General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on May 15, 2010, 07:07:56 PM

Title: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: TruthSpreader on May 15, 2010, 07:07:56 PM
Dear Chaim, four questions for this week's Ask JTF.

1. What do you do, entertainment wise? I assume you don't watch tv. Most of what's on tv even cartoons is crap anyway and I assume you don't listen to the crap today they call 'music' it's mostly rap and hip hop garbage nowadays and you probably don't ever go the movies which most are crap anyway.

2. Can please you give us a hilarious affirmative apetion story involving a "pet" tiger?

3. Do you think what is happening in Greece, right now will eventually happen in America and/or Israel?

4. Why hasn't G-d put down the nearly 87 year old self-hating Jew, Henry Kissinger (yemach shemo vezichro)?
He turns 87 this Thursday.

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on May 15, 2010, 07:34:59 PM
Shalom Chaim. "Faginem" refers to Eminem yet again (fag- as in "faggot" added to the suffix -inem). I said "yimach schma" because that sick effeminate creature is certainly not a man. (Although "Faggan" as a diss name for Kagan certainly is a good idea too.)

1: Please denounce the female version of Faginem, Katy Perry (yimach schma vezichra). This nauseating dyke pop singer is, predictably, the current darling of the entire entertainment industry. Her songs promote gayness, particularly (her own) lesbianism; she brags about kissing women. I have no words for this revolting kurva; do you?

2: Both Americans and Israelis have been completely duped by "the machine", but there is a difference in severity. After 9/11 (this was short-lived, unfortunately), just about all Americans were ready to kick sand-negro behind. If Bush (yeah, right!) had nuked the entire camelraping world after 9/11, all of us would have cheered. But if Sharon (double yeah, right) had leveled the Fakestinian-occupied parts of Israel during the height of the Second Intifada (which had a far bigger impact on the lives of average Israelis than 9/11 did on Americans), the vast majority of Israelis would have been horrified and shocked by this (completely appropriate) response.

Or, if the IDF decided to imprison an Arab child for each day that Gilad Shalit is held, the resulting public outrage (including by 95% of the Israeli "right") would probably lead to the collapse of the Israeli government.

Can you please explain this? Why are Israelis and Jews in general always the most insane people in the world?

3: This is a series of short questions about your search for the One. May this be the year you finally find her.
a: Where do you think the idealistic young pioneer women in the territories of Israel are who want a strong, fearless, right-wing warrior of a man to settle down and have a family with?
b: Are Jews permitted to marry Noahides? Are they forbidden from doing so, permitted but discouraged from it, or completely allowed to? If the answer is one of the latter two, would you consider it?
c: Would you prefer a lifelong devout/frum lady, or would you consider a recent Baal Teshuvah?

G-d bless you as always, Dr. Brennan Fan
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Moshe92 on May 15, 2010, 07:37:47 PM
Dear Chaim,

To me, it seems like a lot of the worst openly anti-semitic people are guys with Jewish fathers and gentile mothers. They feel that they can get away with what they say because they're "half Jewish." Have you also noticed this?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Irish Zionist on May 15, 2010, 07:58:38 PM
Dear Chaim,

What led to JDL's downfall?

Why do the current JDL condem Rabbi Meir Kahane?

Can you give us a story about how JDL confronted Nazi's?

Gd Bless You, Your Loved Ones and Israel.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 15, 2010, 08:08:34 PM
Shalom chaim

Exercising patience with rebellious young Jews. How do you do it and how far do you go until you give up? 

Also, can you resolve this myth of "White Nationalism" and why Jews shouldn't follow that kind of ideology.

Thank you

Dr. Dan
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Ari Ben-Canaan on May 15, 2010, 09:46:47 PM
Shalom Chaim!

  Can you tell us the true [non-Leftist] story of Baruch Goldstein?

  What is the deal with this guy named, Luke Ford [have you heard of him?]?  This man claims to be a Ger Jew, but then he slanders and commits Lashon Hora against many other Jews, including Rabbi Kahane [of blessed memory] which is extremely disgusting.  Is there a procedure where Jews can alert his Bet Din to his unrepentant Lashon Hora and petition them to take action against him?  From my understanding a Ger can have their Jew status revoked if it is found out they are not acting like a Jew a few years after their conversion.  He seems like committed Judenhasser who went through the trouble of being converted to Judaism just to attack it as a "Jew".  May his name and memory be eradicated.

http://www.l u k e f o r d .net/ <<< This is his site, devoted to Lashon hora of the most sickening kind. [I cut up the letters in the link because filth of his nature should not even be linked to this site]

  What is your opinion of the IDF using Druze and Bedouins in their ranks?  Do they cause problems, or are they an asset?

  How common are stress disorders in Israel?  I often wonder if being under constant attack aggravates stress levels more than other areas of the world.  Granted Israelis, and the Jewish people, are the bravest people I can imagine so I trust they handle stress better than other people may.

  What do you think of Matisyahu's music?  He seems like a positive guy, and a believing Jew as well.

  Are you a fan of Yuri Foreman?

Todah rabba veShalom!

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Jorje15 on May 16, 2010, 01:05:03 PM
Dear Chaim,

What are your thoghts on Operation Desert Storm, The Iran Contra Scandle and SDI? Do you have an Asian story for this week. Is there month call Asian History month Yes or No if there is one give us a story?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Nekama on May 16, 2010, 05:58:23 PM
Dear Chaim:

Hope all is well and you had a great Shavuot!  Here are my questions / comments for the week.

(1) On a previous show, you suggested the book "Genocide in Satellite Croatia" as a good primer on the history of the Ustase, YS'V in the Balkans.  I have also viewed several english translated videos describing the horrofic atrocities committed by the Ustase animals.  One of the Ustase commanders kept a jar of eyeballs of his Serbian victems - HY"D.  In many ways, the brutality of the Ustase were just as bad and perhaps in certain circumstances worse than the Nazis -YS'V. 

(2) What is your view of those Jews who worked in the Sonderkommandos during the Holocaust?  If Jews refused to serve in these units, do you think the deaths would have slowed down?

(3) I have heard you state many times that half-siblings may marry under Islam.  According to the website www.Islam-qa.com,  Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan states:

    If you have a half-sister from your father, then it is permissible for you to marry her half-sister from her mother, because there is no relationship between you and her half-sister from her mother that would prevent that. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):  “All others are lawful”  [al-Nisa’ 4:24] al-Muntaqa, 5/258.  Furthermore, Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) narrated that the Muslims were unanimously agreed that this kind of marriage is permissible. He said: It is permissible for a man’s half-sister from his mother to marry his half-brother from his father. This is unanimously agreed upon among the Muslims and there is no dispute concerning that. And Allaah knows best."  As a civil rights leader, I would suggest that strongly endorse Islamic marriages solely between half siblings and marriage between non-relatives be considered haram.  Like this, we can continue to count on the degradation of the muslim gene pool.  Your comments please.

May Hashem, continue to bless you.


Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Dan on May 16, 2010, 10:03:28 PM
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Trace on May 16, 2010, 10:23:16 PM
Shalom Chaim,
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Dan Ben Noah on May 16, 2010, 10:39:31 PM
Shalom Chaim,

You have often said that you think certain stories in Genesis like those involving Adam and Eve are symbolic.  Does this mean you think Adam and Eve themselves were symbolic or that they existed while the stories about them were symbolic?  Also, if Adam and Eve did not exist but were only symbols, and the Torah traces their lineage down through Noah, Abraham, and eventually the Jews, at what point do the people stop being symbolic and start being real?  Thanks in advance.


Dan Ben Noah
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Rubystars on May 17, 2010, 12:50:56 AM
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Ben m on May 17, 2010, 12:33:28 PM
dear chaim.
i have a few,well not so few! questions this week.
1) what do you think about the brazilai hospital afair?
2) can you please tell us an action story involving liberal self hating jews?
3) can you please tell us an action story involving a commie?
4) please tell us about the schvartzas in the usa.what is the difference between them and other whites?
5) what do you think about christian arabs.
6) what do you think about kurdish independence.
7) please tell us who is your opinion is worse.the fundamentalists shiites or the deceptive sunnies?
8) what do you think about the english defence league. (this is question number eighth.i don't know why when i posting it it is come up as a smiley).
9) what do you think we need to do to trolls.for example popai from the hebrew forum.
10) is uzi zalcha currently institusionalized?
11) please tell us an uzi zalcha action stroy.
12) what do you think about video games? do we need to ban them?
13) why are the shin bet pesecute us so much?
14) can you tell us please about the evil ustasa regime in croatia?
15) did the bosnian and albanians supported hitler yimach shemo vezichro?
16) what do you think is the current goal of obama in supporting neyanyahu?
17) do you thing we should ban members of shalom acshav from our forums?
18) do you think we should troll shalom acshav forums?
19) if a cahanists govenment will be with G-d's help in israel what will happen to the current politicians?
20) why they are so much self hating jews and whites? is this a punishment from G-d?
21) are this forum opposes to white nationalism? if so why?
22) king david according to the bible was a murderer and rapist.why do we honour him so much?
23) did kahane said that the future of israel is a monarchy? please explain that to me.
thank you,ben m
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Gimatria on May 18, 2010, 07:28:41 AM
Shalom Chaim ha'Gaon!
Recently I got into an argument with someone who objected to my use of the word "sodomite" to describe a disgusting, nasty homosexual. I received the usual response - i.e., "it's an insensitive and offensive term, I'm a bigot, etc...". Well, I won't pander to these filthy deviants. They are sodomites, and we'll see how "sensitive" HaShem is when he roasts their souls in Gehenom in the next world.
Do you think this is an appropriate term to describe people like Pin Sulzberger, Harvey Feierstein, Isaac Mizrahi and the rest of these sick animals? Or should we use a gentler term so as nice to scare away a potentially larger audience?

Who are some of the most evil homosexuals you can think of? Can you describe the temperature of their next place of residence when they shuffle off this mortal coil?


Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: patches on May 19, 2010, 06:05:13 AM
Shalom Chaim,

I used to know someone who, in her mid 20s, decided to convert from Christianity to Judaism. She married a Jewish man, moved to Israel, and studied and lived there with her husband. For a short time she came back to the US to visit her family, and the entire time she was back she went on and on about how Christianity is an idolatrous, sinful religion and how Jesus personally was an evil, vile man who deserved his crucifixion and was responsible for untold deaths of Jews. She went on to say that she was happy that Jesus was crucified.

Now, she never had any of these ideas before, and they were obviously taught to her in Israel by religious Jews. Reading posts by certain members of the English forum (you probably can guess who I'm talking about) it seems many religious Jews feel this way. So my question is: is this idea that Christianity is a sinful, evil religion and Jesus was an evil person a popular sentiment among religious Jews in Israel? Please be honest and frank in your answer.

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: ProJewGreekChristian on May 19, 2010, 03:00:39 PM
Shalom Mr. Ben Pesach,

What is your opinion on John Edgar Hoover? He seems like a hero to me...

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on May 19, 2010, 03:09:24 PM
Hello Chaim

What is your opinion of Russell Means Native American Activist? 

Say the following things in a self hating white or Jew voice

"This is terrible.  The Arizona immigration bill is racist.  We should welcome everybody from the third world.  The Arizona immigration bill must be stopped because white people don't belong in North America just like Jews don't belong in Israel"

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: RightWingGentile on May 19, 2010, 09:40:32 PM
Dear Chaim,
As I write this, I am seething with anger and burning with rage. I can't take it anymore. I cannot handle what has happened to this great country of ours.
This past weekend, I was on a date with a pretty Catholic girl I had met on the train. We were having a lovely conversation about our shared love of the outdoors when things took a turn for the worse. She started drinking alcoholic beverages at an alarming rate - when I told her that alcohol acts as an impairment of logic and is unhealthy, she scoffed at me, as if I had told her that the sky was green. She was very quickly drunk, and then it happened - she told me that her favorite kind of music, and I use the word "music" loosely, was RAP.
This white, female gentile in her early 20's told me she had a "freestyle" she wanted to perform, and she proceeded to stand up and start RAPPING, with schvartza gesticulations. I was mortified and embarrassed beyond belief. I told her that the blacks are cannibals and eat each other amongst other things, and she told me that it was her life, she could listen to any kind of music she wants. I replied: "Life? You shouldn't have a life! You should be raped and eaten by that sub-human filth!". She told me that she had never heard someone say something like that to her, to which I said: "And hopefully you'll drop dead tomorrow and it'll be the only time you hear it!" I then got up and walked out. We won't be going on a second date, and I hope to Hashem that her next date comes in Gehenom.

Chaim, please tell me that the young women of America haven't ALL been poisoned by the epidemic of binge drinking and schvartza culture! What are your thoughts on young white girls who glorify the rap culture? I think that if they love these animals so much, they should be forced to move into their neighborhoods like Harlem and see just how enlightened these savages are.
Your Faithful Servant,
Right Wing Gentile
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on May 20, 2010, 11:25:36 AM
Hello Chaim,

when JTF had meetings with local viewers in Queens in 2001, were there ever any people who showed up that opposed JTF or caused any problems?

Thank you,

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Fighting For Truth on May 20, 2010, 07:49:01 PM
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: JTFenthusiast2 on May 20, 2010, 08:05:57 PM
Dear Chaim,

1.  What is the Jewish opinion of invoking other people's names as a way of attempting to achieve a certain goal by spiritual means.  I had a Jewish friend who told me they 'summoned' the spirit of different persons in the past to help them achieve a goal in the real world.  To me this sounded like witchcraft.  Is there a place where this exists in Judaism or is this just another new aged co-optation of Judaism with a hocus pocus twist?

2.  Can you tell us a little about the the Sinai when it was liberated in recent times from Egypt and the Jewish communities that were set up there?  As the Sinai is a huge geographic area, were Jews able to populate it significantly?  I imagine a land that could have settled heroically by Jews with large families giving back to the Earth and creating Jewish culture.

3.  Everytime, I go back to NYC and pass a Jewish center I am struck in semi horror and then rage when I see those concrete, steel reinforced blockades outside of every Jewish place of worship or community center.  What should ordinary Jews like me do to make the world a better place so that Jews no longer have to live in fear of going into one of these buildings or even worse that some of us avoid going into visibly identified Jewish structures because we are afraid of the consequences of being identified as a Jew?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: DavidBenZion on May 20, 2010, 08:22:25 PM
Dear Chaim,

Firstly, I would like to tell you I have been a long-time fan of JTF, and firmly support the cause. I have watched you on QPTV for many years, and even had the honor of meeting both you and Yosef Ben Meir (Zecher Tzadik Liv'racha), at a speech you gave in NYC. What a tremendous experience that was. Please let me know if any such event will be taking place in the future. God bless you Chaim for all of the work you do, and may JTF succeed in all of its endeavors.

I have two questions for you this week. One, involves where I work. I work at a very well known cancer hospital by the name of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Now while this may sound like a grave place to work, it can at times be very rewarding and fulfilling. Unfortunately, it's not perfect. While mostly anyone with any intellectual interest checks the news at work, whether it be CNN.com, or MSNBC, I prefer as always to check JTF.ORG as I have done daily for many years. As mostly everyone on the forum is aware, JTF.ORG posts news you can find nowhere else. However, unfortunately, my company has banned JTF.ORG, making it impossible for me to view the website for the majority of the day. What is your opinion of this grievous affront Chaim? Also, what, if anything do you think I can do about this?
I've considered confronting the head administrator in my department, and DEMANDING that JTF.ORG be made accessible, as it is a legitimate source of news in my life, though to be honest, I have little faith that anything will be done. Please let me know why you think this is the case Chaim, and give any advice that you can.

My second question involves the laws of Kashrut. I grew up in an Orthodox Kosher home, and as a result always followed the rules of Kashrut  as they were practiced in my home. However, throughout the years of my life, I had heard a certain argument against the rule of poultry being considered meat, and not "pareve". I've heard that many years ago, poultry had been viewed as pareve, and as a result, I might be able to, say, have a chicken dinner, and ice cream for dessert. Now to be clear, I don't do this, because this was not my father's outlook, and not how we ate in my house. Nonetheless, I was curious to know if you've heard of this argument before, and what your opinion on it is?

Thank you Chaim, and God bless you and the JTF. Sincerely,

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: ItalianZionist on May 20, 2010, 11:08:06 PM
Dear Chaim,
     If the allies had bombed the railways, wouldn't the Germans had killed the Jews (G_d forbid) by shotting them right there and then. I'm not sure how bombing the railways would have saved lives. I think that the Germans were so vile that there is no doubt in my mind that they would have just shot the Jews in cold blood right there and then next to the damaged tracks.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: eb22 on May 20, 2010, 11:39:52 PM
Shalom Chaim,

What is your opinion of the follow two people:

1)   Dr. James Dobson,   the evangelical author,  who is the founder of 'Focus on the Family'?

2)   David Frum,   the author,   who was a contributing editor of National Review and an economic speechwriter of President G.W. Bush?

Thanks as always,  eb22.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: amit85 on May 21, 2010, 07:47:32 AM
Dear Chaim,.

I have two questions regarding the seprent in the Bible.

1) Who was that serpent? Just animal or Satan's reincarnation?
2) As far as I know in Judaism only human have freedom of will. Why serpent was panished then?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: TheCoon on May 21, 2010, 10:14:02 AM
Hello Chaim,

Do you think the democratic party is irreversibly anti-American? After seeing every democrat in the senate as well as Obama's cabinet people rise and applaud the Mexican president's attack on Arizona, I'm not certain whether or not that party can ever be saved. I never would have thought it possible for a foreign leader to come to America, attack a state and be praised for it by half the elected officials in office. Has this ever happened before in American history? Political discourse is already quite heated right now between sides and I fear as the democrats get more and more anti-American, one day it will inevitably lead to a violent struggle in America.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: t_h_j on May 21, 2010, 02:44:29 PM

Do you think Julius and Ethel Rosenberg received fair treatment in their trial?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Mishmaat on May 22, 2010, 08:50:14 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Can you taste the difference between juices made from concentrate and pure juice not from concentrate? I think that Minute Maid orange juice tastes bland when compared to Tropicana, Florida's Natural, and "Simply Orange" orange Juice. All of which are not from concentrate. I personally love the "Simply Orange" brand of juices and I highly recommend that you try it if you haven't already.

You're a gentleman and a scholar.

Kol tuv.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: ape on May 22, 2010, 11:16:42 PM
    I do consider Chinese people as good people and they basically don't bother anyone. However why do a lot of them drive so horribly?  I noticed two things when I was on main street in flushing. One is that a lot of them drive horribly, and two, why do they have to throw dirty fish water out into the street. In the summer the whole area smells like rotten fish. They have such horrible filthy practices that make the neighborhood smell. The Jewish, Greek, Polish neighborhoods, etc, don't smell.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Zionist Revolutionary on May 23, 2010, 12:12:19 AM
Dear Chaim

I have a question about the Dead Sea Scrolls. I once heard that the Dead Sea Scrolls were manuscripts of the Tanach and other texts that were essentially thrown out because they were invalid or unusable or in other cases heretical texts. One of the ideas I remember was that the jars they were found in were like a waste basket for texts like these (e.g. the Tanach, and other heretical texts).

Is there any truth to this?

Thank you,

Zionist Revolutionary
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Aces High on May 23, 2010, 08:00:50 AM
Dear Chaim,

The United States has lifted the ban on Russia's sale of it's  S-300 missle system to Iran. 

Brief background on the Russian made S-300 missle:

The S-300 is regarded as one of the most potent  anti-aircraft missle systems currently fielded.  It's radars have the ability to simulataneously  track up to 100 targets  while engaging up to 12.  The S-300 missles are sealed and require no maintenance.   S-300 missles can shoot down any U.S. or Israeli warplanes attacking Iran's nuclear sites.

Question:  Why is Obama right now  building up a huge Naval strike fleet opposite Iran, while lifting the U.S.  ban on the sale of the S-300 missles from Russia to Iran?


Aces High
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: RationalThought110 on May 23, 2010, 08:37:21 AM
Shalom Chaim,

    Do you know why the "Hebrew National" food company is partnering with an actress named Cheryl Hines for some kind of project?  She's part of a television show with the left-wing Larry David.

    Also, I don't think the Rand Paul primary victory means that Ron Paul is one of the most popular Republicans. 

      Rand Paul claims in speeches that he represents the "Tea Party Movement".  However, a lot of the people who support that movement nationally disagree with his father on issues.

      Rand Paul received some endorsements from some well-known conservatives.  James Dobson and Jim Demint definitely don't agree with Ron Paul on all issues so they probably also have some disagreements with Rand.  The same is probably true with Palin's endorsement of Rand.  I don't think any of them are close with Ron so I'm not sure how they ended up endorsing Rand. 

  However, the above-mentioned conservatives definitely disagree with his father on issues.  So Rand Paul does not have a mandate to copy all the views of his father.

     Do you think the "Tea Party Movement" groups should be distancing themselves from Rand Paul?   

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: christians4jews on May 23, 2010, 12:29:06 PM

Hey chaim

1) who you prefer beatles or rolling stones.

2)Who do you prefer Robert deniro or Al pichino?

3) who do you prefer roger federer or tiger woods?

4) What was your opinion of creationist kent hovind?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on May 23, 2010, 01:22:55 PM
Dear Chaim,

I just wanted to comment on something that reflects just how leftwing Bibi Netanyahu is.  I'm starting to realize that he is not just a phony rightwing party turning left once in power, but actually more leftwing than the supposed leftwing parties themselves.  Tzipora shpitzer - Tzipi Livni- that disgusting animal who leads the opposition knesset faction with her leftwing "Kadima" party has recently resorted to haredi bashing since she has nothing to complain about regarding what Bibi is doing.  He has taken such a far leftwing approach that Livni is now resorting to bashing haredim in order to attract votes away from Meretz and Labor and to try to draw bigoted people toward her party because she has no alternative to offer to bibi's national moves except that she will slam her fist down on haredi Jews - she hopes this will appeal to people.  There are even kadima clowns within her own party who are angry at her for doing this, but it just goes to show that not only did Bibi adopt her national platform, he took it a step further by freezing Jewish settlement and selling out Jerusalem, so the opposition is left with nothing to say or complain about.  Instead they bash minorities and religious Jews.    What I can't understand is how Kadima still got so many seats in the election and what exactly will happen when people open their eyes to the Likud betrayal and flee from that party in droves?   May God protect us.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: CorrieDeservedIt on May 23, 2010, 02:38:08 PM
Shalom Chaim

I saw this video with this woman representing the so called JDL (BUNNIE) ..
it's really sad what the current so called JDL does.. I think they need to be shut down or totally shut down.
What is your opinion on that?

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Maimonides on May 23, 2010, 02:44:27 PM
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and for answering my questions.

What do you think about Turkey and Brazil in light of the recent treaty they signed with Iran, which they claim solves the Iranian nuclear problem?

How should Israel deal with Turkey and Brazil, which have both clearly openly sided with Iran against Israel?
Turkey which is closer to Israel, appears to be a real threat due to its NATO membership, which allows it to have a sophisticated modern military that is trained and supplied by the U.S.
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Chai on May 23, 2010, 03:35:19 PM
Shalom brother Chaim

Where does the jdl on their website condemn rabbi kahane? They are giviing him. Credit http://www.jdl.org/index.php/ideology-advocacy/core-ideology/

I apologize for my ignorance

2 did u find out about rabbi brody?
Thanks so much

Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: imaknick on May 23, 2010, 03:52:34 PM
what do you think about rand paul's statement on the civil rights act of 1964? 
Do you believe Sarah Palin has turned into the establishment?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 23, 2010, 04:37:31 PM
Hello Brother Chaim,

Can you tell what were the most funniest moment you had and most scariest moment you had in either dealing with blacks and or Muslims?

I am sure we all had our share of those but. What were the ones you hand that really stands out?
Title: Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010
Post by: Luigi on May 23, 2010, 04:53:13 PM
Dear Chaim,

I'm planning a trip to New York in a not so distant future. What is your favourite place in NY? If you have such a place, can you tell us a story related to this place?
