General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: White Israelite on March 17, 2010, 01:40:41 PM
Some of you know that I am trying to get back on the path to being religious but I am running into some problems. I live in a rural part of Florida and I have yet to find any Jewish population near me (with the exception of a few gentiles who claim their grandma or grandpa was Jewish). I have only seen 3 synagogues here, there is one in Fort Walton Beach called Temple Beth-Shalom (Temple indicating it's a reform establishment)
The website
There's 2 in Pensacola, one is reform and the other is messianic (isn't that like Jesus worshippers or something?)
Temple Beth-El Congregation
And i'm not even going to bother posting that Messianic one. In the event that a orthodox shul is absent, should I just attend these? It's also a problem for sabbath.
Messianic sounds like they believe in Jesus.
I have a feeling you'd be more Jewish and more knowledgeable of Torah than a reformed "Rabbi". In terms of religious practice, you'd probably be better off doing your prayers on your own, from what I understand the reformed "Jews" do their services in english, and they even mimic Christian services with church-like organ music, for those that do that, I wonder why they don't just convert to Christianity and go to a church if they want to emulate Christianity so badly. In my opinion, the only thing those synagogues would serve is if maybe you'd like to network with other Jews in the area, regardless of how badly they practice.
I called that reform temple and they said there is a conservative one also in Pensacola, would this be a better choice? I know Conservative had similar standards to Orthodox back in the 70's but i'm not sure their track record today.
I called that reform temple and they said there is a conservative one also in Pensacola, would this be a better choice? I know Conservative had similar standards to Orthodox back in the 70's but i'm not sure their track record today.
Conservative if far better than reformed! Go to the Conservative synagogue if your choice is between them and reformed.
Here, take a look at this, http://urj.org/about/reform/whatisreform/ :thumbsdown: I have a feeling they're completely at odds with your values, they are at odds with mine.
Going to a Reform/Conservative "Synagouge" is the same
as going to a Church or a Mosque.
At least Mosques aren't a House of Prayer for idol worshippers.
Going to a Reform/Conservative "Synagouge" is the same
as going to a Church or a Mosque.
At least Mosques aren't a House of Prayer for idol worshippers.
You're wrong about the Conservative synagogue, they're not bad. The reformed I agree is BS "Judaism".
Going to a Reform/Conservative "Synagouge" is the same
as going to a Church or a Mosque.
At least Mosques aren't a House of Prayer for idol worshippers.
I just got off the phone with the Conservative Synagogue and they seem to have quite a major difference from reform, the lady I spoke to on the phone from the reform temple didn't seem to know the difference with reform, orthodox or conservative but apparently they allow female rabbis. It sounds like circumcision isn't even required.
There's also one in Destin but I'm not sure what they are, It's called Beth Israel Of Destin
Going to a Reform/Conservative "Synagouge" is the same
as going to a Church or a Mosque.
At least Mosques aren't a House of Prayer for idol worshippers.
You're wrong about the Conservative synagogue, they're not bad. The reformed I agree is BS "Judaism".
I agree... I was Bar Mitzvahed in a Conservative synagogue and if not for that experience I probably wouldn't have done Teshuva seven years ago.
Going to a Reform/Conservative "Synagouge" is the same
as going to a Church or a Mosque.
At least Mosques aren't a House of Prayer for idol worshippers.
I just got off the phone with the Conservative Synagogue and they seem to have quite a major difference from reform, the lady I spoke to on the phone from the reform temple didn't seem to know the difference with reform, orthodox or conservative but apparently they allow female rabbis. It sounds like circumcision isn't even required.
There's also one in Destin but I'm not sure what they are, It's called Beth Israel Of Destin
I'm not surprised, reformed don't know what it is to be a Jew, I wouldn't be surprised if they served ham n' cheese sandwiches with a glass of milk at the cafeteria.
I suggest that you daven the Orthodox siddur on Shabbat and do not travel on Shabbat to go to these shuls... It is better to pray alone than to violate the mitzvot. I sometimes go to the progressive/liberal shul in town just so I can stay a part of the community and I hope that my ideas and thoughts rub off on them. I know that they are very glad when I come to their events... The liberal Rabbi loves to talk to me about what I am learning.
the Conservatives are just as bad as the Reformed. The Conservatives think that the Halacha should be "changeable" and should be "suited" to the "changes of time".
Just like the Reformed, they have what they call:
An acceptance of both traditional rabbinic modes of study and modern scholarship and critical text study when considering Jewish religious texts.
This is one road to Christianity/Reformism.
Good News, the Synagogue in Destin is Orthodox. It's also Sephardic and mainly people from Israel :)
21 miles from me so bit of a drive, no good for Sabbath but I can try to relocate there I suppose. Destins a bit pricey though the area I live (Gulf Breeze) isn't much cheaper.
the Conservatives are just as bad as the Reformed. The Conservatives think that the Halacha should be "changeable" and should be "suited" to the "changes of time".
Just like the Reformed, they have what they call:
An acceptance of both traditional rabbinic modes of study and modern scholarship and critical text study when considering Jewish religious texts.
This is one road to Christianity/Reformism.
But it also keeps Jews Jewish and some day they will do teshuva. I cannot speak any evil of Conservative since the movement is what kept my family Jewish. Certainly because it is non-halachic in many respects it is not a true Judaism. This is why I have been attending an Orthodox shul and observing as many mitzvot as I can...
I suspect that the vast majority of modern Baal Teshuvas have experience in the Conservative synagogue.
PS: Halacha does change over time. This is why Rabbis are required in order to adjust Halachas to the modern world. Obviously laws cannot be abandoned, but Halacha is an open book in that every day presents new questions for Halacha {i.e. Shabbat in space, etc.}
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
PS: Halacha does change over time. This is why Rabbis are required in order to adjust Halachas to the modern world. Obviously laws cannot be abandoned, but Halacha is an open book in that every day presents new questions for Halacha {i.e. Shabbat in space, etc.}
Of course, but you should differentiate between the changes the Rabbis are doing and should be doing & the un-needed and sinful changes the Conservatives & Reforms are doing such as female Rabbis etc.
the Conservatives are just as bad as the Reformed. The Conservatives think that the Halacha should be "changeable" and should be "suited" to the "changes of time".
Just like the Reformed, they have what they call:
An acceptance of both traditional rabbinic modes of study and modern scholarship and critical text study when considering Jewish religious texts.
This is one road to Christianity/Reformism.
But it also keeps Jews Jewish and some day they will do teshuva. I cannot speak any evil of Conservative since the movement is what kept my family Jewish. Certainly because it is non-halachic in many respects it is not a true Judaism. This is why I have been attending an Orthodox shul and observing as many mitzvot as I can...
I suspect that the vast majority of modern Baal Teshuvas have experience in the Conservative synagogue.
PS: Halacha does change over time. This is why Rabbis are required in order to adjust Halachas to the modern world. Obviously laws cannot be abandoned, but Halacha is an open book in that every day presents new questions for Halacha {i.e. Shabbat in space, etc.}
I know the Rabbis that married my uncles and their parents started off Conservative and then became Orthodox sometime in the late 70's, one of them is Rabbi Jay Karzen in Jerusalem and he's well respected. I think this is the period when Conservative Judaism started becoming "liberal" and many switched over.
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
I am not suggesting anyone compromise... But to say that Conservative is as evil as reform is just wrong. My conservative shul davened in Hebrew while the reform davened in english...
Of course any deviation in Torah ideas is dangerous but this is the world we live in today. I certainly recommend all Jews to observe the commandments from the Orthodox perspective. But everyone is not so lucky to be born in a frum family.
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
Okay, I'll see you at the next stoning of the sinners. :laugh:
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
I am not suggesting anyone compromise... But to say that Conservative is as evil as reform is just wrong. My conservative shul davened in Hebrew while the reform davened in english...
Of course any deviation in Torah ideas is dangerous but this is the world we live in today. I certainly recommend all Jews to observe the commandments from the Orthodox perspective. But everyone is not so lucky to be born in a frum family.
They're just as evil because like the Reforms they make people think they represent real Judaism and that's why I said so. Reforms do more sins but Reforms don't even know what Halacha is - Conservatives do.
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
Okay, I'll see you at the next stoning of the sinners. :laugh:
So I presume you're a Conservative.
I can't say i'm observant because I haven't stepped foot in a shul in years. When my father was sick, we never went and my mother strayed from her path. Do I just step foot into shul and I am accepted or how does it work? I know this sounds weird, I am Jewish and I follow kashrut but I need to be religious and I need assistance in how I should approach this.
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
I am not suggesting anyone compromise... But to say that Conservative is as evil as reform is just wrong. My conservative shul davened in Hebrew while the reform davened in english...
Of course any deviation in Torah ideas is dangerous but this is the world we live in today. I certainly recommend all Jews to observe the commandments from the Orthodox perspective. But everyone is not so lucky to be born in a frum family.
They're just as evil because like the Reforms they make people think they represent real Judaism and that's why I said so. Reforms do more sins but Reforms don't even know what Halacha is - Conservatives do.
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
Okay, I'll see you at the next stoning of the sinners. :laugh:
So I presume you're a Conservative.
Yes and you are [censored] me off. >:(
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
I am not suggesting anyone compromise... But to say that Conservative is as evil as reform is just wrong. My conservative shul davened in Hebrew while the reform davened in english...
Of course any deviation in Torah ideas is dangerous but this is the world we live in today. I certainly recommend all Jews to observe the commandments from the Orthodox perspective. But everyone is not so lucky to be born in a frum family.
They're just as evil because like the Reforms they make people think they represent real Judaism and that's why I said so. Reforms do more sins but Reforms don't even know what Halacha is - Conservatives do.
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
Okay, I'll see you at the next stoning of the sinners. :laugh:
So I presume you're a Conservative.
Yes and you are [censored] me off. >:(
You'd be feeling the same way if you were eating pork or something I'd be rebuking you
Guys please stop fighting, I just asked a question no need for fellow Jews here to fight.
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
I am not suggesting anyone compromise... But to say that Conservative is as evil as reform is just wrong. My conservative shul davened in Hebrew while the reform davened in english...
Of course any deviation in Torah ideas is dangerous but this is the world we live in today. I certainly recommend all Jews to observe the commandments from the Orthodox perspective. But everyone is not so lucky to be born in a frum family.
They're just as evil because like the Reforms they make people think they represent real Judaism and that's why I said so. Reforms do more sins but Reforms don't even know what Halacha is - Conservatives do.
Well Michael you know what I always say: no compromise on Torah [on principles].
Okay, I'll see you at the next stoning of the sinners. :laugh:
So I presume you're a Conservative.
Yes and you are [censored] me off. >:(
You'd be feeling the same way if you're eating pork or something I'd be rebuking you
Conservatives are Kosher. You are being a arrogant pr**k and talking more out of you're as* on the subject than anything else.
I suggest everyone attempt to observe Torah as best as they can. All Jews can make Teshuva, hopefully sooner than later. I do not think Conservatives are evil. If a person consciously decides that they don't want to observe the mitzvot then this is wrong, and it should be rebuked. But many people are brought up in the system and they don't know better. What those who are religious can do is extend a hand out to the community, this is called Kiruv and if not for Kiruv I probrobly would not find myself at the level of observance I am at. A wonderful Orthodox Rabbi was doing outreach in my liberal/progressive synagogue {the only one within walking distance of my house} and with Hashems blessing I am now on the proper derech.
I suggest everyone attempt to observe Torah as best as they can. All Jews can make Teshuva, hopefully sooner than later. I do not think Conservatives are evil. If a person consciously decides that they don't want to observe the mitzvot then this is wrong, and it should be rebuked. But many people are brought up in the system and they don't know better. What those who are religious can do is extend a hand out to the community, this is called Kiruv and if not for Kiruv I probrobly would not find myself at the level of observance I am at. A wonderful Orthodox Rabbi was doing outreach in my liberal/progressive synagogue {the only one within walking distance of my house} and with Hashems blessing I am now on the proper derech.
I'm attacking the idea [the Conservative/Reformic religions] and not all Conservatives/Reforms because most are just misguided Tinokot She'Nishbu that we shall rebuke and get closer to Torah.
I suggest everyone attempt to observe Torah as best as they can. All Jews can make Teshuva, hopefully sooner than later. I do not think Conservatives are evil. If a person consciously decides that they don't want to observe the mitzvot then this is wrong, and it should be rebuked. But many people are brought up in the system and they don't know better. What those who are religious can do is extend a hand out to the community, this is called Kiruv and if not for Kiruv I probrobly would not find myself at the level of observance I am at. A wonderful Orthodox Rabbi was doing outreach in my liberal/progressive synagogue {the only one within walking distance of my house} and with Hashems blessing I am now on the proper derech.
I'm attacking the idea [the Conservative/Reformic religions] and not all Conservatives/Reforms because most are just misguided Tinokot She'Nishbu that we shall rebuke and get closer to Torah.
If we can rebuke in a way which will bring the people closer and not push them away. This is the fine line that a righteous Jew must walk when attempting to bring our brothers and sisters to closeness with Hashem.
Let us concentrate on bringing together instead of dividing our people. Is it not the season of redemption? I believe Jewish unity is essential in order for us to see the coming of Moshiach. We should not stand for evil and aveiras, but we should not intimidate and threaten Jews who are on a somewhat divergent path {those following splinter ideologies in Judaism}.
Let us review a little about rebuke:
The 48 Ways: 33(b)
Does Israel Know Better? Part II
Chapter 6, Mishna 6
By Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld
"Torah is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah is acquired with 48 ways. These are: ... (33) loving rebuke..."
Last week we began examining the Torah obligation to rebuke one's fellow. As we discussed, as fashionable as it is today to grant everyone and everything legitimacy -- that everyone is entitled to his own beliefs however ludicrous, and that everyone may live however he pleases and no one else has any right to butt in -- an absolute religion simply cannot accept this. Perhaps the most fundamental axiom of Judaism -- even before we discuss *what* it preaches -- is that there *are* absolutes in this world. There are absolute and uncontestable realities in the universe which are not up to each individual to decide and accept.
It is popular nowadays to relate to religion -- and really to G-d for that matter -- only to the extent that makes sense to us. If a particular commandment is meaningful and relevant, I will observe it. Otherwise, I get nothing from it and it is a waste of time.
I personally am always a little taken aback when I meet people who approach religion with such a mindset. I guess one has to appreciate that true seekers will constantly look to find meaning in religion. Yet in a way the premise of such people is flawed. We cannot be the arbiters of G-d's existence and wisdom in this world. If He does exist (and we were certainly witness to that at Mount Sinai), His existence is not dependent upon our ability to understand Him or appreciate His mitzvos (commandments). Yes, to the extent we understand, G-d's mitzvos, if observed properly, are meaningful and uplifting to an extreme. Yet our acceptance of them simply cannot ride upon our own limited comprehension. To state it bluntly, it would be arrogant beyond words to make acceptance of the commands of the Creator dependent upon their understandability to the very creatures He created. I mean, who stands and judges who?
And so, ours is a religion which is built upon absolutes. I feel it is relevant at this point to list those very absolutes upon which Judaism is premised. Maimonides enumerates what he considers the 13 fundamentals of Judaism. Rather than providing the entire list, I present a condensed version. (Needless to say, each one deserves a class on its own.)
Maimonides' fundamentals address three basic areas. They are: (1) G-d's existence: G-d, our Creator, is one, eternal and incorporeal. (2) G-d's communication with man: the Torah and the words of the Prophets are G-d-given, absolute truth, unchanging, and eternally binding. (3) Reward and punishment: G-d knows and judges all of man's deeds, the Messiah will arrive -- bringing the entire world to recognition of G-d and to its ideal state, and the dead will be resurrected -- in preparation for G-d's final Day of Judgment and the ultimate meting out of reward and punishment.
Thus, Judaism is based upon certain principles which must be accepted unconditionally. Actually, in a way it is comforting to know there are definites in this world. The world is not such a senseless place left for man to figure out for himself. There is a clear purpose to the world, there are precise and G-d-given definitions for good and evil, and man's obligations towards his Creator are explicitly stated in the Torah. And, for those who fail to live up to this knowledge, there is much room for "rebuke".
Once these hurdles are accepted, we can begin to appreciate the beauty of the commandment to rebuke our fellow. As we began to discuss last week, "rebuke" is not really the correct word. That has the connotation of telling others off or putting them down -- more often for the pleasure of the rebuker than the benefit of the rebuked. Here if anything quite the opposite is implied. Let us look again at Leviticus.
Leviticus 19:17 states: "You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your fellow, and you shall not bear a sin because of him" (or: "you shall not cause him to bear a sin"). The Torah begins by stating we must not hate one another. This is the starting point for the obligation to rebuke. When we see another sinning and failing in life, our natural attitude towards him might be one of condescension and even disgust. How can someone trade in spirituality and closeness to G-d for vain and empty pleasures? How shallow and shortsighted can a body be? Yet the Torah warns us against such an attitude. We must not dislike our underachieving fellow. We must feel *responsible* for him. We must consider his failing our problem as well, and we must do whatever we can to help.
The Torah thus obligates us: "You shall surely rebuke your fellow." As we pointed out, "rebuke" is not the true definition. The word "hochai'ach" more accurately means prove. We should cause our fellow to see for himself how his life can be more meaningful and rewarding. Rebuke is not for the purpose of forcing our way of life on others -- even though we happen to really know better. The world has seen far too many inquisitors, fanatics and fundamentalists who "knew" they were right and forced their beliefs upon the infidels at the point of the sword. That is not the way of the Torah. The mitzvah (obligation) to rebuke is to get the other to see for himself that his life could improve. All we do is lay the facts clearly before our fellow -- not least by living according to our principles ourselves. The actual change must be his own -- and must come from within.
But it is even deeper than this. My teacher R. Yochanan Zweig (www.talmudicu.edu) explains that the true root of the word "hochai'ach" is "ko'ach" or strength. (We may say that "hochai'ach" / "prove" is the causative of "ko'ach" / "strength" and means to give another strength.) There is nothing more empowering than receiving rebuke. We all feel a little listless and out of synch at times, like we haven't connected with our true selves and that our lives contain some degree of falsehood and emptiness. The reason is often that we have faults and shortcomings we haven't really identified. Not knowing what is wrong with us is a draining and depressing feeling -- of an unknown emptiness which saps our strength and weakens our resolve.
When an outside person -- close enough to know me well yet distant enough to be objective -- "rebukes" me, it gives me strength. He sees my faults in ways I just cannot see within myself, and he helps me come to grips with my own problems. (We could spend $200 an hour having a psychiatrist do the same for us, or we could have an untrained but true friend give us frank advice to which we listen attentively and consider sincerely.) There is nothing more invigorating than knowing what my problems are -- and knowing who I truly am. When someone does this for me I am given strength and direction -- and the energy to improve my own fate.
Many of the other details of the obligation to rebuke stem from this principle. Generally, we only rebuke others when we might actually "prove" something -- when it might really cause them to improve. Thus, the Talmud comments, "Just as there is a mitzvah to say something which will be heard, so too there is a mitzvah not to say something which will not be heard... as it is written: 'Do not rebuke a scoffer lest he hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you' (Proverbs 9:8)" (Yevamos 65b). (Occasionally, there is an obligation to speak up in protest of a public desecration of G-d's Name, even though it will not improve the situation, in order to make it clear that Judaism does not in any way condone such behavior.)
Also, the manner in which we reprove must be one conducive towards our fellow's receptiveness. The Talmud explains: "I might think one should rebuke [another] even when his face turns colors from embarrassment. The verse therefore states: 'you shall not bear a sin because of him'" (Erchin 16b). Do not admonish in a way which shames your fellow -- causing *you* to bear a sin in the process of attempting to improve your fellow. Rather, rebuke in private, at a later point in time, when the sinner is reposed and perhaps receptive to criticism.
R. Aharon Kotler (founder of the Lakewood Yeshiva in America) pointed out an alternate reading of this phrase, namely: "you shall not cause *him* to bear a sin." When we rebuke another (whether friend or child), don't make him bear the sin. Don't put him down, telling him what a failure he is, so that the sin weighs heavily upon him. Rather, raise him up above the sin. Don't tell your child "that was rotten of you to do." Say: "that was *beneath* you. I know you're someone who can do better." (Likewise, the well-known Yiddish expression: "Es past nisht far dere.") When we rebuke, we want the other to improve; towards that end we show him he is capable of better.
Finally, just to touch on one other issue from last week, is it correct, say, for the Orthodox in Israel to attempt to use whatever means at their disposal, whether political or social, to "rebuke" their fellow countrymen, somehow making Israel more "Jewish"? Based on most of what we have written, probably not. "Rebuke" means *showing* others they can improve, not imposing our better-held positions upon them. Enacting legal regulations -- and certainly wielding the threat of violence and intimidation -- are hardly fulfillments of this mitzvah and usually do little more than increase tension and resentment. To invoke a slightly worn-out cliche, one must be exceedingly careful not to get so carried away winning the battle that he dismally and utterly loses the war.
(Anyone who cares to examine the many sides to such issues is welcome to read some of Cross-Current's fascinating recent discussions regarding the recent gay march in Jerusalem. Check out www.cross-currents.com/archives/2006/11/22/burning-down-our-own-neighborhood/ and www.cross-currents.com/archives/2006/12/06/burning-down-our-own-neighborhood-reconsidered/ in particular.)
For that matter, however, the Orthodox typically limit their efforts to public issues, issues which affect the country as a whole -- including the Orthodox. Public desecration of the Sabbath or violation of basic Jewish values destroys society at its core (in addition to being forbidden). We oppose it more to preserve our own value system than to force it upon others. And through some such religious "impositions", an uncomfortable status quo has for decades prevailed in Israel. Yet our greatest contribution to Israel -- and to the world -- is just in holding on -- exemplifying through our words and deeds the Torah lifestyle for all, both Jew and Gentile, to see.
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
And since you're being so arrogant about things, I'll throw some arrogance your way, we're more authentic in our practices because we are not Europeanized, that's why we don't wear funny black Fedoras and coats, the requirement for that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah last we checked, and we don't think any of the Jews that left Egypt during the great Exodus were wearing them but you never know, maybe an archeologist will dig up an relief carving of a Jew in a black coat and Fedora hat on old Egyptian column one of these days.
We keep kosher, worship in Hebrew, and follow the law. And most of them are more sincerely Jewish and righteous than a lot of the hypocrites I see out there wearing a Fedora but lying cheating and stealing Monday through Friday, but think they are saints because they go to Shul and keep Kosher? And watch who you call "idol" worshiper, you know a hell of a lot less than you think you do.
Going to a Reform/Conservative "Synagouge" is the same
as going to a Church or a Mosque.
At least Mosques aren't a House of Prayer for idol worshippers.
At least Mosques aren't a House of Prayer for idol worshippers
Mohammed is not a fake 'g'od or an idol? You think its ok that these people are SATANIC, want to murder us and instead of worshipping the ONLY G-d, they worship the satan?
I would not set foot in a mosque----EVER.
It was CHRISTIANS that helped to save Jews during the Holocaust, the Moslems aligned with S/itler to murder us all.
Sometimes, these threads go straight to the DUMP.
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
And since you're being so arrogant about things, I'll throw some arrogance your way, we're more authentic in our practices because we are not Europeanized, that's why we don't wear funny black Fedoras and coats, the requirement for that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah last we checked, and we don't think any of the Jews that left Egypt during the great Exodus were wearing them but you never know, maybe an archeologist will dig up an relief carving of a Jew in a black coat and Fedora hat on old Egyptian column one of these days.
We keep kosher, worship in Hebrew, and follow the law. And most of them are more sincerely Jewish and righteous than a lot of the hypocrites I see out there wearing a Fedora but lying cheating and stealing Monday through Friday, but think they are saints because they go to Shul and keep Kosher? And watch who you call "idol" worshiper, you know a hell of a lot less than you think you do.
This was completely uncalled for... You are pulling this Sephardic is more authentic stuff? Come on... I think Serphardic Jews are very nice and I daven with them. I have no need to belittle Sephardic Jews but you seem to have a need to insult Ashkenazi. This reflects badly on your character...
Regarding the differences in dress... No Ashkenazi Jew thinks that the hat that they wear is a biblically mandated thing. The reason they wear it is because of minhag. Each community has its own minhag and this is to be respected by wordwide Judaism. I dont go around picking on the things I find strange with Sephardic minhag.
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
And since you're being so arrogant about things, I'll throw some arrogance your way, we're more authentic in our practices because we are not Europeanized, that's why we don't wear funny black Fedoras and coats, the requirement for that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah last we checked, and we don't think any of the Jews that left Egypt during the great Exodus were wearing them but you never know, maybe an archeologist will dig up an relief carving of a Jew in a black coat and Fedora hat on old Egyptian column one of these days.
We keep kosher, worship in Hebrew, and follow the law. And most of them are more sincerely Jewish and righteous than a lot of the hypocrites I see out there wearing a Fedora but lying cheating and stealing Monday through Friday, but think they are saints because they go to Shul and keep Kosher? And watch who you call "idol" worshiper, you know a hell of a lot less than you think you do.
This was completely uncalled for... You are pulling this Sephardic is more authentic stuff? Come on... I think Serphardic Jews are very nice and I daven with them. I have no need to belittle Sephardic Jews but you seem to have a need to insult Ashkenazi. This reflects badly on your character...
What is good for the goose is good for the gander, since we're practically "idol worshipers" it shouldn't bother you what one of us thinks. I noticed you didn't think someone calling us that was uncalled for. And please, prove me wrong.
Arrogance is not appealing, is it? That's food for thought.
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
And since you're being so arrogant about things, I'll throw some arrogance your way, we're more authentic in our practices because we are not Europeanized, that's why we don't wear funny black Fedoras and coats, the requirement for that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah last we checked, and we don't think any of the Jews that left Egypt during the great Exodus were wearing them but you never know, maybe an archeologist will dig up an relief carving of a Jew in a black coat and Fedora hat on old Egyptian column one of these days.
We keep kosher, worship in Hebrew, and follow the law. And most of them are more sincerely Jewish and righteous than a lot of the hypocrites I see out there wearing a Fedora but lying cheating and stealing Monday through Friday, but think they are saints because they go to Shul and keep Kosher? And watch who you call "idol" worshiper, you know a hell of a lot less than you think you do.
This was completely uncalled for... You are pulling this Sephardic is more authentic stuff? Come on... I think Serphardic Jews are very nice and I daven with them. I have no need to belittle Sephardic Jews but you seem to have a need to insult Ashkenazi. This reflects badly on your character...
What is good for the goose is good for the gander, since we're practically "idol worshipers" it shouldn't bother you what one of us thinks. I noticed you didn't think someone calling us that was uncalled for.
Im sorry but I dont recall calling anyone idol worshippers. Can you please show me where I said this? I think I was originally trying to give the benefit of the doubt to Conservative Judaism and somehow it became an attack on Ashkenazic Judaism.
I think you are a bit sensitive to what Yehudah was saying...
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
And since you're being so arrogant about things, I'll throw some arrogance your way, we're more authentic in our practices because we are not Europeanized, that's why we don't wear funny black Fedoras and coats, the requirement for that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah last we checked, and we don't think any of the Jews that left Egypt during the great Exodus were wearing them but you never know, maybe an archeologist will dig up an relief carving of a Jew in a black coat and Fedora hat on old Egyptian column one of these days.
We keep kosher, worship in Hebrew, and follow the law. And most of them are more sincerely Jewish and righteous than a lot of the hypocrites I see out there wearing a Fedora but lying cheating and stealing Monday through Friday, but think they are saints because they go to Shul and keep Kosher? And watch who you call "idol" worshiper, you know a hell of a lot less than you think you do.
This was completely uncalled for... You are pulling this Sephardic is more authentic stuff? Come on... I think Serphardic Jews are very nice and I daven with them. I have no need to belittle Sephardic Jews but you seem to have a need to insult Ashkenazi. This reflects badly on your character...
What is good for the goose is good for the gander, since we're practically "idol worshipers" it shouldn't bother you what one of us thinks. I noticed you didn't think someone calling us that was uncalled for.
Im sorry but I dont recall calling anyone idol worshippers. Can you please show me where I said this? I think I was originally trying to give the benefit of the doubt to Conservative Judaism and somehow it became an attack on Ashkenazic Judaism.
I think you are a bit sensitive to what Yehudah was saying...
I didn't say it was you that said it, yes it was Yehudah, I was refering to his post, I assumed you understood I meant his post.
And no I wasn't a bit sensitive to what he said, I was just as sensitive as you were, to what I said. Interesting how it's not offensive when it's referring to someone else isn't it? But now with the shoe on the other foot, wow we find offense! I didn't call Ashkenazim idol worshipers like he did about Conservative Jews, I just said they weren't as authentic as Sepharadics because they've been influenced by European ways. Idol worshipers? Can you think of a worse thing to call a fellow Jew short of calling him a Nazi? And I'm a bit sensitive? All I said in response is that we're more authentic, but that you found a problem with, not the idol worshiper thing. Funny that.
New Yorker, I think that Jews need to leave "conservative" Judaism. The whole movement is about deciding which laws you want to keep and which laws you don't want to keep which is silly and goes against the Torah, obviously. By the way, I went to pre-school in a conservative synagogue, I went to a Solomon Schechter school for eight years, my Bar Mitzvah was at a conservative synagogue, almost my entire family is conservative Jewish, and most Jews my family associates with are conservative.
New Yorker, I think that Jews need to leave "conservative" Judaism. The whole movement is about deciding which laws you want to keep and which laws you don't want to keep which is silly and goes against the Torah, obviously. By the way, I went to pre-school in a conservative synagogue, I went to a Solomon Schechter school for eight years, my Bar Mitzvah was at a conservative synagogue, almost my entire family is conservative Jewish, and most Jews my family associates with are conservative.
You are making the same mistake as Yehudah mixing up Conservative with reformed, and further, mixing up Sephardic Conservative with American Conservative, Sepharadic Conservative is actually CONSERVATIVE, in the real sense of the word.
Good News, the Synagogue in Destin is Orthodox. It's also Sephardic and mainly people from Israel :)
21 miles from me so bit of a drive, no good for Sabbath but I can try to relocate there I suppose. Destins a bit pricey though the area I live (Gulf Breeze) isn't much cheaper.
Gulf Breeze thats great they have many ufo sightings there :)
Good News, the Synagogue in Destin is Orthodox. It's also Sephardic and mainly people from Israel :)
21 miles from me so bit of a drive, no good for Sabbath but I can try to relocate there I suppose. Destins a bit pricey though the area I live (Gulf Breeze) isn't much cheaper.
Gulf Breeze thats great they have many ufo sightings there :)
What are you doing all the way out in BFE Florida?
New Yorker, I think that Jews need to leave "conservative" Judaism. The whole movement is about deciding which laws you want to keep and which laws you don't want to keep which is silly and goes against the Torah, obviously. By the way, I went to pre-school in a conservative synagogue, I went to a Solomon Schechter school for eight years, my Bar Mitzvah was at a conservative synagogue, almost my entire family is conservative Jewish, and most Jews my family associates with are conservative.
You are making the same mistake as Yehudah mixing up Conservative with reformed, and further, mixing up Sephardic Conservative with American Conservative, Sepharadic Conservative is actually CONSERVATIVE, in the real sense of the word.
The Sephardic Jews I know who go to conservative synagogues are no different than any Ashkenazic Jews who go to conservative synagogues.
Good News, the Synagogue in Destin is Orthodox. It's also Sephardic and mainly people from Israel :)
21 miles from me so bit of a drive, no good for Sabbath but I can try to relocate there I suppose. Destins a bit pricey though the area I live (Gulf Breeze) isn't much cheaper.
Gulf Breeze thats great they have many ufo sightings there :)
Believe it or not, i've actually seen some of those "UFO's" I kid you not, I walk on the beach at night and sleep there sometimes and my girlfriend and I see all kinds of weird stuff in the sky, some of it could be military testing aircraft since I live near a airforce base.
Good News, the Synagogue in Destin is Orthodox. It's also Sephardic and mainly people from Israel :)
21 miles from me so bit of a drive, no good for Sabbath but I can try to relocate there I suppose. Destins a bit pricey though the area I live (Gulf Breeze) isn't much cheaper.
Gulf Breeze thats great they have many ufo sightings there :)
Believe it or not, i've actually seen some of those "UFO's" I kid you not, I walk on the beach at night and sleep there sometimes and my girlfriend and I see all kinds of weird stuff in the sky, some of it could be military testing aircraft since I live near a airforce base.
It's been going on for yrs :)
New Yorker, I think that Jews need to leave "conservative" Judaism. The whole movement is about deciding which laws you want to keep and which laws you don't want to keep which is silly and goes against the Torah, obviously. By the way, I went to pre-school in a conservative synagogue, I went to a Solomon Schechter school for eight years, my Bar Mitzvah was at a conservative synagogue, almost my entire family is conservative Jewish, and most Jews my family associates with are conservative.
You are making the same mistake as Yehudah mixing up Conservative with reformed, and further, mixing up Sephardic Conservative with American Conservative, Sepharadic Conservative is actually CONSERVATIVE, in the real sense of the word.
The Sephardic Jews I know who go to conservative synagogues are no different than any Ashkenazic Jews who go to conservative synagogues.
Sepharadic Judaism emphasize preserving the traditions and are actual conservatives. I don't know about who you are referring to in your personal experience, but I know it from mine as I am actually living it and can contrast and compare.
I once went to a reform service at a Bar Mitzvah I was invited to, my first thought was "What the hell is this!?" it was in English, no Hebrew at all, and they even had an organ player to give it that Christian feel. It is night and day between Conservative and reformed; And Sepharadic Conservative and Ashkenazi Conservative, the latter being far more "liberal" about things.
New Yorker, I think that Jews need to leave "conservative" Judaism. The whole movement is about deciding which laws you want to keep and which laws you don't want to keep which is silly and goes against the Torah, obviously. By the way, I went to pre-school in a conservative synagogue, I went to a Solomon Schechter school for eight years, my Bar Mitzvah was at a conservative synagogue, almost my entire family is conservative Jewish, and most Jews my family associates with are conservative.
You are making the same mistake as Yehudah mixing up Conservative with reformed, and further, mixing up Sephardic Conservative with American Conservative, Sepharadic Conservative is actually CONSERVATIVE, in the real sense of the word.
The Sephardic Jews I know who go to conservative synagogues are no different than any Ashkenazic Jews who go to conservative synagogues.
Spharadic Judaism emphasize preserving the traditions and are actual conservatives. I don't know about who you are referring to in your personal experience, but I know it from mine as I am actually living it and can contrast and compare.
I once went to a reform service at a Bar Mitzvah I was invited to, my first thought was "What the hell is this!?" it was in English, no Hebrew at all, and they even had an organ player to give it that Christian feel. It is night and day between Conservative and reformed; And Sepharadic Conservative and Ashkenazi Conservative, the latter being far more "liberal" about things.
My family is a fairly typical conservative Jewish family. My family members keep kosher in the home but go to non-kosher restaurants, don't go out on Friday nights but violate shabbat at home on Friday nights, go to synagogue on shabbat but drive there, etc. How is your family or any Sephardic conservative family different?
New Yorker, I think that Jews need to leave "conservative" Judaism. The whole movement is about deciding which laws you want to keep and which laws you don't want to keep which is silly and goes against the Torah, obviously. By the way, I went to pre-school in a conservative synagogue, I went to a Solomon Schechter school for eight years, my Bar Mitzvah was at a conservative synagogue, almost my entire family is conservative Jewish, and most Jews my family associates with are conservative.
You are making the same mistake as Yehudah mixing up Conservative with reformed, and further, mixing up Sephardic Conservative with American Conservative, Sepharadic Conservative is actually CONSERVATIVE, in the real sense of the word.
The Sephardic Jews I know who go to conservative synagogues are no different than any Ashkenazic Jews who go to conservative synagogues.
Spharadic Judaism emphasize preserving the traditions and are actual conservatives. I don't know about who you are referring to in your personal experience, but I know it from mine as I am actually living it and can contrast and compare.
I once went to a reform service at a Bar Mitzvah I was invited to, my first thought was "What the hell is this!?" it was in English, no Hebrew at all, and they even had an organ player to give it that Christian feel. It is night and day between Conservative and reformed; And Sepharadic Conservative and Ashkenazi Conservative, the latter being far more "liberal" about things.
My family is a fairly typical conservative Jewish family. My family members keep kosher in the home but go to non-kosher restaurants, don't go out on Friday nights but violate shabbat at home on Friday nights, go to synagogue on shabbat but drive there, etc. How is your family or any Sephardic conservative family different?
My family, totally kosher, and they walk to synagogue, my father walked to Synagogue on the sabbath well into his elderly years, in his 80's, when he would even have been justified in having someone drive him and he refused. So when someone like Yehudah thinks he knows what he's talking about and arrogantly makes sweeping generalities about people, it makes me see red.
That said, I'm not that observant, but I'm the individual exception, definitely not the rule.
New Yorker, I think that Jews need to leave "conservative" Judaism. The whole movement is about deciding which laws you want to keep and which laws you don't want to keep which is silly and goes against the Torah, obviously. By the way, I went to pre-school in a conservative synagogue, I went to a Solomon Schechter school for eight years, my Bar Mitzvah was at a conservative synagogue, almost my entire family is conservative Jewish, and most Jews my family associates with are conservative.
You are making the same mistake as Yehudah mixing up Conservative with reformed, and further, mixing up Sephardic Conservative with American Conservative, Sepharadic Conservative is actually CONSERVATIVE, in the real sense of the word.
The Sephardic Jews I know who go to conservative synagogues are no different than any Ashkenazic Jews who go to conservative synagogues.
Spharadic Judaism emphasize preserving the traditions and are actual conservatives. I don't know about who you are referring to in your personal experience, but I know it from mine as I am actually living it and can contrast and compare.
I once went to a reform service at a Bar Mitzvah I was invited to, my first thought was "What the hell is this!?" it was in English, no Hebrew at all, and they even had an organ player to give it that Christian feel. It is night and day between Conservative and reformed; And Sepharadic Conservative and Ashkenazi Conservative, the latter being far more "liberal" about things.
My family is a fairly typical conservative Jewish family. My family members keep kosher in the home but go to non-kosher restaurants, don't go out on Friday nights but violate shabbat at home on Friday nights, go to synagogue on shabbat but drive there, etc. How is your family or any Sephardic conservative family different?
My family, totally kosher, and they walk to synagogue, my father walked to Synagogue on the sabbath well into his elderly years, in his 80's, when he would even have been justified in having someone drive him and he refused. So when someone like Yehudah thinks he knows what he's talking about and arrogantly makes sweeping generalities about people, it makes me see red.
That said, I'm not that observant, but I'm the individual exception, definitely not the rule.
Well then your father was an Orthodox Jew. According to conservative Judaism, it's ok to drive to synagogue on shabbat.
Ron, that comment was not necessary.
As for everything else, I have to agree that "Conservative" Judaism is not real Judaism. It is barely different from Deformed.
New Yorker, I think that Jews need to leave "conservative" Judaism. The whole movement is about deciding which laws you want to keep and which laws you don't want to keep which is silly and goes against the Torah, obviously. By the way, I went to pre-school in a conservative synagogue, I went to a Solomon Schechter school for eight years, my Bar Mitzvah was at a conservative synagogue, almost my entire family is conservative Jewish, and most Jews my family associates with are conservative.
You are making the same mistake as Yehudah mixing up Conservative with reformed, and further, mixing up Sephardic Conservative with American Conservative, Sepharadic Conservative is actually CONSERVATIVE, in the real sense of the word.
The Sephardic Jews I know who go to conservative synagogues are no different than any Ashkenazic Jews who go to conservative synagogues.
Spharadic Judaism emphasize preserving the traditions and are actual conservatives. I don't know about who you are referring to in your personal experience, but I know it from mine as I am actually living it and can contrast and compare.
I once went to a reform service at a Bar Mitzvah I was invited to, my first thought was "What the hell is this!?" it was in English, no Hebrew at all, and they even had an organ player to give it that Christian feel. It is night and day between Conservative and reformed; And Sepharadic Conservative and Ashkenazi Conservative, the latter being far more "liberal" about things.
My family is a fairly typical conservative Jewish family. My family members keep kosher in the home but go to non-kosher restaurants, don't go out on Friday nights but violate shabbat at home on Friday nights, go to synagogue on shabbat but drive there, etc. How is your family or any Sephardic conservative family different?
My family, totally kosher, and they walk to synagogue, my father walked to Synagogue on the sabbath well into his elderly years, in his 80's, when he would even have been justified in having someone drive him and he refused. So when someone like Yehudah thinks he knows what he's talking about and arrogantly makes sweeping generalities about people, it makes me see red.
That said, I'm not that observant, but I'm the individual exception, definitely not the rule.
Well then your father was an Orthodox Jew. According to conservative Judaism, it's ok to drive to synagogue on shabbat.
He called himself a Conservative, and that meant keeping kosher, and properly keeping the sabbath, that's why I said I think we've got a misunderstanding of the term Conservative here, and apparently the definition varies based on the wing of Judaism it is being applied to, possibly even from congregation to congregation, I do know that the Sephardic Conservative Jews I personally know, follow the way my dad did. That's why I am pissed off at that guy Yehudah, he slurred a lot of very good people.
Ron, that comment was not necessary.
As for everything else, I have to agree that "Conservative" Judaism is not real Judaism. It is barely different from Deformed.
First that guy Yehudah now you? Then you too are completely ignorant on the subject and should save you opinion since it is uninformed and makes you look imbecilic. We're NOTHING like the reformed and I bet my family is more authentically Jewish than yours. Offended? Good, because you just insulted my family with that post so you deserve it in return.
I'm starting to see a very ugly trend here, and if this is the position of the majority of the Jews here, I'm out, because I don't need to associate with Jews who are like that. I expect brothers, not self aggrandizing arrogant pri*ks.
Ron, that comment was not necessary.
As for everything else, I have to agree that "Conservative" Judaism is not real Judaism. It is barely different from Deformed.
First that guy Yehudah now you? Then you too are completely ignorant on the subject and should save you opinion since it is uninformed and makes you look imbecilic. We're NOTHING like the reformed and I bet my family is more authentically Jewish than yours. Offended? Good, because you just insulted my family with that post so you deserve it in return.
I'm starting to see a very ugly trend here, and if this is the position of the majority of the Jews here, I'm out, because I don't need to associate with Jews who are like that. I expect brothers, not self aggrandizing arrogant pri*ks.
First off Dr Brennen Fan is not Jewish. Second, I believe that he is repeating what Chaim has said on occasion. Third, I don't know about Conservative Sephardic synagogues... I have never heard of this before since I had heard that Sephardim only recognize Orthodox Judaism. I believe you that they may be more Orthodox than Conservative based on American Conservative judaism...
But let us not be divisive... I work on bringing people together and not tearing them apart.
Call 770 and ask if they can send someone for you and any other Jews that may be in the area. This might sound ridiculous to most people, but that is what Chabad does. They have sent Rabbis to much more remote areas.
Good News, the Synagogue in Destin is Orthodox. It's also Sephardic and mainly people from Israel :)
21 miles from me so bit of a drive, no good for Sabbath but I can try to relocate there I suppose. Destins a bit pricey though the area I live (Gulf Breeze) isn't much cheaper.
Great news! For the time being, definitely stay home and pray by yourself rather than travel there on Shabbath, but you should inquire about the members there if anyone is looking to host a Shabbath guest, and maybe you could drive over there before Shabbath and stay over as a guest and have meals with one of the families there or a young couple for the whole Shabbath...
I'm sure there will be people looking to host you.
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
There is no such thing as "conservative movement" among Sephardic Jews. By calling yourself "conservative" you are associating yourself with the ashkenazi-based "conservative movement" which was a heretical movement that came to replace real Judaism and claim for itself the title of Judaism when it wasn't really Judaism. It was less reformed than reform, but it was a phony imposter nonetheless. So unless your Sephardi kehilla is the rare historical anomaly of modern-day Sephardic Jews who mimicked the conservative movement and made a Sephardi-replica version of it that is affiliated with it or adopted their ideas, you shouldn't call your kehilla by that term. Perhaps you'd be better off using the term "traditional." Historically speaking, there was Never a Sephardi break-away sect within rabbinical Judaism. All Sephardim agreed with consensus on what authentic Judaism was, they just had different levels of observing it ,and largely the communities were tolerant of different types within it. Maybe you mean to say traditional.
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
And since you're being so arrogant about things, I'll throw some arrogance your way, we're more authentic in our practices because we are not Europeanized, that's why we don't wear funny black Fedoras and coats, the requirement for that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah last we checked, and we don't think any of the Jews that left Egypt during the great Exodus were wearing them but you never know, maybe an archeologist will dig up an relief carving of a Jew in a black coat and Fedora hat on old Egyptian column one of these days.
We keep kosher, worship in Hebrew, and follow the law. And most of them are more sincerely Jewish and righteous than a lot of the hypocrites I see out there wearing a Fedora but lying cheating and stealing Monday through Friday, but think they are saints because they go to Shul and keep Kosher? And watch who you call "idol" worshiper, you know a hell of a lot less than you think you do.
From what you describe, it seems you made a mistake by calling it conservative. Perhaps it is "orthodox" but not haredi, and that is the distinction from the black hat culture, but still within the Orthodox tradition's fold.
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
And since you're being so arrogant about things, I'll throw some arrogance your way, we're more authentic in our practices because we are not Europeanized, that's why we don't wear funny black Fedoras and coats, the requirement for that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah last we checked, and we don't think any of the Jews that left Egypt during the great Exodus were wearing them but you never know, maybe an archeologist will dig up an relief carving of a Jew in a black coat and Fedora hat on old Egyptian column one of these days.
We keep kosher, worship in Hebrew, and follow the law. And most of them are more sincerely Jewish and righteous than a lot of the hypocrites I see out there wearing a Fedora but lying cheating and stealing Monday through Friday, but think they are saints because they go to Shul and keep Kosher? And watch who you call "idol" worshiper, you know a hell of a lot less than you think you do.
From what you describe, it seems you made a mistake by calling it conservative. Perhaps it is "orthodox" but not haredi, and that is the distinction from the black hat culture, but still within the Orthodox tradition's fold.
Maybe that is the case, english was not my family's first language, they originally spoke primarily French, some speak French & Hebrew, and some, get ready to fall off your seat, arabic, Moroccan arabic anyway (plus those other languages). It's wording that's the problem here Conservative - Traditional, it is semantics. Because there's no tolerance of non-kosher or driving on the sabbath etc, in my family or the Sepharidic Jews we know.
Here's the funny part, I'm fair skinned, and have blue eyes, hardly a Mediterranean look, go figure.
I think you are getting hung up on the semantics, stuck on the word "Conservative" you must be confusing "Conservative" American Jews, with Conservative Sepharadic Jews, the distinction must definitely be different, my family are Sephardic Jews, the way they worship is probably MORE biblically traditional than the Ashkenazim as there's been no European influence at all, and there's nothing "reformed" about it.
And since you're being so arrogant about things, I'll throw some arrogance your way, we're more authentic in our practices because we are not Europeanized, that's why we don't wear funny black Fedoras and coats, the requirement for that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Torah last we checked, and we don't think any of the Jews that left Egypt during the great Exodus were wearing them but you never know, maybe an archeologist will dig up an relief carving of a Jew in a black coat and Fedora hat on old Egyptian column one of these days.
We keep kosher, worship in Hebrew, and follow the law. And most of them are more sincerely Jewish and righteous than a lot of the hypocrites I see out there wearing a Fedora but lying cheating and stealing Monday through Friday, but think they are saints because they go to Shul and keep Kosher? And watch who you call "idol" worshiper, you know a hell of a lot less than you think you do.
From what you describe, it seems you made a mistake by calling it conservative. Perhaps it is "orthodox" but not haredi, and that is the distinction from the black hat culture, but still within the Orthodox tradition's fold.
Maybe that is the case, english was not my family's first language, they originally spoke primarily French, some speak French & Hebrew, and some, get ready to fall off your seat, arabic, Moroccan arabic anyway (plus those other languages). It's wording that's the problem here Conservative - Traditional, it is semantics. Because there's no tolerance of non-kosher or driving on the sabbath etc, in my family or the Sepharidic Jews we know.
Here's the funny part, I'm fair skinned, and have blue eyes, hardly a Mediterranean look, go figure.
Some sephardic to look white, check out the Kabyle people of Algeria.
Is she single!? ; )
Is she single!? ; )
I don't think she's Jewish but there are about 2000-5000 jewish berbers left in the world, about 2,000 in Israel. There's even less Kabyle Jewish Berbers which are probably in the couple hundred. Kabyle are noted for being much lighter in skin and eyes than other Berbers who look more Mediterranean.
Most Jewish Berbers stick to their own though kind of like Syrian Jews, although Syrian Jews can be quite hostile when it comes to dating anyone outside their community even other Sephardic Jews.
Call the local chabad
Call the local chabad
That, too. It's better to pray at home than to go to conservative.
I have only seen 3 synagogues here, there is one in Fort Walton Beach called Temple Beth-Shalom (Temple indicating it's a reform establishment)
Here's a street view picture of Temple Beth-Shalom.
Isn't the internet amazing?!?!
Apart from what's been suggested...you could consider calling the nearest Orthodox rabbi and maybe getting hosted (meaning get to stay with them, a family or somewhere else) for shabbos, holidays etc. Especially in the high holidays I know that some Chabad houses reserve spots at a hotel where people can stay, well I don't think that part is free but it's an example.
I have never been to a conservative synagogue because my rabbi told me it's "an abomination".
(No offense to those who do). I would never go to one but I can't say evils about them either. They are after all our brothers and sisters. For reform/reconstructionist places and their confused chrismukah intermarriage (sometimes anti-Israel) ways along with their friday night parties serving lobsters I really would never attend. NEVER!
Believe it or not, i've actually seen some of those "UFO's" I kid you not, I walk on the beach at night and sleep there sometimes and my girlfriend and I see all kinds of weird stuff in the sky, some of it could be military testing aircraft since I live near a airforce base.
People would not believe what I've seen. I don't talk about it much because I prefer to be more scientifically oriented. I think the professional skeptics actually do contribute good things as far as promoting a certain level of skepticism, and bologna detection, etc.
However, I can't deny what I've experienced to myself either. If we get a chance later I'd like to tell you a particularly spooky thing that happened to me on AIM. There is definitely a spiritual world out there as well as the physical universe.
Good News, the Synagogue in Destin is Orthodox. It's also Sephardic and mainly people from Israel :)
21 miles from me so bit of a drive, no good for Sabbath but I can try to relocate there I suppose. Destins a bit pricey though the area I live (Gulf Breeze) isn't much cheaper.
21 Miles is within reasonable distance for your area. There's always a debate about whether it is better to drive on Shabbat in order to be there or whether it is better not to go at all. I don't want to get into that debate here because I'm sure people strongly disagree with me, but this is a decision that is yours to make.
One thing to keep in mind is that the Orthodox are a lot more welcoming than you might perceive. From my experience visiting the typical Orthodox community, people have invited me for meals without even having to ask about 90% of the time. If you call the Rabbi, he will probably be able to arrange a place for you to stay. Given that the area that you are in is small, it might be his house. I would be surprised if he didn't find accommodations for you, but if he can't, he probably has a deal worked out with a nearby hotel for a discounted rate.
U can join Jeremiah Wright's on-line church :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Learn to KILL WHITEY!!!