General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: BabylonianJew on May 11, 2007, 11:05:57 PM
I feel this fouram is that we feel to be Caucasiod supermacist, because we attack Blacks and Hispanics at times are we? Many Orinteal Jews are dark and look like Arabs but their Caucasiods, so are we a Caucasiod supermacist fouram.
Pardon me, but I'm having a little trouble seeing the goal and aim of this thread. ???
I am also having a hard time understanding this thread. We a far superior to all the shvartza and muslim third world nazi garbage. We have contributed more and have a right to say whatever the hell we want to regarding evil nazi bastards. This forum is place where righteous people from all walks of life can come together and discuss protecting ourselves from muzzy and other scum.
Yeah, I don't see how we could be considered "Caucasoid supremacists". That sounds like a flame our enemies would use on us. Everyone knows we support righteous, Zionist people of all races and backgrounds.
I feel this fouram is that we feel to be Caucasiod supermacist, because we attack Blacks and Hispanics at times are we? Many Orinteal Jews are dark and look like Arabs but their Caucasiods, so are we a Caucasiod supermacist fouram.
dude, yo uahve to stop with this racial bullcrap! I means didley squat..whether someone is "causecoid" purple green, organge, black, striped, polka dotted it makes no friggin difference!!! I really hate it when terms like that are used...just stop it already! People should be judged on righteousness and evilness...irregardless of their race...
dude, yo uahve to stop with this racial bullcrap! I means didley squat..whether someone is "causecoid" purple green, organge, black, striped, polka dotted it makes no friggin difference!!! I really hate it when terms like that are used...just stop it already! People should be judged on righteousness and evilness...irregardless of their race...
I feel this fouram is that we feel to be Caucasiod supermacist, because we attack Blacks and Hispanics at times are we? Many Orinteal Jews are dark and look like Arabs but their Caucasiods, so are we a Caucasiod supermacist fouram.
dude, yo uahve to stop with this racial bullcrap! I means didley squat..whether someone is "causecoid" purple green, organge, black, striped, polka dotted it makes no friggin difference!!! I really hate it when terms like that are used...just stop it already! People should be judged on righteousness and evilness...irregardless of their race...
May I just add that you also use the wrong term "Oriental Jews" there is a word for that..it's Sephardim...and for the White Jews, it's Ashkenazim.... Why are some Jews dark and some light? Because of a lot of intermarraige during Diaspora...and yes...thank goodness for it or else we would all end up with crazy genetic diseases if we hadn't mixed up the gene pool for the last 2000 years. Thank Gd a lot of our ancestors kept the traditions!
So enough already labling by color and race...Lable by quality, by religion, by behavior...