General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on March 17, 2010, 07:41:31 PM
Ashedina has done another great song for us, "The Impossible Dream".
We need our great JTFers to make videos with this song.
I have at least two video ideas:
1. While the song is playing, show pictures with brief explanations of how the Jews have miraculously returned to the Land of Israel after 2000 years of brutal exile. Also pictures of Israel's miraculous victories in the 1948 War Of Independence and the 1967 Six Day War. The video has to start by mentioning that the great Ashedina of the Jewish Task Force (JTF) is the singer.
Then come the pictures of Israel's miracles. At the end of the video, our English and Hebrew web addresses and forum addresses. The song is only 2 minutes and 18 seconds, so the video should not be much longer than that.
2. While the song is playing, show pictures with explanations of the Kahanist struggle to save Soviet Jewry. Then it will explain that just as the Kahanists saved over 1 million Soviet Jews against all odds, the Kahanists of JTF today can save little Israel G-d willing. Again, credit to Ashedina in the beginning of the video, and at the end of the video showing our English and Hebrew web addresses and forum addresses.
Moshe, Dan Ben Noah, Bryan (Irish Zionist), 4International, Confederate Kahanist and our many other talented video makers - can you make a video out of this?
This is going to be very time consuming, but I can make a video and have it up by Thursday evening/Friday morning.
Thanks Mishmaat.
Why is it so time consuming?
Thanks Mishmaat.
Why is it so time consuming?
Quite simply because I want to put out a top quality video. I don't want to slap images together and make something of mediocre quality. Especially if it involves our movement. I'm very picky about every small detail. Which font am I going to use in the introduction, which pictures am I going to use, how will I arrange the pictures, and so on.
Did you hear my G-d Bless America? It is good huh? : )
I like it. :)
I'll see what I can do, I have some spare time.