that back. I have them, but I wont use them.