General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on March 06, 2010, 06:20:36 PM
Shalom Chaim,
1: On one issue, we need to give the pansy Binyamin Lewinsky a little slack. (Just a little.) It's not just Lewinsky to whom "defying" the United States, and Barack Hussein bin Laden, is unthinkable. The majority of Israelis, being secular and not having a vibrant personal relationship with Hashem, do not think that opposing the United States is an option. Having been brainwashed for their entire lives with the Pedofront version of Israel's existence (i.e. that Israel is completely dependent upon the U.S. for continued survival), "disobeying" America and charting their own course is inconceivable to a whole lot of them. You can't be more Catholic than the pope, and you can't expect an Israeli leader to be more maverick, independent, and forceful than the people. Obviously Lewinsky is still a cowardly worm, but if most Israelis were ready to become a sovereign nation and ignore the United States, maybe he would be forced to act (even if only because he wanted to stay in office).
2: Because I am tolerant, moderate, and a civil-rights activist, I feel we should make our weekly Action Stories a bit more representative of what America really looks like. :laugh: So, how about giving us an Aztlan Action Story about a revolting cucaracha you had a run-in with? :laugh: :::D
G-d bless you,
Dear Chaim,
I've heard you say that we're the only group outside Israel that helps the Jews in hilltop communities, but there are groups in Israel that help them. Are you familiar with any of those groups? I know of one such group called Chasidei Meir which was founded by Rav Kroizer from Yeshivat Haraayon Hayehudi.
Shalom Chaim,
Thank you for always answering my questions, I always learn something new and I thank you again for all your hard work for The Jewish People and Righteous Gentiles.
1) Do you remember the first time you met Rabbi Meir Kahane. How did you feel about him when you first spoke with him? What event influenced you to join JDL?
2) I haven't read The Torah, but before I do I want to ask, are non Jews allowed to study Torah? If not I will continue to ask Muman my questions.
3) Please say a Hebrew Prayer for the Jewish men, women and children. I am thinking of them everyday and always praying for their safety in these very harsh times.
Gd Bless You, Your Family, Your Loved Ones, Israel and a Special Blessing to The Heroic Hilltop Jews.
Dear Chaim, while you were in prison did you meet any Asian-Americans? (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese etc.) Usually Asians do not commit crimes unlike da people who be talkin' like dis and dat and they commit even fewer crimes than the whites. But I would imagine there is scum in every ethnic group including Asians just not as many.
PS: Was Corey Haim who recently passed away a self-hating Jew?
Dear Chaim,
What are your thoughts on FDRs New Deal Plan during the 1920s and 19 30s? What happen during the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s? What did you think Harry S. Truemans policys?
Greetings Chaim. I was a little confused when people said it must have been God's will for Obama to be elected. It seems to me that God's will would be for a righteous person to be in power. Does this mean that God hates America and wants to destroy it?
Hello Chaim,
how did irv rubin ever get affiliated with the JDL and why didn't Rabbi Kahane throw him out when he was still alive?
Thank you,
Shalom Chaim,
I agree with the answers you have given our JTFer, Daniel, about the "talent" and originality of black singers. I know that for sure, to each their own, when it comes down to taste. However, it takes about two people to make music work: The composer and the singer. And some singers who are black are pretty talented even though they weren't original with the composing. Some might have even reinvented a song and made it more "hip." Maybe not in every case, but in some. Which black singers, evil or not, have you ever felt was talented to your taste?
On another note, there was an incident in Great Neck with a Rabbi (Rabbi Mordechai Aderet), allegedly coming into someone's private residence and sending that person and the guests a curse for supposedly having a party the night before the fast of Tevet. As you can imagine this action created an uproar in the community. My issue with this story is that I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt because many Persians exaggerate a lot and the secular community is anti-religious and will eat up any controversy with spoon if it is in the behest of a religious community. Personally, I would like to know what Rabbi Aderet's point of view was for what took place that night before I pass judgement, if at all. Chaim, did you hear anything about this? Do you know who this Rabbi is? What's your opinion of him? Does it sound like something he would do? If this story is true, is it in the spirit of Judaism to act like this? When is it permissible, if at all, in Judaism for a Rabbi to go to someone's private residence and send a curse or even warn them that what is being done is a sin?
Thank you,
Dr. Dan
Shalom brother Chaim.
My last fee post I kept really short for the longest time. But I’m sorry this is going to be long and deep. But this has to be debated, you know I love you and Kahane with all my heart , the same love I have for my parents , you are my brother , my leader , my reason for being a Jew. If you only you knew the things you saved me from.
Anyway, What do you think was the most evil empire of all time? I feel it was the British. As bad as the Arabs are it was "great" Britten that organized them and even trained them in war. (sources not need this is common knowledge for us JTFers) They created the Trans-Jordan , The white papers and even back when we had the crusades .. I can go on 1000 pages on what they have done and the mess they did and the prevention they did to keep us out of our home. They are like cockroaches that take and take from others and give nothing back.
Kahane was right when he called Arabs "dogs" as they are just that, stupid pawns and pets of the UK, as you say "Islam makes you stupid!" The Stupid mullahs cannot do anything with UK help. These are not conspiracies Chaim, these are facts..don’t you see why Israel used BRITISH passports? Do you think they flipped a coin to choose which country to forge? No! They know the British have close ties with the Muslims! Hence, they can arrive to Dubai without a raised eyebrow. Do you think it’s a coincidence Yasser Arifats wife was Christian and white?
I don't mean to sound angry ( im not) or call you ignorant, for you are the one of the most knowledgeable people I know.
A slight tangent but still related to this topic,
I wish Kahane would have targeted the British too in his speeches, I feel he under estimated them ( I know you know how anti Semitic they are I’m sure you know if they wanted to kill Kahane they would, there is no way they are completely innocent and I’m being generous ). I also feel I if I was him, I would not go back to The U.S. But rather send a charismatic representative such as yourself ( i know you were in jail but someone almost like yourself. My case in point, look how much impact you have on us!. Much like in a chess game the king (in this case Kahane) needed to be protected , he was the king the jewel the backbone of our people and he needed to send a lieutenant to speak for him, I feel what he did may have been suicide. (of course he is in gan-edan and he didn’t want to die but his passion got the best of him). There is no way I feel it is a coincidence that Kahane murder came about when in the U.S. as opposed to Israel.
By the way, in one of my ask jtf questions I spoke of the British helping make the Islamic Iran bring Komani, but you brushed it as just a crazy conspiracy and that Iranians wanted it. True some did , no doubt, but many were because of propaganda much like the way Nazi Germany did, funded by the British . Much like they took over India they wanted to do the same with Iran but this time more discreetly.
Respectfully, Chaim I am an Iranian Jew, my family had lived and experienced the world of Iran. My family has been in the Persian exile since the first bet hamikdash for over 2000 years. My mother lived by Morachi and Esters grave! Furthermore, my father left Iran in the time of the Shah because the Iranians were even more materialistic and westernized then even the U.S. (ask any iranian how it was and the attitude of the people) My parents and grandparents saw first hand what was going on and how the British were making trouble. I can give you pages upon pages of facts I have been collecting for the last 6 months , facts! not conspiracy's take a look at Khomanis mother he was English not Persian every Iranian knows this!!!! His father was an Indian imperialism sympathizer his last name means resident of Komnain , a common name created for a new generation resident of which his fater lived ! If you don't believe me look up his ancestors .. even I have a better Farsi accent then that monster. He was raised and educated in Europe , no its not a coincidence and I will never believe it is. My family were personal friends of the Shah and you know me and I will privately tell you my sur name in which the entire Iranian community knows it is true. Many Iranians HATE the Koran and call it the religion of the Arabs. My family lived there, they had friends who else would know the culture better? It was a rising power in Asia, it was secular and maybe the modernization went to far and that helped the backlash. Yet, now things are different, my parents generation are now old and when you say now they embrace Islam this is true! ...Now.The younger generation knows nothing but that, and hence, they embrace evil. But we can’t confuse the issue that this wasn’t as bad as it is now, you have no idea how many Arabs were brought in Iran to make trouble.
In the end Chaim, all of the world’s problems throughout history are bought about socialist Brittan, they hate us and they hate us for no reason..The ultimate evil. You should see the second I mention Brittan how the Chinese and Indian and many others lit up my topic like a menorah! http://www.evilempirebook.com/
http://www.evilempirebook.com/media.php?id=9&m=03&y=2007&play=now (the vid)
Please Chaim, no their evil is not a conspiracy. This is how they are, With the slavery of people to the prevention of Jews going back to Israel in the holocaust that are worse then the Nazis because the Germans gave them a chance to leave~! They sent them back to their deaths! And they weren’t tying to go to Brittan they were trying to go home! What contemptible evil. May G-d send a meteorite and destroy Brittan~!
What do you think?
Thanks, sorry for the long post I will keep it short next time.
The torah commands tzadukah which I fully agree with, but I started a post where people confused my disgust for the homeless in NYC with not giving to the poor. My point is that there are poor people like the hilltop youth who deserve it and professional beggers who do not. I promised Muman I would ask you the following question.
Do I have a torah obligation to give to the third world homeless bum begging for change on the subway or am I justified to consider him as a piece of human excrement? Am I sinning by thinking of these people as subhuman?
Dear Chaim,
I looked up Kahanism on Wikipedia and the end of the page says "Kahanist groups and organizations in the United States are largely inactive, with the bulk of their supporters immigrating to Israel over the years. Kahane Net, the Jewish Defense League, B'nai Elim, and the Jewish Task Force are occasionally associated with Kahanism. Yet, all three of those groups have no definite direct connections to Kahanism. Kahane Net was formed out of the remnants of "The Kahane Movement" of Mike Guzofsky. The latter was formed by former Kahane Chai leadership after its disbanding."
1)How can they say we have no definite connection to Kahanism?
2)Do you have anything to do with other Kahanist organizations or other non-JTF Kahanists?
3)How often do you speak with Noam Federman, Itamar Ben-Gvir, or Baruch Marzel? Is there anyone else in Israel that is a force? Why are they not banned from Israel but you are?
4)What happened to most of the people in those old JDL protest videos? Are they still avid Kahanists? Do you still have some of those contacts from when you were younger?
5)If you aren't the only Kahanist-type leader of our time, who are the others?
6)Did Rav Kahane know he was a prime target for assassination? Did he not have constant security or did his killer just get lucky?
7)Where were you when you heard the news of the Rav's death?
Thanks and May Hashem help us
Shalom Chaim,
Thanks for your response last week on the Ark of the Covenant. You mentioned something interesting about the time of the redemption--that Jews will no longer be celebrating Passover. Now Passover is an ordinance that seems to be eternal according to the Torah:
Exodus 12: 17
'You shall also observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, for on this very day I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt; therefore you shall observe this day throughout your generations as a permanent ordinance.
However, there is a passage in Jeremiah that may support what you are saying about Passover coming to an end:
Jeremiah 31:31-32
31 "The time is coming," declares the LORD,
"when I will make a new covenant
with the house of Israel
and with the house of Judah.
32 It will not be like the covenant
I made with their forefathers
when I took them by the hand
to lead them out of Egypt,
because they broke my covenant,
though I was a husband to them,"
declares the LORD.
Does this passage indicate that certain "permanent" laws of the Torah will fall out of use as part of this "new covenant"? Thanks in advance.
Dan Ben Noah
Dear Chaim,
I am sure you are aware of the new arab-petro-dollar-funded, first-ever Israeli arab-only Judenrein city planned for the Binyamin region in Shomron - to be called "Rawabi." I was thinking, wouldn't it be a good idea, no, a Great idea, for there to be a Jewish underground activity among heroic Jewish youths, to sabotage the construction of this atrocity, by all necessary means, and wouldn't it also be a great idea for certain charitable organizations and private donators to rightwing pro-Jewish/settler causes to donate money toward funding this underground activity?
The construction of this city is a clear attempt to shift the demographics in favor of the Arabs and to make life more dangerous for the Jews of the Binyamin region. It is planned for 25,000-40,000 Arab residents, but 200,000 arab residents when completed. The arabs will dump their sewage as they do everywhere, the roads will no longer be safe to travel on for Jews, the arabs will steal precious water resources, they will be very nearby and able to infiltrate settlements, and it splits the Benyamin region in two. Also, of note is that this city is in so-called "Area A" of plo terrorist nazi autonomous control as per the Oslo accords. What action should the Jews take?
Shalom Chaim
Do you have any opinion on the real story behind Abdul Rahman Yasin? This Arab terrorist was born in Iraq but grew up in the USA. He helped prepare the bombs that were used in the first WTC attack. He was arrested after the attack, was released and flew back to Iraq. He was on the FBI most wanted list shortly after the 9 11 attacks.
Beyond that nothing else seems to be clear. It is not clear why he was released by the USA. It is not clear what his status was in Iraq with stories ranging from a prisoner to an honored guest. Most of all he has just dropped off the radar. Nobody says or seems to care where he is now. What did he do during the Iraq war and where is he now? Is the US still pursuing him?
It is very curious as to why he was released. Who releases an international terrorist who has been apprehended for a major terrorist attack. There were varying claims as to whether Iraq offered to give him back to the US. Was he offered? Why was the offer not accepted?
Shalom Chaim,
While listening to the black israelites
they often mention edom as "the so called white man".
In True Judaism is this true? Who exactly is edom today? Is it the white european christians?
Thanks again,
Dear Chiam,
I have three unrelated questions, the first being, do you think that Israel was involved in the execution of the hamas filth bag, in Dubai.
Second. I bought "they must go", and as a side note, it was very hard to find a copy of this book. It lead me to think, based on demographics in Israel, it seems that the two populations that are growing the most are the Arab Muslims, and the religious Jews. While the later seems to indicate that the fabric of Israel would change to a more religious nature, would that also allow for a weakened army, as alot of religious Jews opt out of the IDF? Do you agree with their reasoning for not joining the army, or is this a future scenario for a religious but weakened Jewish population, akin to pre state of Israel and post Temple, where the arabs could then take control and we would be in a very bad situation of losing Israel, and being dhimmis to them once again.
Third, do you have any movie recommendations that are themed around Israel and the military etc.
Thank you
Shalom Chaim,
Do most of the JTF donations come from Israel or the United States? Also, who is in charge of distributing these donations?
Shalom Chaim,
If the United States had a Presidential Adminstration that wouldn't pressure Israel to give up land to Muslim Arabs in exchange for so called peace, what do you believe the course of action would be by Benjamin Netanyahu ( or the typical Likud Party " leadership" )? Basically, my question is what do you believe the Likud lead Israeli Government would do regarding the Muslim Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, Gaza, and elsewhere in Israel? Would the Likud still be pushing for a " two state solution" ?
Also, what do you think the Israeli media and overall Israeli establishment would do if the United States had an Adminstration that was unwilling to pressure Israel to be part of a " Peace Process" ?
Thanks as always, eb22.
Dear Chaim,
I listened to many JTf broadcasts, and watched all of your videos in the JTF archive, before I joined JTF. There are some names that I used to hear that I no longer see posting. When I came to the forum, I tried to find out what happened to these people whose names I remembered hearing as 'regulars' to JTF. Some of them had thousands of posts ( I think). Do people leave JTF for a period of time and come back? Do most people leave because of disagreements gone bad or too far?
There was one person named Tina Greco that I understood was a nazi. Was she sent here to get the names and true identities of people in order to do other JTfers harm in the real world? Another person I was curious about was American Hero. What about this guy Marbus who I see all over ashedina's videos or Daleksfarme (whatever this means) or Stephanie Weigand? I know these are harder questions, but people abandoning others when they have disagreements is a common finding in this world, more so now than ever before. People have an attitude where they demand immediate gratification and if they can't get, then they leave. What do you think of this phenomenon? G-D bless you and yours.
With much appreciation in advance, JTFE.
Also I really enjoy listening to Bob Unger, do you know of any talk shows he has done. He seems right in line with JTF's philosophy.
Dear Chaim,
Once again, it is a privilege to ask you a question.
Who are your modern Jewish heroes, other than Rabbi Kahane? There are many people I can think of who did great things (Jabotinsky, even Moshe Dayan or Menachem Begin), but they have strong, sometimes fatal negatives. There are heroes who fought back against the Nazis, those who helped (re)found the State of Israel, and those who've led the fight since. If you had to pick out a few as the people who inspire you, who would they be?
Also, what is your opinion of Theodore Herzl? I have read about him and looking back, his Uganda plan strikes me as crazy. His writings in Altneuland seem very naive, as he pictures the Arabs welcoming the Jews. Personally, I find the motivations of secular Zionists to always be a bit crazy. I think the Jewish people are wedded to the Torah and when they try to form aspirations inspired only by the imaginations of men rather than then commandments of God, they come to craziness at best and evil at worst.
I hope you have a good week!
Hey chaim some quick fire questions.
1) Why are the eastern europeans so tough?
2) Is following the biblical diet healthy?
3) if a non religous jew said that you had one bit of evidence to show him that the bible or belief in god is correct what woould it be. It could be a miracle that you experienced, or a propehesy etc.
4) I reckon chaim you were a good dancer back in the day. Did you ever dance at the discos to pick up girls?
Greetings Chaim,
please join me in saying "yemach shemam" to the cast and crew of the evil movie, 2012. This "end of the world" disaster movie glorifies the savage mayan culture, all while trampling on the Judao-Christian heritage. A particularly offensive scene shows Vatican City being destroyed. The worst part of the movie, I felt, is that the president of the U.S., as well as his chief scientist, are - you guessed it - Shvartza monkeys. (The president is played by Danny Glover, who is a barbaric Jew-hater).
Any kike who buys this DVD is on a set course for genehom, if you ask me.
Meanwhile, in positive news, a friend of mine at the wicked university, Brandeis, told me that the muslim nazi student lounge was vandalized and burglarized. What wonderful news, I told him. At least there are a few brave, sane people at that evil institution. Of course, the president of the school, and his cronies were quick to denounce it, but it's great to know there are some courageous students (possibly even Kahanists!)
Finally, my question: Do you believe that it's better to send one's children to public school in NYC, or Solomon Schlecter? (assuming these are the only 2 choices)
Your faithful disciple,
do you believe in taxing unhealthy foods?
Dear Chaim,
what happened to the JewsAgainstObama.com page?
will we renew our campaign against the Barack Hussein Osama or will a new approach be in play?
Thanks as always,
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and for answering my questions.
Do you believe Israel should begin developing its own stealth fighter jet or continue to try and buy the American F-35? Was it a mistake for Israel to discontinue its development of the Lavi fighter jet in the 1980's and stick to the American F-16?
Shalom Chaim!
Hillary Clinton called Bibi and yelled at him for approving to construct 1,600 Jewish home in East Jerusalem. Bibi instead of fighting back apologized to Hillary that the approval was given without his knowledge. Bibi could have said "Jerusalem is our undivided capital and no one has the right to tell what Israel has to do in Jerusalem". Why did he apologize to Hillary? Also where are the Jewish millionaires in New York who had helped to elect Hillary for the US Senate seat? What about Chuck Schumer and other Jewish members of congress?
Thanks in advance!
Christian Zionist
Shalom Chaim!
Hope your having a good weekend so far.
1. How do you personally cope with all the hate thats directed towards you? Knowing that theres people out there that personally hate you specifically. I have haters out there as well, people that dont like me and wish me gone. I can sometimes feel the evil eye and negative thoughts towards me, and the only solice i have is my faith in Hashem and my prayers. I have heard that reading Tehillim is very helpful as well in fighting off the evil eye and negative energy/thoughts directed at me.
2. Lately things havent been really going my way. It seems like no matter what good I do, or legit endeavours I undertake, things just dont really pan out the way I'd like them too. This mediocracy level of acheivment is starting to frustrate me, and I feel as if Hashem might be holding back his blessings from me for a reason. I'm a secular Jew thats becoming stronger in my faith, and I put teffillin on now, but something is missing in my life, I cant escape the feeling of emptiness inside. My life seems meaningless at times, and I long for Zion in my soul, but have lived there in the past and know how much harder it is to get by over there in reality. I feel like i'm trapped inbetween two worlds of mentality, and feel lost in many ways.
Sorry if I sound dismal this week, i'm just not in the right zone i suppose. Thanks as always for your insights.
May Hashem Bless!
Dear Chaim,
Can you tell us about Gal Amir ha mechuar what was it about him that started the video about him? Where can I find such video?
Thank you
What is your view on the proposed soda tax for New York state?
Do you enjoy zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens?
Hello Chaim
I've recently watched an interesting speech of Rabbi Kahane at The National Press Club on youtube. The one in which someone surprisingly attacks him with red paint or liquid. I've noticed a young guy sitting at the table near the rabbi, at the lower left corner of the frame.
My question is: was it you?
If yes, how did you feel?
Here's the link:
(The guy is seen on 10:30)
Dear Chaim,
I never really fully understood the "political" status of the territories (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza). Do the arabs have their own governing body in these areas? Does Israel own these lands? Is it similar to Puerto Rico as a territory of the United States? Is there any other example in the world that comes close to this? Is it similar to the british and royal crown colonies. I'm asking purely from a technical standpoint, I never fully understood the "status" of the territories to Israel. please take some time to explain this...thanks